HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-23, Page 8w-THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1929 Money is your servant if you know how to use jt; your master if you 4WU- FOOTBABJ. MATCH Centralia, Out. May 20th TO the Editor,—- We would like to draw the atten­ tion of the local people, particularly •of the younger sporting folk, to the fact that a Soccer football match has been arranged between Cana­ dians and lads ffom the Old Country tp be held at 10 a.m., Friday, May 24th, on Roy Fletcher’s farm, Lon* .don Road/ south, Dr. G.. E. Ronlstoi Exeter Markets .Wheat $1.10 Oats 50 c. Barley 65c,'. 4 Manitoba Flour $3.00 Blend Flour $3.75 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2.10 ■. Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.85 Cregmery Rutter 42c. Dairy . Butter 39 c. . Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs nounce that hel wi his office May tending the a tion, esires to an­ H>e absent from to 31st whilst-, al- af Dental Conven- 5-16-2tc.' extras 26c. firsts 24c, seconds 20 and 18c. $12,50 ’.I ... HtH.r.M.i ............................. .... locals NOTICE—Al•due and must .lie seaccounts are now ICd at once. All IT before June*lst or collection with A meetings of :\tlie I-I Club will be held Friday, May 31sti Te & Scliool e Library on 8 p.m. , accounts, not /ot will 'be plac costs-added.-^E. J., CHRISTIE. NOTICE—L, hav^ secured the steady service® of , F. M. Boyle and Solicit thp‘ and ladies, of Hockey, barb community.—John , Southcott .Bros.-ararholding second anhiverffarjypCale. See page, four. | Jw' onage of the men *■' $ NOTIC | We wish 5 aiiiy^RI'ce that we are o’penin.g up jfnej^Tmrber shop in the /blinding vafa by Mr. J. Walper. Your patro^ge solicited.*—GARNET FLYNN, X reward of &EN DQ^ARS iss hereby offered Jto the J^.rty , whpm formation to. or parties the parking Sfead of John St. ■will givb evidence pr conviction' of Jne pa ■ Who,. xVilfully ’ffestro^" sign erected st th “__ _____ ______ on Saturday/nigi# last, May 11th. ISSETT, Constable or parties See their advt. By Order. FOUND—In' Exeter , a fountain pen. Appjf ta Times-Advocate, FOR SALE-^F will sell', chealf; M ho’^’M, ^Exe'tbr.^ I0btL. SALE; -to^Wm^’Katz/'R;; 'Aitp' • V •'"••I .? ■ ■ ■ > ,>/ . ’ FOR .BA o, nearly new;: or terms. Write; • ■ 5-22-2tp ---—i----- - : ;SinaJLg!pigs. Apply' jk» Jjyr'3, DashWood".: .5-22-2^4' Sts’*at; bhn‘ Bell, 2 3-5:-lieRW^NoT l,V<ensa !orO *t,ourihg.<" car-, -good-; .top. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE '9 The 'annual meeting men’s Institute will be Toavii Hall on Tuesday, 8 p.m, Wo-of ‘the held in the May 28th at 8 p.m, Mrs. Hey, of Zurich, district President, will be present also Miss Eddy, of Toronto, Gov’t, speaker, will address the meeting. A very special- invitation is extended. Lunch .will be served. Silver collection, taken. Election of officers. Oranges are fstilLj$5c. a dozen at C. L. WUson’s, ,-eFOR '-SALE^ .1923 . modeiygad r _ A-^y -to’ W^slpyrHackney, Cghtralia. ’ .?:• ./ ;5-2^2tp.‘ -r---= j, prize fed Show;- at, $ 2 ■.. « -,, I,;,...- ,------,--m ... , - U;-. - -- -* ; ;RbRi;"^AL>E-&44L**te'^! wiii^r'^tShi'., per bushel; te;:jils, »BFbg,,dto‘'ot, RtfO'ne -jRgnsail 6--ffc . UOURT OF REVISION i.— f ; ■ - VILLAGE pF ’’EMIBTER ■ • Notice is hereby thatjj/Court ^Revision of the,.Ass§ssmEnt Rollof the VillaggzOf^.E^teFWntiolA’ Rs first meeting in tile 'Twp Hall,, on Monday,. May jy./ioaC* at' 8 p.m.’ r ■. •• J R^3i?'Senjpri.Clerk IIOU$E FOR on Alexander StJfExej^ one acre, of lan&7. Yule, Exeter. . SALE—^rame house /{pr.th, With ifKpply to Wni. 5-9-3tp. FOR SALE —Strawberry plants, Glen Mary^i£d...Se£ator lop;/,75c. pet 1Q0;' if 'delivefedj mail Semper 100 extra. -'“Natli oupe, Kirkton. 4-11-tfc.' iron SALE- ranging from l$00 five ?to eight, tradeTM^ahk Sejajpteen ho'rses AL 1600 pounds; , ts^old. Sell or jwylor. 4-4-tfC. w FOR SALE—Number of * farms, Exeter v house,"1 Central J^Btotel, 'Lee Block, Fitton’s S0re.,^Apply td'R. E- Pickard: ■ ./i.-’- , FOR *' SALEMiTvell flHull ^eed buckwheat.J $'p£i|r’'tb” W. E. Welsh, 'Telephone 174W 58.Exeter. 5-16-3tp PASTURE FA>Mr*F RENT— 75-3^1^ farm’ Township, the estate T. Snell. A-ppIy-ctj Exeter. J L. DAY & SON FLORISTS HAVE NOW READY FOR SALE Geraniums, all colours. Asters, English giant w and mixed; Rennie’,s- X Hearts of France; Giants la. Mums mixed. Repnie's XXX Engl nigs, pr separate cololfe. .Gianfctof Californi sies. Giant, French^Marigph Silver' Lea ' gon, Dustj ‘Salvia, Ag ena, Ferns, gia, Colejfs Hanging andah and V filled to order Tomato PlaiBs—Canadian, B.onny ■Best, . First oflAll, New Earliana, Early Jewell, Marylobe, Champion, Ponderosa, Beefsteak. White Plume and English Pink Celery, Hot and Sweet Peppers. Early Cabbage and Cauliflower. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Germ Miller ratum mixed Uhl­ ite, purple <X Grego; >f Cali-forn- and Star Pan' ingle Petunias, Canna, Vinca, Iyy, Snap Dra- AVandering .Jew, Begonia, Drecp- Plants, Thumber- tocks. ts and Pots; Ver- w Boxes made and L. DAY & SON • UNION ST, :—: EXETER , Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, M« A, Minister 10 a.ni,-*-Sunday School 11 a.m.—“ The Con<iuest of Circum­ stance.” 7 p.m.—'The Reconstruction of Life’ JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Key, D, McTavish, pastor W. B. Moulding, A.T.Q.M, OrgtgiBl and Choir-Leader . a.m.—Rev, R. Fulton Irwin, of Centralia. p.m.—• Sunday School. p.m.—The pastor. Subject: “The Laborer and the Hours” 11 3 7 MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston a.m.—“The open Door for Discouraged” p.m.—Our Church School. For the congreg-atiop. p.m.—Will you be missed? 11 all 3 7 all A question of first importance an­ swered. ' ■ A B a' S f’MV A1- B'W ******* r 14 ONE DAY ONLY ;r ! iW ltd A ■ v ***•’,/•h1 sSRbBS 50 h 1 Il y \y_. U. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH . Rev. Walter Jones, Rector * , - 11 a.m.—Matins and Litany - 2, t pym.;—Confirmation Class 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m,—Evensong and Sel*rB6n TO CELEBRATE JULY 1st IN THE MORNING A meeting was held-Monday even­ ing to make arrangements for the First of .Julj' Celebration in Exeter. It was decided to hold the Celebris tion this year in the morning only, The pro-gram will open with a mon­ ster -calithumpian procession which will parade to the ball grounds be­ ginning at nine o’clock. This will, be followed by a short patriotic pro­ gram after -which fan O. B. A. ball; game between London and - Exeter will be played. The admission, was, placed at 25c. The arrangements are in .charwr, of a committee Exeter Ch^v-*-W^T'LCV . ot Commerce and Hrvrif baseball boys. Mr. air. R. Com­ plin was elected as chairman and S. B. Taylor, Sec’y-Treas. Committees; were appointed as follows: For the band H. C. Rivdrs; prizes, -*..E. R.j Hopper, E. O. Elliott,. S. B. Taylor and B. AV. F. Beavers; Parade, II. O. Southcott,. F. Taylor, G. S. Ho­ ward, A. Gambrill, H. S. Walter^ ad-; vertising, S.’Reed, S. B. Taylor, J. M. Southcott, F. J. Wickwire;i Patiri-* otic program, M'.-Il Complin; tion, C. B.- Snell, G. Lawson O. Southcott., Judges from town' will be, appointed. •i [iH] ME:—------ ■.Friday, May 24th is »a public lioli- day.. ’ .Miss’ Mary Grant R.N., spent the Week-end in Londob. Mr. ira Moir is now able to sit up after'’his recent illness. Sir. J. H. Jones was in Toronto .Wednesday on business. ” Mr. Stanley Walter was home from Lucan .for the week-end. , Mrs. F. H. Neil, of London, is vis- .iting-Avith Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. Mi< M. Senior, of Toronto, visited with Ris parents Mr. and Mrs; Jos.. .Senior^ Mr. Paul Coates was in Oshaxy<’ fTwnwVrfHet car. ” .’.Miss Betty .Grant is spending a .couple of weeks in Windsor, the guest of Miss Helen Nevin. /. Mrs. R. R. Rogers, of Toronto, has been* visiting for several days with her’mother, Mrs. E. Christie. . . .. Mis.‘W.wJ. Beer'is this xveek install­ ing *a neSv automatic' Oil burner for h’eat-ing IfiS store and tome. Mr/ ilnd-Mrs.-A. E.’‘MacDdnald and child,.of .Clinton; visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Harness. Miss Margaret Johns'^is visiting for a couple of days with Mr. and ‘Mrs, Mervin Johnston, of Whalen. ’■•iMiss Mary Grant, R.N-, 'Who has been1 caring for Mr. J, McDonell, of HfenSbli, for some tim< has returned’ ’homey■ Miss’-A. Yelland, who recently un-. defwent an operation in St.-Joseph’^. Hospital, London, continues to im- ;prove; ■ ' • <' Mb. Walter Hennessey, of Lindsay, ihas again returned to town and is .assisting his brother Leo with hydro : wiring., ' ’Mr.- Chas. I-Iodgert, of the Bank of ;Mohtreal, Lucknow; is holidaying at hhe. home of his sister, Miss Jessie Ho dee-pt. . » *'* ’ 1 . M:is's Florence Balkwill, student of the -London Normal School, spent uunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Miners, ’ .Master Maxwell Harness, son of ’Mr., and Mrs. Elniore Harness, who lias been ill in the “texeter Hospital ’With' pneumonia, is improving. . r, Mr. ^Chester Chappel and mother, df Dim (las and Mrs. Rogers, of Ham- .iltoii motored up and spent the week- fehd’with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle. • Mr. E. J.. CliVistie, who has been ill at Victoria Hospital, London, is improving slowly. It is expected Xhat lie will be- brought home this hveek. [ Messrs. Harold Taylor and Ted Moir, who have, been assisting to build a residence at Corunna','are home for a few days that job having be&n completed. . • ?•- Mr. Ken. McNicol, who recently •$ud£fWeht an operation for append-? icitis afj; Dr. Fletcher’s hospital, was able to/return to his home in Us- bbi'nd/on Monday, ,s 1 ’ Miss Mildred Rowe, of the public School staff, has resumed her duties after he,ing laid up for several, days through illness.-Her place was taken by Mi.ss H. Kinsman. < . Mr. Thos. H^aman, who has not been, feeling well of late went to London Wednesday for an examina­ tion for . antrim. trouble. Mr. ’‘Her­ man Gower accompanied him. . Mrs. E. M. Stepper and John Steiner, of Berger, N.Y.. are visiting the former’s son, Dr, E. Sl Steiner, of town. Mrs.-(Dr,) Steiner, who has been ill, is improving nicely. .'’M'rs,.AYm.’ Stfeetmnd family were 'MUM '-tp their home at Bartonville, on Monday owing to the illness b£ Mr/Street. Mr. and Mrs. -rho8' Coates took thehi tfs far as London by adto., ‘ • . Mr, Clifford Parsons,’ his mother, Mrs, Parsons and <sister, Mrs. fReg- inald Skegg$, Miss Rlsler and Wal- tacq Hobbs, Jr., of London,, spent Sunday with iMr, and Sirs.“Hector N. Heywood. * ' j; Mr, c'/ayton liroorhouse, fotfrth' year medical student at Toronto Ubir versify, visited Ms parents, Rev. C. J, Mooihouse oyer the week-end, Mr, Moorhouse has secured a position at Bobio is, for the summer, • :■ Heavy/Jrbsts;visited this semion oil ’ v ■■ A. ft' . ANNUAL TflllR| U U fl HALF HOLIDAY We, the undersigned merchants agree to close our places of business each Wednesday afternoon at twelve o’clock beginning ^VeOne^^’^^fSy: through the /"'fp^fnionths of June, July and August. decora- aud T. out of i.,: A KEUftSS'W mHEHTMl-qNE I a nw»MAWc»> >Ai iPREMf LY-STUPENDOUS ;$tJRPR®S 1 nrED NA.UTELY (AND ALWAYS ON HONOR , IGRMF OF PRE-IlfflHEHT PERFORMERS M, ■. Ab Show / •»-. "ED •J BIGGER AND BETTER ENTIRELY NEW THIS YEAR Jones & May ’■ Southcott Bros. H. S. Walter Traquair & Lindenfield W. J. Beer W. J. Hockey John Stanbury Elmore Harness F. Rabethge 9. B. Taylor W. W. Taman S. Martin & Son E. R. Hopper N. Hockey H. °C. Rivers , Grigg’ Stationery Co. Miss A. Yelland Miss G. M. Armstrong Sqlrite Stores Mrs- A. Yeo-Down R. N, RQwe ’ Beavers Hardware, G. Flynn Loader Sign Shop ■- _ •" . ADULTS 60c» tay paid__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _* ” CHILDREN 30c. lAA SHOW LOCATED ON FAIR GROUNDS ADMISSION v!W Panaiii^, Leghorns Mrs. James Green returned home from Toronto, Monday night where she. attended the funeral of tile late Mr. Joseph Mulligan. Mr. Fred Steele,'of Clinton, speint Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. E; H. Harness. Mr;1 Steele, Who has lQ^t the' sHght. of both eyes, -sang a sjSlo in Caven Presbyterian churcly- Sun­ day evening that was greatly appre­ ciated. Mr. G. Sanders has completed Iiis course in Finance and Coiifmerce -at Toronto University and is visiting for a couple of weeks witli his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sanders. He lias secured a splendid position In Toronto.* ■Two auto loads from Exeter liito- tored to the home of Mr. Wni. Poll­ en, of Farquhar, Monday and Speht a very enjoyable time, the occasion being Mr. Pollen’s, birthday. Mr. Pollen has been ill most of the win­ ter but is considerably improved. ;’ A number from the Exeter High School attended the track meet ;at Western University on Saturday. Several of the young men took part ip the events. Mr. Ted Taman took second place in the running broad jump, his mark being 19 feet 4 in. • Mr. Latimer Greive, of Strathrqy, has-purchased a summer cottage ,ht Gfand Bend, where he is recuperat­ ing from his recent illness. Mrs. Greive and family are with him. Mr. Jas. Greive and Mr, and Mrs. Th os'. Coates, of town, spent the w.eek-cnd with them. Miss Marjorie Stewart is visiting her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas% Green. $ : Mrs. T. O. Soutlicott, who recently underwent an operation at Grace Hospital, Toronto, was sufficiently recovered as to be able to be remov­ ed to the lioriie of her sister, Mrs. K. Gordon, of the same city. Her many friends will be pleased th :know. that she is improving nicely. LPR from|$1^50 up. Tins STORE WILL 'ATM DURING '; w.. w. PHONE 81w E. R. MODERN KINDLY & ATTE FURNITURE ur frXm Norge glacfl^us the thrifty Ii wife’s hftarflmy ftg eeonomjl miserly iise currgjfi ’'c!.ely|Ru’; day Calls 9$ OFftPER qui: MENT II 3 SERVICI For ONE WE we are offering our/entire stock\of .furniture at SPEC! 5RY .WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON A’ AND AUGUST AMAN ■ EXETER, ONT. esterfield 100.00 up overings See Suites in moh EL SALE. OR in' ; Stephen fife late Geo.' rs. Edith Snell, =/./■/’ vAtp.; ;lant$ know? Geo., ’Hay’s ‘itfTand who wish rdcr in before, the hone Exeter Cen- O. * 5-16-Stp ... ..... .j MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL ' /' ■ ftThe Council the Corporation of the County of Huron WiM mqet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o’clock in tRe afternoon of Tues­ day theMtlf da^ of Ju$$, 1229.= All accounts, against the County must be ill the hands ftf the/Clerk not later than , Monday the meeting qf Council, | , r: • GOongb W. Holman, County Clerk Goderich, May 20th, 1929. STRAWS To thosofjyhb quality .pfjSlrtr plants, get your first of June, ti al, Centralia P• # SOUTH HURON ROYS’ <TAMP Folders are how ready for distri­ bution. The Camp will be. held at Grand Bend from, June 29tb. to July 6th, under the direction of Mr. S. R. Byles and Rev, J. M, Colling. They will be assisted .by an excellent staff. The cost for the week is -but $6.50 including a registration fee of $2.0|). Every boy in this district should make it a point to attend this camp and spend .a week in ''the Open. Fold­ ers and information may be had froifn MiSs A. S. McKenzie, Alex Addisbn Br by writing to the registrar, A. Y. McLean, Seaforth. R. N. ROWE ■* > $ORE staking THE NEW F.ur'nitur& and Uni HONOR GRADUATE C ♦' ONTARIO EXAMINATION B3ARD Day; Ni t ahd Sti ♦ Ptionlk Store N l>o You Expect Enough lMe<*Jric Reirigerat W R. GOULDI miserly iise .fl quiet too,, y<>u is in tke holts HeavyAfrbslp-visftcd this section on ..secretary, Mr. H, Jennings, Jr. ^J^iSmidaV Snu Tuesday Mglits^ -It is pianist, Miss Imella Stanlafco; assist, arvey ANCEJ BROKER enting fe of Canada Life, e, Automobile, Etc. ^MWIlillliM WMBIWWI Otganiat Jama? Sfl PiMno Voca SuiJervIaor of E unit uctlo ; yljfoi riij; th. lit* |>1 illttt* •**’•■Vs* HOGARTH HATCHERY It is now time to, 1)6 ’thinking aljout your brooders, chicks etc, for this season'We,are now running out' mafthlhe^and can simply your needs, “ "°"J' *' * • • Yocders and & talk mtr very rd SERVII of H'ogart ‘Hurpid and Meal, Meat Life ylodd oi "bfooders, whltr/i stippHeg win ays. Come in and eeds and a'sk tor will, tfhd them nd 'W giro you ft earfy' '> «j»t0ck MftSh,, ’ Intuy at •> Lay Mash', Bone■$ ish Moab Cod AhftlU Leaf A. Y. I*. A. ELECT OFFICERS The A, Y. P. A. of the Trivift Memorial Church held their regular weekly meeting in the Parish Hail on» Monday, May 20th with a fair attendance of members. The meet­ ing was opened by hymn and prayeF. ArrahgOihent for the banquet id be hold on Monday, May 27th, wheli the Rev’. A.' C. Calder 'L.L.B., M.L.A^, who will be the special speaker, werb made.' The following officers for the season of 1929-30 woye elcled: Pres., Sid West; Jst vlce*^res.,i’ Miss A. Acheson; 2nd vlce-prefe,, Miss Stella Dearing; tteas.r Miss Florence West; Ernest C GENER Mutua A. T. a M. Kconoinical'fi'igerafioKF njch FOR SALE BY 'difficult’ to estimate the amonnt of/Mrs. H. S. Walter; Representatives the idanmge. Plum and cherry bios- to the Local Council, the president. soms will no doubt be isffected and and 1st ylce-pil’sldent; Delegate th' Studio, Malti_St possibly the early strawberries, Summer School, Miss Rosie Jennings RXK Theory School! 67, Phono 111