HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-09, Page 4of DIED IX LONDON is as MITCHELL APPRECIATED THE TRIVITT PLAYERS Hibbert Township, Usborne-Hibbert $192.86; Charles on Gardiner Drain Frank Cornish Neil, .ditto ditto $1.50; $5.70; John. M. Bechler, Hyde, -ditto (THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE KM Usborne Council The (Municipal Council met nt the, Township all, Elimville, on Satur- iiay, May 4th at ten o’clock instead uno o’clock on the request o£ the Reeye, ip its regular monthly meet­ing, All the members of the Coun­ cil were present. The gnhutes of lllie meeting of April the 7th were read and approved, on motion Berry-Williams. sCorrespondence Information nought by the Minister of Health |o the location, condition and own­ ership of the cemeteries of the Township. Clerk was directed to <urnish information. (Hebe Indemnity Co.’s offer of re- xiewal of Insurance Policy. Laid ipver till June meeting, Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, soliciting renewal. Filed. •TOtinmtum from Highway Depart- rnent re purchasing culverts and machinery. Noted, Request from Treasurer of Hib- for Usborne-Hibbert Boundary .Account, Supplied. The Court of Revision on the El- fmville Drain Outlet Assessment was field, at 3 o’clock as per notice with (the members taking the necessary declaration. There were no appeals ,so the) assessment stands as per as- ‘■^essm^n't- schedule. The Court clos­ ed. Skinner-Williams—That the Re- jjort of the Elimville Drain Outlet be adopted and the By-law finally pass- •jed. i The Clerk was instructed to for­ ward the copies of 'the Elimville Drain Outlet Report to the Clerks of Hiddulpb and Blanshard together with a copy of By-law No. 4, 1929, of the Township of Usborne author­ izing same. • Berry-Dew—That By-Law No,. 8, 1&U8, Winchelsea Creek Drain *’By- Xiaw together with By-Law No. 3, 3L929, .Stewart Drain. Improvement passed. Carried. V^Iliams-Dew—That all cow tag monies bp iilaced on the Collecor’s Ttoll and collected with other taxes instead of being optional to pay in cash. Carried. Tags to he supplied by Samuel Brock, pow Supervisor or by the Councillors. Skinner-Berry—That the Treasur- jep'be authorized to pay into the ®S-*^pourt the amount of the Close claim. Harriett. "Wilbert Herdman waited on1 the council stating that he had been as­ sessed for a number of years for Pt. S, Con, 5 which he did not own, Old Assessment Rolls bore out his con­ tention. Refund to be made. Williams-Berry.=s=TJiat all cheques issued j^y thp Township of Usborne anust^becoiintersigned by the Reeve. ",A~Carrie\l. A petition was presented to the ' Council signed by Wellington Neil i».nd Others asking that the Ruther­ ford D. W. C. Award be changed in­ to a Municipal Drainage Award. ^Forwarded to S. W. Archibald. O.L. ■£. Skinner-Dew—That the following LilJ.s be-passed and paid: Tx'mes-Advocate, By-laws. Elim- rille Drain Outlet $50.00, Balance Printing J 9 2 8, $8.00*- Advertising tenders Stewart Drain 7,25; total $65.25; Mitchell, Advocate, adver- ing tenders, Winchelsea Drain $5.20 Treasurer of the ‘ Usborne share, Boundary acct. Kistper, advance Contract $720.00; sheep killed by dogs $35.00; Rueh­ en Shier, snow work, $4.10; John McCullough, ditto $8.10; Ephraim Hern, ditto $2.50; Amos Doupe dit­ to, $6.70; Wellington .............." $4.40; Percy Passmore, John Cann, snow work T. Hern, ditto $1.00; ditto $12.60; Harvey $2.80; Rufus Kestle, snow wo.rk $1; Hy. Strang, Jr. ditto $1.00; George Ferguson, ditto $1,40; Wm. West­ lake, snow work and gravel $17.10;, John Hunter, snow work and draw­ ing stone $6.50; Jno. McElrea, snow work $9.30, repair to plow $3.25, total $12.55; Luther Reynolds snow work and dragging $56,20; Clar­ ence Down, ditto $27,33; Louis Flet- cheer, dragging $11,00; Wm. Rout- ly, ditto $11.00; Freeman Horn, ditching $2.40; Fred Ford, ditching $1.50; Hector Rowcliffe ditto $1.50 Wellington Batten, ditto $1.50; C. Stephen, drawing tile and lunmber $8.50; Henry Ford, team work 25; Superintendance $50.65; $62,90; M'rs. H. Ford, clerical $4.00. Carried Council adjourned to meet on June 1st at 10 a.m. LOCAL NEWS The remains of the late William Stanbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stanbury, of town, who was drown­ ed in Lake Erie on April 26th, when a scow, loaded with stone overturn­ ed without warning, have not as yet been found. Mr. Stanbury motored to Port Colborne for the week-end. Owing to the storms on the Lakes last week efforts to locate the body were interrupted for . a few^tays. .J.1. -! ■ 1 Mrs. John Prout, of Usborne, was called to London Monday owing to the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Frank CJampitt, who passed away on Tuesday, The .deceased was a former resident of Clandeboye and before her marriage to Mr. Clampitt was the widow of the late Joseph Simpson. Her maiden name was Sarah Herbert. Three daugh­ ters and three sons survive, Inter­ ment will take place at St. James’ cemetery, Clandeboye, on Thursday'. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION, The regular monthly meeting of the Ministerial Association was held in the Main St. United church on Monday .afternoon, Rev. C. W» Down acted as chairman in the ab­ sence of the president, Rev. J. An­ thony, Following the reading of Psalm 27, 'Rev. C. J. Moorhouse led in prayer. Rev. Mr. Anthony was appointed to represent tha, associa­ tion at the ordination and induction of Mr, J. Bernard Rhodes, M.A., in­ to Caven Presbyterian church this (Thursday) evening. Rev. L. C. White, of Elimville, gave a paper on his year in the Peace River district which was favorably commented up­ on and a lrearty vote of thanks was tei^erecl to him. THE LATE RICHARD HOSKINS London, failure his sor- being as i. $12.- total work again THAMES ROAD W.M.S. The May meeting of the W.M.S. of the Thames Road United church was held at the home of M’rs. Percy Stone with a goodly attendance. Mrs. Robt. Kydd, president, conducted the meeting. After the opening hymn and prayer by Mrs, Whitlock, the minutes of the last meeting were real and approved and the roll call was answered by “The Abundant Life.” It was decided to send the money instead of articles to the, hos­ pital in Manitoba. The chapter from the Study Gook was given by Mrs. Chas. Allison, who made it very interesting and the meeting was fa­ vored by an instrumental by Mrs. Alme<r Stewart. Another pleasing feature of the program was a song by the school children “Into a Tent Where a Gipsy Boy Lay” accompan­ ied by their teacher. A very inter­ esting report of the Huron Presby- terial meeting of the W.M.S. held in James St. United church, Exeter was given by-MrS. John Cann and Mrs. Henry Rhode. The meeting brought tQ a close by prayer after which dainty refreshments served by the hostess and commit­ tee in charge. The Trivitt players under the rection of Mrs. N. J. Dore were Mitchell on Friday evening where they presented their “Capt. Rackett” to a large and ap­ preciative audience in House. The audience thoroughly enjoy the repeatededly applauded An orchestra provided music and Mr. H. O. Southcott gave readings be­ tween the acts, cert the players luncheon at the Dore, sisters of di- at last Play the (Opera seemed to comedy and the players. Following the con- were entertained to home of the Misses Mr. N. J. Dore. Word was received in Exeter on Sunday afternoon of the death of Richard Hoskins, Glebe St., His death, due to heart came as a sudden shock to rowing wife and family, he well as usual until Sunday morning. He was an employee of Gorman & Eckert Co., and his family were old residents of Exeter. For a number of years they lived at Kirkton before moving to London ten years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, who was Elizabeth Treble, daughter of the late William Treble, and two daughters Miss Reta, at home, and Mrs. N. Roulston, of that city. Four brothers and one sister also survive Ed. and Chas., of Chicago; Nelson, of Dakota; George, of Woodstock, and Mrs. Moses Amy, of Exeter. The deceased was a member of the Dun­ das Centre church. He was of a kindly retiring disposition and will be sorely missed by his family and friends. , The funeral was held Wed­ nesday afternoon. was were If instead of the glamour of ro­ mance and heroism which our Amer­ ican imaginative minds *too fre­ quently throw around those who break the law, we would invest with a little romance and heroism tho'se thousands of our officers Who are endeavouring to enforce the law, it would itself decrease crime.