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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-13, Page 5
of Exeter, in by the LUMLEY CENTRALIA for NOTICE Of Com- KIRKTON few in a so- ELIMVILLE last the her place MT. CARMEL of and daughters Limerick, church Sunday this and and have one hundred • niehibers Name Society from here the Holy Name Rally held . and Mrs. Wm. McKenna and Katherine Sells, of London, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Silas Shier. C- A. Campbell, spent-a Toronto this week. Horton Bryn, of St. Catlier Mrs. Ed There are 112 miles of thread .in a pair of ladles’ silk hdse-Miifd^fh^ few blocks of talking* \ e pleased to any ,e his nee wil/contract the opeij- to 15 finished., and' was seeded . Much credit is due Mr. Walter Hazlewood and Mr. David Hazlewood, These cars A 1 condition, ready for t ave 1929 license anti pre XETEIt on Chrysler Cars Gas. and OilTires and Tubes 114 and chil- HENSALL to the young couple. THAMES ROAD her dVll * J? 1 til tlx XiCLlAlUlljj U1 Xia-IUlUUllf is spending a few days at his home cd Sunday at his home here. Rev. hr ills held1 on 'Tuesday the for host best Bay nil am at Grand of S. meet' ev- W. Sun- Thd acuity of r Science, of dollars was 'received. Livingstone were and Mrs. H. Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Keyes Mr, J. Lockner, of London, visit- Jas. Gardiner, of Kirkton, visitor with her brother Mr. week. Virginia, Granton, home of Anniversary Service in the United Church PASSMORE’S GARAGE CHRYSLER SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 31 — Hensall, Ont. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 21st at 8:15 p. in. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. 1rr;.11 ............sm They rendered Eugene Beaver Adileen Gaiser who also had Auto Accessories —< DR. J.\A. McT/GGART, L. D. S, Specializin in Plate Work ftENfALL, ONT. Telephone 1\ Main Street | of the bride’s parents, when a of friends gathered to extend . wishes Piano and Violin Recital by pupils of MISS GRETA LAMMIE, A. T. C. M. in the Town Hall, Hensall — on — THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JUNE IStJb 1Q29 DASHWOOD Dr. H. Hr Cowen, L. D.D.S. DENTAL SU ION . At office ^n Har We wish to announce that we are opening a SERVICE DEPARTMENT in connection with our garage on Main St. where we will do repair work on all makes of cars. Mr. Lloyd Passmore, who has recently completed an automobile mechanic’s course at Toronto, will be in charge of this new 'department and you are assured a first class job on your car. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DR. R. I. P. DOUGALL Honor graduate p£ Medicine, and Master the University of Webern- Ontario. Member of« College/o£ Physicians and Surgeons of- two doors ea\t of iSs: l’hone 5G ntario. Office ost Offjce. , ONT. Residence vice-president, very ably presided over the meeting. Mrs. S. Munn and several of the members read very in teresting leaflets on Temperance and this was followed by a pleasing solo by Mrs.^ Hedden, accompanied by Miss E. Fisher on the piano. The topic, “The Missions of Christianity’’ was very ably taken by Mrs, Agnes McDonald. The anniversary service was held in the United Church on Sunday, the Rev. Mr. McL. Smith, a former pas tor of .the church, preached to a very large congregations both morning and evening. At the morning ser vice Mr. Goodwin and M'i^. Glia pin an sang a duet which was g'r^fiy--a-p-’- preciated by all present. Mr. Sam. Rennie sang a solo. In the evening special music was given by the choir. .Miss Greta. Lammie gave a very pleasing .violin selection. ib Block, Dash wood, first jthre< ays of week and at office Qjer Jt)ie Post Office, in Zurich, las|^hree days of week, Mr. and Mrs.’ D, Pfaff, of Sarnia, spent the week-end. with friends, Mrs. Wm Stade is spending a few days with her sister in St Thomas. Mr. Splomon Betchen, of London, spent the week-end with relatives in town, Mrs. D. Tieman is on the sick list We- hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Schaerer, of Detroit, is visit ing her sistex' Mrs. Gill. Mrs. Sellery, of Seaforth, is spend ing a few days with hex’ sister Mrs. Wolfe, Mr. Czax’ Steinhagen, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen. Mrs Gill visited hex* sister Mrs. Heidenxan in Exeter on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, E. Tieman, Mx’ and Mrs. A. Tienxaxx and Mrs, Ireland spent Monday in Stratford. On Tuesday, J’une 18th the Evan gelical Lutheran Sunday School will hold its annual picnic on the church grounds, and supper to 7 p.m. attendance. Mr. and Marie, of Pontiac, Mich,, ors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schlund. While here they motored to Niagara Falls -being accompanied by Mrs. Fx?ed Schlund. Sports in the afternoon served from five o’clock The Dashwood band in Everybody come. Mrs. Schlund, Earl and were visit- GRAND BEND Mr. Abner Mollard, of Sarnia, has moved into J. H. Holt’s new house for the summer. We welcome them to our burg. What might have been a bad ac cident happened when Mr. Roy Holt’s team ran away with the disc, A young boy was dTiv.ing the team at the time but fortunately ed to jump off, One of was severely cut and will for some time. Mrs. Venetta Mollard, spent th© week-end with Miss Emma Mollard. A very large -crowd was at the Sunday evening service to hear Rev. J. M. Colling answer the question} drawer. | The community in general were pleased to know that Rev. J. M, Coll ing is remaining for the fourth year. ' The exchange of Greenway and Grand Bend choirs was a splendid success for Sunday last. Mr. Dave Sturgeon was in Water loo on Sunday. The camp grounds boasts of three very fine and large cottages being |- built this summer and are well on their way, by Mr. Chas. Zwicker, -of Crediton, Mr. Wm. Bender, of De troit and Mr. Jackson, of’London. The Lambton county have finish ed the new asphalt road across the bride. Why not Huron try a piece of road also. Mr. and Mrs. Walter England spent -the week-end at Mr. Wilbur Young’s of Greenway. Be sure and keep June 19th mind- and come with the crowd. There will be a the pupils of Miss ip the basement of United chrch on June 21st at 8 p.m. come. he manag- the horses be laid up piano recital Nola Desjardino the Grand Bend Friday evening, Everybdy wel- Silver collection. Ford Dealer s UseaCars PARKER—NORRIS A very pretty .Tune wedding was solemnized at the manse of the Unit ed Church, Hensall, when Rev. A. , Sinclair united in marriage Eva Mr. Wm. North, of Pontiac, Mich., Ismena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. was in town Sunday visiting friends. Hugh Norris, of Hibbert, to William Mr. Fred Stacey, Mr. Wm. .Simp- George Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. son spent the week-end visiting rel- Enoch Parker. 'The bride looked atives here. ’ | charming in a gown of flower crepe Our council has put on a quantity georgette, with, satin slippers- and of calcium chloride on. the roads as hat to match, and carried a bouquet o -r.->.nvOnfaH-u-o • j 0£ eamations and maiden hair fern, few The bridesmaid was Miss Margaret Mrs. Norris, R. N., of Stratford, sister, of I the bride, who wore a -black and Mrs. white ensemble with -hat and shoes see to match. Harry Norris, cousin of them again and their visit was much the bride, was groomsman. The bride- enjoyed. I groom’s gift to the bride was a pen- The students-of the^ first and se-( dant to the bridesmaid, a silver salt cond forms of the continuation , and pepper set, and to the grooms- ...—. a pipe. Following the cere- I mony, Mr. and-' Mrs. Parker left by a dust preventative. Mrs. S. Stacey visited for a days last week with her sister Wm. Jarrott, of Hillsgreen. The many friends of Rev. and McL. Smith were pleased to cond forms of the ( -s- . school are writing on their examina-' man, • . lions this week. ' I___................. Miss Lula McDonald, of London, motor for Stratford for a short lion- . 