HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-23, Page 5^■lli THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TRUILSPAY, MAY 2H> 1W dr, kl p> poug&ll Honor graduate of faculty Medicine, and Mastei’ of the university of Wester Member of College of | Physicians and Surgeons of ’ , ’ two doors east of P<?Sft pffice. hensall, Mt, phone t5<> iwsidence 114 of ofScience, 1 Ontario. Ontario, Office dr, J. A, McTAGGART, L. D Specializing in Pl$te Wqj HENSALL, < Telephone 100 rMain Street HENSALL Mr. Mervin Brown, of Toronto, spent Sunday at his home here. Little Betty Tucker, who was ser­ iously ill last week is recovering. A report of the Hensall Public School page. Mr. visited this week. Messrs. Donald garth, of London, their home here. Mr. Ed. McQueen is this week erecting a fine garage on liis prem­ ises on Queen St. Miss Nellie Boyle, of London, . spent a few days in town last week with her mother amt brother. Miss Helen Elder spent the week­ end at her home here with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Mrs. D. L. Thompson and little Fabe, of Toronto, are visiting at tl\e home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher. The contractors for paving the London road have started paving and a big force of men are being em- • ployed. The executors of the estate of the late Alex /Murdock are making some repairs on some of the buildings on King St. Miss Vera McLeod has returned to lior home in Windsor after a very pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, The many friends of Mrs. Roy Palmer will be pleased to hear that she is recovering nicely-^’^r her, re­ cent operation. The many friends of Mrs, Duncan IMcMartin will he sorry to hear of her illness, she being threatened with pneumonia. Mr. W.xT. Bell, of and Mrs. Cawthorpe, visited here last week Bell and Mrs. Dick. Mr, John E. McDonell, has now recovered sufficiently to be able to get ofatside and is visiting relatives in Exeter this week. We are pleased to report that Mrs. J. Passmore, who underwent an op­ eration at Clinton hospital last week is progressing favorably. Mrs, T. C. Joynt and two sons are spending a. few weeks in New York visiting M'rs. Joynt’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron. Mr. Wm. Fraser has got the foun­ dation in for his new dwelling on South Richmond St. and now has several carpenters at work. Mr. J. W. Skinner, of Exeter, formerly of Hensall, has purchased a grocery business at Thorndale and is taking possession immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and little ’ son, of Windsor, are spending a few days visiting Mrs. Kennedy's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Geiger. Mr. Lemmon of tile New Commer­ cial Hotel has re-opened the ice­ cream parlor in the basement and will be open Tuesday and Saturday evenings. The Dramatic Club of St. Paul’s A. Y. P. A., Hensall, presented their play “A Busy Honeymoon in the Town Hall,. Varna, on Tuesday ev­ ening of this week, a The Court of Revision on the As­sessment roll of the village will be held in the Town Hall on Monday evening, May 27th. We understand a number of appeals are entered for revision. Miss Nellie Carmichael has sold her residence on' Mill St. to Miss M. McKay and Mr.s. Gordon, of Kippen. Miss McKay was a former resident of Hensall and will be welcomed back to town. Mr. John Stacey, of Detroit, spent Sunday here with ’his mother. His ■brother, Fred, who has been visiting here for a few weeks, returned to Detroit with him. Fred has secured a good position there in a bank. The Teal estate and household effect of Mr. Geo. Hill were offer­ ed for sale on Tuesday afternoon last; The real estate was. not sold as the price offered was not consid­ ered high enough for the executors. The petition at Mickle & Son’s of­ fice asking the Dominion Govern­ ment for an increase in the duty on beans, is being signed by most of the farmers in. this district.’