HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-06-06, Page 1and SATURDAY Men’s Athletic Underweaf at 4 CIRCUS WITHDRAWS £>-- on r— JURE liftTUES proposi- •* :’4 1 2I * 3 The pi (I With the presence of IN — k * plate were car were it struck ill in grad­ slight wo •<•■ . * fl time these feaifisr bason, London hatf- ;gam.e. Come out ASSIST IN PROGRAM AT ALMA COLLEGE ’ Miss Helen Anthony and Moorhouse, last Miss the About IN MfcMORIAM IN LOVING MJEMOR growing weaker with for his recovery. NIGHT G mauv $1.69 VESTS AND — AT —■ XETEJ .This is- the seel have diet. this | ing won', the firs see them lose this one. Admission 25 and 15c. attended convocation Friday last, Coultis Hind gradu,- Toronto Dental Gol- of Licentiate of Den- (Continued on page 4)' nie will bo Iiono HON. ERb SST LAPO IN VANCOUVER , W. II.' Penhale, of town, has of for at •Mollard. ice $2.75 and $3,.00 on sale at quality silk, vests and bloomers to PerPh, Oxford1, Lambton, anil The FederallMembers from all Soi the Ontario Federal Cabinet , IN LOWING iMEjifORY ANDRE Died oijf Jud FOR THE HOT ESTABLISHED 1S73 THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 6th, 1929 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 2.888 '> This Store will Close at 12 o’clock, noon, each Wednesday during June, July and August. FINAL CLEARING OF 99 We want to clear out every coat in the next 10 days. In order to do so we* have put the price of every coat at less, than cost price. We still have a Splendid Range of Navy and Black Tpcotine Coats, as well as Smart Tweed Styles as low as $7.95 for This Season’s Styles. Bome in early. All Linen Towelling at 18c and yd. LOT NO. 1—5 Webs pure linen hand and roller towelling^ linen/well Worth 25c. a yard. Our clearing pric NOT NO. 2—10 Webs' extra heavy linen tea and hand t< wide, in colored checks and stripes.. A regu -’ 29c« a yard. solutely all a yard. ling 22 inches 35c. qualify at ‘BIG B’ Brandy Work Shirts JTt $1.00 ea CRITICALLY ILL» Mr. E. J. Christie, who is Victoria Hospital, London, is ually hopes DIED Mr. received word that his sister, Miss Elizabeth Penhale, ' of Vancouver, died on June 3rd in her 79th year. The deceased was-born on the 2nd concession of Stephen leaving here 47 years ago. She last visited in Exeter in 1919, PRESENTATIONS FOR BRIDE-ELECT Wednesday evening a surprise was held Medd, bride-elect, of Mrs. V. “Big B” Brand are the best Work Shirts we colors,Khaki, iSJavy, Light Blue and Black and Whi >w of for the money, ' at $1.00 each. On week Nellie home 35 ladies of the Main St. United church were present and spent a pleasant evening in contests and amusements. Miss Medd was pre­ sented with a beautiful electric floor lamp and an electric hot following which refreshments served. Four Exeter Students Graduate as Doctors The results of. the various uni­ versities contain the names of a number of former students of the Exeter High School, Among the list of graduates this year will be found the names of three medical doctors and one dentist. Others who are graduating are entering various spheres of activity and have secured lucrative positions. We extend our congratulations to all who have been successful. The following is .« list of the students but the list' is not complete as all of the results have not been? published as yet. Dr. J. M. Harvey, B.A., M.A., M. D., graduates ffom the University of Toronto faculty of Medicine. Dr. Harvey is to be congratulated on passing second in a class of over one hundred. He will spend the coming year as interne in Western Hospital, Toronto. -Mrs. J. S. Harvey and Miss Gladys Harvey are in Toronto attending the graduation exercises. Dr. Harry Seldon has graduated- from Queen’s University. Kingston^ rWith the degrees of M.D., C.M., the- latter degrees referring to Master of*- Surgery. Dr. Seldon aldng • With” Dr; Harvey will spend a year as in-* terne at Western Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon and Vraj-* lace were in Kingston last week at­ tending the graduation exercises. Dr. Margaret Strang, B.A., iM.D.,. dau^ter ,ct£ jMX...and Mrs. Henry,. Strang, of Usborne, ’’ha's^passed"TTer” final year in medicine at Western University. Dr. Strang has been- appointed interne at St. Joseph^ Hospital, Ham ilton her duties to coihmence October - the. 1st: Mr, and. Mrs. Strang and family, Mr. C. Keddy and the Misses Hannah and Nettie Keddy .in London on Dr. George ates from the lege with title We Can Help You to^ee Better Our method of te complete a Office hour# 9:30 1:30 to t *1 . 