HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-18, Page 1*. •y <P •r' iRffinSHqgjJS' i «> .£?1 < (•I ..Jii.,,,!. Ill ? . . ..................... ESTABLISHED 1873 «I *•EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 18th, 1929 'f ... The finest collection of Spring Coats we have ever shown is here await- ' ing your inspection. We have coals for every type of figure and have a particularly fine range of extra large sizes. A large range to select from at very reasonable prices. A few coats carried over from other seasons as low as $5.00 each. LADIES’ SUITS—Only a few left in good quality serges to clear at $3.95 each. ,, A BARGAIN IN BED SPREADS 2 dozen silk rayon bed spreads, colors rose, blue, green and gold, size] 72 inches by 90 inches. A real bargain this month at ^3.95 each. TURKISH TOWELS ON SALE We bought large quantities of very fine Turkish Towels direct from the manufacturers at a great saving in price. We offer them to you this month • at 39c., 49c,, 59cJand 89c; each. These are real bargains. HOUSE FURNISHINGS New Gongoleum, Linoleum and Barrymore rugs, oilcloths, linoleums, certain poles, window blinds, cu,rtain fiets, draperies, etc. now ready foil spring; .CONGOLEUM RUGS—At- very low prices, beautiful new patterns in all - *• '*•■*'* * *i5’1 " ‘ INLAID LINOLEUMS—-WitKi the new lacquer finish at lower prices. JASPE. INLAID LJNOLEUMSj RUGS—Beautiful patterns of inlaid lino­ leum rugs at reasonable prices. , • ; 3 '.i FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NQ. 288$! $ SPECIAL — Boys School Suits age 9 to 16 years on sale at $5.00 each. Re­ gular values to $15.00 We are selling them at this price because they are belted niodels. At this price y'oul get the whole suit for little more than a xpair of pants. nicil a t vit iiaio «px«w vavn 4 A few Felt Hats and good Caps for men, just the thing for everyday wear on sale at—$1.00 each.. •* • z & u SPECIAL I very SPECIAL! 30 pair Men’s Menno Panco or leather sole, teed for long wear, boots at a low pri Workboots, pair gu'aran- hese are high-grade $3.95 a pair ■ On account of the great demand for Wall-Pape/s this spring we have many broken nes, which we are clearing in FASHION - CRAFT JWADE-TO(-MEASgRE^SBITS -------------------------------- . _ 2CRAFT CLOTHING CO., OF MONTREAL, WILL BE AT THIS STORE ON TUESDAY, APRIL ‘ 30TH TAKING MEASURES FOR SPECIAL SUITS. COME IN AND SEE HIS SUITINGS . / A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE FAS . May « AGENTS FOR STAUNTON’S SEMI-TRIMMED WALLPAPERS A A. A. A. Jk. A. A A. A. a V .S * EXETER COUNCIL. ► ‘ Friday, April 12, 1929 An adjourned regular meeting ' from Monday, April 8th held in the , Town Hall. Absent councillor E. J- ( Christie, Minutes of the meeting- held March 27th were read and ap- ' proved. i Circulars laid on the table: , Letters were read from Imperial Varnish and Color Co., Ltd., Toron­ to, re paints for halls, bridges, etc. Filed, Letter from the Deputy Min­ ister of Health; Toronto re local Medical Officers of Health. Clerk to make answer. Miss Ethel Bissett interviewed the Council stating that sh'e had been in­ convenienced several times by the water backing up into tlie cellai’ of her home. Committee will investi­ gate. Messrs. Harness and Delve waited on the Council asking for a concrete walk on Albert Street XV. and in front of their properties. Granted. Mr. Ed. Treble was appointed a member of the Board of Health fill­ ing the place of Mr. C. I-I. Banders, deceased. Motion by Francis and Bierling, 1 The auditor’s report for March was read and accepted on motion of Francis and Bierling. The By-law to close that portion of Brock Street .between Wellington and Victoria Streets was read and finally passed on motion of Francis •and Bierling. The following accounts were read •and ordered paid: Bell Telephone, Bissett phone rent $6.15; G. A. Hawkins, supplies $1.70 R. G-. Seldon, coal, Town Hall $13.- 50, .Snell $19.50, Brooks $7.00, total $40.00; Bank of Montreal, Safety Deposit .box $2.50; W. B. JBis,sett, meals for tramps , $6.40, car hire .’