The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-15, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, AUGUST RRft, ■■■............. Illlll ..III.H |j ..................... ................. Mr. Laverne Wells, of London, was home Sunday. Mr. B, W. F-. Beavers visited with his mother Mrs. Wm. Beavers, of Blanshard on Sunday. The, same day the latter entertained a number of .relatives among them her brother Mr. Phillip Senn, of Brantford and her sister Mrs. Foster, of Caledonia; also Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Toron­ to; Mr. Mark Senn M.P. and wife of Haldimand Co.; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Peart, of Caledonia, with others to the number of twenty-eight Mr. Wm- Kuntz returned homo Saturday after holidaying for a week In the Muskqka district. Mr. Kuntz accompanied his son Harold and daughter Ella also Miss Lillian Rose, Of Windsor, on a motor trip. They visited Own .‘Sound, Barrie, Orillia, Gravenhurst and camped f°r several 4ays on the Muskoka Lakes return-' ing home by Toronto.’ The young people returned to Windsor Sunday. Misses Dorothy and Marguerite Kuntz, who have recently returned "Ho Exeter from a motor trip to Que­ bec also returned to Windsor Sun­ day. Exeter Markets Wheat $1,2$ Oats 55 c. \ ■ Barley 70c. Manitoba Flour $4.60 Model Flour $4.25 Feed Flour $2.25 Pastry Flour $3.90 Bran $1.75 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 44c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 39c. extras 34 c. firsts 30 c. seconds 20c. $13.50 Zoculs 2 It is remarkable ‘ifw the price of sugar stays,,down the same a Oui* price is still Hovey's Grocery. WANTED—A. willing, intelligent girl wanted for London family with children. Apply P.O. Box 51.0, Lon­ don or phone Metcalf 523. 8-15-ltc. •u. FOR SALE—Collie Pups, at Times-Advocat^/^ Apply ltp .......’■T- joad Farmers Qlub ’ ie/\for fertilize# 1 hr in by August P. Passmow*; Sec’y. 8-8-2tc The Thames Rc are now booking prdej All orders shouli 17 th. litter' carrier And Mb.TOR FQR SALE- with 77 ft. of tracklfor . h.p. motor, 25 &rcle#550 volts, s. m; 8-8-tfc. -Litter carrier Jfomplete Also . ballbearing, practically^new. Sanders, Exeter. FOR SALE—Two young hogs and some young sows, bred. JFnese are . choice stock. Appy to/Chas. Har- ,vey, Exeter. ‘ 8-8-tfc . DIVISION COURT All persons having business with •the. Fifth Division Court of Huron see H. S. Walter, Deputy Clerk, in my absence. R. N. Creech •: • • -------------------------- ---------------T——/ i STRAYED—Onto lot _, con. 3, Stephen,-s^a Hereford s^cer. Owner may faq,ve* have s|me proving the property and payihg^xpenses. Apply on, R, R. No/:#, 8’8-3tc STRAYED—F/dril lot 24, con. 17, two-year-old heifer;'two^rings in left ■ear, white forehiea^f^^small korns, dark brown with few white spots.' Apply Mark ;Wild, Dashwood. . ■ , . 8-8-3tp, ” r. .it- , - i , ' i i- , -- y .f FOR SALE— A rugjtfrjck house, with all moderp imp emepts. Ap­ply to C. B. Snell. 5-30-tfc. property and pay to Mr. Lloyd Ho Centralia.5 • ioice^sweet clover imV ntainers 9c. ontainers 10 c. FOR SALE— honey. In cus' per pound and dn oj per pound. Darrell Parker, R, HOUSE FOR SALE- ^p house for sale, Welli: Built two. years ago.(j< throughout^ •full three pl with furnaci water, wired and clothes|'cloj^te, garage and nice grounds.' in Exeter No. 3, Exetejr, rn. Stuc- on Street. , „ P to date ith-all -'hJrdwood floors, full basement cistern for soft ectric range, linen (ne/of the best properties M. G. RANSFORD. 8-15-ltc. We have purchased an up-to-date Power Whitewashing,#-machine and are open fdr workJT Let us white­ wash and cfsinfecIFyOur barn, hen­ houses, etc J Quality work, moderate charge. Hogartb^Baby Chick Hatch- 4w, Exeter. 8-1-tfcPhon TO petty ed by Mrs. Ada to W. Martin, RENT—Desi^hble store pro- on Main, Strffet recently vacat- eo-Dowri. Apply xeter.' 