HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-18, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 1'Hl'BSDAY, 41*1111 18<h, 1029 192$ Ford Tudor ...... 1937 Whippet Fordoor 12,000 miles ........... Chevrolet Coupe Star Coupe Ford Tudor Studebaker ehoid starte .........$600.00 onlyJF 1925 1933 1925 1921 Your to r$05(w $273.00 $150.00 $325.00 .$150.00 | of 5 p an<J foo.ooj ?rd tourings with fnew licenses o $75.00 ’rucks Itord 105 Ford lod cal R-. Ijj Jr,........................$800.00 f. ................... $175.00 have 1929 licenses Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30 Vats 55e. ■ - Barley G5c. Manitoba Flour $3. Blend Flour $3.75 Pastry Flour §3.65 Feed Flour $2.15 Bran $1.85 Shoi'ts $1.85 Creamery Butter 48c. Dairy Butter 41-44c. Eggs Egge, Eggs, Ilogs $11.75 «f.r 24c. pullets 21c. seconds 18c. . R Ford Dealer, Phone 64, Exeter NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Owing to dogs havin worried both d/clts intend shootini ci’ around baynaf —LOUIS DA 8 killed and ickens, I Bogs found in poultry ’hoiipes. . If. I .11 ■ —■ II I -I I! , .1 l l^i^—.. I, |, ....... | HI .-I ! H. HUj _j locals J Have you tried. tly^Texa Sweet Grapefruit? ‘feat Jimhout sugar.” The season is/nejwny over for these, buy now at /^RVEY’S GROCERY. ITO GRASS FARM FOR RENT—^Miot rented vjil Like cattl^to gftrture by the season Exeter, Apply/o $Jfo"s. Laing, 4-11-tfn. -----yg.Mr*'-------- - SALeXso^1 with 10 York Apply J.|hf« B- Hyde, Lot 8, StanleyTphone 11-86, Hen-. 4-/,’.,-ltp. SALE~Movine^ict«are ma-FOR asr- .chine for sale. 4p^f at T.imes-Ad- yocate, tjir 4-18-tfc ■ FOR SALE-yl^niall pigs ready to” wean; also'ii baj^ity of pure al­ falfa hay. ApplF'l. B. Rowcliffe, ph-one 851*17. > f Itp. PIGS FCk^&AL: cheap for qiiickfe^y^ len True-Inner, 4|'i---- wdod. Phone *3'i| r -21. _____ •’"■—20- chunks, Apply to Oh- Dash- . -ltc. miles w«st of FOR with all ply to‘C houseSALE—A lWbrick modern! improvements. Ap- B. Suew^”- 4-4-tfc. FOR horn bull, 14. mo. Tiines-Advocate$F SALE—Rj^fftered ■ Short-. !s old. Apply to ■ * 4-ll-2tc 6oq’d STORE.'TO^jR: opening Tor butcAr^Tba at Times-Advocaw^ * VENT—Good barber. Apply 4-ll-3tc. FOR SALE-.-r-^^rax^erry plants, Glen Mary'ahW>e\iato/ Dunlop; 75c, per 100 ; if defiveifgtFb: 100* extra. if deHvejfeWHjy mail 5c. per i. Nathah Doupe, Kirktpn.. f 4-11-tfc. FOR - SALE- ranging from 1490 five to eight .old trade. Frank ’jSaylor* Sevj^teen -horses, 160°. ‘ ’ SelF >br 4-4-tfc. FOR SALE-^OS^dyd. Coupe, al­ so fbur in good rich, R. whe^fed| cat® ‘’trailer both y John Deit- slp^pe, R. N o. 2JCDashw o o d. 4-4-2tp. for $2.00 per b^fsh^l Falls, phone 23' SALJ^-Se d peas. Price Apply to S. Mc- Exeter. 4-4-2tp. FOR SALE—ljk storey brick veneer house, seven, rooms, kitchen, woodshed, pantry# good cellar, Lai water furnace, hajrd^and soft water, stable and garage; good garden. Apply to E. A. Follick, Exeter. 2tp FOR SALE-—Small field peas, the- prize winners’^t Hirns all 'seed show, at $2.00 per 'feufhel. White sweet clover, fij^st pnfe winner, at $3.50 per busher^Recdiatly sold a quant­ ity to O.jj^/kC. at’’ Guelph, Ont.— James BroaoEoot,, phone >5 on 73 Hensall. u 4-18-tfc. FOR SALE—Cream separator, 3- burner coal oil| stojar with oven, brass bed, bed a/djffesser, 4 parlor chairs, rocker, /Jmtnges, Apply at Times- Advocate.^ 4-4-2tc. FOR SALE—i^.bout 300 bushel of ' ' O- These oats are- Ond seed secured , Apply to Jos. , 3, Kippen, Hensall k ,(/.’t-4-2t. ......’.iJ^ If you wish to bujf; seJFor rent a farm see R, E. Pickard;' Exeter. SALE—A ■VyMyird’ Battery, used. Apply^ w. J. Beer. t'Z 3-28-tfn. Empire seed oate. one year grmv from Roches^f Dayman, Rfrj central phone. FOR slightly FOR chant stand. Apply mann, SALE OR ^tENT-rA- mer- tailor business. >^Spiendid Possession at onco> to undersigned,—J. H. Holtz- Crediton. . 4-18-tfc. PASTURE FAJ^ff RENT—Or ca^F for pasture Jot 125 acres, ^pai'f . Huy township. C parcels IfFdusired able for cattle, as is ailing, Hy. True r SALE OR taken Consist's Ot 9, con, purchased rice very reason- rbprietor’s health nor, Zurich, Ont, 4-18-3tp» will ason be ni of 6/ ill » 1 .... .. NOTICE—-All acebuitts are now due and may be settled at t>ur home on William St. Nvcrouhts not settled by May 1st will Typ. placed for col­ lection Ford. with costs added.—0. W» 4-18-2tc, * Will driving sedan . ‘'•HAPPY” WELLS. TANt SKHVI meet ail traf at Moderate CliT*. FhOtiO' o cduhtry . Heated and 180. 3-7-tfc. The Ladies’ Aid^ will hold ,a^ale ing at 3 o’do April 20th j Gaven church, ^home-made cook- aturday afternoon, he Town Hall, vis- last he ill- to af- Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers spent Fri­ day last in London. Mr. I. R. Carling was in Ottawa during tho week on business. Mr. Thos. Harton, of London, ited in town for a few days week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLean, of St. Thomas, called on friends in town on Saturday. Mr. Geo. Geddes, of London, spent the week-end with hig son ’William at Sexsmi th. Mr. Kenneth Hockey is carrying his- arm in a sling having sprained it while wrestling. Mrs. E. Rennie, of Hensall, was a visitor with 'her friend MVs. B. W. F. Beavers during the week. The many friends of Mr. Hector Taylor will regret to know that is -confined to his bed through liess. Mr. W. J. Northcott returned his home at Sexsmith on Tuesday ter a pleasant visit with friends at London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell and son, Orv’al, of Benfield, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jos.' Follicle and daughter, -Pauline, of Rockwood, motored up and spent Sunday with relatives in town. Mrs. T. Rumford, wlio hag been ill, is, we are pleased to know, im­ proving. Miss Gallan, R.N., of Lon­ don, is in attendance with her. Rev. Roy M. Geiger, B.A., pastor of-iSt. John’s United church, Ches- ley, has accepted a call to a pastor­ ate in the United church at Preston. Mrs. Samuel Chambers, and son Merton, who have been visiting in McGillivray, returned home Tuesday. Miss Mary McGuire accompanied them to Exeter. C. L. Wilson has been featuring oranges at 25c. a dozen and has had a great run. On Tuesday he-- placed another lot of almost 4,000 oranges in the window. In the birth announcement of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons i last week an error occurred in the ! name. It should have read Donald Franklin instead of David. kMrs. H. K. Hyndman was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, and on ■ Thursday last underwent an operas tion for appendicitis. 'She is mak­ ing satisfactory progress. Mr. Chas. Godbolt has purchased the Belgian draft ihorse “Sultan’’ formerly owned by &Ir. George Cow­ ard. The horse will be travelled this year in the Seaforth-district. Mr. Frank Weekes, of Brandon, Man., who was Visiting with his uncle, Mr. Jas. Weekes, was called to his home last week. He left here to spend a. day in Guelph before leav­ ing for Brandon. ’ Miss Celia Chrisie was taken to^ St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Mon­ day ’evening where she underwent an operation for appendicitis., Sho is getting along as well as can be ^expected. Mr, Garnet McFalls, who was in­ jured in an auto accident on Wed­ nesday of last week and who has been in Victoria Hospital suffering from scalp wounds* was able to re-, turn to his home on Tuesday. Mr. R. E. Pickard last week sold the hundred acre farm on the fourth concession of Blanshatd Townsihip, belonging to Mi*. Frank Bragg, to Mr. william Pringle, of Ranndch* the purchase price beiiig . $7500. Mr. Pringle takes possession at once, w Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Keddy and daughter, Lois* pf Detroit, motored over add spent the week-end here. They brought with them Miss Nettie Neddy, who had beeft visiting for two weeks in Detroit add Fenton, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, p,, Coakley, 782 Richmond street, London, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen, to Mr. William J, Brown, Son of Mrs. Margaret and the lato J. 0. Brown, themiarriftge to take place early in May. Mrs, Wm. Beavers wilt csiebfato her 8oth birthday on April 19th (Fri­ day) of this week, and Is in fair health. She is gtlll on the farm near Bt, Marys> where she eamo as a bride, 65 years ago, Mr. Beavers, of (own, is her son I s?, b. w. F. youngest w>w- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a.m.