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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-30, Page 4
J^AY 30th, ’ i ‘ COMMUNICATION. ^To the Editor,-— To see the interest the various ^citizens havP "taken in the beautify- .Sn© of their homes with the many different species o.t*flowers that are in bloom must be gratifying to 3the sponsors of the Horticultural So- <iety.of Exeter, who are in a large ■mensure responsible for the pleasing jappearance now available to‘anyone /who takes any interest at all in na- jtrire. Exeter folk have caught the spirit wind each season one can notice this •one and that one sharing their an- mpals or perennials with a neighbor. Thia is the right spirit and - the ^friends are so congenial in parting witli tlielp blooms Jo those jvho hre less fortunate. A word of praise to the local gardener is appreciated. One said recently; “I, grow flowers for pleasure'’and am bountifully repaid, especially; when, someone admires them?’ .4 Every citizen, who is not a mem ber, should be a member of the Hor ticultural society not for the prem iums alone but the honor of being linked zatiom up with so ernest an organi- Thauking you, Mr. Editor, I remain, An Admirer married men’s quartet will.‘The now, sing that popular selection, “My Wife "is An Open Book-to Me, But I Cannot Shut Hei' Up.” 7& ROYA to STER / ' THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE W.nRi i< j.y»nyR..lI..■ mnn- ,........ ■■■■■/......him* hwihmuii^i. hi. ■ ■! iIIM.i|.i.^y i ■£Z■fei I I 65 O LOCAL NEWS ‘ Mr. J. M, Harvey, of Toronto, was home for the 24 th. Miss Irene JJierling and Miss Hila Dearing spent the week-end in Sar nia. Mi'. Willej't Buchanan, of the Ford garage, is bach on the job after six week’s illness. Mrs. Louisa Westlake, of Wyom ing-, .is visiting at the home of Mr. and airs. R. (Murphy. Gypsy fortune tellers driving in Cadillac cars visited Exeter on Mon day and told the fortunes of a num ber of our prominent citizens. The 24th of May passed off very quaetjy, Citizens on holiday bent attended the celebration at Hensail; the races'at Mitchell or the ball game in London. A number went fishing. A. Y. P. A. CLOSE SEASON WITH banquet The Y, P. A. of the Trivitt Mem orial church wound up a very sue-, cessful season with a splendid ban quet Monday evening in the Parish hall. About fifty members were pres ent and after partaking of the boun tiful refreshments a sing-song was enjoyed and toasts were given. The special speaker of the evening was Rev. Ml- Calder, L. L. D., M. L. A., of Chatham, a member of the Chat ham Board of Education, who gave a very fine address on education. Mr. E. J. Wethey and the members of the Exeter H. S. staff were pres ent and the former moved a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker and to the ladies who provided the banquet This was seconded by Mr. Hy. Jen nings. Mr. Jones introduced the speaker. the latter winning 'by the score of ■f-0. The score does not indicate the play 4 as the lads from Britain had the best of the game but lacked the punch when it was needed. Bill Es- sery the Canadian goalie put up a splendid game. He had about twice the work of the English goalie. The Canadians used subs frequently which is contrary to rules. The field was not in the best of condition following the heavy rain of the prev ious day. A large crowd of specta tors were on hand, cars being parked in every conceivable place. The players express their appreciation to those whp turned out to support them. They feel confident that everyone enjoyed the game and in vite them to be present at the re play next Monday, June 3rd at 6:30 p.m. on the same ground, The line-up: Old Country—goal J. Kirkland; backs, Geo. Wilkinson, J. Dugdale; half backs, Walter Mat thews, D. Bradshaw, F. Alton; for wards, Clarke, Rd, Harris, Ivan Mor gan, Reg. Windsor, Les. Wilkinson. Canadians—goal, W- Essery, backs Roy Fletcher, Ed. Walker, half backs W. Webber, Dr. Steiner, Hy. Bowdjfen forwards, Lloyd Freckleton, Harvey Godbolt, Gerald, Godbolt, F. Strange) Irwin Ford. - Camlachie—Rev. E. 8. Hiscocks. Inwood—Bev. H. Godfrey Oakdale—Rev. James Abrey Oil Springs—Rev, D. A. McLean Port Lambton—Rev. J, P. Cook. Sarnia-—Parker Street, Rev. G. Raymer. Sarnia—Central Church, Rev. Clendennen. Soniibrar—Rev. John Bailey Warwick—Rev. C. W. Morrow Kent Presbytery and Troy—Rev, S. V A. c. G. / A.Bethel, Ridge Walden. Chalmer’s and Leitch. Dresden—Rev. Harwich—Rev Louisville—Rev Tupperville—Rev. J. R, Peters Turin—Rev, D. A, McMillan Wheatley—Rev. E. J. Roulston Rutherford—Rev. James Wilkins French’s—Rev, S. Sweetman H< Johnson . H- ’Wiliams. w. Elgin Presbytery Lawrence Station, Chalmers McBride’s—Rev. W. Langdon Porf Stanley and Dexter—Rev. Boa. Richmond—Rev. M. p. Smith Yarmouth Centre—Rev. W. Fin lay. and A, NOTICE TO CREDITORS J . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaC all creditors ‘and others having claims against th$ estate of JANE LOVE, late of thafVillage of Exeter/ in the Coulity of $Turon, Widow, who died on the tw^ptietli day of March' A.D., 1929, ar^'required to, forward their clainis $uly proven tl)Q un dersigned op or before the tenth day of June A.p., 1929...< AND NOTICE,IB FURTHER GIV^ EN that Aftei* said date the Exe cutrix will proceed to distribute the estate /having regard only to the claims ,o^ which she then shall have notice^ DATED at Exetei' this twentieth day of M’ay, A.D., 1929, ’ / GLAD|MAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Executrix Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that all • /’THE -GREATEST TIRE ‘Tf E WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN The Royal Master was built without regard for cost. It is the finest tire that can be built. Its massive tread is double thick, cured by a new slow process. Its carcass is made with extra plies of web fabric. Side-walls are guarded against scuffing. The Royal Master is made oversize. Or . rather, the right size for real tire economy. If you want tires that will last as long as you keep your car; then buy Royal Masters, On sale at every DOMINION TIRE DEPOT SXCT1EB..........................................................John Taylor X J * one Royal Master w thousand toill ever fnoiure. Not one in thousand will flow out tinder.two years o f service. IF1 W a 5 4; ■ 1 i? • A W. C. T. U. XThe regular meeting of the W.C. T.U. was held on Monday at 3 p.m. in the James St. Church. The devotional exercises were con ducted by the Evangelistic Supt. Mrs. Amy. There were discussions on the cig arette evil, the Budget Fund and the Annual Reports. It was decided to hold a parlor meeting at the home of Mrs. Walker, Exeter North on the 21st of June (Friday). This meeting to be in charge of Mrs. Howard and Mrs, Pearce. The clip-sheet on the Mirror Pledge Campaign and Sunday School Cam paign suggestions was taken up. A clipping “Count the Cost” was read by Mrs. Miners. UNION SERVICES FOR VACATION MONTHS A joint meeting of three represent atives from’ James Street Messrs. T. Harvey, J. Hunter and J. S. Grant and three from Main Street Messrs. W. G. Medd, S. Ross and G. S. Ho ward was held on Tuesday evening to arrange the union services foi' July and August. It was agreed to alternate the ser vices each Sunday and alternate the churches in successive Sundays i. e. one Sunday, the morning service will be held in James Street and the ev- 'ening service in Main Street, then the following*' Sunday the morning ser vice will be in the Main' Street and the evening service in James Street. The union services will start on July 7th James Street in the morn ing and Main Street in the evening. Each week’s press announcement will guide the congregations. J. Hunter, Chairman G. S. Howard, Secretary Essex Presbytery Ford, Trinity and Tecumseh—Rev. L. W. Reid. / Pelee—Island—Rev, S. V. R, Pent land.* Windsor, ..West End—Rev. Max C. Parr. • Woodslee—Rev. A. C. Tiffin Windsor, Remington Park—Rev. Thackeray. . Huron presbytery Ashfield—'Rev. Campbell Tavenor Bluevale—Rev. Harry Royle Crediton—Rev. W. B. Barnes. Dungannon—Rev, W. G. Colgrove. Egmondville.