HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-07-18, Page 5DASHWOOI^T
gudjool of (‘Tummeyte
students to obtain and
a of efficiency.
Stenographic, General Office,
packers’ Courses and Special
added greatly to the ser-
Stout is one of the solo-
of the large churches in
camp services were
■attended on Sunday.
Male Quartette • gave
Dr. H. H. Cowen,
lln Ha
! thy|f
tar the Dost Office,
i^hree days of week,
Mrs, Ehlers, of Kltchen-
and Mrs, Clarence Yager,
called on friends ift town
At office^
wood, firsa
at office j
Zurich, lalb
yte., D,D.S.
^Ueib Block, Dash
ti ays of week and
Why not attend this?
SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1929
that has made it possible for our scores
hold position
Courses: Se
Civil Se
You cannot attend a better
demanding a high stand
etarial, Commercial
.ice, Commercial
Write to-day for information. Phone 19 8
Oom. Specialist, Vice-Princip Principal
Telephone 1
Mr, Henry, that the road will be
completed to Exeter next year.
Plate Work
, ONT.
Main Street
The Death of Mrs, Wm. Armstrong
DR. R. I. P.
Honor graduate
Medicine, and Mas
the University of
Member of Coll
and Surgeons o
two doors east o
Phone 56
ty of
ence, of
ario. Office
t Office.
ence 114
DR. J. A. M
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger extend
a cordial
Home’’ at
July 26th
to 9 p.m.
Golden Wedding Anniversary.
invitation to all their
and friends to an “At
their residence on Friday,
from 3 'to 5 p.m. and 7
the occasion being their
is.Mr. Wm. Stone, of London,
lioidaying at his home here.
Miss iMhrgaret Bell, of King St.,
is lying seriously ill at her home.
Miss' Irjpa Higgins, of Kitchener,
spent the ifteek-end .at her home here.
Miss Helen Elder, of London,
spent the '.week-end at her home
here. ’£• '
Mr. • and ?Mrs. Jas. Paterson were
week-end visitors with relatives in
Mrs. LockXyood and daughter Mar
garet, of Brussels, visited Hensall
friends last M^ek.
The Sunday-School of the United
church held a .picnic at Bayfield on
Wednesday afternoon.
Quite a number from here accom
panied the Hensall Orange Lodge to
Wingham for the Twelfth.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sullens, of
Detroit, spent a few days visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Cantelon and
Mr. and Mrs. John Zuefle spent a
Week camping at Pike’s Bay.
Miss Minnie Gibbs, of Toronto, is
visiting friends in town and is also
camping at Bayfield for a week. I
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North, of
Woodtock, visited friends and rela-
■ fives- in town over the week-end.
•. Mrs. Kennedy and son, of Wind
sor, is visiting at the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. O. Geiger.
The Sunday -School of the Presby-
Jerian •church held a picnic at Grand
Bend on Wednesday afternoon last.
Miss 'Marian McKay, of Hagers-
ville. is spending a few days visiting
Jier friend* Miss-Florence McDonnel.
Mi‘- and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and
daughter, of Toronto, is visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Consitt. „
The many friends of Mrs. Wm.
Henry are sorry? to 'hear that she is
confined to' her room through ill-!
Dr; and Mrs. Fisher and family,
of Gravenhurst, spent the week-end
•visiting friends in and around the
Dr. Samuel Colter, wife and fam-
-<ily, of Toledo, Ohio, are visiting here
W£th the Doctor’s parents IMr. and
MifS. J. Coulter.
Mr. Nelson Blatchford, weed in-
pectopfor the village, is busy cutt
ing then weeds and ordering a gener
al cleaii-.up through the village.
Mr. GCo. Gram is- lying seriouly
ill at Lansing, 'Mich. Mr. and Mrs.
Gram left hqre to attend the wedding
of their son -William and while there
Mr. Gram was stricken.
Miss Katharine .Sells, of London,
spent a few days last week visiting
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Lammie
and also gave part of the musical
program at the W. C. T. U. Conven
Mrs. Thos. Wren moved her
household effects to Lucknow on
Monday where she' will reside. Her
son Mr." Bert Wren has secure'd .a
good position there with Silverwoods
Mr. John Stacey;,,“.:of Detroit, ivaS
a'^eek-end visitor With liis mother
here. - His sister Miss Lillian and
friend Miss Bernadette Biskner, who
spent thiS' wdefc visiting
in town, returned with him
day evenings
Messrs.- Boss
contractor's, on
expect .th fihish
•Saturday night.
take several weeks yet to put the
shoiiders on tlie’ fotid. There U some
dbuht whether* thfefe will be a further
eytensioft td' the Cdhtract to Boss &
U’raziers to pave from Kippen to
Hensall but the reeve here has’ tho
jiromlse of the Highway Minister,
The friends of' Mrs. Wm. Arm
strong were shocked to learn of her
sudden death at her home on Wed
nesday last. The deceasd has been
in her usual health and was. engag
ed at her liousehod duties during the
morning and had dinner prepared.
She went out to call the men to din
ner and on returning to the house
was suddenly stricken, Mr. Arm
strong and son George coming into
dinner found her lying on a sofa
dead. Her maiden name was Eliza
beth Henderson and she was in her
66th year. 'She was an esteemed
member of the Anglican church, a
good neighbor and beloved by all
who knew her. She leaves to mourn
her loss her husband Mr, Wm. Arm
strong, one son George at home and
one daughter Mrs. John Coleman, of
London,' The funeral took place
from her late home Hay Township
on Saturday afternoon to the Hensall
Union cemetery.
Celebrated Diamond Wedding
It is our pleasure this week to re
port an event, that very rarely in
deed occurs in any community,
and is certainly worthy of note. We
here refer to the diamond anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Welsh,
pioneer, and very highly respected
residents of our village. In fact they
came to Hensall when it was hardly
more than a name, and have contin
uously resided here at the west end
of our village, and who quietly cele
brated their diamond anniversary.
As it came on a Sabbath day, on.Sun-’
day last, just the members of their
family in Hensall, .and vicinity be
ing present, the ones in the West
being unable to attend, but it is
needless to say, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh
were most kindly remembered by a
large number of gifts, costly and
beautiful gifts, including checks,
and- money orders, from members
of their family in the West, as well
as relatives and friends scattered
throughout other places. The follow
ing brief sketch referring to the
Mrs. Earl Neeb and fam-
Mr. and
er, and Mr,
of Detroit,
on Friday.
Mr. and
ily, of Pontiac, Midi., are visiting
with the former’s mother.
and Mrs. E. G. Kraft and fam
ily spent Friday in Toronto.
Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchen
er, is spending her vacation with her
Rev. Saur and son Milton are vis
iting in Niagara Falls this week.
Mrs. Ruehen Goetz was a week
end visitor in Sarnia,
Miss Rose Guenther, of Windsor,
is visiting with her parents.
Mr, Ed. Nadiger is improving the
appearance of liis house with a coat
of paint.
The many friends of Mr, J. C. Reid
will be glad to hear he is improving
from his recent serious illness,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman and
family and Mr. and Mrs, E. R.
tlier and family motored to
Head on Sunday.
■Our band 'took part in the
Tatoo Friday night.
While unloading hay on Mr. Dun
can Snider’s farm last Wednesday.
Mr. Louis Kraft had the misfortune
to fall from the beam of the barn
landing on .a hay rack, fracturing,
his leg. He will be confined to his
home for some time.
Rev. Ness
on Monday
Mrs. Wm.
ited at the home of
one day last week.
Mrs. Nicholson and Miss Eunice!
Smith, of London and M'r. Lome
NicholsOn, of Detroit, visited with
Miss L. Hartleib a few days last
week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong,
pf Detroit, spent the week-end in
beautiful numbers at the evening
service and Mrs. F. Stout, of Guelph,
sang a wonderful solo in the morn
ing which
vice. Mrs.
ists in one
Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb, of Lans
ing, Mich., returned to their home
after spending a week in the neigh
Dr. Orme, of Crediton, has sold
liis cottage to Dr. N. Schram, of Lon
don, who
Dr. Orme
at Grand
Quite a
from Your
takes possession at once,
has been a cottage owner
Beend for about twenty
underwent an operation
for the removal of his
Consitt,of I-Iensall, vis-
Mr. J. Hartleib
and Mrs. R. McPherson andMr.
family, of Buffalo, are visiting his
parents (Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson.
We congratulate Misses Beulah
and Ila Hodgins and Raymond
Eagleson the pupils of S. S. No. "10,
Stephen, who were successful at the
Entrance Examinations.
M’iss. Francis Detloff, of - Detroit,
is spending her holidays with
and Mrs. Pollock.
Miss Pearl Bropliey visited
Parkhill last week.
Mrs. C. Loughton,- of Detroit,
been a guest of her sister Mrs, E.
Miss Emma McPherson, R.N., has
number attended the 12th
of July in London.
Mr. O. Atkinson sports a new
The Ladies’ Aid are having a rasp
berry supper on July 27th on the
Church grounds, Don’t miss it.
Mr. Albert Greenlaw, of Detroit,
will sing at the camp services on the
last Sunday in July, at both services
and on Monday night following will
give a Negro Ministrel show, so
bear the date in mind.
It is just one feature after another
this year at Grand Bend Casino. All
this week “Doc” Whipple and his all
star Orchestra has been reigning su
preme, and then on Monday, July the
22nd one of the hottest aggrega-j
gations yet to appear, will come for
one week only, in the person of Loy
B. Hays and liis Chicago Redcoats.
Hays and his engaging crew of horn
footers—that gang from Chicago
whose torrid tunes put pep into syn
copation—-will show a brand of
shivery jazz. They have just finish
ed a, long tour on the Radio-Keith-
Orpheum Vaudeville Circuit, and are
stars over KSD Radio Studios in St.
Louis. There are ten musicians and
of the ten, nine are singers, seven
entertainers, and six soloists. With
out a doubt they will keep you on
your toes and amaze you with the
fastest, funniest, most tuneful music
al Revue yet presented at Grand
Bend. Monday night, besides this
Chicago band, will be Carnival Night
with streamers, horns, hats, confetti
. On
will prevail, that of admission 15c.
dances 4 for 25c. Listen for the
cry, “The Redcoats are Coming” and
then follow the crowd to the Bend.
This probaply will be the only ap
pearance of Loy Hayes’ Redcoats in
this vicinity
a '
and fun galore. Thursday
will be special circus night,
these two nights prices are,
50c. and ladies 25c. with free
ing. Other nights regular
as arrangements are
)w being made to star this band in
■famous Broadway Musical Show.
Norge’s exclusive Iptary
mechanism compensates
for its own weai\ TKii
means reliable life-tmi
refrigeration with unusul
economy and quietness n
and appetizing food when
guarded by Norge, No
spoilage,nomeats or other
perishables to throw out.
nlors cannot enter ice
because of protecting
A Norge refinement!
Cteonoiiiieal Refrigeration
I Public Utilities Commission
iPhone 127 Exeter, Ontario!
honored couple will- no doubt prove j returued from Montreal where she
attended the Nurses’ Congress. While
in Toronto she attended the funer
al of the late Dr. C.’ S. McVicar, of
the Mayo Hospital, Rochester, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. R. English, Mrs. Mc
Intosh and Mr. Shelbourne English,
motored to Bayfield last Tuesday.
Mrs. Pressey, of Arkona and her
daughter Mrs. Greer and family, of
Saskatchewan are visiting Mrs. El
ton Curts.
Misses Evelyn and Dorothy Harl-
ton visited Mrs. Sherritt during the
Mrs. H. Carruthers was a guest of
Mrs. A. Gollen.
Mr. Japith Turner Dies
On Tuesday, July 2nd, Mr. J. Turn
er passed away to his reward at his
home on the Mollard Line, Stephen
Township. Mr. Turner has been a
great sufferer during the past few
months and. through it all he dis
played great Christian patience and
fortitude. He will be missed in the
United church where he has been a
faithful member and attendant ever
Since lie moved here almost fifty
years ago. A large number of -his
friends, neighbors and relatives paid
him their sincere tribute at the fun
eral conducted by > his pas
tor Rev. J. M. Colling at his home
and interment took place at the Sal
em cemetery. ‘Besides his sorrow
ing widow who was Miss Volk, he
leaves to mourn his loss, four daugh
ters’Hrs. Herbert Sherritt, of Hanna,
Atla.; Mrs. W. Lovie, of the Mollard
Line; Mrs. Prouty, of Exeter and
Mrs. E. Hodgson, of Brinsley and
four sons, John, of Brinsley and
Frank, Ralph and Harold, of the
Mollard Line, all of whom were pres
ent at the
side 'died
brothers and a sister Mrs. T. Dun, of
Port Huron were among those from,
a distance, who attended the funeral.
of very much interest to their num
erous relatives and friends. Mr. and
I Mrs. Welsh were both born in Dev-
(onshire, England. Mrs. Welsh be-
jing the eldest daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, and was
but eighteen years okl when married
and now has reached her 7 8th year.
Mr. Welsh was the eldest son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh, of
Devonshire, England, being in his
23rd year when married, is now 82
years of age. Following their mar
riage, they spent some eleven years
in England, before emigrating to
this country, making their passage
over the ocean, in the boat “Sarrna-
tion” making the trip in 14 days.
They were first attracted to Exe.ter,
where so many of the Devonshire
people were settled, but only remain
ing a week or so, there, they decid
ed to make their home in Hensall,
where they have liyed for nearly
5 0 years. Their union was blessed
I with twelve children. All are living,
with the exception of George, who
was killed in action, in the late
Great War. Five of tlieii; family
were born in England, crossing the
ocean with them and the remaining
seven were born in Canada. Fol
lowing are the names of their chil
dren: Mrs. Seed, Vancouver, B.C.;
Mrs.. Youngblut, Vancouver;
Elliot Fairbairn, Snowflake,
Mrs. Abner Johnston, Nigga,
Mrs.- M'cMurtrie, Edmonton;
Bishop, Battleford, Sask.;
Welsh, Vermillion, Alta.; George,
killed in action; Thos. Welsh, Wm,.
Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. Boyle, all of
Hensall. They have 24 grandchil
dren and four great-grandchildren.
Mr. Welsh is a skilled mechanic,
' having learned his trade' in Eng
land and was noted for his skill in
building,'in that line of work, and
together with his good wife, have
proved good, honest and worthy resi
dents, and are deservedly highly
respected in the splendid manner in
which they brought up their large
family, who have all turned out to
be a credit to them and are all get
ting on well in lite, and who are very
mindful of their parents and many.
of Deitricli is
Mr. and Mrs.
and Miss Mar-
on Saturday having
couple weeks in To-
I ‘
Russel Schroeder en-
Miss Ester Neeb,
visiting her 'parents
Alex Neeb.
Mr. Wm. Hanover
garet Hanover, of Buffalo are" visit
ing their parents Mr. and Mrs. J.
Miss Ilene and Ruth Willert have
returned home
spent the last
ron to.
Mr. and Mrs.
tertained a number of young people
to an ice cream party Friday even
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert spent
Sunday near Zurich.
Mr. Win. Witzel spent last Friday
in Parkhill.
The meeting was
on SUn-
paving& Braziers,
tile London* Road,
paving to Kip,pen by
Although it Will
... funeral except (Mrs. Slier-
One daughter, Mrs. W. White
several years ago. Rev.
and Rev. James Turner,
The regular monthly meeting1 of
the W.M.S. was held last Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mell
vi.lle Gunning.
conducted in the usual way with the
1st Vice President, Mrs. John Hazle-
wood in the chair. Mrs. Albert Gun
ning, Mrs. Wm. Morley and Mrs.
Hazlewood led in prayer. Mrs. John
Hodgson leddhe reading of the scrip
ture lesson, I Cor. 16: 1-9. A very
interesting leaflet ‘“Thanksgiving
Ann” was read by Mrs. Geo. Arksey.
A splendid report of the Branch
meeting held in Chatham was given
by Mrs. (Rev.) Irwin and was appre
ciated very much by those present.
Benediction by Mrs. Harvey Squire
closed the meeting. Tea was served
and all enjoyed a social time.
of them living in the West and other
places at quite a distance are quite
frequent visitors at the parental
home when opportunity offers.
Mr. Welsh is a good conversation
alist and has many interesting ex
periences to relate connected with
Ills, long life. • He takes a live inter
est in ail that is going on, and may
be found nearly .every day ih liis
large vegetable
their seasons,
good health for*
live lite. Mrs.
an ideal mother........
in the home and her family but has
not been blest for some years with
(he same robust health of her hus
band but is still always -busy in the
hotne; and tfretty well for her afed,
The many' friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Welsh hope they will be spared
for many more years,
and Mrs. Lafond and children.
and fruit garden in
1-Ie is in unusually
his age and past ac-Welsh lias been
and ever interested
of Sarnia, visited over the week-end
at the home of Mr. C. Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Amos and three
children, of Brinsley, visited Sunday
at the hOhie of Mr. Thos. Keyes.
Mr. Wm, Sweitzer spent last
Thursday in Chatham.
Mr. Matthew Sweitzer
Shingling his barn had the
tube to fall from the roof
ing his elbow.
Mr. . ' ‘
family, of Grand Bend spent Sunday
at th8
Mrs. .
present time visiting her daughter
Mrs. L. Finkbeiner,
TUDOR ....
or the new Model
ord keep
.. $600.00
... $600.00
.. $600.00
.. $350.00
... $200.00
.. $150.00
unate of new c
The ever increasing demand
pur stock of used cars always up-
We sold, double our factory e
for the month
As we go to press we learn of the
death of Mrs. Charles Fairhall,
Officers of Elimville Sunday
School will conduct the exercises for-
the Centralia Sunday School a week
•from Sunday, July 2 8th.
Mrs. N. Baker has been spending:
several days at Elimvile owing to
the- illness of her father-(Mr. Jona
than Cooper.
Mrs. Ford is confined to her home
through illness. At time of writing
she is. somewhat improved. Amongz
those who visited with her on Sat
urday and Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur,
Ford, Mrs. Thos. (Brooks and Mr.
and Mrs, A. Francis.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davey, of St
ephen, visited with the former’s par
ents on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson
and daughter Jean, who are in Strat
ford. for the summer, spent the
week-end at their home here. Mr.
Thompson is acting as dispatcher in
Stratford, his place at the station
at present being filled by Mr. Henry,
of Ailsa Craig.
The sugar beets. In this commun
ity are looking good. 'There are
about 3 60 acres planted in beets and
about 30 Belgians have been in the
community looking after the same,
Mr. Andrew Hicks has 40 acres
sown to beets, most of which are;
looking exceptionally well.
Mr. Gordon Culbert has returned
home after being at camp at Lon
don for two weeks.
Mr. W. T. Colwill expects to leave;
for the West in the near future.
Work is progressing on the new!
red brick residence of Mr. W. T.;
Colwill which replaces the one rec
ently destroyed by fire. The walls!
are iip and the roof is now* being
put on. Mr. Godfried Fugar, of Tor
onto, is putting, on a roof of colored
concrete shingles/ These are some-*
thing liew and ate the invention of
Mr. Fugar, who is the president of
the company now manufacturing
them in Toronto. Two years ago
Mr. Dugat* worked for Mr. Welling
ton Haist,,ot $t&pMn; (<
■Smith ‘and Dobbs, agents for the'
International Machinery lihye had a'
busy season having disposed of $
number of hew farm ..implements; •
, Mr; and Mrs. visits
ed with relatives in ^tfMhroy oh
Sunday. , ■ 1
Wheal in this lot is ibofcing
fine and should be i%idy for1 mittini
some time hext week.
Mr. Thomas- Rowland died at his
home here on Friday, July 5 th aged
70 years. Deceased has been in
failing health for several months.
Death was due to a paralytic stroke.
Surviving him are his wife, one son
Joseph and three brothers, Cornielus
of Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; Louis of
Parkhill and John of this place. One
sister, Margaret also survives. Inter
ment was made to R. C. cemetery,
here on Monday at 10 a.m. with Re
quiem Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr.
Miss Marie Regan, nurse-in-train
ing at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon
don, returned on Sunday after a
pleasant two weeks vacation at here
home here.
Miss Gertie Carey and friend, of
Detroit, spent Sunday with the form
er’s parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark and family
accompanied by the latter’s mother
(Mrs. J. Lynch, of Detroit, spent
week-end with Misses Carey.
Rev. Fr. Sullivan, C.S.B., of
ronto, is spending ;a few days at
home here.
Misses Winnie and Kay Moir and
friend, of London, called on the
former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Mad
den on Sunday.
Mr. T. J. Hall purchased a new
Chevrolet car last week. *
Miss. Geraldine McKeever return
ed to Detroit after spending two
weeks ’at her home here.
Miss Nora Collins accompanied
by Mrs. Lapine and children, of De
troit, are visiting at the home of
Mr. Michael O’Rourke.
Miss Flanagan, of Detroit, is the
Miss Vera Heywood is home from
her school for the holidays.
Mrs. Wilcox has. been on the sick
list.but is recovering..
Mt. and Mrs. Herman Foster have
taken up their residence in Mr. Pul
leyplank’s house in Witichelsea.
The W.M.S. regular meeting has
been postponed’until July 25, when
they will entertain the Mission Band
oil the parsonage lawn.
Miss Lena Pym was appointed del
egate to the Goilericli ^Summer
School and is attending the we this
Haying has been proceeding rapid
ly with the very fine weather of the
past week.
■Mr. and Mrs. Leon 0‘Reilly and
family visited near Sihelbourne over
the week-end.
ReV. Mr. White is attending Sum
mer School at Goderich this week.
Mr. Jonathan Cooper is quite sick
with a nurse in attendance. We hope
for improvement in his condition
of her aunt Miss Louise
visitLenelian, of London,
Eagleson’s last week
J, Hodgins, of Oxdrift, is
ed at
visiting at the hojme of his brother
Mr. Mansel Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hayter, of
Detroit, are visiting the latter’s par
ents Mr. and Mrs. LOvie.
Miss Eva Baker spent Sunday with
Ruth and Helen Love,
Mr, Hector Murray, of Detroit,
Spent the week-end at his home here.
Miss Edith LoVie Visited her Aunt.
Miss K. Taylor at Grand Bend, the
Horton, of London Is at the |soom^ * White visited his mother^ Mr; and Mrs; Sant, Eagleson were
in Chatham last week, in Loudon oh Friday,
and. Mrs; Wm. Baker and
home of Mr, M, Baker.