HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-09, Page 8—sfc. 11 3 7 on 3 7 * ••.4-2 5-3 tp. Ce- spent several days in Lon- g&ction J?. Harvey and family 11 3 ; 1 ] the 4 parties’ who; facing milk from: pr shop kindly re- :o the shop. • • • • • Butter 43c. extras 2*5c. firsts 23 c. seconds 20c, $12.50 . a.m.- p.m.— Frame cot­ in Village of 1 _ . Cen. ply -to Carling and HW^have’on hand yu^r for- all crops.: ses, Carnations, Tiifips for Mothers’ order early.— OCERY . FOR R"ENT+—Half here of land in good State of cultivation. Apply to to Mrs. S- Atkinson, William Street. \ . • 4-25-tfc.' horses pounds; Sell or ,..4<-tfc. on T. FOR SALEr—A. frame c lot near the co William Streets. -cil Walker or t fertilize^ a supply ojrFei■ Nelson >Stahl‘al$/''Phone Dashwood 36r2. ( Jack Hedden, Geo, An- Clair Smith, who recently locals y-HojAe/and • two. lots Oluk/SApply to (Mr. ' ’ 5-2-2tc. De-Luxe Jelly Powders, 5 for 25c. at HARVEY’StGJTOCERY. «ijMri » * * I * NOTICE—M^li have "been piffi'cl Stanbury’s bufch| turn the bottlesin Redpath Sugaj ^r65, a bag at— HARVEY’S GRi - —4 The regular meeting of the Home and School Club will not be held un­ til Friday, May 17th. ge and idley and to Mr. Fs/ Wm. Walker. .4-25-tfc. HOUSE FOR AWARDED $1,000 BY JUSTICE LOGIE Damages totalling $1,000 were awarded George W. Crozier, Ena Crozier and. Aileen Crozier, of Us- horne Tqwnship, by Justice Logie, in Supreme Court, London, on Tues­ day, in a> suit brought by them as the result of a motor crash which occujwe-d in Usborne Township on October 24£h last. The defendants were H, T? Rowe, of Exeter, Philip Murcli, of Elimville, and Orval Dick­ son, of Exeter. George W. Croziei* was awarded $700; Rua" Crozier $250; and Eileen Crozier, $50. They were asking for a total pf $3,400, According--tothe statement of 4 tlaim thfe plaintiffs with then* house-, hold furniture -were in ja. motor truck owned and- driven by Philip Murcli, .which collided with a truck driven by Orval Dickson and owned by H. T^ Rowe. ; ? Col. j'. A. Vai'coe, nf Carlow, who commenced the Huron Battalion from 1^97 to 1902 died Friday last at the age of 83 years. The funer­ al under Masonic auspices ’was held on Friday last. Col. ,W. J. Hearnan of Exeter, attended the funeral. FOR 'SALE—WhitoTPekin Duck eggs. Apply to Essery, Cen­ tralia. |jr FOR SAL^^en&s Red Bird bic­ ycle. Apply before Saturday noonjtoMr. Bert Bolter, Exeter. % ‘ * LOST—Bej^eeg Exj&lr and Dash­ wood on April . s^sth^license plate No. 145,7.(j5. T'fease .notify George Walper, Grand Rend, telephone 5 .■aT; ________■ • • ’ TO RENT—-A Frame Cottage ’Elizabeth ‘ St. Apply to Mrs. W. Hewitt. *^C*?*' *"FOR e_S ot land<-:i Mark er o Frame house’ bn AlexanderNorth, with one acre of lan^^Tply to Wm: Yule, Exeter.- ‘ ltp. FOR SALE—The frrn^ porch of Mr. Wm. Snells houf^rMain Street. Apply to W. A; B^Kwill, John St.', phone. 123. ’ 5-2-2tc. HOUSE FO1 tage with thre Exeter, good bqlriyffnd garage, trally-located. _ . Morley, Barristers, etc., Exeter, Ont. s . . • ’ 5-2-3tc? t -A rug-brick house movements. Ap- .... . ' 4-4-tfc. FOR SALE- with 3,11 moder! ir ply to’c. B. Sn<Jr FOR SALE—2^? Glen Maryan __ per idO; if ci^liyeiibd mail 5c. per 100 extra. 'Natliwi Doupe, Kirkton. ■ ' ' ' f- " 4-11-tfc. plants, lop; 75c. FOR SALE-— GJrenteen ranging from W0(|fo 1600 five to eight >G®rs . old. trade. ‘ Frank T|tylpr. FARM.’FOR RHNT—!&^?cre farm in Stepheri Townjhipr'the estate of the late George 'fe'"snell. Apply to Mrs. Edith Snell,Oxo ter. ltp. • FOR SALE- prize winners at at $2.00’, per m clover, first p i2 per bifshel.’ Ity to O. Al James. Broadfc|>t„ phone 5 on 73 Hensail. 4-18-tfc. Chinchilla doe umber 'of sold right. , pure bred, at Apply to Lloyd , phone lOw. 5-3-2tc ■Small field, peas, the' nsall seed show, bite sweet _ner, ,at $3.50 ly-sold a quant- Guelph, Ont.