HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-18, Page 350 YEARS AGO 1; rl: has moved into Exeter Mrs, Slavin has moved from Station Road to Gidley Street, disposed of auction on Sat- THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TMVKSPAY* APRIL JfJfb, 1929 At a meeting of the village coun­ cil, Mr, Samuel Littlejohn -was-ap­ pointed Road Inspector at a salary $1.25 per day, fite'e the ji’etiuired, Bissett’ 'ped from sail last toba. We hope soon to Iks repaired where 1 of this town; ship­ stove depot in Hen- six stoves to Mani- sett, A. Bright, J. Westcott and A. The Exeter Spring Show which was held - yesterday on the fair grounds was largely attended, there being , a larger crowd in town than at'any previous Spring Show in Exe­ ter. The-* following ’ gentlemen judged the Korses: Thos.’ Bissett, W. Bell, H, iterslake. and Hugh Love and the cattle were judged by Thos, Laughton, H. Snell and T, Coates. Death of Mrs. McDougall On Tuesday, April 9th, there pass­ ed away in Hibbert, qne of the' old­ est residents of the Township in the person of Mrs. Christina McDougall, widow of the late John McDougall, in her 80th year. She was born in Dalhousie, Lanark County, on the 19th-day of February, 1844 and came to Hibbert when she was a little girl. She was married 67 years ago and settled with her late husband on lot 18, con. 14 of Hibbert township where she lived her entire life. . On Monday, April the -8th she suf­ fered a paralytic stroke from she never recovered, passing fully away on Tuesday. She woman of sterling qualities, ing in her disposition, hut always ready and willing to lend a hand to any worthy cause.. She is survived by three sons, Alexander, on the homestead; John on the .12th con­ cession of Hibbert and Duncan in Kingston, Ont. The funeral was held from' the residence of her son, Alex­ ander on Thursday afternoon to the Cromarty cemetery. The service was conducted by the Rev. John Elder and was largely attended. The pall­ bearers were all old friends, Mat­ thew Thompson, William Thompson, William Simmons, James Vance, John Bolton, James Ballantyne, west. T’: Mrs. (i .'. Hinn' dies. Mr. moved sett’s Mr. siding Alber dence vacat< At James ening beaut Usborne Council * The Municipal Council o'f the Township of Usborne met on Satur­ day, April 16, jnirsuant to adjourn­ ment. All the members were present at the meeting. The minutes of the meeting of’ March 2nd was read and approved on motion of Dew-Bk-lntier. , Correspondence—Notice from the Department of Public Highways that a grant of the 1928 expenditude on Township Roads had been allowed to the amount of $4637.6? urer reported tirat he this sum. Letter from the Hydr in answer to. petition from municip­ alities in Huron County re develop­ ment of electrical energy on tho Maitland river. Their engineers re­ ported that the average flow of water and the cost of the development made the scheme impracticable. Request from W. C. Drury, Drain­ age Contractor for information on prospective drainage w:ork in the Township, The clerk reported that this had been given. The Imperial Paint ed. The,Assessor, Wm. Coates com­ pleted the 1929 Assessment Roll and having delivered it to the clerk 011 April 5, it was decided to hold a Court of Revision on same on June 1st, at 3 p.m. on Berry. As per Elimville read and ber of interested ratepayers. - It'was provisionally adopted on motion of Berry-Williams. The clerk was instructed to pre­ pare a By-Law, have it printed and distributed to assessed Township' and that a vision be^ held on the the proposed work on at 3 p.m. o.n motion Dew. The Court of Revision on the Ste­ wart Drain Report was 'held with the members' taking the necessary de-, claration. There were no appeals and the Court closed. Dr. Graham, Medical Officer for the Township laid his resignation on the table. Berry-Williams: That his successor, Dr. Dunlop, be appoint­ ed in >his"place. Dew-Skinnehs nnllorl fnr nn Hr/ iijj Anderson, of Usborne, week to IM1?. Thos. Bis­ on Gidley street. .urtleib, who has been re-* ■Ir. T. Dearing's cottage on et, has. moved in the resi- Elizabeth street, recently Air. James Collingwood, regular meeting of the t League on Tuesday ev­ il-worded address and a mu book were presented Manning on the eve of tor Manitoba. Collingwood left Saturday where husband, who is Verity works. Braund, who has been •ijei’ parents Mr. and sery for the past two for her home in Brant- inesday. has as tlid and Mr.