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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-02, Page 8
Ford De debiilsci' Tony Slangs S35 trucks 3928 Essex Coach 1927' Whippet Sedan Shw Coach lft37\Forct Touring <192:>| Ford Coupe 1024 St 3 Foyd T 0, Ford Irto / THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE » *-$ <» Butter 41-4 4c.■4 RUGS 1 RUGS I 11 It .is now time Main St. and are GOULDINQ MAY 12th IS4-18-tfc. her 3 7 pullets 21e. seconds ISc. of Goderich, at the office and and -Ce jjjffediton, Reward, iakery. Have you. tried Rolled Maple 49c. a lb; —ILA , Carnations# s tor Mothers*- order early.— OCERY. b. w; of .Detroit, Jno. Gould of Seaforth, Mr, Kestle their* new ^s^Maip Street, twill, John Stj,, - 5-2-2tc, rties who g milk ' from shop kindly re- the sbop. HOGAllTII HATCHER Y .be thinking about your brooders^, chicks, etc. for, ----- ”T © now,running jan supply your uaranteed nesseY •' . Ontario,, . Telephone 1415 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.—-Evensong and Sermon. Saturday even- Ctch with green ^ard. Kindly leave ltc. ~~O i have contribut- •Britisli "Min'ers’ fund was not many contribu- w r: Exeter, James Street Ceil son’s Hand (Ere&fn Chocolates at «r/ey grocery, -A ntfg-brick house gjtffprovements. Ap- ; 4-4-tfc. alf 4^rfi;SS0^fahd in Apply to rilliam Street. 4-25-tfc. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavisli, Pastor, W. R, Gouldlng, A.T.C.1L. Organist and Choir-Leader Texa Sweet ithout sugar.’’ over for these, EY’S GROCERY. _______ > ‘' 5 Dozen Window Blinds \ * Tliese are seconds, but they are ’hard to detect from first’s. In green only, six foot blinds , ; Special 98c. -Af mer- Splendid H. Holt^* 4-13-tfc. ?.OR SADE OR week they t J. Beer. 4 ^Papers andSave! Rubbers, Ra Magazines, on Saturday School Club call for them 1,—Home and 4-4-2tc. ilia doe ahd - a 0, & $175, THURSDAY, MAY 2ml, J023 itioiis A 'EXETER, ONT MMER UNDERWEAR ALSO COMBINATIONS! have- Men s At good weight di Exeter Markets ^heaf $1.30 at® 55c. Bp’lqy 60c. Manitoba Flour $3.9Q Blend Flour “$3.75 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2.15 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 48c, Dairy Eggs 24c, Fggs, Eggs, Hogs $12.25 Pfione 64,>Exeter YOU HAD YOUR ‘ DEMONSTRATION OF THE NEAV / FORD? I,,,,' , FQR ,-Sj„ .. Of land’ hi Mark Mi £<L ° Have you tr^ed Grapefruit? ‘*1 The season is i buy now at H <£ocals J ^rMJTICE-^Unlcss the ji^ty who tool£ th$ bicycle &om shed re- turnk.tlie same Avifhiu will*be prosecuted FERTILIZER^^A^ve on hand a supply of FbrtUizSB^or all crops. Nelspn ;.Stahlake,'s^none Dashwpod 36r2/ 7 .’ “ /. . 4r25-3tp. ' FOR SALEWA frame c lpt near the /corp.er o ■William. Streets, A cil Walker 'or t<f j age idley ) Mr. .: Walker. 4-25-tfc. FOR RENT, ‘good; state ’of .to Mrs; s.’ Atjtl ■ A-V ^NOTICE—Will ' th ■^’Fa^’eu, keen- • pure • Stanbury’sTMjijt turn*the bpt HOUSE FpIt^SAl^|-r-Frame house on Alexandby St|jgketer North, with one ’a<sj*e of . Ta^y” A.pply to Wm. Yule,. .Exeter.f , / ltp. ' ‘ . '. ** '' * '' ./' :.y k. GRASS FARlVf FOR^ENT-^f not rented will> take • cattl^ tp<^sture by the .Season. ( Apply ‘^/ThoS. Laing, Exeter.. - ' ‘ I 4-11-tfn. LOST- 045,076 "between, wood' and Exftti to4' Middleton’] - Commercial license No. Dash; Apply ltc. LQST—In Exeter, iUg, a ladieh’ wrist. :bandfe™fiK»r.' - ’^t'^Times^Adv^ate. FOR^ SALE—The frQiU '.porch of •Mr. Wm.■'SnelFs^oui 1 Apply tqr-.-W.4)lipn|» ,1:23.- . JtQUSE .FOR SALE—^'ranie cot tage jAvith thre^, lotk^r Village of Exeter, gqdd'barnj^Kl garage. Cen_ • traliy locatedJ^^y to Carling and ’Morley, 'Barristers, etc., Exeter, Ont. ■•’ ley’?? ;/*'/ ' ' 5-2-3tc ; , FOR sale—/ ■ with* "all modern Sheir FOR -.-SALE —^'Strawb'&rry plants, Wleft Mary ,an'd^Seri<tprd^nlop; 75c. , per ,1.00;,.jf-.deliv'er(3i>my\mair'5c. per .100 extra- • ‘ Na-thaig Doupe, KitktOn. 4-11-tfc. SALE— SevenFOR ranging from 1400 to five th ’ “ ' trade. eight yf'ar Frank CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ■ * ■ * 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Services as usual at? 11 a.m. and p.m. conducted by, REV. DR. McNAIR, - of London The. Ordination and Induction Mr. J. Bernard Rhpdes, M.A., be conducted by -the Presbytery of Huron at a public service on ThprS’ day, May 9th., at 7:30 p.pi, . At the close of the serv.ice a reception will be held to introduce the new (Minis ter to the congregation. a.m.—“The Church as an Organ ism” 2nd in the series on “The Church which is His body." ’ p.m.—Sunday School ' p.m.—“True Neighborliness” or “The Parable of the Good”Samari tan.” , . Rubber Stair Treads I"gross of Rubber Stair Treads-These ■ are the popular size and'come id a good quality. Bedroom Curtains by the yard Four^ftpw pieces in neat pattern Scrims , S A splendi^ net at a popular price iper yard 25c rtf'* * MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor . ■ Organist, Miss E. Huston . a.m.—“Christian Privileges’’ The Sacrament of the Lord’is. Sup per will be administered. All our members will do their best to be present. Reception of members at this service. 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—“The Key to the Church’s Greatest* Success” ■■ ' - TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev.- Walter Jones. Rector ' Sth Sunday after Easter a.m.—Holy Communion -Sunday School Bedro Foqr enough pa room. Spe Paper in Room Lots at patterns to choose from with r and border to do an ordinary al at per lot 98c. We offer our Entire Stock of Room Rugs at les®than to-days wholesale prices. We are making ai^ effort to clear out efery rug in-stock. Our. prices on Tapestry, Bruss Axminster or Wil tins should interest you Frilled Curtains for Bedrooms 5 dozen frilled curtains for-be< oms. ’ A neat curtain in cream net trimmed^with old rose. Regular $1.00 at per pair 79c. Boy’s Hatchway Underwear •> Boys’ No-Button Hatchway Under wear.. The kind the boys like. Cool and comfortable KIRSCH Curtain Rock . In singl^r,double; also a special style Double 50c. Gold Jbck Underwear elic Underwear made of ity, cut- full and roomy, s each$1.00All si this season.. We' our machines, and needs. Our carlojTd .-of brooders, feeders and all pcfiltry supplies will be here,in a few,gays. . Gome inland your jpeeds. and ask /fbr will." find* them and we give ’ you also Carry a stock We are showing all the New Patterns in Linol^ id Congoleum Rugs also new patterns by, the yard. Bring in your rboin size and get our prices Mrs- M. Sheere is having her house on Huron street resWEgled. De-Luxe Jellia Powders, 5 for 25 c. at harvey’Si Grocery. Mr. Jos. Grant, of London, spent the week-end under the parental roof. ’ Mr. Oswald I-Iamblyn, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. Harold Skinner. * Mr, Frank Taylor, of California, is visiting his brother, Mr. Reg. Tay lor, of town. Mrs. Ellen J. Coultis has returned to Exeter after -visiting for some time in Detroit. Miss Ruth Wildfong and Mr. F. Wildfong visited friends in Strat ford, Tuesday/ , Mis.s Pearl Rollins, of London, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May on Sunday. Mr. Wm. McDonald, visited his sister Mrs. over the, week-end. • ; .Mrs.-Susan Johnston, IS* visiting with her daughter, and Mrs. Albert Kernick. Mr. and M^s. Geo, Geddes, of Lon don, spent the week-end “with their son William at Sexsmith. » . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schott and Mrs. Sweeney, of London, spent ^Sunday .With Dr. and Mrs,'*Ward« ’ “ t : Miss. Mayy Elworthy, .Qf London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. H. • Elworthy# ■ • Miss Gladys Hunkin left Monday for London1’ where she has taken a position at Peter’s Tea-Robm. Mr. Peter Gardiner, of Clinton, visited with Mi*, and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull of town on Tuesday. ' Miss Gladys Ward, of London, spent the week-end with her brother Dr. and Mrs. Ward and family. Miss Ruby Steiner, R.N., of Ro chester, N.Y., is visiting with her brother, Dr. E. S. and Mrs; Steiner., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones^and fam ily spent the week-end in London. Mrs. Jones and family are remaining for a few days. Mrs. D. A. Alton and two sons of Lucknow spent a day this week with the former’s sister, Mrs-. W- H. John ston. f Mrs. Geo. Anderson, who has been confined to her bed for the past ten days and- under the doctor’s care,' is slowly improving. Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Bonney and daughter, of London, were the guests at the home of Mr. C. T. Brooks on Sunday. Mrs. Edgar Kaufman, of Detroit, is visiting with her sisters, Mrs. W. F. talk ov our prills. Y very reas SERVICE. of., 'Hogarth's fLay, Mash, Royal Purple andIff^arch’ Lay Mqsfi, Bone Meal, Meat wfie'aj, Fish Meal, Coqi, Liver Qij, Charcoal, Alfalfa Leaf Meal, * T-he night school in Exeter con ducted for’the'past six months by • the Wells Academy of London, has ■been closed for the summer. ■ The ;school«hasHmet with splendid success and it is possible that the Wells •Academy will open a day school here dn the near future. / . « •' A meeting to organize a boy's and •girl’s softball league among the Y. iT. Societies of the United Church in (Huron Presbytery was h.eld in the “Main St. church on Friday evening representatives .being present various places. f The first Mr. and Mrs. J. Routledge and two children and Harold Ross, of Dutton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers. Mrs. B.J Rivers returned with them Monday to. visit in Dutton and Ingersoll. Mrs. (Dr.) John Ward returned home Friday last, after spending sev eral days in London ’o.wing to the serious illness of lier father, Mr., Struckett. The latter ’-being out of dangei* when Mrs.- Ward returned. Mrs- (Dr.) O. G. Tremner, of Strathroy, who visited with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer, for a few days last week,returned home accompanied -by her sister, Miss P,, Winer, who is remaiiiiiig for a short visit. Goderich citizens ed $632.90 for the Relief. The local, started until after tions had gone forward; Mayor XL J. A. McEwen was at the head of the committee. Mr.- Gordon Wells' motored over from Windsor and spent the week end with relatives. Mrs. Wells, who has been visiting - hefe for a week and little Miss Caroline,* who- has; been, here for tbe past two months, returned with him. - , - • vsSome thieving has been going on from the garage of Mr. W. J. Beer. Recently a bicycle- was stolen and a- few days later a pair of bridles that were in for repairs, were also stolen. There is some suspicion as to the party who took the wheel. The New Treich Coats ARE VERY P ULAR All size> at $9.50, $1^50, $15.00, $18.00 THE BETTER CO A ARE SILK LINED Spring T^veed Coats|last, ’from ■gaine'will be played on May 24th.at Grand -Bend-between •that place. s Mr. J. Elgin. Tom, (was a pleasant caller ;of the Times-Advocate on Tuesday, pie being a lay representative to Hu ron Presbytery Mr. Tom mentioned ffhat he had visited, the James St. (Church, the church of liis boyhood, and had noted -the splehdid improve- -ments that had. been made: For ,size and equipment he believed the ^church to be the finest in the Huron /Presbytery. | Rev. Byron Snell, of Staff a, oc cupied the pulpit of James St., Unit ed church - on Sunday morning and Ipreached a very acceptable sermon. 'He addressed the Sunday School in the afternoon. Misses Jean Sheere und Helen Penhale sang a very pleasing duct at the morning service and. a men’s chorus was enjoyed in the evening. The pastor, Rev. 'D. ^IcTavish, ’ conducted anniversary (service at Staffa. f• 18.00 $20.00 n horses 00 pounds; I. Sell or 4-4-tfc. Il—75 acre farm Ep, the estate of Apply to ltp. NECKWEAR zATESJC SHADES AND DESIGNS in Stkpheji ?Tow$g^4i. -the- Mte Credtg|' T. Snell. Mrs., Fdith Snail, Exeter. ■ . OrderS>for corn and root seed must be placed with the Thames Rd. Club not later tlgm nex^meetlrig, re orders make up the about 100 ce- Passmore, ltc. May tlie 6 th. for oqts are ne car lot; we als d&r posts. oh ’ Sec’y.f FOR SALE—Sniairfield peas, the prize winners- at $2.00 per clover, firs per bushel. ity to O. .. ... , __ James BF6alfoot,j phone 5 on' 73 Hensail. t Herisall «eed show, . White sweet inner,' at $3.50 Chtly sold a quant- Guelph, Ont.— FOR SALE—4ix Chli rabbits, X buck yonhg. rabbits. Also nihe Polio reasonable pric England,, Credi umber of sold fight. T pure bred, at "Apply to Lloyd , plfohe aOw, ; S-3-2tc If you. wish, to buy# ^lf or reht a farm see R. E. Pickard,*jExeter.- FOR Chant stand. Apply matin, SALE OR REN* tailor bU$ih(Wa. '^os.^ksloh giim th undersigned.^ Urod1ton»-:- i. ''J -,ii. i li IA w'i'iim ijiiwintfcMr'ikl i'np iikti ■ pastkhe farm talfbn iit UBjsists of cou» 0^ * be purelfagcd Jit y 'beaitif RENT-•Or ca for 12 5 acres, pai't, 1 Hay to^nsiilp. 0. pttfbeU if desired; able for cattle# as: . _ is wHIhr'. Hj*. Trufinpor, Zurich# Ont. MS-3tp. A. Turnbull and- 'Mrs. Beavers, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Victor this <week moving into home which they recently purchased from Mr. W. J. Hern.' We will ha Daffodils an Day. Leave HARVEY’S’ .............. Messi’S. Leonard Pfaff and Nelsoh Wells left Monday for Ridgetowti where they have secured positions with the Bell Tefdphdne Co, r< Rev. M. C. Morlock and ‘“wife of Cincinuatti, Ohio, and Mrs, Mary Haist, of Cfediton, visted-. wth their sister, Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Clhi’ke and daughter, June# of Windsor#’ spent Sunday, v/ith MW. Carke's tathev, Mr. A. Bowey and other .relatives., •’ * . Mr J and Mrs. T. N. Ndrlhcott, Mr. and Mrs. EldPn Ubelacker and sen Korman, of Stratford# spent Sunday 5Vith Mr. and Mrs, A. Wlldfong. Mr* Far! Russell accohipanUd by his mother, Mrs. Dav© Russell and- gramlmbther, Mrs. it Quanoe# mo tored to Detroit for the week-end. Misses Ina Jaques# Madeline’Deate 111#, Margaret tfpltns# Marjorie W’est- cott hnd Muriel,IloWald, of Lqhdoh, spent the week-end at their respect ive homes in towm Mr. and Mrs. W. .IT, Johnston had the pleasure- of a pleasant visit this week from their old friends, Mrs; Kattenbury of Brueefleid and Mrs, T Ruthwell of Clinton. MOTHERS’ DAY FLOWER. DAY , Let us send your mother a ^bouquet, nothing will please het better; or if she is dece.as* ed we \vilf send them to., the .church or cemetery, Memory. f? , ^lenil t bf $5 ah Gbt your expect to any amqui we will d order in VARIETY STORE J’honc 35—144 NEW 2-PIECi PHONE 81w FUNERALSER/1CE ALL THE LAiTEST E/JIPMENT arvey ANCE BROKER enting Mutua|O£fe of Canada Life, Rue, Automobile, Etc. GENERAL Electric Wiring -ECTRfCTHE NEW STORE Furniture anJ^Undertaking Tjonor gradua j -. EKAMlNATio f Day, OF ONTARIO BOARD nday Calls •ER WTj MODERN EQU KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICB NNEY MERS T ’..EM PHONE, BUSINESS 20w HOUSE 20j\ EXETER. OXT. H XViringlaiid iJKtalliiig, guaranteed i’eastmable prices, s and motors a spec- teg gladly furnished ' I ■ ■■ ERN. DAYIS .■ ’ workm^n^ Repairing’ ialty, free. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARFENED (ag/We) SINGLE EDO DOUBLE ED I- W. S. COLE, URUGtltST biJi* ill* 4‘*i4' ge GuaraB(«id lt it Piano . Voc Supervisor of; Studio, Main F t. o. m; Organist James nd Ch Unit n Theorf ic tn Schooli Box 57, Phone ll> TER, ONT. ELLIOTT’S CORNER GROCERY JiiSt^ldrth o^lMetropolitan Pho 25fFor Service things wo sell.You Wh need^y^ir patronage, We have an w the line of groceries, fancy cakes candles, coal oil and vinegar. Ung you want in