The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-25, Page 1'ON ‘UVSA IIAAIA-AJkiK'^ESTABLISHED 1873 ■any optometrist;Phone 75w 12- WEDNE Ministrels Sketches Between Acts liiS‘ Bache-flW.j UCV. QUllL/l, JLcLDUr $ / --------- ~ •Sft; Thos. Flynn, labor $4.50;’ Tlios.’f 3r of. Arts.degree at the comng con- aii 1 SPECIAL I SUNKIST SEEDLESS WINDOW pejrdozen on change from year to PP of An enjoyable evening day, place; footsteps, .1 lb. paste 2; lb. paste 4 lb. paste O’CEDAR; O’CE HELD UNDER THE AUSPICE# OIi» EXETER O.B.A. BASEBALL CLUB vocation; and will next fall proceed Xq Chicago, there to^takefadvantagc- of the scholarship which he has won. one of the to attend Jrughs of a Fldl America 3i)VS Jit ., Passmore, who has winter with hot dau- with, all the re play thaC ] [bounxL4Q^J HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OFT EXETER O.B.A. BASEBALL CWH testing is prices mo final year. He has ‘intimated acceptance of the call. /2)ome theatre A Real Good Time is Promised with Popular, Old Time and Novelty Dances and. FRED J z * POLA NEG PRESBYTERY SUSTAINS CALL The Presbytery of Huron met If you missed a Don’t hear this High Class Orchestra. Come out and lend your support to the Baseball Boys who are en­ deavoring to introduce a better brand of ball in town. emory o passed IN MEMORIAM FAHRNER—In loving Christena away twp Do net ask of maid. Mr. Alex Elliott played the part of Mrs, Racket’s father and Mr. Ted Moyle as mes- IAY, APR. 26 missed the last dance yon treat. miss this opportunity to FRIDAY AND SATURDAY April 26 th and 27tli CONGRESS,. HERE WE COME Now you can enjoy a whole cveling. of fun with the w WORLD’S GREATEST HUMORIST The lariat-throwing, (Tonblc-hfiu-eledt I Fun Man dr WILL ROGERS Y.JND SATURDAY and 4<J1 * v and EMIL JENNING# PASSION” •WAX If Pint liquid, ............60c. pint liquid .........95c. quart liquid ...... .$1.50 < rSETS DISHES TER PAILS PUDDIN »10 qt. IN NBMORIAM . , . Mrs. Ada passedj^away April EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 25th, 1929 The finest collection of Spring Coats we have ever shown is here await-* ing your inspection. We have coats for every type of figure and have a particularly fine range of extra large sizes, A large range to select from at very reasonable prices, A few coats carried over from other seasons as low as $5,00 each. LADIES’ SUITS—Only a few left in good quality serges to clear at $3.95 each. .• A BARGAIN IN BED SPREADS 2 dozen silk rayon bed spreads, colors rose, blue, green and gold, size! 72 inches by 90 inches. A real bargain this month at $3.95 each. . TURKISH TOWELS ON SALE We bought large quantities of very fine Turkish Towels direct from the manufacturers at a great saving in price. We offer them to you this month at 39c., 49c., 59c. and 89c. each. - These are real bargains. Fashion - Craft Made-to-Measure A Representative of Fashion- Craft Clothing Co. will h^'at this store taking meastyesfor RIL 30th antrfhe last word in lGqIoiv Styde and cHeethe Fashion- h on April 30th. ■ Phone 32 AGENTS FOR STAUNTON’S SEMI-TRIMMED WALL PAPERS Special Sale of GRANITEWARE WINDOW DISH PANS DOUBLE BOILERS PRESERVING KETTLES AUTO D SAUCE P GENUINE KOZA $9.85 25c. and 50c. size $1.25 to $2.00 CLIMAX WALL PAPER CLEANER WASH, $1.50 Galv. Water Holds 3J bbls., 2» ft. Heep. SPECIAL PRICE 20c. per tin SPECIAL PRICE ON GALVANIZED HOG TROUGHS TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD PHoNE^tOUR HARDWARE NECESSITIES TO NO. BlftTHS .BRAY—In Usborne om$uiidays April 21st, to Mr. and Mrs, tfohn Bray, a daughter, ; , WEBBER—in Exeter on Tuesday, April 23rd,, to ME and Mrsh Roy Webber, twins, a son and daugh­ ter. Tho funeral of, the lata Ellen Waistile >yas held ■ recently to the Ebenezer eemeWh. 4th com of Mc- ^Ginivrary, She W 78 years of ago, / I EXETER COUNCIL Monday, April 22, 1929 1 The regular council meeting was held in the Town Hall. Absent Councillor Christie through illness. The minutes of tlie meeting held on April the 12 th were read and ap­ proved. Circulars and circular letters were laid on the table. A letter was received from Mr, John Bell asking that Hill Street east of Andrew Street be graded and gravelled. Filed. A letter was received from the De­ partment of Health regarding report. . Clerk to make answer. Lettei; from the Department of Agriculture, re inspector for the weed control. Filed. • Engineer George Hemmerick, of ; Toronto, gave quotations- on calcium. : chloride of $27.50 per ton delivered ■ at Exeter, car lots. Messrs. Pryde and Huston, repre­ senting the Library Board, address- -ed the council regarding the care of Library building, the grounds, the heating, etc. The care of the same was placed in the hands of the Lib­ rary Board with power, ’Mrs, Wm. Smith and Mrs. John Tlydd waited on the council asking 'for an electric light to be placed on Elizabeth Street south of Market &t. Council will consider. ' Mr. Middleton through Councillor Francis asked permission to erect an electric sign in front of- his business jstnad. Granted. The request of Mr. A1cxk Neeb, Heeve of Stephen, for terms i-egard- Jng the use of Town Hall for an ag­ ricultural class during, the coming Winter season. Terms: Cost of fuel, light and janitoi’ was agreed to. ■i The following accounts were read Cand ordered filed: W. S. Howey, sup­ plies fire dept., $8,19; Chamber ■Bros., bell ringing for March $8.00; Bremen fire hall $16.00; Wm. Col­ lingwood, fireman library $10.00; Win. Johns, team labor $25.85; Rod ■Ellis, team labor $12.10; Sidney Sanders, labor $14.70; Lloyd Fraser .Iahor $7.5,0; Geo. Smith, labor $7.-1. Houlden, labor $2.^0; P. Coleman t. JBarkner,. labor 50c;* <H ,G»„ Stanbhry, grant Horticultural Society $75.00. Cemetery Accounts 'Wm. jSmith,^lahor $13.50. Passed fon. motion of^Bierling and Rivers. Adjournment by Rivers. J. Senior, Clerk WIL IN MEMORLIM CUNNINGHAM-—in memory of Mrs. Frank CunuiflghS.m U Mrs. Thos. ' CuhnlnghtStt Who , the great jbeym ’S GROCERY PHONE 56 BISSETT—In memory o_ Bissett, who 23rd, The worl year, And fri But never lyiyfthe one -we loved, From m ry pass away* Husband and Family 26. may There is slich a Oft wd think Or even s She has gon Safe from h s if we Fabrner, years aso cant r her smiling face jrighter regions y grief and care, tod and thought it INJURED IN FALL Mrs. Av. H. Dearing is confined to her bed the result of a fall. Mrs. Dearing was going out the back dobr of their home onto a porch when she missed the step and fell. Her knee is badly swollen, so much so that it is impossible to tell whether bones have been broken or not. BODY OF WINGHAM BOY IS RECOVERED The body of Jack Burgman, year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Burgman, of Wingham, who was drowned in the Maitland River on Saturday, April 6th, was recovered Tuesday about 6:45 in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Burgman are friends of the Rowe family in town and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. T, Rowe and Miss Mildred, Mrs. Hoskins and Mrs. AV. Snell motored to Wingham to visit with them. At the time of the drowning Jack was out in a boat with three companions when the boat capsized and. after unsuc­ cessful efforts at rescue the lad was drowned. After two weeks of re­ lentless search the body was discov­ ered about 100 yards from where the boat upset. LAIRD JOYNT, HENSALL, GRADUATE OF EXETER H. S. WINS SCHOLARSHIP Robert Laird Joynt, of Hensall, youthful student at the University of Western .Ontario, and a graduate of the Exeter High School, has been awarded a scholarship in business ad­ ministration by the University of Chicago. The scholarship Is valued at about $1,000. Mr. Joynt will graduate from the London Universi­ ty this year with honors. Entering the university 5 years ago, when ho was but fifteen years old, he has had a remarkable scholastic career there in the business administration course, being near the top of liis class each term. He was youngest students ever Western University. Mr. Joynt will receive TRIVTTT PLAYERS present fine plax The play entitled “Capt. Racket” put on in the Exeter Opera House on, Wednesday and Thursday evenings jf last week by the young people of "Trivitt Memorial church under the direction of Mrs. N. J. Dore drew large audiences. The play is ex­ ceedingly funny and kept the au­ dience in rounds of laughter through­ out the entire performance. The Trivitt players have a splendid repu­ tation for’ putting on good plays and in this case the players, all took their parts exceedingly well. Capt. Rac­ ket and his. handsome wife were guests at the home of the former’s’ bosom friend, Timothy Tolman, a hen-pecked husband who had mar­ ried for money. Timothy is accused of making love to Mrs. Racket and of taking her out to a cabaret. Com­ plication® further arise when Cap­ tain Racket’s wealthy uncle Obadiah Dawson, of Japan, arrives to find that his nephew had married the girl he himself was in love wth. The part of Capt, Racket was ably taken by Wm. Davis, while Miss Catherine Wood, as his wife, filled her role in splendid style. Mrs. Dore, as Mrs. Tolman, played her part exception­ ally well and Mr. S. Neale as her hus­ band, was also fine. 'Mr. Jas. Morley, as Obadiah Dawson, convulsed the lioufce with laug-litex* the moment he arrives1 upon the scene. Miss Carrie Davis very, capably performed the duties We Can Help You to See Better Our method of complete and opr Office hours 9/30 1:30 to 5 p.ni Evenin/ by intment IT’S COMING TO TOWN! That Sparkling Three-Act ComecTy “Step on it Stan’* Presented by the Sainsbury Com­ munity Club ini the" Jr Exeter Ouera House^ If AY 1 Adults 50c. Children 25c. PLAN AT COLE’S DRUGSTORE at; Clinton on Monday to receive the call of Caven Presbyterian church to iMIr. J. Bernard Rhodes, M.A., of Toronto. A delegation from the lo- . cal congregation attended the ineet-j ing and .urged that the vacancy be j terminated at the earliest date pos­ sible. It was pointed out that the call had been signed by all but nine members on the roll of Caven church and these nine were now residing elsewhere so that the invitation to Mr. Rhodes was unanimous. In ad­ dition some forty adherents had al­ so signed. Presbytery thereupon sus­ tained the call and fixed on Thurs­ day, May 9th at 7:-30 for both. The ordination of Mr, Bernard Rhodes in­ to the Ministry and also for -his in­ duction into the charge of Caven Church. As this is the first ordina-' ation ever held in this church the. congregation is planning to make it’ a memorable event. Mr, Rhodes graduated from Knox College last Tuesday winning a scholarship in his final year. He has ‘intimated his COMING ! — MAY 10th and lltht ‘The Trail of ’98’ The picture smash, that swept: Broadway off it’s .feet. See the gi­ gantic snow-slide; that Chilkoot Pass The White Horse Rapids;.The Burn­ ing® of Dawson City from the story by ROBERT W. SERVICE. ONCE AGAIN! Steeper’s Serenades Popular Six-Piero Orchestra, of WWghaiu. Will Provide the Music for Another LOCAL NEWS Mrs. W. T. Goodison, of Sarnia, spent several days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman. The two ladies are sisters. Mrs. Goodison re­ turned to her home Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Steiner have returned from Brockport, N.' Y., after attend­ ing the funeral q£ Mrs. Steiner’s sister, Miss Lucy Wallace who died while on a visit to her sister’s here. At the Division Court in Exeter on Wednesday of last week Mr. R. N. Creech, Division Court Clerk was on duty again after being confined to his 'home for some time through ill­ ness. Several members of the Masonic Order were in Lucan Tuesday even­ ing the occasion being the official visit of the D.D.G.M., Bro. E, White, of St. Marys, was spent. Mrs, W» II. • been living all 'ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Wm. Ryckman, has returned to her homo Opposite Main. St* United church for the summer. . Mr. and Mrs. Win. L. Butler and Mr. attdtMrs. John Francis, motored up from London on Tuesday, the former visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins and the lattei* with Mr. add Mrs. Wesley Johns. Mr. S. Martin wasjtgain taken ill: with oii0 of his old^mlis on Satur­ day evening last. He is confined to is homo but is improving, His • rothcr, Mr. Steph® Martin, of Lon- > •’*» recently suffered a paralytic •troko. senger. At the- close'of the Thursday ev­ ening performance Mrs. Dore was presented with a "bouquet of roses, the presentation being made -by’MiSs Florence West, while wends of ap- PUciation were expressed by the Vector, Rev. W. Jones. After the concert the members of the play to­ gether with the ushers and others frere entertained to luncheon at the parish liall. ■Splendid’ music between the acts Was furnished by Messrs., Geo. Grant H. Creech? M- Howey and Rag. Beav­ ers. ' •. Admission Gents 95c. plus tax LADIES PLEASE PROVIDE LUNCH Mrs, Hothani, wife of Dr. Arthur I-Iotham, of Battleford, Sask., died sunddeniy on April 7th at the age of? 61 years. The deceased was a na­ tive of Staffa her maiden name be­ ing Eupheinia Hamiltom Dr. Hot- ham was also born at staffa and for a number of years practised modieiim at Strassburg, Sask. The FamUy ce j’oar’. comfort still, God loved best. To take ve passed to le we feet no ill,lit death’s jJkr]If ChVisi^sjffm beside us, His holy n , His erosFbefor^ to guide u&. her home with Him to Miss M/A. Exeter after with relatives Tom has returned spending the wlntei; in the United States, IN MEMpRUM In Lov^s Memory of Albert. Etherington At the council meeting Monday ev­ ening there was a discussion on the question of permanent roads for The side streets of F*'**®. It was felt that the citizens were not con­ versant with the pre^nt cost of up­ keeps and just what permanent roads would mehn to the town. It ■is proposed to secure more definite information in reference to the com­ parative costs. Wlillo walking tiirottgli this vale of' ' - life There are five things of vMdch you should take- care. Of whom you speak, To whom you speak, ’■ And how, and wlien and whoro* j