—Sunday School. . Services as usual at II a.m. and ' p.m? condiicted’by REV, 1), A. MeEHAN, B. D„ of Toronto 7 JAMES ST. UNITED” CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and ChoijvLeader 11 a.m.- Body. Paul’; p.m- p.m.- Sons” or 3 7 * 4 & —“The Church which is His ’ Hejjr this . message ' op teaching on tho Church, Sunday School -“The Parables of tho Two The Test of Deeds.” MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH . , OF CANADA Rev. O. J. -Moorhonse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston . a.m.-^-Tbo Value pf Church Mem­ bership. ' p.m.—We will -be at home to all our members and visitors. p.m.—Christs’ claim to our wor­ ship. 7:30 Thursday evening, our week­ ly prayer’service. Thursday afternoon the .Women’s Association are giving a program and this will be followed by a social hour for all the ladies of the congregation. ii 3 7 SS3 TRIVITT . MEMORIAL * CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones; Rector 3rd Sunday After Plaster a. m,—Holy Co mm union8 ll^a-.m.—-Matins and sermon. 3 p.m.—Sunday School . 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon. Rev. T. W. Jones, Rector of Hensall, at the evening service. NOTICE Dr. Graham :ishes to. ai that owing to May • 1st, an April 15th tion a gen added. unce is feavin owing afteraecoui ■$! xeter on ill bg#<iven. to-a collec- costs of collection HOGARTH HATCHERY It is now time to tbe. thinking I about your brooders, gliicks etc. for this season. We arefnow running, opr machines and ca needs. Our carload feeders and all poult be here ip. a few days talk oveiS^vour nee You le an e als Rubber Stair Treads ' ' I gross of Rubber Stair Treads. These’ the popular size and come in a good quality, While they last each 15c. are A V .droom Curtains by the yard I Four new pieces in neat pattern Scrims jblendid net at- a popular price. per yard 25c. to detect from fooV'blinds- - 98c. 4 i Bt Iroom Paper in Room Lots ’Four neat patterns to choose from with en< igh paper* and border to do an ordinary roc a, Special at per lot 98c. We offer our Entire Stock of Room Rug prices. We are makinX an effort to clea prices on Tapestry, Brussels, Axminster RUGS ! sit less than to-days,wholesale out every rug in stock. Our ir Wiltons should interest you. Frilled Curtains for Bear ooms 5 dozen frilled .curtains for bej A neat curtain in cream net trimme old rose. Regular $1.00 rooms. Iwith-- Boy’s Hatchway Underwear^ Boys’ No-Button Hatchway Under­ wear. The kind the boys like. Cool and comfortable. X ; KIRSCH Curtain Rods Hn.single or double; also a special style bay windows. tie-25c.Double 50c. good jold Tack Underwear kill’s Athletic Underwear made of freight dimity, cdt full and roomy. nil sizes each $1.00 LINOLEUM and CON We are showing all the New Patterns in Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs also new patterns by the yard ^firing in*your room size and get our prices sri't..- «■ A:» ’ supply' you? f brooders* supplies wilt Come In and and aslcof 11 find them we give you? carry a stocfc| Mash, Royal ay Mash’, Bon^ ish Meal, Codj , Alfalfa LeaC our price very reason SERVICE, of Hogarth’s % Lay Purple and Mo Meal, Meat MeHl, Liver Oil, Cha Meal. if . . . ’ . .. .......1. Mrs. J. S. Grant is again confined to her home through illness. • Mr. John Campbell, of Sexsmith; spent Friday last in London. ’Mi*, and Mrs. Carmen Doupe visit-, ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraseft on Sunday. Mrs. Walter Cutbush ed home after visiting and Windsor. Mrs. McCreath and ’Lucknow, is visiting with Mr. and- Mrs. I. Armstrong. Miss Ross, of the Exeter Highr School staff, wall olf duty for sev£ eral days owing 'to illness. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mallett liav% returned 'home after spending the. winter with their son Fred in Lon-: don. i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Northcott andt daughter Mildred, of Sexsmith visit-* ed friends at London., one day lasti: week. Mrs. Newton Baker, who has been under the doctor’s ’care, is being! takeji to London to-day (Thursday)*, for consultation. i Mr. and Mrs. Chag”. 'VV- Ford were; in Toronto attending the Ford-Lang-- ley wedding Monday evening, MNs Ford acting as best man for his bro­ ther. Mr. Lloyd Parsons is again able* to be out ,after being laid up for a: week the result of being kicked in. the abdomen by a horse while in the' act of -clippingVit,. 1 Mr. E. S. iJydrmore, B. A„ of- Aylmer, the special speaker in Malm St. United church on Sunday, togetli-? with his parents and sister, Mr.j and Mrs. Jas. Livermore, and Mrs.? Clarence Green, of Clinton, wore tlin guests of house at the Main St. parsonage on Sunday. Mr. D. underwent a tion at St. Michael's 1’onto, roturnod home accompanied, by his sister, Mrs, K.< Fuke, who 'has been with ihini while ho has been in the hospital. Mr.j Stewart is improving splendidly and? is able to be around, * and. \Mrs, WeBingtoji Johns/ Who 'have spent the winter' in 7oron-<, to returned on Friday last. 7hoy| wotc brought, home by Mr. Frank- Johns accompanied by his wife an<V family wlio spent the W0ek“Gnd here, Mr. W, Johns continues in poor, health and was confined to Ms bed for a few days following Ms return, has .return­ in Chatham, family, v o$ Rev* 0. J- And Mvs. Mooro- 13,Stewart) rather who recently* serious opera-’ Hospital, ■ To-’ oh Friday last' * i ../j ur ■ Mrs. F, H. Sweet who underwent ..an aperation- for the removal of her tonsils at the Sarnia General Hos­ pital on Wednesday, April 10th, is progressing favorably. ' V”” - Mr. A. Wildfong has purchased a‘ new Chevrolet car from Mr. . jMilo Snell, of Exeter. His son, Frank, was in Oshawa last week, bringing the car home with him on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Saldwell and dau­ ghters V.elina and Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hill, in Toron­ to, over the week-end and attended the Ford-Langley wedding Monday evening. The Carnegie Library Board met Monday evening and made plans to fix up the . grounds, re-decorate and open the basement of the library to the pxiblic as a'-’reading room. The room has been . used for several years by the primary school child­ ren. ”The '■entertainment in James St. United church on Thursday ‘evening of last week put on by Mt. Frank Cook, of Ottawa, whose Indian name is Chief Dayoka, drew a fair crowd and was much enjoyed. The - en­ tertainment was under the auspices of the W.M.S. ‘ The first part of the program Was given in Indian cos- tume and Mr. Cooke proved himself a real entertainer. NOTICE! TO C N GROWERS (R/ Com Borers Act All /corn stubble ALD GINN, Inspector Goderich, Ontario d stalks ed under or rned before the day o Electric Wiri R LEO Exetcib Lames Street Work me and > Guaranteed SNNfesW Ontario Telephone 145 NED DESSAFETY RAZOR SHARP SINGLE E p^UBLE l'crf w* s. c- E ■ •4*1 ie if HQge Guaranteed LE, DRUGGIST a Ernest C GENERA^. IN xJ ALL THE LfeST UIPMENT arvey ANCE BROKEN resenting ; Mutu^j4.ife of Canada Life, Fire> Automobile, Etc. OfE AND /INNEY IfLMfcRS R. N T. EM' PHONE, BUSINESS 20w. HOUSE 20J. EXETER. ONT. ELLIOfTTS CORNER GROCERY JuihJNorth qf Pho •'* Yon heed .. We neei We have i _ the lines of groceries, Candida, coal oil and Service 'lags we sell, patronage. youf want fancy cakes, vinegar, in W Ro C. M OULD G A. Organist a James St, xnst Piano Vocal Supervisor of Music Im Schools Studio, Main St. Sox 57, Phone 1»> EXETER, ONT. ClWTirninflter Church In Organ Theory THE NEV STORE Wtiiitilre anf Undertaking HON GRADUAtE OF ONTARIO Plion N BOARD Sunday Cails NO. 99 MINATI E. R. H PER MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE