The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-13, Page 1I / i SJ ■J * 'S/ lrt^ eta V .'• -1 1 **THURSDAY, JUNE I I & ffl ji 'X •r V’ C Z 1?• »"> ,*< > -mtr I <■«V T V J S’ T5*Wj r h fc- i ESTABLISHED 1873 ■«* •fa EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 13th, 1929 <T *■ FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR? NO. 2889 $ ... . . . This Store will Close at 12 o’clock, noon, each Wednesday during June, July and August Exeter Races Post d Il'' rj I • K .K a s oIf Sr . Ii 7< L J £ 'J ’ > ■ Dr. Scholl’s Foot Expert AT THIS STORE Thursday, June 20 If you have any foot troubles, come and consult the foot ewert.. .This .is an opportunity■ that comes only once a year...Why go though the.hot ’We expert who cities. for.. Dr. j®e. ay, June 20 weather,.suffering with you’i’ feet when youv can get relief, comes to Exeter is the-same one who goes to all the.bi; ' Scholl’s, apiMiances, so you get the best advice that is poss. ’ Remember the Date — Thursi There is No Charge for Consultation SPECIAL !SPECIAL! i to Saturd We Can Help You to SeeJWwr Our ’method of complete and our Office houi 1:30 to 5 i Everi 9 21 tries Phone 75 •8 9:30 >.m. Eng by, ■s./f k Jr testini ■prie< to r fs mo«t moderate, *2 a.m,. .an$ jKppointment TTON OPTOMETRIST /A cipal Hall. Ladies’ Slippers at $3.75 a pair. One table o£plippers in the new style Pumps, straps or ties. We haven’t all sizes in es^n line, but there are some good sizes in the lot. Spld regulaily at $5.00 Jmd $6.00 both Cuban andi high heel^ ^j.l^Per pajjg $3»75. .. Men’s and Boy’s Suits, j Solf Pants, Etc. About 25 smart Tweed Suits, in new KgWt shades at' $18.00 Boys’ 2-pant|Suits, one long and one g^f pant at $10.00 to $12.50. Boys’ smart j Men’s good pvery- ■"■I" .........I' olf-pants at $2.50 a panJ? Men’s per pair $3.75. day suits on sale at $10.1 Wl —II II ■ — ■■« to $15.00 sizes 36 to 44. “Klipgtite” Bathing Suits We have a sp^pndid stock of bathing suits for Ladies, Men and Child- rife, including the ^ell-known “KLINGTlTE” Brand. Plain black is one of the most popular colors shown this season. We also * have many colors to choose fromjat reasonable prices. Ladies Sniocks a We have just received a shipment of good quality ladies’ smocks and. Hoover dresses in. popular plain jtolors to retail at $1.50 and $1.95 each. “Hoover” Dresses •t^ewJSlebyel^S‘DresS'es'-at"$8?95' Just Arrived! - The'^ew SHk Celanese Presses in plain popular colors, sleeveless, very special thif month at $8.95. each. 1 —■———-— --------------------------------------■——>— *-------------------------——- TRUNKS, SUIT CASES and CLUB BAGS now ready for the holiday season. Phone 32 TUDHOPE RANGETTES Prices range from $25.00 up to $39.00 1 ■ 2 <v0 nr :■/ 1" si * ft] f k 6 Points of Superiorly Operate from eithei* wail or base plug receptacle^— no Special wiring required.-^ Equipped With standaial'M.- heat, reciprocating switched Which may be turned tJL high, medium or low. , Constructed of heavy gauge metal, is electrically . spot welded, ensuring strength ■ and exceptional wear. 41 o 6 I hlectf.ically^ operated without fumes and at about one-quat- Wr the cost of other fuels. *11 Tudhope rangettes and l|pt plates have chromium ^ated trimmings which will St tarnish.’; Jugettes are attractively fmished in either grey, blue, green or- orange enamel — very easy* to’ keep clean*. • r TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD PHONE 1OUII HAH»WAltt: NEOESSIMBS to NO. 27. BIRTHS Hay bn Wednesday, an4 Mrs. (Audrey ELDER—In June Sth, 1929, to Mr. Ben Elder a daughter, Mariom )* ^COPELAND—in L’sborno, day, June the' 9th to Mr. Allow Copeland, a oMarlaii Kathleen). BICE— On ’Tuesday, Jun® 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bice, of the 2nd Concession of MeGIilivray, a dau­ ghter, M1LL&R—At. 14th con. Hay Town- ->hip' on May 23rd to Mr. aftd Mrs. Walter Miller, a daughter, < « ^G-REEN—At Grand. Solid, on May 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. xvati Green, Aim McBRXDE—At Stanley Township, on Muy 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride, a daughter. PATTERSON—At Stephen Township op May 30th, to Mh. and Mrs, L. Patterson, a daughter. oh sun* anti Mrs. daughter, SUFFERED A STROKE Mrs. Alary J. Christie, of Simcoe St., suffered''^ paralytic stroke early Saturday morning. She had risen in the morning and was preparing to come .up town but when the milk man called she was' found lying on the floor and unable to., speak, th^ right side of her body being paraly lyzed, !$he is at present confined to her bed in a critical condition, PERCEVAD—STRANG A quiet wedding was solemnized in North Bay on Friday, 'June' '/th, when Annie Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Strang', UsbOrne, was united in marriage to Allan Wilfred Perceval son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perceval, of Cobden, Ont. by Rev. A. Small. The bride looked charm­ ing in her travelling dress of rose­ beige georgette with shoes, and .hat to match. Mr.. and .Mrs. Walter Cook, of Timmins, were the only at­ tendants, Following the oeremony the happy couple left on a motor trip to eastern points. £>n their re­ turn they will reside a^Rouyn, Que, SrEXETER COUNCIL Monday, June 10, 1929 regular meeting of the Muni- Council was held in the Town Absent Councillor Christie who is very ill, The minutes of the meeting held on May 27th were read and approved. A circular letter from J. A. Carroll, of - the Ontario Department of Agri­ culture, regarding weeds and their control and refering to the meeting held at Clinton on June 5 th. A card expressing appreciation fronn Mr. E. J. Christie re kind thoughts as expressed in a letter as forwarded to Mr. Christie was read and ordered filed. M'r. Higgins, of the Globe Indem­ nity Co., addressed ‘ the council re the, renewal of the policy of Indemn­ ity Insurance. Held over until the next meeting. A deputation comprising Mi’. S. M. Sanders, Mrs. Cottle and Mr. Hew­ ett addressed the/couricil urging the closing 'of the Creek Drain. The Council will investigate. Messrs. Complin and Beavers -on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce asked aid and co-operation from the council regarding the First of July ^celebration. Aid was promised sub­ ject to gate receipts of the day. ) Mr. Esli Heywood asked f3t a con­ crete walk from Andrew St., East, .along Laughall St. and in front of ■his property. The council promised ;i;o consider., ,, The order for sewer pipe as re­ squired for the school board was ap- ■■prov^d. _ * > The Street Commissioner was in­ structed to place ten inch tile in the ^drains leading from the’ School yard. ,if;such-can be secured. L JThe auditors report for May was Jdad and accepted, .