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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-15, Page 5
CLINTON, ONTAR Dr. H, Hs Ccfwen, L.D.S SURGEgjdjixcd jot ©pmjfterre OFFERSYOU A PRACTICAL BJTSINESS TRAINING that has made it possible for our scoj|Ts of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high sta ard of efficiency. IS A POSITION LUTING FOR YOU rial, Cominerci Coimnercia nged. THERE Courses; Secre Civil Servi Courses arr You cannot atte SCHOOL PE a better JPGhool, Stenographic, General Office, FTeachcrs’ Uourses and Special Why not attend this? THE EXETE ■r.-JW i—My lhW!»iiWHW DASHWOOD DENT MES-ADVOCATE D.S. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1020 ♦ lock, Dash- I week and Post Office, in days of week. At office jit Hartle wood, first t|ree at office ove Zurich,, last Mr. and Mrs. Schenk and family are visiting in Detroit this week. Mr, and Mrs. R. Thompson, of De troit, are spending their holidays with friends in town, MTs. Hamacher is visiting in De troit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Willis at Grand Rend. There are some fine species of Hollyhocks in Centralia. Mrs. Walter Kerslake has a plant with thirteen stocks having 982 buds. Mrs. J. McFalls has a plant with three stocks the tallest one being 12 feet With 225 buds. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fletcher, of Win- chelsea, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. Mrs. George Thompson and Jean are visiting with relatives in Toron to. United Clnirch News Write Ito. y for information, Phone 198 M. A. STONE, B. F. WARD, B.A. Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal Principal istern Ontario. DR. R. I. P. DOUGALL Honor^graduate of#Faculty Medicine,) and Masteiy&t Science the Univi Member find Sun two door: Phone 50 brsity of [of Collet of Physicians Ontario. Office f Post Office. SALL, ONT. R^dencc 114 I ieons A very impressive communion Service was conducted 'by the pastor, Rev, Mr. Hagelsteim on Sunday ev ening last, M'iss Norma Rapley, of Marietta contributed two delightful solos which were greatly appreciated Mrs. Chas. zwicker very pleasant ly entertained the members of the Ladies Aid at her beautiful new sum mer home at Grand Bend on Thurs day of last week. Mrs. Orme occupied the chair and about twenty-five lad ies responded to’-the roll call. Sev eral visitors were present including. Mrs. Rob’t Essery, of Windsor, a former member of the society, who, with her daughter and family, are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. Ess- ery’s many friends were pleased to have the opportunity of meeting her again. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. A. King, Mrs. W. Clark and Mrs. M, S. Finkbeiner. The Late Mrs. Matthew Morlock Mrs. Magdalena Morlock, born at Morriston June 3, 183 4, the daugh ter of the early pioneers, Peter Bea ver and his wife Magdalena. She was married to Matthew Morlock of Puschlich and after a year’s resi dence there, they moved to Stephen Township, Thirteen children were- born to them and they lived in wed- the week-end in Milton and were ac-1 l°ch f°r 71 years, The late Mat- companied home by their daughter! thew Morlock died five years ago in Helen who spent her vacation with j his 95th year and his widow died her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Smith and son Gerald were called to Pigeon, Mich., owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Smith’s father Mr. Voelker who we understand passed away the begin ning of the week. Miss June W. Parker has returned to her home in London after spend ing a week’s vacation with her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gower. She was accompanied home on Sunday by Mr. Lawrence Swartz. A special service will be held next Sunday evening at the Evangelical church in keeping with the renova tons that were made of late. There will be two brief addresses and very special music throughout. Everybody cordially invited. At a largely meeting held in auditorium of church the followin' transacted: Mr. John Hertzel appointed cemetery trustee and MT. F. W. Morlock appointed a church trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late J. H. Holtzman. A large committee was appointed for the fowl supper with Mr. Art Amy as convenor. October 10th is the date tentatively chosen for the pro ject. at the heme Fahner the Wurtz has Pigeon, week-end returned to Mich., after with friends Wallaceburg,Hicks, of for about an hour and called on a KHIVA Miss Audrey Yearly entertained number of her school mates to birthday party last Thursday. Miss Mary Stewart, of Clintoi spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Schroeder. Miss Erna Neeb, of Exeter, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson and fam ily, of Parkhill, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert. Mrs. G. Hutchinson and Nola and Arthur, of Parkhill, spent the week end with Mr. and MTs. Wm. Mason. a a n, left Thursday for daughter Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower near Wood ham. Miss Thelma Heatherly, of Lon don, spent Sunday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M'otz, Misses Evelyn and Ellen Fahner, of Salene, Mich., visited of Mr. .and Mrs, Harry past week. Mr. Lloyd his home in spending the in Crediton. Rev. Robt. was in the village Monday morning few friends. Mr. Eli Lawson the West to visit his brother and also to bring back a car load of western cattle with him. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherby, of London and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz and Mrs, EH Lawson spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Hansuld, of Tavistock and Mrs. E. S. Bechtel, of New Hamburg, visited with Mr. R. E. Bechtel on "Sunday. The Misses ■'Myrtle and Idella Sweitzer and gentleman friend of Kitchener spent the week-end with the former’s parents, MT. and Mrs. Ed, Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Telfer spent Alex. Murdock was held Saturday af ternoon last. The household effects were sold for fair prices but none of the real estate was sold. Mr, Wm. Fairburn met with a painful accident on Wednesday, Aug. 7th while attending to the thresh ing machine of Mr. Sam. Merner. His arm got caught in some part of the machine and was cut to the bone taking out a piece of flesh from the arm. No bones were .broken. The services in the United church were largely attended both morning and evening on Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Anthony, of the Thames Road occu pying the pulpit. In the morning a quartette was given by Mrs. Hedden and Mrs, Pless and Messrs. Goodwin and Passmore, was given by Goodwin. On 'Sunday preached to a large both morning and evening", morning a duet was sung by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLaren and the special parts in the-antliem were taken by Mrs. W. A. McLaren and R. Y. Mc Laren. In the evening a male quar tette was sung by W. A. McLaren, R. Y. McLaren, Jas. A. Bell and Clif ford Moir. The special parts in the anthem were taken. by Miss Ruby McLaren. Staffa Defeats Hciisall 7-5 The Staffa nine defeated the Hen ball team on Monday evening by the score of 7-5 in 6 in'fl^hgs. gam’e was a mixture of good and ball, but on the whole the game quite interesting to the hand- of spectators J. C. Reid on Hoffman and on Saturday. Mrs. Catt, of Regina, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fassold. Miss Jermaine Armstrong, of Lon don, is the guest of Miss Oneida Res- temeyer. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gale were Sunday visitors in London. Mr. S. F. Miller, of London, spent Sunday at his home, Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, of London, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayter. Mr, Wm. Beattie, of Mt, Brydges, visited his cousin Mr. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lillie visited in town Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hotchkiss, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver. Mr. J. Morrison, of Park-hill, visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclsaac and fam ily of Detroit, are spending their va cation with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs, P. Mclsaac. Mrs. L. Ar Miller, of Winnipeg and Matilda Miller visited Mrs. Robt. Fitzsimmons, of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Calf as, Mr. Milford Koch and sister Afma, of De troit, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ttjiel, of Zu rich, spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch. Mr. and Mrs.' 0. Pedersen and family and Mrs. Kraft visited friends in New Hamburg and Stratford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Fox and daugh ter Margaret, of Cleveland, were vis itors at the home of Mrs. Mary Mill er. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mr. C. Stade last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Peinie and Miss Diechert, of New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kraft, Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, Misses Emma and Bertha Eidt and Mrs. Preeter, all of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Ahrens, of Almira. Mrs. L. A. Miller, of Winnipeg, is visiting Miller. CHISELHURST Miss Evelyn Wilkinson, nurse-in- training at the Ontario Hospital, London, who has been spending her vacation Mr. and returned by Miss training Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Newton and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Wilk inson, of London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Wilkinson present. HENSALP DR. J. A. McTA Specializing 'Telephone^ IQ RT, L. D. S, Plate Work jL, ONT. Main Street Toronto, one day returned at Perth Mr. Fred Fairburn has secured a ■good position in Detroit. Mr. Laird Joynt, of Toronto, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Merna Hudson is visiting fri- >ends in Exeter this week. Reeve .Roibt. Higgins was in Gode rich Tuesday on business. Mrs. Sam. Stacey is spending a few days’with friends in Cromarty. Mr. Colin Hudson is having the roof of his house re-shingled this week. Miss Jessie Buchanan and Master Keith Buclianan are visiting friends in Detroit. . Mrs. Peter Fisher is visiting for a few days with' her daughter in Brucefield. Miss Norma Hardy, of called on friends in town this week. 1 Miss A. E. Consitt has from a very pleasant visit and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and Lois were week-end visitors with friends here. Mr. Percy Gram, of Lansing, Mich, spent the week-end visiting his mother here. Mr. Edgar McQueen, of Mr. T. C. Joynt’s staff, is enjoying his holi days this week. Mr. Thos. Simpson of the staff of ■the Bank of Montreal is on a two weeks' vacation. Mr. Harold Appleton left Saturday l’or London where he expects to se cure a situation. Miss Olive Higgins has returned to her home here after a two weeks’ vacation in Detroit. Mrs. Robt. Higgins and son, Har old are spending two week’s visiting with friends in Detroit. Miss Evelyn Hefferman returned to her home here after a few days’ visit with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Smith and three daughters, of London, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. Richard Pollock, after a very pleasant visit with relatives in town returned to her home in Michigan. Messrs. Fred and Jack iStacey and Miss Lillian Stacey, of Detroit, spent me Veek-end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Smith and family, of Detroit, are spending a week visiting with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Marion and Hagersville, town. MT.^. and childirdn, of Dr. wdre Mrs. In the evening a duet Mrs. Hedden and Mr. Rev. Jas. McConnell congregation In the in attendance. The a bad inning when first and second for several Staffa sail last The bad was full Hensail hoys had misplays around paved the way runs. Kerslake, iStaffa’s star hurler, was on the mound for the visitors and turned in a fine game, his man ner becoming quite aggressive at times. Nicol, for Hensail, also turn ed in a credible performance in the box. Lloyd ‘ Hortoii," visiting catcher, made a fine grab of a very high foul fly back at the fence, and Worden in left field also made a real one- handed stab of what looked like a sure hit. The Hensail team, although committing several misplays, gave a good account of themselves consid ering that they have only played 2 games of ball this season and are breaking in several junior players-, and they were by no means outclass ed by the seasoned Staffa outfit. MT. CARMEL at the home of Mrs. CENTRALIA Mary C. Gallivan and 'family, of Win. McKay, Miss Russell McKay of Sunday visitors in Judge J. J. Coughlin and spent the week-end with the mer’s brother, Mr. Frank Coughlin. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCann and fam ily, Mr. Theo. Dederick and family spent unday with Mrs. McCann’s sis ter, Mrs. Fischer, of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, rich, spent Sunday with the brother, Mr. T. J. Hall. Mr. Sandy McEachen, of ron, called on friends here day. Mrs. M. Madden Winnie Keogh are at Detroit. Mr. John Frank Ryan are visitors sons for- of Gode- former’s Pt. Hu- on Sun- and sister Miss visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glenn and Toronto, are spending their vacation visiting relatives in town. ^Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barnett, of Tor onto spent a few days last week vis iting relatives and friends of the district. Miss Grace Manson, nurse-in-train- 5ng at Victoria Hospital, London, called on friends in town on Satur- <day last. Mrs. Roy Webber, Mrs. Jos. Hud son and Mrs. Clifford Brintnell have returned home after a very pleasant visit in Detroit. Mr. Geo. Gramm, who has been seriously ill at Lansing, Mich, is re covering and is expected home in a •couple of weeks. ■. » Mrs. Beverley Beaton and son, of Detroit, spent a few days at the home ■of Mrs. Beaton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Green, Tuckersmith. The club • house at the bowling green - has been repainted and has now