HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-02, Page 6THURSDAY, MAY 1920 -> ft LC FORM I. OG L£ BH ALFCCO BO GE AR <3h.rmbers, Wm.8 4ft 60 6-9 64 50 19 52 , 5S 54 Complin, Marjorie S4 76 S9 7f !>2 65 81 57 ’ 57 t68 Uonch,. Grace 6G 64 SI 82 r- 0 * —58 26 70 Jj It'52 Ch<??eh, Ray 87 75 71 63 50 82 *^67 ’5S 51 ftA.rfeg, Marshal}85 59 81 62 ” “j * 51 78 77 75 51 SMtihey,. Rowe 7i>75 79 79 56 42 88 72 67 5.9 ■JSr.Jsry, Doris 60 5 8 63 72 45 3 6 22 . 56 50 60 JBPc-i'fagion, Thomas 48 12 38 59 43 52 ■50 44 66 52 jEiLsr&gton, Alma 65 53 80 76 4,,.54 66 52.71 60. FJhse'.’, Rutli 68 56 79 7 4 45 24 51 49 31 47 Go-ings,. Bernice - 9 6 81 85 ‘76 82 63 85 81 7 3 74 H.-.y, Msbeli 71,.81 rrrfV ♦ v 6 b.34 51 59 44 65 H: /w3odr Helen -^’"41 51'J 8 76 .3 S*29 51 ’ 49 ’ 57 52 3H’< .is, Donald-58 50 65 85 25 43 37 *,37 32 53 .Hpckey, Kenneth 50 55 85 .75 6 >53 78 61 68 61 He ’.’tea, Stuart 88 85 75 78 7 7 51 66 74 67 61 Jo*.as, Howard 42 5S 63 7 4 43 34 55 62 51 55 Jo'. 1st on, Audrey 42 54 52 64 7o 35 15 61 42 57 -.’er, Ruth S5 88 82 74 67 62 61*52 MhDonald, Lois 48 41 71 72 44 41 54 41 44 5 6 Nora 67 62 50 71 67 50 63 58 46 59 Mnrdoek, Wm:32 43 41 59 53 22 72 39 45 Pc. .hale, Gladys 67 61 82 66 53 52 5S SO 55 68 PPcn, Jean 5 6 81 74 61 r. -*37 48 61 57 44 ID ode, Arthur 64 SO 65 72 65 38 74 69 48 52 lU'Se:?, .Margaret 61 49 5 7 66 r 1 2S S4 55 60 59 Ryckman, Dorothy 74 79 78.56 58 26 89 63 45 80 Bllen May 14 ‘38 51 60 55 40 12 38 44 53 S’-' .s, Mervin 12 30 57 50 r- .3S 11 49 59 51 jSl Line’.', Eleanor 79 77 63 59 r i - 44 81 7.2 53 51 Slanbitvy, Helen 77 71 84 62 65 51 81.60 .72 56 Siowar:, Florence:89.77 81 61 52 87 73 67 53 Sic ne, Adeline 85 74 85 6S ’r* *r 70 93 87 66 78 S. /h;;?, Cyril .14 34 77 50 71 . 50 6 50 55 52 ’T/.’ran, Margaret 72 70 83 75 C. ’67 72 77 64 55 T! .iicv. Roberta 36 3 4 57 Gt?30 16 54 44 45 ", r FORM II A. LC FC’EG t 0 LI AR GE PH ZO B^vei'S’, Edna 40 49 56 63 12 50 JJcP.kw.-l, Ruth 60 65 I X 64 S4 74 50 Bj.’.mntyne, Roy -57 b «70 73 S3 42 P' cwr., Earl 82 81 76 8-7 63 99 70 81 *C5‘ ‘.'ism:’, Grace 59 55 7.6 ■54 132 29 32 51 CmhsUe. Earp.66 64 72 7 61 71 67 50 61 ’Cef.res. Jean S7 71 63 7S 70 73 28 33 57 Got brane, Grafton 56 60 6 J 65 52 32 45 Cain D?rothy 65 ' 50 rr a: i -x 7u 60 61 70 34 56 .0! i-z'C?.. Joe 93 88 92 9 2 . 86 90 95 77 82 31 cc rir.g. Edward 73 76 r* q6 86 95 S6 60 80 G .’ebb, Gordon S5 7 8 S2 1 V S8 76 97 63 69 Hkks, Gwendolyn 6’7 65 81 76 69 ab ab 65 Jov.nir-g*, Rose 47.59 62 46 35 14 35 Ki bn, Margaret 94 74 77 <;-■>78 75 45 40 74 n, Olive 72 65 6'j-54 81 52 26 59. 4v..ri::, Margaret 67 55 59 79 72 45 1 30 57 Pc-.hale, Jean 37.47 7ft 78 36 25 30 Ptyde, Raymond 67 63 81 77 40 27 34 •Sv'-lom WaPace 39 6»65 60 66 45 57 SI.Inner, Ger. Id 50 57 70 73 82 56 54 Slumons, Annie 70 ab 50 61 79 Merna 59 68 50 50 32 23 54 &nell. M'abe'1 58 62 7 /J 68 67 29 29 56 JStc-wart. Madeline 50 70 61 50 3 . 