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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-15, Page 1
. FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. 2897 The Noted Colored Orchestn Don’t Mis: Ina Jaques, of London, spent Belgrave for a few of Windsor, for is i S. were read f. the deceased IN MUMORIAM over 1A <■ lit to a and and Fife and room was te "id of Toronto, parents Mr. Geo, Fetor W ao- $4,SG Percy Saturday, AhguS the sample room el. A. and M. COTE BRAND - * • J ’ . • ' ... ' 'I wish to great- hbors and -friends e and Sympathy loral tributes Coxsworth, Exeter on. and Mrs. E. McAvoy and Miss A. ’ ■*’ ’ ’ •4 Hern, of Norwich and and daughter Miss are visiting with X, INIY Leola Prize lists ai< available at the office of the secretary, Mr. J. G. Stanbnry- SIMPLICITY PATTERNS 15c. EACH RIGHT IN STOCK. MONDI CAJ With the Ct You Run Will EXETER HIGH SCHOOL f Exeter ___ „ _ _ Tuesday, September the #rd. with the'following* staff: fV McKinney’s / Chocolate Dandles HELD OVER LNDEFINJTELY Every Night Except Friday This? \ Week Jr The Digest Hit At tluwCasino in Years Jr This Marvel Jus, Hot Band! Exeter Horir^iiltural SpcUfy NIGHT Dandies Making auu. xiuii yviiw^jprxiu Streamers, Con fetti, Horns and Baboons SUNDAY BAND CONCERT ON. THB BEACH. Coming: MONDAY,. AUGUST 2(itH fiddlers’ ‘Contest ' dp I Plaid Flannelette Blankets for Fall F THANKS , (Trin.) Specialist in Certificate ESTABLISHED 1873 ■«? EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15th 1929 This Store will Close at 12 o’clock, noon, each Wednesday during June, July and August SPECIAL PURCHASES RESIDENCE Mr. Louis Aidworth, of BJyth, has purchased the residence of Mrs, S. Madge on Andrew, .Street, possession the middle of September. We un derstand Mrs. Madge and family are moving to London, PFAFF RE-UNION The Pfaff family re-union picnic was held at Lake Huron Park, Sar nia last week and was largely attend ed by members from both Ontario and Michigan. The retiring officers Mr. J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, president and Mrs. Robt. Love, London, Sec’y- -Treas., were replaced by Mr. John FARM sold Mr. Thos. Yearley, of the 11th concession of Stephen, whose house was burned down in Jpne, has pur chased the farm of Mr. Pat Flanni- gan south of Crediton, possession October 1st. Grand Bend X: ’ " . Silk Crepe Dresses on Sale at $9.85 each We place on sale this week a large range of Georgette and < flat Crepe dresses, in a good range of colors and sizes, regul prices up to $25.00 to clear this week at only $9.85 each SUMMER DRESSES—-In wash silks, crepes, etc- all at greatly reduced prices for quick selling. SPECIAL—Si» only Misses’ Silk Celanese dresses, without sleeves, good rang* of colors, reduced in price from $8.95 to $6.95 each." ar of colors, reduced in price from $8.95 to $6.95 each." FUJI SILK PRESSES—A few good plain colors, including white to clear at <mly $2.95 each. . u GIRLS’ SUMMER WASH DRESSES AND BOYS’ PLAY SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES RUBBER APRONS at 29c. each, 5 ddz Iadies’fg6d^'qRality"ruBtierf aprons, full side; very ipecialtEis month at c< each. . EARTHQUAKE VISITS ONTARIO Earthquake tremors were felt in Exeter aTdund 6:30 o’clock Monday morning, The shock was felt most places in Ontario and ip several of the United State centres. Several in town report that they felt the shock. Houses vibrated and pictures and furniture shook slightly. Nd damage was dope and the vast majority of people did not realize that anything unusual hud happened. Some who noticed the tremor did not realize at the time that it was the result of an earthquake. No damage was report ed from any point in Ontario. HORSE SHOE CLUB ORGANIZED A horse shoe club has been organ ized in Exeter and the Exeter skat ing rink is a very attractive spol especially during the evenings as 4 courts have already been laid out, and a 5th is. in preparation. The rink makes an ideal spot being lighted for evening playing and protected from the elements. A great deal of enthusiasm is being shown. The offi cers for the new organization are: Pres,, F. ElleringtQn; VicecPres., W, D. Sanders; Sec’y-Treas., Wm. Ward The membership, fee is $1.00 and about 7:5 -members have signed up. ANOTHER LANDMARK TO GO The blacksmith shop on Main St. owned by Mr. W. G. Simmons has been disposed of to the Erie Gas and Oil Co and the-old structure which has occupied this corner for so many years will be torn, down to make way for a modern gas and oil station. The building is situated on the corn er of North and Main Sts, south of the public library and has been oc cupied as a blacksmith shop for a great many years. It was one of the first brick buildings to be erected on. Main St. The wrecking-of "this old building will remove one of the old landmarks and the erection of an up-to-date station will improve the appearance of Main Street. 