HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-06, Page 81 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Apio^g the names omitted from the half-holiday list, but who are observing the halFholiday on Wed­ nesday throughout June, July and August, arc G. A. Hawkins, Dr. G. F. .Roulston, Dr. Atkinsofti and Lawson. Tho annual meetin men’s Institute of So trict will he held James St.nitej Wednesday,\j un Each Branch .delegation. Siec’y., Crejito Dr. 2tc, Wo- Dis- of the h Huron le basement of ircli, Exeter, on 12 th, at 2 p.m* quested to send p H. K. Either, Dis. Exetels Markets Wheat $1.W * Oats 50 c. ’ * Barley 65c. Manitoba Flour $3.90 Blend Flour $3.75 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour §2.10 Bran $1.75 * Shorts $1,75 Creamery Butter 42e. Dairy Butter 39 c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M« A. Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday Sichool 11 q.m.—“Practice of Prayer” 7:30 pan.—“The Lure- of the possible.” This is positively the last call for preserving pinea price has adva we have good va —HARVEY’S pies this week, the blesale, but 16’s and 18’s. ERY ^LOST—Muffley; off a^rniotoi* truck on the Lake R&acL^T’inder please return to H. T.feirfwe. ■i^^^ter' for sale at , Choice daii; Southcott Br< rThames Road- Fa now booking order also No. 4 hi threshing co; orders, must j lOtli’ of Junl rs' Club are for feed oats, chestnut, coke, bindei* twine. All i not later than the P. Passmore, sec’y. 5-30-2tc FOR SALE sale a Belgiai and.a Clyde a to Chris, \^e U mile north -I an team ffering for eighing 17^0 1600, Apply 92; * •6-ltc. editon, Box Creditoil. 6 fertili:We have as supply’<];er on hand at the mil' ’ ’ '“ersons requir­ ing any for the /ooj^rop.—HARVEY EROS. \ FERTILIZER— a‘ supply of Ferti! Nplson Stanlake, i r 2. f AVe have on hand lizer fpff^all crops. lhoj>e?*Dashwood 36 5-30-3tc. LOST—A black , collie jffog, brown spot& over _ eyes-^eas t udtfir tip in formation as of this dog will Mr. Roy Franc . ton. Reward? neck and white. Any whereabouts dly received by one’ 60, Kirk- FOR SALE— A brick house, modern! ijrfprovements. Ap- B. Sniff. 5-30-tfc.with all ply to C SALE—HFOR winner pt Hens&rl per bushel. Ap Phone Henshil peas, prize ■Show at $2 o Jas. Broad foot, 73. • ' 5-16-tfc FOR ^BALfe ^^ranglngYroni 7 ' five to eight trade. ’? .horses 140j^to 1600 pounds; ty^ars old. s°n Frank Waylor FOR Exeter Block, Fitton’|i E. Pickard. W extras 26c. firsts 24c. seconds §0 and 18c. $12.00 7Oranges are' C, L? Wilson’s. 5c. a dozen at<? bines StreetThe Ladies’ Church will h this (Thursdaf) f^ All members, invited. Adn Aid of ........ Id th^T quarterly tea ix 6 to 8 o’clock, congregation are A JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTayislx, Pastor W, R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Cholr-Fe&der a.m.—“Forgiven and Forgiving” p.m.— Sunday School, pan.—“A noble half-breed.”—An Old Testament hero. NOTE-T-Watch for next -week’s special Missionary Anniversary, Rev. K. J. Beaton, of China, will preaqh. A meeting of the Women’s Insti­ tute’Will be held at th George Etlie June 7tli at business. F to attend. -r Miss Ella*' Shapton is visiting in Forest. Hydro was off several hours on Sunday. Miss Florence West 'Spent Mon­ day in London. •Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of spent the week-end with his Miss Annie Westlake, of North’ who has been ill is mend. lome Qfj,Mrs.( on Friday,' Important member requested MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH ’OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston a.m.—Church School , a.m.-—Rev, Mr. Anthony, Thames Road, will preach. 7 pan,*—“The One Great Necessity to Make Christ’s Cause Prevail.’’ io li Athlltic Underwear 2*piece Styles [fAgent forjjacksoJFs, Dry Cleaners and Dyers W R; GOULD )SE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ONE, JULY AND AUGV$T THVRSt>4¥, JUNE 0tli. 19291 TAMAN EXETER, ONT Ernest C.H New Summer Goods in Dress Lengths SAILORS AND THIS STORE ■< SICK ^England(HonorOR SALE li mixed Zin- uid Star Pan- struct ■urZhester field R. N. ROWEEXETER» a hite, purple XX Grego; of Californ- Money to see V ■■ \ ' DOROTH Piano, Studio ’s Organist and Ch Iain Mr. Jas. Sweet is Quite ill at his home south of Exeter. < rmony, Theory tract, Box 160, FURNITURE EN’S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 'Pennian’.s-nin-ke*. J^5c. .line. Priced nt pei 'ONTARIO >ARD iday Calls .99 DPPER MODERN "EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVIC1 Violin, N. Albert EXETER, ONTARIO Instruct ey BROKE* EN utoVnobile, -Eki This Store will Close at 12 o’clock, noon, each Wednesday during June, July and August Exceptional Values at Exceptional Value NEW FELT HATS FOR MEN In four of the newest shades and. shapes for ................., . . , . NEW STRAW HA FOR MEN You will want one of tile new straw hats are showing TCHWAY UNDERWEAR n and boys. You will like the no-bjtton kind BOYS’ 75c. MEN’S $1.25. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector 2nd Sunday after Trinity 10- a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Matins •7 p. m.—Evensong. , Please note change in the Sunday School hour. ened a Bea Any piece will make | lovely gift. iful Range of China and Cut Gias e are also showing a fine range ofDetroit, mother. Exeter on the ....... * Miss Betty Grant, who has been’ Visiting in Windsor, returned'home Sunday. Mr. Earl Russell was in Oshawa this week and brought home a new Chev. coach. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben McInnis .and daughter Norah, visited in Brus­ sels on Sunday. 'Mrs. c Sidney : Sanders yisited dur­ ing .tlm past week with relatives in Stratford. . ■Miss Mary Elworthy, spent the week-end in her -parents. ■; ’ * ' Rev. J*. W. and Mrs. Sunday in Conference. Mr. ‘E. J. conference, London last Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Doupe have; moved into the residence vacated by­ Mr. Franks Mallett., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett last' ..■\yeek moved' to London .where they will reside in future; Mr. and Mrs, Clarepce Simmons, of Windsor, spent the week-end, at the-home of their p^reptjs. Mrs. M. F. Gladman, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard. : Mrs. Wm. Kuntz has returned home after .visiting with relatives in Hamilton, Buffalo and Windsor. The officers of Centralia Sunday School will visit our School Sunday afternoon and conduct the services. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rennie, of Zu­ rich, 'visited yritl1 t^e latt’er’s mother Mrs. Margaret Broderick on Sunday. Mr. Reg. Parsons motored from Chicago and spent a few days of last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs: S. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. H. Schroeder and daughter, of Pontiac, .Mich.,- spent the week-end' with theii* parents in Stephen. ■’. Mr. and Mi's. Stanley Nichol mo­ tored from Kerjwood and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Parsons? , Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allan and family, of Brucefield, visited at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. G. S. Howard on Sunday afternoon. iSjIss'^Anita Briiitnell daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brintndll who has been sferiously ill1 with pleuro­ pneumonia, is 'improving slowly. Miss Effie Treble, who has been in London for some time, has return­ ed to Exeter for >a few weeks and will visit with Mr. and Mrs, S.Par­ sons. ■ ■ Mrs. Eric Jackson, is visiting lii Lipdsay, "her mother Mrs. St.' Thom­ as intends Coming to Exeter this week to visit with .Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hennessey. ■Mr. Orby Kestje, of Detroit, mo­ tored over and spent the .week-end in town and was accompanied home by Mrff. Kestle, who has been visit­ ing heYe for a week. Mr, James Creech, of Rochester, N. Y., and son Mr. Young, Creech, of Detroit,. spent the .week-end with Mrs. T. Creech. Mit Sparling and Miss Haaelwood left-last week for London where they will reside in future. Their residence on Hurbn St. has been Yentdd tu Mri Harry Elworthy who has already moved in. * Rev. AShlyn A. Trumher,; of Wind- sbr, in renewing his subscription to the Times-Advocate says iliat It is nieh to keep in touch with the town Whore biie has had so many pleas­ ant associations; Mr. and hti’Et Tiros. HaTVo.'y and Mr; and MM J. Batson motored to tmckiuyw Sunday to visit; with Mr, and MM A* E. Bttswell, the occasion __being the tweiilioth weddihg amii- 'Versaiy of W. and Mrs. Busweli. . FOUND—-License plate 67-315 on St, Marys Road1. Apply at" Times- Advocate. Don’t forget the Summer Carnival on the Trivitt l\ifemor^l Lawn on Wednesday, June \ 19th. Full par­ ticulars next week.XZ ‘ . New Dinnerware. CHILDREN’S SH All sizes from 5 to 10 Specially priced at per pai 9C NEW PLAUEN LACE of London, town with Sell or 4-4-tfc.' Down, spent Lon’don attending the ■ . ' 7 ■ Shapton, a delegate to •spent several days in week. SALE^—Numkij?' -of farms, housej Chiral Hotel, Le'e ifore. Apply to R. ■ TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders wll be received by the undersigned until Thursday, June 20tli fop the'wrecking oj^t-he school house at S. | . No. l.Jg’tephen, and fpr the erection of . Tenders will 'tire work or any tenders no Plans and’ spe bands of the s __ _____ son, R. R. No. 2, Centralia. ’ ?hew building, ped for the en- ily. Lowest or Scessarily accepted. Fications ar.e in the cretary, Lloyd Hodg- Tenders will HOGARTH BABY CHICK ..HATCHERY BABY CHICKS FOR SALE . ■'■’•' We are now able to supplybaby ehicks of the varidhg breeds; Barred Rocks, White Ler*i’rt’”it’' •**:„_ ■orcas; White Wya as on short notic and Thursday un » \ CUSTOM ;We are now i the hatching, seai Siting CWom,,H make afrarteenieh here before ^une horns,' Black Min- dottes and Anconr : Hatches Monday 1 June 29th. TQHING .ring the close of n and anyone de- phing done kindly to have the eggs Our supplyfoU^^ds are now7 more . and’'your Seeds - , ipw Ma?h, Chick Feed, '-Lay Mash, ef Meal, Bone Meal', Alfalfa„ Meal,*” Oyster" ’Shell; Grit, Coii’densed. Butter-milk, etc. can be promptly filled.F | POULTRY CULLING > . ■ If is now . time to have the ‘ Cull hens eliminated from your - flock. Our charge is $2.00 per lOOWns. We are cash buyers of poultry.,,, .Call us when you have poultry to sell." complete than ew in. Chick, Starter/ Miss Susie E. Oill, of Welland, spent the week-end the guest of Mrs. Mollard. ; Mr, and Mrs. Percy Gillies and family, of Detroit, spent the . week-, end with the former’s sister Mr. and- Mrs. E. C. Harvey. Mrs. A. Gillies,, . who has been visiting in Cleveland and- Detroit returned with them. One evening last week while Mr. Harry Hoffman was making his re­ turn to Dashwood he observed.* a deex\ in the field on the farm of Mr. Ggp-' net Wildfong,' about two miles east, of Dashwood. The deer jumped the fence and started .off in a northdV- ly- direction. - » Mr. ahd Mrs. Gilfillan, of Kii'V ton, who recently returned after .Vis­ iting over a year and a half with their daughter Mrs, Harry Clark, of San Francisco, are visiting with rel­ atives in town this week. Mrs. Gil- fillan is a twin sister of Mr. W. A. Turnbull. At the ’ Chesley celebration on Monday, June 3, Jimmie D driven by Jas. Taylor won tim'd money hi the 2:19 class. During one of the heats Jim was thrown when the horse struck an ant hill and stumbl­ ed, Jim held onto the lines and vvas dragged for some distance. He skinned his leg but was otherwise unhurt. Mr. John Welsh has returned to his home in Toronto after spending some time with his son William. Mr. Welsh enjoys wondeiwl health for a mail, who is almost four score years. He takes a keen interest in farming and gardening. Among his best enjoyment was when he hitched and plowed with a team of colts an acre and a half for three days. Tlie grandmother of the team was his fa­ vorite horse when lie started farming nearly 40 yeaki‘s ago. The Barnett Bros, circus, which practically live on wheels, are using Goodyear tires on their 15 trucks. People who use this number of tiro's know miles They from While what brand they get the most of trouble-free service from, purchased a number of tires the Goodyear selected, dealer in Exeter. advi. WELDREST SILK This full fashioned hose c( newest shades. It is our regi It is specially priced this wee per pair ................................... ■'All pieces to fnakc luncheon, buf­ fet and vanity sets. These make beautiful- gifts. , .. CHILDREN’S SHOES 98c Look over the^hoes on this table. Values as high as $2.00. * QRc» SPECIALLY PRICED FOR ... 