13 spending a couple of weeks at the eymoon. On their return a recept- home of her parents, Mr. andi M’rs. ’ ion was held for them at the home J. R. McDonald. ' | Mrs. Bertram North, who has spent the last two weeks visiting friend's in town returned to her home , in Woodstock, Sunday. „ Miss Nellie Carmichael held an auction sale of her household effects on Saturday afternoon. The sale was well attended and realized good. prices.Mr. Wm. Hildebrandt; who re-' Mrs. was a I Dave Brown on Friday. I Mr. Alex Hackney is attending the cently sold’his house to Mr. George assizes at Stratford this week as a - - juryman. Quite a number from here attend ed Roy’s Church on Sunday it being anniversary services there. Mrs. Fulton and Miss, Lulu, of Stratford, called on Mr. and Mrs.’W. Pollen, Sunday. Will is doing quite nicely again, we are glad to say. Miss Hazel Hackney, of the Sea forth Hospital, is holidaying at home here. Hess, moved his family to London Monday where he has secured a good ^position. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'McNeil, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Higgins and daughter Fer rol, of Clinton and Mrs. Jos. Haw kins, of Exeter, visited friends ' in ■ _jtown on Sunday. Miss Mhrgaref Murray, R.N., form erly -of New York, but now of Lon don, is the guest at the home of Mr. G. J. Sutherland and sister, Miss Hattie f-or a few days. The ladies of Cliiselhurst United church will serve a strawberry sup per in .the basement of the church on Thursday evening, June 27 th. Further particulars next week. Miss Nellie .Boyle, nurse.-i-n.-train-_ Jng at- Victoria Hospital, London,? who- Is on her holidays this week, oyer left for a visit to Toronto, accom- panied by her mother Tuesday even-! ing- Mr. Andrew Buchanan, who re-1 icently purchased Mr. SHIPKA Don’t forget the Strawberry fes tival to be held on June the 2 6 th at the United church. A good program is being prepared. Miss Lewis, of Creditor/ Visited *- the week-end with Miss V. Moore. Mr. Wm. Sweitzer attended Coun ty Council in Goderich last Miss Lydia .Sherritt, of •cently purchased Mr. Thos. Drum-'and Mrs. J. Sherritt, of inond's home on Richmond Street is visited Wednesday at the this week moving into the village.. " ’ ” ■ J zrrfi* Frank Hedden, of Hamilton, * liere. . .Hensall Canaries played a very ex citing -baseball game with Seaforth Junior’s in Seaforth on Thursday ev-, ening. The game was very thrilling from start to finish, resulting in a «core of 11-5 in favor of Hensall. | Mr. John Bean/ who has been working for some time in, a London bakery hq.d the misfortune last Week to get his hand caught ih a machine, ihadly crushing it. Mr. Bean is at iiis home here nursing a badly ed hand. The Libetai-tvnsei'Vatives Huron Will hold their anhual Jug In the Town Hall, Hensall on TV^Snesd'ay afternoon, June 26th. Several prominent speakers will be in attendance. Officers will be ete-Ct-' ed for tlie Coming year and other . Well .received. , *. htisiness Will' be: transacted. ‘ |/; MK L Par^^^ The-’W.lVtS, of ' the’ United church, cion iiii'd li, Millson, of .Landon^ lield tlieif reguiaV"monthly, meeting’ spent Sunday liere. on Thursday V/1 th a/fine attendance 1 , A num.be,if irpm Exeter, St Marys ■»ot members. - Mi's; A; siliieiali’, tts the and .Graiiton silent Sunday here. ZION Zion Anniversary services on “ day were a“ great success. church was filled, and many Were unable to gain admittance. Mr. Lfviiigstoiie, of Guilds, preached excellent sermons morning and ev ening, Fifty-dollars was asked for and sixty-five Mr,.and Mrs. guests of Mr, the day, The supper ening under the auspices of the M.S. was a grand success the pro ceeds amounting to $116.00, The United church choir, of St. Marys putting oiL the program which was > VTCfl ;<l VKjCrved, . . ,|. AiL, J. RarkinsoUhiaud.-wlfe., of Lon-, CREDITON /Miss Claja ^Lewis .spent Sunday witli’TWiss Virginia Moore in Shipka. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and family spent Sunday Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sims dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Baird in Grand Bend. Mr. Thomas Appleton, of Exeter and granddaughter Ila, 'of Hensail, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Pace and family, of London, spent Sun'day with Mr. and 'M’rs. Alonzo Hedden. MT. and Mrs. Ike Gower and dau ghter Alma, of Woodham, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bul lock, lMiss -Helen Mclsaac, of London; Messrs. Lester Mclsaac and Elgin Woodall, of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown and1 daughters Kathleen and Mrs. Muriel Drummond and daughter Ruth’spent Sunday with Mrs. Chris. Hoffman and family. Strawberry Festival to be given by the Evangelical*Ladies' Aid on the church lawn on the evening of July 5th. Interesting program will be provided. - The home of iMT. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber; manifested considerable ac tivity over the week-end. Several of their ^sons and daughters- paid their parents a few days’ visit. Mr. Art Holtzmann, of Chicago and Miss Vera Holtzmann, of Cleve land, spent the week-end at their parent’s home, Crediton. Many friend's are always ready to greet these familiar faces and welcome them in our church circles. Both returned to their professions Tues day morning. The strawberry supper served in the basement of the United Church on Thursday evening last was a huge success. An elaborate supper was laid with an abundance of berries and cream. This supper has become an annual affair,, and is increasing- in popularity, as evidenced by the increased attendance this year. Fol lowing the supper the Listowel Con cert Company rendered a. very fine program consisting of choruses, quar- ettes, ti;ios, duetts and solos, inter spersed with readings, all of which were well received. The proceeds of the evening amounted to about $175.00. Mr. and Mrs. Russell ’ Clarke, of Detroit, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke. Children’s Day Festivity at the Evangelical church brought out in terested audiences. The junior choir at the morning service supptirted well the entire devotion, two choruses and sang a Splo. Miss was their trainei’ charge of other musical selections throughout the evening's program. Six hand piano selection also attract ed considerable attention (Evelyn Sippell, Elva Wuertli and Eugene Beaver). The flower committee with Mrs. Albert Wolfe as convenor brought in a beautiful array of blooming house plants and great sprays of other flowers all artisical* ly arranged. The orchestra opened the evening’s program with an over ture, the choir rendered an inspiring anthem, the male chorus sang a memorial hnd the program by the beginners, primaries and juniors Was df the usual stamp With mUny specially- interesting pfodtiClidns;; The committee gave much time and effort towards its completion'. The following was its personal: Miss ‘C; MOrlbdk, Miss Clara Oest^lcher, Miss Rtyb# Finlcbeiner, Miss Alya Smith and pther assistants. The pastor and Mr. Art Ahiy the acting suMei'ihieu* dent hereby expTb^ h$£trt^, 'approba tion tp these wil^lfe‘4zoi'kof'S Rev. Andrew Boa accompanied by his wife and little baby daughter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brint- nell on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen and family accompanied by the former’s mother motored to Tharnes- ford on Sunday last and, visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bartlett. M'r. D. Brintnell purchased a new Oldsmobile car last week from J. & C. McDonell, Hensail.* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn and family visited friends in Brussels on Sun'day last. A large number from this neigh borhood attended the United church in. Ilensall on Sunday morning and evening enjoying very much in see ing and hearing the Rev. L. Smith a former minister of that church. r- ..................> — - WHALEN • The regular monthly meeting of the Whalen W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs, Albert Gunning on Thurs day, June 6th. Our president Mrs. Frank Gunning took the meeting. The meeting opened with the Doxology, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in un ison. Bible reading Mai. 3rd chap. 6 -18) lead by Mrs. D. Johnson. The devotional leaflet "Is Tithing Prac tical” read by Mrs. Will Morley fol lowed by roll call after which hymn 345 was sung. A reading was- then given by Mrs. iMervin Johnston "A Fable for Missionary Women.” Some business was attended to. Letters were read from Miss Grace Duffield a^nd Miss Jessie Brooks thanking the W. M. S. for flowers sent to them while ill. Hymn 321 was then sung after wjjich the benediction was given by Mrs. S. Gunning which closed the meeting. Tea was served and cia! time spent by all. Many from this appointment avail ed themselves.of the opportunity of hearing. Rev. Livingstone, a,former pastor, at Zion Anniversary Sunday. < Mr. Hy. Ford is attending County Court as a Petit Juror week. M'r. ’Silas Shier has been on sick list during the past week. Mrs. Rose Stephens is visiting- sister Mrs. Chas. Johns. Rev. and Mrs. White and children, visited the former’s mother in Chat ham last week. Mr. White alstf preached in Blenheim last Sunday supplying for Rev. Livingstone, who preached at Zion. Last Wednesday afternoon a spec ial. meeting of, the W. M. S. was held in the church. Zion auxiliary were also present. Mrs. Chas. Johns pre sided, The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Dora. Brook, a splendid reading entitled "Patchwork” was given by Mrs. Will Hern, Pres, of Zion W. M. S. Miss May Clarke sang a lovely solo and Miss Marjorie Hunter gave a piano selection which was a special treat, Mrs. Rev. White was called to the front of the church and presented with a Life Member ship certificate and address by Mrs. Johns, on behalf of the Elimville W« M S. Mrs. white, though complete ly surprised made a very fitting re ply expressing her appreciation of the gift. Mrs. (Re?,) Anthony, of the Thames Road was called upon to give her report of the Branch Con vention held in Chatham. This rshe did' in »a very able and inter’o'stiiig manner bringing nuny impoftant points to the attention. _of her au dience/ After this the meeting was brought -tq a was sfervfea/.Xti; '.a. so- claUhdur'WaS ehjoyed hy ^n/ TRADE AN EXETER, ONT. IRA’S AND FORD SERVICE 1RED BY FORI) EXPERTS LLfDT, Ford Dealer.- n GIVE TERMS .00 each FORD TUDOR, 1927—$100.00 5 FORD TUDORS, 1925—$200.00 to $ FORD TOUlDNGt 1927—$250.00 UHEVROLElft COUPE, 1920—$3; CTIEVROLETICOACII, 1925—$350 NEW CHEVROLET SLY COACH SANDY PHONE( FORD I CARS RE> FOOTBALL A great deal of comment has been caused by the two football games be tween the local Canadian lads and those from the 'Old Country, the first being in favour o’f the Canucks by 1 goal to nil and the second being reversei by the same score. Such results have made it unsettled as to the better side and it has been decid ed to have to have a play off on June 17th at Roy Fletcher’s farm at 6.39 p.m. A big attendance is confidently expected to see this very interesting game, to give football the -boost it undoubtly deserves. Refreshments in the shape of ice cream and cake will be served on the field by Centralia Ladies Aid. Arrangements have been made the lawn social to be held Thursday, 'June 20th. The Sunday -School superinten dent, Cecil Skinner and his staff of officers visited the School of James St., Exeter, on^Sunday afternoon and conducted the opening and closingconducted the opening and exercises. The services in the United here will be withdrawn next owing to the Whalen, Sunday School anniversary The services there will be conducted at 11 and- 7 o’clock by Rev. J. W. Herbert, of Holmsville, Sunday School here at 10:30 a.m. A public meeting is being called on Friday evening next, June the 14th at 7 o’clock p.m. in the Cen tralia school for the purpose of form ing management and executive to outline and arrange a sports’ com mittee for the coming season. A soft ball team is wanted'and -an as sociation football team is being formed and also horse shoe pitching is on the list. Everybody come and help boost for the young people. Signed on behalf .of .Sports’ mittee. Dr d'ays Mrs. ines, is visiting her brother Mr./ S. Shier. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams motored to Carlingford on Sunday. Mi- Miss were Mrs. The Kirkton baseball team play ed with the (Mitchell team on Friday evening -the score being 15-2 in fa vor of Kirkton. The work on the old cemetery has been week Mrs. Mrs. spent most of the past ' getting it in shape and I their time free of charge, up to the citizens of this to see that the pioneer looked after and* instead of a wilder ne’ss tile ..cemetery be kept a of betiuty.* Who two weeks who gave It is now community graves are About the Holy attended at -Zurich on Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Mitton. and Shirley, of New York, are visitors with the latter’s parents Mr. Hall. Patrick Glavin and Kathleen and Mary, Sask;, motored here two of last week to visit the former’s father Mr. P. Gla vin, 12th Con, Stephen and other relatives here. , Misses - Geraldine Harness and Lizzie DedCrich, visited friends at Landdh. last weak; < : Mrs. Mctsaac and soft, accompan- led iby Miss Angelia Mulligan, of Detroit, speht the week-end with the former’s sister Mrs. M. O’Rourke, Khiva. Messrs; Martin and Gordon- O’ Rourke spent the week-end with friends at London. Do you suffer -from nipt so, your big opportunity lia/’now ar rived. .Mr. Reavely, the ted rup ture expert, will be at th CENTRAL HOTEL, for one day FRIDAY, JUNE and will 1 amination demonstra This applif ing in 10 cases in A’om This appl; mce/is, positively -d.^ strated to person wilh/ut any do not spe 1, 1929 give free ex> ufferei’ and tp? inous appliance. ays and has cured free to six months. right on your own; charge. You v • a penny unless you are/' fully satisfied that it is"tlie right ap pliance for you. A consulation -wijji Mr. Reavely will’ cost you nothing. Don’t let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. Intention to Pass a By-Law To Divert the Aux Sable River Road in the Aux Sable Concession ‘"Of- the Township of Stephen. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, at a meeting of the Municipal Coun cil of the Township of Stephen to be held on Monday, the 15th day of July 1929, at the hour at 7:30 o’clock in the afternoon in the Village of Cred- iton, the said Council will consider the passing of and, if approved, will pass a By-law to divert the . Aux Sable River Road from its present course along the bank of’ the A’ux Sable River 'hr Lot One (1) Aux Sable Concessional^ lands described .as follows: All and. Singular that certain parcel or tract of land situate,' lying and being n the Township of Stephen in the Coun ty of Huron and Province of Ontafio, and being composed of all thatJSart of lot number one in the Aux .fable Concession of the said tc marked "Road 66 ft” wide in Aux Sable River Road” on t or plan hereunto annexed, co by admeasurement '.tw.p and (23) acres, more of le’s^,’ ticularly-described as foil mencing in the south lii road 'betw and Aux • north east Periso, and eight feet,'__, _ _ from' the iiSterseCtiontfof the south erly , easterly linit of RiVer Road, easterly aloi the said roa East . anil. sixty six fee on a second; grees forty |h're tronomicallySinef thousand dred and fiff thence on al - __ eight degi?ee$isqfren minutes west as tronomically five feet to a: of a creek, along the banft of the creek ’fifteen feet, more or less/ to the easterly limit o£ the present Au^1 Sable Rivei* Roadt thence northerly along the said easterly limit to a line drawn parallel to the third &bove described, course and sixty six feet distant therefrom, thence. npxUL^orty’ eight degrees seven minutes eas^-fetl omically to an iron post at the iht^ section with a line drawn parallel the second above described eour&& and sixty six feet distant therefrom on the westerly side thereof, thence* north 4 degrees forty three minutes? east astronomically parallel to the said second above described! course to the south east angle of the lands of Union School Section Nijniber- Eight, thence north four degrees' for* ty three minutes east astronomically along the easterly limits of the lafids of the said1 Uh'ien $ch[d61 Section and. the lands of Mery Reriso to the j^lace* of beginning. »• ANU NOTICE IS FURTHER G1V* W that hhy be prAhidkWy affehtod' ther^b^ad who petitions the sa^d Cdnncli to b$ heard, shall be heaM in .person oT by’Cotfhsei ar seiicitbi* hg>nt the said meeting, J1ATSD ;thi|. 12lB‘;/d^ Henry EllbCL Clerk n the Lake bles Conce lgle -of the 1 ive hundre more or eii of jfcap aiiTfng ore par- si Com- of the oad East op at' the- ds of Mary? and twenty ss,' easterly ol’Thtr^ai^rodd' h-itlf' tllS*** Aux Sabio n a-first couiise utlierly limit of n the Lake Road ble, /Concessions iron' post, thei^CO- lienee .the betw ux to a coufse south—£ou,r de? minutes,, westr-ss* four hun- et to an iron, post, Course south forty hundred and thirty fon post on. the hank, ence north westerly