HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-30, Page 5i DR/R. I.P. DOU Honor graduate of Medicine, and Master or $lie University of Weste Member of College of ®nd Surgeons of O two doors east of Post ALL ’acuity of Science, of n Ontario, Physicians ■io, Office ffice. HENSALL, ONT. Phono 50 Residence 114 DR. J. A. McTAGGART, L. D. S, Specializing in Plate Work HENSALL, ONT. ’Telephone 106 Main Street was was HENSALL Mr. Jack Dick, oi' Orillia, is vis­ iting- relatives in town. iM'iss Mattie Ellis spent Saturday visiting friends in London. Miss Marie Bell, of London, g^'home here for the holiday, Mr. J. A. Fleming, of Lucan, a. visitor in town on the 24ith, Miss Lulu McDonald, of London, yisited her parents over the 24th, Mr. Lloyd McDonald and Mr. Mel­ vin Moir spent the 24th in. London. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, of .Windsor, were holiday visitors in town. » Miss Irma Higgins, of Kitchener, spent the holiday visiting at her home here. Miss Irma Rannie, of Detroit, was a visitor over the week-end at her liome here. Mr. Lloyd Passmore, of Toronto, visited over the holiday at his home an the village. Misses Jean and Helen Elder, of London, visited over the week-end at their home here. Miss A. Murdock is home from To­ ronto where she lias been receiving medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald, of Woodstock, visited .relatives in town ■over the holidays. . 5 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith Jr., of London, spent the 24th visiting Mr. Smith’s parents in town. Mrs. Duncan McMartin, who was confined to her room with. g. sever’e illness is slightly improved". ' The many friends of Mr. Fred Sim­ mons are glad to see him out again after his recent operation. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Bont'hron, of De­ troit, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Mr. Lester Fisher, "of Windsor, spent the holiday visiting liis mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, of St. Thomas, visited at the'home of Mr. J- A. McDonald over the week-end. The many friends of Mrs. Robt. Higgins will be sorry to hear that she is confined to her room through illness. . . The many friends of Mr. Thos. Palmer Sr., are glad to see him back again, and to • see liira hale and hearty. . U Mr. and*- Mrs. Douglass and fam­ ily of.Hyde Park, were week-end vis­ itors with Mrs. Johnson and Miss M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. D. McHarg, of Lon­ don, were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. McHarg’-s mother Mrs. Thos. Peart. # . Mrs. Roy Palmer returned home from the Clinton hospital on Thurs­ day evening last and is improving nicely. Mre. I. Pope, who has been spend­ ing a few months visiting her chil­ dren, has returned home for the summer. Mrs. Wm. Vanhorne and daugh- , ter Ruth, of London, spent the week­ end visiting Mrs. Troyer and Mr. Mrs. Geo. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hamilton, accompanied Hedden spent the 24th of Mrs. C. Hedden. Mr. Thos. Drummond Margaret Drummond, of are spending a few days with and Mrs. Earl Drummond. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis, of routo, were holiday, visitors at Hiome of Mrs. W. C. Davis and ■ Mr. and Mrs. A. W, E. Hemphill. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and family, of Toronto, spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. Campbell’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murdock. ■ Commencing the first Wednesday in June all stores 'in Hensall will be .closed ih the afternoon during the months of June, July and August. Mr. Andrew Buchanan has pur­ chased the residence of Mr. Thos. Drummond on South Richmond' St. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan intend mov­ ing here soon. ^Miss Gertrude Hoggarth, of ""“to- •MBbito; Messrs. Donald Hoggarth and Herb Hoggarth, of London, were •week-end visitors at their home here. Miss Nellie Carmichael, who last ■week sold 'her residence here to Miss McKay, of Kippen, intends holding an auction sale of her household ef- B fects on June 8tli. r M'r. and Mrs.. Bertram North, of Woodstock* were week-end" visitors with Mrs. North’s parents Mr. and Mrs. R., Higgins. Mrs. North is staying a Week here. On Tuesday’1' afternoon the black team of colts belonging to G?F. Case Son ran away and broke off a tele­ graph post in the station yard be­ sides doing other damage. Mrs. E. Hawthorne, Mrs. G. Than- maburgh, Mrs, Nellie Elbert al'ise Sly via Gilbert, of Texas, spending a few days with Mr Mrs. S. Merneh and Mr, and Geo. Brock. • Mm1 'U.**V* *»-■•••*7 -----------atroit, are spending a feW- days this Week with Mrs. Burnett’s parents, Mr and Mrs. John Rowcliffe, Lon­ don „Road before leaving for their diew home In Calgary. Services on Sunday in. the Dnited chutch were largely attended the -ftdstor Rev, A. Sinclair delivering very interesting discourses at both services, At the evening W’VfcJe Mr. W 0. Goodwin and Thos, ’ Shetrltt rendered a very pleasing duet en­ titled ’’Nailed to the Cross?’ and Hedden, by Mr. at the home of Lee and Miss Toronto, Mr. To­ th e and are and Mrs. ’Alex Burnett, of De­ M»ds A., of even- I’resentut'ioiis and Addresses to Rev. T. Jones At a meeting of the Y. P. St. Paul's church on Monday ing Rev. Mr. Jones, who is leaving shortly was presented by the A. Y. P, A. with an address and a purse of gold. The address was read by Mr. A. L, Case and the presentation made by Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin. The Ladies Guild of the church also presented him with an address and a purse of gold. The address was read by Mrs, E. Drummond agd the presentation made by Mrs. Thos, Simpson. Mr. Jones, who was completely taken by surprise made a very feeling reply and spoke of the pleasant relation- ship that existed between the con-* gregation and -himself, Lunch was served at the close. ' Hensall Firemen Stage Fine Holiday Program The big celebration and concert p,ut on by the Hensall Fire Brigade on the 24th of* May was a big suc­ cess, The day was fine, the town nicely decorated and a large crowd attended'. The Zurich band supplied the music. At one o’clock the parade formed, up and marched through the streets with the Zurich band leading­ following by the school children of the different schools in the district; a trade procession; calithumpians; decorated autos and the fire brigade. At the park a large crowd gathered where the judging took place. Reeve Higgins opened the proceedings with an address of welcome. The follow­ ing is the prize list: The best comic dressed public school. First Miss Ellis’ room, second Miss Buchanan’s room. Best decorated cars, first, Mr. Robt, Green, Mr. John Passmore. Best advertising float, “Scotty” Eas­ ton, Exeter, Mrs. Bertha Bell. Best decorated bicycle, Johnnie Drum­ mond', iM'ary Coleman. Best •>- cali- thumpian, Miss MacIntyre and' Miss Drummond, Miss Irene Hoggarth and Miss Dorothy Drummond. Girl’s race under 10, Nellie Fee, Grace Martin, Grace Wurm'. 13 and under, M. Pridham, A. Fairbairn, M. Fee. 16 -and under, M. Pridham, Beryl Pfaff, Mary Hemphill. Boy’s race 6 and under, Garnet Passmore, Har­ old Wurm, Bobby Hess. 10 and un­ der, B. Barrow, E. Emero, J. Walk­ er. -100 yard dash, open, M. McKay, J, McKay. Pole vaulting, boys 13 and under, H. Hemphill, H. Apple­ ton; boys’ 16 and under, E. Emero, R. Welsh, r ‘ Stoddart, broad jump, Brock, E. Rennie Joynt, E. Borrow Pigeon, E. Tollman, Standing jump, Mr. Wright, E. Pigeon. Bole vaulting, open, R. A. Cobiun. Standing boys under 13, R. 16 and under, W. open, L. Joynt, E. high The Horse Shoe contest was contested. The prize going to and Paul Boa those taking second were H. A. Howson and S. S. Kent, The consolation prize went to Lloyd and Wesley Venner. The prize for discovering the mispelled word on the advertising posters was won by Al­ bert Passmore. well Geo. In the evening a big concert was put on by the Brunswick Trio and was presented to a crowded house •and a large number had to be turned away. After the concert a dance was put on in the hall, the music being supplied by a Stratford Orchestra. Council Meeting and Court of Revision A special meeting of the village council was held on Monday evening before the C(>urt of Revision. The reeve stated that he had got in touch with Mr. Saunders, the government highway Engineer for the district and he agreed to put in another cul­ vert on the highway in front of the