-— FOR^ SALE—Six rabbits, 1 buck and young rabbits. Also nine Poli reasonable pri England, Cred Will If you wish to buy, or rent a faim see R. E, DfekaW’ Exeter. HORSES FOR SALE—4 or 5 good "Work horses for sale, under sovoti -years old* Would exchange them for some pigs and cattle. Ap- jply to J. Caidwell* Dondoii Road N* We tyavo the following feeds*on hand to,^ finish your hogs? . Shorts Ground Screenings* Low Grade Flour iMiWr $hoi>( Tankage* Hog Miner­ al is fui « uor cW’" for r •bam '*>75 per cwt* ivittg wohder- a bag at $3.50 hAyb„JRaijdvs latest formula tt'iig chirks arid Wc pre- ch teed fdr older chicks, jRtnd give them a trial* HOTt BROS* r"*-" * THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.10 Oats 50 c. „ Barley 65c. Manitoba Flour $3.90 Blend Flour $3.75 Pastry Flour $3,65 Feed Flour $2.15 Bran $1,85 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 46c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH* * Rey. J. Bernard Rhodes, M* A. Minister THURSDAY, MAY Q<h, 111 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Services will be conducted by the new minister, The Ordination and Induction of Mr. J. Bernard Rhodes, M.A., 5vill be conducted by -the Presbytery of Huron at a public service on Thurs­ day, May Sth at 7:30 p.m. At the close of the service a reception w^ll be held to introduce the new Minis­ ter to the congregation. We Daffodils an Day. Leav HARVEY’S will 1 iRY. Mr. C. C. Pilon, of Windsor, vis­ ited with his family in town Sunday. Mr., Howard Leary, of London, spent Sunday in Exeter and at his home at S/taffa. 'Mr. Edward Anderson, who has been confined to his ’’bed is still in a serious condition. Mr. Harold Wood, of London, spent the week-end visiting 'with his parents, in Usborne. ■Miss Janie Hogarth, of Toronto, visited with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mrs. Wm. Street and two children of Hamilton, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wei. Johns. ‘Messrs. Leonard 'Pfaff and Nelson Wells qf St. Thomas, spent-the week­ end at their homes here. i t Messr?. Harold Taylor and Ted Moir, of Corunna',.spent a few. days last Week at their homes* here. Mr. and Mrs.. John Hamilton,,and family, of Croinarty, spent Sunday with the foririer’s mother Mrs.' 'J. Hamilton.- - An Airdale dog belonging to Mr. W,. J. Carling was run over by .an JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev/ D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—“The Church—God’s Fam­ ily.”. 3rd in the series on ’“The Church which is His body.” p.m.— Sunday School. Special program—Address ■Baptismal Service and Bowl Illus- poem Sunday •Mothers’ Day- by Pastor­ dedication of new Baptismal p.m.—r^A Christian Home.” trated from Whittier’s “Snowbound.” NOTE—'Will the parents ofNOTE—'Will the parents of little children please note the baptismal service in the afternoon. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston' T1 ,a.mv-rA. message for Mothers Great Woman” p.m.—The Church School. Special service for Mother’s Day. p.m.—“Losing and Finding” “A- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones. Rector Sunday After' Ascension* —Matins and Sermon -Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Rev. F. W. /Schaffter, Rector Wingham, /at both services. , of Rubber Stair Treads. I gross of Rubber. Stair Treads. These ^fre the popular size and come in a good quality. While they last each 15c. . Bedroom Curtains by the yard w Four new pieces in neat pattern Scrims ■h splendid net at a popular price. I per yard 25c. 2 Uf--------------i-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 5 Dozen Window Blinds These are seconds, but they are hard to detect from first’s. In green only, six foot blinds • Special 98c,. 1 Bedroom Paper in Room Lots ■ Four neat patterns to choose from with eflbugh paper and border to dd an ordinary r<*m. ,1 Special at per lot 98c, i RUGS ! We offer our Entire Stock of Room Rugi prices. We are making an effort to cleai prices on Tapestry, Bnpssels, Axminster < RUGS Frilled Curtains forUedrooms timed with 5 dozen frilled curtainolrfl A neat curtain in cream net ti old rose. Regular $1.00 Special at per pair19c Boy’s Hatchway Underwear Boys’ No-Button Hatchway -. Un||er- wear. The kind the boys like. " Cool abd comfortable. ' The kind the boys like. ~ Cool •* RUGS ! t less than to-days wholesale >ut every rug in stock. Our Wiltons should interest you. KIRSCH Curtain Rods single or double; also a speciaLstyle? 