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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-27, Page 6
THURSDAY, JfNfi Srtlb 1029 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE '. JMEATH OF MARY CHRISTIE Th© death took pl^ce in Eketei* on Moiidiiy, June 24tb, of Mts« Charles Ohristie, aged 81 Years months. Two weeks ago Mrs. Christie, differed a paralytic stroke and since that time site had been in a critical jconditioji. She was born at MerrJck- Ville, Grenville County, her maiden ■name being Mary Jane Howey. In 1868 she was united in marriage to <jharles Christie, w’lio predeceased her eight years ago. Following their marriage they moved to Clandeboye iwhere they resided for a few years x».nd then moved to the London Road about two miles south of town and after residing there for about five years moved to the third concession af Stephen to the farm now owned jby Mr. C. W. Christie where they re- k sided for twenty-six years. Twenty- years ago this month they retired and moved to Exeter. The de ceased had enjoyed excellent health up until she suffered a .stroke two weeks ago. She was a faithful liiem- Jier of the James St. United church. One son and one 'daughter survive: Mr. C. W. Christie, of Stephen and • Mrs. Eli Coultis, of town; also two Smothers and two sisters, Mr. James Howey, of Lucknow; Mr. Robert Howey and Mrs. A. McAlpine, of Hond-on and Mrs. W. Dillabougli, of Merrickville. The funeral was held ^a^V^nesday^ftei-nunp from her M|BBesidenc'C the service being con- ^^^^^kby her pastor Rev. D. McTa- |^M|Avterment in the Exeter ceme- Local News Mr-s. w, Snell returned Tuesday ter v.isiting. her friend, Mrs. Fenn, Parkhill. Mfi- and Mrs. Clarence Kestle, Seafol'th, were in Exetei' ’for Decora tion Day services Sunday, Mr., and Mrs. Sidney Andrew, of London, visited with the Misses An drew in town over Sunday. Dr, ,4. r, ’ Kinsman,. of London, was taken suddenly ill last Tuesday and was taken to Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hodgson and are Mr. af- of of MORTGAGE SALE —- Of REAL ESTATE Under and by .virtue of the powers contained in certain mortgages wit will be produced at the time of s] there will be offered for sale by p •lie ^g^SeKNES OF BOYHOOD ■Er. Geo. Kingdon Powell, of To- ■gMo, and his brother Rev, Gregory ^^^■nvell, D.D., Missionary Supt., of Dakota and Montana, of the national church, were in couple of days last week ^^•■-^■A^oyer the scenes of their iboy- ^BUjand 'StsJling on old acquaint ances. Both | farm just soil K. Powell f teacher in Toronftq, his last five years in active duty /being as inspect or. At present he fs retired. During liis early life Mr. Powell taught the Dis sett school on the second conces sion of Usborne. He also taught •school at Granton, in Northern Hu ron o,nd Mimico before going to To ronto. While here he met a. num- of nnH associates ts<nd many interesting^ iniscences were recalled.' He spoke high ’the splendid appearances of the com fortable homes and streets of Exe ter, the Main street having been al- . most completely transformed since ' lie was a boy. ^^^ally all of Men were born on a ,h of Exeter. Mr. G, ifc,.years has been a At that time prac- the buildings were ^ervj^; are left. He Iacl if lle purclias- editor’s co ns i d - Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hodgson little son Roy, of Decker, Man., visiting, for a short time with and Mrs. R, Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. L. Heideman and and Mrs. Mason and daughter, of ronto spent the week-end with and Mrs. E. Heideman, ‘There was a fine display of peon ies in the window of Powell’s Baz aar on Saturday last. The display was in charge of Miss Vera Rowe. Mr. J. Aylmer Christie, of Wind sor, is attending the funeral of his grandmother and will visit for a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, C, W. Christie. Miss Mary McKaig, operator at the Bell Telephone central, has been confined to the Exeter .hospital for the past week threatened with an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Louisa Westlake, who has been visiting with M’r. and Mrs. R. H. Murphy, has gone to Toronto to spend a few weeks with her daugh ter, Mrs. B. A. McNiehol. Mrs. (Dr.) D. A. Bowerman, of Menomonie, Wisconsin, U.'S.A., and her daughter Mrs. Orly H, Dutton and son Donald Dutton, of Minnea polis, arrived Tuesday morning, and are visiting with Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down for ia few weeks, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Murphy were Mr. land Mi’S. Wm. Westlake and daughter, of Wyom ing; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sieeman and family of Londesboro, and Mr<s. L. Cree, of Clinton. Mrs, J. G. Jones and Mrs, Arthur Francis returned home last week af ter visiting for a week with Dr. and Mrs. Harrison, of Detroit. While there they attended the graduation exercises of Dr. Jay Wilfred Harri son, dentist,- from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Miss Mary Balkwill, B.A., stopped off at Exeter for a day when on her way to Kingsville from Lucknow where she has been teaching in the Continuation School as supply dur ing the past six months and visited with her aunt and un'cle, .Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Miuers. Rev. J. W. and Mrs,. Down spent last Wednesday at Talbotville where they had a family picnic to celebrate Mr." Down’s birthday, on the farm, ere lie was born. It }vas„a-bea-irtr fur'^poK^_^'-^Jrfrrr'h>ie, of Scot land, bought the place fifty-tliree years ago and they gave the picnic party a hearty welcome. son To- Mr, auction on TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1929 the hour of two o’clock afternoon at the CENTRAL, HOTEL the Village of Lucan, the ing;— PARCEL No. 1—Lot nunj in the- Fourth Concession off of BiddulplA in the County p: sex, contaiijing 100 acres more or le,ss.\ On this farX there is la gj house and a ,g\d bank bd land is all cleareckand tillal] is goad water on\the farij present about 30 a’c: and about farm is 1% convenient school land PARCEL ch lie [b- County of Huron, con- and 2-3 acres more or is all in grass. It has a and a hank barn. The at fax he in illow ®er 35 lhe Tp. 'lVIiddle- jf land bd •n. ^fenday morn- ■ndrew Street, jpod health un- vherPhe^suffer- le was in nis ^^^^^^■WWSTagWFwh enTe. ..■ku.f f er- attack. He was in Tils $-4th. year.- ..The deceased was' born Wat Kipipen,, in SterlingslfTre, Scotland, and came to this (country with Iris parents In ,18'36. The family moved tp a farm at Rogerville, now -occupied,,by James Bell, making the trip by$' oxen through the woods. rXiSrt&r^'lie • moved to the third con- 1 cession of Hay Tp, west of Hen sail, where, he farmed till 14 years ago, when-he moved to Exeter. He was ari ex-cellent conversationalist, could- jaayjpate many interesting pioneer days acre by LUMLEY Mr; and Mrs. John M. Glenn were in Blanshard on Thursday -last at tending the funeral of the late Jas. Jamieson, who died very suddenly. Mrs. John McQueen returned home on Monday from Thamesford Where she had been visiting he,r dau ghter Mrs. Percy Bartlett for weeks. Mr. Jim^radfoot went on a trip to Niagara Falls for the end. * Some from this neighborhood at tended the; circus in Stratford on Monday. Mr. Francis Ryckman is improv ing his home by painting and sid ing it with shingles. HARPLEY a few motor week- s4ee Miss Olive after being ill L. Hutchinson is in s: 20 acre^hof miles fronLLu] to high-sahod churches. XI NO. 2—The “ brick The le. There I and at ring crop lay. The pm and is public nth Half HHJTby his one son, Robert, o'fs'ea- and two daughters, Miss Jen- ■Lnie and Mrs. Ketchen. both of Exe ter. One sister, Mrs. Hunt, of Hen sail, was buried last week at the age •nf 78, and another sister, Miss Bell, still .Survives, aged 90 years, a resi dent of Hensail. The funeral, private, was held on t te,rnoon to Rogerville rTcemetery. Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, of - Caveii Presbyterian Church had charge of the 'Services. ' Miss Helen I-Iayter is' sporting a new Essex coupe. *We are glad to. Eagleson up again with tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. T. spent Sunday evening witli Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayter. XMrs. A.-Hayter visited with her daughter Mrs. Clifford Sherritt on Saturday. , All those that attended the picnic report on Saturday at Grand Bend a good time. SH1PKA Robert, Trateau and bride, of E r« T. U. i. Ml S'. the Stse, were con«««?4?: Mr. Detroit, called on friends here on Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer attend ed a picnic of the County Council in Bayfield on Friday last. Mrs. Gordon Hutchinson and chil dren spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Wm. Mellin. There has been new windows in stalled in the United church which adds to its appearance. . Next Sunday ReV. E. 8. Hiscocks will preach his farewell sermon. ' pr;.—,..— 1 1 . .............. KHIVA and Mrs. Alfred Tilley spent Mi«s Christie lA#sUf.> ■MisS'- £.■ ■lint mi Mr. .. „ ... Sunday with |M'r. and Mrs. G. Hey wood, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb attended the County Council picni'c at Bay- field. tM*rs. G. Hutchinson, Arthur and Nola,, of Pdrkhill, spent the week end With Mr. and Mrsr. Wm. Mason. ? <Mi< Wm. Witzel spent ^ftW'triigiids in Kippen. / Klilva School ..held their annual pifcnic At Grand Behd on Friday last The day was beautiful and practical ly? all the families turned out. The sports -were enjoyed by old and young! jft \ithe evening, a. friendly .game of baseball was played between JD^shwood. and . Khiva.'.Mr,B2^h^..\‘x0arley ‘ attended th£ Seaf^th '^hThsd'b^*'’. ’ “, f'Mrsr of ^uTlcir/ spent ft Mason. Sunday of Lot number 5 and tbe Northerly part of Lot number 4 in the ninth concession of the Township of Ste phen in the taiping 116 less. This farm brick house property is conveniently situated be tween the Villages of Centralia and Crediton. The soil is good. TERMS—10% of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance in 30 days tjiereafter, A portion of the money may remain on mortgage if the purchaser desires. Immediate possession will be given, For further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barris ters, Exeter & London. HARRY a. STANLEY, Auctioneer, R, R. No. 1, Lucan, Spend Dominion Day at Goderich Goderich has an all-day program ready for its Dominion Day visitors on Monday next. The big feature is a baseball doubleheader between the Easter Brands of Buffalo, inter national team and team' noon road tion for Huron Old Boys’ prizes. Morning— grand athletic events, children’s horseshoe competition, cert in evening. Good picnic grounds tourist camp, bathing beach. semi-pro champions-—the that beat the Oslers in 1928— Detroit’s champion colored First game at 2 p.m. After program includes three-mile race and tug-of-war competi- cup and parade, games, BJand con- NOTICE TO CREDITORS will be distributed, haying regard! on* ly to the claims of which notice shall-, then have been given. Dated this 19th day of June, 1929. . CARLING £ MORLEY Solicitors for Execu|org Exeter, Ont, ■. The principle idea behind the celebration of July 1st in Exeter is to stress upon the rising 'genera tion the importance of Canada’s birthday and to arouse the- spirit of patriotism. Bring the children to Exeter on the morning of the First. RE JAMES SWEET,/the elder, late of the Township / Stephen, in the County of Huron, /entleman, de- C6US6C1* V U CREDITORS ANDJOTHERS having claims a^Binst said deceasedlare full particularstof i undersigned SoAcitj tors of the said\ol the 29th day oikfjiiue, i-jm, aiicr which-date the assets of said estate ; /e estate of the /quired to send slich claims to the »rs for the Execu- ftate, on or before Fjune, 1929, after NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that al? persons having" claims against the- estate of Elizabeth O’Brien, late £’ the City of London, in ;the Coii/ty; of Middlesex, widow, deceased, died on the 22nd ddy of April are required to dqly proven to, Creditor}, on or of July 1929. AND Notice is after the said da will proceed to tate, having rega claims of which th notice, Dated at Credit of June, 1929. Joseph Glaven, Ontario; D. F. Coughlin, No. Crediton, Ontario, Executors. this 14th day; 2, Parkhill,' ■■ - 2,; forward1 their H. Eilber b laims • Son, nd day/ rthei/giyen that , tlif Executors- Ren shall have. = " COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE EE ThroiJigh. co-operation of the Business Men listed below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring t9,.Jh*:.Jte“aoout a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring ubout more progressive = community in which to live. The Canadian Bank of Heartily Endorses the BUY-AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants / and Help Our Town GROW Small Savings Accounts Welcome M. R. COMPLIN, Manager Traquair& Lindenfield GENERAL HARDWARE Tinsmithing & Plumbing Varnishes — Paints — Oils Telephone 27 E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE — and — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 FRED RABETHGE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS Clock and Watch Repairing JOS. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHIC — and — ART STUDIO We put the ‘Snap’ in Snapshots i G, M.‘Armstrong EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY — and — GAINSBOROGH HATS S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST Sight Examined and Glasses Fitted Children’s Sight A Specialty Telephone 75w H. T. ROWE SCRANTON COAL & COKE BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil Telephone 40 MRS. A: YEO-DOWN EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS Fancy Goods Curtains, Linens Hosiery and Gloves Middleton’s Bakery “The Home of Better Bread” CAKES —PASTRY CONFECTIONERY TeleThQhe 5&. -. . . , ■ Browning’s Drug Store TOILETRIES — DRUGS — STATIONERY — OPTICAL ROOMS — TELEPHONE 143 SUPPORT . YOUR LOCAL MERCHANT Confidence in your community is a great thing. Support of Exeter merchants by the residents of tho town will make their business boom, result in an era of business prosperity and make itself felt in al! local activities here. Taxes, will become lower, in dustrial plants will locate here, better working, conditions and more employment will prevail and the lot of the people will be made infinitely better. Exeter will grow, its residents will become more happy and prosperous, and good times will result. If you lack faith in your merchant -and town and-go to neighbor ing or foreign cities to buy your household goods, these other places will receive the benefit of your trade and grow at the expense -of Exeter. And you will re'ceive no benefits from tlie growth of other cities. Hold to your community and your success is assured. Do not be led to other cities by misrepresentations. Your merchant is honest. He knows you and will do his best to serve you faithfully because he wants your trade. The merchant in other 'cities does not care a thing about you, except to get your money. You are no friend of his, and he is not the man to give anything away. If you pay him less you get an inferior article. And the next time you will pay him more. ,1-Ie wants only your money, yvur home merchant also needs your friendship. . Support him. You both will benefit greatly. FORD WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE TELEPHONE 64 USED CARS NEW CARS B. W. F. BEAVERS’ HARDWARE Beavers’ Hardware is the oldest established 'hardware stand in Exeter, having been established over thirty years ago by Mr. H. Spackman, who disposed of the business in 19 20 to Mr. Beavers. Previous to that Mr. Beavers had been in the general store, business in,Exeter and he is one of our best known business men .This year he has made noteahle improvement to the store by the installation of several fine display cases. Mr. Beavers was ‘.born in the township of Blanshard and in his early life taught school. For’a number of years before coming to Exeter he conducted the general store at‘Farquhar. Since coming to town he has been prominent in municipal life and in 1923 was Warden of the County. For ten years he was a member of the Council, serving seven years as Reeve. He proved ’himself a most efficient public servant and holds the highest esteem of the citizens. When the Exeter Chamber of Commerce was formed a few years ago Mr. Beavers was elected President, which position he still holds. For seventeen years he has been the efficient superintendent of the Main St. Sunday .School. For five years he was secretary-treasurer of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance <^o. MT. George Anderson has been with the fiMn for over thirty years as tinsmith. CHAMBERS BROS. General Repairs ON ALL MAKES OF CARS U. S. L. Batteries . " Dunlop Tires Telephone 200 . Harvey Bros. General Millers MANITOBA’S BEST - MODEL and WELCOME Flour All Kinds of Feeds Telephone 35 ADVERTISE — in the —- TIMES-ADVOCATE B. W. F. Beavers Hardware TINSMITHING PLUMBING > PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES Telephone 86 S. B. TAYLOR The Jeweller DIAMONDS HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY Watch and Clock Repairing W. J. BEEH Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES • Everything in Radios Telephone 109 G. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS SCREENS, Etc. Telephone 29 SOUTHCOTTiBROS General Dry Goods, Gents’ Furnishings Ladies’ Ready-to-Wenr Boots and Shoes Groceries and China ............ hi ...■■.■i. Harvey’s Grocery System ERVICE ATISFACTION Telephone 102 CEMETERY MEMORIALS Telephone 41j Milo Snell Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS — and — • MILK FED POULTRY Direct From the Farm Chevrolet SALES and SERVICE *7Rhone 100.; Night phone 209 POWELL’S VARIETY STORE See the ■ BIG VALUE SALE - every day this week Telephone 55 ... ' ■ Phono Day Service 15,Iw ’ Phone Night Service 155j HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC and BUICK SALES and SERVICE REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, OILS, GAS & CAR WASHING Kxpett Mechanical initl Electrical Service on ail inakOs of cars. OFFICIAIj ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE SERVICE STATldN' ^bbp;?EorlmMui^ E. Pollen •f P’i^MtletoV,1 Ulttc Snail kt J'S S''."' -i-' ’Js f > -. '■> ■■ Grigg Stationery Store School Supplies with special attention given to school libraries Telephone 37 ■ • •p <• ROSS-TAYLOR f® LUMBER CO. Planing Mill—Lumber Yard Wholesale & Retail Prices on Summer Cottages Telephone 48 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Electrical appliances wiring AND SUPPLIES Telephone,12’7 .. ”, 1 >• j i