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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-18, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE OMNTON, ONTARIO DASHWOOD Dr. H. H, Cowen^L.D.S DENIAL SURGED ELIM VILLE gbctycujl ot ©rmtmcxu'c OFFERS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAININ that has made it possible for our scorces hold positions demanding a high standard THERE IS A POSITION WAITI Courses: Secretarial, Commercial, Stcno Civil Service, Commercial Teachers Courses arranged. Ypu cannot attend a better school. STUDENTS MAY ENTER Write to-day for informatio M. A- STONE, Com, Specialist, Yice-Prlncipal ...... .... .Z.......................-.....-....................... attend this? Y TIME al Office, hnd Special lione 198 WARD, B.A. Principal f students to obt of efficiency, G FQR Y’i aphic, Ge Course 3- DR, R. I, P. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Alaster of Science, of the University of Western Ontario. Membei’ of College of and Surgeons of Ontaiio. two doors east of Post Olfic HENSALL, ON'J. Phone 5G R< Physigfhxxs fl’ice 114 place on Wednesday aftefnoon, in terment to the Hensall Union ceme tery -with the Rev. Mr. Mclllroy hav ing charge of the service. Among those here for the funeral were Mr. Garnet and Mr. Allen Webber, of London; Mrs. Robt. Paterson, of Calgary and Miss Thelma Hudson, of London. HENSALL I Miss Florence Welsh, of London, spent the week-end at 'her home here. • Miss Thelma Hudson, of London,’ 5s spending a few days at her home here. Mrs. Leo Hedden, who has been away visiting friends' in Hamilton returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins spent the week-end visiting their daugh- teiy Mrs. Bert North, in Woodstock. • Miss Kate Bengough and Mr. J. ■Bengough, of Kippen, have rented one of Mr. Geiger’s houses and are coming to the village to live. •We invite anyone interested in sport in Hensall to make use of our Taper to express their views and' offer suggestions on the subject. Mr. Orville Cann, of Usborne, was down to Windsor foi* Mr. J. • Pass- more and brought home a new Ply mouth car. . -Miss Grace Wurm entertained a number of young friends on Tuesday evening, it being hex* birthday. A pleasant evening was spent in music and games. A light luncheon served by the young.hostess. Suffers Stroke Hensall Continuation School Report The following is the report of the Hensall C. S. for the winter term of Jan,—April 1929. Averages shown below were taken on all examina tions- (including composition), writ ten during said term, The bracket ed numbers denote ’ examinations tried. The asterisks denote absence from examinations. Form I Mabel Workman (13) 78.2. Marion McKay (13) 74. Maude AfcLeau (13) 73.9. Florence AIcDonald (13) 72.5. Irene Daters (13) 70.5, ■ Alice Higgins (12) 67. Grace Brock (12) 64. Gladys Passmore (13) 63.u. Howard Hemphill (12) '58.9. Grace-Dick (13) 5 8.6. ■ IJean McQueen (13) 56.7. Alavis Spencer (13) -53.8. Hene Hoggarth (13) 52.8. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 ■ 12 13 Hazel .Hudson fl3<) 50.9. Beryl Drummond (12) 50.6 * Clayton At office in Harfteib befc^, Dash wood, first three t week and at office over th ost Office, In Zurich, last three days of week. Airs. Wm. Held vsited with friends in Detroit last week. Rev. and. Mrs. John Oestricher, of South East Hope spent a few days with the former’s parents. .Mrs, Hedigaard and family are leaving this week for Ottawa where Al'r. I-Iedigaard tion. Mr. and Airs, gersoll, visited on Sunday. Misses Ruth Bossenberry, of end visitors with Aliss Alice Hoff- mon, On Sunday evening Miss Wal ters sang a very pleasing solo in the Evangelical church which was very much enjoyed by the congregation. Mr. L. Birk, of the O. A. C. Guelph is visiting his parents. Aliss Flossy Kleinsfiver and friend of