13. a.m« ig is most es moderate anc| Phone 75 w Appointment FITTON OPTOMETRIST RAND BE .00 suit Why pay more for your Athletic combinatij^? We can give you,.a real good quality buttonless, Athletic combination * all sizes at $1,00 a garment for men and 65c. for boys. erwearSale of Silk U NS—Real quality silk knit jpight gowns, colors peach/ blue, White and rose. Regqlar ach. LOOMERS—In the bett ... match,Igood rage of colors. • Rj^ular price $4.00 a suit on sale at S—In Stanfield’s heajty Movasilk. Regular $4.25 a suit to a suit. New Stra — IN Sailors and Pai LOWESTPRICES EATHER—Boys middies, etc.wash dres $2.59 ALSO 6 S. SI clear a louses, wash suits, overall suits, girls’ very reasonable prices. EVENING PERFORMANCE Barnett Bros., Circus visited Exe-« tei- on Thursday of last week and before a large crowd of spectators paraded the streets of town at noon. They held an afternoon performance on the fair grounds but the weather being unseasonably hot, the therm­ ometer being around 80 in the shade only a smal crowd were present. The circus did not attract many in the ‘evening and the performance was withdrawn. Barnett Bros, carry with them three large tents and con­ siderable equipment and their visit to Exeter proved a loosing tion. > ALL THE NEW STYLES, NEW' LOW PRICES Dr. Scholl’s Foot Expert at this store on Thursday, June 20th Phone 32 Phone 32 Miss R. of Exeter, students at .Alma College, St. Thomas, had the ^honour of being chosen to take part ■in, the program of toasts and, speech­ es which followed the banquet given : liy?, the Undergraduates'rofv*t’he*J&bl- legeMn honour of the graduating class in the College 'dining rooin last Friday evening. Miss Anthony pro­ posed the toast to Alma College, to which Principal Dobson and W. F. Thomas, chairman of the” College Executive, replied. Miss Moorhouse read the Class History. Yellow tu­ lips aiid Iilies-of-the-valley were ‘ef­ fectively used' to decorate the dining 'room for the event. The speeches of the evening were described by the St. Thomas Tlmes-Jpurnal as “Witty and charming.’’ ■ TUDHOPE RANGETTES Prices range from $25.00 up to $39.00 6 Points of Su I ■ Operate from either dfctll or base plug receptacle^ special wiring required.% Equipped with standard1 heat, reciprocating switch which may be turned t high, medium or low.- Constructed, of heavy gauge metal, is electrically spot welded, ensuring strength, , and exceptional wear.. ' \ jtrically operated without les and at about one-quar. the cost of other fuels, 1 Tudhope rangettes and It plates have chromium • Hated trimmings which Svill ■Wot 'tarnish^ ■jRauge.ttes are attractively ■finished in either^grey,‘■blue, ■sreen or orange ,enamel — ry easy to keep clean. BIRTHS HANNIGAN—In Exeter, on Wed- ■ nesday’ June Sth to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hannigan a son. DEATHS CREERY—Iii Usborne, on Monday, ■June 3rd, T929, Eliza Jane Creery in her 7 4th year. TETREAU—In .Grand. Bend, on Thursday, May 30th, 1929, Mary Tetreau; widow of the late Fran­ cis Tetreau, aged 89 years, 11 months and 14 days.. MR. GLADMAN INJURED WHEN RUNAWAY STREET CIAR STRIKES AUTOMOBILE (London Advertiser) A runaway Normal, street car, which left the rails at the corner of Wellington street and Central aven­ ue at 1:30 Friday, crashed into a car driven by Deputy Magistrate F. rest the vGAISHIt—r’In Loving, memory of our debt. fathe^*J»o^b . Gaiser, who passed<*fway, on '’’'IO th, 192'8. A lovihg father so sw&dt and kind, TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD PHONE YOUR HARDWARE NECESSITIES TO NO. 27. ...... ' .. ... -IN ACEMOKtaH' loving liiemor«... - «£ oul deaj^brotlieif Jacob. Gaise)’, who Juno ■ 5Y$at a, "be^tifui menjiry ho has S left behind „ ‘ 4 His spirit has\fled, o'er 4, 1028 Sadly lniss^lHiy daughter and sons cc jJL COWARD u Junce9, 1028 ssed by Wife’ and family ’ pp Game tallei ExeterLondo Hon. J; C 3 THE PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS ..... 