HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-25, Page 8Of THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 1924 3 Fo} (l 1-tFord 1923 Essex Coach / 1927 Whippet Sedan# 1925 Star CoachJF 1927 Ford Tonrijs 1023 Foi’d Cowc jitudebaker JFouviug Tourings Jp** to 875. in truclij^SlOO. & 8175. Si Ford D. H- DEMO? ND/ ELLIOT lei^Phone 64, Exeter ’imW HAD YOUR gRATlON OF THE NEW f FORD? Exeter Markets Wheat $L30 oats 55c. Barley 60c. Manitoba Flour $3.90 Blend Flow $3.75 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Floui’ $2.15 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 48c. Dairy Butter 41-44c, Eggs 24 c. Eggs, pullets 21c. Eggs, seconds 18c. Hogs $12.00 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Services as usual at 11 a.m. and p.m, conducted by. REV. ROBERT BRUCE, B.A., of THlsonbui’g, Ontario NOTICE — Tr^or J discing and plowing. AppIy/W.lWradshaw, Elim- ville, 5 4-25-ltp. ------/’'i' ” ■'"W LOST— Oi^Menday/April 15tli, a sheepskin coat bfe^MG^n lot 4, con. 4, {Aephen?> and Crediton-Finder please communicate witli S. White, R.R. 1, Crediton, phone 3 on 26. 4-25-ltp. FERTILIZER^tlV^ have on hand a supply of Ferylij Nelson 36r2. — for’aU cr9Ps- StanlakeWnPhone Dashwood 4-25-3tp. SALE—A framj&cottage and G-idley Fply . to Mr. frs. Wm. Walker. ' 4-25-tfc. FOR lot neai* the C9|ner William Streets, cil Walker or t and Ce- SALE OR All ^m? deeoriatec —Bolid brick hern J conveniences, |sS^'*Apply to Miss 4-25-4tc. FOR •bouse, newly Hazlewood, Hur'iin St. 1. , FOR RENT—Half acje of land in good state of eultivatjMi. Apply to to Mrs. S. Atkinsop^Willj^s^Street. . 4-25-tfc.. FOR SALEWA CJjMler Sedan; Chrysler "52”^uoujre; two cords of maple stove-wp<^H; Apply to Dr. M. G. Graham. O5 *’ •r / M. 7 Texa Sweet thout sugar." ly over for these, (fRVEY’S) GROCERY. rlcd thHave you Grapefruit? The season i buy now at JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTuvish, Pastor W. R. Goulalng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—We welcome to James St. pulpit, Rev. Byron Snell B.A., of Staffg fox* the morning service, p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—The Wicked Husbandman or The Rejected Overtures of God. The Pastor in charge. 3 7 The regular liionthly^fieeting of the Women’s in the Town April 30th ; ber.s urged t nstituiajnvill be held (Tuesday evening, All mem-o’clock. be present. Save! R libbers, Rags Magazines. wj on Saturday, School Club., ... - »apers and Sil for them th.—Home and 4-4-2tc. CATTLE-F prepared to lure for the'^um bert Penwarden, borne.. TlteE—-We in caJtle for pas- Lei. Apply ot 11, Con. are to Al-' 4, Us- ltp. FQR SALE—AfGoctfr Cheer cook stove with reseraroiy and warming closet, in good cqrndj-tion; . Signal Oak toijjid heater; baby buggy in good conditidnY was^^stand’j toilet’ set. Apply to Mrs, C. W. Ford, William St.. - FINAL NOTIG^l— All Recounts due the undersjgned a^'now past -due and must e settled’ before May at date they will be1st. After placed t3r llec^n With costs add­ ed.—yy. jyHEXKiAN. GRASg^ARM FOR REN^—If not rented will take cattle to pasture by the. season. Apply .to T110’. Laing, Exeter. 4-H-tfii. FOR SALE-^-Ma chine for sale.I vocate. V rM<nmig pickire ma- j Apply at Times-Ad- W* 4-18-tfc SALE—A rf' modernsimprov FOR with all ply to C. B. Sue: /-brick house ftovements. Ap- 4-4-tfc. GOOD STORES- TQ^f&NT—Good opening for butcl|^w barber. Apply at Times-Advocate: 4-11-3 tc. FOR SALE^^Strd-Wberry plants, Glen Mary and Senatajl Dunlop; 75c. per 100; if delijfe$$by mail 5c. per 100 extra. Nathan Doupe, Kirkton.I 4-11-tfc. horses pounds; Sell or 4-4-tfc. FOR SALE— Seventeen ranging from l|00 Gpl600 five to eight yeaglC old. trade. Frank fwlor. _______v/’- FOR SALE—Small field peas, the prize winners atsHensall seed- show, at $2.00 per^bu^hel. clover, f‘ per bushel. R^cei$ ity to O; A. James Brp|4fdo|„ ; Hensall/;"- ‘ I- Ay^Ire sweet first prize .at $3.50 sold a quant- iGuelph, Ont.— plone 5 on 73, , 4-18-tfri:' “““ fi.'im. If you wish to buy, sell oy^bnt a farm see R; E. Pickard, Ejpter. FOR slightly S ALE—A& iard Battery, used. Aifety to W. J. Beer..™ 3-28-tf^/ ■ Wer~Splendid rz nn nA ’ FOR chant stand. Apply to undersigned mann, Crediton. t ..... .......................... pasture RENT—O^cattle will for pasture for season 125 acrbs, part Hay towuslflj parcels il dbs|red; Price very reason­ able ftfr cattb is ailing, Hy. ■SALE OR RENT-—A tailor business. J Possession given ^atjFonce. -J.JWHoltz- i/Jt-18-tfc. SALE OR e taken in Consists of lot 9, con. 6, an be purchased in as proprietor’s health 'rriemjiei*, Zurich, Oiit. 4-18-3 tp, NOTICE—All due and may bo on William St. by May lection Ford.. 1st wH With c ts are now d at our home Writs hot settled placed for col- added.— a W. 4d,8*2tc. TAXI SEllVI ntedt dll ttabis; s so coriritry m. Maatod anti ISO. win k : driving at moderate pr sedan cars. Ph “HAPPY” WELL Have you t|’ied bjeilson’s Hand Rolled Maple /Cr^ei?m Chocolates at 49c. a lb. —lWfnrEY GROCERY. yi. i , - - - Miss Hildred Horton spent the week-end in Toronto, Mr. Wm. Geddes has purchased a Ford roadster. Sunday May' 12th will be observ­ ed as Mother’s Day, Miss Madeline Dearing, of Lon­ don, spent Sunday at liei* home here. Rev, R .E. Soutlicott, of Morpeth, visited his mother the forepart of the week. Lieut. Nesbitt, of the Salvation Army, is leaving Exeter Thursday for Toronto. At first the world -was flat. Then some men discovered it was round. Now it is crooked. Mr. Wm. Snell is preparing to erect a fine new verandah to his home on Main Street. Mr. Ted. Walper assisted Close's orchestra, of Seaforth, at Clinton on Thursday evening of -last week. “ Miss Marguerite Aidworth and friends:- of Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldiyortlx .on T,uesday* Mr., Ted Sims, who has been visit­ ing with his parents in town, return­ ed to; the mines at Rouyu, Que., on Monday. Mr. Black and Misses- Mildred and E^orence Norry, of London, visited at the-home of W. J. -Northcott on Thursday. . You can tell a civilized country. It’s one wliere people kill the birds and then spend millions to fight the insects. Mr. and Mrs. Chester iMerkely, of London, spent Sunday with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eth- erington. The farmers are on the land, and a- lot of seed is being sown this week.; The weather is ideal, not too hot for the horses. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes and Mr. Eyre, of London, visited the form­ er’s son Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geddes, on Thursday. There is an advertisement in an Ohio paper for a lost black and white tomcat. We think he was on the air last night. It is said radio .broadcasting has already added 500 words to the lan­ guage. This is exclusive of mispro­ nunciations of the old ones. Miss Gladys Hunkin resigned her position with Browning’s Drugstore and leaves next week for London where she has accepted a position. Mrs. Percy Webbei’ is in London this week taking treatment from Dr. S. Thompson for eye trouble, which she has been suffering with for sev­ eral weeks. iMr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey, Mrs. Thos. Harvey and Miss Doris Har­ vey motored to Lucknow and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grieve and children, of Stratliroy, are visiting for a few days with relatives in town 'Mr. Grieve is recuperating from a recent operation. The loss of life in the great war was appalling. But 187,000 par­ sons lost their lives in motor acci­ dents in the United States