The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-13, Page 3Editorial
' Fall wheat is this region is devel
oping splendidly, The moisture has
been sufficient and the temperature
just right for the growth of this crop.
Every were one looks the wheat, ap
pears at jts very best,.
"The county is to be congratulated
on the fine culverts being placed on
some of the county - roads, These
structures add a great deal•to the
-value of municipal drains and con
sequently, to the possibilities of farm
drainage. The only iegMetable fea
ture is that much effective draining
was not carried out years ago.
Summer Schools soon will be the
order of the day. These gatherings
began as a timidly made experiment,
Lately, they have made their way
most satisfactorily. Churches have
seen to it that fine programs have
been made out. Inspired and in
spiring leaders have been selected to
bring to the attention ofjtfiurch. folk,
dance, „
goes contact
the times.
of phurch folk,
and old, the veryhest that is
done for all Orts of people,
is rest and creation in abun-
but along/with the rest there
wfth the best mind's of
nyone desiring a holi-
insure happy memories
advised to take advan
tage ofqfne of those gatherings where
i/st and play and' study
and make progress in the
f getting on together
There were no great
house of parlia-
no big
a steady
the Bri-
In the
,■ done serious damage to the blossoms.-
■ In some regions the word is- that the
blossoms have'been ruined. Fortun-
, ately, the, la,te .frosts have not been
equally -severe in all regions. For
•instance, opie localities report 'that
tomatoes were destroyed. Still
others say that the,tomatoes, pass
bed through the low temperatures un-
I? * * * * * . Sji $ *
’ 1 . • «5" t, * ’
; Many orchardisfb are watchin
their- fruit trees With a good deal c$
’.anxiety, fearing .that the frosts hay
♦ »♦*
ness as usual,
processions to the
ment. There were
made. There was
pull towards duty,
tish way. The will of the
when declared is accepted,
way of that majority there stands
nothing but the appeal to reason and
common sense. Should that major
ity fail to command the respect of
the people it will no longer be a ma
jority. It will be the party that is no
longer' wanted and It will at that mo
ment be so informed. There will be
time for no side stepping. The in
competent will be howled at and
some one ejge will be called, to the
bat. J^o one “over there" lays ft
e.bailn' to power by divine right,
Thanks ,be there is one country
were professionalism has pot invaded
tlie ranks of the rulers.
!"'■» .....NJ ..nJ
The time
e for Britain to elect
parlianjZL Three parties claim
ed theZbtes of the electors,
*5vas taken -and one party
oil nd tb be in the majority.
soon as the state of the poll was
known, the party in power handed in
its resignation to the King and that
the party favoured by the people
was invited to form a government
and immediately functioned. That
was’ all there was to it. The party
in the majority was asked to carry
oh and John Bull proceeded to busi-
Mr. A, E, Evans, who has sold
his village property to Mr, Thomas
Harton will move his family to Lon
don very shortly having accepted a
position in that city.
Rev, Mr. Ball, of Wheatley, 'was
the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs.
T. Prior, over Sunday and occupied
the pulpit of the James St. Metho
dist church on Sunday at both ser
vices, preaching two very acceptable
. The 33rd Huron Regiment passed
through hero on Tuesday for the
annual camp drill at London. Sergt,-
Major "Westcott; and Lieut. Heaman,
with a company of so men joined the
force here, the boys making a very
creditable appearance,
this week
Hamilton, a three year-old gelding
weighing “
paid was $275.00.
Rev. George Cobbledick, of Chat
ham, while attending the Conference
of the Methodist church at London,
spent a few days of last week here
illustrations from the pen of Mr. T.
A. Russell, son of our esteemed
townsman, Mr. Thos. Russell.
Mr, J. Cooper, of Elimvilje, raised
one section of his barn on Friday
last. The raising of the barn. and.
moving half of the barn too was
quite a tedious affair but everything
passed off nicely until the last plate
was about to be raised when by the
slipping of a rope one end of the
plate fell several feet and came in
contact with S. Andrew bruising him
in .several places and badly straining
his ankle.
Simon Hunter, of Esborne,
sold to Messrs. Denovan &
for the Hendric Co., of
1700 pounds, The price
bis brother Mr. J, Cobbledick.
the June number of the Cana-
Magazineis an interesting ar-
“TJie Automobile of 1904/' with
At mathematics women are
Not thought to be such birds,
And. yet a woman is a star
At multiplying words.
Extra miles because of the extra
h, endurance and outstanding
rity of Firestone Tire construction,
the scientific twisting of cottpn
for greatest strength and elasticity
Gum-Dipping—the extra Fire-
patented process which saturates
insulates every fiber and strand~oF~~
•cord with pure rubber,
non- skid Tread.