8-1-tfc HOGARTH Bd HATC FEE Our supply of foe complete than ever in Chick Starter, Gr Feed, Lay Mash, Be Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Grit, Condensed Butt be promptly 'filled. I’OULTRY UU It is now timekto Y CHICK are now more' nd your needs Mash, Chick Meal, _Bone yster milk, etc, Shell, can LING ve the your 00. hens. We y. Call us sell. cull flock. It is now tim^w , hens eliminated h;om Ohr charge is $2.00'^r are cash buyers of pop when you have poultr Our new shipment of lbg bands has just arrived. All sizes and lors. co- TENDERS W.iN^Ei) Tenders wanted, for the construc­ tion of the Brock Creek andfWash- burn Drains in the ToiVnship' borne. ■*«, Brock C^ek Drain, estlnj^tied cost $1338.50. Mitchell. Washburn $2016.50, I C.E., SoafoH Plaiia and at the E office n? the Tenders to. Win th Clerk by 8 p. of Us- Dfain estimated, cost an by S. W AfcTiibald pecifirnif^Sns- can’ be ihew’s ftffice t/b? HenrMSi'fang CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH *> ■» r’ # ft ■ 4 » - ■ •«" « ■ ' Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, AL A« Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.IaC.M., Orgaiiist 10 a.m.'—Sunday School ‘ , 11 q.m.—Rev, Rhodes will preach Evening service withdrawn. 'll 1111= Reduced Prices On All SUMMER DRESSES UNION SERVICES FOR JULY AND AUGUST Mrs. W. S. Cole iS visiting in Port Stanley. Mr. Harry Qole is visiting in'London. Mrs, W- H. Defiring and Miss Madeline are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. Delve, Station Street, is mov­ ing into the residence of Mrs. R. Gil­ lies. Mr, Louis Aidworth, of Blyth, called on friends in Exeter one day last week. Miss .Mary McKaig, visited her uncle Mr. Jas. McKaig, of Cromarty over -the week-end, .; -4. ' Mr.'W. G. Moorhouse and wife, of Sarnia, have been visiting at the Main St. parsonage. Miss Jeah McMillari.-is the guest of. Miss Stella Southcott at Grand Bend. Mr, Wilbur Cluff, of Toronto, lias been holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryckman. Mr. Jas. Morley was' in London last Thursday on business and was also in Goderich on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hedden visit­ ed with friends in London and Port Stanley over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Percy bnurmur and son Raymond, of Detroit, visited friends in Sexsmith last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson and son Dr. Lawson motored to Toronto on Monday returning on Tuesday. Mr,- and Mrs. Bingham and Miss Mildred, of Port Huron, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins. ' New .telephones have been install­ ed this week in the houses of Messrs. J. Elston, H. Bagshaw and C. J. Nix­ on. - 1 The store of Mr. Wm. Cole, of Chiselhurst, was broken into Sunday night and a number of " articles stol­ en; > - •Mr.b'and ‘Mrs. Cottle and son Barn­ ard, of Stratford, visited at. the home of Mr. C. T- Brooks and Miss Taylor on Sunday. ” Mr. T. Harton will return to Lon­ don Friday after holidaying for over a month with relatives and friends in fhis. community. Mrs. P. Pollard and daughter Miss Helen, of Windsor, spent the week­ end at the home of the former’s brother Mr. G. A. Hawkins. Mrs. Wilkie, of Tavistock, visited 'for .a’ few days with her mother Mrs. Marshall, the latter returning to,. Tav­ istock with her for a visit. . .Miss Ca-roline-'Davis’of‘the Exeter Post Office staff is holidaying for a couple of weeks and is visiting with her sisters at Ingersoll and Putman. Mt. and Mrs. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Brunkard and son Gordon, of Dray­ ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Coates and Mrs. E. A. Amy on Sun­ day., Mrs. Walter Cutbush has returned home after visiting with friends at Beamsville also with Mr. Cutbush, who. is at present working at Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Corbett and dau­ ghter, of Port Huron, visited with the tforhier’s brother Fred, of Sen­ smith and other friends over the week-end. Dr, and Mrs. Chester E. Singer, of Lafayette, Ind., who have 'been holi­ daying at Elks Rapid on Lake Michi­ gan are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C, F. .Hooper for a couple of days. Mr. Benson Tuckey, who recently started a trucking business to Lon­ don, has rented the residence of the late Thos. Clarke, corner of Simcoe and Elizabeth Streets. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. A. 'Young, of London, visited in town on Wednes­ day of last week. Mrs. Jas. Beer returned to Exeter with them after Visiting for some time in London. Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Taylor and son Bob ealled on Mr. C. T. Brooks and Miss Taylor on iSatutday last.1 They were ori their way to visit with friends up nofrth in pruce County? Aft’S. Skelton, of toWn, left for Ro­ chester N. Yo on 'Wednesday 'Storm­ ing. $he has b.eeii invited to pre­ pare a paf>et arid read to a large gathering on the 17th of the month.. And Mrs. R. N. Creech and son Hugh ate leaving to-night (Wednes­ day) for Denver, C6lorada> where, they-will visit for a month with Mrs, Credclfs brother Mr/ Harry Zanders. ( .Mr,: and .Mrs, Br AL Francis' with ’tfi’eitniece and nephew Mary and James Francis, ef Bright, Ont., have returned home alter visiting with relatives; at Grossweil, Mich, Since Main Street and James Street United churches August—Rev. J. E. Moorhouse Preacher James Street Choir in charge of , . music. August 11—11'a.m. Main St. 7 p.m>—-James St; August 18th—11 a.m, James St. 7 p.m.—'Main St. August 25th—11 a.m. Main St. 7 p.m.—James St. ‘'If the devil cannot heat you prayer he cannot beat you anywhere.’ 10:00 a.m.—Our Church Schools 11:00 a.m.—-James St. “The Pecu­ liar sin of Unbelief.” 7:00 p.m.—Main St., A brief report of Paul Rader’s Camp Ground'. This has been requested. Praise and Prayer Thursday at 8 p.m. in Main St. in TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones. Rector * Sunday, August 41th, 1920 a.in.—Sunday School 7 p.m<—Eve.ngo.ijg Rev. M. B. Parker B.A., Hensail charge. 10 in No morning service during August, it S- HYDRO ELECTRIC > Wiring and iristailing, guaramrfSed prices. _ *a Bpec- Estimates gradlj^iurnished workmanship at reasonable Repairing stoves and/motoy* laity, free. ERN. B IS A Mrs. Douglas, of St. Thomas, Visit­ ed friends in town during' the week. Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, spent the week-end at his home here. t Miss Cora Williamson, of Toronto, is visiting er aunt, Mrs. E. G. Lowry, Miss Ruth Coiliiigwood spent Tuesday jn Hensall with Mrs. G. W. Davis. . Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers visited wjth Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eacrett on’ Sjip,- day last. Miss Bernice Caldwilf and Miss Lily Hunter are spending a few days in Detroit. Mr. E. Taman has taken a position as Junior at the Canadian Bank of Commerce. ’ ♦ Mr. Robert Taylor and wife, of Granton, spent..Sunday'at the home of Mr. C. T. Brooks. . ; Miss Mildred Beaver has returned home after visiting for several days with relatives jn* Dashwood. Miss Gertrude Miller, of London, visited during the past week wi^h Mr. and M’rs. Sain. Chambers. Mrs. F. Brokenshire and Mrs. Wm. Stephens, of St. Thomas, called on Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson on M’on.- 'day. Mr. J. W. Brown, who has been employed at the Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery, resigned his position -Sat­ urday evening. London won. the first igaftie in the play-off for the finals in the W. O. B. A- Intermediate League when they defeated Sarnia 9-4 on. Saturday last. Messrs. Homer and Gerald Bag­ shaw, Arthur Middlemiss, Thornton Baker and A. Brintnell motored to 'Silver Lake for a fishing trip on Sat­ urday. Miss M. Broderick, stenographdr for Messrs. Carling <fe Morley, is at present enjoying her vacation. Miss Vera, Rowe is taking her place dur­ ing her absence. . 2 Miss Marguerite Aidworth has re­ turned to her position in Stratford, after visiting for two weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. worth at Sexsmith. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. London, were in (own and were accompanied city by Miss E. Horney and Miss Lois Statham who has been visiting for a month. Mrs. D. Mack, Mi's. McEwen daughter Jean, of Tillsonburg Mrs. Selby,^of Toronto, recently visifr ed with Mr* and Mrs. Wiiffed Mack^ bf Stephen, and called on friends id Exeter, Mr. ibrn Taylor, of Detroit, is visit­ ing with his parents, Mr. and Mi's, J, W. Tfiyloi*. Mr. Taylor recently had the misfortune to get the little fingoi' of his right hand caught in some machinery while at work with the result that part of the finger had to be afnpiitated. ; T H K halicts Of-the rc»«,bivela, av wjwwww, iuicii. omue sday, August Coming home Mr. Francis* has de­ ceived word that bis cousin! Mr. U. Straff oh Had died -from the effects of typhoid fever, The deceased isk of trstoorhe ___ ____ __ ___ ___ _ Il.iL 1, Uehsan * survived by his wife and one son. This week we place on sale 30 Summer Dresses. Ever is This Season’s Style. These Dresses we are now $3.95 $4.95 $7.95 CELANESE SILK VOlLE This beautiful material for summer dress­ es conies in different patterns and color- ings ex qr Dress Length ART SILK HOSIERY A popular summer weight hosiery in all the season’s best seljipg colors. Special- at jqc. Per Pair ..................................................W SUMMER V>ILES A number of new p erns and colorings. This is a good qualityjjoije and is. a popular; price JO0, At per yard. . ing? splendid 2yards by 2 BLEACHED H Here is your ^-STITCHED SHEETS replace.you(r bedd-- Cached hem stitched.sheets' s„.» H-75?-S2.2S $1.00 at •1 lines of pyen’s pair This is a real Bargain* We place on sale 100 pa Shoes and Oxfords. Many of .these shoes. sold as 1 Take MEN’S LISLE AND SILK |HOSE This is a clearing of several lisle and silk hosiery that retailed M\T5c. J pairs for C Vf> to $1.00 While they last,.•* vas of Children’s and Ladies’ Canvas, h as $3.00. . r ■ X N’SfFINE,COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS hese are exceptional value in shades of. e, jsand^or Blue, Regular $1.95 ,.C1^ '35‘ J CLOVER LEAF .CUPS ’& SAUCERS >; CLOVER LEAF ODD C^PS 40 dozen odd Clover Leaf |ta|ps. bought them by the crate to get A crate of Clover Leaf cups and saggers.- 1 Always in big demand at this; of price t 6° jr the year 32Any quantity each ...............' JR[ Per Dozen ........... CROCKERY i through oyr China department* We have a big Chas. Aid­ Statham, off on Tuesday back to thte here and and Ontario Eauitable Lite i ONTARIORXJE Light ii:ouse<* ative CHINA ’fan Bring in your visitors and show assortment of beautiful new pieces suitable to take home as souvenirs. See our New Dinner Sets at $37.50 HOT WEATH SO LET US GO BIG ressing, ELLIOTT ORINGT. Cleaning, Dyeing and D upstairs just fice and his •Satisfaction G $ Repairing, ig Parlor is the post of- “Service and Courses: Commejpial, Steno­ graph^, Secretarial and Com­ plete Office Training. Capable^ Instructors, Thorough Coursesland Free| Employment a Servij le Write oh phonefnow for free I catah CEN Bl R 's ;ue iness OLLEGE STR.ITEORD, ONTARIO F. Lumsden, B.A., Principal Phone 240 or 112o T» Old Huron & Erie can repay every* debenture I depositors and sti large surplus of— 7,60Q,( ^rn • lollar td its iwners and U Lave the 0 SPECIALS Keep cool and comfortable in our HOT WEATHER UNDERWEAR OUTING &RESS SHIRTS ,Some nifty sidles to choose from . StraV Hats infall the newest lines FANC iS AND BELTS [Agent for .^ick§4n’s, Dry Cleaners and Dyers r*........ ... . ........ THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKEB “ Representing MutuaiXffe of Canada Life, Fire, Automobile, Etc. Ernest DOROTHY E. GRASSICK , .• • • X’’ ,A. L. C. M. (Honor1 Graduate), Londojt^Englaml Piano/ Vie lin,‘ Studio N EX: it Street, Box IGO, ERj ONTARIO rmony, Theory; Huro debentures v $IO><5r mere. Applicatidns are 51 trustee upoh •ted by CARLING & <"■ ■ EXETER, MORLEY ONT. SAFETY RA SHARPENE SINGLE ED DOUBLE EDG rerfect E W. S. COL OR BLADES (any make) Guaranteed RUGGIST It 4<NOW is the time to buy your Marshall IV DURING T WE WILL COVER VALUED AT ALL MARSHA ALL THE LATEST E JUIPMENT • on ail re dur­ ing July sh(d A|igust. Special price: lines ofdurnit k & Pholie 20w WE House 20 j MONTH Win a attress OF AUGUST )TTON> SLIP 13.50 WITH TTRESSES H. R. HO •EXETER, ONTARIO LDING ted Chtirch S la in School* x i»?» Phqn* ItS- struc W- R. G A* T. Organist and JaiU Piano Supervisor d! Studio, Main St. fcXE'TK PER