$5.00,' total $11.40; Wm. Johns, ..team'labor $17.00; Peter Coleman, team labor $7.50; W. Webber, team 'labor $7.50; Clinton Sweet., team la_ •bor $5.00; Geo. Smith, labor $7.50; ■Sid. Sanders, labor $12.00; Lloyd Fraser, labor $8.10; Jonathan-Kydd Aeam laboi' $19.50, cleaning tank at ,|J?own Hall -$10.00, total $29.50; OiBrqsrVh..Fir&,,Dept- $ 5.0 0; ‘ • ■Tlios. Houideh, ’Fire Dept. $2.00; J. Senior, Revenue. ’Stamps $1.00. Cemetery accounts— Bell Tele­ phone Co., April, May, June acct. $4.95; Wm. Smith, labor $21.00; Ross-Taylor Co., lumber $31.50. Passed on motion of Bierling and Rivers. '•Carried. , • Adjourned,by. Bierling. Jos. Senior, Clerk NOSE BROKEN WHEN STRUCK BY HORSE On Friday afternoon of last week while attempting to put a bridle on a horse Mr, Wilfred Shapton, of Ste­ phen, was struck in the face and rendered unconscious. Mr, Shapton and his hired man, Mr. Rd, Harris, were in the act of harnessing, a team. Mr. Harris was outside the stable with one of the horses and on hearing a commotion and seeing the other horse coming out of the barn alone he hastened to investigate and found Mr. Shapton unconscious in the manger. The latter was taken to the house where he soon came around. Dr. Fletcher was called and lie found that Mr. Shapton’s nose had been broken. USBORNE LADY KNOCKED DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE On Saturday evening last Mrs. Thomas Brock, of Zion, Usborne. Twp., wag struck by an auto while crossing the Main Street and was thrown to the pavement rendering her unconscious. 'Mrs. Brock was in the act of crossing the street with some parcels and stepped out. be­ tween a couple of parked cars, in front of a Chevrolet coupe driven by Mr. Herbert Cooper, of Stephen Twp. She was removed to Dr. Fletcher’.? hospital where it was found that’she was suffering from a badly bruised shoulder and face but no serious in­ juries. .- The following day she was removed to her home. - SISTER DIES WHILE ON VISIT HERE w EXTENDING HYDRO TO THE RURAL DISTRICTS 69c. WINDOW *44.69c. WINDOW DISH PANS DOUBLE BOILERS PRESERVING KETTg SAUCE PAN JfcTS PUDDING O’CEDAR O’CEDA II 1 lb. paste 2 lb. paste 4 lb. paste. $1.50 CLIMAX WALL PAPER CLEANER 20c.. per tin 75c. 1.45 2.85 25c. and 50c. size $1.25 to $2.00 LISH MO 10 qt. WA]fR PAILS GENUINE KOZAj AUTO DRY. Pint liquid ...... 60c. int liquid ........ .95c. quArt liquid..............$J.5O We Can Help You to See Better Our method of complete and our Office hour.^9:30 1:30 testing is njasf prices 9* to 12 Phone 7MF to Ev OPTOMETRIST Galv. Water Holds 35 bbls.,. 6 f 2i ft. deep. SPECIAL PRICE $9.85 SPECIAL PRICE ON GALVANIZED HOG TROUGHS TRAQUA1R & LINDENFIELD PHONE YOUR HARDWARE NECESSITIES TO NO. 27. MARRIAGES HUXTABLE—REEDER — At the parsonage, Centralia, on. April the 10th, by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, Lillian $. Reeder, daughter of Mrs, Frank Reeder, io Frederick XV. HnXtitblO, SOU of‘Mrs, table, of Centralia. ThOS, IlilX- SPECIAL! SUNKlST SEEDLESS ORANGE! SWEET ANJI^flCY 25i / dozen WIL&ON’S GROCERY ® PHONE 5« There has been a splendid advance­ sale of seats for “Capt Racket” in the Opera HouseXo-night (Wednes­ day) but thei'e^ lent reserved/s seats availai&Ttr The play will be re-*’ peated to-morrow (Thursday) night. s well as rusli « » 4? ' -» PROPERTY TRANSFER Mr. Eel. Lindenfield, of Hensail, who with Mr. A. Traquair recently took over W. J. Henman's hardware store has purchased the residence o£ Mr. Wm. Kernick on John Street. A shadow of gloom was cast over the home of Dr. E. St Steiner on Tuesday when Miss Lucy Wallace, sister of Mrs. Steiner, passed away while on a visit here. The deceased was in her 48th year. Miss Wallace arrived in Exetei* on Sunday having been met at Hamilton Jjy auto hy JR’S, and Mrs. Steiner. The klecea^ed” had not been well,,for some time and al­ though she had some misgivings m-boUF making <to ^xefeY’ ’If was in the hope that the change might prove a benefit to her health that she decided to visit here. She was taken ill shortly after her arriv­ al and passed away-Tuesday..evening about 7:30. A brother-in-law, Mr., Chas. Lund, of Brockport, arrived in town Tuesday. On Wednesday morn-] ing ' Lund accompanied the remains to j boye, w®re hunting rats, discharged. Brockport for interment. The sym-,He was taken to Victoria Hospital in patliy of many friends will be extend- ( London., where the bullet