—Rev. C. A. Malcolm Ethel—Rev. C. E. Taylor Goderich—Victoria Stireet, Rev. G. W. Butt. .. Londesboro, Knex—Rev. J. C. For ester. * persons having claims against the estate of Castor J.dhn Willis, late o£. the village of Grand Bend, in .the County of Huron? Barbqr, who died . on the’28th day;* of April, 3.925 are required to forward th^.ir claims duly proven tp H. E.i|ber & Son/, Crediton, on p,r before7 the 1st dav of June, 1929? And noticqr is ^ft'rther given that' after the sa|d $ate the administra tor will proceed, to distribute the es tate having regard only to the'- claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Crediton -this 18th day* of May A.D., 1929. Bert Holt, Administrator, Grand? Bend, Ontario. CANADIANS WIN An interesting game of football was played on the morning of May 24th on the farm of Mr. Roy Flet cher about three miles south of town when a team. of lads from the Old Country played a team of Canadians i EAOR two successive summers !•* Charles M. .Bremner of Toronto I worried about his family in their Mus- Vfeoka cottage. Mainly, he worried '■about fire. Suppose sparks or flying embers from some nearby fire lodged en the roofi Suppose, while he worked in the city, his summer cottage became a prey to flames! The very idea made him shudder— not the thought of, losing'his cottage, .tmt the danger to bis family. Finally Mr? Bfemner did a very , sensible thing. He reduced the fire ^hazard in his,summer cottage by roof ing it with Brantford Asphalt Slates. ;3He thus not only, recovered his peace .•of imind. but immeasurably beautified ; feiS summer home'1 as^well... I ' . - :"•> S&3. Ml •F >7 ■v 7" M-1 * & > <*/ o 'HU ♦'DA I IN y . CHANGES OF THE PASTORAL CHARGES OF LONDON CONFERENCE The settlement committee of the London Conference of .the United Church latte Tuesday evening com pleted its first draft of recommenda tions to fill pulpit vacancies. The. list is subjeet to change: Lambton Presbytery * Arkona and West Williams—Rev. D. Guest. Brook—Rev. J. J. Durrant. Courtright,, Calvray Church, Rev. Forbes Rutherford.1 ■ ■ Middlesex Presbytery Byron-—Rev. A. W. Brown- . .Delaware—Rev. N. 'A. Campbell. London (Hyatt Avenue)—Rev.'W. A. Walden. Oneida—Rev. William Patterson. 'St. John’s, Melrose and Hyde Park Rev. A. J. Elson. Wardsville—Rev. I-I. J. Bandey Wellburn—Rev. T. A. Steadmlin Westminister, West Church—Rev. G. A. Barnard. Mt. Elgin Institue—Rev. 0. B. Strapp named assistant prnc/al. Oxford Presbytery Lakeside and Harrington—Rev. J. P. McQuarrie. Prnceton—Rev. H. W. Hagelstein. Spriniford—Rev. C. C. Kaine. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that’ all creditors and others having claims against the testate of ANNE. FOLLICK late of the Village of Exe ter, in the Coupty of Huron, Widow, are 7‘equ.ired to forward their: claims duly proven fo the undersigned on or before the tenth day of June A.- D., 1929. i AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Exe cutors will .proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which .they then shall have notice.DATED ^t Exeter this twenty-! first day of May A.D., 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY . Hensall and HensalL • • Executors’ Solicitors * Notice to Creditors. Perth Presbytery Atwood—<Rev. J. B. Townsend. Millbank—Rev. T. A.‘Symington. Woodham—Rev. F. Stride. K / Hundreds of owners of summer homes are this year following Mr. .Bremner’s example. They, are roofing their cottages with Brantford Asphalt Slates because Brantford Asphalt Slates combine distinguished beauty and permanence with the utniost in fire and weather protection. Sparks and flaming brands from a nearby fire die Out harmlessly on their slate- coated surface. They are vigilant guardians of your home the year around—the months you live in it and: the months you are away. Write for booklet “Beauty Withi Fire.Protection—an authoritative, treatise on the type, style, design and colour for your roof. X Bi z/X° 0,0 z . 4** i / ><><>£*»* OlJkA.imdLFaeto*^ Brantford,-Ont. '■ •hmkIt Often Ml W-tWMiitar Smm MM.' SfitSslsM ROSSTAYLOR CO. United AUCTION SALE —*of — HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ./lAKD BEAL ESTATE/' / Xv' -The undersigned has received in structions? to sell by public auction, the estate of the l^.te Jbhn Lippert, . ht DASHWOcft), on SATURDAY, JL^E & at 1:3 HOUSEHOLD EfFECTS- stoves, j;oal ' ' * fall tu-bls, 3 Stands, 2 cupboards, sewing-machine,^, beds, springs and mattresses, kitchen chairs, washing machixfe, 2 sinfcks, lounge, clock a quantify of hardwood, dishes, shov els, hops and ®ther articles.Also*; good bicycle, parloi’ suite, 1 brass ned. 2 dresser, co: REAL E of lan<| wit will ba o,f time. & TER — Chattels, cash. Real Estate—10 per cent. cash. Balance in