HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-27, Page 4A, SALE 7 sborne Tp.Con. 10 11 of homes hereonat tlieir &: late off on Louis Aidworth, of Brussels* on friends at Sexmith, Satur- Wilson covered Murray Sauvage, of Hickson, on friends in tovjn Saturday ieichlitei* at Main hursday evening, said. Butter 39c. extras 26c. . * firsts 24c. seconds 20 and 18c. $12.00 <La^j€s’ Aid festival CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ■Strawberry Fe July 4th, at MsNn Come and enjoyfe,; les to announce y from July 2nd at the annual uring this time losed. 6-20-4tc has erected a •with., asphalt Gro- JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavisb, .Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Cholr-Leador Sunday School. •Dr. ?£SSMOJIE, SfiC.’y.‘ a dozen at all classes rsday morning at WN’S. jap?, - r ub; now Miss V.iola Hodgson is recovering Ironfaii acute attack,' of tonsilitls. Uirie ’again able to he out following his recent illness. ‘'He has gained' considerably in weight and* it is hoped that he will soon r.e« a. gain his strength. Mr. and Mrs. F. Richman and three children, of Windsor, have rented the furnished residence of Miss F, Frayne, on James St., and moved" in on Saturday. ■-» Mr« Fletcher had the misfor­ tune to be kicked in the left eye while, "playing football at Thames Road on Tuesday evening. He went to bunt the ball with his head when another player endeavorded to kick it. A nasty gash; was cut above, the eye and the optic is badly discolored. Exeter Mirkets Wheat $1.10 Oats 5Uc. ’ ■■’* Barley 60c. . * Manitoba Floui' $3.80 Blend Flour $3.65 Pastry Flour $3.50 Feed’ Flour $2.10 Bran $1.65 ‘ Shorts $1.75 Creamery Buttei* 43 c. Dairy Eggs, Fggs, Eggs, Hogs it On Lot 1 2nd, 1929 ock in the evening timothy hay including; JWARDEN, Prop. •v TUESD ’at 6:00 o 30 acres o a little clove ALBERT P FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Churcloocia the vineXhe d Victor Snell's-. Phone Exeter: --■■ ■ nes htion! Fresh of the social; rm, London Rd. S. entral.—GEO. HAY Y...... SPECIAL NOT Everything I Big reductio goods, starting MRS. A. YEjQ-I NOTICE Iph Orange ith L.O.L. No' The/district of Bid "'’"’-ill assemble it THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE THUliSBAY, JUNE 37111, 1039 ■a. Rev, J, Bernard Rhodes, M. A. Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School . 11 a.m.—‘'The Royalty of Service” 7:30 p.m.—"The‘Ethics of Jesus” Dr, Atkinson wi that he will be a to 13th. inclusiv militia traini. the office will. Hear Rev. G. A. St, United chuiMih July ’4th. Enou J. Jrwin, of * ronto, General 'Secretary of tario Prohibition Union. p.m.—Rev. L. C, White, of Elim- ville. A special invitation is extended to everyone to hear these men. To- On- ”.i\on S ay, June 30th - hual lurch service to .Jain^t. church at 7:30 to p.m. requested fdge room at 7 W.M. uly and Au- Library will ay afternoon LIBRARY » months of breter Publi r Wednei Librarian, will > August. : m’ .which d&te^ fopferiftT.; •• .tigys fr®n July 29th to jive. During ry will not be the' Bdi^i’d TO ^ENT—/Furnished cottage^at J/jGrand B6rid for‘2 weeks, July11 6th - -to" .29ill. /Rent; $36.00. -Apply Tim.es- /Advocate/• /•/^<■>■ *- ■•,.-■ /••-. -./ / .* • . •-, FOR1 iSALE-^TeWht of Belgian " 'mares,-’four yeg^sbldjglso a team pf burw^ar's old, Apply concession 8, Stephen -GoodiSon,^Threshing ‘ng^order also sttF Engine. /Ap* (and, Box, 293',- 6-27-3tc r Huron-C°Sr , elopging. to the ^Ryndman; •' ■ -6;27-ltc. , ■acresro Afi ____ ^.hva^^lione 10 Farmers oir a carlo ofalfalfa' d“d hay.*Ap- of West-' nake tip cai-j <ts should get' e aS the price I JL child’s jairA Laiiiie^ Cbok ^tovei a ciline, fbim roS-AdvObate;1 4 ""-2tc. -&o late ^Jame^ •kme* hddfles-bri ^imdbb fth'i^d garden plots; rately* Apply to ^^Kirkton, Ont./ of Siibury,"Exeter, Ont, . 6-13- 4tc; house. /• ■■•*i^K><•*''»'A; r/OrMi Sri' y ,..u... t garth baby chick ' I T’Oii SALE ^tre /irffw. abjd to Supply baby of the-Yariqjjs breeds; Barred JKocks, While "Leg rnsj Black Min*- Koreas, White W^dri ties and Aiicoif- ias dh short notice. 'Idatehes Monday '^ilijLThursday.until lune 29th». T'; / TW<. HOUSES FOR . .close the Estate of tL ’ MqCurdy'.-e~ . 'St;,: ■’ Will’ lid, Soli Archie- fo Gladmaii :(lt mddSrh|fii p. . 3» 'ovements. Ap- . 5-36-tfc, how more A your ueedS’ X M&k, Cliiok ' ^oiid ! •*!» 111. c Mr. Thos. Flynn, of the South Boundary is quite ill at his home. Mr, called day. Mr. called and ’Sunday. ’, Mr. A. J. Payne, of the Jones & May staff, is holidaying this week at Port Dover. Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer has returned < after .'visiting her daughter Mrs. Da­ vid Lip’pert at Melbourne. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of .London, spent Sunday in town at the home of Mrs. T< G. Creech. • Miss Reta Rowe, wro has been 'teaching school in Toronto, is home for the summer vacation. i • James St. Sunday School will hold their annual jricnic at Grand Bend .on Wednesday, July the 17tli. i ?• Mr. .Norman Patterson, of London, was .in Exeter Sunday afternoon for the Decoration Day Services. ••• Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dearing, daugh­ ter .and . son, of London, visited With relatives over the week-end. Mr’? and Mrs. J. L. Lewis and dau­ ghter, Thelma, of London, called on friends . in town* on Saturday after­ noon, • . . tMr‘. and ?drs.- Roy Alderson and Mr. . Albert Alderson, of Ark ma, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Collingwood. •Mr. S/ Martin was out to church Sunday for the first time for several months. Mr-. Martin is not enjoying thpibest of health. Miss 'Marguerite 'Aidworth and her friend1 Miss-Anna McEwan,- of Strat- fprej, spent the weekr-end with the fgriper’S parents at Sexsmith^ ;.'Mr. Cjiris, Wein recently sold a handsome team of Belgian horses fout.years pld weighing 1700 pounds to,-a- Mr, .McLean, of Strathroy. V .Little- Miss Ardys -McFalls, wli’o re-. cep|ly underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Exetei* Hospital, returned to'her home this week. ■ii.,.Mr. Rich.'J-. Welsh and daughter Evqlyn; and Mr. J. B. Welsh, of Kal- anjazoo, Mich., spent a few days "last week, with Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Bis­ sett. . vf'Jaines'St. United choir are holding their .annual picnic in Mr. Taylor's pasture- farm at the Devil’s Elbow rStephen. Township, today (Wednes­ day.,). ! •••. • "A number from Exeter and Sex- ' ;qmith.are attending the crystal wedd- ing.anniversary- (fifteen years) of Mr.; and Mrs. Leslie Buerns, of Blyth to-dgy (Wednesday.) ; ».Mrs,; Fted Alitchell, of Toronto, Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor and Kliss Janie Hogarth, of London, spent tti'q week-end with tlieit 'parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. vMr,' Edgar Rundle left last week fo.n New Jersey where he is taking an aviation' course. Before leaving Exeter Mr. Rundle made several trial flights at the,’Stratford flying field. - 'Mr.,and Mrs. Harry Gould, of Clin­ ton, motored down and visited’ with '^!r. an Mrs. -Thos. - Elliott and to­ gether .they'took in' the anniversary services at Kirk ton Sunday morning. " Tlier death, took ‘place, in London on Thursday'1 of/Mrs. D. Lahgford, mother, of Mrs. ’ Roulston, of- town, after'.an. illness-of several weeks. In­ terment took place in the family plot at Milverton. ’•' "Miss' Greta Harness returned the letter part of the week, after visiting \Vith' Mrs. Wm, Edmunds, of Flint, Mich/ Mrs. Edmunds returned' with her and-is visiting her parents, Mr.! Ahd Mrsff E. ROwOliffe. • • . • Lieut. J. Simpson, of the Salvation Army corps, has been promoted to Capt. and: transferred to Forest. He -iS'-being succeeded by Capt. Janet Kelly and Lieut. Scott. Lieut, John­ ston has- been transferred to Bridge­ burg, Mr. and Mrs. Arnbid Moir, of