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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-08, Page 3
CANADIAN NATIONAL * the local canning factoryprocessionsto **** Eve did in the summer time when * * * * * * * * # ** * * * Another period of'gtiperb harvesting weather has passed into history. The rumble of those makes good music,* if THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE highway route to Toronto from Lon- 'don. DAT, AVC?T«T SCR, S35IIBj^EBSK-. We wonder what Adam and the mosquitoes were bad? * * * * Threshing is now the order of the day. The fine stream of grain from the spout of the separator makes up for a great deal of the weariness of the hard work in the mow and granary. N , There passed away in Lucan on Wednesday, July 31st, C, J, Mac- Diarmid, barrister, aged 86 years and 9 months. The funeral took place on Friday, August the 2nd, in terment at St. James cemetery, in Clandeboye. The marriage took place at the Manse, Ailsa Craig, by the Rev. J. A. James, of Alfred Ambrose Charl ton, son of Mrs, Margaret Charlton, of McGillivray to Sarah daughter of Mrs. Mary J. of East William. • UNIVERSITY OF WESTER ’T’HE University Course in Medical x Science consists pf eij years’ resii- dent work. Twoiyears are devoted to. Artsand Science ind four yeers to PU1F Not more than ifty students ayrper- itted to enroll w the first yea Medicine. NTARIO Catherine, McLellan, been an- mitted to enroll fi The Medical equipped pl&nt c on the contineL. . don’s Hospital and c'iF“ cal facilities arefexcelient. ichool lias E its size t. Loiyr e best- f For additional infor-< ntatioa, • KJP.R.Ns ville, Ph.D., Registrar, London, Ontario TORONTO ug. 23 to Sept. 7 Empire Year "Scores of planes in an epoch-making • Carnival of the Clouds featuring Air ’ races to and from the United Scares. Friendly invasion of Canada by the, pur- : ‘suit squadron of the United States Aif ‘Force from Sdfridgc.Ficld. . .Air parade : and “aerobatics”. . .stunring, formation flights. Aeroplanes, sea 'planes and am- .phibians in a- thrilling., .impressive cpi^.^ -.of the air, vividly portraying the amaz- ' ing advance bf aviation. OTHER LEADING FEATURES Opening of the new $i,ooo,oo^ Automotive Building ... . Puu.™ • "C.N.E. - Wrigley Marathon.. Swim fd| $50,000 prizes and world championshffl ‘ Aug. 23 (/or women) and ** • Jppcn). ! .the Goldman arid othpr no bands.. . four concerts by the 2,ooo-voice Exhibition Choru . 0.4 and 29, Sept. 3 and 7).<Master Musician, his Band and . ‘Ensemble .,,. International sp< .gram with outboard motor bo; 1 track and field events. . . Monst .ary and naval grandstand Spect ■ <night... 14 days of . laciqn; Pagejfiiirjrj Ag’rlcukilre^i ' Sport, Music, Art and Science. Reservations for Exhibition C&t and evening Spectacle in frontnfjhe Cjrand Stand should be made^ . TRICES: GRAND STAND 'SPEC- ' TACLE — General Admission 25c. Reserved Scats $1.00. Boxes $1,50. EXHIBITION CHORUS, COLI- ,?SEUM—-General Admission 25c. •"Ground Floor 75c. Box Scats $1.00. Write Moodcy’s, 47 King St. W(est, ‘Toronto, or Canadian National Exhi bition. Reduced Steamship, Airways, Coach Lines and T^iilrodd Rates. THOMAS .BRADSHA1V, President h' W. WATERS, ) Qencral Manager Let us. not waste a mouthful that will feed man or beast. Un less reports are frightfully -misleading, other portions of our Do minion and of our province are up against hard circumstances. *5 ^ * ♦ * * * * • I Farm products this harvest are on the hunt for the nimble dollai’ that ,so successfully eluded this district last year. Every dollar spells improved facilities for production, better home equip ment, better sclidols, better churches and* better living. ' ***** Every nfan, woman and child who can lick a spoon should be doing his utmost these fine days to provide against the time when the snow will be flying. While these are t'he hours of prosperity the days are coming when high prices must be asked for food and 1 when fuel may ibe scarce in ,a good many homes. This is a lesson ffithat should be rubbed in pretty thoroughly in some cases. A care- ® ful note should be kept of the loafers who waste opportunity in harvest time. The old rule still holds that he who won’t work e shoud nphjeat, They of sqftiety ‘ whp fee,d any who can -woni’ in harvest j/utr'-who .fail to * work> :-This is the time tor ■ genuine hustle and for economy. It is a long time till next harvest. The engagement has Bounced in England of Mr, Willis Clark Cooper, only son of Mr. and Mrs, A, T. Cooper, of Clinton and Florence yaungei* daughter Andrew and Lady Caird, of Lodge, Wimbleon Common. A quiet wedding took place Anglican Rectory, Kirkton, Rev. Mr. Bulteel united in marriage Mary Treby, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Roy, of Hibbert and Gar- nold Doupe. They will reside on the bridegroom’s farm in Blanshard Tp.. Eighty members of the Pepper family held their second annual re union in Stratford recently. There were members present from Calgary, Toronto, Hensall, Woodstock, Sea-} forth, London, Mitchell, .Dublin, Brucefieltl, Argille Harlou and Clin ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie McEwan, of Ailsa Craig, who were recently mar ried were pleasantly entertained by a party of thir friends who arranged a miscellaneous shower in their honor. Mrs.' McEwan, who prior to her marria'ge was Miss Nola Gaiser, of Crediton, was a former teacher at Maple Lodge School.—London Free Pres*. The School of Medftine h«« made its reputationHhrough the quality and high training of it* graduates, ‘F< SS3 * Since the West is * * • * * ♦ * * AN OPPORTUNITY of Sir Argyle at the when and the background beautified by tons of stone and a flag pole. Steps will be built down the hill entire place is illuminated number of colored flights. and the with a chickenHen house robbers and thieve^ are again on the rampage in Mitchell. - One night during last week a. visit was made to the home of Mr. David Douglas but it appears that in crawling over a fence the wires made a noise awakening the occupants of the house, and as soon as the lights were switched on the marauders beat a hasty retreat leav ing their empty chicken crates. Death claimed the life of one of McKillop’s prominent young men when George H. Kerr passed away at the home of his parents aged 29 years, He was born and raised in that Township and for the last four years followed his profession at Trout Lake, Ont. At New Year’s he suffered an attack of the flu from which, he never recovered. Besides his bereaved parents, two brothers and one sister survive. operates the rotary geared “ fire pump, and water may be pumped direct from the river, throwing two or three streams through 100Q to 1500 feet of hose. The new truck, will be present at the big tourna ment and convention of the Fire man’s Association of Ontario whicli opens at Silverthorne, near West To ronto this week. not calling for harvesters this yearj Old On tario has hei* opportunity for Teally catching up with her farm work. For several seasons jobs have been left undone on Ontario farms. The^weed menace has increased.ences have fallen, into disrepair.. Buildings have been left unpq/nted. Lanes have goner ungravelled. Fields have been-allowed tjf pass badly fenced.1 ify not spruce up a little this year? :eeps the wolf awa^/from. many a laborer’s door, and, imcidenta/ly adds way to farm pr j-perity and. contentm # * •* 9 4 Hayest is the time of reward. HARVEST considerab e rest of the year w we hear a good . . . Men toil all for what may be gathered in Aufumn. deal about fellow citizens who ht/ve sown anc^protected their crops only to find the drouth ruinous, all the return, they have- for 1 nths’of <#ork and waiting. Still other settlers sowed anc\ planted |only to : An iron eq^th and a brassy sky is I A number of small boys were play hide-and-seek around the Power House in Clinton when little Stinson eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mcllveen, stepped on a high ten sion wire carrying 26,0Q0 volts. His older brother Jack, attempted to pull him off and his hand was also burnt. The little lad was burned internally as well as on his arms and legs and suffers a great deal. A swimming pool has pie ted in Mitchell. The river has been levelled loads of sand have been put in. Splendid dressing rooms have been built, two shower baths installed been com bed of the and many A. happy event took place at the Manse, GoderiW, when Rev. R. C. McDermid performed the marriage ceremony uniting May, daughter of Mrs. A. S. McPhail, of Goderich, to Mr Percy Warner, son of Mr and Mrs., David Warner, of the -Blue Water Highway. The attendants were Mrs. Reg. Sowerby, the groom’s sister and Mr. Leslie (McClure. On their return from- a motor trip they will make theii’ home on the Blue Water Highway, Goderich Township. Mitchell’s new fir© truck gave its first demonstration recently. It is built on a G. M. C. chassis with six cylinder 70 h. p. engine which A serious automobile accident oc curred at Elginl’ield when Messrs. Wm. Kettmair and Phillips, of De troit, were motoring north on No. 4 Highway, enroute to Dashwood. L> order to avoid crashing into the bar rier erected at' Elginfield the car was turned into the ditch and the occupants were thrown out. The men were picked up by a passing motorist and brought to Lucan when, it was found that Mr. Kettmair had sustained a broken collar-bone and numerous lacerations and bruises; while Mr. Phillips had a wrenched hack. After remaining in Lucan: that night they were taken to Dash*?’ •* w.ood the next day. , A serious mot^r accident occurr ed at the bridge Just east of Bruce- field when Mrs. Dale Nixon, of Sea forth, who had been calling on her mother, Mrs. D. Monroe, in Brufce- field wa^ returning home in her car. Just west of the bridge a tire blew out and she lost control of the car striking the cem'ent wall of that- bridge and going i^ito the ditch. The car was completely wrecked and Mrs. Nixon was badly cut on the nose and lip and had a large hole torn just below the knee. - She was taken to the home of Mrs. J. W. Elliott where shqjwas given medical attention and the following day was abe to be moved to the home of her mother. an ,jhour what it has taken mo expenses are added to bitter dis^ppoi wheat these men are idle watch ness. ths to |Rre the fire sweep away In oduce. Meanwhile, living; ment. Instead of gathering iig ^feir crops vanish" into nothing- . • '■ In this district we are reaping a good harvest, to say the least. There is tiredness, but it is the tiredness consequent upon work • that brings reward. There may be some disappointment but it is . disappointment that tells of and sufficient shelter, should-'be no happier virons. From people daily' bread and convenient clothing one end of Canada to the other there than those living in Exeter and en_ *=n *$ * ♦ .