'windows.for bi Singh 25c.Double 50c, ubld Tack Underwear 'J- Mens . Athletic Underwear made of' good .weWht dimity, cuit full and roomy; . * ■ * . ' « •Al sizes each $1.00 LINOLEUM and CONGOLEUM RUGS We are showing all the New Patterns in rtaoleum and Congoleum Rugs also new patterns by the yard . Bring in yQu^qogi size and get our prices a few HOGART It is noW til about y'our.btoo —- —----- W our machines af needs! Our car auto and killed Saturday on Main 1 this'season. Street. Mrs. (Dr.) G. F. Roulston has been in London - since Saturday-ow<- ing to the illness of her mother Mrs.. I D.-Langford. ’ • * - - Aliss Rose Dearing, has returned' to Toronto6 after visiting for a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes­ ley Dearing. -r ■ « Mr. Garnet PasSiriore-and two sons of Detroit, visited over the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Eliz­ abeth Passmore. Rev. J. W- Down, superannuated minister of the Bay of Quinte Con­ ference, has been transferred to the London Conference. ' Mrs.. Moyle, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. Harry Jennings. Mrs. Jennings- and Mr. Ted Moyle are daughter and son. Mrs. T. O. Southcott, who last week .underwent an operation at Grace Hospital,’ Toronto, is improv­ ing as well as han be expected. Messrs. "Harold and John Kuntz and Mis§_. Ella Kuntz, of Windsor, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win." Kuntz over, the Week-end. Mrs. Horton, of Usborne, has this week moved Her household effects to Oshawa where tne will remain. Th trucking was done by the Bag- shaw Transport. * ’ "a new sign lias .been erected, in front of the Central Hotel. « The sign was designed and painted by Mr. Will Lodder and it is a credit­ able piece of work. Lieut. Johnson, of Toronto, has been transferred to the local Salva­ tion Army corps, succeeding Lieut. Nesbett, who has been transferred to Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ford and little son, who last week moved to London, spent Sunday visiting in Exeter. They brought home with them Mrs.. Lam­ port, who don. Messrs, drew and secured positions in Kitchener with the Dominion Tire Co., speAt the week-end at their respective homes here. Miss Annie Yelland, who has- been ill this spring, Was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sat­ urday where- she underwent an eper- atlon. She is progressing favor­ ably. Mrs. J. Welsh, of .Winnipeg, In renewing her subscription to the Times-Advocate says: “Enclosed find order for $2.00 for the payer that I so anxiously look for every Monday nrornihg*” ‘ ‘ v Mr* Gilbert Freekleton left Mon* day for Lucan where he has taken over his now duties with-the Imper­ ial Oil Go. Mrs. Frecklton and fam­ ily expect iff move to Ducaji in the near future. Mrs. 0* .... motored to Durford for the /week­ end and In rettiHito# brought home with them Mrs. Harvey's mother, Mrs* H* Jory, who had been visiting In Burford for a couple of weeks* 'feeders^nd all p be here i talk over our price very reasona SERVICE. 4 of Hogafth’s Purple and Mona Meal, Meat Meal, Liver Meal. HATCHERY to?ibe thinking r.8, chicks ,eto. -for are now7-jruhnihg ■can supply ;* your aj pt-' brooders, ltry supplies willys. Come in and eds arid ask . for ‘'will find tiiem we . give you- carry p. stock Mash,. Royal ay Mash, Bone sh /Meal, Cod Oil, Charcoal^ Alfalfa Leaf Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mr. Walter Cutbush wtio is work­ ing in Chatham, spent Sunday at'his home, here. Mr’. Sandy Elliot, Ford Dealer, unloaded a car-load of, new Fori^ cars on Wednesday. % M'r. John Welsh, of Toronto, has been visiting for the past week with his: son Wm. E. Welsh." The bicycle that was stolen from the garage restored to Mr. and family, of with Dr. and M rs, Ward J, Mr. and Mrs. Churchill and the latter’s mother, Mrs. J. C.'Brown, of London, were in town Tuesday ev­ ening calling on friends. Mrs. Brown is leaving Thursday to visit lier old home in Scotland. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Melville Welsh on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh and- Mrs. H. T. Horn, of (Medina, N. Y.; Misfc Bessie Welsh, of London and Mr* and’ Mrs. Whit­ ing, of Crumlin. “’Great leader—anybody who has a great body of followers.