Made in' Hamilton, Canada by
• •
Builds the Only
•f «
2, Foreman. William
Rd. 4, ”
Arrange for your demonstration ride with the
nearest Ford dealer
on any auto
y in Firestone Tires do you receive ^tll
advantages of these extra features* of
>uilt mileage, plus the security and
sal ;ty of riding on the "deep, rugged Fire-
The Firestone
tier’ saves you money and ,. serves you
THE greatest safety feature ,
mobile—the braking system —has been
developed on the Ford car to a degree that
insures absolute driving confidence. Being
fully enclosed, the internal expanding
brakes on all four wheels are free from any
danger of impaired performance from mud,
sand, road dirt, grease or other foreign
matter entering the mechanism or between
the bands and drum
Tlle four wheel system is operated by a foot
pedal, while the emergency or parking
system of two brakes, one on each rear wheel,
is distinct and separate, operated by a hand
lever. This added security is made possible
through the unique design of the Ford steel
spoke wheels to which drums are fitted to
accommodate two sets of internal brakes on
the rear wheels.
The smooth, Oven braking of the Ford car
yields more advantages than maximum
safety at all times, since it makes tires last
longer and addsimmeasurably to riding ease
and driving comfort
Drive it
there is no
Better Test
Ford Car
Choice of colours
55 to CH miles an hour.
JO-horse power engine
Full balloon tires
Fully enclosed six-brake system
4 Houdaille hydraulic shock
£0 to 30 miles per gallon
of gasoline
Shatterproof glass Windshield
Theft proof ignition lock
Reliability and low upkeep
Stephen Council
The Council of the Township” of
Stephen convened in the Town. Hall,
Creditoh, on June 3rd, 1929 at 10 a.
m. All -members were present with
the exception of Mr-. I. Tetreau.-
The Council organized themselves
into a Court of Revision and after
taking the oath of office made some
minor changes to the Assessment
At 1 p.m. the Council convened for;.
general business Mr. Tetreau being
absent. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted,
Mr. John F. Smith' presented a pe
tition asking that a .certain drain
constructed under the Ditches and
Watercourses Act be converted into a
Municipal Drain.
Moved1 by Mr. W. Sweitzer, second
ed by Mr, E. Gill: That the Reeve is
hereby, athorized to sign,the petition
on behalf of the Township and that
the same he received and that the
Clerk forward a copy of the Town
ship Engineer with the request that
he make a report, plan, profile and
specification on the proposed drain.
Moved by Mr. W. Dearing second
ed by Mr. E. ’Gill: That By-Laws re
Mud Creek Drain of the Township of
McGillivray ad Regan, Drains having
been read be provisionally passed and
that a Court of Revision be held at
the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday’,
July 2nd A.D., 1929 for the purpose
of hearing and determining appeals
and that the Clerk have the said By
law printed in'pamphlet, form and
served on all interested persons pur
suant to the Municipal Drainage Act.
Moved by Mr. W. Dearing,- second
ed by Mr. W. SWeitzer: ‘ That the
Clerk correspond with Broderick
Bros, forthwith enclosing them a
copy of the final certificate of the
Township Engineer re their Contract
of the Mud Crgek Drain and further
try and arrange ah adjustment of
some minor matters in dispute,
Moved by Mr. W» Sweitzer, second
ed by Mr. E. Gill: That the .follow
ing pay sheets of the Road Foreman
be paid:
Road number
ganders $19.00;
zel $W; Rd. C
25; Rd. 3, Thomas Yearley $16.0b;
Rd 13, Roy E. Ratz $2.00; Rd. 18,
Augustus Latta $29.00;. Rd. 21, Wm.
Baker $79.15; Ltd. 22, Roy Hodgins
$9,50; Rd. 24, J. W^OWman'^lX^
Rd. 7, Robert 'Gower $3.80; Rd. 15,
John Houlahan’ $10.00; Rd. SB, Nel
son Baker $3.00; Rd. 1, Nel. Baker
$2.00; Rd. 20, Adelbert Webb $103,4
55; Rd. 12, Otto Willert $27.52; Rd,
20, Adelbert Webb $29.75; Thomas?
Trevethick, double-tree for grader
$2.50; Dan Mclsaac, sharpening^
Slider bladei^OjLLji^
SuptT*~Jamihry tb May, salary $105,-
20; total $484.22 and the following"
orders: Hydro account $7.43; E,
Weld, copy of order, re Mud Creek’
$1.00; Trhas.-of Ontario, renewal,of
license $3.; Canadian Bank of;Goiw-
merce, collections. ’$2,4.5 ;.^Mui{icipal.
World, account $3r34; R. G. SSUbJi-,
cement $4.00; Geo. A. ■Mcdp.bbmT"'^
plans and affidavits re MuiT-Oreefe
$5.00; Geo. A. McCubbin, inspecting
Mud Creek Drain $85.00; George
Eilber, assistance in inspecting Mu<l
Creek $10.00; Morlock, Kraft anti'
King, fenceviewers fee's, re Hennefer
and McDonald $6.00.
The Council adjourned to meet
again at the Town Hall, Creditor, on ■
Tesday, July 2nd A.D., 1029 at 1
nary td May, salary $105.-
Henry Eilber, Olerk
AaySvay the "next generation #j'll ■
have,a hard job, thinking' up sbtfttgi
thing to worry their parents.
• • . By
Cwx .build,: