HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-18, Page 4Have you renewed your subscrip­ tion to the Times-Advocate? The subscription price is §2.00 a year* THE EXETER TiMES-ADVOCATE W. 0. B, A. ScheduleHRB. CLUB was FIRST. SERIES of the at the Friday The Will- § p.m. 3 p.m. IS—Sarnia, at London, 24—Exeter at London, 24—Strathroy at Sarnia, 3 p.m. 27—London at Strathroy, -5:30 prepar- all sub­ now ^totrsday, aphid ibix 1020 H Sold Gyproc will convert space Secretary* *I'W2 Before GYPROC Sold everywhere in Canada Send for new illustrated catalogue I iii a Sawn No matter where you live, you can get Steele, Briggs* Seeds without difficulty. Your gar­ den needs seeds that will ensure good results. Steele, Briggs* Seeds are tested for purity and high germination. Sow Steele, Briggs* Seeds for sure satisfaction. The Times-Advocate are ing to stnd out accounts to scribers in arrears. Renew and save ns the trouble* eptoo For Sale By The Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd A» Spencer & Son ---—--—-- - ts*. . of the grtsciia. TA« SrSfe. was ' /attended hr Mfo? G-Lve- groom by MA - groo.m*s gift to toe an ameythest ring sxd toe mar, a pen knife and AfW ’ short motor trip to to® cample wilt reside at toe Eedforif- House, Goderich. st; w. m. s* iKo regular monthly meeting of The Alain St. W. AL R .was held on *Siu'.’eKluy» April lltln Mrs. Molluril The president was in the chair and conducted the first part of the pro- Tjrattl of which a most Interesting feature was the baptism of the three $maU children, of Mr. and Mrs. U. L. AVlhon, by the pastor. Rev. V. Moov- The children beiifg members of tho Raby Bund wore then present- od “With a lovely houqn»*t of flowers Ly the Band President. Mrs. \V* G- (Reports from the different de­ partments of the society were given imd delegates were appointed to the I’reshy to rial to be held in James St. I’nilrd church on April 30th. jyirtk Stpne the convenor for April Then took charge of the meeting. The devotional leaflet way read by Mrs. Skinner and tlm leaflets on the study book were read by Mrs* AV a rd and Mrs, Quunee. The meeting closed with prayer by the president Mrs. Pearce* Hru<w*sm< dance The dance under the auspices of the Exeter Baseball club held in the Opera .House on Wednesday evening of last week proved to he ft success, with a splendid turn-out. Music was furnished by “Steeper’s Sorenaders” from Wingham. Another dunce is to he put on under the same auspices in the near future. STEELE. BRIGGS’., » .a* .. STEELE, BRIGGS’ Seeds are tested so as to ensure strains suitable for Canadian growing conditions. Look for the Steele, Briggs’ Seeds Display Box. Purchtisers of the IL M. Ferry Canadian Business STEELE. BRIGGS SEED CS... , “CANADAS GREATEST SEED HOUSE " f TORONTO-HAMILTON-WINNIPEG-REGINA-EDMONTON III 1 in.’r- /iliil ffl 1! flu 11 III 0 After allboard Exeter, Ont Hensail, Ont GRAHAM HONORED BY SCHOOL AND HOME the monthly meeting Home & School Club, ’held home of Airs. J, S. Grunt, on evening last, a very pleasant and profitable evening was spent, About twenty-five ladies were present. Airs, J. II. Browning, the president, pre­ sided in her usual gracious manner, After the business routine, Mrs. N. J. Bore sang a solo, ‘'A Brown Bird Singing” which was rendered in » sweet clear voice, and was much enjoyed by all* Miss Medd was the delegate to the O.E.A. at Toronto, Easter week and gave a very fine re­ port of the convention, giving splen­ did ideas of the work being done by the Home & School Clubs through­ out the province. The aims, and objects ol’ the club and the rapid growth of this organization and gleanings from some of the address­ es given by the speakers* * This ad­ dress was listened to with a great deal of interest and much useful in­ formation given us.. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered ber. The guest of honor at this meeting was Mrs, (Dr.) M. G. Graham' our third vice-president, who, with the doctor and two boys, are leaving shortly for Formosa, where they will bp engaged in new work, the Doc­ tor having been appointed medical supervisor in the hospital there, in connection with the Presbyterian church. Mku Graham lias been a valued member of the club and third vice- president since its organization and will be much missed in our commun­ ity., She was presented with an ad­ dress and a beautiful portfolio and though completely taken by surprise replied, and expressed her apprecia­ tion of toe gift* The best wishes of the club follows them in their new field of labor. Lunch was served and a social time spent, after which a diearty vote of thanks was tendered the hos­ tess? The address follows; Dear Mrs. G raham; Your Home and School associates are anxious, now that the time, ap­ proaches lor your leaving ns* to ex­ press to you, both verbally and otherwise, our deep regret at losing you from our social and civil circle. We are glad that your field is to be enlarged, that you are to have scope which our small community could not afford, for the exercise of your unusual powers* We envy yon your new opportunities for development, for experience, and for usefulness, We send with you our best wishes and our loving fellowship. We shallt, miss you, for we have counted you among our most useful citizens; but it will make those East­ ern lands seem nearer to know you are there. In all the interest and adventure of your new life, do not forget us. Send us, sometimes, news of your far country, and we will re­ ciprocate with homely details of our Exeter lives. We wish you to feel on entering upon this noble and neces­ sary work, that you and Dr. Graham and yoiy* splendid boys have all our sympathy and encouragement. Signed for the association Airs. J. H. Browning, Pres; Mrs. JI. Hogarth Secretary* -S£.*K service (and co^operation^aLoutjtk^ Bank of Montreal which appeals Stron^ly^to^our^iArmer^custpmers ^toU^are*cordially* invited to? call at thisBanKand di...... jyour'.nhanciarpn>blems_wim 'th<mana£er t: * liscuss1 —’p -i' * 1 E$tablishecLi8i7 Wil Anetii in ex£«fi of iBja.ndo.ean JAMBS ST. S. S. 4NNJVEBSABX Tlw Sunday School of James St. United church held successful anni­ versary services on Sunday, Splen­ did congregations were present both morning and evening, The special speaker for the occasion ’ was Rev. M. c. Parr, of Victoria St. Church, Goderich, who delivered two very in­ spiring and .eloquent messages, stressing the importance of the Church and the Sunday School for the investment of a life. In the ev­ ening his theme was valorous Chris­ tianity emphasizing the fac.t that Christianity called forth is in a man and the character the greater that could be rendered. | A special service in the afternoon The AV. Ontario Baseball League Will open its schedule on Saturday, May 18, with Sarnia playing Sollo- way-AIills team of 'London at ■Queen‘s park diamond. On May 24, Victoria Day, Strathroy will play at Sarnia, while Exeter will visit. London. At a meeting of the lea-« gue representatives held in Strath­ roy on Monday night a split sche­ dule was adopted and the winners of each series will meet for the championship of the loop the week of August 12 to 17. Four evenly, balanced teams will compete in the intermediate O. B, A. A. series and the representatives were optimistic regarding the out­come. The meeting was one of the I was held in the auditorium of the most successful ‘held this season with church at which there was an excel- all four clubs being well represented, 'lent attendance of the .Sunday School President Bong will assign the -..................... umpiring board was approved by the delegates: Gill