The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-02, Page 2THURSDAY, MAY gml, 192Q THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Jhe *funaay School Wesson
By CHARLES G. TRW1BULL, Litt, », u.,
(Editor of the Sunday School Times)
Sunday, May 5; 2 Chronicles 34:
Golden Text
■‘■^Thy word is a lamp unto my
and a light unto my path. (Psa,
195,) - ’ ' ♦
When a sixteen year old boy be
gins to seek God with his whole
heart, he is sure to find Him. And
if that boy happens to be a King,
things are likely to happen in his
Young Josiah
.was eight years
'to reign, and. he
"worst fathers as
of Judah. Like
weeks ago on Hezekiah, it ’is an
other ease of bad father and good
son—which is encouraging to the
boys who happen to have bad fathers
Doubtless he was brought up as
other boy Kings have been, while
state officials administered the King
dom, but we read that “in the eighth
year of his reign, wlple he was yet
young, he began to seek after the
God of David, his father.” The 16-
year-old boy evidently sought God
was the boy. He
old when he began
had had one of the
King in the history
the lesson of three
earnestly, study-
about Him, and
er and devotion.
conscientiously and
ing what he could
living a life of pray
After four years of this, when only
20, he took action in a vigorous and
agressive way. “He began
Judah and Jerusalem from
places and the grooves, and
ed images and the molten
At his direction the altars or nnwui
were smashed in his presence, molt
en images were broken in pieces and
made dust, the graves of the false
prophets that led the people in sinful
worship were dishonored, and the
very bones of such priests were
It must have been unpopular ac
tion. Cleaning up vice districts is
never popular, and these were vice
districts to a degree that we know
nothing of in modern times. Arch
aeology, digging up images and other
evidences of the idolatrous worship
of the Canaanites, has shown , as is
invariably true of idol worship in
other lands, the hideous immorality
and degrading practices of the relig
ion the boy,. King Josiah, was de
termined to stamp out.
After he had cut out the cancer at
its source, putting an end to relig-
to purge
"the high
the carv-
'S of Baalim
ions worship that dishonored and
disobeyed God, he turned to honor
God in a signa) way, by repairing
“the House of the Lord, his God.’*
He was 26 when he had purged the
land. He must have been a man of
method and system, efficiency amL
marked executive ability, for details
are given showing the thorough way
in which he went about repairing
the temple. Ample money was gath
ered, together for the purpose, skill
ed workmen wer& employed; the Le-
vites, ns ordered by God, were put
in charge, and the great work was
carried through by an organization
which evidently would # have done
credit to twentieth- century admin
Then something unexpected hap
pened. In honsecleaning the temple,
Hilkiah,. the priest, actually ‘’found
a book of the law of the Lord given
by Moses.’’ 1
r «
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7ASHING up after1 a meal cooked on a Perfection is easy
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Pirate rend me FREE literature re Perfaction Range*, elx> natue of neereet store j
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0 Addreca
THERE are three major features to
be. considered in choosing cires,
for'your new car — economy, safety
and freedom froiii trouble.
—No other tire in the world will re
turn as many mires per dollar as the
Royal Master. ' 4
—The Royal Master insures safety
ftom bloWolits and punctures. . ..
Not Olid Royal Master in a
thousand will ever puficture. „
Not one in five thousand will
blow out under two years of
--^With Royal Masters you will enjoy
care-free motoring not only this year
but' for a long time to come.
Royal Masters* cost more than any
, other tire made and you cannot expect
them as standard equipment oh your
new car. „
'Aqy dealer will, however, be glad to
equip your new tar with Royal Masters
as ah extra. You will Find the addi
tional cost’ one of the best investments
; you, have jjveb rnddcrj-’
YdU far away from a "
Jofat Taylor ’&
Fire at Parkhill
fire, which for a 'time threat-
Had Troubleall
relief " was
Taylor, had
She now
Serverit Some way Every day—
■ f
ed better and will get well,
Mrs. John Taylor met with rather
a serious mishap on Friday night,
which might have resulted fatally.
When at supper and par talcing of
some canned plums one of the stones
was accidently taken in with the food
and became lodged across her throat
No time was lost in procuring med
ical aid, when it was found almost
impossible to remove the
After some little time
given but not before Mrs,
become nearly exhausted,
suffers no serious results.
