HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-09, Page 6•w- 50 YEARS AGO ROOM I. Professional Cards Monej^to MAljTST., EXETER, ONT, Genuine WARD MAIN ST.iA J G. T GLA 88; 86; LLISON, ROCK Office 3- Office o 2x41Pihe Sc; houses,A building; FERTILE Hen ^at $< R Ont. N DOW NNELL 28.47. Mayme Pridham, teacher Still the Best f-. Bread Send 30c in stamps for the famous Purity Flour Cook Book. from a street had gathered. stand at the would a'dvise A SPECIALTY ASONABLE JUARANTEEg '] •ashwootl f MUYING SHINGLES NOW ,<)]ENTAL SURGEON Late DiDistric Better Man-—Style arbiters business man can be well with 14 suits this year. May- are for his wife.— the club. tenders for watering .the were opened on Tuesday The contract was awarded John Gillespie, whose tender DR. VETERI^ Gradna.tc^of the AR LICEN For Kurin and Middlesex FA^MSALI SATISFAGT Phone 57-1 R. R. Jjf>. 1, DASHWOOD UR WEBER P AUCTIONEER ’ ----------------------- $ line, ad-i 1^- 50.Cs Member of The Canadian Weekly | Newspaper Association. C cakes that keep r days, use 1 table­ spoon Bss pet cup of Purity if ‘pe calls for ordinary r soft wheat flour.” LING & MORLEY. 'ERS, SOLICITORS, &c< | IS, INVESTMENTS, 1 INSURANCE ’ ' •ling Block, Main .Street^, EXETER, ONT, \ ij G, &. C. Merriam. Company Springfield, Ma OSCA Dstate,. Farm’ Lii^keepihg with isfaction hs- OSTEOPATH^. | ^PY & ULTRA-: I TMENTS 0 ’ EXETEB -Ml Ml I ..UM f.11 na—MW—y CHIROPRACT ELECTRO. VIOLET FARM S Prices Reasonable' is^gf Ontario; Member of thri- Office er Carling Morley■ Jg ■%aw Office i.3 R, ONT. • SHE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE Law- Reed at- ROOM V ROOM III T .ci tario 56; 54, Class Appleton I. Doris Agent to2 Logan honors—Ardys MeFalls A, honors—Tom Willard Dean Billy Penhale 68; Annie Raymond Smith 61; Tom 67, Irene Kydd 65, 63, Gerald Lawson 62, ness 60, Irene Brooks 55. Class 2.—Coquoline •:i so. " ■ ber -on roll 40;* average at- 35.4. ’ -Mary Goodspeed, teacher L. LAWSON rij ■ D. D. S. 3W.TIST . ' Office in Old CoWimcrcial Biiildingj Main St., E.^pter. Phone 77w<< S3- ■a honors—Marion Wxilperj Jr. | Gerwh Gordon Petnick 6S; Victor J Gerak. X»utman»-’-&4r-^ RDQM Wim <5 75. WU'hinson. 74; Vera 73;: JWk 'Stanbury 73; Eva Heywood 72; If. prva.1 Rawson 71; Viola *71; Dorathy Sims 70: I. Halen Salter 67; John McTavish 66; E. , Below pass^ H Jr. Iy,r honors- }—v-Rorene Caldwell Edith Brooks 7S; ‘ 1; Fred EUerlngton ‘Modslinn, Brintnell 64. Reba Simmons 49*. ........... ... ___s-r-Phyllis Bierling ■79; Stanbury <8; Gordon May ' >.. ■ PL^-^HaJfel Clark 73; Nerval Jones 72; Taman 70*; G. Applet on 69. V , Below passTAAlmer Hunkin Jjjldon. Kadting 56, Jim Brintnell JHjysgl Elliott , 30*. •jOmher on roll 32; average D. Howard, Principal Grace Strange 73, Charlie .'78, Warren-Sanders 72, S. Warci 69, Billy Wolters 6 6, Norman ••^twRer.60. Uqlow jpass-^Jack Pryde 59, Ruby, ’Penhale 34*. Sri. Ill, honors—Borden Sanders 86,'-Mary Van■Camp S3. Bobby Din- moy 79, \Patsy. Martin 79, Bernice "DriU.vidg;e 79, Betty Complin 7 6, L. How.3F.76', ' Sims 73, Gordon jM&rjorie Kerniclt 71, J. 70/ Gladys Ryckman 70, A.113^-67*, Doreen Camp-*^.;Jt|e.?feterfg 65, Janette Dear- jfdg ; J 6 4, VV er dun Well s 64.' Vy rn e SmUT; G^zxH^fry Beaver^.§21 • * z' • • Below pa^s—Fre^l Simmons,. 58*, CBflM''Huhter .5”'4< Harry Penliale; $3*, "KilleeirCorn-ish 49, Charlie Cox I?*,. Raymond FrecKTeton 40, Ger­ ald Bagshaw- 37.*. Donald Good­ speed 34F, Billy Wilson 25*, John 16*. •' \JMzmber on roll 38; average at- leadance 35.82. M. G. Harvey, teacher ROOM IV, fa pass—Billy Kydd 57; Mur- 53; Lloyd Stanlake 48; Cecil Smith 47; Wilfred Perkins 43; Howard Laverty 41, Cluf, A, honors—-Doris. HarVey Bar- Com- Jaclc Ruth 67; Al- McDon- Charlie I i Pas-—Irene Van Camp 73; bara Atkinson 72; Gertrude plin 71: Eldon Caldwell 70; Doer.’ OS: Ray Genttner 68; Pear. -; 67; Jack Jennings mira Brintnell 66; Reggie aid 65: Marion Powell 62; Snell 62.; Ethel Smith 60. Below Pass—Robena Hunkin 56; Lloyd Genttner 56; Kathleen son 51: Bobbie’Ellerington 50. Senior Class, honors—Ola 77: Florence’McDonald 76. pass—Vivian Elliott 73; Allen 7.1 Cox 61; Campbell 60. Below pass—Harry Kestle.5S; M. Campb' Num tendance lake 90; Margaret Melville 90; G. Taylor 8U; Clarence MacDonald Dorethy Smith 86; Grace Snell Jack Anderson 80. Pass-—Margery Madge 73*: eanor Abbott 73; Betty Hogarth Ethel Kydd 67; Ralph Moore 64*; MeFalls 62* Wilson 60*. Sr. I—Vera Pollen 74; Kathleen Kestle 71; Doris Payne 70; Bruce Cann 64; Lloyd Hewitt 60; Neil Mc­ Donald 60, Below pass—Doreen Sims 58; T. Hockey 53; Eldrid Simmons 51; J. Collingwood 50; Elmer MacDonald I and Norman Sanders were absent. Number on roll 35; average at­ tendance 71; Wesley Ryck Del bridge 66*; Mildred Beaver ; Olive Caldwell Alva Elliot 60* Vera Pollen 74 Doris Payne 70 El- 72* man Freda 64 62* I—Hazel Jones 88, Jean 87, Margaret Clark 86, La- belle "Sims 85, Andrew Bierling 84, Leonard Harvey SO, Ernest McTa- vish 7 8, Betty Banyham 77, Ken­ neth Simpson 73, Richard Stanbury and Billie Jones. 72, Robert South- cott 71, Bert Pilon 70, Tom Walter Murray Moore Phillipa Har- 57, R. Moore On Tuesday evening a pugilistic show took place at the north end of the town, The participants in the affair were both pretty well us­ ed up. On Tuesday evening last a num­ ber of boys had their first plunge of the season in the waters of the Sable. The law which was passed last January imposing a fine on any one found bathing, was repealed at the expiration of the winter months. So don’t be afraid boys. Efforts are being made to form a. lacrosse club in town. IMr. Fow- ell was about yesterday soliciting the signatures of those desirous of joining 'The streets night, to Mr. was the lowest. The cellar under Mr. Mace’s store is finished. The goods will be immed­ iately replaced in the building and business carried on as usual. Clinton youths have been compell­ ed to pay the cost of a trial before the Mayor, and received a sharp re­ primand for refusing to obey the chief of police, when they were or­ dered to move away corner where they Exeter boys do not street corners and them not to commence the offen­ sive practice or perhaps they will share the same fate as the young Clintonites. —"Walter Davis 73, -Mahlon an 73, David Kestle 71, Jack > 68. II, B, honors—Elaine Stan- Ff. Laurene .Beavers :87, Ste- Fuke 84, Ray Jones 82, Ger- Rzgerald 82, Margaret Camp­ li, Orville• Snell SO, Leonard 79. Howard Elliot 79, Robert > 78, Roy Campbell 78, Marg- :?ywood 7 8, Lloyd Jones 77. >—Hilton ’'Sanders 72, Eileen w 70, Jack. Brintnell 69, Har­ riot.-69,'Barbara Dinney 68, r? McDonald 67, Hazel Snell H, honors-—Donald Winer 79, r.,1 Quance 78, Isabelle Apple­ in e Armstrong 75. Browning 73, Vernon Maxwell Harness 7.1, . 68, Lloyd Hunter 67, 66, Burton Anderson ton 7 7,. Lorrai Pa.^—Gail : Heyw:72, •Helen Ba w den Irene !Ker nick abser.-:. Nun:'<er n tendp.r.ce 34. M. Rowe, teacher ROOM II, 7. (A)—Evelyn Lawson 77; Lawson 72; Mary Taylor 64; Cornish (B), lionors- 41. ■Josie Kers Simmons 79, Margaret Fitzgerald 78, Billie Wal- per 70, Anita Brintnell, 69,' Raymond Snell 66, Catherine Armstrong 65, Lila Elliott 64, Marion Elliott 60, Douglas Harness 59, Stewart Cann 58 "and Dorothy Jennings 5 8 equal, Jean Snell 55, Doris Moore 45, Jeant McDonald, Jack Harness, absent for' tests. Number on roll 37; average at­ tendance 3 2.8. R. Creech, teacher are included in the Merriam Webster, \such as. aerograph, broadtail, credit union, Bahaism, patroger.esis, etc. New names and places are listed such as CatherfSandbiirg, Stalin,Latvia, etc. Constantly improved and keptmp to date. WEBSTER’S HEW 3HTERHATIONA1 DIOTWNART Get The Best The "Supreme Authority” in courts, colleges, schools, and among government'officials both Federal and State. 