thirty days. Jas. Lippert and Daniel Schroeder, Executors Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others haying claims against the estate of PETER FRAYNE, late\of the Village ,Of Exe-- ter, in the Copnty of Huron, Har- ness-lVIaker, Who died op the sixth day of May J?.D.f 1929, .are required. ( to forward, pheii’ claim's-duly proven to the undersigned ,011 or before the tenth day d!f June/A.D., 1929. AND NOTICE ,I§ FURTHER GIV- ■ EN that afiler thb said date the Exe cutors willf prodeed to distribute the estate haying'. regard only to the claims of ^rhicli they then shall have notice. U 1929 p.m. sharpythe following:' )LD EFFECTS—2 cook lieate^f 2 kitchen, tables, .8, ----- - notice. r DATED, at Exetei’ this twentieth,' day of May, A.D., 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensalt Executors’ Solicitors thfer .beds and springs? toil stove. . ATE—House and 2 lots suitable stable and barn red tor sale at the same Notice to Creditors. The Bankrupt Act in the Estate of Trueman Henry Elliott, of tlfe town of Exeter, Ontario, Merchan/ Tailor, Authorized Assignor. NOTICE IS HEREBY G/VEN that T. H. 'Elliott, of Exeter,ntario did on the 25th day of May/929 MAKE AN AUTHORIZED ASS/GNMENT Of all his property for the^benefit of his Creditors and tljat Edmund Weld, Esq., (Official Recei^ei' has appoint ed raj to be custodian of the Estate of the Debtor until/the first meeting of creditors. NOTICE is fui/her given that the •first (meeting of abov flCe, iv» . xuujjui ioneei,, iu me uny of L Jndon, oi/ the sixth day of June 1921 ' ' " nooi T at pr with creditors in the j estate wMl be held, at my of- 4O4.Talb/t Street, in the City at in the after- ed belt II 0 ENTITLE YOU to vote there- 'bof of/your claim must be lodg- le before the nneeting is ROX/ES to be used at the meet- mu/t be lodged with me prior FURTHER take liotice 11/11 meetiiig the creditorsat elect^thte permanent trustee. AND FURTHER fake notice if you have any claim against that Will that ~ . - _ __ _ the debtor for which you are entitled to rhnk, proof of such claim must be filed With me, or with the trustee whten appointed; otherwise the pro-1 needs of the debtor's estate will be -distributed among .the parties em titled thereto without regard to' yoUr claim. «> ) ■ • - » •, Dated at London, this 27tli.day 6f May 1929. V * • U. W, HAYMOND, Custodian Box in, London, Ont NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaS all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Jbnet Carmichael, late^ of the Village of Hensail, in thep County of Huron, Widow, who di^d on the sixteenth, day of April A.?D., 1929, are requir ed to forward their claims duly proven to the Undersigned on 'or be fore the third' clay of? June A. D.# 1929 w ? '* ■ ' ' AND NOTICE IS,,.FURTHER GIV EN that aftey the ,Said date the Exe cutrix will proceed" to'distribute the'- estate having rtegard only Xo the- claims of whicl^she then shall have; notice. ? /.;• ♦notice. DATED X^. Exeter this thirteenth' day of May A.D., 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensail and Exeter, Solicitors foi’ Executrix. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ' Tenders will be received by the - undersigned for the construction of the Elimville Drain Outlet and the Brock Cre^k Draiix Repair in thew Township of Usborne on or before • 12 o’clock noon/ June 1st, 1929. Tenders to be opented at) the Toxyru^- ship Hall at 3/p.m. the samef$fay. Elimville Drajp Outlet, e^mnatecL cost $13,057.0^' and the : ?$Ck Creek. Drain Repaid', estimated $133 8.50. further be gc from 'ck Creek cost is ormation can. erk’s office or, O.L.S., Mitchell. A markfd clique for 5 % of the> contract to accompany each, tender, lowest or any tender, not necessarily accepted. Henry Strang, Clerk, Usbbrne; ■ 'May 7th, 1929, Hensail, R. R, No.l^ COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP O Notice is hereby/given tha of Revision of t je Asses ent Roll! of the Toivnsbfp fit UsbcyHIe will hold! its first meetihg Elimville, 1 on 1929 at two C?c usbobN CoUiTl ownship Hall’, ay, June Ist^. .fto y Strang, Ulerfc Hensall, R. R. No. 1j". n the Babbits Cheer up—little rabbit, Dont yop cry; . Yo.u'll make a swtell fur / • Cost—-by and by, - * ' And then you’ll decorate Some goofy college guy!;