4-..4^......■,...... at 5.30 Demonstration & Picnic at GRAND BEND, HURON COUNTY, on WEDNESDAY, JUN^19th, 1929 for all jh^hbcniTs ami Citizens geneijpy of Huron, Middlesex/ ' ie City o£ London, western Ontario and also istefs will be present. TE, Minister of Justice with -- W. Glad man, and came to against a, telephone pdle on northeast corner of the street. Al­ though Mr. Gladman’s car received considerable damage, he escaped with a slight shaking up. Passengers in the street hurled from their seats as the telephone pole. The pole was splintered into three sections, one of which remained suspended in the air. - iMV. Gladman’s car was badly da­ maged on the roof and the right side. He was shaken up but otherwise un­ hurt. “ . 1 The car left the rails as. it was taking the curve at the intersection and when it came to rest it was against the curb at the northeast corner of the street. -----■ DRIVER EXONERATED IN CHILD’S DEATH A verdict of death by accident and attaching no blame to aiiy person, Was returned by a coroner’s jury at Chatham last Thursday afternoon at the close of an inquest into the Cir­ cumstances of an accident on Friday morning, May 24,th in which 'Hat­ land, four-year-old suit of Gordon Findlay, farmer, of Chatham Town­ ship, was fatally injured. The lad was struck by a. car driven by Mr. David.P, Rowclitfe, of Hxeter, who was driving west oh the provincial highway. The accident occurred one. mile east of Louisville, near his home, Evidence* indicated that the child, his attention fixed on the ap­ proach of a car in the opposite dir­ ection, ran across the road without observing the car driven by Mr. Rowciifto, . .,. Elliott, Hon* W, E Euler inister of Public Works iiiister of National Revenue inister Trade & Commerce ellington Hay, M.P0 Ross liss Gertrud# Rankiil, Presi BRO CKt?^^iAoW^toji '• dear' mother Acnw /^p.assOd away on Juife 6th, 1926. 'The -moon ajid stars Oft a Idtf Beneath lie But whOT i we’ could not save. The years' n But this The momor, When wo. ^memory of our Brock, who •e Shilling silent grave, one we dearly love, Hon. J. Ms icolm Senator Repkin, Gray, M.P dent of th^pnJtiTo Liberal Women’s Association wri GAISER^ )U»$sed <wayv one y&ar a JTO', 1928, \ l|is smiling, waj \Are a pleasuf He bad a’ -kindlj word for each And died beh Sbme.xlay we ho >e to meet him, ..Some day, To clasp his hftira in. the better land ■. Never to part again, - PP Bothers and sisters u-r;-.. ■■ ! 'and ’pleasant face, r to recall ay wipe out many things hny’Il wipe out never; of those happy days, ’ woip nil together. Sadly missed by Husband, Son Daughters and PP The Public M eet lug- win be opened nt S p.nf. by Tltfflims Mc­ Millan, M?P., of South Huron, and Mr. F .G. Sanderson, the Liberal Whip for the Province.; Come with your baskets and bring your families and spend a- pk-asant day in the interests of Liberalism fn Canada, ’sufferings♦ At the fireside |he will join us no *• more. Not gdno Not gone from .Dut gone to hls|ieavon1y Homo above. Sadly missed by his loving wife, and daughter * from ur* memory uf love, son DP. veil by all. knpw not ^yhen, The way to be popular is just make the other fellow believe ho popular wif.h you. to is CARD OF THANKS »Mr. and Mrs. John tSt . ... daughter, desire to extheir slift- cere thanw to the the expres cd to- the roavenieu Moorhens oral service at iiy friends for ympathy extend- tu their reeont bo- also to Rev, C. J. conducted the fun- Palmerston. ec. Miss Thelma. Weber. underwent an operation at the Exeter Hospit­ al on Thursday of last week for appendicitis and is improving nice­ ly* ZURICH BAND IN ATTENDANCE COD SAW THE KING