20 St: ne, Ruby 94 94 84 u* 1*^82 87 100 81 80 ■SPamg, Kathleen SS 89 90 55 89 93 9S 72 74 5»h.eeAr, Viola 54 57’65 76 42 31 29 57 * M !D set my heart on this Pontiac Big Six . . even before I knew how thrilling it was to drive. It just look­ ed so ‘Big-Six-ey’. You know, it had that air of distinction that makes you Jong to call it your own. “And then I drove it! It’s simply the most stunning tiling! You can forget all about the engine arid. those mechanical gadgets because you just know they’re alright. And it tops the steepest hills without even a murmur., never knew one could getji Big Six M such an absurdly low price.” P-13-4-29C . THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE aMKOM Ruth Balkwill Latin 1st, Beaver, Latin 1st 96; Grafton tin 1st 93; Jean Penhale, Latin Seldon, Latin 1st 93; Gerald Latin 1st 93; Annie Simmons, 60. 92,* Roy Ballantyne Cochrane, Latin 1st i 1st, 67; Ray Pryde, Skinner, Latin 1st 9 Canadian History, Ji Latin 1st, 94; Eldna 0; Rose Jennings, La- Latin. 1st 89; 1; Madeline Wallace ■Stewart, . in Midlid. 54; LI AR comp GE FORM II B. COLG FC EG ZO PH Brown, Allan 76 71 68 68 S3 62 84 73 39 Brown, Leona 64 53 61 71 77 39 .27 64 15 Cole, Harry 39 41 50 50 25 -•32 62 Cooper, Jack 31 47 abCouch, Odin 31 51 35 38 38 Davis, Dorothy 54 56 75 73 74 69 70 41 Dearing, Ella 42 55 57 29 84 54 Dearing, Greta 50 47 53 12 47Ellerington, Margaret 27 37 54 46 36 47 Elliot, Beth 60 46 !37 8 56 Elliot, Marie 36 2s 61 29 54 25 Fraser, Allan 31 56 57 52 35 . 33 60 46 Hunter, Ila 61 57 64 72 50 70 25 70 4 Hutchinson, Gladys . 39 GO 76 57 53 27 70 Hyde, Howard 52 56 62 66 45 62 58 Kay, Gladys 82 51 58 53 50 59 78 40 Jennings, Connie 75 72 6.6 71 62 5 8.49 79 43 Lawson, Dorothy f 45 45 33 12 50 50 Munro, Helen X 72 64 17 Murdock, Beth 62 67 40 5 45 16 Sheere, Jean 38 39 73 60 56 21 53 Snider, Melvin 43 51 90 76 55 42 64 Stewart, Lyda ,60.' 51 50 66 5 5 51 44 56 24 Swan, Dorothy 58 64 ’ 13 9 Beth Elliot, Latin 1st 90;Br. His. 1st 3 7 ; Bot. 1st 78,Marie Elliot Al. 1st 52. Gladys Hutchinson Latin 1st 99. •Dorothy Lawson, Latin 1st 58; French 48. Helen Munro Latin 1st 91; French 1st 73 Br.His.1st, 25; Al. 1st S3; Bot. 1st 70.Jean Sheere, Latin 1st 76;Melvin Snider Latin 1st 87. Dorothy Swan,French 1st 51;Br. His. 1st 26; Al 1st 65; Bot. 1st 66. Harry Cole, Latin 1st 58,Jack Cooper,Latin 1st 60;Fr. 1st 55; Comp. 1st 53; Couch, French 1st 76. O. Comp., 1st 67;Al.1st 69; Bot.1st 6 5, Odin Ella Dearing, L 1 tin 1st 64; Al. 1st 84. Greta Dearing, Latin 1st’75;French 1st 62; Br . His. 1st 8; Bot.1st 8 3. Mar- garet Ellerington, Latin 1st 62. Beth Murdock, Br, His. 1st 17;Bot.64; Art 51. FORM III. CO LI AH CH AL GE CH PH Beaver, Gertrude 40 ' 50 <4 4 Bierling, Irene -34 46 79 44 17 Bremner, Edna 32 43 IS 6 25 22 Caldwell, Bernice 85 51 4:3.24 31 Camm, Elaine 75 63 43 22 45 40 Camm, Dorothy SO 70 46 61 56 Ducharme, Wilfred . 87 67 40 38 3S 45 31 34 Ford, Irwin 50 2 3 29 51 35 Hirtzel, Harry • • 1 '53 43 46 45 46 37 Heywood, Hazel 45 53 24 48 52 30 Heywood, Lila 43 48 19 24 48 20 Kerr, Lulu Kleinstiver, Ruth 69 42 77 40 32 1 70 65 55 52 70 Lee, Lim 49 61 41 41 44 48 McDonald, Marguerite 67 17 McLean, Dorothy Murray, Elizabeth 62 78 8 26 28 52 McKaig, Wm.'55 50 50 57 43 53 Nadiger, Helen 71 72 4 8 61 58 Russell, Isabel 39 54 31 73 72 Sippell, Kenneth 40 23 14 48 26 Smith, Eldon 51 35 16 20 St’anlake, Norman 5 2 57 53 14 36 Stewart, Ivan 67 3 6 46 28 48 68 Strange, Frank *70 42 40 39 38 48’ Beaver Gertrude, I Latin Comp. 95.Caidwell,Bernice,I Latin Com. 81; II Fr, Comp. 54. I-Iirtzel,Harry, I Latin Comp. 82; I Fr. Comp. 79. Camm, Dorothy I Fr. Comp. 90; II Latin Comp. u-u-.x a j, * xuuu*** a*,, A-1. (j. Heywood, Hazel, I La­ tin Comp. SI; I Fr. Comp 78. Heywood, Lila. I Latin Comp. 69; I Fr. Comp. 62. Kerr, Lulu, II Latin Comp. 71; II Fr. Comp. 46.’ Kleinstiver-, Ruth, I Latin Comp. S7; I Fr. Comp. 82. McDonald, Marguerite, I British His. 24; I Alg. 26; II ATifh. '38J “McLean, Dorothy, I Alg. 8.8; I Geog. 3-8 II Phy. 8; II Arith.' 34. Nadiger, Helen I Latin Comp. 9 6; I Frv Comp. S3. Sippell, Kenneth, II Latin Comp.- SO; II Fr. Comp. 80. Smith, Eldon’ II Latin Comp. 51; II Fr. Comp, 48; IP Comp. 72. Stanlake*. Norman II Comp. 70; II Fr. Comp. 61. Stewart,,.Ivan, II Latin Cpmp.'.?'&; Tl’Frbnch Comp. 51. Strange. Frank II Latin Comp. 67; II Fr. Comp. 75. /" Campbell, Stewart Clarke, Laura Etherington, Archie Godbolt, Gerald Jennings, Harry Klopp, Lloyd Mustard, Aldie Penhale, Helen Penhale, Margaret Pearce, Charles • Pearce, Marjorie Stackhouse, Eva Wiseman, Kathleen Woods, Catherine Klopp, Lloyd, II Latin Comp. 74; Kirkton Man Passes an illness. of several months, Harrah, well known resi- UsbOrne, died on Friday at homestead, Stamford Farm, A son of the late After Thomas dent of the old 12th concession Gporge Harrah, of Kirkton, deceas­ ed was born in England, tout, with his parents, he came to this country while lje was a small boy, and lived for a short time neai* Toronto, later coming to Kirkton, where they clear­ ed the land on 'the present farm, Mr. .Harrah was in liis late seventies, was unmarried* and leaves one brother, Fergus, in St. Marys, and one sister, Mrs, George* Hall, of Kirk­ ton. Interment took place on Mon­ day at the family plot St. Marys.— St. Marys Journal-Argus, | “SUPREME feUTHORiTY” WEBSTER’S • NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY -THE MERRIAM WEBSTER g Because | Hundreds of Supreme Court Judges concur in highest praise of the work as their Authority, The Presidents of all leading Uni­ versities, Colleges, and Normal Schools give their hearty indorse­ ment. . > All States that have adopted a large dictionary as standard have selected Webster’s New Interna­ tional* The Schoolbooks of the Country adhere to the Merriam-Webster system of diacritical marks. The Government Printing Office at Washington uses it as authority. WRITE for a sample page of the Neu> Words, specimen of Regular and India Papers, FREE. g. & c. Merriam Go., Spring- field, Mass. Qst The Bal! 1 t •/ $ Up Exetn* ©tnwii-AihutruU . Established 1873 and 1887 | $ Published every Thursday mornlnXx at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—?2.00 per yea? I#, advance, • Real Estate foiPf insertion for firaSJ. 