HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-18, Page 6THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1920 jwa EDITORIAL »;< way of tli The crimin­ society. Persons who are halted or whd| are asked Scott 78; Mary Ross MacPdierson Hackney 62; V. McNicol 52; AL X’ z n fan ■ THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE -n u. Lsraxww. thkir: prick. .oasses ar. nds 5/ SIMON DOW c McConnell ORS X T. ALLISON, WM. BROCK tralia, Agent tot Biddulph itinro, Agent to* on and Logan NBULL easurer , Ontario STANBURY OLIVER HARRIS ttlbbett, Fit W, A. Secretar Box 9$, E GLADMAN &______ tollcltori, Kxetor Beit for All Baking Sfnd 30c fo 700 Recipe Cook Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited. Toronto. Brantford Roofing Co., LknkeJ, Head CMfice and Factory, Brantford,/Nit. Branch t>«cr» and Wardiotaca •* Toronto, Wkkboe. WuMt^eg, MoMtmI.Halifax and Saint Jobii, N.A1 For Sate by ROSS-TAYLOR CO. Limited USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar* Ont. President Vice-Pres. FRA DIKE INCLAI ORRIS May Spring and Summer 1625 be the best ever. *»;>>:■> ysi* Those few liot, summery days proved to be genuine trouble breed­ ers, ✓ Now ♦ o » a full line of Whippet Commercial Cars and Wiilys-iCnishcTrucks ranging in price from $680 to $3460, f.o.b. factory, extra, taxes. MJ« sjs s> sjt >Ji ;X V s) »X “Clean Up” said. President Hoover, to the sons of the G.O.P. of the sunny South. ijc tji ❖ Wlmt are the marks of a “respect­ able” family? Drunkenness and rowdyism in a restaurant nt two- thirty n.m. Yet a contempory so describes youths who so acted, A latch key, a car and plenty of spend­ ing money make hazardous com- . binution. ntn-rr-’ffrro*'. | I wiii,iii|iMirijriniiiiiii«imiMWi«M**MMWi School Reports REPOlVl' OF S, S, NO. 5, HIBBERT The following is the result of the Easter examinations for S. S. No. 5, Hibbert, fiO. per - cent, is a pass. Those marke’4 with an asterisk were absent. Sr. JV—Roger. Christie 88; Marg­ aret Hamilton SI; Robert Hamilton 74; Gordon Scott 51; Jim Scott*. Jr. IV— Colin (McDougal 83; Mur­ ray Christie 76; Sarah Harburn 70;' Mary Dow 65; Alex McNicol 59; Alvin vin Scott*. Sr, ill—-ijeanette J, Hamilton 71; 69. Jr. Ill—Mary A. Hamilton 74; R. McNicol 72; Blanche Harrison 72; Carman,: MacPherson 67; Elmer Dow 64; Bob’ Gardiner 61; Willie Har- burn 60. II—Mervin-Dow 79. John A.^Gilfillan, teacher mu.......................... | uJlje uiittrff-Aiwurate > Established 1873 and 18S7 Published every Thursday morning,* at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION— ?2-00 per yeft£ Ig- advance. RATE'S-—Farm or Real Estate f$5‘ sale £0c. each insertion for first- foiu* insertions. 25c, each subse­ quent insertion. Miscellaneous tides. To Rent, Wanted, Lost, osj Found 10c. per line of six wordak Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and 8c. per line., Inf Memorjam, with extra verses 25c. each. 10m per line* 50c. Legal ad-’ one verse 50& i»h Member of The Canadian Weekly j Newspaper Association, Professional Cards SUPEBB BEAUTY I® • The greatest driving con­ venience since the self­ starter, A single btitton in the centre of the steer­ ing wheel controls all functions of starting the motor,operating thelights and sounding the horn. chain and full force- feed lubrication. They carry on Whip­ pet’s unsurpassed rep­ utation for operating economy and mini­ mum service costs. Be sure to see the new Whippet? at your first opportunity! WHIPPET FOUR to halt by officers of the crown should know that such a com­ mand means business. Our Cana­ dian law officers are for another purpose than that of running.down men whom they command to halt. Being^.a minor offender is no excuse for nimble-footedness, al is an offender against •I* ❖ The longer, larger bodies of the new Whippets, the low lines, distinctive colors, higher radia­ tors and hoods, heavier one-piece full­ crown fenders, are bringing to Four and light Six buyers an en­ tirely new conception of how beautiful an inexpensive car can be. Roomier interiors, broader seats, longer front and rear springs, snub­ bers and oversize balloon tires bring youtheridingcomfortofcostliercars. Mechanically too,the new Whippets are far advanced—faster, livelier, more powerful than ever. They are the lowest-priced cars to offer such important features as the new ‘'Finger-Tip Control”, silent timing COACH $725, Coupe $725, Coupe (with rumble seat) $765, Sedan. $810, Roadster $£60/Roadster (with rumble seat) $700, Touring $595, WHIPPET SIX COACH $930, Coupe (with rumble seat) '$970, Sedan. $995, Touring $795, Pe-Luxe Sport Roadster $1150-- All prices F.O.B, Factory, Toronto, Taxes Extra, Is it a ' policy l$r the govern­ ment of thjg countrjj^to bring Welsh {miners to anadaXo settle the new­ comers 11 fan ? Is there - any shortag of fapfn products? Are the fanner/, as tj^ngs now are, receiving anything time If th pros seer our The farmers who Lell of the fina-fi cial difficulties in the ..... „ .. farmer, have farmed all their livoSi and know the country. Flow then’ Can the stranger and the inexper­ ienced succeed where the native-born and the life-trained find it difficult to carry on? Why make the situa­ tion for the Canadian farmer more difficult than it already is? e paying returns for bor and money invested? fanners are anything like over us, then the reports from of agriculturists who enter offices are utterly unreliable. REPORT. S.. S. NO. IS, USBOHNE The following is the report of S. S. No. 12; Usboi-ne for the Easter ex­ aminations. - Jr. V—Ruth Morley 68. ’ 'l jr. iv—Mary Morley 72; WRlie Dobbs 48. ‘ . 1 Sr. HI—Gladys Squire*6.6; Lloyd Dobbs jJ3; • ■■•< .■ Jr. Ill—Dorothy Hazejwood 85; Eric Brown 67; (Mabel Elliott Q2; Ruth .Hodgson Sr. j],—-Margaret Hern 75; Russell Morley ‘W, Merle Siquire 72;* Velma Squire 70; Harry Dobbs 65;‘Granton Jones 5 6. - ' Promoted to^ Junior second—Jean Morley 8ti ;ii.Taylor Mossip 74; An­ drew Arjtsey 69; David Hodgson 60. Fp’sVClass—Joffreine Jones. Pi’ilner—Gerald Hern>' Betty Jones Bobby-Jones. . M. Sadler, teacher EXETER GLADMA BARRISTER Money tq Loa Safe-Dep\slt & STANBURYj g SOLICITORS, , Investments Made,;) surance ?ault for use' -of ollij j 'ithout charge ' ONDON .HENSALH L. B. DOYLE Exeter, Ont? Why not give the new-comers work where there is some chance of remunerative returns for their ors? Stubborn facts show that wSS governments have started inexper­ ienced men on the land that failure clogs the footsteps of the .whole trans­ action. Farming is a difficult and •precarious business, •• ’ Handsom­ est,’.‘most per- manentiBetal roof­ ing sold. Comes in big sheets. Forms tight-fitting, fire­ proof,low-costroof , for Barns, Sheds, Houses, Summer Cottages. Made to ‘Council Standard’ quality. Send ridge and rafter meas­ urements and find out about our SPECIALSPRING OFFER; Free cost estimate gladly given. trouble and expense in months to come. Your home will be secure from, Weather’s rripst devastating assaults. And you will), have a roof that is fire­ safe, colourfully picturesque and un­ needful of repairs for a long period of years. , j V ' Brantford" Asphalt Slates can be* obtained in many pleasing colours or combination of colours. Ask the Brant­ ford Roofing dealer to inspect your roof and submit estimates of cost. Also' write for free booklet “Beauty With Fire Protection”—a comprehensive treatise on the proper type, finish, de­ sign and colour for your roof. CARLil BARRISTE LO G & MORLEY S, SOLICITORS, INVESTMENTS, [SURANCE . , g Block, Main Streep EXETER, ONT. ' r Ac, J Office: Carl DR. M PHYS C. G. FLETCHER f IAN A SURGEON f Faculty of Mediclne?< Western Ontario,~ Meai’-i liege of Physicians and, ntario; Member of th,e£ ’■'*'•******— • >*l (The office of the lat| Gra Universit^ko her of the Surgeons of British Medical Council. Phone.6 • Dr, I-I. K, Hyndman) ” ' Dr. G. S. Afcinson, L.D.S.,D.D,S4Xi DEN Late District Dlstrl^it Nun AL SURGEON ^*1 >ental Officer of Militias >ei’’'Ope. Loiiclon,. Ont, Telephones *. - U , House 34|Office 3-H Office opei&jFed.nesday afternoon^/ untiMlay 1st, 1929’ MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT1 Dr. G. F. Rgulston, L.D.S.,D.D^ ENT1ST yverlCarling & Morley & " Office ‘ ider Oxygen Gas J ONT. ' PRESTON, ONT. Montreal Tojonto » SAVE M |NEY! By BUYING SHIN Iles now 2x4 Pine Scant!mg for Colony Hen ho!Ises or otherbuildings at $3S.d 0 pei* M. FERTILISER at]lowest prices. a. j. cdu [■WORTHY PhomSil2 GR|NTON, ONTARIO “Ice 1 Cup sugar; Flour; spoons flavoring raisins ch OX -ookies” - tier; 2 cups 2 cups Purity .eggs; 2 tea- king powder* 1 cup nuts and ped (optional) ake the dough in oil and keep it overnight in the ice box or a ■cool place. Slice thinly ■ and bake in a JOIIN ESSE Usbcr ANGU robt: Extractions DR. L. Offic WM. D. S. . LAWSON D. D. S. Office in Main St., Exeter; / 1 Old C^i^ncrcial Bnildin^ Rhone 77w/ DR. E. VETERIN STEINER y IY SURGEON Graduate of the^Ontario Veterinary «G • .’l- J NIGHT, s ” ATTENDED TCj „ ------ incl Ann Streets. (Office in C. D. Snell’s Block EXETER, ONT. xa * 11 ■ OSTEOPATHY, J PY & ULTRA* | ATMENTS 70 C£LLS PROM>£ Corner Qf Mail JOH WARD CHIROPRACTI ELECTRO-THE VIOLE MAIN ST.,EXETEB ARTH WEBER LICENSED UCTIONEER W For Huron aid Middlesex FARM SA PRICES SATISFACTION Rhone 57-13 R. R. NO. It DASHWOOD w.S % SPECIALTY ONABLE ARANTEEQ’ | shwootli .iffy "T FRAN TAYLOR \licensed uctioneeb For Huron a^l Middlesex FARM S^TbiS SPECIALTY Prices Reasoiiabll^fccl Satisfaction ■1EXETER 1\ O. or RING 138 o AR KLOPP larf MCENS AVCIiONDBB Ho nor „.G radiate’ Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School, in Registered Li Mercliandis Sales, Etc, prevailing prices sured, write Oscar Klopp, ZuriclV or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. ecial course taken Stock (all breeds)) 1 Estate, Farm' in keeping with) Satisfaction as- 1874 192^, The London Life OD AS GOLD | CH • 14 T30w i 1 blocks poLicDsiT Exeter. Residence, Ann st,, t of Main St.