Stratford, spent the liei' home here. Miss Clara Shantz, Bill Bergey and Mytra Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Airs. Hy, Hoffman. Air. and Mrs. Ezra Bender are moving to Blyth this week. Air. and Mrs. Earl Giienther and Air. and Mrs? Chas. Guenther motor ed to Mitchell on Sunday. Airs. J. Albrecht^of Zurich, spent Tuesday with Airs. W. Wolfe. Rev. F, B. A'leyer is attending con ference in Tavistock this week. A number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Airs. D. Haugh on Wednesday evening the occasion being a farewell party for Air. Hy. Ehlers who is leaving this commun ity shortly. The evening was spent in speeches and singing after which ‘Mr. E. Ehlers was presented with a cane. Lunch was then served the ladies and a very pleasant ening was enjoyed by all. has secured a posi Herman Eidt, of In- the latter’s parents Walters and Carrie Forest, were week- week-end at Paul Guse, Hoffman, of by ev- was 15 16 Horton (9) 42. CROMARTY IV.EITZMAN—AXacKELL A R On Tuesday afternoon while Gep. Hudson was attending to Mr. his duties at the school lie suffered a stroke. It was some time before he was found and he was given medical attention' and taken to hiis home, His many friends here will hope for a speedy recovery. JDcatli of Airs. John Carmichael There .passed away in Hensall •early Tuesday morning, Airs. John Carmichael in her 71st year. Airs. Carmichael has been confined to her house for nearly a year and has, suf fered several strokes. She was a daughter of the late Wm. Towers and born in Hibbert Township. Her husband, the late .John Carmichael predeceased her about twenty years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss one' daughter, Aliss Nellie Carmich ael, at home and one son iMr. John Carmichael, of Detroit. The funer al took place to the^Hensall Union cemetery on Thursday, April 18th at 2 o’clock p.m. Horticultural Society Concert The concert put on Tuesday even ing in the Town Hall in aid of the Horticultural Society was a splendid success. Mr. . Win. Hartly, of Sea forth, -was present and gave an ad dress on “Flower Culture” and also showed some interesting pictures. Aliss Mabel AVorkman gave her ad dress op-“The. Peoples of Canada.’’ She, handled her subject-very credit ably to herself and she/is certainly a credit to her teacher, lections was given by School orehestra and rOonx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Forrest (11) 81.8. Snxillie (12) 70.7. Joyce Scruton (12) 67.7. Mary Bell Carnje (10) 6!3. Marion Sinclair (11) 62.9. Reena Wilkinson” (10) 61.6. M’argaret McQue'en (12) #60.6. Robert Varley (11) 59.8. Eldred Smith-(11) 5 8.8. Lula Lindenfield (12) >56.3. ‘ -Jean Bell' (12) 55.4. Edera Monroe (12) -54.3. Agnes Wren (13) 53.9. Harold. Shepherd (10) 50(4. ’’Stewart Pepper (7) 68.1 Absent four examinations. Mildred Mildred Miss Bessie Johns has been visit* ing in Exeter for several days. Rev. White left on Monday fox’ Windsor and expects to return with Mrs. Tile past Mr. White and children on Friday, latter have been spending the three week’s with and Mrs, Jackson, Miss Pearl Bacon is Exeter at present. Mr. and Mrs. Will Elford and fam ily spent Sunday Wellburn. Miss Florence few days with Mr. and Mrs, Squire in Exeter last week. Mrs. Wes. Horne visited with her sister, Mrs. Alex. AlcFalls a> few days recently. A play will be given by the Com munity Club of Saintsbury in the church here on Friday, April ZGtli in the interests of the Baby Band of the W. M. s. This play has been well spoken of so come and enjoy the evening. The Community Club of Saints bury will present their play, ‘STEP ON IT, STAN’ in .Elimville church on Friday evening, april 26th at '8 p.m. Admission 35 and 25c, 4-18-2tc her parents, of Windsor, working in with relatives at Herdman spent a her grandparents, CREDITON 1 ■“.2 *3 4 5. 