HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-07-25, Page 6THURSDAY, H'LY 25th, 1920 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCJATE 50 YEARS AGO Mr. Dprwood has a large number -of hands engaged in pulling flax, The crop is very good. A foot-race for fifty dollars a side was run in Lucan yesterday by Mr. W. Balkwill, of Exeter and Mr< A- McLean, of Lucan resulting in a vic­ tory for the former. Mr. J. R- McNabb, of Exeter, is at present seriously ill with typhoid fever in :St. Thomas, at which place he has been working for some time. An accident of painful nature., •whereby a 'boy aged fourteen years Jost his life, occurred i» the Town­ ship of Hay near Sarepta, on Friday evening last. Benjamin Brown, son of Mr. Jared Brown went shooting and when he did not return his par­ ents went in search and found the lad lying dead in the bush with his -brains shot out. It is supposed the "boy was accidentally shot while handling the gun. The log buildings adjoining the barn of Mr. J. Fyfe were burned to the ground a few days ago and but for the timely aid of a few neighbors the frame barn could not have been saved. A snake measuring over six feet in length and, only about three and a lialt inches around "was captured near Grand Bend on Saturday last by a party of excursionists frohi Exater.,..t ' Below we ipve the vital statistics for the three months ending 30th of June 1879: Births 26; marriages 7, deaths. 10, -greatest age 90 years, 3 months; least age 2 days, average age 37 years and 2 months. Yesterday morning master Fred Down, third son of Mr. Wm. Down, of the,2nd concession of , Stephen, had a small hone in his legt broken. He was riding on^a horse’s back when the animal fell, with his leg unde;* it. 9 25 YEARS AGO Mr. James Jewell sustained' a nasty cut on the forehead on Friday morning last while assisting in the building of a home near Denfield. It appears the scaffold he and a com- pamon were on gave way causing them to fall to the ground, In tearing down the old walls of the school house in S. S, No. 3, Ste­ phen on Friday last some was experienced in tearing west wall, The workmen cided to pull it inwards by a rope thrown over the gable the jar on the rods caused the gable on the east wall to tu'ke a tumble, fall­ ing upon the porch inside of which Messrs. Bert Fuke, Wm. Balkwill and Hsirry Gidley were standing. Mr.. Gid ley failed to get out of the way in time and he was thrown to ground his legs beipg pinned neath the debris. Mr. Silas Stanlake, Jr., of take Road, met with an unfortunate accident on Wednesday of last week. Tripping a forkful of hay from a load in the barn the trip rope broke, causing him to fall off the load on­ to the barn floor, spraining the muscles of the arm severely. Mr, Blasdell lias taken a position as miller with a firm in Chatham and left for that place .on. Tuesday Mrs. Blasdell and family will remain difficulty down the then de­ means of the be- the here.for some time yet. A team composed of the merchants defeated the .bankers in a closely contested bowling game on Monday: Merchants, Leavitt, stanbury, Hea­ man, Muir; Bankers, Samuel, Davis, Hurdon, O’Neil. Messrs. Harry and Percy Brown­ ing, John Spackman, Ear) Browning, Roy Farmer, John Newcombe and T. Carling tare camping at Graph Bend, 15 YEARS AGO fell off a load of Hay one d'ay last week and fractured his shouder bone. The lad was on the load when the horses started off and he was over-balanced. The Scout Hustlers, a class, of boys in. Main Street Sunday School, with their teacher Miss Edna FoN lick, picniced at Mr. A. Hooper’s Grove on Thursday of last week. Mr, Frank Wright who received a fracture of his knee icap some time ago is able to be out with the aid of crutches. feirr Simra-Abunratr Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday mornlnr. at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION-—?2.00 per year la- advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for firat four insertions, quent insertion, tiejes, To Rent, Found 10c. per Reading notices Card qf Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25q. each. Mr, Wes. Snell has disposed of his dwelling on the old Mansion House property, Main St., to Miss M. Ella Shapton, of Stephen, who intends to move into it with her mother about September the 1st. Mr, W. W. Ta­ man is the present occupant. Eight years ago last Sunday Rev, D. W, Collins, became rector of the Trivitt (Memorial Church and his ministry in Exeter has been, crowned with success. Master Herman Willard, the thir­ teen year old' boy of Hy. Willard, B. W. F. Beavers Hardware Small Savings Accounts Welcome Telephone 86 » TOPPER Telephone 41j Milo Snell * lllllllllllllll lllllllll CHAMBERS BROS. TINSMITHING PLUMBING Phone Day Service IStSW Phono Night Service lBBj HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC arid BUICK SALES and SERVICE tlEPAIRS, ACCESSORIES, TIRES* OILS, GAS & CAR WASHING Expert Mdchahichl and Electrical Service Oh all makes of cars, OFFICIAL ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE SERVICE STATION Shop Foreman, E, Pollen a Proprietor, Ulric Snell General Repairs ON ALL MAKES OF CARS U. S. L. Batteries Dunlop Tires Telephone 200 G. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS SCREENS, Etc. . Telephone 29 ' PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES Chevrolet SALES and SERVICE Phone 100; Night phone 209 M. R. COMPLIN, Manager Browning’s Drug Store TOILETRIES — DRUGS — STATIONERY — OPTICAL ROOMS — .TELEPHONE 143 Jt jn. « V • Jk^ JLa JU.U JL Y Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios Telephone 109 H. T. ROWE SCRANTON COAL & COKE . BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil . Telephone 40 IT IS SAUD POWELL’S Ims the. RICHEST ICE CREAM and the COOLEST DRINKS New Hand Roll Chocolates 38c. New Columbia Records SOUTHCOTT BROS. General Dry Goods, Gents’ Furnishings Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Boots and Shoes Groceries and China Grigg Stationery Store School Supplies with special attention given to school libraries . Telephone 87 HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY DIAMONDS Watch and Clock Repairing ADVERTISE -—‘in the —- SANDY ELLIOT USED CARS FORD NEW CARS WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE . TELEPHONE 64 TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD MRS. A. YEO-DOWN EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS Fancy Goods^ Curtains, Linens Hosiery, and Gloves G. M. Armstrong EXCLUSIVE. MILLINERY — and — GAINSBOROGH HATS Exeter ‘Buy-at-Home Campaign COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more progressive community in which to' live. i, The Canadian Bank of Commerce Heartily Endorses the BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants and Help Our Town GROW Traquair & Lindenfield GENERAL HARDWARE Tinsmithing & Plumbing Varnishes — Paints —— Oils Telephone 27 FURNITURE — and — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 FRED RABETHGE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS ■^Ss^GFocL., and Watch Repairing JOS. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHIC -— and — ART STUDIO We put the ‘Snap’ in Snapshots S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST Sight'' Examined and Glasses Fitted ■ Children^* Sight A Specially Telephone 75w Bakery Better Broad” I— PASTRY . VWNfeRY xCpbone 52 Zurich Mr. Kenneth A. Routledge, of De­ troit, is visiting at his home here. Mr. Roy Doerr, of Auburn, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greb and Miss Currie Brenner, of Kitchener were visitors with Zurich friends the past week, Mr. iMilton Mathies, proprietor of the Tavistock Silver Black Fox Farm called on Mr. Wm. Liebold on Sun­ day. Mr, Peter Koehler, of town, companied .by his son ..Addison, Detroit, motored to Wroxeter Wednesday last, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shop, Mrs. May and Miss Ehlers, of Kitchener, were Friday visitors at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. John K. Ehlers. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brand,, of Lon­ don, Mr. and Mrs. Siam. Barber and Miss Mary Zimmerman, of. Tavi­ stock, were visitors at the home of Mrs.. G. Hess and Miss Anna. (Mr. and Mrs. Callan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weber and Mr- Walters, of Goderich spent Sunday at the 'home pf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Datars, Sr., .spent the week-end at Deseboro, vis­ iting Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars. Miss Gertie Turkheim, Who has beeji. visiting with her friends in Sulli­ van, returned with them on Monday. ac- of on w. 25 c. each subs*- Miscellaneous ar- Wanted, Lost, line of six worda. 10c. per lin*w 50c, Legalad- 8c. per line. Im one verse 50c. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Professional Cards GLADMAN & JITANBURY BARRISTERS, Money to * Safe-Depos Clien EXETER LICITORS, &c. □vestments Made, rance fault for use of our ithout charge LONDON HENSALEt CARLING & MfRLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c< INV3RTMENTS, NCE Block, Main Street^ TER, ONT. LOANS I Office: Carli E In Unity there is Strength A community is as big as the faith of the residents make it. This faith is evident in the unity which exists between merchant and buyer. If dissension invades the community and! the people go to nearby cities to purchase their goods the growth of .the town is retarded and it is ultimately relegated to the “has-been” class. When the merchant and the resident forget personal differences and unite their purposes for common trade, it is a certain sign that that community is listed among the “booming.” Think in. terms of your local merchants, and decide to buy in Exeter. Petty personal grievances are things of too little signifi­ cance to let them interfere with the progress of the town which you call home. If you trust your merchant he will prove himself loyal to you. The decision is yours to make. Shall you buy outside Exeter and see the town fall behind, or will you buy at home and witness this community advance? Your patronage- spells your confidence in your merchants who are responsible for the leading position your town enjoys. If you give them your support, merchant and resident will unite for the good of this town, and the result will prove that the only true way to success is by united effort. Your dollars which you pay to your local grocer,, butcher, clothier or milkman, will stay in Exeter and will ultimately come back to you. This week we present to our readers the new firm of Traquair. and Lindenfield who in March last bought out the hardware business of Mr. W. J. Heaman. .Messrs. Albert Traquair and Ed. Lindenfield came to Exeter from Hensail. The former has charge of the hard­ ware department while the latter superintends the tinsmithing, de-. partment. Since taking over the store they have made several im­ portant changes. Tney have installed a number of display cases which adcls to the attractiveness of the store and enables them a wider display of merchandise. The tinsmithing department has been moved from upstairs to the rear of the store making it much more convenient. Since coming to Exeter the new firm is well pleased with.the patronage they have received. They are endeavouring to handle a complete line of hardware and the store is well-stocked including builders’ hardware, roofing, etc., hatvest needs, electric and coal­ oil stoves and heaters, paints and oils. Service at reasonable prices is their motto. • ’ Cunningham & Pry de CEMETERY MEMORIALS S. B. TAYLOR The Jeweller Harvey’s Grocery System ERVICE ATISFACTION Telephone 102 N. W. TREWARTHA Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS — and — MILK FED POULTRY Direct From the Farm A Word of Praise for Exeter DR. N CHER PHYSICIAN & JfjRGEON ______ ty of Medicln«r fWe^l^n Ontario, Mem- of Physicians and rio; Member of the Council. (The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Graduate! of Fa University^ ber of the Surgeons c British Me Phone 6 Decker, Man., July 12 th,—1929 To the Editor, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, Ontario. Dear Sir: I feel I cannot pass through your beautiful Ontario without making a few complimentary remarks about the town of Exeter. During my stay' here I have noted with interest its beauties. The monument which is- standing erected to the memory of “The Fallen” in our Great War, is much to be admired for its architec­ ture and meaning. Your,, business centre is cheerful, and well situated, where the needs of all may be supplied without go-, ing away from home to purchase. .1 especially noted the 'beautiful gardens. To-day I was privileged to inspect the garden of Mr. Wm. Ward. The charming color scheme was remarkable, red, yellow, white and pink roses clustering together like a bunch of happy children. I admired this man or nature and felt honored to meet him, and when I return to my home in the West I will carry with me happy memories of Exeter, its beautiful surroundings and courteous people. Wishing you all every success . ' Yours ‘faithfully Ellen L. Hodgson. Her Little Boy Was Very III With Summer Complaint Mrs. Ray Fisher, Lebret, Sask., writes:—“For over a month, last sum­ mer, my little boy was suffering from summer complaint. He got so bad there ' began to be traces of blood in his stool, and anything he ate would not stay on his Btomach very long. He became 86 weak he could not stand up. A neigh­ bor recommended. Harvey Bros. General Millers MANITOBA’S BEST - MODEL arid WELCOME Flour All Kinds of Feeds Telephone 35 “Discouraged and in despair I sent'for a bottle, not expecting any more benefit than > from the many I other medicines I had used, but to my surprise I noticed a change after he had taken a few doses, and’ . before the bottle WftS the eanm happy, s before he took Eick.” ROSS-TAYLOR LUMBER CO. Planing Mill—Lumber Yard Wholesale & Retail Prices on Summer Cottages Telephone 48 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Wiring AND SUPPLIES Telephone 127 was half used he ____ _______r healthy boy he was before he took Bick; Put up only by The T. Milburn Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ont. By BUYING SHINGLES IW ■ 2x4 Pine^Scantling foi houses, Heft houses J buildings at 135.00 p^ FERTILIZERS Jowl St prices. ® Colony K* other M. fORTHYA. J. CL1 Pfibiri . GRANTON, ONTARIO D Late Distric District N Closed all Dr. G. S. Atkinson, TAL S Dental, S.,D.D.S. EON fficer of MilltWt Sie. Qntt. fdnesday until th@ September Flephoncs House 84J MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. Office 34 w , Dr. G. F. Roulston, jfo.S.,D.D.S. Office ove ng & Morley- Office j EXETER, ONT. DR. WM. L. L. D. Office in O1 Main St., Ex< WbON r®.i ^Smcrcial Building^ Phone 77w. DR. E. S. STEI VETERINARY S Graduate of th EON Ontario Veterinary DAY CALLS PROM Corner of M Office in EXE GHT ^ATTENDED TO Ann Streets Snell's Block ■ R, ONT. JOHN WARDf CHIROPRAC1 ELECTRO-TI VIOLET MAIN ST.,.EXETER OPATHY ULTRA- AIENTS FARM S PRICE SATISFAC Phoney'S 7- R. R. ARTHUR WEBER LICENS AUCTiq^EER For Huifm and Mifjdiesex DASHWOOD ES A REA CIALTY nable" ARANTEED. Dashwood 1 ■i * I f F TAYLOR./ LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex ’ FARM SALES&A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonably an (^Satisfaction Guartint EXETER P.RING z. »• i OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUOTlGNE . Honor Graduato^arey J.q^s’ Auc­ tion School. Spemal’ co ~ in Registered LiVoBtOckj Merchandise, Re|b‘ Sales, fitc. ‘ Rate! it provailin'g “prices| tisfaction as­ sured, write OscW Klopp, Zurldk. Or phono 1S-93, Zurich, Ont. !§e taken. II breed»> e, Farm, keeping with SAFETY IlAZOR BUS>ES * SHARPENED (an^Kake) SINGLE EjXqB DOUBLE EDO w. s. c f O'»* ***••» ♦*•«’ narahteied DRUGGIST t* i