a very Smart appearance, work was done by Mr. Fred nings. Mr. E. Rannte lias not been Jng Jn‘s usual good health for the jiast week or so, but his many friends will be pleased to hear that he is noyv much Improved* The auction sale of the real estate .and household effects of the late Ryan, and mother, of Chicago, at the home of the lat ter’s son, Mr. Mike Ryan. Mr. Martin O’Rourke accompanied by his uncle, Mr. Wm. Barry, of Lon don, left this week for North Da kota. Misses Elizabeth Houlahan, of De troit and Margaret, of London, are spending the holidays at their home. Mr. Hubert Moir, of Detroit, spent’ a few days last week with friends > here. Mrs. iSliultz and children, of De troit, are spending a few days Mrs. Shultz’s uncle, Mr. Jos. Keever. with Me last at The Ken- enjoy at the home of.her parents Mrs. W. I. Wilkinson has to her duties, accompanied Evelyn Padgham, nurse-in- at the same hospital. at Edith Ball is holidaying with in Melbourne. Sunday was Sacrament day United church. Rev. Hagel- THAMES ROAD Mr. Sim. Pollen, of Flint, Mich., made a short visit home Saturday evening returning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Allison spent a very pleasant holiday with friends at Ottawa recently motoring about 1200 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd are en joying a “New Ford.” Miss Tessie Oliver, of Sarnia, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. ’Wm. .Pollen. Slight tremors of the earth were felt on Monday morning shortly after six o’clock. A little vibration of fur niture was distinctly felt. Miss B. Gollings was the guest of Miss Helen Bartow, of Exeter, over the week-end. Miss. Alice Hackney is on a motor triii to the West accompanying her niece Miss Bessie Bell, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hackney and family were Bunday guests with her sister Mrs. Robinson, of Detroit, who is holidaying at Grand Bend. Master B. Gardiner is home again, but is confined to his bed, being in a plaster cast but is able to enjoy a call from his many friends. The services next Sunday are in charge of Rev. Mn Sinclair, of Hen- (Too late for last week) The regular monthly meetng of the W.M.S. of Thames Road United Church was held at th.e manse on Thursday, August 1st with a fairly large attendance. The president Mrs. Robert Kydd presided. After opening the meteting wth a hymn and prayer ‘by Mrs. Rhode the mem bers responded to names of children the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted - - - • cussed. As it was children d the program was furnished by Members of the Mission Band andithe young ladies. There was a son Beth Ballantyne and readngs Vby Lizzie Thompson and Jessie teith. Challenge of the Grods” was by a number of the girls, the ing part taken very ably by Helen Anthony. The other parts were taken by Anna Jeffrey, Dorothy Armstrong, Louisa Anderson, Mary Kerslake and Alma Etherington. The singing parts were taken by Kathleen Wiseman, The meeting was brought to a close by a number of members tak ing part ni sentence prayer and the Lord’s prayer- repeated in unison. A social half Hour. was. spent dur ing the datny luncheon. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. attended business the Sunday School the Evangelical •g business was was early Monday morning also in her * 95 th year. The sons and daughters are as follows: Mrs. Fredericks Kaufield, of Reed City, Mich; the late Mrs. Louisa Fahner, then of De troit; Mrs. Charlotte Braun, of Cred- iton; Mrs. Mary Haist, of Crediton; Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer, of Exeter; Mrs. Ellen Holtzmann, of Crediton; Rev. M. C. Morlock, of Cincinnati, Ohio, a minister of the Methodist Episco*- pal church; Wm. Morlock, of Aurora Ill.; the late Thomas Morlock, then of Aurora, Ill.; Mrs. Arthur Wick- wam, of Joliet, Ill.; Joseph P, Mor lock, of Wausegan, Ill.; Simon Mor lock, of Stephen Tp. and Mrs. C. W. Taylor, of Washington, D.C. Mrs. Morlock was one of the char- ter members of the Evangelical church at Crediton and in former years was in active service. Even though not having been able to at tend service for the past four years she yet retained her interest in the Kingdom as a member of the church and Sunday School and solicitation as a special friend of ministers. Since the death of her husband she made her home at various, times with her three daughters at Crediton and died at the home of her daugh ter Mary. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon conduct ed by her Pastor, Rev. W. M. Sippell the' roll call with of the Bible and and with with Bend Greta and foitsiness dis- A pageant entitled Mrs. Calgary, Alta., have been visiting her brother James Glavin for the past week. Miss Doris McLean, of St. Thomas, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Baynham and son Douglas, of Toronto, are vis iting with the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham Sr. Miss Mildred Elliott, is holidaying with her grandmother Mrs. E. And erson. Mrs. Arthur Brooks and daughter Mrs. Wm. Skelton were in Goderich an Friday at a picnic. Mrs. Brook? father, Mr. F. Anderson, celebrated his ninetieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs children spent the week-end relatives in Windsor. Mrs. Andrew Hicks visited Mrs. Thomas Willis at Grand last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard and visited with relatives in Greenway on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harkness and children, of Huntsville, Ontario are holidaying with the latters parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Connor. Miss Gwendolyn Hicks is visiting with relatives in Blytli. Miss Jean Ogden is holidaying at the home of her uncle, Mr. Joe Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown and daughter were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and daugh ter, of Wyoming, and MT. Truman Mills of Hamilton, spent the week end under the parental roof. Miss Ellen Hicks, of Greenway, is visiting with her cousin Miss Grata Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden and Harold spent the week-end at be appreciated. Grand Bend. - I Miss O. Shepherd^ of- Parkhill, is press representatives Geonge Monteith. CREDITON Mr. F. W. Morlock has been ap pointed representative of the Times- Advocate for Crediton and district, Any items of news left with him will Churches and other Organizations are asked to appoint send inand visiting at the liome of Mr. and Mrs, (their items to Mr. Morlock or direct Daniel, Hodgson*I Mrs. Grace Hooper, of Exeter vis- [ Subscriptions, ited on Sunday with her tAt’Arr ’ Messrs. Wm. and Jas. Oke. Miss Olive Sheppard, of Parkhill, SHIPKA Miss Lorraine Baker visited week with her grandparents Greenway. Mrs. Plantz and children, of Lon don, are at present visiting at the JuS'me of MTs. John Gower. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones, of Crediton, and Miss Olive Sheppard, of Par.khiii, visited .Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. Smith, Miss friends Last in the stein was in charge. Miss P. Keys entertained her Sun day School class at her home Oh Fri day evening last. Mr. Matthew Guenther, of Kitchen er, Mr.' Fac'd’Mangins and daughter Freda,-r oL "Sdginaw, Mich., visited with Mr, and Mrs. William Sweitzer last week. to the Times-Advocate. 5, advertising brothers J Work left with Mr. Morlock will be promptly attended to., | Miss Erma Fahner is at .Grand spent the week-end visiting with Mr. Bend for the month of August, and Mrs. D. Hodgson. | Mr: and Mrs. Tlios. Edwards and Dr. and Mrs. J. S? Anderson and family spent Sunday with relatives son and daughter, of Philadelphia, > here, spent the week-end with the former’s,! sister Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane and Allah, Bend. of Hillsgreen, Mrs. Lome Iller and |. Miss Florence Truemher, of Dash family, of Sudbury -and Miss Edna Wood, is visiting her cousin Wilmer Cochrane, of Toronto, are guests of (Wein. Mrs. E. Anderson and Miss Agnes Anderson. i MiSs Corihne scandreit, 0. A,.,,.. ---------- to, is visiting at the home of Mrs. A, | -Mr, Fred^Kerj’ and daughter Lulu Brooks. - • Mrs. Marshall, of Blytb, with her daughter Mrs. George Hicks.. givei lead- Renewal or job Mrs. Fred Kerr and daughter Lu lu visited for several days at Grand I Miss Alma Gower, of Woodham, is holidaying with her sister, Mrs, Jos. Of Toron-, Bullock. spent the tofepart* of the week In is visiting Hamilton. . Mr» find Mrs. Jos.’BttHoek and u buy any car, be sure you have Evidence. Check and weigh any car „ .ced field against the value you know yojy^can get in the Outstanding Chevrolet. , po5verful six-cylinder, valve-in-head capable of amazing performance in rs, instantly responsive to acceleration, unsurpassed in economy and dependability. chassis, built for endurance; with vy, channel - steel frame, complete high- ssure lubrication, long semi-elliptic shock- absorber springs, safe, silent four-wheel braking system with independent emergency brakes. Bodies by Fisher that reflect the latest vogue in style and coloring; luxurious in finish and appointments; interiors restfully quiet; hand some panelled instrument board, . indirectly lighted. Prices so low, they are within reach ’of all. See Chevrolet. Drive it. Make it your standard of comparison. c-io-b-zsc AskabouttheGMAC Deferred Payment Plan CHEVROLET woduct bp General motors of Canada, limited Milo Snell, Exeter