'Mr. Simmons .has sold only the property and retains possession of the tbdls and He Jxas’mot^yet* de cided what he intends tp do. The company gets possession October 1st. They have already commenced to erect gas storage tanks at the Exeter, station. jarrison, Sebewing, Mich, and Mrs. Eldrid Pfaff, Sandusky, Mich-, FELL FROM LOAD - = Mr. Hilton Laing, had the misfor tune to fall off a' load of grain :pVliile harvesting on the 'farm of Mr. MUtQn Luther on Thursday of last .lyeek- Mr, Laing had just finished with the load when the team stepp ed ahead and he fell off the back of the load landing on the ground on liis bafek. He is again able to be Wound although his back is still ■spre. »■ f UNDERWENT OPERATION ; Mr. Frank Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, of town, who has been employed at the Ross-Taylor Planing Mill was taken ill Monday {afternoon while at his work and was High School wil re-open ., 1929, We Wve just received a shipment of flannelette blankets for fall in Targe sizeg plaid designs in beautiful color combinations. For early fall . buyers w^offer them this month at only $2.75 a pair* {afternoon while at his work and was rushed to Victoria Hospital, London ‘where he underwent an^ operation ;for the rupture of an ulcerated bow el.. Although a very sick man he is getting along as well as can be ex pected. Liberal prizes, aje being awarded. Ladies*' g quality Silk Bloomers on sale this month at only 79c- a pair. Boys’ Balbriggan drawers sizes 26 to 32 on sale at 19c. Or 2 pair for 35c 30 pairs of \ MIN’S FARM-BOOTS \ AlREGULAk BOOT ‘•‘ON’SALE "(a)'^.SO'A PAIR OU NEED A PAIR, DON’T MISS THIS BARGAIN CARD ____________BIRTHS HENBERICK-— On the Line Hay township August 12th, to Mr. Hftnderick, a son. .GINGERICH—At BrOnson Line, Hay Township on August 3rd Mr.* hhd Mrs. Aaron Gingerich daughter. DEATHS MORLOCK—In Crediton on Mon day, August 12, 1999, Magdalena. Morlock, widow of the late> Mat-: tlmw Morlock, aged D5 years, 2 .months and 9 days. ANDERSON—In Stanley Tbwnship, L’Ot 9, Concession 7', Oft Friday# August 9# 1929, Agnes Foote loved wife of the late Geo- derson, in her 90th year. Aux sauble on Monday, and Mrs. The'bereft^alitily o#the late Chris, tian Stade, ly thank tjie for the rendered, __ v„_ ..................... loan of eftrs, during the illness departure ssiMan or the COLLINGWOOD- in loving memory of James ^collinWwood who died at Hf.mil ton, Attgliit 18th, 1924 Io our he As the time And wo hopmso you When the span of ways linger, s roil on and on id day to 'meet Edmund J. Wethey Bj M.A. (Tor.), Principal, Mathematics, Strathcon in Physical Culture. Miss Margaret E.’Ro^s, teacher of Lactin and French; Sp^ialist in Art. Mr. Gordon C. I<ocl_ Graduate in Science, XMiss tMargaret teachei’ oKEnglish structor of a Physical Miss Mark teaichei1 of Sdien.ee, sical Training^Spec Enrollment lias c cordial invitation^is may be able to $$ quiring boarding house accomoda tion will receive- every assistance up on application to the Secretary. Miss, K« McFaul. Exeter. - — --------- T’he Exeter Women's Institute will hold a home-made cooking sale on —A 17th,-at 3:30 in lof the Central Hot- , B.A., Honor fcience teacher. mmenced, and a iven to all who nd. Those re rah am, B.A., d History, In Training. yne, Assistant eaciier pf Phy- list in Art. ATTENDED reunion \ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heideman at tended the Heideman reunion on Sunday, August 11th at Bright’s ;Grove near Sarnia. This was the first reunion and in future it will be an annual affair. There were games and races, and officers were chosen for.the coming year. There were over 100 present all of whom were relatives. Guests were present from Hamilton, Kitchener, Stratford, Lon don, Dashwood, Zurich, Exeter, De troit, Mich., Flint, Jackson and Maine City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs*. Heideman, of Exeter, were the oldest {persons present. AUTO TRUCK with ELEVEN OCCUPANTS IN ACCIDENT NEAR VARNA - On Siinday afternoon-about 3:30 o’clock an auto accident occurred a;bout two miles east of Varna on the Bayfield road when an auto truck with eleven occupants, residents of Stratford and Seaforth, were on their way to Bayfield. Something went wrong with the steering gear and the truck took to the ditch striking a hydro pole with terrific force. With the exception of thr.ee, who were sit ting in the cab the rest were sitting on chairs and benches in the rear of thp truck. When the, truck struck the pole the occupants were thrown from the truck landing in all direc tions and all of them were injured more or less. The most seriously injured was S. Shinen, of Seaforth, who received serious injuries to his back; Mrs. Shinen received bad lac erations of the scalp; Louis Shapeiro of Stratford received a fractured thigh; Miss Ethel Shinen, of Sea forth, received injuries to her skull. The truck was driven by Harry Ger- ofsky, aged seventeen, of Stratford, who escaped serious injuries. Doctors were called from Bayfield, Seaforth and Clinton, and the injured were re moved to the Seaforth .hospital. EXETER COUNCIL Monday, August 14, —i ~ ’............. .mu.—i iir Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curnoe and Mr. and Mrs. .Perry David, of Detroit, and Mr. T. Ward., of London, spent Sat urday with Dr. and Mrs. Ward. Mas ter Ed. Ward returned with his aunts to Detroit for two weeks. The Canadian Bank of Commerce which was recently damaged.’by fife and femoke and water, has been ren ovated and is being, repainted and redecorated. The work of redecor ating is being done by Mr. Bert Clark. Ur. Howard Martin, Professor In Toronto University, accompanied by his wife and two children Jean and Mary, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper and other relatives 1ft town. They left here for a motor, trip the Blue Water Highway. ..... ....... Mr. and/Mr thank th on4 frit help and;7tind; Millor's foe® CAW RW THANKS • Miller wish tb and neighbors for s received during Mr , 1929 A regular meeting or the Municip al Council was held in the Town Hall with all members present. The minutes of the meeting held July 22nd were read and approved. A letter was received from Mr. M. G. Hansford regarding weeds on lots surrounding the evaporator, Mr. Bissett reported that the same had been cut. Messrs. Sheere, Hewett and San ders waited on the council present ing an enlarged petition signed by ratepayers interested in the closing in of th'e south end creek drain. The petition was accepted and a reply given that the council would make an early investigation as to cost., etc. Mr. Edward W. Dignan on behalf of the Orange Order' asked the coun cil for the use of a room for the pur pose of a practice for a- Drum band. The council granted conditionally. The following accounts and ordered paid: Chamber Bros, supplies fire dept. $:5.60; Geo. Foyd, horse hire dump ground $3.50; The Grigg Stationery Co., books for library acct $38.80: Jonathan Kydd, gravel $77,50; 2 G. Seldon, cement $364.20; Traquair & Lindenfield, shovels. $2.70; Smith, labor R. & B $16.50; Coleman, Jftbbf $5.50. Bernet© counts-“RtrraI Hydro Electric, Wm. Smith, labor $86.00; Webber, labor $22.’5O. Passed on motion of Bierlfng-Day. Adjournment by Rivers. Jos. Senior, Clerk ■Mrs. Whiteford is visiting in Lu can. ' Miss Friday at her home here. Mr. Wm. Hewitt and Mr. J.. W. Powell spent four days last week in Uetroit. Rev. R. E. Southcott, of Morpeth, is holidaying, with his mother at Grand Bend. Mrs. Frank Ferguson and Miss P. Russell visited in days last week. Mrs. Johnston Ila, of Seaforth, relatives in town. Miss Helen Uignan has returned home after visiting with relatives in Galt and Toronto. Miss Ferrol Higgins, of Clinton, has been holidaying with her aunt Mrs. Jos. Hawkins. Mr. M. J. W. Senior, is holidaying with his and Mrs. Jos. Senior. Miss Annie Gilchrist, visited with Mr. and Mrs- Arthur Jones over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Coultis, of Toronto, have been holidaying the past week at Grand Bend. Mr. Alex Lloyd, of Toronto, holidaying with Mrs. Lloyd and fam ily at the home of Mr. L. Bay. Mr. Ed. Ward, of Uetroit, spent several days last, week with his brother Br. John and Mrs. Ward. Mr. J. G. Btanbury was engaged as Counsel in an Appeal Case at Os- goode Hall, Toronto, on Thursday last. Councillor Bay had the misfortune recently to stumble oVei* Some lum ber and in falling, fractured some ribs. Mr. and M’rs. Thos. Newell and son Bavid are holidaying at Grand Bend and on Monday called on their Sfiends in town. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Morey, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Clendeiling and son, Ross, of Toronto, wqre the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treble on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Tapp, Mrs, A. Francis and Mrs. E. Coultis are holi daying with Mrs, J. G.“4 Jones at “Mayflower” cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs, R. T. Rowe and Miss jj’[ Mildred and Mr. and Mrs. Jos, May motored to Atwood Sunday and vis-, ited With, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peter, Rev. Rbbt. Hicks accompanied b^ Mrs, Kicks and sen Robert motored up from Wallaceburg and are visit ing With Mr. and Mrs. J, IL Andrew and other relatives in this commun ity. ’Mr. Hicks assisted With the ser vices In Main Street and Jarnos St. church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arfhur Rundle and Miss Ina Hardingt^pent Sunday i» Sfratford''t^'lat’ter remaining for a -yisit. . Messrs. W. P. and John McAvoy and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gossell anti daughter Lois, of Ripley, spent Sun day with Mrs. Sanders. ., Mr. Norman daughter Maidaj^Her^-, ..pi To ronto, visited for a few days with the former’s, parents Mr. and Mrs. ' Jas. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Brintnell and family have returned to their home in Moosejaw, ,Sask., after holidaying? with, the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brintnell. Mrs. Wm. Kay, of Strathroy, Mr. Herman. Prior, of Portage La Prairie Man.; and Miss Olive Prior, of Lon don, visited with friends in town during the past Week., Mr. and *Mrs. Mer.vin of London, motored to Friday last and took Mr. Heideman with.’them to attend jv Heideman reunion at Sarnia. Mr. Geo. Murray, of Le Mars, Iowa is visiting his brother Mr. Jas. Mur ray and sister Miss J. Murray of town. It is twenty-eight years since Mr. Murray last visited in this com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carl ing returned the latter .part of the week from a motor trip to Picton where they visited with the latter’^ daughter Mrs. W. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson, and Miss Eileen Atkinson B.A., of Clin ton, called on friends in town on Sunday. Miss Atkinson, who recently graduated from. Western University, will attend Faculty in Toronto in the fall.' Mr. and Mrs. Mores’" motored up- from Toronto accompanied by Mr. Frank Johns £or the ”week-end. Mrs- Morey is remaining for a week with. Mrs. W. Johns. On Sunday morning Mr. Frank Johns sang a very accept able solo in Main Street United Church. Miss Annette Gehring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gehring, of De troit, who is holidaying with tne Fowell’s at Grand Bend was operated on for appendicitis at Ur. Fletcher’s Hospital on Thursday of last week and is getting along nicely. Master Percy Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis, of Stephen, had the misfortune to fall off a riding plow striking his head behind the ear inflicting a nasty wound which required several stitches to close. The wound was dressed by Ur. Fletcher# and the lad is getting along nicely. The regular meeting of the Exeter Women’s Institute was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss L„ Jockel! with a splendid attendance- The president, Mrs. Etheriagton pre siding. Correspondence was fead and discussed and other business transacted. A violin selection by Miss Marion Powell was much enjibY- ed by ail plesent, also an interesting contest that was entertaining as Weil as enlightening. An invitation has1 been extended to the Creditor 'branch to attend the September #tceting which will be held in the Jftm.es St. church basement. At the closo oC . the meeting refreshments were sort* od by the hostess and assistantfti. -