was . ex- ed to the bereaved. ; tracted and x-ray photographs taken. DOGS KILL CHICKEN Dogs of town have been playing; havoc with the chickens of Mr. L. Day. Five chickens have been kill­ ed, four were wounded and five have 4ipappeared«Mr. pay has been breed­ ing some particularly fine Rocks which he is sorry to lose. .j,- - ■' 7 . ■ ’■*■**■ CLANDEBOYE LAD J “' LlCC'lDilJNTDV $ Harold Flynn, age about 14, son of -Mr. and Mrs. George Flynn, of Ciandeboye, was shot through the side Saturday afternoon when the ’22-calibre rifle with which he and Dr. and Mrs. Steiner and Mr. I Murray Hodgson, also of Clande- I, . . .. —- .......... MR. MOORE CO^HNG Flower lovers wfll be glad to.hear that Mr. Moore, o'f the Department of Horticulture, Toronto, will 'give an address in the Town Hall, on Wednesday evening, .April 24bh. Mr. Moore has ‘beautiful colored slides , illustrating both flowers and slirub- j bery for beautifying gardens and } lawns and his talks are most enter- I taining and full of valuable sug- ' gestions. He comes on invitation . from the Exeter I-Iorticltura.1 Society. •!Everyone is invited. There is no • charge. 4’Angiica^-'A. Y. will tiieir^Dlayv^e^fSaiJt;. Racket” toijX-on^lmil 24th and at The present at Kirli , _ Mitch el Lidm^f^y 3rd. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thomas Baynham and wish to thank their many r: family friends and neigbors for the kindness shown during their recent bereavemnet,during CAR NKS' 11 des CARD The McDoti appreciation 0 extended tq reaveinent loaned cars. ...Owing to the increase in consmp- tfon of hydro at Grand Bend, which amounts to over 300 per cent, since T926, when hydro was installed, the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario find it necessary to in­ stall heavier equipment. This'work is already under way and will cost approximately $4,000. ' • * Some extension of rural lines are being built in this district this sum­ mer also. Six miles of line will be built on the second concession of Us­ borne and Biddulph Townships and a short extension south of Grand Bend. The progress which, is being made in extending hydro through- rural Ontario is emphasized in the recent bulletin, of the Hydro Electric Power Commission. During the past year about 1,000 miles of new rural lines were completed and it is’ expected that this program will be continued for at least a number of years to Como* I tracted and x-ray photographs taken. His condition it not serious. Flynn and the other lad were shooting rats at Carter’s elevator at Ciandeboye. The former had poked Jthe butt of the rifle through a hole in the-.floor in an effort to hit at rodent and in attempting to pull, it out, 'it discharged, the bullet enter­ ing the side above the sixth rib. The lad wag taken to London', fryr for. T. D.'Orme, of Lucan, his attend­ ing physician. Following the treat­ ment at the hospital he returned with Dr. Orme to Ciandeboye. FORD—LANGLEY NUPTIALS Miss Vera M. Langley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Langley, of Toronto, and Mr. Maurice E« Ford, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford, of Exeter', were married-Mon­ day evening in St. Anne’s church, Toronto, with Rev. Canon Skey of­ ficiating. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a. gown of ivory satin with tulle veil caught with orange blossoms. Her flowers were Butterfly roses and lily-of-the-valley. Mrs. Chas. Hodg­ son was matron of honor in yellow tulle with picture hat and bouquet of sweet' peas and roses. The best man was Mr. Chas. XV. Ford, bro­ ther of the groom, and the ushers Mr. Gordon Hillborn and Mr. Chas. Hodgson. A reception was held at the homo of the bride’s parents/and later Mr. and Mrs. Ford left via the United States for Winnipeg where they will live’. Among the bride’s gifts was a silver tea service from Jier parents „Which -is nearly 400 years old. Mr. Ford has a position as Provincial sales-manager for the Parker Dufold Pen Co. His many friends in this community will ex­ tend best wishes. NOTICE.! 