HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-13, Page 8The family of th^Xate 1^in'es Sweet desifO ' to exmrfAs .r^ieir sincere thinks, to the^mq^y neighbors and. trends for O^Aundne^ and sym­ pathy extended during their recent bereavement. CARD OF T1IANKS 4T Mr. and Mrs wish to thank of. Comm ere sending a ers to Fitydl recei David l^wcliffe ie Exete^^Chamber rfor .th^Ttindness' in autif ^wreath of of Mr. and uisville, during rement- flow- Mrs. their Exeter Markets .Wheat ?1.1O Oats 50c, Barley 6$c. j Manitoba Flour $3.90 Blend Flour $3.75 Pastry Flour $3,05 Feed Flour $3.10 Bran $1.70 Shorts $1,75 Creamery-Butter 42c. . Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 39 c, extras %6c. firsts 24c. seconds 20 and 18c. $12.00 i THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rov, J. Bernard Rhodes, 31. A. Minister 10 a.m.—^-Sunday School •“The Straightness of the11 ami.- •Gate” 7 p.m,—“The Value of Vision” ,* O -HOUSES FOR SlALE-r-To clgse the Estate of the/Ute James McCurdy.—Jj’mjpe hou s on Simcoe St,, Exeter, wi goojfgarden plots. Will bb sold epajj&tely.. Apply to. Archie McCur^q/Kirkton, - Ont., or ^o Gladman &anbury, Exeter, Ont. 6-13- Ate. REWARD’—$ 10 yd * is“>ftered f or the^conviction of Is who destroyed evidence leading the person or the school ga/d^tfs. WANTS -^-A ‘Second-hand glass cupboard* must be cheag), App|y at Times-Advocate. ” Tr&'ctor plowing and discing, dis­ tance^ mo objftSV , torreasonable amount of work".' Apply W. Brad­ shaw^ Elimvill%« 6-3-2 tp. FOR -SALE—Yo/ng -pigs. Apply Ed. Broderick,! Lof 12, con. 2, Hay, Exeter R.R. Nor 1, phone Henshll 13 r 82. w ■ - ltc. <£ocals - ! Oranges are stiBz25c. a dozen at C. L.’ Wilson’s,4*1 .DECORATION DAY The I.O.oA al/holding their an­ nual decora|iojr day at the* Exeter cemetery on' 23 rd. ■Will ■» Sunday afternoon, June Among the names/bmitted from the half-holiday lisfe; but who are observing the half nesday throu August, are F.„ .Roulston, '"“Lawson. %. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir-Leadw Special Missionary Anniversary Rev. K. J. Beaton, B.A., Mission­ ary on furlough from China 'will speak morning and evening. You are invited to hear this gift­ ed speaker. He, has a message to tell and unusual power in proclaim­ ing it. , ~ r N.B.—Sunday School will begin at 10 - o’clock^in. the morning next Sunday. Be sure'to be on time. IRIS DISPLAY The Horticultu^il Society have arranged for a display of Iris in the window of i>MLF Beaver’s Hardware on .Saturday/ext. All persons with Iris are requested to bring in a bou­ quet. . - olid ay on Wed- Khmft June, July and g./A. Hawkins, Dr. G. Atkinson and Dr. *2tc. The annual meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute o/'South Huron Dis­ trict -will Re heUFin the basement of James Sf. United church, Exeter, on Wednesday, ^une 12 th, at 2 p.m.' is requested to send a Mrs. H. K. Eilber, pis. Sec’y., ^Fediton. Each Bfan delegat Those wishing* Alberta/ioal from the Thames Read club ; must place theV orde possible: > If no caffi'Hot be secured* ary 15tli. We ' additional order make up car lo’ad.- Sec’y. /or fall use r‘ as soon as; ased now it. til after Janu-; d also like a few rfor .chesthut to, -P^ Passmore, FERTILIZER—We have on hand ^„a.,.&upply ‘of Fertiliser /or all crops. Nelson..Stanlake, phaneK Dashwood 3.6, t 2 V 5-30-3tc. FOR SALE— A rug brick house, with- all >• modern ttmjtf,ovements.’,JAp­ ply ,to C- „B. 5-30-tfc. - FOR SALE—Number' of fams, Exeter house, Central Hotel. Block, FittojrS||^5tqre. Apply ErPickard./^ THCBSPAY, JL'.NIS 13111, W3» s Specially Priced at BW * New Summer Goods in Dress .Lengths NEW STRAW HATS FOR MEN You will want one of the hew straw hats we are showing JQ ^.00, $2.50 CHILDREN’S SHOES TOc. All sizes-from 5 to 10 1-2 o/ui Specially priced at per pair ,, .. NEW FELT HATS FOR MEN In four of the newest shades and shjapes, for ........... . * Thi$ Stpre will Closet at 12 (/clock, noon* <each Wednesday during June, July $nd August * Exceptional Values This Week we offer a Splendid Range of Men’s Suits in Fine Worsteds in Fawns, Greys and Blue Stripes $25.00 Exceptional Value HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR . For men ai)^ boys. You will like hjje no-button kirn OYS’ 75c. MEN’S $1.25 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 7 . Rev. C. J, Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston a.m.—-Church School. Our motto is: • “All the church in the school and all the school in the church,” 11 a.m.—A Character Study: “Con­ versions, Ancient and Mode'rh.’” p.m.—Rev,. E. -E. -Lloyd, of Graii- tqn will preaoh. Mr. Lloyd is a talented speaker and -we will be ■gladrto have our friends hear. him. MEN’S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND . DRAWERS Penman’sSSnhke. This is a regular 59 7oc. line. I^hcecl at per garment .... • 10 New China and Dinnerware f|r Jiine Brides. We have just opened a Beautiful Rai^e of China and Cut Glass Any piece will make a lonely gift. r” New Dinnerware Mr. Harold Wood, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W". Ryckman motor­ ed to Toronto and visited Mrs. Ryck- man’s sister last week. Mr. and 'Mrs. W- J- .Ford, of Ste­ phen, visited Mr. Chas. Ford at 'St.j Joseph's Hospital, on. Sunday. Mr Melvin Sams, and friend, of Windsor, spent''the week-end at the^ home of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims. A real good business float adds prestige' to your business. Good prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tuckey and son, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. George Maw,son. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Coultis apd Mr. and Mrs. Chester Coultis and 'family, of Toronto, visited relatives in Exeter ori Sunday.* Rev. C. J- and Mrs. Moorhouse were in St. Thomas Tuesday attend­ ing .the.graduation exercises o.f their daughter Miss Ruth Moorhouse. ■ On Sunday next Rev. C. J.' Moor­ house will' preach at the Anniversary services; of: the Wesley appointment on the Granton pastoral charge. Mr. and Mrs. J*anfes Hardy and family, of-Listowel spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Terry. Mrs. Hardy-is a neice of Mrs. Terry’s. Mr. Clifford Blanchard, of Frank­ enmuth, Mich., motOred ovei’ and Visited'a few days'Last week .at the home of Mr. and Mrs-. K. J. Sims. ’ Mr,. Edgar LOwry; of Toronto ancl Mr,. Fred Lowry, of'Kitchener, spent Several'days last week with their par-' en.ts,- Mri and and Mrs. E. G. Lowry.’ Rey. L. C. Harvey, M.A., pastor; of the United church at Courtland, has been appointed to the pastorate at ■ Sydenham St. United church, ‘Brantford, '■ . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coates and Mr. ■and Mrs. Josiah Kestle motoredi to Hamilton on Saturday. They Will spend' the week visiting in -Hamil­ ton and Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates and son Frank arid Mrs. M. SheOre, mo­ tored to Toronto last week. They Have been visiting for several days With relatives. f Let’s all help-/lie committee to J make this a veal successful parade ^ipn July the 1\/, at "Exeter. ** Mr. Harry Fuke, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff at Timmins, spent last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. E*. Fuke and is spending part of this week in Toronto. Master John McTavish, who re­ cently underwent an operation for mastoid trouble at St. Joseph’s Hos- ■pital, Londbn, returned* home Mon­ day and is able to be around again. Mr. Harry Carey who has been barbering with Mr. E. £). Harness, left .Tuesday for Point Edward, where he has taken < a position with .Mr. Czar [Harness. „• Mr, DaviA Wright, of Dresden, ac­ companied by Mrs. Will. Wright and Mrs. J.’ Fitzsinipions, of Thorndale, motored over and spent Saturday and. Sunday with their cous'in, Mr. Stephen Powell.. Dr. and Mrs. J. W» Harrison, Of Detroit, motored over and spent tile wbek-end with relatives here.J,J They were accompanied back to Detroit by Mrs. J. G< Jones, Mi’s. E. Coultis aiid Mrs. A. Francis. Members of the Caven Presbyter­ ian churcli held a bee on Monday and levelled up the grounds south of the church for the parking of autos. Many loads of gravel were drawn to till ,up the depression.. Messrs. T. O. Southcott and Nel­ son SJieore motored to Brantford for the week-end. Mrs,. Southcott, who. has been reouperhtiiig Tro'ni’ her re* cent operation in Toronto is now visiting with hev sister Mrs. Hutton in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs.- Robert Kimble- and Miss T, Hamilton/ of Detroit; Mrs. . E. Francis and daughter Miss L. Francis and ’XHssi 'Muriel' Francis apd Mr. and Mrs. A. M Hodgert and family, of London, visited on Sunday with Miss J. JEIodgert. Mr. ..Clifford IT. McAvoy, of Wing­ ham and his mother Mrs, M< McAvoy, Annie L, sanders and Mrs. W<; •1&- Cole left Sunday tor a tow days visit in Windsor While there they will attend the Druggists' Conven- 5-C-2tCitIon convening in that city« to Lee ! R. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders wll be received the undersigned until Thursday, June 20'th for the wrecking cn the school house at S. S,, No. l^Stephen, and for the erection of Jr' new building. Tenders will lie received for the en­ tire work or dei^rately. Lowest or any tenders ndtjrecessarily accepted.‘ Plans and spifgifications are in the 3ja|ids«-Q£.Ahje.Jeca:Qtai^rxWoyd Hodg­ son, R. R. No.' 2, Centralia. 7 t»' TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones. Rector- 3rd Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Holy Communion -Sunday School. —Matins and Sermon -Evensong and Sermon Rev/F. M., Parker, B.A., Hehsall, 8 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m.- 1 STRAWBERRY FES#V4L Strawberry festival.under the.-din-; spices of th(^~W$fiien*s ’’Association' of Main St. .pnlted church on July the 4th. Resave the date. , • Don’t forget'Vie’^imm^r Carnival on the Trivi-tt-^lOmorihl Lawn on Wednesday, Jui^/19th.; ’ ", Choice dafa’y gutter for _sal? Ut Southcott Brog/ *’ 'eatre:<? ’ »■ *fome by HOGARTH BABY CHICK RY FOR S ALE to supply baby breeds: Barred •ns^Biack Alin- ttes and 'Ancon- atches Monday une 29th. ING jiis table •\ 79c V WELDREST SILK HOSIERY This full fashioned hose comes- in 11] the newest shades. It is our regular $1.,Saline. It is specially priced this week at per pair .............................................. ‘ • T k > • We are affso showing a fine range of NEW PLAUEN LACE S All pieces to make luncheon, bnf- fetjhnd. vanity'sets. These make beautiful .gifts. . '• A ! CHUDREN’S SHOES 98c. # Look over the shoe,s on this table. Vaio high as $2.66. . ’ ^SPECIALLY PRICED FOR . -L--- - -" Another shipment of New Materials for Summer Dresses; in figured Wemsheen and Mitachene have been placed in stocX- Just “the thing for that cool summer dress. ' ’' ■ ” TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY) • TOM MIX and Wit - — in — f Get you? c^r decorated for Do­ minion DaV Celebration. * There are ^ome good prizes. • ■< We have now in stock a complete line of SHOTS” li ‘The Last of the STORY BY ZANE COMEDY — “CAJJD YOuB with Al St. Johft FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Jpne 14tli and loth HATC BABY CHICK! We are now abl chicks of the Variou J&dcks, White- Legh ‘orcas; WhitO Wyand as on short notice, and Thursday until FEED Our* supply', of feed .complete tliltai. ever •’ in Chick Starlgr," GrO Feed, Lay Mas Meal, Alfalfa W, Grit, Condensed B he promptly filled. *. ” ^’~WtttRY CD It.is hiQ.w time to? liBve the cull hqns ..ejinimated from’‘your flock. Our charge is $2.00 per i.0Q liens. We afe cash buyers of poultry. Call us when you have poultry to sell. SALT PLANTfor SALE I COLLEEN 5. .. COMEDY —..