HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-15, Page 4spent ELIMVILLE of ELLIOTSAND fVOTERS’ LIST, 192p W1J 00. ,00 .00 .00 Scripture followed Johns of of Bar- witli rel- commun- late of the T in the Cou who died o July 1929 who will holiday for a few at Hamilton and Burlington to distribute the ard only to the for a Grand There The meet- hymn 372. Scrip- 10 th chapter, ver­ read by the presi- on the White AM LAT1 du ate veft tn business term/opens Sept.information, *" Registrar s $600. $350 $300. $ 6Q0 $290.00 $200.00 $6150.00 $450.00 $450.00 THURSDAY, AVGUST tOBB f '■> ■'MM* A. Easton and children re- two visit with thfe former’s iTHE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE LOCAL NEWS Miss Dorothy De Jean, of New- Lury, is the guest of Mrs, H. K, Hynd­ man. Mrs. Wright is holidaying ■few days with her sister at Bond. Mr. L. Greenlee, of Mich., Sunday with his uncle Mr. William Greenlee. Miss Ethel and Dorothy Smith, of Kitchener, spent Civic Holiday 'with Ruth Collingwood, Mi*. Joe Jackson, of London, is visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Sutton, Miss Duncan, of London, is visit­ ing with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe. Mrs. C. Harness, of Crediton, siient Sunday with her sisters Mrs. R. Hed- Ren and Mrs. W. Greenlee. Miss Ruth Collingwood spent a few .days in London last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perrett. Miss Mary Hunter, of Elimville, spent the fore part of the week at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter’s. Mrs. M. Vincent and daughter Miss Marguerite and Mrs. Alex Wanless, of London and Mrs. B. Binder and daughter Audrey, of Montreal, visit­ ed with Mrs. C. A. Soutlicott at Grand Bend on Monday and called on friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Peart and Mr. and Mrs, Russell Skinner visited with their brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Skinner and Mrs. Noble, of Shallow Lake. Mrs. Skinner return­ ed witli them to visit with her sister Mrs. Atkinson, of town. Miss Velma Caldwill, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwill and was accompanied back to the city by her sister Miss Dorene Caldwill who will spend a few days in London. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Wood and ■daughter Miss Pearl spent Sunday last visiting in Goderich. While there the lattei* sang a solo United Church in the at Knox Church in the Mrs.* F. Stewart and and Charles, Gertrude and Lyda and Mrs. Wm. Stone motored to Graven- Hurst to spend a vacation on the Muskoka Lakes. Cecil and Mrs. Stone returned the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunsford, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mellan and Mrs. Hvans, of Marlette, Mich., motored over and visietd for a few days with the former’s brother Mr. Wm. Duns­ ford and other relatives in this com­ munity. The many friends of Mr. Fred R. Kestle will regret to know that he /Suffered a slight stroke recently wlille visiting at the home of his son Mr. C. W. Kestle, of Seaforth. He is again able to -be around but is still at Seaforth. We cannot fly across the Atlantic ocean but we can repair Ford cars and we use only genuine Ford parts. Dur rates are reasonable. Sandy Elliot, “The Home of the Ford” Ex- eter, Ont. at North St. morning and evening, family, Cecil Mr. Ebei’ Hodden and lady friend, of Port Huron, Mich., spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and, Mrs, Russell Hedden. Mrs. turned from Detroit after a weeks brother. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Heaman, of Toronto and Miss L. Frayne, of Lon­ don, visited for a few days atives and friends in this Uy. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F.Beavers, also their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Will Forrest, of New York were visitors in Goderich and Kincardine during the week. Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Brimacombe and daughter Miss Alice returned to Hamilton Friday after a two weeks' holiday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh. They were accompanied by Mrs. R, Welsh weeks Beach. Mr.Mcpnersun, of the is spending a short and at Grand Bend, leave soon for the Fred E. Border Cities, time in Exeter He expects to West. After harvest he will con­ tinue to Victoria, B.C., and spend the winter there and at other points, on the Pacific coast. The Women’s Missionary Society of Main Street Church held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. John Caldwill on the London Road, north on Thursday afternoon last. There was a splendid attendance of the ladies. After the regular pro­ gram was (given the ladies were en­ tertained on the lawn with games of various kinds. A social hour was a source of much pleasure. Mrs. Cald­ will made herself an excellent host­ ess and the afternoon was greatly en­ joyed. The August meeting of the James St W. M. S. was held in the church on Thursday of last week. Owing to the absence of Mrs. (Rev.) D. Me- Tavish the president, the chair was taken by Mrs. T. Harvey who ably presided over the first part of the meeting. Au interesting programme was then put on by a /group of which Mrs. J. Shaptou, was the efficient leader This included readings from the study book. A beautiful solo was sung by Miss Reta Rowe, Mrs. J. Batson being the accompanies!. The meeting closed J. T. Miners, and agreed to send a shower Tavish who is still in the Hospital at know with prayer by Mrs. It was also proposed by the members to of cards to Mrs. Mc- London. All were glad to that she is improving nicely. ZION Mrs. Wm. Hern was taken Joseph’s Hospital, London on day and on Monday underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Harold Denham spent Sunday at Port Stanley. A number of boys went to Port on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge, of St. Marys, spent Saturday even­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bat- St.to Satur- ten and on Sunday both families mo­ tored to Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock spent Bunday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert family .spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. E. Hern. The Zion WUVI.S, entertained Elimville W-M.S. at their regular monthly meeting Thursday afternoon August 1st, at the home of the Presi­ dent Mrs. William Hern. The Presi­ dent conducted the meeting was a good attendance ing opened by repeating the watch­ word and singing ture lesson, Luke ses 25 to 37 was dent, Comments lesson by Rev. Mr. with prayer by Mrs. Chas. Elimville. The life story bara Pieck was given by Mrs. R. E. Pooley, a solo by Mrs. Ed. Johns of Elimville; a talk on the study bool? by Rev. Mrs. White. Miss Kathleen Sells, of London, delighted the ladies with a piano selection. After sing­ ing. “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” Mrs. Chas. Godbolt, of Elimville dis­ missed the meeting. Lunch was served on the lawn and all enjoyed a sociable hour. Miss Sells, was the guest of Mrs. Wellington Brock. Tile W.M.S. are having their Sunday ser­ vice on Sunday morning August the 18th when Mrs. (Rev.) T. T- George, of London, will have charge of the service. HIBBERT Mr. J. Wilson Berry, of Windsor, Edward Berry, of Detroit, were visit­ ors last week at the home of Messrs. John and Gordon Bolton on the Boundary. Miss Bell Brintnell, stenographer, of Stratford, is spending a month’s holidays at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brintnell. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod, of Parkhill paid a flying visit to their friends on the Boundary and Chisel­ hurst on Wednesday of last week. Miss Elva Bolton has returned from an extended motor trip to Bruce Peninsula and other northern points. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS I The jfndersigned has receiv/d struct^ins to- sell by public j^lction, \BERT TRE’ET, El t 1:30 o’lcldhtl in- USED CA | J, Ml, 'JW'inpliii. llegistrar IiWes^eivelt School ondon. Canada Coach, Coach, Coach Coupe, oupe, SATURDAY} ER, on 24, 1929 (»Tin. sharp, the ring: Electad'i rang and annex, electric amps, kitchen tl-ble, kitchen chairs, 6-tu.be King radfo, battery charger, ’'bed couch, ham machine, washii erator, mattresse tree, chesterfield congoleum rug 9: inet, small table, TERMS ERIG JACKSON, ARTHUR WEBER,^Auctioneer ock couch, sewing machine, refrig­ bed, springs, hail table, Gold Seal X; kitchen cab- jots, pans, etc. CASH ■oprietor 9T9W CREAM gy, luscious Mot Just once but every time Walkerside’o a treat 4 & UWieniAi ,'hu teCwun tMwnj ffak . KaptttoaCjam Claw and. Wakt THE LEATHERETTE PAK' Keeps V/alfeerjfde Ice Cream in ■ perfedt tjoriditiofi. If fe the better way—the ■ most- factory way—ot keernng ide ctoitaft firm. ta^te of smoothness richness... a ta^te Rich pasteurized cream that caresses the tongue—■ rip<& wholesome fftiits—pure ’ cane sugar—that’s Walkersidgv Kept, in electrical refrigerators—always fresh- * always -always good to the last spoonful Asl: for it name and avoid disappointment. Walkerside-^-tJie ke Cream Tou Remember FOR SALE BY ■ tv Ppwelt’s Variety Store, Exeter mb Mrs, Lightowler, Windsor, spent last week with friends and relatives in the community. Mr. Sam Johns had the misfortune to hurt his knee while unloading wheat for the threshing machine. He was obliged to use r* crutch for a few days but is getting better. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus, of Chis­ elhurst visited in the neighborhood on Sunday last. Miss Grace White, of Chatham is visiting at the home of her brother Rev. L. White. Mrs. Chas, Godbolt, of Winclielsea, returned home from a visit of sever­ al days with her sister in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper and Isabel visited at Mr. Thos. Hodgert's near Seaforth last Sunday, Next Sunday evening Mrs. (Rev.) T. T. George, of London, will have charge of the service under the au­ spices of the Live Oak Mission Circle. Special music is being prepared for the occason. Everybody welcome. Mrs. (Rev.) White and children spent a few days last week in Wind­ sor visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Canadian Canners Picnic O11 August the 7 th the Canadian Canners employees of branch fac­ tories No. 100 and No. ;51, Exeter and Forest, respectively, combined in a picnic held at Gratton’s picnic grounds at Grand Bend. About two hundred and 'fifty employees and their families were in attend­ ance. A basket lunch at noon serv­ ed to feed the inner man and was repeated at five-thrty p.m. A very -pleasing program of sports had been arranged by the commit­ tees of either factory and a great amount of credit s due the follow­ ing in arranging the program of sports, namely, Mr. V. Kestle, Se­ cretary, Exeter; Mr. G. Stonehouse, Superintendent, Exeter,; Miss M, Van Horne, stenographer, Exeter; Mr. Chas. Smith, inanagr, Forest; Mr. A. Delve, superintendent, For­ est and Miss Cooper, stenographer, Forest. A very pleasing and useful array of gift prizes .for the sports were generously donated by the merchants of both Exeter and Forest, and to those merchants the employees and managment extend their thanks. The enjoyable time closed to a great many to the strains of McKinney’s Chocolate Dandies’ dance orchestra at the pavilion. This is a time ever to be remem­ bered by the participants and em­ ployees of the Canadian C'anners. The 'following is the list of prize winners of the sports of Exeter: Girls 16 and over—Olive Lawson, Kathleen Reid, Margaret Penhale. Girls 12 to 16 years—Mae Sims, Ruby Stone, Nora McInnis. Girls 8 to 12 years—Marion Wal- per, Marjorie Stewart, Hazel (Snell. Girls 5 to 8 years—Grace Snell, Eileen Andrews, Elva Elliott. Children’s race 5 and under— Francis King, June Smith. Married Ladies’ race—Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Whitney Coates, Mrs. McInnis. Stout ladies' race—;Mrs. Gordon Appleton, Mrs. R. Hedden, Madeline Dearing. Ladies' three-legged- race—O.live Lawson and Ruby Stone, Helen Penhale’ and Mrs, Parsons, Mrs. H. Kestle and Mrs. F. Smith. Ladies’ nail driving contest—Mrs. Luther Reynolds. Ladies' Peanut Race, Mrs. G. Heywood. Girl’s peanut race—Ruby Stone. Couple Race—Pete Willard, Hel­ en Penhale, Olive Lawson and Ray Pryde, Mrs. F. Smith and F. Smith. Boys 16 years and over—Pete Willard, Ray Pryde, Russell Cald­ well. Boys 12 to 16 years—H. Penhale, pyril strange, Earle Brown. Boys 8 to 12 years—Cecil Smith, Orville Webber, Dave Kestle, Boys 6 to 8 years—Gordon Tapp, Bill Walper Boys Heywood Jami