.. The pe­ tition will be .sent to Ottawa this *aVbc!c Cook number chasers mon, R Sh irray, T. Haberer. Thos., Ryan. ris and E. Tiernan*. The play .entitled ‘ put on by members of will ho found on another Sandy friends in Sinillie, town of Toronto, a few days Herb Hog-and spent Sunday at Toronto, Dr. of Tavistock, with Mrs. B. Bros, are selling a large of eats. Some of the- pur* last week were: W. H. Lem- O. Trbyer, W. G. Wagner, A. W. P. Love,C. H. Joy. , Hu£h Mor- Sonny-Jane” the Young Peoples’ League qf the United church was again presented to a good au­ dience in the town hall on Friday evening. They also presented the. play In Zurich on Monday evening and in Bayfield'on Wednesday e.y- enihg.'pf this $yeekp i ’-..y ;-,;r The Firemen, have the^town nicel£ decorated witly flags and bunting atufe hovo^-ectedMf eWrii^Igifein froute of ttg town hall. On the 24 th thcirSaviil be big attractions all day and ’A* Iiali in the evening. After the con* ^ort a dance will be held. A big .day and a big cikAvd is #xpecte<L New Records i*' New Shipment of Edison Amberol’ (cylinder) records just arrived. Co* mie, Scotch, Sacred Songs, Fox trots, etc.Records now 45c, Rock Candy Songs No. 1 and No. Eleven Cent Cotton, Letter every meat, they'll graph. Large lers 5c., 2 for 15c Bargains in dependable silk Walkerside Ice Cream is cream i pint; pints, 30c, brick 35c. cones. Frost-bites and cold drinks 5c. Mountains, - Bum 2; llamona, Kenion Clog, Edged in Black, I need Thee hour, are among the assort- Come in and .sound good on them, glass waler jugs hear the Phono­ 45 c.; and 25c, tumb- encli. hose. good Powell’s Stere PHONES: 55 and 122 CREDITON Bring your Ford repairing to the Ford GaragW-SANDY ELLIOT Mr. and Mrs, Eli Lawson and Mrs. Wilson Anderson spent Sunday with relatives in Exeter. Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Edwards and family, of Ingersoll, spent Sun- da’y with Mr. and-Mrs. Joab Sims and other relatives, Mr, and 'Mrs, Walter McPherson and two children left Tuesday for Rodney where the former has secur­ ed work for the summer on the high­ way, Mrs. Ann Collingwood and Ml and Mrs. Aldewin Collingwood and Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Collingwood and baby, of Hamilton spent the week­ end with the former’s sister Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz and also attending the funeral on Tuesday in Exeter of the late Mrs. Wm. Collingwood. Mr.' Delton Lewis, "of Brinsley spent Sunday with liis brother Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Children’s Day services and pro­ gram, June 9th at the Evangelical, church, The program committee with--Miajr Clara Morlock as Conven­ or is busy will^'udie"’primai''iett,rt •jUH'’- iors and intermediates for the var­ ious parts on the program belonging to them. The large male churns is to remain after the Sunday evening service for practice. Suggestions for a “Mother and. Daughter’’ banquet have been enter-! tained and a committee has been chosen, from the Dorcas Class to bring in their suggestions next Sun-' day the committee • meet. A’ few findings may be published. Date tentatively chosen June 2nd and the price considerably lower. Miss Alma Smith’s Sunday School class swarmed and .so the b’oys of the class, are under the instruction of Mrs, Albert Wolfe and the girls to retain their regular teacher. The Jr. E.L.C.E. are having a so­ cial hour at the home of Mrs. Lloyd England ou Thursday evening begin­ ning at 7:30. No other meeting of the young people this week on ac­ count of the legal’holiday, May 24th. At this writing Mr. Fred’ Gaiser is very much improved in health. His friends .. _ forward to liis recovery and appear­ ance in His and neighbors are looking the usual circles. to Jo­ be KHIVA Master Ray Willert returned his home last Saturday from St. seph's Hospital, London where underwent an operation three weeks ago for Osteonyolitis Chrinoca in his leg. He is getting along as well as cail.be expected but confined to liis bed for Mrs. Chris. Dietrich friends in St. Agatha. Miss Thelma Neeb is sister Mrs. Kippeu. /Mr. and Mrs, McKellar,. of Wiliams spent last Thursday Mr, and M'rs. Wm. Mason. Miss Mary Stewart spent the week­ end at liev home in Clinton, • Mrs. T. Hamacher, of Dashwood, is visiting Mr. -and Mrs. Art Willert tor a couple of days. Mr. Wm. Witzel spent Monday in I-lensall. Roy will be some time.. is visiting visiting her Samuel Thomson near West with f s THAMES RQAD Bring your Ford rep^ring to the Ford . Garage.—SANDY^LLIOT Mr. Ken. McNicol is. getting along nicely and lias returned home from the hospital this week. Mr. Edgar Hunkin has returned to his home in Exeter after spending a week with liis sister Mrs. B. Duncan. )Mr. Albert Duncan is enjoying a new Plymouth and Mr. B. Duncan a new Chevrolet. .Miss Kheta Pollen and Mr, Har­ vey Pplleti motored to Flint, Mich., for the Sim. Rev. will be Thames .owing to the indisposition Jas. Anthony. There Was vice on Sunday. * We are glad do hear that Stone is recovering nicely from her recent sickness. ;Mrs. Bailey spent Sunday Witli friends on the Thames Rd, Several old friends came.and spent 'Monday afternoon with Mi\ add Mrs’. Wm. Pollen in social chat, it being the. occasion of Ml Pollen's JMrth* day. Ayilfei9 not enjoying’ver^lgood [health we'Sre sorry to sayt,. .‘..I; There* s^ms to>b%.a pqciitiMv epi* demic'nut cojighiii^un^dgsfei^U^Ittle folks at the present time, but W# hope with more sunshine sand warm week-end with their brother Neil Leckie, of Motherwell, in charge of services at the Road Church next Sunday of Rev. no ser- Mrs. W< AM t MOA, .disappear,Iw'^ilridllK^^^’Hvfrs. wViii of. Oil Springs, motored through on their Wedding trip, and spent the week* end with Ml and Geo; Jeffrey. i DE At office wood, first owe DASHWOQ Bring your Ford LiiuUiffiig to tlio HL H* Ford Garage.—'SANP’wJSiLLIQT Miss Elva Horne, of London, visit­ ed at her home here last Smnday. A baby boy arrived at Mr. Chas. Stephen’s last week. Siome decoraters froqi Toronto are busy re-decorating the church. Mr. and Mrs.- Wilson Hawkins mud family, of Seaforth, were callers in tlio village on Sunday last. At horse shoe club has neen ized in the village. Three have been* laid out on Mr. Murch’s property. organ­ courts RluliP March’s property. No doubt a good time will be spent by many sports throughout the summer. Master Freddie Wright was able to come home from London Hospital the first of last week and is re­ covering fairly well from liis ear trouble. A pancake social was held by the members of the Live Oak Mission Circle last Wednesday night in tlie basement of the church, about 40 members being present. A short program was given and some con­ tests enjoyed by all present. .Next Sunday the service will held in the basement of the church 10:30 a.ill. as tlje auditorium will udergoing repairs. ’ „ Last Wednesday afternoon the W. M.S. met in the church for their reg­ ular monthly meeting. Mrs, R. D. Hunter occupied the chair and in a very capable manner conducted the meeting. There were about twenty members and three visitors present, They were very pleased to have Miss Brooks, sister of Mrs. Fred Del- bridge with them. Readings were given by Mrs. F. Brock; the Heralds were Mrs. Ed. Johns, Mrs. Sherwood Hunter and Miss Marjorie Delbriclge. Several members led in prayer. A part of the program which was great­ ly enjoyed was a beatuiful solo “Only a Little Way Further" by Miss Mae Clark. Some business was also dealt with. Roll call was respond­ ed fo by name of a Missionary, and where she works. Mrs. I-Iy; Del- bridge, Sunt. Systematic Giving will be in charge of the June meeting. We hope for a continuation of the good attendance. Mrs. Henry Johns was the recip­ ient of a beautiful bouquet of Ber­ muda, lillies sent to her by her neice May Jones who is engaged in her profes^i’Sh^rw6fit*-1~ Mrs. Hy. Delbriclge was called to London last Friday’ owing to tlio ill­ ness of her mother Mrs?‘Spicer who suffered a paralytic stroke last. week. CENTRALIA ke at be ser-• Very successful anniversary vices' were conducted here on Sun­ day last. Rev. R- R. Conner, of Kip­ pen, was in charge and preached two inspiring and instructive ser­ mons to large congregations. The choir, under the leadership of Mr. Lloyd Hodgson, was unstinted in its musical,, numbers, and added much,, to the occasion.’ The contribution# were ahead of those of last year. The floral decorations were many and b’eatitiful and arranged with great taste.Rev. Duncan McTavish, of Exeter, will present the case of Emmanuel College to the congregation here on Sunday morning next and at Whalen in the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Conner was the invited guest of Mrs. and Miss Anderson while here last Sunday. We regret to report that Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fairhall are not regain­ ing their strength, the latter being in a very weak condition., Mrs. Fair­ hall, Jr. is in attendance. . The two little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls are fast recovering. The Sunday School officers of the Janies St. Church, Exeter will charge -of the Sunday School next Sunday. ' Visitors from London and forth were at the parsonage on day. GRAND BEND have here Sea- Su li­ Many were the visitors at the camp ground on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pifer, of Chatham, visited Mrs. Merner on Sunday. Mr.’and Mrs; Blatcliford visited at Mr. and Mrs. John Baird. Rev. J. M. Colling took the ser­ vices in Calvary Church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Erwin took his work here preaching two able sermons to two large congregations. Don’t forget the Hot Supper in the new slied on May 24th and the ’play “The Red Acre Farm’’ in the church. The village trustees arq,making some improvements to the village With sidewalks .and fills. Mr. J. W. Holt has his new house nearly completed which adds great­ ly to the. Main Street, Miss, Emma Moliard received the sad news of ths death of her brother . Ashton Moliard, whose very sudden death took place at Duluth, where Mr. Moliard has lived for some time. He was a Grand Bend boy and a fa­ vourite of all who knew him. ■ Mrs. Donald Webb, of Lansing, Mich., also a Grand Bend girl is much improved after her illness. Her mother, Mrs. Sol. Pollock is expect­ ed home this week. All church I roads lead to the United hot supper on May 24th. HIBBERT and Mrs. James Stewart ofMr, ___ Egmondville, and Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Stewart, of New Hamburg, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bolton over tile week-end. Mr, Roy Ryckmam. of FlintMMlch., spent Sunday at th^'Jioma/of^his parents* M?. add Mrs. Grant Ilyek* man oL the. Boundary, ftrr tephenso iumnd little daughter June, moved’ last week to the farm recently vacated Ml Thos. Ford, of cd on friends on the week. Windsor, call* boundary last .D.S., D,D.S, SUJRGEON lartlelb Block, Dasb- .......,r . hree days of 'week and at pffice over the Host Office, in Zufich, last three blr. and Mrs. Woodstock, spent former's parents. •Mr. and Mrs. H. were Sunday visitors in town. 'Miss Emma Tieman, of London, the week-end here with rela- days of week. W. Grayboil, of Sunday with the Eidt, of Ingersoll, spent fives. Mr. ed in Mr. opened up a barker shop in the Com­ mercial Hotel. A large crowd turned out to the band concert last week. and Mrs. 0. Restemeyer visit- Crediton on Sunday. J, Walper, of Exeter, has ZION Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston, of Whalen, spent Sunday with their son Earl. Mr. and Mrs. John Hern, Sr., vis­ ited friends in .Monroe Sunday. Rev, H, E. Livingstone, of Blen- hem, a. former pastor, will conduct the anniversary services at Zion on Sunday,June 9th. LUMLEY lias been quite a move in business on the Boundary Mr. Stewart McQueen has J ohu There the car lately, bought a new Studebaker, Mr Glenn a Studebaker and Mr. Bert Selves a Chevrolet, Miss Edna Brintnell, of Seaforth, lias been here for a week visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Brintnell. >’ Mrs, George Hobkirk and Miss Margaret visited Mrs. Broadfoot last week. Mr. Wesley Simmons, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi’s. W. Kerslake. CROMARTY On Tuesday, May l,4tli the congre­ gation of Cromarty* church enter­ tained the Presbytery of Stratford. Dinner was served in the basement by the ladies of the congregation. This is the first time in the history of the congregation that the church had the honor of the Presbytery meeting here. Mr. Norman Hamilton, a former 011 a iew friends on Friday of la'st*wdelfA* — Mrs. Samuel Spoare and daughter,’ who spent the winter in Toronto re­ turned to their home last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller spent the week-end in Toronto visiting their frJends. Mr.’and Mrs. Savauge, of Hamil­ ton, having; .rented the house on the Wilson farm, moved with their fam­ ily to Cromarty last week. > «■ Ford Dealer’s Used Cars FORD TUDOR, FORI) FORI) FORI) FORI) (REV 1 )OR, PE, PE, 1028 $600,00 1025 1025 1022 4 s < i a $250.00 ER, 1023 — $150.00 1026 — $350.00 i OAUH, THE NEW SIX AT $750.00 WILL JERAL ALLOWANCE ON NOUR PRESENT %■ OY ELLIOT, Ford Dealer PHONE 64 —EXETER, ONT. FORD PARTS AND FORI) SERVICE CARS REPAIRED BY FOR!) EXPERTS ■a- AUCTION SALE I — of ’— VALUABLE P.ESIDENTA L PROFEimr IN EXETER ONT. The executors of the estate of tlio late David Wynn are offering for sale, subject to a reserve bid, by pub­ lic auction on the premises on SATURDAY, MAY 25th, 1020 at 2 o’clock sharp the following real estate: A fine storey and a half brick resi­ dence situated^ on the , north east corner of Carding and Mill Streets,, frame stable /'immediate possessio r Also the Vacant lots on the f ‘ west cornei/of Carling and’ IV containing/two fifths acrej^Rjf land.At thejsame time an ace there will be fifered for sal ie following household goods a chattels; 1 l^drpom suU^Tcomplete; wash­ stand';’ dresseLjj^n'ozen-- dining’ room cliaifs, dinin^’Toom table, 4 small tables, 2 bed springs, sewing ma­ chine, JWnattresses, feather bed, 1 siaebQMxl, cupboard, ’ piHgfwL, „ —: kitchen chairs, heater, new Good Cheer cook stove, kitchen cabinet, carpets, cushions, linoleums, lawn mower, garden tools, 1 cord maple wood; otller use­ ful articles. TERMS OF. SALE Chattels—Cash Real Estate—10 per cent, on day -of sale balance in 30 days thereafter. Other terms made known on-'day of sale. For further particulars apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Executors, Exeter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate * of '‘JANE’ LOVE, late of the Village of Exeter? in the County of Huron, Widow, who died- on the- twentieth day of March A.D., 1929, are required to forward their claims duly, proven t$Hhe un­ dersigned on or,jbefore th$Renth day of June A.D., A9 29. AND NOTICE IS, EN 'that attej? the cutrix will Jro estate hav^n claims notice’. DA’IW day Jr :SJTORTHER GIV- <^aid date the Exe- 1 to distribute the regard only to the l slie then shiill have ------ at Exeter this twentieth of May, A.D., 1929. GLABjMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Executrix Notice to Creditors. Notice is. hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Castor Jo^in Willis, latent the village- of Grdhd ‘Bend,, in.,./ihe County of Huron,-/Barber, wlid^died on the 28th day.^of April, 1425 are required to forward theiF" claims duly proven tp,/H. Either & Son, Creditoil, on of befonwthe 1st day of June, 19 29// And notice'/ is fujtiier given that after the s^id dabp the administra­tor will proceed, distribute the es­ tate having regard claims of ^Vhjsh he notice-., Dated aWCrediton of May A.D., 1929. Bert Holt, Admii Bend, Ontario.■ v ----- W.- O. B. A. SCHEDULE FIR^T SERIES May 18—Sarnia at London, 3 p.m. May 24—Exeter at London, 3 p.m. May 24—Strathroy at Sarnia, 3 p.m. May 27—London at Strathroy, 5:30 May 29—Salmia at Exeter, 5.30 p.m. May 31—-Exeter at Strathroy, 5.30 June 1—London at Sarnia, 3.30 p.m. June 5—^-Strathroy at Exeter, 5.30 June 8—Strathroy at London, 3 p.m. June 11—Sarnia at Strathroy, 5.30 .Time 12-—London at Exeter, 5.30 June 15—Exeter at Sarnia, 3.30 p.m. only to then shall this 18 th the have day istrator, Grand It's well that the hens don’t know that-an oyster lays 50,000,000 eggs. It might discourage them.-—King­ ston-Whig Standard. Two-legged skirts are being order­ ed by the ultra smart women of Par­ is, \it' is reported. College, boys, it will be recalled, introduced the idea ajcouple of year ago. J, SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPE SINOLB Bl) 'I’ieitf ED ( ge titMTMtetd LE.DRUGGIST SHERRIFF’S SALE OF LANDS Countj’ of Huron to Wit, : BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Fac­ ias issued out of His Majesty’s High Court of Justice for the Pro­ vince of Ontario, and to me direct­ ed against the Lands and Tenants of JOHN SANDERS at the suit of the Mblsons ■ Bank, the said Mol- ■ sons Bank having, by Indenture of Assignment dated the Sth day of September, 1919, assigned said ’ Judgment to C. II. Sanders and A. J. McDonell, , . HAVE SEIZED ATSn^XAl5EN_. INI HAVE SEIZED AN&UEA&EN IN EXECUTION thh one-sixth interest^ of the said John Sajiders in the , equity of redemption of the follow- ’ ing lands and^iremises situate, lying and being in5 the County of Huron and being more particularly describ­ ed aS follows, viz: PARCEL I:-^Lot Number twenty-five (25) o$-' the West sidw of William Street North of • A. + 4-1. - Drillsv„x,____, wardrobe, six Ahn Street in the VillageZOf Exeter%, 6 rocking chairs, 2 couches, ■ in the laid County ofjtturon, San- NOTICE TO CREDITORS * NOTICE TS HEREBY GTVEN^liat all creditors and others haying claims against the estate of ANNE FOLLICK late of the Village of Exe­ ter, ifPtlie County of Hurrah,, Widow/, are required forwardJmeir claims duly proven/lto the ^raer signed on* or before tfie,tentl^«any of June A. D., 1929. / >• AND HDTldWs.FURTHER GIV­ EN that^gfte^the said date the Exe­ cutors will/proceed to‘distribute the estate having regard oply to the claims <$r which they then shall have notice DATED at Exeter this twenty- first day of May A.D., 1929. , GL’ADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Hensall. Executors’ Solicitors djjheir clainii traersigned on* Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of PETER FRAYNE,.late of tlte Village of Exe­ ter, in the’ County of Huron, ..Har­ ness-Maker, whjx died on the sixth day of May A-^f, 19 29, are^equired to forward tl^ir claims^tny proven to the undersigned on$ur before the tenth day Jf Juii^Kd., 1929. AND 10TICEWS FURTHER GIV­ EN thap'iaftewnlie said date the Exe­ cutors .wU^m’oceed io distribute the estate/G^v'ing regard only to the claimant which they then shall have notice. . DATED at Exeter this twentieth day of M'ay, A.D., 1929. GLAD/MAN. & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitors COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF gSBORNE Notice is hereby ^i4en that a Court of Revision of tb/ Assessment Roll of the Townshij/of Usborne will hold its first meet, Elimville. 1929 at NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS in the Townshjj)i»JXaM» ii Saturd 1st, m. hry Strang, Clerk Hensall, R. R. No.1 Tenders will -be received by the undersigned for the constfufttioh -of tile Elimville Drain Outlet a’rtd'Ltho; Brock Creek Drain^Ji^pair in the Township of llebtffne 'on or before 12 o’ * * ... .. ..... Ten di sHhT. ElHlW cost $13,057»00™an(l Drain Uepajih estimated’^ $1338.5(1 FuHher information caL bo gotten at the Glerk’sX/offlo® WJolB Mer ^Sn^IitOltOlL; A. marked oliequo for &'% of tho contract price to accompany each lenderi y. Aairy, .tender 'wL . Henry Strang, Clerk, Usborne May 7th, 1929, Hensalt, fc, R. No.L dcj^pJ^noon, June ABfs to be opened nt Hall at 3 p.m. the Outlet, 1st, 1529. the Town* dhy. estimated I&ck Creek can ’* '“WM., ders’ Survey, subject./^'a certain life interest: and PAR.QEL H.—Lot num­ ber eighteen ’on the North boundary of ^t-he Township of Ste­ phen |in the/said County of Huron, .contafning-^by admeasurement one or less’ subject to a cmfyaTnRfe^’iffi^^ ;-.i one sixth interest in said landsany^^^^l^iai^jj premises I shall offer for sale by auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Goderich in the said County of Huron on Tues-- day the twenty- eighth (28)-day of May, 1929, at the hour of tivo.-.o^ekieGr'*^ ' in the afternoon. ' —..... C. G. MIDDLETON Sheriff of the County of Huron Sheriff’s Office, Court’House,, Gocle- Tich, Ont., February 14tli, 1929. 4-25-4tc. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ^NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Janet Carmichael, late of the Village^*- Hensall, in the Gounty of Huron,. , Widow, who died’ on the sixteenth, day o'f April A/D., 1929, are requir­ ed to J' forward their claims proven Ao tl undersigned " be­ fore tire till'd day of •1929 'e A.. D.a. ;;and;noti further giv--. EN“that a Jd date the Exe­ cutrix’will proceed to distribute the-* estate having . regard . only to. .the-; claims of which she then shall have-, notice. DATED' at Exeter this thirteenth- day " (j t t glad!^^^^ Hensall and Exeter Solicitors for Executrix. ' of May A.D., 1929. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN tha6. having., LISET- .. Village. „ Huron,. all creditors .and others claims against the estate of TA REICHERT, late of the of Zurich, in the County of_____ Spinster, who died/^on the twenty­ sixth day of Maj^h A. D., 1929, are- required to forward their claims, duly proven^to the undersigned on or before/lie 27th day of ‘a.D.* 1929. / ' AND/NOTICI URTHER GlV^ EN thfit d date the Ad­ in inist’hrfBr Will- proceed,tp,.distiiiuv^_ the estate having regard only to the- claims of which he then shall liave- notice. DATED at Exeter this seventh day* May A.D., 1929. . ■ ’ GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Administrator*- !? of I NOTICE TO CREDITORS * NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others,.. ..liaving'- clalmg against the ^scat^'o^ DON­ ALD DAWSON, lat/' of the ToYfi- shi# of Usborne./fn the County of Huron, FannerX who died on the of November A.EUs uifed to fonvtaMm Itlfundersi^ii- ie twenty*seventh, D., 1920 nineteenth d 1927; are r claims du fed on oii^be day Of AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Ese ,cutors wilt preyed th® estate!; having Regard" onfeiRb th&£st claims of it’hich they Aheh^diuiiihaves^ notice. 'st dated at Fbtefet this seventh davx of. May-./Lfii., 15 ? 9., ?; ■ ', ’r * 1 -2.' t-and WhMR pi’ovbh