11 .1 ■■ justice to the<cash custom-In ------- -- ----- --------- and ourselves, on and afterer and oursejvfes, on and after May 1st ourgoods will all be sold on a ca^'n basis. > s ill old accountsM ate. ;;4C-CT$4C RADIO PREACHER MAKES GLAD THE HEART OF A DYING MAN A heart-touching story of absorb­ ing interest, with the London Radio station C.J.G.C., furnishing the back­ ground, is related by Rev. ,L Morley :Colling, who has been conducting a "question-box" for the past six months. During one of the recent broadcastings, Rov. Mr. Colling‘ans­ wered a question from a listener liv­ ing near London, who has been con­ fined to his bed for some weeks, witji a serious illness, Th& questioner, facing an early death/ f^lt unpre- ;pared for the great Change, and rc«- questej the minister’ to pxpiafn. in Simple terms the why of salvation, This request, the’radio preacher ful­ filled to the best ability,, sug­ gesting among other things, that the bed-ridden sufferer should confess his religious faith byjgubmlttiiig io baptism and uei'^lvfng^im' Holy Com­ munion. This suggestion was whole­ heartedly received, with the result that in a feXy days time, Rev, Mr, Coiling received a long distance tele­ phone call, requesting him to drive down to the sufferer’s home and give the two sacraments. This request was complied With, ahd now the dy­ ing man’s cup of joy Is full. The above facts give indisputable proof that tile-Radio preacher is rendering an indispensable service to many u shut-in ORCHESTRA LEADER At the annual banquet and busi­ ness meeting of the University of Western Ontario “Little Theatre’* Orchestra Mr. Kenneth Stanbury, of leader for the Miss Margaret of Exeter To be fair with the people that have paid cash far their fuel and also oUrselves,.x6n and after the 1st of May/dt929 all fuel will be? sold onWon a cash basis. Please 1^t8^ll,Mhii4andiagwac-‘ counts must be paid by May Ist**' 1929. s Exeter, was elected coming year and Gladman, formerly continued ag pianist. was Mrs. express many kindnesses 1 in their recent be- to thank those who PP OF THANKS X50" . John Prpift and Mr. sh to t]>rfnk the many he IHrfdness extended Cut to their son afirnl Ii/he^while at St. Joseph’s also wish to thank the neighbors for their sym- the cc JiRNEST PROUT IS BURIED The funeral of .the late Ernest Prout, son of Mr. and Mrs. .John Prout, of Usborne, to the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday of last week was largely attended. Among those from a distance who were present for the funeral wererjMr. and Mrs. Kelson Prout, of Detroit; Mi*, and Mrs. Thos. Northey and Mrs. John­ ston, of Pt, Huron; Mr. and Mrs. J. Simpson, of Marysville, Mich, John. Simpson, • of Detroit; Bobbs, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Boe Cornelius; Mr. and Mi*s« Frank QIampht; Mr. and Mrs. J. Blackwell; Mrs. Clara McDonald and Mr. Cook, all of London; Mr* and Mrs. James Morgan; Mrs. XVm. ■Simpson and ML and Mrg. Arthur $impson, of Moores­ ville Mr. and Mr Chas. Prout \ friends and the brother hospital friends pathy afid kindness; also for floral tributes ami .Id.an of cat's. CARD’ OF THANK9 J. H. Holtzmaji, who hUs'beeil^bm ducting a su^'ssful ' busi­ ness in Ore yedrs, and tire, wish erfds for the ent to th a DEATHS WEBBER-—In Calgary, Alberta., on Friday, April 12th, 1929, William Webber, foHnerly of Hensall, in his 83rd yeitr. .5 ; WALLACE--In Exeter, on Tuesday, April |6th, at the home brother-in-law, Lucy Wallace, Y,, in hdr 48th year.'• CARMICHAEL—In Bonsall, on Tu­ esday, Aiudl 16th, Janet Towers, Wife of the Into jolifi Carmichael, Ju her fist year. Funeral private, Thursday at 2 ban. Interment in • Hensall Union Cemetery of her Dr, '$tdn6r, Miss of Brockport/ N. Mr. Mi’S. TO THE PUBLIC r, ■ inn, i. ...................... . Tn order that. I may give my* ■Cash' custoinersja square deal* all Tr y goods wilL'be ’sold oti a Cash basis ini fufate. All present accounts must be settled by May ilsL (Fas. Langley, Ford, son of Mrs. Ford, of St. Anne’s Rev, Canon ton fot past 42 to !MK the late Exeter. ho is n to th mir i ..................................... : FORD—LANGLEY—At church, Toronto, 1>y Skey, on Monday, April 15th, Miss ’ Vera M.’‘Langley, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Maurice E, .J. XV. and a-bout to re- tho many fti- p^Uhnage dm*,- ears, lie disq wfslios many friends for Emir cfs afid good wishes re­ aring his recent illness,