th. Married men’s race—Gordon Hey­ wood, Gordon Hunter, Fred Smith. Stout men’s race—Preston Dear­ ing, Henry Kestle, Wm, Dearing. Men’s three-legged race—Orville Beavers and Beta Willard* G. Hunt­ er and F. smith, Sam King and G. Heywood, Men’s Smith, Men’s pieton. Boy’s er, Rhymond Heywood, Largest family on grounds—Mrs. a SME ■>' -u Soft-ball game between Forest and Exeter. Forest Whining this feature. Jack Anderson. & and under—'Raymond Archie Webber, Bill nail driving contest—Frfed peanut race—-Gordon Ap- peanut * race-—-Lloyd Webb- Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Essex CAach Chevr— Chrysler These caffe ha te New Mod have been in 1928 .. 1926 .. 1925 .. 1928 .. 1926 ... 1925 1928 dan, adste 1927 been traded in on Ford. None of them ck over 30 days; “The Home of the Ford” EXETER, Phone G1 Notice to Creditors, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all -creditors and o against the estat Brown, late of th ley, in the Cou died on the seve A.D. 1929, are r their claims dul dersigned on or day oVSeptembe AN EN tlialkafter th cutrix a FURTHE 1 proce estate haling r claims, of tvhich notice. DATED aV E day of Augug GLAD lers having claims of Elizabeth J. Township of Stan- y of Huron, who h day quired proven before A.D., 1929. NOTICE IS GIV- said date the Exe- d to distribute the ard only to the he then shall have of January to forward to the uli­ the second ter, Ont., this 13 th N & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solictors for the Executrix SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES hereby for tax ven has Notice is list of lands pared and that copif-s thereof may be had at this offi list is being publi taro Gazette of Jul also A st 3rd a in defdtalt in the' taxes an costs the on Monda’’ Octob two o’clocklin th Court House%iu t rich. that the been pro­ and that the ed in the On- 20th and 27th; 10th and that jayment of said and will be sold * 21st, 1929, at afternoon at the e town of Gode- YOUNG, surer, Huron Goderich August 5th, "1929 Treasurer’s Offic Co. 8-8-Stc. VOTERS’ LIST, 1929 Municipality of the Tllagc of Exeter County o£ {Huron Notice is hereby fiven that I have complied with sectfin. 7 of The Vo­ ters’ Lists Acts ............ _ _ _ posted up at myfbffice at Exeter, on the 3rd day o list of all persons^ the said Municipj elections and th there for inspecjffon. And herebj|fcall upon all voters to take ^nrme® ate "’'proceedings to law, the last e 24th day of have any'^rror ed according t appeal beiirfe t 1929. Dated at 23rd, 1929. Jos. .Senior} of Exeter. eter, Ontario, id that I have (August, 1929 the entitled to vote in ity at municipal such list remains day for August August Clerk of the Village NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN that; all creditors and ( rs having claims against the esta Cooper, borne, Farmer day of forward their clain the undersigned' o twenty-sixth day o AND NOTICE I EN that a<ter the faid date the Exe­ cutors estate claims of wlljch tfley then shall have notice. DATED at^xfter, this second day August 19^Pf GLADMAV & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitors? rs of Jonathan, nship of Us~ y of Huron, the nineteenth re required to duly proven to or before the August 1929. FURTHER GIV- Municipality of Stephou ^otrnship County of Huroij-jf Lat I have ■ f The Vo- have post- Notice is hereby given complied with section • 7 ters' Lists Act and that ed up at my office at^’Crediton on the 5th day of AugusU^929, the list of all persons entitledjto vote in the said Municipality at tions and, that su there for inspection And I hereby ca‘ to take iminediat have any errors reeted according for appeal b^n Auigust 1929. Dated at C/editon, Ontario, this day of August 1929. Henry Eilber Clerk of Stephen Township; • unicipal Elec- ‘ list remains upon all voters proceedings to omissions cor-- b law, t'he last day the 26 th day of Sth I have le Vo- e post- on the t of all he said Parlia- Elections there for VOTERS’ LIST Municipality of Usborne To County of Huron Notice is hereby given tha complied with section 7 of ters’ Lists Act and that I ImZ ed up at my office at Usbori 27th day of July, 1929 the persons entitled to vote in Municipality fbj’ members ment and at ^Municipal and that such Hit remain inspection. AND I hereby c^ll to take immediat have any errors o reeted 'according to for appeal being* th August, 1929. Dated at Usborne, J|py 27th, 1929 Henry -Strang, Clerk of the Township of Usborne, R. R. No. 1, Hensall, Ontario. 