6 7 5 9 10 Form-III Olive Walker (11) 71.6^ Dorothy Thomson. (10) 70.8. Scott Welsh (9) 70.3. William Joynt (10) 68.9. Isabel Alexander (11) 66.3. •Beryl Pfaff (10) 64.4. ****Pearl Elder (6) 60.8. Lome Chapman (11) 58.9.. Mervyn Ryckman (10) 57.4. . ••Albert Passmore (5) -57.2. F. C. Cantelon, Prim Al. E. Stewart, Assist, KIRKTON CENTRALIA Mr, and Mrs. J. Worderi, of Wfte, Mrs. Jiennedy, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Blackwell, of London and. Miss Ada Mitchell, of the graduating staff of Victoria hospital, London, were guests with Afr. and Mrs. Nor man Mitchell, Centralia, on Sunday. ‘Mrs Joseph Norris, who spent the winter* months with her daughter, Mrs. N. M'itcheli, of Centralia, turned to her home in Staffa forepart of the week. Mr. Jas. Atkinson had the mil time to fall and dislocate his shoul der one day last week, which is painful, MT. Cecil Skinner has treated self to a Ford sedan. 1 l re- the ifor very him- (From another source) is much to he regretted that in week’s news items, an errono- impression was conveyed con- Sits Several se- the. High bile boys in Mr. ’Blowes’ room in pie public school gave several amusing selec tions. A silver collection was taken up in aid of the society/ ’Dr. Aloir acted as chairman. | * ’ Death of Ayillliin/pYcbbP1, . . ; Anothei’ of Hensall’sj oldest- resi dents passed away at the, home of his “daughter, All's. Jagues' Emmon§v of Calgary, Alta., on Thursday* Ev ening last in the perso,m*of'’tVilliam Webber, aged 83.years. Mr. Web ber was bom in Devonshire, Eng land and came to this country when a boy and for years worked on the -farm of Air* Samsori" Poplestone * in Biddulph. About i50 years ago he married Louise Bengough and they a anoved to Hensall and lived hei’e continually death about then lie has daughters, trips to visit his d:aughtei‘ in Cal gary and last summer went again. For the past year he has been iixj pooi* health, aiid gradual breaking up of a once strong constitution. He leaves to mourn his loss three daugh ters; Airs. Colin Htidsdri, I-Ieiisall; Strs^ James Emffibha arid Airs. Robt. Paterson, of Calgary and Alleii arid Garnet Webbey,- of .- Loridori. Mr? Webber- was A*LiberaIjdp*poiitics and a Presbytei’iari^In religion. The re* mains were brought here, from Cal* gary arriving here Tuesday evening, to the home of his daughter, Mrs. j fatlfer 'Collp Hudson; where the funeral took Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hazelwood, who has been spending the winter with their family in Detroit returned home on Thursday. Dr. G. Jose has purchased tlie farm of the late Stewart Campbell on the 8th of Blanshard. _ The play “Step on it Stan’’ given on-’ Friday night by the Saintsbury Community Club in aid of St. Paul’s Ladies’ Aid was one of the best en tertainments given here for some time. Each character was well taken and dispite the inclement weather the hull was well filled*. Tiie play “Capt.- Racket” will be. given in aid Of the Ladies Aid of the .United church Oil Wednesday ev ening, a good v The league.Xvas held on lhp,jUnited church. .-^reached a very instructive sermon to . the young people.’ The chOir rendered special music for the oc casion. Cromarty manse was the scene of a very pretty weding at noon on Sat urday, April 13tlx, when Mary, the youngest ’daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. (MacKellar, Cromarty, be came the bride of Carl J. Weitzman, only soix of M’r. and Mrs. J. Weitz man, of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Rev. J. Elder officiated. .The bride looked charming in a gowix of white georgette with all- over lace and silver trimmings and carried a shower bouquet of sweet heart roses and maiden hair fern. The bride’s attendants were Miss Marjorie Weitzman, sister of the groom, who 'wore a becoming frock, of rose beige georgette and carried a bouquet'of-Sunset roses, and Miss Lila McCulloch, maid-of-honor, who woi;e a silver grey celanese dress and carried a bouquet of Premier roses. The groom was supported by the bride’s brother, Daniel AlacKellar of Detroit. The groom’s gift to the bride was a rope of La Tusca pearls, to the bridesmaid and maid-of-honor saph ire pendants and an emerald tie pin to the groomsman. The bride pres ented her bridesmaid and maid-of- ixonor with French beaded bags. The bride’s travelling costume was a castor heap lace dress and a sun tan tricotine coat with a flowered hat to match.. The happy couple left oix the aft ernoon train for an extended honey moon to Florida and Cuba. On their return they will reside in Niagara Falls, N. Y. Miss D. M'allett and Mr. A, Hynd and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mallett, of London, spent Sunday at the Central Hotel. Mr, Kenneth Mallett has returned to London after spending a week at the Hotel. Mr. William McNeil has returned to Welland after spending several months at the Central Hotel. The Ladies, Aid of the United church held their regular monthly meeting in the Sunday school rooms on Thursday, April 11th. T-he Vice- President, Mrs. A, King, presided. A goodly number responded to the roll call, Numerous items of business were transacted, the most important relating to the strawberry social to be, given on Thursday, June 6. Mrs. C. Zwicker gave a very interesting and vivid talk on.her recent trip to Bermuda which was greatly en joyed and appreciated by all present 21 dainty lunch was served by the ’hostesses: Mrs. R. Hill, Mrs. F. W. Clark and Mrs. Dr. Orme. The Ladies’ Aid of Shipka will present their play “Strictly Business’ in tile United church here on Thurs., April 19 th. Mrs, I. .Hill very pleasantly enter tained the members of the Mission Circle at her home on Wednesday evening last. ' ’-Mr-, and’ Mrs. F. W. Clark visited friends in Stratford on> Sunday. Mrs. Robert Gower’s many friends will regret to learn that she is confined to hex* room and hope .her speedy recovery. GREENWAY still tor ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pollock, of Detroit, visited relatives here last week. Mr. W. Whitesides spent the week end with Exeter. ’.The Y. will hold home of Brophey large attendance of young people is requested. Mr. A. AL Wilson and daughter. Mae, visited Dr. and (Mrs. Weekes, of London, last Friday. Some of our young gentlemen a very successful fishing trip night recently. Mr. and Mrs. Prouty, oL' P. S. of the United Church its regular meeting at t-he Messrs Harold and Lloyd on Friday evening. A THAMES ROAD had one Road April 2 4 th. laugh./ - anniversary Come and enjoy service" of 'the Sunday night lit Rev. Mr. Bell 1 ZION until (Mrs. - Webber’s six years ago and since lived with his sens and He has made several Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gorvett, of Granton, spent (Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Batten. ■ Mr. an'd Mrs, H. Hern spent Sun day with Mr. Robt. Taylor of dranr ton. . home? Mr family Mr.: John T. Helm’s 4i ’ Dogs have -been worrying sheep belonging to tMr. Frank Cornish, kil ling some aiifl Votihding others, z Mrs. W. j. 'Brock is uiider the doctor’s •fcare.^. - ■ Mrs. ThoS/ Brock, who >was’ injur- 0d’JvJ,xen knocked down by an auto In Exeter- Satitwiay’JOVeiihig, Ik still suffering: froth " -krid^ i'S;, con* finetl to her'bed. ’' Airs, elsea, Ifatltek Mdrys. TIIVRSDAy, APBHi istb, mi* CELEBRATES WEDIHNQ ANNiyPlRSARY , On Wednesday evening, April tM 10 tlx the family of Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Green, of Exeter, met at their home us a pleasant surprise the occasion being the 40th anniversary of their wedding. They were made the re cipients of a handsome electric lamp and an address read by grandson, Ivan Stewax’t. The ing was