Robt. McLaren farm so the water would go off faster and he also agreed to relieve the dust situation on the London Road by immediately putting on Calcium Chloride. The Reeve also stated that he had got in tojich with Mr. O’Riley, of Toronto, sales agent for calcium chloride and he agreed to place a car of calcium chloride at Hensail station around the 1st of June at $27.21 a ton. Sev­ eral other places around have not given orders. Most places are buying this material for dust prevention and it is quite a bit cleaner and cheaper than oil. The Reeve stated that the roads would have to be graded first to get the best results from this ma­ terial. It was moved by Mr. Ort- wein and seconded by Mr. Petty that we notify Mr. O’Riley to place a car at Hensail and we will take out of it' what .we need. Councillor Petty brought up* the matter of a new flag for the town hall stating that the old one was worn out. He was instructed to purchase a new one. The council then -adjourned to open up as a Court of Revision on the As­ sessment roll every member having taken their oath of office, Mr. Alex Smith has made a number of appeals on different places An ■ King Street and on some parts of the Geiger pro­ perty. Miss C. Mitchell had an ap­ peal in that her property was assess­ ed too high and there was two or three other appeals. It was moved by -Sangster and seconded by Camer­ on that the Geiger assessment be left as it was and no business assess­ ment added, as there was no amend­ ment to 'the motion, the chairman de­ clared it carried. The different ap­ peals on Main St. were left as they were except Dr, Campbell who Vras raised $75.00'on his business tax. The board felt considering the busi­ ness depression in our .small village it was not advisable to make the business assessment too high. Miss Mitchell’s assessment was lowered The .board felt that considering busi­ ness assessment oh the Steele Briggs Co. was raised $200.00, 'The ware- house of the Farmer’s Co-operative Co.' was. lowered $200.00, the rest of the assessments were left as they were, The Court of Revision then adjourned 'and the council will meet again on Monday evening, June 3rd. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE I JU— CREDITON STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL A Strawberry Festival will be held in the Ci'editoiZUnited Church on THURSDAY, jy E 0, 1929. Sup­ per will b A serve from 5:30 to 8 p. m. Following Zhe supper a splen­ did progra.ir jfvill be presented by the Listoi: Concert Co. This company of entertainers come high­ ly recommended so don't miss this opportunity to enjoy a real treat, Ad­ mission, adults 40 and children 25c. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Scriven, of To­ ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs, C. Schroeder’ over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter Helen spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ike Gower in Woodham. Mr. and Mrs, George Hayes and family of near Exeter spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Misses Hannah Mathers and Clara Lewis celebrated May 24th at Port Stanley. They report a splendid time, Mrs, Noble Scott and Mrs, Jas. Willis and Mrs. John Lawson spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gower. " Mr. and Mrs, Percy Bowman, of London, spent Sunday with the lat­ ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Ran, Miss Ruby Hedden, Mr. J. Hedden and lady friend, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Heath and two children, of Windsor, spent the .holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morlock and^ ‘daughter Ella and iMr. and Mrs. J. Morlock attended the convocation play “You and I” at Western, Uni­ versity on Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron McLean, of Toronto, spent Saturday with the latter’s aunt Mrs.. Chris. Hoffman. Mrs. Hoffman returned home with them to visit her sister Mrs. S'. Quance, who is confined to.her bed. There will be" nov service', in the United church here next Sunday ev­ ening on account of the pastor’s ab­ sence while attending the annual conference* at London. DASHWOOD Local News THURSDAY, MAY J50LD, 1029 *1*1 Mr, and Mrs. S. FItton motored to Toronto ou the 24th. Mrs. W. J. Beer is visiting in To­ ronto with Miss Olive Quance. Rev. Mr. Redman, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. John Dignan. Mr. Gordon Wells, of Windsor, spent Friday in town with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Hooper have , returned home after visiting in To­ ronto. Miss S. Ross, of Toronto, spent the week-end with hei* sister, Miss M, E. Ross? Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. S. West. Miss Dorothy Foster, of Toronto, is visiting her grandfather, Mr, Jas. Handford. , • Mi', spent Ethel Mr. spent Exeter and Sexsmith, Master Teddy Wethey, of London, spent the week-end with his father Mr. E. J. Wethey. Miss Marguerite Aidworth, Stratford, spent the holiday with parents at Sexsmith. Mrs. Ueo. Jaques visited with sister Mrs. Samuel Stevenson, of. De­ vizes, last week. Mr. Louis Aidworth, of Bayfield, called on friends in Exeter and at Sexsmith last week. Mr. George Geddes, • spent the holiday with liam at Sexsmith. Mrs. Arthur Nash, of ed with her daughter Powell last week. A report of the opening ball game in the W. O. B. A. at London will be found on another page. Miss Annie Simmons spent the holidays in Windsor visiting with her brother Clarence. ' '< Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Colborne and family, of Goderich, spent 24th with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. Mrs. Mutrie is visiting at Syracuse New York and will also visit at Bos­ ton, Mass., before returning. Mrs. Wm. Higgins and Mrs. T. Mc­ Neil, of Clinton, spent Saturday with their sister Mrs. Jos. Hawkins. Mr. Jack Marshall, of London, spent the holiday with his friend Mr. W- J. Geddes at Sexsmith. .Mr. and Mrs. William Morlock and daughter, of Aurora, Ill., visited with Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer over the week­ end. Miss Ina Jaques, nurse-in-training at Victoria Hospital, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis, of Tor­ onto, spent the holidays visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Davis. Mrs.. Sam. Sample, of St. Cather­ ines, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bagslraw for a couple of weeks. Miss Marion Woods, who^has been attending University in Toronto, re­ turned home last week for the sum­ mer months.. Mrs. Wm. Gafdiner and daughter' Shirley,zof Meaford, are visiting with the 'former’s parents Mr. and 'Mrs. Samuel Parsons. , Mr. Russel Balkwill and bride re­ turned home last week after a wed­ ding trip to Hamilton, Toronto and. Niagara Falls. ../ Miss Chris Robertson and Mr. T. C. Currie, of Wingham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. .Hopper the latter part of the week, ■ Messrs. Ted Moir and Harold Tay­ lor, who have been home from Cor­ unna for the past week returned to that place on Sunday." , Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon ""Davis and son Donald, of Toronto, visited the Tatter’s parent’s, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald over, the holiday. Mr. Jas. Salmders, of Woodstock and lady,friend Miss McEwen, of London, “"spent the holidays with Keg. Bissett, of Chatham, the 24th with his sister Miss Bissett. and Mrs. Byre, of London, the week-end with friends at of hei' her of London, his son Wil- Sarnia, visit- Mrs. J. W. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs, Elder motored to Niagara Falls last week.,,. They were accompanied by Mrs., Donald McKellar where they spent a few •days visiting the latter’s daughter Mrs, Weitzman who lately moved to Niagara Falls to reside. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of To­ ronto;" motored up and spent the week-end visiting friends in the neighborhood. They were accom­ panied by Mrs. Tufford and Mrs, Currie, who also spent a few days at their home in the village. Mrs. Johnston, of Wallaceburg, a former resident of Cromarty, is ’■ pt present visiting with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, of Mitchell, also Mrs. McCullough, visited at the home of Mr. John McCoullough on Sunday last. Mr. find Mrs. Quance spent last Sunday in Exeter visiting with their friends. /Elimville Bring.y/u.r Ford repairing to the Ford Gakjfge.