- to function when he says “Sic ’em’/’ of W. J. Beer has been its owner. Mrs. P. S. Dawkins and London, spent Sunday HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE On Tuesday afternoon about 3:30 fire destroyed the bomb of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Doupe, north of Don- field. The fire started, in the wood­ shed and spread- rapidly. Part of the furniture was saved but practi­ cally‘all of their weaving apparel Was destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Doupe are at present staying :at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser. ill GRAND bend YOUTHS IN TRO^BLfe Three Grand Rend youths arc trouble having; been afrested oh.Sat­ urday charged with having run down a • London nurse. Miss Diana Spiers, at the entrance to Spriftgbank, Park, The lady died about ’twelve hours later. The throe young men are ltussoli McGregor, Howard Dcsjftr* dine and William Down, The three young mon in company with - a fourth wore at Sprlnghank in two ears and it is alleged that the car driven by Russell McGregor struck Miss Spiers causing her death. The young inou were released Monday afternoon on ball of $10,000 each, Powell’s NEW SPECIALS IN GLASSWARE Refrigeratorsets 59c._ Syrup Jugs 25c. Water Jugs' 45c. Fruit DishO’s-'ffc. . . .Lemon Rea'meas 15c. Special Safe of Tea * I Pots aiull* Jugs. 'lunations; "eas. Get CUT FLOWERS FDR MOTHERS’ DAI "SUNDAY—Roses, lips and Sweet order in Blackberry roots; ering Pea roots, F We sell flower funerals, wedding or write or phone early. verlhstiniK Flow- rget-m all tl time foV s.' Call lytirne, ■ Powell’s Variety Store . PHONES: 55 and 1&3 . } PROMOTION Mr. Arto Delve, who for several years has been employed at the Ex­ eter Canning, Factory has been trans­ ferred to the Forest branch of the Dominion Canners, as foreman. Mr. Bartow, of Amherstburg, has been appointed- manager of the- Exeter factory, arriving here Monday. He expects to move hi;s family here as soon as a suitable home can be sec­ ured. Electric Wiring and Repairing Workmanship jflfiaianteod ■ LEafHEj Exeter, / Jaiiies $trcc||||F art■*!..»ir-u.ii»'ii i m’Hir,, , - ’NBSSEY • Ontario Telephone 14S THE NEW STORE Furniture a%d Undertaking HONOR GRADU1TE OF ONTARIO n board Sunday Calls Nth 99 ■£» K> E«r« ht ail EXAMINAT Hay* PER MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & SERVIC1 t. DON’T MISS THIS CHANCE! lfou ONE DAY ONLY,. .>Lr. A. Z. Garner, head representative of I TIP TOP TAILORS, Limited '. Wfto is bringing to this store a complete range of NEW SPRING FABRICS $24.00 WILL PERSONkuLY MEASURE EVERY AL / . J U’ TOP $2*1.00 SUIT OR T; Men, -this is anwpportunity you shoula Top Tbp Tailors’ special representative vn6 . FRIDAY, MAY, 17tli,‘|go measure personal new Spring Suit or ToftcOat on .that day.J| range' of the finest fangics Tip Top Tail bringing a. selection of ~ Spring Styles, aiid-SuiL tain an idea of the wcftiderful qualit pijlce made-to-measure clothes. Doii’t forgM. ’ - 1 Suits and To; (Lengths of Cid » ORDERING A NEW PCOAT. ’t miss! Mr. Garner, be at this store on ry’ every man. ordering a In addition to a complete have ever offered, he is Boats 'tailored v in tliC .new $i.s; from which you can ob- and value of Tip Xpp one- 's j. the dateLavAnd come early!' One dayonly, FftIDAY MAY 17 t W.- wljrAMAN< PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. ■’ .■*.**, — Ernest Q/Harvey gener/ ALL THEiLATES’IftQUIPMENT INfllURANCE BROKER Rdpreaentlng MutiiaL/l.ife of Canada , LifeJyFire, Automobile, Etc. ~ ; R. NJ R T. e: PHONE? >• LMERS JUSINESS SOw. HOUSE 20j. EXETER. ONT. HYDRO. ELECTRIC •F' Wiring- and itiStallihg^guarantebd workmanship Repairing stovfs a laity. Estimfto! tree. . DAVIS able prices, motors a spsc- gradly furnished SAFETY RAZOR B - ^HARPgHEDtafiftMkc) SINGLE BljGH DOUBLE ES le it Edge Guarautoedl w. s:coLE, mu&mr W R, GOULDING A. T. C. Organist and olrm*«ter James|St. UjTted Church ion in Organ ufilc tn Schools BOk 67, Phone IIJI IXETER, ONT. Piano V Supervisor studio, Mdl I Theory ELLIOTT’S CORNERfGROCERY Jost i’". f Metropolitan fdf Service a Hi Ings we geU Wo ri^c^your patronage* havp lything you want in, the line of groceries* fancy cakes, eahdios* coal oil ami vinegar. r