The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-06, Page 6i THURSDAY, JUNE Oth, 102*)THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Mil Editorial the I ancl • r*»<* 1 Professional Cards i Economic; La not as good its Recent DR. WM. L. L **♦ FIR 1 John ess $ i It w{ll be the con- pay the major part ALtlSOJI, BROCK Municipal the recent l?residen •Vice-Pre ANGUS S ROBT Late District -Dental District NunSber a testing out of the Uncle Sam is build- ‘I i the the The teacher for the Good music and s reported from s churches flour­ law and order * * * * » • TRANSIENT TRADERS Are Now Subject to a Larger License Fee Under New Law Passed by the Ontario Legislature at .Session. Browning’s Drug StoFE, Exeter A/\V. E, Hemphill, Phm.B^ Hensail ♦ ♦ ♦ * • » sunshine and last week gave needed boost. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. •’".xA'rv? I Boards' so motived . ar,e full of teachers-, good, as au- the us Safe-Depo Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSAIJi GLADMAN BARRIS! Money to 3 _ There’s Always the Head—We’d J buy one of these vacuum cleaners if j'we had any vacuums to clean.—.Lind­ say Post. Dr. G. F. Roulston, ENTI F> r re, jt-t .V. I £<? 7.. .vt T takes more than mere size to make a BIG Six. It takes more than beauty, more than style, more than performance, car needs all of these before it can becorRe a BIG Six. True, Pontiac Big Six has all th^c But it has something mere . . something tl^it stamps if once and forever as a real BIG Sic It has the “feel” of a BIG Six. People accus­ tomed to much driving will know immediately what that means. And it’s not a sensation you can counterfeit.^ sit behind the wheel, drive the I car and get the “feel” of it . . you’ll know* in an instant whether or not you are driving a Big Six. P-25-5-29C ULRIC SNELL, EXETER PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LiMITED Trees and shrubbery in full flow- ex* last week simply transformed country side. The warm warm nights of crops a sorely meadows are looking specially fine. Corn fields are being got Jnto fine conditjon. $ :jc * « Ml * * Chureli anniversaries are the or­ der of the times, i good preaching are all quarters. Where isli, good tjmes prevail. *** And now for tariff wall that pig against the Canadian farmer! Some of us think that our bjg cou­ sin would have been better advised to have turned his energies to law enforcement rather than to a pro­ cess of irritating tariff tinkering. Western Ontario farmers wjll not suffer acutely, sumer who will ■of the duty. • * * Schools are about to close for the summer holidays. In many instances teachers are leaving and other teachers are bejng engaged to take their places. Some schobl boards exercise the utmost diligence in. se­ lecting the person who is to be wjth their chjldr^n for six hours in the day for fiv/ days in the week. Stjll others are/guided by the purely dol­ lar standard. say “The/wooefs and one? teacher/is as other. /Why not take who will contract with least ”*oney? Well on/ teacher js as another. Here is the experience of oi^e section. For years the school children were saucy wjtli all they met on the road. Farm gates were opened as a matter of course. School property was destroyed and cruel tricks and general meanness were commonplace. As one parent ex­ pressed jt. “When the children were on the road we felt we had to protect out property.” Continuing t.he conversation this same ratepayer said: “During the three years our present teacher has been on her job all that has been, changed. - The chjldren now are well mannered and mind their own business. They are heeding their lessons. 'The. whole atmosphere has been changed. We regard the departure of our teacher as a distinct loss .pi. al! that effects our homes and our children’s wel­ fare. Cars of Spectacular Beauty Bigger Built! Higher Powered! Lower Priced! llR’WJ ??HN «ER TIP lOYTIlOl?’ The greatest advance in driving convenience since the self-starter. ‘ A single button, located in the center of the steering wheel,con­ trols all hi notions of starting the motor, operating «the lights and sounding the horn/ No wires in steering post.* ■» Norge supremacy is due to its exclusive rotary construction which compensates for its own wear. It “wears in” . ,. rather than “wears out.” OurConvei IHMii Wil •Farm or Real Estate for insertion for first 25 c. each subse- M'iscellaneous ar* Wanted, Lost, oij line of six words. 