25 c, each subs^ Miscellaneous Wanted, Lost, oij' line of six words,, notices RATES—Farm or sale 50 c. each four insertions, quent insertion, tides, To Rent, Found 10e* per Reading Card of Thanks ver-tising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c, .........- 10 c, per line. 50c. Legal .ad* Sc.*per line. IjJ. one verse 50Cs each, Member of The Cnnailiaii Woekljj j Newspaper Association. Professional Cards —- r - - GLAfMAN & STANBURYi f BARR Money TERS, SOLICITORS, j Loan, Investments Made’^) Insurance | osit Vault for use of our) snts without charge EXETER -LONDON HENSAJUg. 1 $ Was Laid Up ~ With Boils On Her Back Mrs. Vincent Muise, Tusket, N.S., writes:—“Last summer I was laid up with boils on my back., I could not lie down, or do anything. I had. fifty- three of them. Onp of my friends BARRIST CAR ING & MORLEY. RS, SOLICITORS, ] !, INVESTMENTS, NSURANCE Office: Cai^gg Block, Main Streep TER, ONT. 1 ( .... ■■■■ DR. M PIIY Gradual University -her of..the Surged British Phone C. G. FLETCHER CIAN & SURGEON of Faculty of Medicln^ Western Ontario, Mein-* liege of Physicians and1 mtario; Member of thg- 1 Council. ~ he office of the 71^Hyndman) . * Dr. G. S. Atki on, L.D.S.,D.D,S.< SURGEON al Officer of Militia One. London, Ont,- , hones /’ House 34| esday afternoons' 1st, 1929 MAIN^T., EXETER; ONT. ‘Wlf DENT Late District De Dlstric'U.Numbe Office 3-lw Office open ‘ until a Dr. G. F. ||oulston, L.D.S.,D.I)*Ss DENTIST' advised' me. to try II II ■Stackhouse, Campbell, S. II Geom. 54. Frank II Latin Comp. 67; II Fr. Coihp. 75. ~ ■" FORM IV LA LC FA FC CO LI AH CH AL GE PH CH Of fie? MAIN ST., Middle Latnn Comp Getdeuilsnbdutour SPECIAL SPRING OFFER. With Rib Roll, fin­ est looking, longest • lasting metal roof for Barns. Houses, Sheds, Garages, Warehouses. Easy and quick to lay on new roofs or right over old ones. Bib Roll is made to Council Standard’, quality. Sendridge and rafter meas­ urements for free estimate. C DAY A CALLS PROMPT Corner of- MOffice in’ C CHIROPRACTll. Ev f51 48 82 80 54 55 12 43 67 67 61 63 60 60 53 67 ■88 53 31 51 42 50 39 '■>. 54 •52 47 52 49 73 50 24 ■’ . 52 31 79 56 48 42 ■69 70 .61 6‘2 76 77 56 83 66f2S3 3 56 37 32 OjS Addison, Joe A. Anderson, Harry Conlin, Joseph Creech, Hugh Douglas. Mar Greb, Lily Hunter, Lulu Lin den field, Love, Lettie Medd, Marjorie Mitchell, Clifton McClymont, Harvej McDonell, Mildred McLaren, Margaret Penrose, Walter Snider, Taman, Tiernan, Tieman Thomson, Hazel Willis, Wanda Cook, Harry Anderson, Harry McLaren, Margaret C. History, 80; III , Hazei' Anc. History '62 Phys. 46 III Alg. 66 Anc. History 66 Kathleen Edward , Anna , Eugene I got .a' bottle and soon noticed- __I- __ ___ ____1 a great- deal of difference, so I took four , bottles in Ml, and I am in good health’ and have never had any sign of a boil since.’' ' F Manufactured only by The T. Mil­ bum Co., Ltd., Toronto Ont. . . Carling & Morley )g i&w Office R, ONT.. H’l STM. L. LAWSON D. D. s. Office in Main St., Ex entist g^Coinmercial Building Phone’7-7 w'4 Latin Comp-. 