HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-07-25, Page 1....'-'.‘I-"1'1 ^-l!HW>.l'l:Wll^ll|!!14IMgW!l!|U!!.L!^ltl.ail^ trv,1 ’------r-----*------------ ^ESTABLISHED 1873 W V -f I * EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 25th, 1929 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 2894’ '■4 SUNDIAL any other& the ex- and Mrs. R. Murphy, Mildred Murphy and Mr. and Miss Mrs.’ Harold White and children spent Sunday at Springbank. This Store? will Close at 12 o’clock, noon, each Wednesday during June, July and August, ALL ONE PRICE The only all-in-one pattern. Easy to use, no waste of materi price is so low that you can buy a pattern in the newest styles to your wash dresses as well as your better dresses. We carry the right in stock, all at one price only 15 cents each. The 5 up patterns . ■ ....... ........... ...............,................, .................................. ............ ............. Ladies’ HbsU at 19c. pr. We clearing out a number of odd lines of ladies sil^and lisle hos­ iery in black and white. Splendid for everyday wear, to clearJ(t 19c. a pr» or 3 pair 50c. AU? girl’s wash dresses and boys’ play suits at grea this month. •• , Children’s Socks— Many lines at- reduced prices to cle« a yard. reduced prices SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT Last Thursday evening about thirty young ladies gathered at the home of Miss Ella Dearing and pres­ented Miss Ann Willard, hrfde-eiect with a miscellaneous shower. The gifts surrounded a chair decorated with white streamers hanging from the ceiling with a white bell in the centre, After receiving the gifts Miss Willard thanked everyone, Music was rendered and refresh­ ments served. STUNG BY WASPS On Wednesday of last week Mrs. Wm. Elford', of Usb'orne, while out picking berries had the misfortune to be stung, by a couple of wasps which, badly poisoned the body caus­ ing considerable suffering. For a time she was in a serious condition parts of the body being badly swol­ len but she is now getting along nicely, Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall, of Welburn, visited with her over the week-end and a peculiar coincidence was that a brother was stung the same week with similar results. EXETER COUNCIL 3 : welling at 2 per yard tea. towelling,: six good JEoIors in checks and •ice 29c. a ya¥d Men’s Straw Hats on sale / SAILORS AT $1.25 PANAMAS, reg. $3.50 at $2 Linen Tea ' 'Extra- quality: all line stripes, regularly worth 35 Men’s Farm. Boots Panco or Leather Sole ON SALE AT $3.50 -•a erate Prices . WOMEN’S Bathing Slippers All colors at 90c. a pair •i ....... i.i i i Peabody’s Combination OVERALLS Button front at $2.75 each Jiffy front, reg. 4.75 at 3.75 Summer Gooffs at: WOMEN’S Leather Sole, Dongola Kid Straps 1.50 All N Jv Goods Pants, Etc.Men’s Ouir men’s n<aVy and fine Worsted Suits can’t bef beat at $25.00. ■ Snjart . , new colors in boys’ and youths’ single and double-breasted Suits. Come . and see the new models. Special values in Khaki Pants, Boys’ Khaki Shirts and blouses, and pants to match. Farmers Attention! There is econo Plymouth Gold Twine as it gives g aer pound, mor heater strength, factious compact have a comp pound y in using edal Binder eater length uniformity, insect proof, all. te stock of hay pitck forks & Phone 32 paint covering service e^celli talk it over with us. COME IN AND SEE OUR SPECIAL SALE TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD PHONE YOUR HARDWARE NECESSITIES TO NO. 27. BIRTHS DAVIS-— In Biddulpb, on Friday, July 19th, to-Mr, and Mrs. Davis, a daughter. Eber < MARRIAGES . COATE^WILLARD —• In London*. bn^Fr^ay;- -July ’19th, Miss Anna Irene ;;Wil)ard','^augh-tor of Mrs, ‘ Mary Willard^ itavTwP., to Mr. 1 ’WilHQ.m «. Maurico Cbates, son. Mr, ah'4 Mrs, ‘W’illian)., Coates, “ Usborn^ W-, / ' WfHiQ.HU Of of CAR ANKS awson wishes toMrs. WM-fred ____ ____ thank h manj^lfriends and neigh­ bors for? their-ac -of