10c. per line. 50c. Legal ad* 8c. per line. In one verse 50 c- each. lExpin* ®intfa*AhttDratr Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning, at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION™$2.00 per year in advance. RATES- sale 5Qp. each four insertions, q/ent insertion, tides, To Rent, Found 10c. per Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25 c. cut Purchase Please You ICE efrigeration lie Utilities 1 •^EXEBfd An amendment to the Act, which was passed at session q£ the Legislature,, provides for a substantial tightening up of the law regarding transient traders. According to the new law, which is now in force, the fee to be paid for Transient Traders’ License shall not be less than $100 in any municip­ ality, and shall not exceed in a city or town $500, and in a .township or Village $300. Every transient .trader who car­ ries on business without a license shall be guilty of an offence and shall incur a penalty equal to the license fee which he should have paid, and in addition thereto the sum of not less than $10 and not more than $200. Every transient trader shall’cause his license to be prominently and permanently displayed in his place of business during the full term in which he is carrying on business as a transient trader and in default thereof shall incur a penalty of not less than $1 and not more than $10. Zion W. M.S. The regular monthly meeting was held at the home of Mrs. John. Hern Sr., May the 30th with a good at­ tendance. The president, Mrs. Wm. Hern conducted, the devotional exer­ cises. Hymn 45.2 was used in open­ ing. The scripture lesson was found in the 23rd chapter of Proverbs and was sead by Mrs. Hern followed by prayer. The minutes were read and approved and the roll call was an­ swered by a verse of scriptures on Temperance. After a short business meeting oui* .Temperence Secretary,- Mrs. Well. Brock took charge of the meeting with a program as follows: A reading entitled, “The Menace of Alcohol” was given by Mrs. John Johns; a duett entitled, “Water pure and free” was sung by Mrs. Wilb,ur Batten and Mrs. H. Kyle; a reading entitled, “Alcohol and tile Home” was read by Mrs. Melville Hern; “What Alcohol Does to <tlie Body” was read by Mrs. Wellington Brock; a reading entitled, “The College Oil Can” was given by Mrs. Wm. Hern. Mrs. John .Johns dismissed the meet- ini' &JJTANBURY OLICITORS, Ac. ’Investments Made, Jurancc * ’Vault for use of our ” CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS SOLICITORS, LOANS! INVESTMENTS, FRANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street EXETER, ONT. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & RGEON Graduate|of Facjffty* of'’’Medicine University ber of the i _ Surgeons offOiHffrio; Member of the British Med Phone 6 — Westfln Ontario, Mem- llegiFof Physicians an4 Council. (The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENIAL St JEON House 3-1$ ficer of Militia London/ Ont. Office 34w Office closed |MPednesday afternoon until ext December MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. r.D.S.,D.D.S Office ovefgCaJRng & Morley EXETER, ONT Office in Old Main St., Exeter. inercial Building, Phone 77 w*- ong e r bodies, higher radiators and hoods, low graceful lines, one-piece full crown fenders, rich har­ monious colors— the new Whippets establish a distinctly newstylestandardfor Fours and light Sixes* The new Whippet Six is the world’s lowest priced Six with the impor­ tant advantages of seven-bearing • crankshaft, full force-feed lubrication, “Finger-tip Con­ trol”, silent timing chain, extra long wheelbase, invar-stru t pistons and oversize balloon tires. No Other ear offers all these features at Such a remarkably low price* Ylic nW Whippet Four is the only ... . Conimtrdal dnrx nnil ItTllys-Ktliglit Trucks' roiiging^pt; price ft&nt $680 to J.b.b. factory, taxes extra, L. B. DOYLE, Exeter, Ont Four conibiniMig lull forc"<e-feed lubri- ca tionFinger-tip Control”, silent tuning chain, invar­ strut pistons and oversize balloon tires. A demonstration re­ veals higher speed, jester pick-up and greater power, to­ gether with ease of control and comfortable riding qualities never before associated with Such in­ expensive cars* WHIPPET FOUR COACH $725, Coupe $725, Coupe (with rumble scat) $765, Sedan $810, Roadster $660, Roadster (with rumble seat) $700, Touring $595* WHIPPET SIX COACH $930, Coupe (with tumble Seat) $970i Sedan $995, Touring. $795, Dc-Luxe Sport Roadster $1150* AU prim FtO.B. Fiiciory* T»ri>nMf JErfr*, X HURONDA’.E W. I. The annual meeting of the Huron- dale Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Alvin Moil* on Wednesday af­ ternoon, with an attendance of 27. The correspondence consisted, of a letter of appreciation, from Mrs. Down for the Sunshine bag,, sent to her mother, also a card of thanks for flowers from Mrs. W. Welsh. A let­ ter from -the department, cilso one from Mr. McCague, Agricultural Re­ presentative -of Clinton, dealing With a judging contest to be held in Exe­ ter on the afternoon of June 3 and 4, particularly for the girls of the different institutes in the commun­ ity. The district 'annual meeting is to be held in the institute rooms in Ex'e- ter on Wednesday, June 12 at two o’clock. All members are welcome at this meeting. Plans for a picnic to be'held early in July were left over until the June meeting. ‘A sug­ gestion was brought in, and adopted, that the small fee of 10 cents be col­ lected during the lunch hour of each meeting, the same to be in the hands of an emergency fund committee .and to be used for flowers, presentations, etc., during the year. , The secretary read the financial report for 1928-29, which Was very encouraging and showed a balance oh hand of $62.4S. The auditors re­ ported the books to be correct. The result of the election of of­ ficers was as follows:'President, TylfS, Rufus KeStle;T-st vice-president/Mrs A. Cudmore; 2nd vice-president Mrs. A. Rundle; 'secretary-treasurer, Miss* N, Keddy; branch directors, Mrs. Sr McQueen, Mrs. J, M«. Glonn, Mrs. A. Moir, Sirs. F. Down; district repre­ sentatives, Mrs. A. RupdJef Mrs. R. Kestle, Mrs. B. Williams; Mrs. L. 'Oke emergency fund committee, Mrs. J. Kernick, Misses l. Pym, Verna Oke, Mrs. $. Mitchell; auditors; Mrs. F< Down, Mrs. M. Beclile'r ; pianist, Mrs. W. Etlierihgton; assistant' pianist, Mrs. e. Mitchell. The next meeting will be h^ld st the home 6t Mrs. Stanley Mitchell ou Ju he the 2<5th> **, ** * Most people are willing to take all the credit when they are-successful and blame fate fo^ all the Unlucky breaks.* ♦ ♦ * * * Do you remember way back when torchlight parades were .features, of every political campaign? DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY S iGEON Graduate of. tld^ Ontaflo Veterinary DAY A®D IGHT ?ATTENDED TOCALLS PROMPT Corner of Maih^nd’ Ann Streets Office in C. B. Snell’s Block ^EXETER, ONT. WorksWonderson PeevisH Stomachs and Lair Bowels The old, rcli Tonic and S All the goodness an .herbs, Nature’s ow this toB every org back the old nerves. Cleari? Ee^cma. * Bulk other Gallagher’^ Remedies are, by le Gallagher,*s fem Builder pealing virtues of medicine, are in I drugs. Sets t work in®, 100%. Brings < Good for the troubles—even wp. Spld, as lerWl Household 29 JOHN WARD., CHIROPRACTIC OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO-THERAPY M ULTRA­ VIOLET trBa^Tients PHO MAIN ST.,EXETER ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron mud M‘ FARM SALE PRICES SATISFACTH Phono, 57 dlcsex CIALTY NABLE ARANTEED 1F Dashwood ““ IC R. NO. 17 DASHWOOD FRANK TAY LICENSED AUCT1 . For Huron and 3 FARM SALeIl A Prices Reasonab Guar EXETER I*. O.'or RING 138 EER dlcsex ECIALTY d Satisfaction) USBORNE * HIBBERT. MUTUA1 NSXJKANCE. COMPANY' ,. Faraukar, Ont. SIMON DOW IA.NK MCCONNELL HCtor^ IR,' L T. us, W. GENTS » Centralia, Agent fot find. Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent to) i Hibber.t, Fullartoh and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-TreaEurer Boit 98, Exeter^ Ontario GLADMAN Jk STANBUttY Sd^Bcitorn* Exeter ; OSCAR KLOPP ;. . " LiCj3N.SKD . AUCT . Honoi* Graduate Car tion Schbol. ______ ___ iii Registered live St®k (all broed0 Merchatidisc, Shies, Etp. prevHiling prlc silted, write 0 or phone 18-93, Zurich,, pecial INKER Jones’ Awe- ourse taken Estate, Farm i keeping will* Satisfaction as- . Klopp, Zurich* 1874 The L POLICIES AS W. C. Eiteter. Residot'co, Ann S ’ 6t M 1929 Life poolffAS GOLD ICE |w:«13 Ow