HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-30, Page 6R.- ... .... • T > THURSDAY, MAY 30th, lf>3»THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE KIRKTON Mrs, R. Robinson, who spent winter with friends in Toronto, returned to h®1* home. here. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald spent 24th in Teeswater., Miss Helen Bretbour, of London, epent the Week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Bretbour. Miss Eleanor Doupe, of Stratford, thg has tlie visited pn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazlewood. >,# . : Mr. Robt. Dobson t bus improved the appearance of ’ his house with stucco and other improvements. Mr, Harry Burgin has Improved his garage with stucco. Jtfr. Fred Roger is building an ad­ dition ta his house. Rev. Mr. Livingstone, of Wood­ hum, occupied the pulpit in the Unit- ed church on Sunday night preach­ ing a very fluent sermon-. rThe Sunday School have started practicing for their anniversary. Dr. C, A, Campbell is training them. The Kirlcton- baseball team played their first game of ball on Monday evening with Mt. Pleasant resulting in a tie, 4 all, A number from here attended the supper at Woodham on the 24th, Beloved Teacher is Hon. Arthur Meighen Ambng Those Paying Last Tribute to, Late Ste­ phen Martin, B.A. DISTRICT NEWS FtAhlrT pteZ Brakes •fining Chain iLnbricaiion 1 KA Born in. Usborne Township Mrs. Fred EUerington and. young son, accompanied by Miss Margaret Quinton -and Miss Hettie Sweet, of Exeter*, ' borne of -—Lucap. Mr. S, his to Mr. W. F. Walther, of Strat- Mr. Hodge has been, in busi- over fifty years and is now re- were .Sunday guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dignan. . News. A, .Hodge, of Mitchell, has old established drug busi- ■ The funeral of Stephen Martin, B. whp for the best part of half a century taught collegiate pupils in St. Marys and London, and vj-ho passed away at his residence, 828 Queen's avenue, London, on Monday night, in his 72nd year, was held on Thursday afternoon from the family residence at 3 o’clock, where a short service was conducted by Rev. Ern- Young, of Dundas Centre Church, Service in Dundas Church was also conducted IO Minutes ..... with a Durant Owner' VOU will gain more knowledge of Durant value in ten ”*■ minutes with a Durant owner, than you would learn, by hearsay in a month; His enthusiasm for the Red Seal Continental Motor, Bendix Four WhecfBrakes, Durant body workmanship, general per­ formance and easy riding, is based on actual day-by-day enjoyment. Talk to a Durant owner^JtiSrlO-minutes will let you drive a Durant any time I KxpHt Sinifh-Aihinralr Established 18.73 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning., at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year i» advance, RATHS—Farm or Real Estate Rir <saje 50c. each insertion for firat four insertions. 25c. each subse­ quent Insertion. Miscellaneous ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, op Found 10c. per line of six word*. “ ' 10c, per lin»» 5 0c, Legal ad- 8c. per line. Int one verse 50c® each. sold ness ford, ness tiring, remaining in Mitchell, The engagement is announced of Miss Vera A., daughter of Mr. ■Mrs, Hugh Dunlop, of Hullett, to Leslie J. Oliver, only *son of Mr. Mrs, J. R. Oliver, Brussels, Ont-, marriage to take place early in month of June. Edward M. Lowry, well-known St. Marys shoe merchqpt passed, away at Mrs. Crone's private hospital re­ cently from pneumonia. He was eighty years of age and had resided in' St. Marys the last twenty-two years. He is survived^ by his widow and one .son, A quiet marriage was solemnized at Ontario Street United church par. sonage, Clinton, when Rev. A. E. Doan united in marriage Olive Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Da­ vid Wright to Wilfred T. Penfound, son of Mrs, Adam Scott, of Clinton and the late Thomas Penfound. Some young people in a coupe came albng to the farm of Herbert Clarke in Fullarton. Township and noticing some tame ducks on the Creek shot at them, bringingi down three fine ducks. Mr. Clarke was notified and chase was given to0 the thieves but'tliey were unable to over­ take them. The death occurred at the home of her son-in-law and .(laughter Mr.