-—-SANDY ELLIOT Mr,..and Mrs, A, C. Whitlock and. Misses Joy and' Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas, w-Ore callers in this vi­ cinity on the 24th. . Mr., Lloyd” Johns is feeling very proud over the 'arrival of a daughter in his hoine. ’ The decorators expect to have the auditorium of the church ready for use next Sunday, whey. it is expected there will be a former' pastor present to conduct the serviced being Con­ ference Sunday. There will also be Communion and Baptismal services and anyone wishing to do ,so is ask­ ed to unite with the chujph at this, service. Zion, congregation will be ; present also. Mr. and Mrs. Bosnell and family,' / of Toronto, spent the weekend with ' the former’s sister Mrs, Wes$ Johns, .>■ * Miss Bessie Bell, of London;; visit-A ed at her home on Sunday last? ,4' Mr. Chas. Stephen had the misfor­ tune to have his large .truck'‘breakY. down while in Kitchener last week./ As this is a very busy time for’him,./ it has been quite a loss in while it is being repaired. LUMLEY L.D.S., D.D.S. SURGEON tleib Block, Dash- days of week and ____ ___ . e Post Office, in Zurich, last three' days of week. Empire Day was observed in our school on Thursday of last week when a special patriotic program was given. Mr. H. Dark, of Windsor, called on Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen last week. Mrs. Consitt and Mrs. Kyle, of Hensall, visited with ,Miss Lavada Hartleib last Wednesday. Miss Theda Hayter, of Windsor,' spent the .week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter. Mrs. Lempke and son, of Brown City, Mich., are visiting relatives in this'vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sharpe, of Sliip- ka, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Peachy, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Birk. Mrs. P. Mclsaac and Mr. and MrS. Wm. Hartman motored to Detroit, and spent the week-end.. • We regret to report that Mr. L. Tieman is confined to his room and Tender the doctor’s care. Rev. Gale, of Bayfield and Rev. W. G." Richardson0 and family, of Wa­ terloo, visited the latter’s cousin Mr. J. C. Reid last week. Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Smith and three daughters, of London‘and Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Hey, of Zurich, visited with Mr. Jonas Hartleib ana Lavada' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Reid, of Varna and Mr. N. W. 'Trewartha, of Clin­ ton called on Mr.. J. C. Reid last week. Z. Mr. Jonas Hartleib has disposed of his property in Exeter to Mr. F. Wickwire. Miss Mary Birk, who spent sever­ al weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther returned to her home in Woodstock on Monday.- . ■ t Miss 'Cunningham, of Kitchener, spent the week-end, with liei’ sister Mrs>L. Morenz. Mr. Milton Saur, who is attend- High School in Stratford, spent week-end with his parents. H. H. Cow DENlEAX. At office in wood, first thr at office over t Dr. Ing the THAMES ROAD rouiy^Ford repairing to the SANDY ELLIOT Bring y$.u£ Ford Gar; Mr. Chas. Hodgert of the Bank of Montreal, Lucknow, was holidaying among friends in this community. Miss Nellie* McLean is recovering from an attack of pleurisy. Mrs. Sellers, of Agincourt, few days last week with'hbr ter Mrs. Jas. Simpson. Mr. C. Brown is driving Pontiac coupe. Quite a number from our commun­ ity journeyed to Hensall for the*24tln. Fishing was also popular as is usual with the little folk. The crops are looking nice at the present time, ' * spent a duugh- ■a .neW When one is for nothing,• w v Changing the married he thought lnsr got a bargain, now he calls her “deaj*’’.—'Medicine liat NeWS. ” ■ • m • «« Outstanding Evidence—You. don’t, believe the world is getting bettor?. 'Then you have forgotten'' balldort pants.—-Peterboro Examiner.*♦* , Ancestors- to Order—Some folks brag about their ancestors as if they invented them and that is not un­ likely.—Brockville Recorder-Times* «w« Reoo.rd-T-When he London, “'spent the . ___ relatives in this community. Mr. and ... __ children, of Toronto, and Mrs. Miller and son, of London, spent the holi­ days at the home of Mr. L.Day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and family, of Toronto, motored up and spent the holiday with the former’s patents Mr. and Mrs. Well. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. F. A? Brimacombe and Mi'. and Mrs. S'. J. Walker and family, of Hamilton, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh. Mr. John Stanbury, accompanied by his solicitor Mr. J. G. Stanbury, attended the inquest into the drown­ ing of his son William at Port’Col- borne on Wednesday of this week. • ■1 ■ ’.Dr." and Mrs. G. 'S. Atkinson and -family, .of Exeter, were at their cot­ tage'over the week-end.— (Bayfield Correspondent in Stratford Beacon- Herald.) Mr. Chas. AchesOn and tire Misses Grey, of Loudon, spent a few hours in town on Sunday visiting the form er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,W Adlidson. Mr, E. Edwards and daughter Johnson, of Moortown, spent yzdek-'end with their uncle and Mr. and Mrs. H. Penhale dtlierJ relatives. \ • ’ iMr, and Mrs. Thog,- NeWsil Mr. and Mrs. Rs J. SMitli. and daugh­ ter Mary, of jStratfbfd, spent the Week-end with Mr.- aifd Mra‘. Gfeorgo Hunter. Mrs. Alex Lloyd and Mr. And Mrs. J$aac 'Sbhtham and family/At. J?tii;kliUl, SpAnt1* ^Uhdd^ WRh Mr.. and, s’ Dan MV. DtiVis M’turn'dd With t heirtv to Visit for a tewjJaySk . • Lu?# '^Miss- rMftfg&rrtfr Jb'hrts 1s tettirlillig to London to-d&y (Thursday) to re­ sume tier duties as .ftui^e?,in>*trdiiUng t for three/weeks' at * ‘after holldayng hsr home here. Mrs. John Beattie, of Varna, visit­ ed friends on the Boundary recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. Todd visited Mr. and Mrs, Stuart McQueen Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. j. M. Glenn attend­ ed the sale of Dr. Case, of Dungan­ non this week. CENTRALIA "Bring yThmsFord repairing to.the Ford GaragM—SANDY ELLIOT M'r. and Mrs. H. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron and'- Miss Agnes Thomson, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Neil, on the 24th. Quite-a large number from Cen­ tralia .'attended the anniversary ser­ vices held in Sit. Patrick’s church, Saintsbury, Sunday evening. Rev. Mr.. McTavish' spoke in the interests of Emmanuel College last Sunday. Some of the staff of the James St. Sunday School came down and took charge'of the Sunday School here; also Miss Johns’ and Miss/ Wood. All were well pleased and thoroughly enjoyed the visit. Mr. Irwin took the service in James St. church, Exeter. There will be no service in the United Church here on Sunday ow­ ing to the pastor attending Confer­ ence in London. The usual services will be held on the following Sunday June 9th. Then on the Sunday af­ ter, June the 16th the services will be withdrawn owing to the Sunday School anniversary services at Whal­ en. GRAND BEND work inThe hot supper and play United church was very successful on the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holt spent Sun­ day with Mr.' Nick Sitters at Thed­ ford. Mr. Wilbur Webb is quite ill 'at ’ present, but all are hoping for a speedy recovery. A large- crowd visited the resort on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johij Pollard, of Cen­ tralia, called on Mt, and Mrs. Wal­ ter England on Sunday. Miss Edna Gill, of London, ig home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of St. Thomas called "on Rev. J. M, and' Mrs. Coll- * ing over, the week-smU Mrs. Clark is staying fop a feW' weeks to enjoy they lake breezes. Mrs. Clark is Mrs. Colling’s mother and has been on the sick-list but is very much improved. - Miss Cora Oliver spent Sunday under the parental roof. Miss Gertrude Love and Miss Ed- yth Lovie, of London, spent the week­ end at their home hete.'- , Next Sunday Rev.' J. M. Colling will be at Conference and the morn­ ing service will be withdrawn', but the evening service will be taken by the yopng people. Church school-as. usual'. I ■'vW i “■ Count on I urf^dishealthful »et jfing f ootl when _p'e. No o in eat a or other es id throw’ oiit’. ation wiHi unusual ietness in 4 own we Your aunt ' Norge itiecha for it means IreJiable j$ife-Iiine refrig ecOnoi operat exclusive ism compensates This Allofy and aj guar spoils peris (Food odor ft cannot enter tee cubes because o/ protecting, door. A Norgc rpfinement! Economical Refrigeration NORGE sib. ■ • •f’". 'Public Utilities Phone 127 ........■ a.. •' Y’u,. ' . '■? ■