HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-23, Page 6‘THURSDAY, MAY 23111, 1929 ™ L'i".‘11 yr——= Mrs. K. J, Sims spe. <lays last week visit! jBayfield, Miss.Emily Fra,Vue. ing at Staffa, sp:,nt •with relatives in town Friday, May 24th. h <lie stores in Exeter iOjien Thursday evenim Miss', May•spent Saturday with Mr ' ' Mr. child, jspent Mr, 3ames St. into the residence of Mrs, Hewlett- on Elizabeth St, Mr, and Mrs. Neil , Bellwood, Stratford, visited at the home of and M*r Miss' Jast week for a few .days cousin. Mrs. A. McDonald, •Sound. Mr. Gilbert Freckleton ..... Chased a residence in Lucan and in­ tends moving his family there in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. IL Hamilton, of Corrie, have been visiting their friends Fred and Miss Sotheran, of Huron St., west. Mr. Clifford Blanchard anef. Mr. Wm. Mitchell, both of Frankenmuth, Mich., visited .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims on Sunday last. Mrs. Wm. McDowell and son Or- val. of Benfield, spent Mothers’ Day and also the forepart of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. yale. Local News nt a couple iug friends of iu remain Thomas, of , nd Sunday and Mrs. s. Martin. and Mrs. Arto D.elv who have moved to Forest, the week-end in town. Leo Hennessey is moving from London, visiting and Mr. Eugene Howey has completed his year at Victoria College, Toron­ to, and is spending the holidays v’iUi his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Howey. Miss Merna Sims, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims, is* to undergo an operation for tonsils and ade­ noids on Thursday morning at Dr. Fletcher’s Mrs. R. Bowe left ronto and Dr. Holloway in PeterTmro. Mr. Geo, Hind, who has complet­ ed liis final year at Toronto Dental College, has returned home and ex­ pects to spend the summer here. M: family, Mr family,, ’and Mrs ing last The sti made an . . . „ to Detroit will cancel the excursion this year, owing to lack of patron­ age. . . Hospital, N. Rowe and Miss Vera last week to visit in To- with the former’s brother, THE EXETER TIMES* ADVOCATE was not sold, The TimeS’Advocate was in error last week in stating that Mr. Andrew Gibson had rented the residence of Mrs. Win, Walker, It should have read Mr, W, H, Gibson. Mr* An­ drew Gibson is at present ill and un­ der the doctor’s care. Thirty-two years ago the first Wo­ men’s Institute was organized in an Ontario village. This movement has since spread, not only across Canada, but almost throughout the world. In the Dominion there are about 2,200 branches, of which more than vince 312. 1,000 are in Ontario of Alberta conies . Tlie next Fro- Witll •Fresh Srom the gardens’ % 1929 HORSE ROUTES JOE DE CAPPELLE -4067- (13667) PREMIUM HORSE FOR 1929 Monday morning will lejyve Ills own stable and go to Pejjfy Pass­ more’s for noon; thence ward’s for ljiglit Duncan’s foil noon Hanna’s Milton Hoofer’s to Frank We day, to 1 thence to Friday, to thence to Saturday, to Nelson noon; thence to liis own stable, TERMS—$15.00 to insure a foal, George Coward, proprietor and manager, Exeter, Ontario. Till’ o noon noon; lias ppr- y.rf CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT e, a * 1 Comfort I • of Mr. and a iid Mr. anier Greyhound which has annual trip from Goderich Word week of Baigent home of town Mrs, THEOBALD (20472) [23400’] EXETER, was received in the death of which took place her son, Janies, i May llth,. and Mrs. Philip Murch nd Mrs. Alvin Pym f Elhnvllle, culled on Win. Vale on Sfinday even- LATE MKB- BAIGh ♦ * ♦ * • ♦ * * * Doubtless perfect modesty would be an utter indifference to what shows. ’ s, John Cole on Sunday. . Sotheramliad a pleasant visit from her of Owen 1 k y. sixty years, oup of men to " jin's, 12^, ,5r, for noon; tlienc^ Tuesday., to Lep^Cra- / for noon; ytlience IhsdppeamncffJnPerldrmahQd\ nee has been thatjfne , average farmer e term of his polyf ana profits person-, i§ thrift. popular po_U|Fy, witfi farmers is the t Policy. Itjfs generally bought for the e .that stands against pro­ pay off the mortgage will be , or in the event of premature any mort NT ULRIC SNELL, EXETER WhMt' Ar» Bulk ~x Mctmitlittt B«kfc Wilt BwiM TWtf with Mr. Albert AV. Johnston, of Toron­ to and liis sister, Dr. Ma.ry, of Ham­ ilton.' motored up from Toronto on Saturday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. .W. H. Johnston. Mr. John Kuntz, of ’Windsor, is spending a few days under the par­ ental roof. Mr. Kuntz had the mis­ fortune to run a nail through his foot and is able to be around only with the use of crutches. Mr. and Mrs. F, Riddell and son, Lewis, Misses Mabel and Cora Clark, of London, motored up the latter part of the week to .attend the auc­ tion sale of the effects of the late Thomas C. Clark.* The property last James at the i Windsor, on Saturday, May llth, Mrs. Bai- gent had been a resident of Exeter for a number of years and shortly after takig ill she was removed to the home of her son where she pass­ ed away. The deceased was a na­ tive of England, She is survived by her husband and a grown up family of sons and daughters.. Occasions, like clouds, pass away. * :> $ sj * * $ * Fair Enough— Anyone who see only evil in women's styles these days should not look.—Galt Report­er. * Beyond comparison among low-priced cars. — ninnttil -a. arings Rods. .■Pres­ cat ins my of d upkeep. k -integral n co il. informing THE FULL-SIZE ROADSTER ■ ■ .’<» i • , • V XHE*improved’Plynfouth is today ex­ hibiting new standards of performance,- econbmy/co'mfori and beauty beyond com­ parison inthe field of low-pricc.d motor cars. Chrysler engineers have created many new _ _ Cl .-J* —.LIL. — ~* A-m i Vir <51 f ?820/ and up i, /. o. k. WinCssr i IM PORTA! NEW FEATUR Increased Engine Heavier Cranks Larger Main and Connicfi New Design sure Dub System* Improved St< Mechanism Greater Ec operation i Improved I -with ignit New Self- . seat cuslii ns. New Sprin\ colors. i is Plymout w more t uiet throi ;h all gears Now more flexible in pickup. Plymouth smooth an ,and all speeds. Come see the improve in all the glory of its new Springtii&e coloj one out and see how it sparkles a Coupe, $820; Roadster {with rumble seat}, 1 $860-,.Touring, $870De Luxe Coupe {-<........ 4-Door Sedan, $890. All prices f. o. b. ’ including stand a rd factory equipment (freigh^pb "" These and a number of other improvements have ■* accomplished in the full-size Plymouth a'remarkable type of performance, comfort arid economy hereto- •« fore unlooked for in a low-priced motor car. r. < CANADA’S LOWEST - PRICED FULL refinements in Plymouth?/famous Chrysler “Silver- DomeV- type engine. These include longer stroke and an "increase in piston displacement; a heavier crankshaft; larger interchangeable bearings; larger connecting rods; a newly designed system of full- brisk and an ever is Door Sedan, seat"), $870; r, Ontario, xes extra). Plymouth ngs. Take ; in action. Roy Co- ay to John ice to Hiram Wednesday, to noon; thence to for night. Tliurs- ryau’s for Vhelilian’s for night, JZs. Mitchell’s for s. Simpson’s for night. Baker’s for Why Farmers Prefer Endowment Insurance JEFFRO [11892] (173364) * PREMIUM HORSE FOR 1929 Monday morning, will leave his own stable, Lot 9, Con. 7, Stephem and proceed ^»t-o Win, Hodgin’s, . Con. McGillivray, for noon; thence to Robert Allison’s West McGiRiv- ray, for night, ven’s, Brinsley .home till Wednesday mornpfg. Wed­ nesday, to Samuel Jory’^y2nd ^ Con. Stephen, for r/--, Prouty’s for /night. Hector RowJbliffe’Sj. noon; tlienci night. FJ’ Usborne for Sholdice’s. for night. Saturday, to Wm. Rollins’ 4th, Con. Stephen, ,fof noon; thence home where lie will remain until Monday morning. . TERMS-—$13.00 to insure a foal. Eli King, proprietor and manager, Crediton, Ontario. noon; themre to Clifton /night. ^Thursday, to. .^liffe’s/ Usborne, for ___/ to <$en. William’s for Frid|y, jib Whitney Coates’ m; thence to Lome Monday, will leave his own stable, Exeter North and go to Wm./Bow- den’s for noon; thence to Joh'h Rol­ lins’ S. Boundary, Stephen for night. Tuesday, north by wayop Crediton to Henry ^henk’s, con ^for noon; thence to Jiis own stably for night. W^dnesda#’, to Chas. ’’’ ~n the Blind Liner H thence tp W. T. Al con. 3, Hay, for ni way of/Hensall .to^ 6, con/ 2, Tuckprsmith, thence to Mat./Thompson’s, Hibbert Boundary, for/'night. Friday to J; ■Qo ' ' 3, N.T.R., for - noon; ■tlu to ill's own stoble -where he willfremaij/until the following Mon- day^morni'ng. T —$15.00 to insure a foal 7 Millar, proprietor and mana­ ger, Hay P.O., Ontario. "ldwortli’s of s, for noon; ander’s lot 2G, . Thursday, by in. Pepper’s, lot for noon; JOHN PASSMORE, Hensall It Pays to use TJ AVING inspired farmery for n we cfc not^know of any _—, L whom lif| insurance has be^r more beneficial. Our expe lives out t ally from The mos Endo win amount perty,so availabl death. Every ffrmef i • insura policy paid Write Was Conf _____ _ ___ ______7 Disability Benefits. Address: o is physically fit should own life if he buys a Confederation Life and will arrange for premiums to be enient times. fo#a pamphlet entitled “Wm. Matheson „ ,’?k It tells of his experience with a 5. ration Life Policy guaranteeing Total ' 'Association Head O$ce: TORONTO F. J, Delbridge, Local Agent ONTARIO ROSEDENE FOOTPRINT (Imp.) (21010) [24374] PREMIUM HORSE FOR 1929 Mojiday,/May 20th, will leave, his own stable, Exeter Nottli, and go. south to Earf Whiting’s, lot6, con. ,2/ Usborne, for1 nobit; thence to Mr. Brooks’, 10^-2, coil. 7, .Usborne, for night. ...Tuesday, ,tp Melville Hern’.s, lot G, con? 8, UsJiorUe, for noon; thence to ^Geo. Kemp’s,/lot 7, S.E.B., Usborne, ;Tor night. ^Wednesday,' to Neal iMcOi'lI's, lot/4, S.T.R.W for noon; tlfence nortlyto Wilbur Mill­ er’s, lotfc, -con. 9’„?IllblJert'. foil.night. Thursday, by- way of Staffa,-to Wiii. Miller’< lot 21/con. 8, thencejto- Jackson- Bros., night.f Friday,. to *Wm. Kippen, for Oke’isj lot 3. urdayl to lp will item? ‘ day nitxVT TERMS- r___ ___ J.J.Millar, proprietor, ville, manager, Hay P.O., for noon; Coil. 9, foT _ , „ Cooper’s, j/ooii; thence ’•to-Gordon f, con. 2/ for night. Sat­ is own'- stable where he a^i until the following Mon- uing. I—$15.00 to insure a foal S. Basker- , Ontario. KE the test that thousands have al­ lready made! Drive this great 1929 McLa^ghlin-Buick—uphill, down dale, in traffi * * * ‘ ~ ’ perfo The r havet is liter l Buick. r on the straightaway I Compare it y other cat in the world • .for ance, for comfort, for. beauty! ults will prove to you • • as they hose other thousands • • that there ly no other car like McLaughlin- or no other car, at any price, can 100% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES of special products for every purpose*- for every surface t give yo< the astonishing combination of 7 Batures offered hy the' 1929 Mc- ^ughlinlBuick such as Valve-in-head en­ sealed • • exclusive system of synS^ron^ed springs and’ Lovejoy Shock • torque-tube drive • • sealed chassis&^fhat is why McLaughlin-Buick sales are more than double those of the closest competitor, at or above its price. Come in! Sefc and drive this car which has revolutionized performance and beauty standards. M13-B-20C lOOXPURE • PAINT to f exterior. of interior ~ -r,... MAR3LE-ITE for hardwood ... r „ „ NEU-TONE the flatwash able paint VARNOLEUM for Oilctoth & Linoleum' WOOD-LAC stain for floors and furniture a