—Presi­ dent Hoover. DAVID CRISTIE, OF HIBBERT PASSES Mr. David Christie, of Roy’s church, Hibbert, who has been ill with pneumonia passed away Mon­ day. Mr. Christie leaves behind him a name that is above reproach. A farmer who .was more than usual­ ly successful, he will be remembered as a neighbor and Christian gentle- a a a many B ROWN—COAKLEY NUPTIALS man of the highest rank, friend, as a church worker, Sunday -Sichool leader and friendly counsellor, it will be a day before his. county or province sees his superior. A® as as The Ava Golf Club of Brantford desires, to announce that it takes great pleasure in extending a cord­ ial invitation to our local golfers to visit its new club house and play its course free of charge, on Monday, nxet, May 13th. , Visitors by mo­ tor will find a convenient entrance to the club from No. 2 Provincial Highway between Brantford and' Paris. .Large signs on the Highway indicate the turn. A Modern Table—Once there was a motorist who didn’t think he had relieved himself of responsibility when he tooted.—Sherbrooke " Re­ cord. LOOMERS MADE ON ELASTIC ALLY TWO GARMENTS IN ONE. 6 T THIS PRICE. TURDAY ....................................................... BETTES MADE TO MATCH OSIERY. A REAL VALUE IN A GOOD RANGE OF GQPJWHT, 1SW COMBINATION * SolffbPULAR FOifS ' Mn ¥ale Friday Z LAD POINTED' CONT ;5thAt. 'BEAUTIFUL LACE' TRIMMED SILK NI 1?ftTERENrrSTYLES. ALL THE NE’ ‘ ON SALE.FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVERY LADY WHO LOVES FINE SILK UNDERWEAR EVERY BRIDE-TO-BE PLANNING HER TROSSEAU—- ..will be interes.ted in the GREATEST SALE of SILK UNDERWEAR ever held in Exeter IT GOWNS IN THREE ADES.$1.00 LACE TRIMMED BANDEAUS AND ALL THE NEW SHADES. THJFTWO-PIECE SET COMPLETE. ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATU IS’ SILK T COMBINATION SKIRT AND Rand at* waist, it is W; WONDERFUL GARMENT SALE FRIDAY AND $1.00 $1.00 DE IN THE NEW SIDE DOMED STYLE, /K-fi MER WEAR. AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE ’k I i II I D SATURDAY........................................... A V V -TONED COLOR BLOOMERS FEATURING STING COLORS AT KNEE. A GARMENT I I |( I AL. ON SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY........... A • W "SILK PifcNCE^f. SLIPS, SHADOW PROOF STYLE, ALL COLORS UnD SI N SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY........................$1.00 89c.^PURESI® reOLORS^lPwE^OF OUKBIG HOSIERY SPECIALS per pair W*°■ FULL FASHIONED PURE SILK HOSE. EVERYONE IS TALKING 4 O ABOUT THIS LINE. THIS ANOTHER OF OUR BIG HOSIERY I XM VALUES AT per pair............................ HT X YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY SHOPPING AT THE RER NOTICE JO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having plaints against ’the WALKER, la Hay, in the County of Huron, Effn­ er, who died/on the sixteentj^clay of March A.D.1929, are required to forward th/ir claims j^uy proven to the undersigned oq£ or before the thirteentli/day of May A.D., 1929.AND NDTIC^iS FURTHER GIV­ EN that ifteji the said date the Exe­ cutrix wiHiproceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she notice. DATED at Exeter of April 1929. GLADMAN •& A quiet wedding took place at 10:30 Saturday morning in St. Pe­ ter’s Rectory, London, when Kath­ leen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Coakley, was united in marriage to William J. Brown, son of Mrs. Mar­ garet and the late J. O. Brown, of London, formerly of Exeter. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Morrison, The bride wore a smart gown of gray crepe de chine, with ;a chapeau to match, and she carried a shower bouquet of roses and valley lilies. Miss Mary Donahue, in turquoise blue georgette, with an arm bouquet of roses, was the charming brides­ maid, and Oswald Brown, ’brother of the groom, acted as best man. _ Following the taking of the mar­ riage vows, a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents’. Mr. and Mrs. Coakley received with the bridal couple, the latter wearing a gown of black crepe with touches of gold. Mrs. Brown, the groom’s mother, in black transparent velvet, assisted in receiving the guests, who numbered about 20. The house was attractive with masses of daffodils, and the buffet luncheon was served by the Misses (Madeline Delaney and Jean McMan­ us, friends of the bride. For the motor trip to Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, the bride chose a blue crepe frock, with .a top- ■coa.t of gray, and chic hat to match. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reside on Becher street, London. Andrew Kirk,' of Tuckersmith, has received word that liis son, Oliver H., of Detroit, was among the successful applicants at the examin­ ations for the Bar, held at Lansing. Mich., on April 22, 23 and 2 4.- AUCTION. SALE SATURDAY, MAY 18th, 1929 val- — of — VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PRO­ PERTY IN VILLAGE OF EXETER, County of Huron ? The executives of the estate of the late Thos. Cole Clark are offer­ ing for sale, subject to a reserve bid by public auction, on the premises ON at 2 o’clock rt. m., the following uable residential property: Being con/posed. of the west hal­ ves of lots JiQ and 17 and D, situate on the nortli east corner ofj£>imcoe and Elizabeth streets, Exeter, Ont. Upon the said land is a Storey and a half commodious frai & dwelling, covered with patent liingles and siding anf in good-a^air, good cel­ lar, hard and sofsAvater, a small frame' stable. Tliis#ts a most desir­ able property and^situate on one Of the best! residential1 corners in the village, and la$&ly occupied by the late Thoj. CoU?7 Clark. At the Santa time and place there will be offered the following house­ hold goodw & chattels:coal heater, coal and wood heater, .cook stove, coal oil heater, washing machine, kitchen table, 6 kitchen chairs, arm chair, wire couch, 2 small tables, 2 bedsteads, Victrola, pictures, clock,- quantity of wood and coal, garden tools and other articles too numer- bus to mention. TERMS OF SALE Chattels, Cash, Real Estate, 10 % of purchase price bn day of sale and balance in 30 days thereafter. Other terms made known On day of sale'. For further particulars apply to CARLING '& MORLEY, SoIUftbrs for Executrices, Exeter, Ontario, or, FRANK 1’AYLOR, Auctioneer, estate of SAMUEL s of the Township of then shall have (lay this eighteenth STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executrix’ Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of WILLIAM WEBBER, late of the Villagejxf Hen­ sail, in the County of HurcjX Labor­ er, who died pn the elexfAth day of April A.D. 19$9, are required to for­ ward their claims diijy proven to the undersigned, on oi)/before the. thir­ teenth day/of May A.D., 1929. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­EN that afi^the said date the Exe­ cutors will ^proceed to distribute the estate having regard only’ to the claims- of which they then shall have notice, DATED at Exeter this eighteenth of April 1929. GLADMAN &STANBURY Exeter and Hensail Executors’ Solicitors day NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE -IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of GEORGE N. HILL, late of.The Village1 of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on’the seventh day of April A.D., 1929, are required to forward their claiips duly proven to the un­ dersignedion or .before the thirteen­ th day of May.-A.D., 1929. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that, afte/the said date the Exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute the estate hdVing regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter this eighteenth of April 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executor’s. Solicitors day The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board (P. F. A-2211) IN THE MATTER of the Applica­ tion of the Municipality of Tucker* smith for approval of an annual charge of $15.00 to Subscribers to The TuekersmitlvMunicipai Tele­ phone System, the said charge, tp> include all battery renewals. . APPOINTMENT for HEARING The Ontario Railway and Muni­ cipal Board hereby appoints Wed­ nesday, fifteenth? Day of May,. A.D., J.‘929> at th^joour of a quar-i ter past one o^sfock in the after- noom- (Raj^^y Time), in the Town H^jJ^in the Town of Clin­ ton, Ifjo^'nearing the above applv< catioW All persons having an in­ terest in this matter and desiring to be heard are. directed to attend, at the time and place as aforesaid. Dated at Toronto this Seventeenth* day of April A.D., 1929, I-I. C. SMALL (Secretary ■ SHERRIFF’S SALE OF LANDS ] ’ bounty of Huron to Wit: ( j BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Fac­ ias issued out of His Majesty’s! • High Court of Justice for.the Pro-, vince of Ontario, and to me direct­ ed against the /Jands and Tenants-* of JOHN SANDERS at the suit of the MolsonsJBank, the said Mol- sons Bank having, by Indenture of Assignment dated the 8th day of Septembe^, 1919, assigned said Judgment to C. I-I. Sanders and A, J. McD/nell. have/seized AND TAKEN IN NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of MARY.