8-1-3 tc. all voters eedings to- ssions cor- lie last day 7th day of NOTICE OF REGISTRATION O BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a: Law was passed by the Coun.q the Township of Stephen on thjF23rd. day of July, 19 29, providing,^Fot the issue of Debentures to the mount of $1200.00 for the purpo^T of pay- • ing for Toilets lie Sell ship of Law wa Office fo the Conn day of o’clock as No. or set thereof mu months aftei this notice thereafter. Dated the the installation off Chemical in the School H f Pub- 1 Section No. 5 JKf the Town- tephen, and registered a. 51 asid d mt such By- the Registry ry division of n on the 27 th. the hour of ten. ok II for By-Laws y motion to quash same or any part made within three final publication of ’ cannot be made th day of July, Henry Eilber, NOTICE Sealed tenders addressed undersigned and endorsed for Public Builing, Exeter, will be received until 12 noon (daylight saving), Wed August 21, 1929, for the construc­ tion of a Public Building at l&xeter,' Ont. Plans and specification &een and forms of tender at the offices of the Chief Department of Public Worl wa, the Supervising Arch: Victoria, St., Toronto, Ont., tyict, Engineer, Custom Ho Ise, Lon­ don, Ont., and-the Postmas ter, Ont. Blue prints \an be obtaii office of the Chief Architec ment of PublicVJVorks, bj ing an accepted >nk cheqi sum of $20.00, -plya'ble to of the Minister bf Public Which will be retulned if tl ing bidder -submit Tenders will hot less made on the f the Department an With the conditions in. Each tender mut by an accepted cheque ed bhnk payable to the Minister of Public Wor 10 p.c. of thfe amount oflh Bonds'o!f the Dominion Of bonds of the Canadian Nat way Company will also be as secutity, or bonds and if neqnlred to make up amount, , By bMeih r S. E. O”BRIEN. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa JUly 30, 1929 1929, Clerk fender nt.,” ’clock sday, be btained cliitect, , Otta- tect, 59 :he Dis- er, Exe- d at the Depart- deposit- i for the he order Works, > intend­ ed.regula e consitfered un- ms su; [>Hed by Lin £c ordance for i there' acc< npanled n aloha rter- ‘ of the qual to tender, nada or al Rail- ocepted dheque an odd of intention to pass a By-Law to close up and soil part of the Aux Sable River Road i» the Town-• ship of Stephqn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, . at a meeting of the Municipal Coun­ cil of the Township of Stephen to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of, Sept., 1929, at the hourwf 1:00 in*, the -afternoon in the Village of ’ Crediton, the said Council will con­ sider the passing^of and, if approv­ ed, will pass a /By-Law to close up « and sell part o/the Aux Sable Rivet- Road in Lot One (1) of the Aux / Sable Concession in the Township/ of Stephen described as follows: ALL . AND SINGULAR.. that certain n cel or tract^ot land comprisfng/part of the Aux Sable River Roacr situ­ ate, lying/.and, being comp/sed of part of Lflt One (1) in .vhe Aux: J Sable Concession of the/Township-> • of Stephen, being more/particular-- ly described as follow/ All that portion ^f the said A r Sable River * Road intsaid Lot On/ (1) lying be­ tween ajpoint six huiulred -and seven, foot (6<|7) measured southerly from.- the intersection a the said rohd‘ (With the road between the Lake Road. East aim Aux Sable Concessions and the road opened iir lieu of the said. Aux Sable R|Ver Road, which last mentloned,Bfiroad is shown on a plan; prepared by George A. McCubbin, O.L.S., dated May 16, 1929. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- - EN that any person- whose lands- may be prejudicially affected there-- by add Who petitions the said coun­ cil to be heard, shall be heard in person or by counsel or solicitor or-’ agent at the said meeting, Dated this 25th day of Jutn- 1929. A'Henry EHbei*, clerk J e