spent socially and a lunch was seryed by the family, the table being decorated with a three- storey wedding cake and flowers, Before coming to Exetex' about five years ago Air. and (Mrs. Green lived on a farm between Exeter and Zur ich, occupied at present by AH’. Thos. Kyle. They have a family of four children, Robert, of Hensall; Airs. J. W. Stewart, of Farquhar; Airs, Ira Aloir and Aliss Addie Green, of town, Following was the address, Deai' Cfrandfathej" and Grandmother? We are gathered here tonight to join with ypxx in celebrating the 40th anniversary of your happy wedded life. , : We wish to express oux* apprecia tion pf your efforts on oux’ beliair. We remember how you worked to improve your farm; how you brought up and educated your family; hoW^ you ever Kept before you an idea*! of "loving .service, of faithfulness to duty, of answering loyalty io tW=r highest and best. We have tried-in, homes of our. own to live true to the example you set. We hope you may have many more happy years in our midst ^and that we will have many more opportuni ties to give expression to our af fection for you and appreciation of what you have done for us. We ask you to accept this floox;' lamp from <youv- loving children an&? grandchildren. > »»,. Signed on behalf of tlie family^ Ivan Stewart * floor their even- tasty It ’ last ; OUS ■ cerning the debate and social even- ■ ing held oix Wednesday evening, 1 April the 3rd, in the Sunday School room of Centralia United church. The event was arranged by' Wxe two ; organized classes, the Truth Seekers and the Willing Workers.’ A very enjoyable program was provided in cluding spirited numbers by the £•. S, orchestra and a very pleasing solo by Mrs, Penwarden. The chairman, Mr. Cecil Skinner was in a very gay mood and kept the xvell-filled room in laughter and good humor. The main feature of the evening was the debate between the two classes, “Re solved that there should be immi gration from Europe and the British Isles ‘into Canada.’’ The Truth Seekers, fox’ the negative, were re presented by Mr. True. Mills as an able leader, well assisted by Misses Beryl Hill and Elsie Reeder, while the Willing Workers, for the affirm ative, were represented by Mr. C. Mitchell, also a very abl^ leadei:, as sisted by the Misses Hazel Hay and Hazel Smith, The affirmative" side won by two points and great credit is due the judges for their Wise rul ing. The affirmative side may have xvon in oratory but the majority present felt the judges were greatly to be commended whpn they ad judged the two sides So evenly matched. The debate was very in structive and much appreciated. Lunch was served after the program and all reported a splendid evening. Mr, and Airs. Fred 'Huxtable turned from their honeymoon_ Saturday last and are now busily en gaged getting their residence shape preparatory., to moving, there in in the near future. ? , Mrs. Smale, of Highgate is visiting with, hey daughter Mrs. L. B,,’. Hodg son of the second concession of Ste phen. ■ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs were in London on Saturday last. Airs. Burgie, of Walkerville, is visiting at the heme of her mother Mrs. Connor. Mr. and Airs. Wesley Hodgiiist of London, visited at the home ofsAIr. and Airs. Thos. ’ Willis on Sunday last. r ' ’• Air. and Airs. Archie Robinson, of London, visited with Air. and Mrs.’ Alvin Essery over the weekend.' Mr. Hancock, who has been in the West for soxne time returned here one day last week and after visiting for several days with Messrs W. R. and Murray Elliott left on Tuesday for Montreal on business. We undstand that Mr. Chas.’ Afa- son has accepted a position with Air?" Sandy Elliot, Ford dealei’ at Exbter. Air. and Mrg? Ed. Wiliert, who were married recently have returned from their honeymoon and- will re side for the present with Mrs. Wil- lert’s parents Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Connor. , By request of several of the farm-1 ers of the surrounding district the1 chopping mill here will operate every clay until the 1st of June. Mrs. C. L. Troute left for lxer home in Sardinia, Ohio, on Friday of last week after spending several days visiting her daughter Airs. W. J. Smith. The play enitled 7fStep on" It Stan” has been put oix two -or three times recently with iffarked success. They intend giving it at Alooresville Hall .op ediTesdhjt. of this.\Veek- whexf no ’doubt a full house will greet "them. W: J>: Smith has purchased the 'property in the village, of Mrs. II. .p^jaAfinom noiV; occupied-by/MH a(tch Airs. Penwarden. He gets poses- sion on May the 10th. The regular monthly meeting of Centralia W.M.’S. was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday? April 9bh, -The meeting was opened With .use’ of a hymn followed with prayer hy Mrs. Irwin. Scripture les son 28th chapter of Matthew, was read by Airs. J. Neil. The Eastei* responsive reading was taken, With Airs, |A. Isaac as leader. Airs. R,. Smith, Miss J. Wilson, Miss HarVdy took part in a paper entitled “Daugh ters of Africa” after which hymn '384 was -sung. Mrss. A. Iskae read aiiotlxer, paper aftef -which aiibthei; hymn was sung. Mrs. A. JvfdFaB gave the talk from the Study Book and told us about “Rolling back the Map.” The minutes of ithe- meeting 'tfeto read and adopted. It was moved and carried that we ac cept our allocation for fitting a six bed hospital at ESriksdale, Alapit*, The question of a bazaar was again up for discussion. A vote was taken and It was found that the members present wove about, equally' divided for and against. , Under jlie . stances It whs' Bonslderfed better net to hold one for this yeah !, re- on in Labor Saving Dodge ” Wife—It’s the furniture;' people come for the piano, George.’1’ Husband—-“But I gave you, the money for the next insalment.”' Wife—“Yes, I know, dear, but don’t say anything. I’m going to pay them as so.on.as they.get it down stairs, because I’ve decided to have it in the sitting-room.’’—London Opinion. LUMLEY •j Mrs. John Selves, Sr. visited her brother, Louis Kirk,.*1 of Elginfield. Mr. Kirk is suffering* from an attack of pneumonia. Mr/James Horton left this’week for Forest to- visit his friends, Bran don Bros, for a short time. Mrs. Dow\ and daughter, of Hlby . > bert, called on Mrf and Mrs. W. Ker- slake on Monday^ . Mrs. Denlcy and friendssfrom De troit,'; spent the week-end \vith Mr. and Mrs. Noah Horton, Mrs. Will Horton' and little ^laughter, Betty Jean returning with them. ¥ .4 SHIPKA Airs. Win. Ratz spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Airs. Wesley Jones, of .Cvediton, spent Saturday with their: daughter Mrs. A. Smith.,.*. Al'iss Alarlha Lamport, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, the past five weeks is expected home this week. We will be glad to see Alartha back again. * Mrs. Geo.'Keyes, of--Detroit, who has bepn visiting at the home of Air, ' and Mrs. Thos, Keyes returned home Sunday. .. ■ Air. Geo. Scott, who Has been laid, up with the flu is able to be ouV again, * ' Air. Chris. Finkbeiner, Aliss Erma- Finkbeiner, Air. and Airs. E. Keyes, spent Sunday with Alr^ L. Stahl, of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur* Finkbeiner. spent Sunday with friends at Grand, Beiid. .> •SUiiday visitors ,'at the home ofi Mr. and Mi’S. Albert’^ Keyes; Air; F* Baxter and family,.,bf London; All*, arid' Mrs. Robert L,pve and son Jun ior, pi? London; Miv Sandy AIcEachani hrid^Miss Catherine, AlaEachan) of Pt. Huron. j ' i Alys. Fred Haist and All's,' Gor-t dor^ ;AIorlock, of Crediton, /spent a' couple of days last weelc at the home opl^r. Roy Ratz. Airs. Frank Adams, ‘who has been Joseph’s Hospital, London, the past two.