* A Severe Attack of •Dysentery Checked by 4 Doses Mr. I. Burtonwood, 620-22nd St. W., :!Saskatoon, Sask., writes:—“My child, - when only seven months old, had a very -severe attack, of dysentery, and after three days’ treatment with other things •rwe decided to use On this day his bowels had moved twenty-three times in eleven hours, but four doses' checked . it. “A short time ago we offered it to a neighbor . whose baby was troubled; and it too wab relieved within. thirty hours. ... _ both always keep a bottle of |T)r. Fowler’s’ handy at all times.”. , •'“We*|r __. _____ This medicine has been on the market Tor over 80 years; put. up only by The T. Milburn Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ont. • USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FERE INSURANCE COMPANY . Head Office* Farquhar, Ont. President Wicd-Pres. SIMON DOW frank McConnell DIRECTOR* ANG VS SINCLAIR, J. k. ALLISONf ROBT. NORRIS,, WM. BROCK JOHN HSSEffYy Centjblia, Agent toi Usbcrne' And Jnddulph, T. 0LIVER HARRIS, unro, Agent tw , ' llibwti,* Fi^lartfln and Logan | ' J W.- A* NBULD ' ’ ' Secretb. reqeurer f Box 98, Hldb’tor, Ontario i GLADMAN (, . Soliclttfri Kx0t«r STANBURY saved then his money till he . hd left me!” re day last week.- Ontario' country THE REAL THING “I had a good man till this spring. He had enough to start on his own hook and marked a local farmer to the Tiines-Advocate one Such eVents should'be the commonplace of sides. While the hired help on our farms do not get large sums of money for their services, the simple fact is that.for opportunities of saving money, learning a useful business and for preparing for •starting for one’s self the Ontario farmer’s help stands second to none anywhere.- The young man of fair intelligence who will get • do^vn to business on the farm has every likelihood of securing a • competency in old age. Farming has its financial rewards besides being a man’s? job every day of the year. BIDDULPH Dobbs Picnic On Saturday evening J,uly 27th the family of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dobbs and their families, numbering about thirty-two, gathered together at their home, to celebrate4 the last year of Mr. and Mrsi^Dobbs’ farm life.Th© supper," which was more than sumptuous, was served at 6 p.m. on the spacious lawn, on tables that could nearly be heard to groan, they Were so loaded with goodies, which every one did justice to. After supper races, games, foot ball and dancing r'.were thoroughly enjoyed by the old and young alike. It was then decided to make it an annual gathering oh the last Satur day in July. ' Farmers are busy harvesting their wheat. District News 0 'A Threshing has started. HARPLEY late for J^st week)(TOO add ‘Mrs.’ W. W Hodgins,of Petrolia, Visited at tlie^home of the former’s brother Mr gins ’ on Tuesday. , . v . Miss Maud (Hodgins visiting in Detroit. \ Mr. J. Steeper, of $t Sunday nt Mr- Jas; Carruthers Sr. MT Mahsei Stodging Ws’jn Chat- haift oiv^edWsday. ’J ” '* , • V , X* • ■ i.’. ■ ■ »’ - ’W Mansel Hod- tylwyg, spent The employees of the Doherty Pianos, Limited, held their 51st an nual picnic at Bayfield recently. Mr. A. M. Fraser and many, years ago a resident of Mitchell was killed by a motor truck in Vancouver re cently. While attempting to cross Dundas St., London, in the middle of the block, Miss W. Shier, of Woodham, was knocked down by a motor car, but not seriously injured. %^Lightning struck the street lightn ing transformer at the Power House Clinton recently. As a result the streets were in darkness for several days. A Very sad death occurred in Tucker smith when iMary Etta Jane, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley, aged 8 months and 15 days, passed away very suddenly. Work on a new bridge over the Sauble River at Ailsa Craig has com menced. As a result tourists are obliged to detour abofit five miles which directs them from the main part Of the town. With- the official opening of the now stretch of concrete between El- ginfield and Prospect Hill, motor ist^. now have an all-paved highway to St; Matys and a soeotid paved THE i MM /W [A?R IT’S BETTER BECAUSE ' IT’SfC’A'NADlANW Tiaree, New Series Three New Wheelbases TremendcRs Increase in Powei Increased. Speed and Accelerate New DonMe«actin^Xove|<0)^| Dnodr anlic Shock Ah s or he: New Easier Steering New R.oad~Shock Eliminate New Conftolled-Servo 4-Wheel Rs Internal Expanding New More Beautiful Fisher New Euxurious Interiors New Non—Glare "Windshield New Lower Prices *