-’JANE CONSITT, late of the Villag^of Hen­ sall, in the County of Hurgn, Widow, who died on?the fourth c]f<y of March A.D., 1929, Are required to forward their claims; duly proVen to the un­ dersigned oh or befo/e the thirteen­ th day of IV^ay A.D./1929. AND NOTICE I^FURTHER GIV­ EN that af|er thejtsaid date the Exe­ cutrix will i;procepd to distribute the estate having /egard only to the then shall haye I HAVE/SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION the one-sixth 'interest of the/ said John Sanders in the equity/of redemption of the follow­ ing Mids and premises situate, lying , and jpeing in the County” of Huron and meing more particularly describ­ed ^s follows, viz:. PARCEL I:—Lot Number twentvMive (25) on tlief W/st side of^^Mn Street North of A|n StreeyflTfile'Village of Exeter irn the id County of Huron, San­ ders’ S vey, subject to a certain, life ■ : and PARCEL II.—Lot num- er /eighteen (18) on the Nortli dary of the Township of Ste- l>n in the ;said County of Huron,, itaining by admeasurement one hundred acres more or less, subject to a certain life interest, which said one sixth interest in said lands and premises I shall offer for sale by, auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Goderich in the said County of Huron on Tues­ day the twenty- eighth (28) day of May, 1929, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon. - G. G. MIDDLETON * i _ Sheriff of the County of Huron; Sheriff’s Office, Court House, Gode-i Ticb, Ont., February 14th, 1929. 4-25-4tc» cutrix will ;:‘proce£i estate having /eg claims of udiic/ she notice. DATED at Exeter day of April 1929. GLADMAN & this eighteenth STANBURY ' Exeter and Hensail Executrix’ Solicitors X. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against rthe estate- of WIL­ LIAM WEBBER, late o/'thg Village of Hensall, in.Jtho County of Huron, Labourer, wild died z/h the eleventh day of April ^.D.,^929, are requir­ ed to forward t$eir claims duly proven to th|j undersigned on or be­ fore the tw|nty#seventh day of May A.D., 1929. J if AND NOWE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then* shall have notice. DATED at Ex'eter this seventh day Of May A.D., 1929. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN ] Coiii't of Ilevisioif i T Notice is hereby "given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen' will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 3rd day of .Tune 1929, at 10, o’clock a.m. . Henry Either, Clerk, Creditor NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will he received by the undersigned for thfe construction of the Elimville Drain Outlet and the Lrock Creek D/ain Repair in the Township of *$borne on or before, 1- o clock noon, June 1st, 1929; lenders to ■]$ opened at the.^Tmvn- slnp Hall aj 3 p,m. the .game -day, HJ11nw111 a xi j *'V ..-- ■ cin a E"”"1 Oudet/r- estimated -'>13,057.00 and th^'Brock Creelr esti^ated cost is. Eu,i:tllX information can f ^Oger °‘L'S'’ Mitchell cheque for 6% Of the ice t0 acc°nipany each rhe lowest or any tender- ot necessarily accepted. Mni ^Gni’L?trang’ Clerll« Usborhe’ May 7th, 1929, Hensall,. R. r, No.1,_ 12 o’clock Elimville $rain cost $ Drain GLADMAN & STANBURY * Exeter and Hensail Executors’ Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and Others having claims againlt the estate** of DON­ ALD DAWSpN, late of the Town­ ship of Usforne, in' the County of Huron, Faijiher, wl$' died on the nineteenth;- 1927, are i claims dulj ed on or $ day of Ma AND N ' en that a cutors will estate hav claims of a notice. DATED! at Exeter this seventh day of May A.D., 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY J&eter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitors MM " tday of'/November A.D.,« lequired? to forward their proyeii to the undersign- lef6T$ the twenty-seventh 1929. I$E IS FURTHER. GIV- ejr the said date the Exe- ’OCeed to distribute the " regard only to the ,ich they then Shall have at Clerk>s e/ntr4ct Wcier. NOTICE TO CREDITORS aliNOeS IS HEREBY given that a l. ci editors, .and others having- £ 6state *^ ^ISET-- ofA7nSuH?RJ late °’f'the Village SninXr ’ In 1 Coi*Av of Huron,. sMh 'S0, d e? the twenty- feixth day March^A. D,, 1929 tvp Sy1 tlielr cl’aimS* T tojjie undersigned on ^°Tsfth aay ot» IS PhRTHBR Givi , .the sald ,latr! ‘he Ad-- th ” est&SP’’0065'1 t0 aav ng regard only to the S^/WWch 1,0 the” eiJll h“: XBaa, mtthto Se'’6n‘'1 GLADMAN &STANBURY * Mun* ’ Exeter and iJeiisail - Solicitors for the Administrator- of