“Weeks ’hai returned home feeling very much improved. M (Yl’om another source) F" , The Ladies’ Aid of the United' 'Church., are presenting the play “Strictly Business” in the basement of the United church. Crediton .on, Friday evening, ApfiP 19tli. ^♦Rev. Thos. Finkbeiner, of Chicago- -Visited'" his brother Air. Christian Y’inhbeinei'’ on (Saturday, Alih Percy Alollard and family, Ot ■C^id Bond ard this week nlovlng’ onto the farm of Mr. S. AIcEiicham, We welcome them in oui* midst. • MisS Goldie Schroeder left Moil*- day for London, whfefe she inteniji^ undergoing; an operation for appenil* icitls. We- wish her success. / < . .Jllr, Ed. Baynliam, of Melltid, ^Tan. Is visiting Ills 'father, he being Citlled oil account the Blrtess khd death of his mother Mi's, Yho& ' ham. Tlie girls of the ■ Thames church met at the Manse on Satur day and organized a young ladies’ club. Aliss D. Armstrong is the •president and Miss Kathleen Wise man the secretary. The Alission Band met at the home of Airs. H? Rhode on Saturday., M’r. and Airs. Wxm Pollen spent the week-end in Seaforth with their daughter -Mrs. Clarence >KeStle. Mr. Daye Brown andl'-'T..* Austin were in Sarnia on a business trij) on Tuesday. 7 ■ , ?. , ; .Mr. Duncan ’AIcDouga'll,.bf King ston, was home attending the funer al of his mother Airs. McDougall, Sr., of the Boundary. - ■ Mr. Simpson has purchased a new International Tractor. Mr. W. Kerslake has purchased a new Pontiac alid Mr, B.-Cann a new.. Qhryslei* Plymouth. Air. and Mrs. Dave AlcNicol, of To ronto, wove Sunday visitors, with friends in our 'burg. Aliss Lizzie.. Simpson, of Alount Pleasant has returned aftei’ visiting her sister Airs. Ken McNicOl. Air. Dave Chi'istie is critically Ill al the time of writing with pluro- ,pheunxona. presentation A nnrnbci’ of frl&nds gathered at the home .of Mi’. afx.d Airs. Alvin Passmore recently when they pre- senfed them with a ihandsotne cole- inan lamp, which proved it* delight* t\il stirpi’ise and for which they* ex- in*6ssed -theii’ thanks and the evening Was then Measiifitiy spent in cards GRAND BEND Miss Alary Walkei' returned home Thursday after* a couple of weeks’ holidays in Toronto and Ingersoll. Mi*. Frank Statton has installed a refrigeratox',an.d-. has opened up a new butchei' shop. He will bq-able1 fb' serve the public ixx apple pie order. ' Qxxite a numbex’ took in the radio (concert, put on by the Alission Band •ih' the United church Friday night. Air. and Airs. Emery Disjardine motored to Chatham Sunday taking Airs. Disjardine’s brother, Air. Geo. Slade, lxoxne aftei’ spending the win- ter here. Mr, and Airs. Pifer, of Chatham, visited Mr. and ,AIi’S. Mernei’ on. Sun day. Mr. Eldon Alerner, and his bride of a few weeks have moved to Chat ham where they will reside in. the future. Airs. (Rev.) Colling is spending a few days with her mother in St. Thomas. The latter, who, has been ill is improving nicely. Quite a number spent the week end at their cottages in tlxe park. Mr. and Air’s. Gordon Pollock, of Detroit, spent a week visiting their parents, returning on Saturday, iMiss Alarjorie Patterson is after speeding tlm .whiter In ford. • Mr« arid AIrA Thos. Baird ve^y successful wood-bee oil Friday, f v fpisS-’SWltzof indtbi’ed to Lislowel 'bn‘‘ ^idhy to ’ lief; ttUpf; " is .qfiltfe. bidk.t/ Don't’forget lb liihke tW'United’ church your church; liottie while at Grand Bend. >!?’• Culling wilt preach at 11,15 and Tim latter is confined to his through illness. . ’John ” Stevenson, wife and , of Devizes, spent Sunday at Wellington Batten? of "Winch* visited ifofr it wcdk With her ... Mrt Scott Whaley, of St< home Strut- had a Slid danclM. The" impromptu vis- Hqrs ■ wcrdJxVcB- equipped with all ftlilds of goodies and so extending a hearty welcome* aud best wishes’ forhearty WelCdiilb* Afld best Wishes a happy and prosperous life, Bayn*