Stet­ tler, Alta., are leaving to-day (Wed­ nesday) for their home after visit­ ing with Mr, Moir’s mother in Exeter ahd the latter’s mother Mrs. John Gould and other friends at Sexsmith for th.e Idst three weeks, a Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McLaughlin and daughter, Margaret, accompau- , led by Ore -former’s father, Mn John MeLatigiilin, motored up from Brant­ ford for the Decoration Jbay Setvfce# and. visited with Mfr, and Mrs. ^M. Amy, Ml’s. Lamport and Mrs, Hos- ’*in#. McLaughlin is looking; and IieaHy and f# just as jovial •a# ever. • MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor . Organist, Alisa E. Huston 1 a.m.—The Church School a.m.—Communion service. J The message will be ’“The Safety of Christian Fellowship.” 7:30 p.m.—A message to the Orange /Order. A welcome to all visitors as well as to our own lodge., . trivitt Memorial church Rev. Walter Jones/ Rector '•** tsthuSunday after Trinity 10 a.m/—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Matins 'and Litany 7' p.m.—Evensong----- -- I ■/ Choice dairjAfJjitter. for sale at Soutlicott Bros. itival, ■■ Thursday, St. United church, treat.. Entrance examinations are on this week. .School closes Friday for the sum­ mer vacation. Mr. J. H. Newcombe, of Stratford, visited his mother and sister Mrs. E. Ilowald on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben McInnis and daughter Norah visited /relatives in Brussels on Sunday. ' ■ . (Mr. and Mrs. Austin ^Dilling: h-nd family, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Am 3^,, Miss Annie Westlake/is spending, a couple of weeks in London with her sisters Flossie and Tressa. Monday, July 1st, will be Canada’s 62nd birthday. Big celebration 5at Exeter in the morning, only. ‘ £: 'Messrs. H. Taylor, Verne Rdul- ston and Leonard Pfaff, ’of London spent Sunday at their homes here. Misses Ina Jaques and . Margaret, Johns, of Victoria Hospital training staff, visited Sunday.’ Mr. Chas, fine garage shingles at the rear of Wilson’s eery Store. Mr. Alfred Newman, of Sebewaing Mich., visited with Mr. and M,rs.*E., Rowcliffe last week and attended the Bel! picnic. ’ ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Pethick and family, of Seaforth, visited the • former’s brother Will and Mrs. Pethick on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavqrs and Mr< and Mrs. W. D. Sanders attend­ ed the County Council picnic at Bay­ field on Friday. , * Mrs. Wm. Melville, who under­ went an operation. ,at.S,t. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is getting along as well as can be expected. » Mrs. Geo. Jaques is. visiting her sister Mrs. Samuel Stevenson at tifirr this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson recently moved ifroni Devizes to Birr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boyle, of To­ ronto, Called on friends hr town Ion Monday. They visited Svith Mrs. Boyle’s mother in Goderich. / Last week it was mentioned that Mrs. John Taylor, Ann St., entertain­ ed in honor o.f Mrs'; C. G. Snell. . It should have'read Mrs.,J. C. SnellX The Comrades Class of the James St. . United Sunday School are pic- , hieing at Victoria Park on Friday evening of this week commencing at 6 o’clock. ... . Mr. and Mrs. T. G.' Seaman and family, motored down from Carmen, Man., and are visiting Mrs. Heamaii’s sisters Mrs. Johnston, of Seafotth and Mrs. Wm. Baker of town. Rev. John Garbutt, until recently : General. Secretary of the Bible So- I ciety of Western Ontario, has accent­ ed the invitation, to become assist­ ant pastor of the Metropolitan Unit­ ed church, London. Beginning with the first Sunday in July Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter and £d. Paul’s church, Hen­ sail, will combine services for the holiday months. Service will lie held In Exeter in the morning dpd Hen sail in the evening during July ana will be reversed for August. The young .people of EIimvi$te motored to the County Home at Clin­ ton.pn Wednesday evening, Juno the 19tli and gave a very hunibrons add cheerful con cert to the inmate# that was much enjoyed by ail. A hearty Invitation was extended to them to' fetmm at their earliest convenience. PRETTY NEW in the Ne THIS STORE WILL CLOSE’ DURING, JU$E This Store will Close a| 12 o'clock, noon, each Wednesday during June, July and AugusjL * ' ' • ' • y. ■> ' «■ f And Get Some of the Bargains ’S on ne29 The Sal TAYLOR, Auctioneer 4-4-tte. many oth to mentioi FRANK rubbers, overalls, sweaters, dress ; 1 show case, one ixtures, : cloth rack, articles too numer- tc oaranteed ’' DRUGGIST SAFETY RAZOR ALADES SHARPENpD (/x make) SINGLE EDGE I? DOUBLE EDG perfect E . W. S. COL COME ONE! . COME ALL! EVERYTHING 5 ST BE SOLD. will st t at 8 pan. isiCK 3 iHloir Englahd J*n ” . SUMMER DRESSES This week we offer thirty new summer dresfes in figured Georgettes, Celanese and Rayons. There ar^soine beautiful styles and materials in this collection. Th prices too are reasonable. CIRCLE-BAR (Fullfashioned) HOSIERY This is one of the best values on the niar-s. ket. Comes in all the newest C J C^Q shades at per pair........................ v * NEW CQELARS AND CUFF SETS We are jpowing a nice.new;range of cob Iar and mjgf sets. Some are-QCc. to CO hand mjle ................ **** . V4<«VV.’ UNBLEACHED, SHEETING This is a special value in unbleached sheeting'. Regulai' 2 ylrds wide Special per yard.........I..................... JpNEN FOR TABLE CLOTHS a ”• Weight* and a splendict cloth. Regular 81’JO' RCc,. Rflauced to per yard NEW CHINA ANOfDINNERWARE Our china counters are filled wjfh new pieces suitable for giftsand, we are placing in stick this week »me beautiful French China Dinner Sets. These are exceptional value a/per set $42• 50 GOLD TACK UNDERWEAR “jf" Men’s athletic underwe.'®' made of gjod weight dimity made well ilid cut CJJQQ roomy all ^sizes . . . . . .1. . . . jr^ ;. •*'■ ’ o -*- - .. . -1- ’<*‘5*'- " , • f.. ./ ..BATH^q,^JLTS?,?:, ■ In all wool in the. new bright colors. We havc/the small sizes for C9 -9C the little tots ....... ,P“**,t* HATCHWAY UNDH<WEART r For men and bdys... No luttoiusHo but­ ton or to break off. The kiiw the ®ys likeMen’s $1.25an<1 BoyI $mv0 . - MEN’S WOhlC SHIRTS . Made full and rpomy of dark blue ch am­ bry. Made by Deacon and QRc* Specially priced at ...........................: CHILDRE SANDALS AND SLIPPERS See our two tables of otware for children. Values as high as ,$2.00 Specially priced at 79c^ and 98c w PHONE 81w ■Work .. smocks, undefw^hr, and work shi counter, light and ous We have now in stock a complete line of STRAW HATS SAILORS ND PANAMAS Come in fend look AthleticlU erwear 2-/iece Styles Agent for Jackson’s! D Cleaners and Dyers RY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON X AND AUGUST AMA N-. EXETER, ORT. DOROTHY E. G A. L. C. (Honor Graduate) InStruc armony,' Theciry •t Street; , ONTARIO - Piano, Vfolin StUdio N. EXE PIANO TUNING FURNITURE Former: niah Co. •<_ in town, ordei^ left| & Son’s MusiOSto® prompt attentio FOR SALE— Sejjfhteen ■ horses ranging fro]nf|4.00j|Fo' 1.600 pounds; five to eight ‘ ” ’ trade. Frank * . • • -IT vith Heintz- I-Ieintzmau is ith S. Martin receive ,r For ONE WEEK we are offering THE NEW SLORE. Furniture and Undjftakiri£. HONOR GRA EXAMI Day, Night Phone BO MODER KINDLY & A UATE TION ONTARIO OARD unday Calls No. 99 QUIPMENt entive servicw r entire stock of >fui£iture at Huron & I Trustee Debe An authbri inves executors an Applications a ment for s- ' spied by ne itures See bur Chesterfield Suites ftoi/$100.00 up in mohayrjcov erings. CARLING & /.,„>; gMER, ORLEY 0NW B:' NT HAWI? JL il • W JErf Organist Janie? S in PHno Voc ___ _ Supervisor ofjgjsld ^ Schools Studio, MainSt^ Box F7rPhone ltl EXETER, ONT, ErnestC GENERAL loJrrtiastcr ed Church Ion in Organ Theerf BKOMM of CanadaMutual Life, Fire, Automobile, Etc.