170 Another shipment of New Materials for Summer Dresses in figured Wemsheen and Mitachene have been placed in stock. Just the thing for that cool summer dress Jack Lawson, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Elmer Lawson, of Stephen, is at present receiving treatment in Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital. Last Sunday was conference Sun­ day* in the United church. Mr. Colin Campbell, of Stratford, conducted the service in the Main St. United church in the morning in the inter-* .ests of the Lord’s Day Alliance tand preached in James St. United, church in the evening. The evening, ser­ vice in Main, St. church was with­ drawn. Rev. J. W* Brown, of town, occupied the James St. pulpit in tlie morning and ^delivered a very ac­ ceptable message. THE NEW STORE Furniture and Unde^Dking HONOR GRADUATE EXAMI Bay, Night Phone H. R TION We have now in stock a complete line of straw Hats me in and, 1 over our in t PHONE 81w ANAMAS: r SAIT PLANT for SALE . Owing to fire loss of buildings, property of Exeter Salt Works Ltd., Exeter, the remainder of per.ty undamaged by fire is of Thi’ee acres |of land adjoining CNR With sidil this prop for evaporating Avails with -coal * Large steel br ■ ' Concrete smok ' SAIt well 1250 D|et0 pumping eftilpment iron pulleys, shaft There is also larg fico xylth weigh scai Suitable building at modbrdte cost to *essary pumping ma ** ” PVOdUct of this Wll and favorably k _J|_„ M^-x’itime S*rovisftdtis tW Alberta for mahy years, well as large home Made, Supply of tfoeft sait .is prac- ji^allg fnekhaustable, ’ . : For furtter pjattJcuigM of this 2'n‘ofitabXei business apply* to Mr G, RlNSFOftD.’. ExOtoiV o. 0- Something New !? TIFFANY POLISH ? facilities* rty is steel rine, built maces, e tank, stack, et deep Pan itli corn­ well as sundries, table tif- e erected with nee- 'has. heen n If obi 'the It brick g and comf thO Cleans ahd polishes, The Mission Circle of James St. United church met at the home of . Mrs. John Pedlar on Monday even­ ing. The chapter of the study boolc Ann of Arva, as gven by Miss Gladys Harvey. Miss Stella Southcott gave a report of the recent convention at Chatham. A pleasing solo was sung; by Miss Mary Grant. The young ladies prepared hospital supplies af­ ter which a dainty lunch was served. x’laduatc) L. DAY & SON FLORIST HAVE NOW READY Geraniums, all colon Asters, English giant and mixed; Rennie’s- Hearts of France; Gian ia. Mums mixed, • . RenpiWs XXX Engl nias, or Separate colo Giant of alifornia sies. Giant, Balco French M: Silver Loaf, Ge gon, Dusty Milldfc Salvia, Ager: eba, Ferns, Straw gia, Colens and St Hanging Baskets ahdalr and Window filled to order. Tomato Plants—^Canadiftn, Bonny Bost^ First of All, New Earliaba, Early Jewdll, Marylobe, Champion, Ponderosa, Beefsteak. « White Plume and English Pinlt Celery. , . Hot, and Sweet Peppers. Early cabbage and Cauliflower. L. DAY & SON I VNtON ST. SAFETY MA Sti single 2ed DOtJBE* BLADES (any make) Edge Guaranteed W, S. COLE, DRUGGIST on of ni for se Ou leks 3 It furniture, pianos, enameled work.jFaiitos, etd., prices 50c. and $1.’00. ----- ’ if it don't satisfy. As Bft)T WEAT Suggests cold drinks We deliver r icecream, quantity, jury time, f per, after keep it fi loan you tlese. ways the sfcme qua Next tihio on thi call or phon> 55 o.i‘ pints 30<n,. Frostbites 5 RIG fcEItTCT ’ CHINAW Many lines big savings to ltd ice cfeank drinks of anV r dinner, suli­ lt. Our packs i'al hours. WA ‘icecream 'is ah, ty in goodness, of Ice cream , . J pint8 15C c., cones 5 c. and nglo Petunias. Janna, Vinca, vy, Snaxi Dra- ajidoring Jew, gonia.f Drecb- ,nts, Thtiinber- st. nd Pbts; Ver- oxes made and For ONE WEEK we are offering ofr entire stock SPEC of furfiture at \LPRICES. in aster ^Church N SALE ON ND HOSIER Y discontinued, Ask about them, • ’f« Powell’s Variety Store PHONES; 55 and 122 *• 4 .m Sefe ; Suites |rom $100.00 up in mom/ coverings. , Piano Supervisor gt Mm Stttdlo, Ma rgnfi Yheor# m School! Box 57, Phbnft lfli Btt, ONT. GENERAL I>SURANfi Mutual Canada Life, Fii*