452,000 entries including 408,000 vocabulary terms, 32,000 geographical subjects, 12,000 biographical entries. Over 6,000 illustrations, and 100 val­ uable tables. Send for Free, new, richly illustrated pamphlet containing sample pages of • the New International USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAl FIRE INSURANCE COJMPANY Head Office, Farquha President SI Vice-Pres. FRANK Me DIRECTORS ANGUS SINCLAIR, J. T. ROBTANORRIS, WM. AGENTS JOHN ESSE^Y, Centralia>Agent for and Bidd S, Munro rton an RNB Usbori OLIVER HAR Hibbert, Fu W. A. Secretary-^Creas Box 98, Exe GLADMAN & 8 Solicitors, E! O11 Sunday last the cows were out for the first time this season. After being in all winter they enjoyed the fresh grass on. the streets, Mrs. Geo. Eacrett is haying a new kitchen built at the back of her residence -on Main St. .Seeding is about completed in this district but the, cold weather has hindered the growth consider­ ably. The past ten days have been unusually. coldxfor May. On Sun­ day, May 15th, a flurry.-of snow fell but disappeared on reaching the ground. There has been no frost sufficiently hard enough to, do any damage. A bus load of' delegates attended the. District Convention of the Wo­ men’s Foreign Missionary Society held at Woodham oil Tuesday last, Mr. Orville Godwin, son of Rev. AV. Godwin, the worthy pastor.of the Main St. Methodist church, has been appointed choir -master of Grace Church choir, St. Thomas by the un- amious choice of both choir and of- ficals. This .speaks well for our twenty-two year old friend. Established 1878 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning at Exeter, Ontario || SUBSCRIPTION— $2.00 per year Id^. advance, RATE'S—Farm or Real Estate sale 50c. each foui* insertions, quen’t insertion, tides, To Rent. Found 10c. per Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c. insertion for firaSf 25c, each subss^- Miscellaneous at* Wanted, Lost, og line of six wordiu 10c. per 50c. Legal 8c. per line, one verse each, EXETER BARRIS Office p AN & STANBURY] g ■ RS, SOLICITORS,'* noan, Investments Made^, Insurance , Vault for use of oiig ] without charge LONDON HENS AM], ’ DR|M. C. G. FLETCHER J PHYSICIAN & SURGEON4 Gradate of Faculty of Medicln^, Universi of Western Ontario, Mem* her College of Physicians aridf- Sur, British iSklical Council. Phone 6 (The office of the latsih Dr. H. K. Hyndman) ”‘r Western Canada Flour Mills Co­ Limited. Toronto, Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S# 5 rict'Dental Officer of Number One. London, Ont, . Telephones * H House > n Wednesday afternponi' u^til May 1st, 1929 / This Complete ,^gg. Radio Outfit JS Only $19900" UST when we think bur stock of Used Cars * is away down • • in come a lot more, taken in on the Spring deliveries of Outstanding Chev­ rolets, And they are certainly the finest, smartest bunch of used cars we’ve seen in many a long day. But . . good as they are ; .* they have to go. And . when you look over the cars and see the prices you’ll realize they will go fast. , Come in tonight. Or as soon as you can. This chance to, save dollars on a REALLY GOOD ’ car is too unusual to miss. f ' uc.11-5.2aa The ladies organized their bowl­ ing club on Monday when Mrs. L. Dickson was elected president and- Mrs. Taman, secretary. A large membership is expected. ’ During the past' few weeks the track on the Agricultural Grounds has been undergoing :a thorough renovation and it is now in a first- class condition for the races Mon­ day next*"' This is one of the fastest half-mile track® in Ontario and we may expect to'see some good races Monday. Rev. D. W. Collins, Misses E. M. Bowey, B; Atkinson, I. Marchand and A. Day attended the annual meeting of tTHT Huron Rural Deanery and. Sunday School Association which .was held in St. Thomas church, Sea­ forth on May 14th. The brick building formerly oc­ cupied by W. J. Beer as a harness shop has been torn down. The old blacksmith’ shop has also been torn down. >WW-these buildings out‘of the.way it Makes a large gap on the Main St. , \ " The baseball boys have comments-, ■ed practice. The "new suits have ar-:, rived. They are a cream color arid trimmed with blue. • Dr. G. DR. *4 UM •'rsur.Twin II dfftroJ . Roulston, L.D.S.JiD.Ss! DENTIST CALLS PROMPTS ; S. STEINER ' IY SURGEON; Ontario Veterinarg- ■ frk-i BENIGHT ’ 1 TTENDED TC§( Corner of Main aiW Ann Streets J Office i C. B, Snell's Block ElETER, ONT. I 1928 Tudor Ford, Model A, run 1500 miles ^^-**-•^^ 1926 Ford Coupe — 1927 Tudor Ford 1-ton Ford Truck Chassis, $75.00 Two 1923 Ford Touring Cars MILO SNELL, EXETER AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER PATRICK J. DONNELLY DIES ‘ RECALLS BIDDULPH CASE ’St. Catherines, )May*<19th,—Pat­ rick Donnelly died, in this city last evening. His. passing recalls old times‘wiion’the vigilantes -of that township wiped 01ft of existence al­ most the entire family, Patrick theil ‘a. sm.alljboy escaped the murderers. He claimed to know the names of the’ murderers, arid it is claimed to be & remar.kabje fact that everyone of them came to a violent end. “Not one of them will, ever die in his bed,” was a prediction made many years ago -by Mr. Donnelly, and it is a fact that the prophecy actually came to pass’. . The says a dressed be the other 13 St. JoT.ii Times-Globe. Worth Pondering—IE you arc a ealniity lioWler, remember; Nobody ever got a memorial shaft erected to iiim-because he predicted something. —Nelson News.♦ ♦♦ »♦» It’s the Unusim^ That Happens-— Many planes are being 'forced down’ these days. If that happened to Die price of coal, it would be news, Toronto Telegram, “supplif d w®h this outfit has been t|jed,/tested, perfected and is' record to proven The W„. matches t ___ JIB __ , and is ecjufpped- with the latest type Magnetic Cone, designed >especially-‘for use’ with this model. Together, they. closely- resemble a consofe-type radio, - but the pric,q is from $50 to $60 less than you would have to pay. for the lowest-priced Rogcrs- Batteryless Console. Due. to the Remarkable develop- ■ment of chain'" broadcasting, radio is now. a year ’round Kouvctfjjpi entertainment and education. You are certain to get a; radio’soon; get this com- pletej year ’roilnd Rogers Outfit now. d by the Rogers four years of formance. lit Table Speaker Receiver perfectly; Free demonstration • Easy Terms itling for Colony louses or other >.00 per M. it lowest prices. CUTWORTHY Pmlne 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO * FRA [ TAYLOR licensed Auctioneer For Huron d Middlesex SPECIALTY ;d Satisf-actioS Guaranteed 'EXETER T. O. dr RING 138 *1 KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER '■ I Honor GradufttdlCarey Jones’ Auc­ tion School. SpecHil. course taken in Registered Live I ck (all breeds); Merchandise, Real “ ' ~ Sales, Etc. Ra’ prevailing pi’ices. sured, Avrite Oscar KHJpp, ‘IZuricIv or phon^ 18-93, Zurich, Ont. 1874 The DOLlCIHS W. Exe Residence, Ann of Ma * 1923, ndon Life GOOD AS GOLD | r^LRCE tone 130w ;.two blocks we»|