^5The following accounts w,ere,. read h ‘and^ordered 'Jiaid': Chambers Bros., , bell ringing $8.00; jho. Hunter, an­ gle iron, $1.50 ; W. E. Pfaff? Hensail, ' tile-$29.20; R. E/.Davis, team labor 1 library $4.50; George. Atkinson, Ia- , bor $3.75; Jno. .Parsons, labor $19.- 50; John Hunkin, labor $30.80; N. McDonald ditto $15.30; Thos. San- i 'ders ditto $9.00; George Smith laboi* $5.75; Henry Smith ditto $3.00; Rd. Quance ditto $6.25; Fred Hunkin constable $3.00; Henry Parsons con­ stable $.3.00. Cemetery accounts: Percy Webber, labor $36.00; Wm. Smith, labor $36.00; H. T. Rowe, gasoline $9.80. 1 Passed on motion of Rierling and ■ ^Francis and carried social wll e held at Cen- Thui^dqy/ June 20th, fol- lay by the young ’can United church- * - A lawn tralia on. lowed by people of entitled, "MrsF'TempIe's Telegram. ci 3 the A .?• ever WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY A WjS '•■I AT ' ~ "" / ' . ' How about that calitbumpian stunt bring it out to/Exdter on July 1st. Good prizes. K DEATHS ?• &*• A CVU.V1O CbUU Vet! lieu. I Adjourned by Rivers. , __ i Jos. Senioi y / SWEET— In Stephen Tonship, Lon­ don Road south on Sunday, June . 9th, 1929, James Sweet, his 89 th year. s. Senior, Clerk Sr., in ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs?. Albert E. Neil wish to announce th§ engagement of their only daughter, VMabel, to Frederick T. Seers, only ^on of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas’'Seers, the mhrriag® to take place in June. - KELLETT-jrfn loving memorftol a dear hmdbaiid and fathei* wh<| died two jrnars ago June 15th, ' *Z- • 4IDeey’in the helOf^a loved one! In-memory’s frJ Because he was! His charming w Are a pleasure He had a kindlj WHJVXi And died beloved by all. Ever remembered by his loving wife, son, daughter and grandchil- PPdren, wli 29. irt lies a picture hope to ime’we 31Kt.ll keep it lone of the best |iys and smiling face lo recall mvord for each IN MEMORIAM Xn loving myhbry of llANIEJjirWOOB if ehte|6d Into rest on 15th, lte ? WED., JUNEJ9th Game called a<5.30 ’ SARNIl VS. This is the first game the series in Exeter. Con® out to seo the locals ^gei off to Ja better starts in tins series.’, J . . it,.. • '■*« -. x-; - ■• • , Admission 2o and 15c. -.4 MARRIAGES LAYTON—MEDD—At the "Main St.. United Churc’f parsonage on Wed- hesday,. June 6th, Miss Nelli® Medd, daughter of Mi*. and Mrs. John 11/Medd, of Exeter, to Mt% Geo. W. Layton, of London, ^by Rev, C. J, Moorhouse. jpERCEVAI^-STRANG-—At North ■Bay on Friday, June 'fth, Aunt® Maridh, daughter" of Mr. and Mrs, . Henry Sh'ang, of Usborne,' to Mr. Allen Perceval, sob. of Mr. <nd Perceyhl, of Cobtlen,*Sirs. Alex Oht. r ¥A ee S.in<|^Iy mourned by the daughters cd In loving memory of John) melviiJ!!e down Wd, JUihF 13, JW Sadly by bis parents brvtlfer ahd sisters PIONEER PASSES One of the oldest residents of the community. passed1 away Sunday in the person of Mr. James Sweet, aged 89 jeariL. The deceased^ was born on the 5 th day of January/iSIO^on the farm south of Exeter now owned by Mr. Milo Snell. His father, William Sweet, with his wife Mary Jones, emigrated from Devonshire, ' Eng­ land, and raised a large family of which Janies is the last surviving member. He .began his early career on a farm on the Lake Road hear Sarepta remaining in that occupa­ tion for a short time. After leav­ ing there he iab.ored as a mason’s helper then took up brick-laying and plastering, etc., which he followed until a few years ago when he grew- onions and being very fond of bees became an aparist. In religion he was a Bible Christian but later in- dentified himself and family with the. Church of England and was a faith­ ful adherent to that faith. In poli­ tics he was a Conservative. In early life he married Margaret Corbett, of St, John, Ont. and they lived together a Jong married life having enjoyed that rare privilege of celebrating their diamond’ weddingi jubilee. His wife predeceased him three years ago. The family consisted of twelve children fbur of whom have died. Those surviving are Samuel, of Exe­ ter; (Susan) Mrs. Jerry Egan, at home; . AM, S. A. McCallum, of Lon­ don; (Sarhj Mrs. G. A. FergusbU, of Toronto; James, o.f Lucan; Robert and Frank, of Sarnia; Frederick G.f Sault St®, Marie, ont., all of whom with the exception of Fred wei'e here for the fuheraL The latter was ab­ sent because of his teaching'duties. The pall-bearers were Silas Stanlake, • Thomas Sanders, William Sanders. Herbert Ford, Richard Davis and Ba­ sil Preszcator, being chosen by him from families of his boyhood days. Flowers were sent fejt many friends, and included wreaths, from the Im-' pedal Oil Co., Sarnia, and the Brick­ layers* tfnlony Rev. Av, Jones, rec­ tor of Trlviit Memorial Chuveh, con­ ducted the fufteral.* sfervlc® at the home at two o’clock Tuesday -after­ noon, jptermont. in the Exeter ceme­ tery. a. GLE CLOWN 0; 2nd $2.; 3rd $1.Prizes: 1 BEST D •BEST ■ BUSINESS-" F Prizes: 1st $10.; 2nd $ B BEST Prizes BES Prizes: CALITHUMP 1st $10. ECORATE1 1st $5.; DECOR T ; 3rd’$8. FLOATS $5..; 3rd $3. AUTOMOBILE d $3.; 3rd $2. ED BICYCLE hl $1.25; 3rd 75c. ATED HORSE AND SHICLE ,s $3; 2nd $2; 3rd $1 " RESENTED PUBLIC ROOM IN PARADE Prizes BEST R SCHOO Prizes: 1st $10.; 2nd $5.; 3rd $3. BALL GAME LONDON VS. EXETER Commencing at 10:30 o’clock F THAMES ROAD UNITED SUNDAY SCHOOL - Anniversary Services SUNDAY^ JUNE 23 rd — Strawberry! Festival and Concert TUESDAY, JUNE 25th. Air. and Mrs. F. H, Dqyn.^an* Miss Marie, of Woodstock, ylsite® with Rev. J. W. and Mrs; tfown over the week-end. MA aifd Mrs. 'A. bT, Kenna, of Sti^tfOrd, also visited with Mr.-and5 Mrs, Down,* on Sun­ day. > ;• gening/- • .■■ ^ : fl > Demonstration & Picnic al GRAND BEND, HURON COUNTY, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 1929 for ull the Liberals and Citizens generally ofjkuron, Middlesex,. Perth,-Oxford^ Lambton, and the City of London The Federal MembersUfrom all SouthwestoM Ontario and also .f , the Ontario Federal Cabinet Ministers^ill be present. -■. :......■ ------- -..— T......- ...——-.. The picnic will b& honoured witb ^hc presence of * HON. ERNEST lIpIONTE, Minister of Justice -I who with -M- Mtriisi&f Jo ' ..■•'St .. ■ ■ ' A ( L t - ■■ ’ y ■" ■ * t '• $-•> l /"■•VI k ji ,.Af ... r oF Public Works HON. W, D. EULER,!, Minister of National ReVent^ HON. J. MALCOLM, |\1ihister Trade and Commcrcq. SENATOR RANKIN, 1WELL&G.TON HAY, M P. ROSS GRAY, M. P. an MISS GERTRUDE RANKIN, President of thb Ontario Liberjh WomenY Association. WILL BE THE ItRINCfFAL SPEAKERS , HON. J. C ELLIOTT, ........ . . „ £Tho Public Meeting will be <spcme< at 2 p.ni. by Mi‘. Thomas Mtc- Milian, M.F., of South' Bnnn^iMd Mr. F the Liberal Whip r<>$the Vrovined » Com® with youj* baskets and bringltyour farfliifes and sishhd a pleasant/day U the ialetests c-f Llberulfem in Canada. ZURICH BANG IN ATtENDANCE.s ** sAV$ TiiE RING 1 A