“Y^J’L ------..... COLLEEN MOORE in the-Great Broadway;; musical Comi$y hit BE SORRY” There’s a Big Stock REDUCTION SALE Going on DAILY at tliis store Many lines going at ar^S below the Cost price. Just think of Silk Hose, Cotton Hose, Dinrigrsets, £ is, Phono­ graphs. Somebody i Sil save; you come. 1 TRY OUR IQE CRE8LM AND COLD Ipn: TRY OUR D&N SUBSTITUTES Variety Store ? i STRAW HATS SAILORS AND PANAMAS Come iri and look ffier our > Athletic Un&erwear ew 2-'piece Styles i4Liii . ...........-I,' i ■ Agent for Jackson’s, Dry, Cleaners and'‘Dyers in the are now more Id your nefeds -MaSh, Chick -Mfeftl, Bohe yster Shell, ilk, etc. can June aist^aii A 'Mammoth Molij^ will ring down through the ages pf .time as an outstanding achievement in the history of the screen. 2 years in the making of a 2 million, dollar production. Uncle Toni’s Cabin 22(11(1 ; - Picture that Powell’s PHONES: 55 and 12& SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED |any make) SINGLE EDGE ...J........................ DOUBLE EDGE1 J.....................j.... rerfect EdW Guaranteed W. S. COlW DRUGGIST Sc 4c ■< jOwirig'; to fire loss. If buildings, property Of. Exeter Salts Works Co. Ltd., Exeter, the remainder of pro­ perty 'undamaged by fft’e is offered. XoJ* salo. H ..Three acres, of land; id joining the CNR Willi siding facilii es. w - j,Oh this property is : ;teel salt pah ■fo't evaporating brine, >uilt on brick ■waUs^itltjebal furnaci i. ^LargSfesteel brine to ik. moke stafk. ;dp with com- s. Con ere •Salt well^250 febt di pumping ecjuitiidoht as well as ir^u pulleys,, simfting ; trihere is. also iwgd co. With- weigh sqjties.j Bultuhle buildin cist be erected sSt, htoderate cost toother, with nee- essary .pumphig ' Product of Allis epljtht has beeii Web apd fatcirtthiy ftthn the ^iarltime, FfovfneeA to Alberta for many y^ara, as. wdi ms hpfim trade. * Supply-of rock, salt is pVac- tically-< inexhaustible, For farther punthulays of this profitable busluesg apply Mt. G. RziNSFDtRD, fetor, , r dnd sundries, i. ntortaWc on­ • c* £ THIS STORE WILL fcLOSE J^VERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING 1 JUNE/JULY AND AUGUST ; W. T A M A N> PHONE 81w . , EXETER, ONT. DOROTHY E. .GRASSICK a. l. chi. : (Honor Graduate) . liSstri - ' - -1 ondon England i in Piano, Violin^ L|armony, Theory Studio N. Street, Box .160, EXETER, ONTARIO FURNITURE .. ■■■ ■. .............. »..... - ...a< ■ ----fc. -■ .-A ■ ■ ... FOR ranging five to trade. ' SAL from eigh Fran 1400 Taylor. horses pounds; Sell or 4-4-tfc, 9"- THE NEW STORE Furniture ajidU Undertaking V HONOR\GRADU E OF ONTARIO e: Day, CLOTHING, UND(rWEAC'TIES, COLLARS, SHI * CAPS, SOC SHOES, RUNNI The entire jitock mpst b T. H AND GENERAL FURNIS A SUNDRIESG BOOTS, RUBBERS eared out in eabouts For ONE WEEK we are offering lur entire stock of furniture at SPECIAL PRICES. MINAflON BOARD d Sunday Calls. tore No. 99 ' oppm EQUIPMENT kindly ^Attentive service STAND T SOME f)F THE BARGAINS Three boots North of Post Office OPEN E^ERY NIGHT » • '■ ,T ; a t . See our Cnesterfield Suites f>,m$r00.09Op m monairj co wrings* ' ■ X I ' R. N. ROWE A. Organist and otrmaetev Janio& St, Unitod Church xtt Piano Voca Stfpetvlepr of Studio, Main St 1HXK n in rgnti Thc«m m School* ox 57, Phone 111 ft. ONT. arvey Nca broKIeB ting Mutual Life lof Canada Life, Fire, Ernest C. GENERAL INSUR Represe mobile, Etc*