^and MrskP.Stbling Dempsey, Clinton, of- an •old :andi highly esteemed resident in the person of Mrs. William Stanley after a lengthy illness. Mrs. Stan­ ley had been a resident of Clinton for many years anu Is survived by four daughters and two .sons. A tourist car pulled up to the gas pump in front of C. J. Meurer’s garage in Mitchell and . when the driver made an’attempt to move on he found that his gears had become locked. He attempted to move the car by hand without closing off the ignition when it sprang forward over the sidewalk an crashed into the brick corner of Jones’ Drug store knocking out several bricks. and Mr. and the the Readlng notices Card of Thanks veptisjng 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c. Member of The Canadian Weekly , Newspaper Association. est W. United Centre by Mr. Young, assisted by Rev. Ro­ bert Hicks, of Wallaceburg, Burial was Cemetery, The Hon, Arthur Meighen, F. W. C. Mc­ Cutcheon, W. H. May, John P, Hunt, Dr, S. ‘Thomas and J. L. McDonald. Many beautiful floral tributes from friends all over Ontario surrounded the casket. By the death of Mrf Martin, until recently head of the mathematical department of t'he London Central Collegiate Institute, secqndary edu­ cation in Ontario loses one of the outstanding members of the teach­ ing profession. Had. Ability to Inspire For the‘past 16 years he had been a valued member of the London in­ stitute, only retiring from active .ser­ vice last June, and a great tribute to his ability to inspire and instruct will be paid byr all' those who had ' the good fortujj^^o attend his class? es. His reputation as a teacher, how­ ever, was made in St. Marys, where for 28 years he was on the staff of the collegiat'e-’TnstTtute tlTSTfe;’ or which 24 years he spent as principal. To scores upon scores of men and womqn holding responsible positions in Canada and the United States, the days spent in Mr. > Martin’s classes will be recognized by them as of su­ preme value in. shaping their whole careerg. The Hon. Arthur Meighen, who at­ tended the funeral in person to pay his last respects to his forpier teach­ er, is only one among many to re­ cognize the .sterling worth of the man. who guided the destiny of Sit.. Marys Collegiate Institute through so many years. s For several years he was a valued member of the advisory council of education in Toronto, and the esteem in which he was held .was shown by the many responsible positions which he held. Wallaceburg, made in Woodland pallbearers were a >rar Force Pel T&>A H. T. N. Reynolds .returned Monday after attending the by DURANT MOTORS®/ CANADA LIMITED - TORONTO, CANADA Rugby Trucks Vi Too toT’A Too Capacities TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN C$urt ,of .Rcjnsioii : given that the Assessment its fh^Ft meeting in the , Crediton, on Monday, your dealer BUYING SHINGLE# NOW GRANTON/ ONTARIO, I OSBORNE FIRE INS UBA Head Office. President Vice-Pr^ ANGUS’ SBlCt/ roRt. : JOHN ESS? “ Us|) Oliver h Hibbert, • ’’ w. SecreTary-Treas’.irer . • Box 98, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN &’STANBURY fcSobcltOrs, Exeter E. G. Kraft. Dashwood Bom Near Exeter . He was born in 1S57 on a farm near. Exeter, and attended High School in St. Marys, taught public school for almost three years, and then graduated from the University of Toronto with honors in mathema­ tics from the classes of ’S5. He is survived by four children Miss Alice Martin, who is a member of the public library staff; Mrs. (Dr.) Geiger (Grace) of Milverton, and two sons, Howard, of the teach­ ing staff of the University of Toron­ to, and Gilbert, of the Imperial Life Insurance Company of Toronto. Mr. Samuel Martin of Exeter is the .only surviving, brother, and Mrs.'Paul Madge of Milk River, Alta.,/is the only Sister. "ir" • Notice |is 'hereby; Court of ^Revision- dl Roll of.„|he Towship of Stephen 5V111 llOlll 4 iWfir rv» riia<-?Ti ivi TVin Town Hall, --„------ - .... — .the 3rd Iday d|L, .June 1929, at 10 o’clock aim. Jf," Jfilber, Clerk, Creditor ALMOST WITH Professional Cards ‘ GLADMANJ& STANBURY BARRISTERS/ SOLICITORS, &C. Money to LoajJ, Investments Made, surance ault for use of our ithout charge Stephen Twp. Old Boy Dies in Michigan WHIPPET SIX SEDAN?>?>.■» F.O.B. Factory, taxes extra. Kidney Troub and Weakness R by “Frtiit-a-li J&eauty, Style, Larger Bodies Have (Captured Popular Preference Discerning motorists feVei hereto fore to much more expensive cars. Arrange with your nerirest dealer to try out one bf the models today. _________ and sdutodingthehotn.No wires WHIPPET FOUR COACH fiu&t Mues ever ofFered to Four and light Six buyers, t Rondster *660, Roadster (with riunble seal) I7OO, •' \ •' \ J • . :■ Touting 93&S. 9 A demonstration will fceyeal speedy e^f&rtaMe ridiag j of eontrol limited - X full jin* itf, fruc^ ^3460, f.&k factorytaxes cittra. zerywhbr® appreciate kat the new whippets, rith their greater beauty, larger bodies and costly-car engi­ neering features, are ”FIXGKR-TII» CONHMML” • The greatest advance ih driving convenience since this eelf-etarter. A single button, located hi fhi center Of the steering Wheel; wntrols aH function# of ^tatting the motor, operating the' lights au^e of Kid- •ed with ter­ Mrs. Rom- ___, J»’de Mathrf, “I Wils treated/ for 3- long pick*u|>, *pOwcr, comfortable ridin; ease . - * ra^ngbiFriS, B. Doyle, Exeter Safe-Deposit EXETER LONDON HENSAIAi MORLEY LICITORS, &C. BSTMENTS, ANCE lock, Main Street; -CARLING BARRISTERS, LOANWIN Office; Carling EXETER, ONT. ‘ rDR«, M..iOGi FLETCflER PHYSICIAN Graduate of F University of We§ her of the Co^Jeg Surgeons-of O&M British Medica Phone 6 — ( Dr. H. K. SURGEON ulty of Medicine,, rn Ontario, Me»- of Physicians and. io; Member of th® ouncil. office of the late Hyndman) Dr. G, S. Atkinson, L..S.,D.D.S® DENTAL SURGEON Late District Uinta! Officer of Militl* District Nuthbd One. Rondon, Ont. Office 34w Office open Wedn until May lit, 1929 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT, House S4J lay afternoon® Mr. home­ funeral of his brother-in-law, the late William C. Kelly, prominent cit­ izen of Jdewberry, Michigan, who died May 21st following a brief ill­ ness from bronchial pneumonia. The deceased was born, in the Township of Stephen and was aged 71 years. The Newberry News says in part; ‘‘Mr. Kelly was one of the few re­ maining pioneer citizens of New­ berry. Coming here in* the early eighties he was'for many years em­ ployed as an' engineer by the old Vulcan* Furnace Co. and its success­ ors and also served in a similiar ca­ pacity at the . State • Hospital. Ill health compelled him many years ago to retire from active work, since then he had taken life easy. He served two terms as county treasur­ er and. for a number of years was a member and chairman of the.vil­ lage Water and Light Board. He'was elected village president but resign­ ed before his term was complete. De­ ceased was One of the solid and sub­ stantial citizens of the community and one who was held in. the highest esteem by all. A man of pronounc­ ed convictions, he always clung ten­ tatively to his beliefs and always took an active interest in all matters of public welfare.” There is left to mourn his demise a Widow and one- was very we ney trouble and Wff< rible Headaches,” ulus Tessier, - St.' p. q. ‘ _____ time and, was just abjatlt discour­ aged when I lehrijed/Of ‘'F'rult-a- tives.” improvement1.-came with , the first, few doses, '■ and ift six months the kidney tixsubld’ weak­ ness pnd headaches were gone.” ’'FrUh.Hi-tjves” regulates the- bo­ wels, kidneys and skin — purifies tire blood--add brings sound, vig- otig health. Try this wonderful' medicine made of fruit juices, com­ bined with the finest medical in* .gredichts, 25c. add 5dc. a box —at dealers everywhere, 2x4 Pike Scantlingf7for Colony houses, s or other buildings >er M- FERTILIZER al^dwesfc ' pi-ices. & HIBBERT MUTUA1 CE COMPANY rouhar, Ont. SIMON DOW nk, McConnell TORS , J. T. ALLISOH, , WM. BROCK JENTSj. .Centrtiiia/Agent tM and Bidduiph IS, Muhro. Agent to liarton and Logan TURNBULL ‘ Dr. G. F. Roulston, 4? S..D.D.S- Office over CaBii!^“& Morley Law EXETER, ONT. DR. WM. L. LAWSON L. D. S. f. D Office in Old C$ Main St., Exeter D. S. §ercial Buildings Phone 77v»> DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Onta ollege o Veterinary HT [TENDED TO Ann Street® H’s Block DAY AND N CALLS PROMPT&Y Corner of Main Office in C. I EXETER? JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA- VIOLE !REA1MENTS MAIN ST.,EXETEE& ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCT For Huron and FARM SALE PRICES RE •SATISFACTION Phone 57-13 M NEER . diesex s cialty ABLE RANTEED shwoodPhone 57-13 D R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOQD LOR lONEElt iddlesex ’ECIALTY- tl Satisfaction . ,r FRANK TA LICENSED AIX; For jlurdn and FARM SALES- A Prices Reasoiia EXETER f. o.il/RING 13ST ’ OSCAR KJ 'LXCENSEp' ’liUC' Honor Graduate Ca iioti School. ~ in Registered Liv’el£to< Merchahdise, $ales, Etc. Rates ii prevailihg prices, guted, <pt( pltone 18-93, Zurich, OnL PP ONEElt. y Jones’ Aug- ‘purse takers, (all breeds! stale, Farm keeping withb Satisfaction as* write Oscar Klopp, 1874 The Londton Life policies‘"As- goo^ w. c. praJ Exeter. Resltleate, Ann St., Mak eks AS- GOLD 1 19