63;*II Fr. Comp. 66. English Grammar 71. FORM V SA FA Fc’lC LI MH AL GE TR PH’ CH BO ZO SC CO 40 69 47 68 Hicks, Margaret?. Snider, KathleenIII Chem. 56 ...... ________, _ Willis, Wanda, Anc. History 71 M. Mqrfd, III Alg. 35 ' ' ‘ Authors 53 98; III Chem. J) 0. Aiic. His. 41 Anc, His, , . .. Art 5 9. ...... Saltbr, Doris Ph,. *60 Tliom- •III Alg,s69; 57; Jk History .Dove, Lettie, EastemSteel Products ’ «. Jjrnited) PRESTON, ONT. Montreal )_ Toronto pHXCKEN FARM FIRE' DESTROYS *150 BIRDS ‘ Fire breaking out at *3:30 o’clock last Friday mofning completely des­ troyed the huge main .henhouse of the Granton Chicken Farm, along with 350 valuable liens. The' farm is owned by Miy Masters of Weston. Rp to a short tjme.tfgo, the farm was known as the Miriton farm, and has long been noted for its valt ajjlo poultry, The fife reels and volunteer.t ‘St­ riving on the scent} found it .Ayas practically Impossible1 to Sava* .the main structure, hard work other Physicians declare that eight out this country* are ■ there’re happy, ‘laugh-; and grow 'of ten women in overweight.But doc. They just fat?’ >!<«»• Young j£L editor-Authoress; “Ima librror when I found my ■old grandson tearing -up BUYING SHINGLES NOW DR. E. VETERINj Graduate of the SJEINER..' 1Y SURGEON ntario Veterinary) -c NIGHT ATTENDED T{£ |kJ|nd Ann Streets I Snell’s Block jgj ONT. * JOHN WARD OSTEOPATHY) j EIFCTRO-THEatlPY & ULTRA-; VIOIjSJL treatments 1 EXETER’ ARTHUR WEBER < 4 LICENSED ACTIQNEER For Hiu’oh. Middlesex FARM AlSPEClALTY PRICES RmlbNABLE si SATISFACTION ^kRANTEED’ |. . Phone 57-13 "DashwOod R. K. NO DASHWOOD ■ ...... ■■■ ■■ FRANKITAYLOR LICENSED WlCTIONEER For Huron a!Middlesex FARM SJ^S&^gPECIALTY Prices -Reasonabm „L. Guaranteed Exeter p* 0. or ring 138 fi ”1 Satisfactim^. I 'I R KLOPP 13U AUCTIONEER ■*"1 e Carey Jones’ Auc*- Special course takeai. lye^tock (all breeds); Estate, Farm n keeping with) Satisfaction ash LICENSE Honor Gradu lion' school, in Registered^ Merchandise, Sales, Rte. prevailing pri .s.ured, write ^car, Klopp, Zurich or phono 18-53rich, Ont*)2x4 ^ine jS'ca riling foi? Colony houses p ouses or other buildings 5^ $3 *00 per M. FERTILIz* ;i t, lowest prices. agine my thrce-yeai’ my manuscript.” Friend: "What, can . the read already?”-—Goblin. '■ . • ■ *4i jsx..*', . Inebriate—"WJhasft ya looking for? Copr^-"We‘re looking for a droivn- ed*mam’’ Inebriate-’--“Wash ya want Child 1874 1929/ The London Life ' PGIjWIBS AS GO( AS GOLD i Ph on ULRIC SNELL, EXETER - 'w V. JtcWrC*’ G6NBMAL MdTOR$ OF ’CANAPA,. w. c Exeter* Residence, Ann St.< two' flecks of Main St. A. J. CLMTWORTHYalthough through bulMlhg^ Were I.. f ’ V. j>tib GRANTON. ONTARIO