% Co.’s offer fil- motion of Williams- Henry Strang, Clerk duly forwarded The, Outlet Report was 'vvGrade of Seaman-Kent Oak, Maple dr Birch . The treas- had received parties in the Court of Re­ assessment of May the 4tli, of Williams- notices Drain considered by a large jium- Detailed description of all Durant models will be mailed to( yoii on request ... or bettor still ... is obtainable near-by—at your, local Durant dealers’. which peace- was a retfr- Red Seal Continental Motor Bendix- Four‘Wheel Brakes Morse t Silent Timing "Chain Full Force Feed Imbrication for she em- fireproof, easy to lay over old roofs — permanent. Get the facts. Ask you? tinsmith or carpenter. Estimates gladly furnished for any Job, in any You will never regreS the purchase of a Sheet Steel Ceiling. Passenger Cars ; ’ Fours and Sixes *. . ^from $673 to $2093 . f.o.b., Lcaside, Ont. 1 Standard Factory Equipment . Taxes Extra ' Commission YES. t rreble resigned as leader •ter,, band last week, and • evening Mr. S. C. Hanna to fill the vacancy.. and Mr both having treated them* new Essex cars. ’Iva Bolton, who spent the with her parents on the /S Metier Automobile* Are Built—McLaughtin-Binck Will Th«tn. -----------=,---- --------------------.---- I touch; vt|i^deu •Bros.- their week, They were purchased by int; migrants from’ Manitoba. , ■Miss Leach, late of * Seaforth, speaks to Our readers in another col­ umn, - She will, on Saturday next, open but a stock of ^nillenery in Mr. J. P. McIntyre’s-old stand, ‘A glass ball shooting match was held in Exeter on the agricultural fair grounds on -Good Friday be-' tween Ailsa Craig and Exeter. Glass balls were thrown into the air in all­ directions by a patent trap, each man shooting fifteen balls. Mr. Mills, of Craig, acted as referee: Mr. W- P- McFarlane, of Craig and Mr. John Sanders, of Exeter acted as judges and Mr. L. Thorne, of Exe­ ter, as the scorer. The following competed from Exeter,—F. G. Simp­ lon, S. Fairbairn, P. Curtin, T. Bis­ Mr. J. T. Mailing household effects by urday last. Mr, John Harness Mr. Luther Braund’s house, North. On Wednesday evening, April the 13th, the W.M.S. of the James St. church met at the home of Mrs. G. Manning and during the course of the evening addresses were read and pesented to Mrs, Manning and Mrs. R. Sweet, both of whom are soon to leave Ontario for the great North-inald YEARS AGO Harry Triebner and Reg- t, of Chatham Business spending the (holidays at ive homes here. Gerald and Erie I-Iurdon, ve, Maurice Senior and 'ey were in London on HIBBERT^ (To late for last week) Miss Maude Millar, of Wdshago, who spent the Easter holidays with her brother Mr. Allan Millar, returned to resume her duties teacher at that place. iMiss Pearl Harris is visiting at home of he? parents Mr Thos, Harris. Among those who have recently purchased new cars we learn of Mr. Cecil Harris and Mr. Wellington, Kerslake, selves to Miss li holidays Boundary, has returned to Kitchen­ er, The many friends of Mrs. Dooley McDonald, of Staffa, nee Miss Clara Sararas, will be pleased to learn that she is recovering as well as can be expected from her recent operation, Mrs. McDonald is in St, Joseph’s Hospital, London. f u There passed away at his home Ill Goderich Mr, Donald McMurchy, who had been in failing health for the last three months had been confined to his home. Mr. McMurchy was in his eighty-third year. Besides his bereaved widow he leaves two sons and two daughters, :: SBAMAlWOT- ■ ROOTOOO & Ross-Taylor Co.j Ltd Exeter,’ Ontario ■.THE DURANT "-W" DE LUXE SEDAN THE, D U RANT the 1 last Colli folio the < H. E Swee cudd; Boyk Crow appoi Davi? 1 vestry meeting of the rial church Was held in hall on Monday evening the rector, Rev. D. W. eupied the chair, The vere elected officers for rear: C. H. Sanders, L. . D. Hui'don, Samuel Sanders, Dr. McGilli- Waugh, S. Sweet, T. Sanders, Chas. Dyer, G. . Murplly. S. Sweet was Laj- Delegate-with-James Ernest Elliott as substi- SAID you MUST its are diseased. ‘We Mrs. * Sybilla Spahr's as applied. Tonsils ition conceited. Try it, Howey’s Drugstore. rHE new Durant Forty opens the cl satisfaction'than has previously b cylinder field. t You cannot fully realize the true improved Durant models . . . (either series) . . . until you sit in their com them in morion . . * at any speed you ^fe! tensely greater 5f the thoughtfully ble seats and then test BUILT BY DURANT MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED TORONTO ' - CANADA RUGBY TRUCKS IN »//T0N 1'0 1 *4 TON CAPACITIES E. G. Kraft, Dashwood Carried. That tenders be called for on tile construction of the Winchelsea Creek and Stewart Drains to be open at our ne'xt Coun­ cil meeting, May 4th. Carried. Wm. Johns presented the Audi­ tors rep££j for 1928. It v;as adopt­ ed 011 motion of Dew-Berry. Skimmr-Williams: That the fol­ lowing'bills be passed and paid viz: Wickwire Print Shop, By-Iawg for Stewart Drain $20.00y Dr. Graham, M. O. H. expenses $6.00; Reeve, ex- penses"of the Board of Health meet­ ing $12.00; Times-Aclvocate. on ac­ count i9 2S printing $65.15; William Johns, auditor, auditing $17.00; E. N. .Shier, ditto $17.00; F. Coates, treasurer, salary $85.00, excise stamps $15.00, total $100.00; Ray Francis, snow work $9,85;. Roy Johns’, ditto., $11.50; D. E. Hicks, ditto $3.00; Roy Coward, ditto $ 7.6 0 ; Wm.' Elford', ditto $2.00; Lloyd Johns-', ditto $1.00; R. Williams, gra­ velling %?5.00; E. Pym, filling holes $2.50; Hector Rowcliffe, work" on culvert $1.70; A. Etherington, ditto $1.10; Wm. Brooks, d.itto §2.Off; H. Hunter, ditto $1.50; Chas. Stephen, ditto $6.00; Wm. Routly, dragging <$14.85; Louis Fletcher, ditto $17.60; Luther Reynolds, dtto $7.70; Ever­ ett Skinner, ditto $11.80; Kenneth Johns, ditto $16.85; Wm. Stephen ditto $2.20; Freeman Horn, dragging and drawing stone $20.40; Charles Dayman, snow work $7.SO; Clarence Johns, ditto $14.00; Fred Ford, snow work and dragging $40.20; T. Austin, repairs to graders $5.75; H. Ford, superintendance. $77.25, team labor $19.65, total $96.90. Carried Council adjourned to meet on Sat­ urday, (May 4th, at one o’clock. reflect your, health condition'1—restless incfiZite the temperament of . , . . see that Kites are clear with a healthy tinge. The minute a ycl- tinge appears it betrays con­ stipation, sluggish liver or bit-, iousness, you need a lakative. Bring back your 1 Vigour, Vim, Vitality with Beecham’s Pills—the sure way to constant, joyous, .boundins health. Try* n regukt- daily course for a’, short Vonn table period. YoureyesWdl " T ‘ ' tell tM story. * ProdMttf Read about Cbnractc/ jroni the Eyes ia future 13ecc/tam Advertisements* Salts A Writs t HatoldF. Ritclii* Jfc Cdf., IDING C1H0UJ GALVANIZED SHINGLES for The Roof ' Handsome, .inexpensive, . BEAIJTIFUL— ' FIRE-PROOF . Sheet Steel Ceilings look weli, resist fire; effect-• ively. Add brightness to • halls, stores, churches, schools, kitchens and bathrooms. Do nothing till you get the prices and full particulars. FOR years McLaughlin-Buick has led the world in fine-car sales. For years the proven McLaughlin-Buick en­ gineering principles have been acclaimed by an overwhelming majority. But now a tremendous increase in public acceptance has resulted iri establishing during the past month, a new sales record for all time. '•» Because here, in addition to the^powerful, triple-sealedj valve-in-head engine; the famous torque-tube drive; the cantilever rear springs and the wonderful sealed chassis, are new, revolutionary standards of, performance and riding easfc, and new’ beauty and luxury of Masterpiece 'Bodies by Fisher! ' • You have but to drive this great car to understand why it is literally breaking all sales records for cars at or above: its price.