during the year 1928, three times as many as that country lost in the war, Mr, and Mrs, T. O. Southcott and Mrs. M. Sheere motored to Brant­ ford for the weekend. Mrs. South­ bill also visit with her sister in, To­ ronto before returning home, Mr. and Mrs. Kervin Werner, Mr. Milton Hey and Miss Dotis Taylor, of Detroit, motored to Exeter Satur­ day, the former visiting witli Mr. and Mrs. D. Russell arid the latter tbo fit Zurich over the week-end. On. Saturday night Mrs. b. W, F, Beavers had a. nasty fall on the wet riaVemeilt in front of Mr. EJ R. Hopper^ store. Dr. Atkinson was passing at the time arid kindly help­ ed Mr^, Reavers into Mix Hooper’s store; On being taken home it was found no bones were broken but her left ankle was badly sprained. She win be laid up tor some time in eon- soquefiee. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rey. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston l a.m,—"Shadow of Things Come.” p.m.—See our Sunday School ■The Oddfellows will be our guests. Their friends are cord­ ially invited to this servee, Spec­ ial message for the Order .will be given. 7:30 p.m.—Thursday evening­ praise service. 11 3 7 p.m.- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Waitdr Jones, Rector 4th Sunday after Easter a.m.—Matins and Litany ■Sunday School -Evensong and sermon. 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- hOGARTH HATCHERY It is now ' time to be. thinking about youi’ brooders, chi this season. We are •; our machines and can JJupply your needs. Our carload brooders, feeders an^ all priultr^supplles will be here in talk over ylrir neei our prices. very reasonable SERVICE. of Hogarth’s Purple and Moi Meal, Meat M| -----. —- - Liver . Oil, Charcoal,- Alfalfa.- Leaf Meal. ’ 1 , s etc. for, w running THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 192» Rubber. Stair Treads • & I gx*oss of Rubber Stair Treads. Thesq|. are the popular size and come in a goodw quality, W • While they last each 15c, 1 Bedroom Curtains by the yard Foui- new pieces in neat pattern Scrims A splendid net at el popular price. ' per yard 25c. 5 Dozen Window Blinds 1 These are seconds, but they are hard 1 to detect from first’s. In green only, six foot blinds Special 98c. ■. . ■ . 1 Bedroom Paper in Room Lots Foqr neat patterns to choose from with ; enough paper and border to do an ordinary | room.., • • »> ■ 3 Special at per lot 98c. RUGS! RUG| ! RUGS ! We offer our Entire Stock of Room F&igs at less than to-days wholesale prices. We are making an effort to crear out every rug in stock. Our prices on Tapestry, Brussels, AxmitisteE or Wiltons should interest you. Frilled Curtains for lkdrooms 5 dozen frilled, curtains- foAbedrooms. A neat curtain in cream net trimtaed with old rose. Regular $1.00« Special at per pair 79a^ 1 KIRSCH Curtaia Rods W: X'.”’ '•W In single or double; also a special style' foBbay windows. Single 25c. Double 50c. Boy’s Hatchway Underwear?. Boys* No-Button Hatchway Under- ♦ wear. The kind the boys like. Cool and. comfortable. iGold Tack Underwear WtJMen’s Athletic Underwear made of L’good freight dimity, ciit full and roomy. A- <A1I sizes each $1.00 Come in apd and ask for fill find, them :we give you alfo carry a stock Mash, Royal h Lay Mash, Hone Fish Meal, Cod Mr..Ulric Snell, -who has,been j'il with pleurisy, is improving splendid^ ly- j Mrs. (Dr.) Brown, of 'Sarnia, visit* ed for a few days with Mrs. John Snell. '■ K Mr. David Christie, of Russeldale^ who has been ill, is somewhat inM proved. A subscriber tells us he has three controls on his roadio set—his wifo'y his son and Ills daughter. ‘2 Mrs. Gordon Wells, -of Windsor! is visiting for'a couple of weeks with! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A- S? Davis. ■ u ■ Mr. A. J. Hamilton and Mr. Rod>; Park, Of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. S, R, Prebble and family, of Ilderton, were' Sunday visitors with Mrs. Janet Hamilton. « A number of brethren from the\- Oddfellow’s lodge motored to Hen-; sail Sunday evening and attended Di-; vine worship with the Hensail breth-.i yen at Carmel Presbyterian church. ; Miss Celia Christie, who unddr-j went an operation for, appendicitis; in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is; making splendid recovery and is ex­ pected home the latter part of thiS: week. Mrs. S. Hardy returned home last’ week after visitirig .several months with her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Web­ ber, of Hornell, N. Y. Previous to that she visited her daughter, Mrs. A. Ingram, of Detroit, MV. and Mrs. Wes. Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brihtnell mo­ tored to Toronto for the. -week-end and visited'Witlv Mr. Fred Simmons, of Hensall, who is ill in hospital thefeibut Who is improving. fH pl LINOLEUM and CONG0LEUM RUGS We are showing all the New "PatternsIn Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs i also new patterns by the yard. Bripg in your room size and get our prices i A GOOD ALIBI Teacher (to boy idle during writ­ ing timer: "Henry, -why .are you not writing?” Henry: "I ain’t got no pen.” Teacher: "Where’s your gram­ mar?” Henry: "She’s dead.” SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION "Sambo, you sure are a good work­ er. Sometimes I wonder how you get?so much accomplished in a day.” "Well, you see, boss,” responded the chocolate worker, "I sticks de match ob enthusiasm to de fuse of energy, an’ 111 ■< The New Trench Coats . ARE VERY POPULAR All sizes at $9.50, $12.50, $1 THE-jlETTEl 0, $18.00 just $15.00 $2a.oo*«* you tell a woman NEW £-riECE, Z you one a IN ALL w PHONE 81w naturally explodes. —Exchange *** tell a man anything ear and out of the COATS ARE SILl^LINED Spring ES AND DESIGNS Tatler GENER ALL THEtATEST/QUiPMENT Life, SUMMtR U IN COL OSWALD GINN, Inspector Goderich, Ontario FUNERAL SERVICE ERWEAR 7' DTS; ALSO COMBINATIONS ECK.W 18.0 She—"if it goes in other.” He—"And if anything it goes in <at both ears and o.ut of her mouth.” and stalks toughed under or picked^ up xabd burned before the 20th must either b weedf Coats * AT THE LOWEST S AM A N-/ ■ EXETER,. ONT, Ernest C rvey CD BROKER GUcimntoedL . PHONE,USINESS 20w< HOUSE 20j. ' EXETER, ONT. Exeter, Janies Street MOTHERS’ DAY Flower day Let u§ send your mother a bouquet^ nothing will please her better; or if she is deceas­ ed wo will send them to the church or cemetery, to her memory, Send ns any amount J; 2, $3- or $5 arid we will do the fest. Get youi* oijder. iri ^eajny. Wf expect to liriyo— Roses Carnatioi ihtlips Sweet PcLs, 5NNESSEY Ontario , Telephone 145 INNEY MERS e of Canada Automobile, Etc. Organis . James Piano Vo Supervisor of Studio, Main w W R; GOULD 0.* G ""I oirrriasteir- d Church ? on fix Organ tlienrf sic m Schools. « Box 57, Phone 19B TER, ONT, PO VARIETY STORE Phono 55—-122 ’S The new store Furnitur^and Undertaking IlONORrGRA • EXAMIN Night B. R. ATJ3 OF ONTARIO TION BOARD d stfttdny Cails re No. $ 9 ftYDR Wiring rini workmanship Repairing st rally.' .test! free. *> -* . - ■] ELECTRIC- insta guaranteed at ^(BTisonablo prices, rid motors a spec- ri. gladly friimlsherd modern Equipment klNDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE V Eb ERX* DAVlS inake) It edge Guaranteed SAFETYRAZOR SHARP! SINGLE ED DOUBLE E | i*crt I S* COLE, DRUGGIST ’Mr- ELLIOTT’S CORNER (feoCERY Jirtt North’ of ifetrdpolitan S f to, * t t 25 f<Service o h Efih seiL idtrontige. , you svaht hi (5B, faiicy cakes, candles, coal Oil and tliiegah You liriod We iiee. We have anyth the line ot grocerlii