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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-13, Page 6
•THVRSUAY, JINK 13111. 10S9 I fla < Professional Cards 3uoaa e Milo Snell, Exeter EXETER GET THE FACTS Mr. Mr. is to 'tors Mr. G. H. Elliott, the well-known auctioneer and insurance agent, of Clinton, leaves June 17th for a-five day holiday to be spent at the Royal Muskoka Hotel in Muskoka, as a guest of the Canada Life Insurance Company. Mr. Elliott sold1 over $100,000 worth of Insurance for-this company last year. dinq OLE! PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA LIMITED! . .DR. WM. L. &AWSON L. D. S. |D. D. S. DENTIST Office in Ohl Cefeniercial Buildiifgf,, Main St., Exeter. riione 77w.* Dr. G. F., Roulston, Ld5.S.,D.D.S« DENTISy Office over Ca^liife & Morley Law O/fice .EXETER, ONT.’ in%ddition, the s font-wheel brakes Let youg Chevrolet Telephones i House 34J cnce for six-cyli without going o of the four. And the Outst more. It prov thentic styling of Fisher, finished in Iaffords you the op dulge your prefer er performance • ide the price-range ing Chevrolet docs the distinctive au- g, roomy Bodies by he season’s smartest a completeness and ents in keeping with And it gives you, jety of sure, smooth easy-riding com- scially - designed shoc^absorber sprigs and the depend* for which Chevro- ed. dealer arrange a and learn what and drive a six. cis-e-2#c olorings. It offe ality of appoint nstrationii r THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE District News The Seaforth Bowling Club building a new club house this sea son. Clinton has decided to loan their new chemical fire truck to nearby townships in case of fire. Included in the supplementary es timates tabled in the Ottawa House is Port Stanley Harbour $30,000 and Kincardine harbor repairs and im provements $1,200, The engagement is announced of Grace Christina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Houghton, to Francis william Stagg, of Hibbert, the mar riage to take place in June, Messrs. James Sweet and M. H. Orme, publishers of the Lucan News went to Exeter for the Barnett Bros. Circus and Trained Animal Show last Thrusday.—Lucan News. Mrs. S. Roach and grand daughter Miss Lorna Roach, spent the week end in Exeter as guests -with Mrs. H. Horton. They returned on Monday evening.—Dungannon news in Gode rich Star. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IXobert Ashton, Gorrie, when their daghter, Margaret Evelyn, was united in marriage to Mr. William Strangway, of Sarnia. The engagment is announced of Olive Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Borth, of Mitchell, to Mr. Thos. Warden McKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKenzie, of London, the marriage to take place the middle of June. Messrs. Ernie Harlick and Stanley Walter, employees of the Lucan Branch of the Bank of Montreal, spent the week-end1 out of town. Mr. Harlick visiting in Kitchener and Mr. Walter visiting at his home in Exeter.— Lucan News. Th© sudden death of Hugh John Blake, occurred at liis late residence in Ashfield Township recently. The late Mr. Blake was born in Ashfield and1 resided there the greater part of his life. He is srvived by his be reaved widow,' two daughters and two sons. Mr. and Mrs, James Armstrong, of Brussels, celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary recently. There were ten children two of whom are deceased and others all being pres ent. After the wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were presented with a purse of gold and a basket of 5 0 roses. ‘ It was inevitable that such a beautiful car as the new Willys-. Knight "7O-B” should step quickly into preferred place in public favor. Each mouth we are building more Knight-engined cars than ever were built in any preceding month. Here is a car whose high-powered, quick-accelerating motor is simplicity itself. 118 to 158 less parte than any other automobile engine. Just two metal sleeves in each cylinder slidingup and down, one within the other, in a film of oil—that is all. with no carbon troubles, no valves to be ground, no springs to weaken, the new Willys-Knight engine cuts upkeep costa m two. Your nearest Willys-Knight dealer will gladly give you a demonstration ^FINGER-TIP CONTROL” < One button’iA center oT dohtrM* S^rter;-’isht8«nd horn, Simple de>ign, e«sy-<jper- Nd Wire*' steer-' ittg poet 5 WILLYS ; ITT 1. B. DOYLE, EXETER COACH $1420 Sedan 11545; Coupe 11420; Roadster <1420; Touring 11325. Willys-Knight 5(>-A Coach $1220; Sedan 11345. Prices F.O.B, Factory Toronto, taxes extra. transform your Homf IVJE away your dangerous lumps am vT that add their share to the burdei toil. Banish the menace of ope? Instead, with Delco-Light, Hood your farm with safe, bright electric light. The cost of bringing Delco-Liglit advaita your home is Iotv — and the General v payment terms easier still. Let me giv< demonstration. DELCO-LIGHT SALES AND SERVICE CAMPBELL & HUTTON, Box No. 1, KOMOKA, ONT. EXETER, ONT.ARTHUR JONES, GALVANIZED SHINGLES for the Roof Handsome, fireproof, last the life of the building. Use no other. Got prices GALVANIZED SIDING for Outside Sxrtrr Sintni-Abunratr Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning, at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year in ■advance. RATES- sale 5Op. each four insertions, quent insertion, deles, Tp Rent, Found 10c. per Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. •Farm or Real Estate for insertion for fire* 25 c. each subse- Mlscellaneous ar- Wanted, Lost, line of six word*. 10c. per line, 50c. Legal ad- 8c. per line. In one verse 50c, each. GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. Money to JLoan ^/Investments Made. Insurance Safe-Depo^jtwajilt for use of our Clien^Twithout charge EXETER LONDON TIENS AT,T; EL CEILINGS •, Halls, Stores, Kitchens, etc. [L — FIREPROOF GNOMICAL |& Jay. Mgjny handsome fasy. to handle. Nailed Ir old plaster. No dust m muss and litter. Easy aBd paint -•s-G'et the and save your-money See your local tinsmilhor carpenter. For School k Hotels, seautif Walls’ Choice of Brick,Rock-face or Clap-board patterns. Good looking, weather-proof. Eaa^ VES to paint. Easy to put on. Fire threatened the shoe store of Mr. J. Ready, of St. Marys, on June the 3rd. The 'blaze which had start ed on the roof at the back of the store was first noticed by one of the clerks who turned in the alarm at 12 o’cloCk. ,. Tlie fire w.as quickly put out without much damage to the shoe stock except from water, -The origin of the fire is a mystery. There passed away in London, Donald .McMillan, young son of and (Mrs. Thomas McMillan, former ly of Blyth. He was twelve . years old and was sick, only a short time finally succumbing to spinal menin gitis. The remains were taken to St. Andrew’s Union 'Church, Blyth, where Rev. G. Weir conducted the service interment in the Blyth ceme tery. After a short illness there passed away in Goderich, Mi’s. Hugh 'M’cll- wain, in her sixty-first year. De ceased was born in Goderich town ship where she resided until last fall when she moved to town. She is survived1 by her husband, three sons and two daughters, Mrs. Theron Bettier, of Seaforth; Mrs. Henry Mc- Clinchey, of Zurich; Robert, of Gode rich Township .and George and Sam at home. . • Angus C. Wood, late customs col lector and former newspaper editor, died June 6th at his home in St. Marys after a long illness. In 1899 he sold his interests in the Leaming ton News and took over the man agership of the St. Marys Journal for J. W. Eedy. Six years later he pur chased the St. Marys Argus,- which he conducted until 1911, when he accepted the position of customs in spector, which position he -held un til April of this year. His wife pre deceased him two years .ago. By the,, final draft of changes in the/London Conference, Rev. Mr. Parr, /of Victoria Street .United church/Goderich goes to Hyatt Ave. Church, invnited pervlilo, Rev. J, gannpn, Mission Of;Atwood, goes to Dungannon. Rev. E. S. .HisCocks, of Crediton, goes to Camaloqhie and Rev. H. AV, Hazel- stein, of 4 |nwood, to Crediton. » 'Mr. John Stewart' died suddenly, at the home of Mr, W, R. Plant, C.N/ R. station agent, in Seaforth. Mi", Stewart had come up from London in |ho fhorning and spent the day around the town retiring' iri appar ently excellent health, . When Mr.- P’lant got up the next morning he found him at tho foot of thejstalrs, life bding 'extinct. Mr, Stewart- was born in Oxford County 67 years ago, he spent some years in Clinton, be fore going to Seaforth, In 191.6 hh enlisted with the 161st Battalion, A military funeral was held from the I home of Mr, W. R. Plant, ' London, to which he was Rev. G. W. Butt; of. Tup- , to Victoria St., Goderich, A; Walker, who was at Dun- is preparing to return to the Field and Rev. G. C. Kains, CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTER^, SOLICITORS, &e. LOANS, |NVES^MENTS, ' INSURANCE ’ Office: Carling Block, .Main Street, EXETER, ONT. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Facu^fy of Medicine,. University oft, Western Ontario, Mem ber of the Cd^lege^of; JgJiysigiang.antf Surgeons of nta/io; Member of the British Medical Council. Phono 6 —office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Zurich Mr. Calvin Williams, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King and daughter, of Buffalo, visited recent ly with the former’s brother and sis ter the Williams family. Rev. W. Y. Drier, pastor of Eman uel Evangelical church, Zurich, as sisted Rev. K. Gretzenger, of Port Elgin, in Evangelistic services '(lur ing the'past week. Mr. and Mrs. O'. O. Smith (and two sons; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mae, attended the funeral. of their uncle, the late Jacob Thiel, at New Hamburg. Messrs. Clayton and Clarence Hoff man, of Galt, were Sunday visitors at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich vis ited recently in Kitchener, Baden and New Hamburg. Mrs. C. Price, who'*'has been foi* some time in Detroit, hag returned to Zurich where ’she will spend the summer months. Mr. John. Decker, Sr., has return ed from a pleasant visit with rela tives at New Hamburg, Baden and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Haist have mov ed their household effects into their new home they recently purchased Trom Mr. J, E. Gascho. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.JJ.,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON * ’ Late District Dental Office/ of Militle •District Numbe^ One. Landon, Ont. Office 34w Oft’ige closed We&nes$ay afternoon until next iD^embei* MAIN ST., EXJ ER, ONT. - — DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Onta/io Veterinary <Wg DAY'Afrh IGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Corner of Main and Ann Streets' Office in C. B. Snell’s Block EXETER, ONT. ter. If you’re similar ills— Herbs Those S Bronchia • 0 * Gallagher's I Remedy comes the Heart o Don’t be miserable all V subjocKt.o -Bronchitis' .....____ _J apt to pK^t-up a nasty flinging cold or cough, ‘ ■ - - - Gallag I I __—o _.„.ucuy. It is composc\solely of liealihg herbs. A natural reme' PerfLt for killing off a nasty coug r ailment. A genuinXblobdlpnricher and body builder. This ;_ Gallagher Herbal Hou^jolV1 Remedies now for sale by Browning’s Drug Store, Exeter A.W. E. Hemphill, Phm.B., Hensall Tubes ian Lung right from future > now taking r ?°Mlor bronchial her reliable t.30 CSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUA1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY .Head Of flee,, Earquhiir, Ont. President'"SlMON DOW Vice-Pres. FRANK McCONNELL directoHM ANGUS SINCLAIR, J.^, ROBT.ORRIS,’ W, agent/ ALLISON, BROCK John ess Y, Centralia, _ Usbo|pe arid jMddtilpfi OLIVER HARRIS, Agent for ----------- unro, Agent to Hibbert,ullartfn and Logan Secretaty^Treasurer Bex 98, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, firmer NBCLL JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO-THJ^RAFI’ & ULTRA VIOLET trfXtments PHQ1$ 70 MAIN ST., ARTHUR WEKER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron piul Middlesex FARM SALES A/SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE * SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , Phone 07-13 Dashwood . R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR . LICENSEDAUCTIONEER ., For Huron afi'd Middlesex v, . FARM; SALES^A ^SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction . GMranteed ■"EXETER O. or RING 138 OSCAR KLOf»P . LICENSED AUCT0NEE.H flQiipr Gradu; don Scliooi. i _ in Registered Li1 _ _____,v.„. Merchandise, Estate, __ __ Sales, Etc. Ratb^T in keeping wltlt prevailing' prices*. Satisfaction it's suted, write Oscar Klopp, Zurfeb or phons’ 18-93, Zurich, Ont. na|e Ca^y Jones’ Auc- Sppcia]^ course taken ivp Stock .(all breedsx The London Life ppuicnl v j kxe Residence, , IS AS/pOOD AS GOLD V. C#PEARCE |er./Phone 13 0w Mtn St., two blocks fft Main St