Forgue, W, H. Legg, London; AL Hogan, St. Thomas; Shaw, Windsor; Litz, Port Huron; H. Berry, Exeter. .Strathroy team will he strong this season and will include practically the same line-up as won thc^league championship last season. Fidler, the rangy liurler who has carried Strathroy to many victories, was present at tonight’s session. Exeter was represented by H. C. Rivers. Dr. W. L. Lawson,- A. B. ■Medd and S. Reed. The new entry in the league Tvill not lack for mat­ erial as the delegates reported that a strong team has already been lined up. Saturday games will be staged in London and Sarnia, while Strathroy and Exeter favored week days, games in the* latter two places be twilight fixtures. The constitution of the league revised and, in the event of a. game being postponed on account of rain or called on account of darkness be- < fore a decision >has lteen reached, the visiting'club «will be paid $20 if they . are forced to make, a second trip. In all other cases the home team will take the gate receipts. The honorary presidents of toe league will be given the opportunity of donating prizes for leading hitters leading pitchers and for ‘home runs. The following representatives at- ( tended the meeting; President Jas. Boug, Strathroy; Cecil Hill, E. Pir- rie, Charles Geanos, London; Alac Waddell, J, S. Wilkie. E. C. Alexan­ der. Strathroy; G. B. Dawson, G. S. Newton, L. IJ. Sinclair, Sarnia; II. Rivers, W. L, Lawson, A. B. -Aledd. S, Reed, Exeter, the best that stronger the the '.service scholars. Splendid music was fur­ nished by the orchestra under the leadership of Mr. AV. R. Goulding. Three young ladies, Misses Helen Peuhale, Madeline Stewart and Jean Sheere sang a very pleasing number. An excellent and interesting object talk was given by Air. Parr using a large magnet as the basis for his re­ marks. Diplomas and seals were distributed to those who bad been faithful in attendance duringv 1028 and in all 5*7 were given out rangr ing from one to ten. Special music featured both the morning and evening services. At the morning' service a trio was sung by Miss Betty Grant, Airs. IV. R. Goulding and Mrs. T. Coates and at the evening service Air. S. Rennie, ‘of Hensail, delighted the congregation with a solo. A GLOAVING TRIBVTE The Elora Express paid a tribute to .Mr. Robt. Gambrill, pf town, fpjj his splendid Avork in putting on the- Easter cantata: “From Alanger £g, the Cross.” The paper says in parfij “To say that the .event was a.success ana that it more than met the pjfc pectation of those specially interest eel is to. put the matter very mildly indeed. The splendid manner Jii; which the cantata- was produced ro_- •l'lects the highest credit ganist and choir-leader, Ganibrill. satisfactory that it was lar choir of sistance of of whom reside in the community,; and Airs, Gambrill, of Exeter, motheil of the choir-leader. Airs, Gambrilji has been- heard on previous occas-t ions, but her superb musical VoicS on Friday and Sunday evenings wa& never heard to better advantag'd* Taken altogether, this effort of United church choir was one ili,a£ reflects the highest credit on its iite dividual members and is a " high tribute to the ability director, Air. Gambrill,’’ f.—, ...----- IN MEMORIAL ROLLINS—T^'loving J. Ardag^FRollins^ to resJ^-'A "s‘” ■on the or- M'r. Bobery is doubly, recognized A.L.C.M., and when it is carried out by the regtte the church, with the a$4 only four artists, three. to rest/April May May Maj- May May 29—Sarnia at Exeter, 5.30 pan. June June June June J line J line 31—Exeter at Strathroy* 5.30 I— London at Sarnia. 3.30 pan, 5—Strathroy at Exeter, 3.30 S—Strathroy at London, 3 p.m. II— Sarnia at Strathroy, 5.30 12—London at Exeter, 5.30 15—Exeter at Sarnia, 3.30 p.m. SECOND .SERIES 17—London at Strathroy, 5.30 tit—Sarnia at Exeter, 5.30 22—Exeter at London. 3 p.m. 22—Strathroy at Sarnia 3.30 1 I | June t June June June June 25—London at Exeter, 5.30 June 27—Exeter at Strathroy, 5.30 June 29—Sarnia at London. 3 p.m. July 1—London at Exeter, 10,30a.m. July 1—Sarnia at Strathroy. 10.30 July 5—Strathroy at Exeter, 5.30 July $—London at Sarnia. 3.30 p.m. July If?——Strathrov at London 5.30 July 13—F ' ” ” ’ _ July 15—London at .Strathroy, 5^30 July 17—Sarnia at Exeter, 5-30 pan. July 2v—Exeter at London, 3 p.m. Jaiiy ,!2v—Stratoray at Sarnia, 3.30 ' July 2.5—Sartoa at Stoathrey, 5.3® ; July 2~—•Exeter ©“ Sarnia, 3.3P p.m. July :29—alt Exeter,, 5A0 ix5®e, s p.m. >S<S2"I2j£2i, '.satoHtoy, £5 Lcndoa. 3 , ’ very, of the’ •-siu. ■J' "> rfTAt entered in­ I Sincere^^Tnmed by his wife, Mrj^ Ida Ro Ums.•uit’ A I ai Doiw * IN hlEMORLAM KING—In loving memory aid Ross King, who pased April 20^. 1928. / }'si A childish /brm is missing, 1A liear^'has ceased to beato,^^’ And the/chain of love ig,^lf^tteredJi. • 1 I MTttf.dtS Father’s arms about hinf». T.TJA li4c« r«n i tx 4- /I of MAIN STREET CHURCH HOLD SUfT’ESSFUL S. 8, RE-OPENING Sunday, April 14tli proved to be one of the best in the history of Main Street’United Church Sunday School. At the morning service Mr. Livermore’s theme was “Life’s Great Decisions,” 1-Ie dealt with the theme largely in its relationships wit-h the teen age members ef the school. I-Ie fascin’ated the boys with the story of his own boy life and their hidden haunts or shelter which a group of biSys used to visit every Saturday, He stressed in his morn­ ing’s message the necessity of the choice of truth even if one must lose. rr /■ . - -----the game in such, a choice. As the f TT e below,, the outcome of ail choosing he had t in view the great end. ‘.‘So that II might finish my course with joy,” He again addressed the children in the open sesson of the school in the afternoon. He has a remarkable gift in vivid story telling, which, stories he applies with clearifess and vigor. At the evening service he spoke on one of the neglected themes of the gospel. He set forth with strik­ ing vividness the power of Christ’s indignation against the evils of his day. Christ -was still a young man and the spirit of indignation finds] its fullest outlet and expression in young life. With the coming of age 1 we look more calmly and cooly on the 1 evils of the times, 1 - - - young men and women of-today are | Iv -in the leadership of today it must 1 be while they have the enthusiasm of I , youth. He also very fairly set forth ^®**uead to us the love, Christ's indignation -against the evilsljf^T°fc }ost but gone before, of his time, yet he in no wise mani­ fested any spirit of ill-will or indig­ nation against any of the attacks against his own life aiid character, and was able to, say in the very cris­ is of His life when His enemies did their very worst. “Father forgive At the desolator^fSet. But i$ a heay^iy mansion, Upon J^r^Savior’s breast, He takes his sainted rest. Sadly missed by mother and fatheV^. IN MDMORIAM . AIcLAREN—In^ loving memory • dear wife ^nd mother, Mary Rogei’s, 1/eloved wife of Wm, D*. McLaren/ of h- Ann, who passed ^tway twq> years ago April 18tWT927. /, No one jenows ouj’^rling motoeiy TTz*• »*• —•—.x — — -- - — ** -• —-*• How your gentle loving kindness, ’I Calmeo^jtHway our grief and woe’^, Hou/o^rhome was sadly broken, W^eh He took you home on higW But we will gladly meet you mothei’ In your dear diome fry.e and bye.* Sadly missed by husband .and family^ IN MEMORIAAI “ J J STIRE—In loving memory of bur; dear wife and mother, Christina’- Stire, who passed? away one year ago, April 14W1, 1928. ' j The midnight stars are shining, On a lone amTsilent grave;Beneath sleep/ one we lovedy But one ye could not^aife, so ,if our Her weary hours, Jier’days of pailR. | Her yeary ni/nts have passed, , going to contribute most effective- Her e/er patient worn-out frame,- ’ ly -m the leadershin nf tnfls»v it ninst-1 Hii’s^plthd some 'peace at last. J v< I - • - • muv UUAUlCf /To that beautiful isle of Somewhere' | "Where parting is no more. ' Her loving husband, son and daugh­ ters, Nicolas Stire, Tena Fitzgerald* and Stella Stire. Ppj! -Exeter at Sarnia, 3.30 p.m, ; them for they know not what they do.” He closed with au appeal to parents to know and give guidance to the young people of the home. Air, Livermore is a Clinton Old L Boy. He graduated in Arts from I Victoria College, now of the United ■ Church. During his . -college career \he was-on the debating team and ] several times they won the chan> .p-femsbip. He is now practising law ■ m the town of Aylmer,, Air. Livermore, •.though -a young man, is a*, master in the art of speak­ ing. He is free from any cant and goes directly at his subject in a fine ** *" " "1 which seizes and holds toe attention of the congrega­ tion, Our people were delighted with his messages add life will be welcome by our congregation at any; time i'll toe future. * i Tlie younger members of the school and orchestra had charge of the music for the day and were con- gratttlated on every hand for the splendid Way in which they led the 'service. A young ladies quartette in the- morning and a quartette ef young men sang, at night. Tlie school room has been re-wired and iw lighting system installed. The tormighout have been painted Nhe ceilings are in ivory t^e wWj creaim Tire Womens, ^oc- tomplefoly ovetoaolqd the IkEfonen and! added many conven­ iences, white tire glass- in the sdtooL windows lra-^ been changed and ipfsfw pebbled gLa-.s has been put in. ; A ^ina-nefar peal W3,s made by the •’•’.-lay for their share in the ATtehse of r .'-decorating and a :ge-K...i>ns 'response .was mude to the appeaL.^ “Hio .superffitendeiijt of the .|L3TT—GODKIN NYPTTALW* i I. ■ •*. ,i A zgulet Eel «r®£ffag attack ; aS manse I ©3i A&s-d when Nbrai Elgin., dasgLSgT off Gcdkia a adj A. HL GrMJSmi. of MsKQop, | aiEgisd 5a imamage to Jokm w'es-1 Eey La!R» so- ACm. and Mrs, (■ Xa&a AL. USt,, ol I'EseisIB. *W, | ©f52T23S£d- I The bride -sras- l3eKK5.n-5l5.gly dressed j 1 gray esseraBTa atrB with I Bat, shoes, glo-yes?. srjj fa < ehisg Sones, ste weye* a fox scarf, IT FAYS TO ADVERTISE The gold watcih advertised as lost last week .has been restored to W owner. The1 wheeled chair adver-. ^*701 me IM has been sold. The brick Sq on the tage at CentraUa belonging to WrsJ ~~ ’* ‘W Harmon has changed hands, Airs J Harmon had six inquiries the first i-p ~ week the adrt* appeared, I vices. Way fa which he won the hearty co­ operation of an concerned and In [the success or lhe-re-opening ser- ; AUCTION SALE J — of HORSES BARN, BXriTBR- 1 __ fridaV.^Xpr. 19’ ; . / at i^Y f TIIIR^ HOUSES ‘FROAI THREE yEAikLg&d up. all classes TERMS ' ■ £3P- bESFed Soffit notes witli 6% added' ojjFeredit amounts. AT AIcDONELD’ G- j. DOW, Proprietor '; TALYOR & NAIRN, Auctioneer# NOTICE TO DRAIN CONTRACTORS^ Tenders will be received by tlib- imdersigned for the consttuctiolVOf the Winchelsea Creek Draift/lm- provement and the Stewart ,/Draitt. Repair in ?the-Ftownship of jdsbornG- on or before/12 o’clock noon, May 4th, 7 the tow Same day, Wiiichels£a Drain i/sO cubic ydsf estimated infbrmatlo .......................... office or dom s. ivf ArchlbaidfcVE. Seaforth, Sjtetvat estimate^ formation office o Mitchell, ■ Ko ill 1929. Tenders to bt/opbned at Townsh|p Hall, at X p.m. the,2 cost $14rl,20 can be had al 10485 cubic yds. 145.50, Further in- c had at the clerk’s Jno. Bogers, nt. Drai cost Can Tro Further fad at the clerk’s ithdf contrncf* ■ * A. mari^f ohequtc fo^ 5 % of tlte tontract price to accompany each tender. &ENRY BTRANG, Clerk t^bornO . „ « *’ K‘ *”• 11 Olrt> April V, 1523 _ <4l-Ttc*