kiminess her during her recWnt illness; HANKS ani, family tvisli to thanks to their the kindness and I during their re- iso for the floral f cars. Mrs. W: CAR eir si PE^hS COOFER^-In Usborne Township, on’._ _ Friday, July 19th, 1929, Jonathan sickness and <mat to express many friends sympathy express cent bereavement tributes ahd loan CARD 6F....dCHANKS Mr, F. C, Fa;^iallland family do- sire to express sinceros thanks for tho kindnefeh e nded during the vu., ___ _ ____ j Mrs. Fairhail Cooper, aged 79 years and 10 I alto .for the llbtal tMjiutes an& loanfr mouths, I of cars. \ ] SCHOLARSHIPS The following are the scholarships awards at the Exeter High for the June examinations. Form I Bernice Gollings 809 'Adeline Stone 78 8 Stuart Horton 755 Honorable mention (Marjorie Complin 745 Margaret Taman 7’43 ■Florence Stewart 740 Form II . Kathleen Strang 873 !•’. Joe Creech 868 Ruby Stone 867 ’Honorable mention Gordon Greb 821 School •f RETURNING TO BURMA • ’• Rev. Ernest and. Mrs. Grigg, sionaries to Burma, who for the past year have been on furlough expect ■to sail from Montreal on August 2nd for their former field of labor. Mr. and Mrs. Grigg visited with Miss •Grigg and Miss Mac-Faul for a week ■leaving here Saturday to visit var­ ious places enroute to Montreal. ‘•They will sail for England and: ex- »pect .to leave England the last of ■the. month to arrive\in India about iOctoTier the 1st. Mr. and " Mrs. Grigg\ have been missionaries in Burma for the past 3 5 years. It will be another seven years before the next furlough. Mr. and (M|rs. Grigg spent the winter in Texas. Mis- M'r. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard, of town, and Mr/ and. Mrs. Melville- Gladman, of London, are holidaying at Grand Bend. Monday, July 22, 1929 A. regular meeting of the Municip­ al Council held in the Town, Hall. All members present, Mr, L. Day, Councillor-elect, having subscribed to the oath of office took his seat. The minutes of the meeting held July 8th were read and approved, also the minutes of the nomination meeting held July 15th. Letters were read from County Engineer Patterson, re County road committee, promising to meet with the village council here at an early date. Letter from Deputy Povincial Se­ cretary H. M, Robbins, re patient Mrs. William. Filed. Mr, "VV. T. Hewett addressed the council and presented a signed peti­ tion asking that action be taken at once to enclose the lowei’ creek drain. Petitions shows the names Of six subscribers. The council will make further investigation. Peti­ tion placed n file. The auditors report for June was received, read and accepted on mo­ tion of Bierling and Rivers/Carried. A letter and statement of account from Dr, D. Busby, London, re­ garding operation for Mr. Sims. No action. The policy of the Canadian Gener­ al Insurance Company re village public liability was examined and accepted on motion- of Francis and Bierling. Tenders for gravel were opened .and read as follows: P. E. Dearing, $1000; 1 Geo. R. Ferguson $1245; Ralph W. Batten $6.40 per cord; Arthur R. Dick $7.00 per cord; W: J. Preszcator $6.50 per cord; Wes­ ley Atkinson $4.90 per cord; Har­ old MoFalls $4.70 per cord. The tender of Mr. Harold McFalls at $4.70 pei’ cord was accepted on mo­ tion of Francis and Bierling and car­ ried. * The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Canadian General Inurance Co. Ltd.; Liability Insur­ ance $90.00; The Wick-wire Print hop-printing account $17.50; Copp Builders 'Supply «.Co., Ltd., London, tile $11.00; The Centralia co-opera­ tive Co., Ltd., Centralia, - cement $31.25; William Russell, labor and seed, library account $7.i50; Thos. Sanders, labor $29.10; Henry Smith- labor $27.60; Jn.o. Parsons, labor $24.60,; George Ford,..lahpr Xl-ChOO Geo. Smith, labor $15.00; Edward Coo'inbes,;'labor $20.10; Jn.o, Hun- kin, labor $24.10; Norman McDon­ ald, labor $5.60; Thos. Hunkin, la­ bor $15.60; Thos. Houlden, labor $9.00; Peter Coleman, team labor, $46.75; R. E. Davis, team labor $27.50; Jno. Cornish, labor $10.50. Cemetery accounts—Cecil Rowe sand $2.50; Percy Webber, labor $25.80; Wm. Smith, labor. $3'3.90; Passed on- motion of Bierling and We Can Help Yon to See Our method of complete and our Office hours 1:30 to 5 p.mf .• Evening] nter moef :3o by S/O Phone 75 w v testingpr j cesyfoo derate, to WT a.m. an<3 appointment * J TON OPTOMETRIST — AT — EXETER I _ on — ■ J MON.) Strathr Game ca * Rev. Jas. Foote, of Carleton Place, who is holidaying at his farm home near Varna, occupied the pulpit of Caven Presbyterian Church on Sun­ day. Many of his old friends were delighted to hear him and. rene.w his acquaintance. M'r. Foote will preach again next Sunday morning. A sundial for the grounds of late Dr. Hyndman has been on hibition in the show window of S. Martin & Son. The sundial was de­ signed in Toronto and forwarded to England to be engraved. The fam­ ily crest dated from 15 78 in. Scot­ land with the motto “‘True -a^ the Dial to the Sun.” is the basis of the dial. The pedestal was designed and made by Mr. Harry Gidley, .it resembles very closely a marble ped­ estal and is a credit to the maker and'’ has attracted considerable interest. L MUSICAL EXAM. RESULTS The results for the music examin­ ation-held in July at the Exetpr centre were as fOlolws.: Piano Prim­ ary grade, Misses Merna and Doro­ thy Simms, Exeter, 82 and. 83 marks, respectively, pupils of Miss Dorothy Grassick A.L.C.M. , Miss Carrie Wynne, of Woodham, primary grade 86 marks, pupil of MisS Myrland. Wynne. Miss Leia Moliard, Shipka, advanced intermed­ iate grade, 86 marks, ,-pupil of Miss Pearl Wood, A.L.C.jMl Misb Gertrude Cartim. ham, primary grade, 80 Dorothy Welsh, Exeter, grade (Violin- 69 marks. 1 . Interniodiate piaho, Miss- Rota oko, Exeter, 77 marks. Advanced intremediate, Miss Marguerite Amy, Credi-ton, 78 -marks; Miss Viblet { Squire, Woodham, 79- marks; Miss Elaine Capihi, Woodham, 72 marks; Master Scott- Thomson, London,1/88 <- mihrls’s.; ”-Senfor grade, Miss I|^2ei Earl, zildn, 79 marks, pupils ufwrk Gambrill. W. Mr, W. H. Shinn, of Winnipeg, presided at the examination. Marks -obtainable 65 Is -a pass, 75 first class and 85 honors, J of Wood­ marks, Mfes elementary =£ t -J >y vsf Exeter ap 5:3.0 p.m. ’scheduled game Come out to ’ Hoys win this gone. ft 25c. and 15c. led asiThis is the of the' sene: see the Adm is si ho Have Y’ Prizes i Com; PEP l| AH II mr Costings Ready And- Be b?here Fo#The Fun for Children’s and Adults’ |, Chajucter and.’ Fancy | . aostumes . - BVUGflTER MUSIC FUN feseffn Costume Admitted I'Jree To Casino yL-IE. MELROSSAl AND HIS S-PIECE ORCHESTRA COMING — “McKINNEY’S CHOCOLATE DANDIES” Riyers.-Carried^ » Adjourned by Rivers / . Jos, .Senior, Clerk. *, a" FLOWERJSHOW All members ofjthe Exeter Horti­ cultural ^Society Especially the Dir­ ectors) who are interested in haying' a Flower ted to mee library on is year are reques- he 'basement of the y evening at 8 p#n. 7m. Ward, President. ■ AFTER S^TDAYS PHENOMENAL SEALING IN EXET&R . x A. E. BUSWElX Jr Announces Absolute and Final Close-put of .JfRS.;A. YEO-DOWN’S |tQCK Doors Open 9 a.m. Come early and secure of wanted|and weryday Dry Jr ■ Goqds and household merchandise at prices vhich / DCtaBLE AND QUAD^UP?LE * • \-The purchasing power of every dollar bill | ST CHANCE SATURDAY, a“MuswellXorp| EVERYTHIN^WITHOUT AN^TOCEPTION-AWSl ICost-^o Object '^1 CUT AND SI.AS RS GO ” p PR to the bone and deeper. Thastock must be forced out of the d] Yeo-Dowu’s store—-the key% mu’st be 'hatidedF night--and. thje- store must be .empty* - > over to the •s of Mrs. A. ier Saturday Make -the Prices %resisti|le any UnEeataMe TW ..................... • .. .. tt ,.4/' w Biilliiniliii;Si K< p (---I. ■■■ ...... - - ■(■ .-..L. ■; , JjlL-. ............. 4*'^ wr Sjpace dees not permit entoneratmg^e many hundreds djMirehderM offer-' togs but every stogld article is a - SUPER BARGAIN - L. in <