,'M’r, Frank Delbridge, who has been
in the employ of Mr. H. J. Snackman
for the past four years left Monday
morning to take a position as sales
man with a firm in Paisley. Frank
many friendswill be missed by his
____ The Huron County
Promptly it was taken to Toronto will run an
Old Boys of
excursion to
the King by a scribe; at the King’s' Goderich and Lucknow on July 9th
and will return on July 11th,command it was. read to him. And
the King believed the Word of God.
Would that all Kings and rulers of
nations did so to-day, like Britain’s
King and young Josiah.
Did this reading of the Word of
God bring joy to the King? No; “he
rent his clothes.” We are reminded
that “by the law is the knowledge
of sin.” (Rom. 3:20.) For the law
of God told of the terrible punish
ments that would come upon Judah
and Isreal if they turned away from
doing the will of God, as they had
so persistently and rebelliou’sly done
The King sent for further light on
the solemn subject, and word came
back from Huldali, the prophetess,
that the Lord had told her to declare
two things: The nation, because it
had forsaken God and worshipped
other gods, must suffer the wrath of
God. But the young King, because
he had humbled himself before God
when he,'heard God’s words, was not
to see this punishment or experience
it, ;but should live and die in peace
before God’s judgment fell upon
the nation.
The climax of the chapter is seen
in what the King then did. Bringing
together the elders and representat
ives of the entire nation, “he read
in their ears all the words of the
book of the covenant that was found-
in the house of the Lord.” Further
more, he was not content with let
ting them merely hear God’s Word,
but he made sure that they should
“do it.” They were “doers of the
Word, and not hearers only,’ (James
The King pledged himself before
all his people, making a solemn cov
enant before the Lord, “to walk af
ter the Lord, and to keep His com
mandments, and His testimopies, and His statutes with all his hj&rt,
and with all his soul to perform the'
works of the covenant which are
written in the book.” And he made
his people covenant with him to do
the same.
It was not a spurt, a superficial
reformation. It lasted. To be sure,
Josiah died a young man, at thirty-
one, but “all his days they departed
not from following the Lord, the
God of their fathers.”
Here is an outline of the lesson:
.Seeking God early (verses 1-3) .
• Cleansing a Nation (3-7)
Honoring God’s House (8-13)
Finding’ God’s Word (14)
Believing God’s Word -(15-21)
God’s Justice and Mercy (2-2-28)
Leading a Nation in Righteousness
(29-33). ;
Marvin Vincent gave an excellent
address on wireless telegraphy at the
young men’s class in Main Street
church last Sunday afternoon. He
illustrated his talk ,with black-board
drawings and showed that he had a
good grasp of his subject.
Two of the local electric light
wires became crossed in front of
Davis’s Flour and Feed Store last
Friday evening and caused a little
sensation on Main Street. The wire-
for about 20 feet became red ho't
and the insulation was burned off
causing a nasty smoke and odor. One
of the wires broke and thus cut off
the current
Two loads from Exeter’ drove, to
Kirkton Wednesday to attend the
Exeter District Convention of the
Women’s Missionary'Society of the
Methodist Church.
A horse driven by Mr. Jno. E^sp^y.
of Usborne became frightended'1
passing automobile on Main St. on
Monday morning and got into quite
a mix-up. The horse was slightly
cut, a shaft was broken off of the
buggy and a runaway narrowly
One of the many signs of prosper
ity in Exeter is the large number of
automobile owners. Besides the al
ready large list of owners there are
several who are contemplating pur
chasing autos. Below is a list of the
auto owners: J. A. Stewart, W. J.
Heaman, M. Doyle,’Dr. Quackenbush
C. Zuefle, Chas. Snell, Dr. Brown
ing,, Wes. Snell, W. Martin, H. El
worthy, Dr. Hyndman, Dr.’ Kinsman,
T. Baker, D. Hartleib, T_)r. McGillj-
'.cuddy, Connor Machine Co., A. Cot
tle and G. Windsor.
Nearly an Accident v
On Thursday evening last, as one
of our town experts was exercising
a very fine cream colored horse, fit
became, startled and bolted, but tlie
rider, unable to stop his speed, shpt
like an arrow’ from his .seat on tl|e
horse to the ground the result being
the gent in question has not
able to sit with any degree of
fort since except on a pillow.
A New Bridge
Travellers between Exeter
points west of where the Aux Sable
River crosses 'the Lake Road, will
experience considerable difficulty in
crossing th 6 stream as the old bridge
has been torn down preparatory to
the erecton of a new and more sub
stantial one.
Mr.. G< A. Mace has removed
(he goods out of his store, torn
the floor- and has men engaged in
cavatiiig a cellar.
The proprietor .of the Exeter Pop
Works desires uS to state that’ the
item wq published last week aneiit
the strike’bf sohie of his employees
was hot correct, in every particular.
Mr. Swarts “does not deny that there
wg^ any Striking done butsays it
was not on. account of the workmen's pages' not' being paid, as the- meh
Were paid .before they commenced tp
Work. ■"
•' v ■■
25 Vears’Ago
Mr., tf. G. Stft.nbury. has ..made .the
purchase of a fine horse and driving
outfit. ' *’ * _ J?' ;
. Mr. Tlios. Case, of the Lopdoii Rd.
North, fost ft Valuable mare, -■■ ;
Mr. John Swan, of the* third1, corn-
cession of Vsborne, who ha?; been
very in with pneumonia am? whose
Hfo had been despaired of, f«: npoHl
With all the■ bran of theJldfia DISCUlfs wholewheat
Children like the crisp, crunchy shreds of baked whole wheat
—and it’s so good for them—makes good bones and sound
teeth-—Delicious with milk or fruits.
Paper inserts in each package offer a surprise for .the children.
s the thrill
ve awaited!
people first hear
•est'ic they in-
y’exclaim': "That
kind of radio I
always wanted,
didn’t I^h^ar. it
?”’ The new and
itier Majestic is
her# Get a demonstra
tion in your own home
P '
Beautiful Louis fiVI walnut cabinet with
doors of diamond matched Oriental walnut,
having genuine inlaid marquetry border.
Instrument panel also of diamond matched
Oriental walnut, framed,-with butt walnut
and bird's-eye maple panel. Safin tubes
' completely shielded; using R. F.L. balanced cir
cuit. Majestic Super-Dynamic Speaker. Volume
control instantaneous in action. Single-dial control.(Complete with Tubes)
See and Hear It Today!
ened a large part of the south bus
iness section of. Parkhill, broke out
on Thursday evening last and com
pletely destroyed' tile property known
as the McPhee Block with its entire
contents. The building was occupied
by Mr. Marshall Box, furniture deal
er and undertaker, a former resid
ent of Stephen Twp., also Mrs. N.
McPhee, grocer and M. Sombalt,
shoe repairer. Nothing in the build
ing wa§’saved.. . ■
* The origin of the fire is a mystery.
Mr.” Box was inhis place of business
at 11:30 and about 15 minutes later
fire was discovered iri the’ grocery
store, the* back portion of which
was a mass of flames and. almost
before the alarm could be turned in
the whole interior was a roaring in
ferno. A call was sent to Ailsa Craig
and their fire brigade . responded
immediately. The loss is estimated
at about $22,000, Mr. Box <and Mrs.
McPhee being the heavy losers. The
is partly covered by insurance.
“Ain’t it -fine to feel the nippiiV of
■the brisk breeze at your nose
When the old dead leaves go zippinf
down the lanes in scraggly rows,
When you’ve hay to feed, the cattle,
when you love your fellow men,
And you’ve money you can rattle in
your pocket now and then?”
Mrs,, H. Benjaminson, Otto, Ma«
writes:—“Shortly after the birth o
my little girl I took very sick and was
in bed most' of the time. I had back
aches, headaches, and was all run
down, mid I had. trouble with my
kidneys. I tried all kinds of medicine,
but nothing Was able CO relievo me.
As I have eight children, and my hus
band was away at the timo I sent for
him to come home, and when he did he
brought me live boxes of Doan’s
KidnOy Pills. After I had finished
them I felt so touch better I was
again able to look after my family
and housework.”
Price 50c. & box
at all druggists or
g -dealers, or mailed
direct bit receipt of
j>rfcs by tho T. Mil
bum Co0 fJmitodj
Toronto^ Ont*
Trsm J
Summer Home Can Look
Twice as Attractive
cover the walls and ceilings with
^Itanooth, Wght-fittirig sheets of Gyproc Fireproof
^^^Wlboarl-^then decorate. Gyptoc will also make
-Sale ;
The Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd. * fixeter, Ont.
A» Spencer & Son « - * - Hfensall, Ont.