HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-04, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1939 1928 Ford Tudor ........t../...$(iOO.OO 1927 Whippet Fordoor ojny 12,000 miles ....... 1025 Cre violet Coupe * 1923 Star|Coupe 1025 FordlTudor 1921 Studdb Y"our choic^ starter $ 0.00 $950.00 $275.00 $150.00 $225.00 >aker t°l$dng ....$150.00 of 5 Ford* tourings with and hew licenses d5 $75.00 ticks . §800.00 . $175.00 each, &a/e 1929 licenses Ford 1928 ;. Ford 1923 Exeter Markets Wheat ?1.30 Qats 55c. Barley 72c. Manitoba Flour $3.90 Blend Flour $3.75 Pastry Flour $3,65 Feed Flour $245 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 47c. Dairy Butter 40-43c, Eg^s 25c. Eggs, pullets 21c, Eggs, seconds 18c. Hogs, $11.25, .. -........- — T • ' ■■ - T ------------------------- ■ ■■■»------^1^- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 10 a.m,* Services -“Sunday School. as usual at 11 a,m, p.m. conducted by J, BARNARD RHODES College Student, Toronto and I, ’ 7 MR. Knox Next Sunday the occupant of the pulpit will be a candidate ‘ for a call and eyery member and adherent should heax* him morning and even­ ing. SANDY ELLIOT Ford Dealer, Phone 64, Exeter ' ■<■ ' . "...... — i; i............ .......1,1................... NOTICE Dr. Graham wishes tp^announce that owing to, hm le^v^g Exeter on May 1st, ai^;ieco^ts owing after April 15th wilfbe gi|en io a collec­ tion agency^with Wsts of collection added. r j V r Save! R Magazines, on Saturd School Ci JZocals tags, Papers and will call for them y 4th.—Home and 4-4-2tc. The Anglican To presenting in Opera Ho 18th. This to finish, come. y'""" -g People are acket” Comedy, h April 17 th and e laugh from start ou can’t laugh, don’t 4' NOTICE Having sold my business to Tra- quair & Lindenfield I . wish to thank all .those Who have sb Joyally pat­ ronized nus during^hdwears J have placed orders oblige by coming e as. the car is going cannot replace at the R’tfss-Taylor- Co. ronized nof dtudug.-^hd been injmsiness in Ex|$er and I be­ speak Ar m^^mccessors your con­ tinued^ support. All accounts are now/;aue and may be settj®dl at the store.—-W. J. Heamai^/r FOR SALE—-Q^oice - seed O. A* C. Apply Hodgson, CwBalia*. ... are barley, to Dan 4-4-ltc, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—'"Holiday or Holy Day, Which?” p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—‘The Man with the Talents’ NOTE—Full meeting of Commit­ tee of Stewards, Friday, April 5th, 8:30 p.m. Full meeting of‘Mission­ ary & Maintenance Committee, April 5th. 7:30 p.m. Official Board meet­ ing, Monday, April Sth at 8 o’clock p.m. 11 3. 7 g-.T^eed Goats $20.00 COMBINATIONS / W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER„ONT , $15.00, $18.00 i i. Electric Wiring and FURNITURE AJ WATERWORK ICE be stri 4 THE NEW STORE r Modernin » >■ ■- 'NECKWEAR >ATEST SHADES AND DESIGNS yon want fancy cakes, vinegar. Exel James Stwftet SUMMER UNDERWEAR OO1.OR EFFECTS; ALSO ALL Tl® LATEST EQUIPMENT Day;' Ni Rii Furniture and U/Gertaking HONOR Poultry De­ Guelph. We Rocks. Every culled, banded, ood tfested/by Government In- •* We tjmpnest under Record Tdrmanjle' supervision. “Write ting I#t arid prices bn, day old and/ihree week old started lined ijp things we sell, j heodFyour patronage, avo/anythihg Ipf/groceries, Wai oil and EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SER VIC* OF ONTARIO BOARD Sunday Callis ord No, 99 smnny crest farm ' J. M« ScOtt ;R. R. No: 2, Seaforth“ * 3-14-5tc. Phdine 25jfor Service r You! w| Wo 1! thd lind candies, North of Metropolitan! Wjrkma^Khip Guaranteed HENNESSEY Ontario Telephone 145 ht a E SILK LINED W h. GOtfLDING A. Piano Supervlsf Studio, SlNGLEfBDG DOUBL Eid'ge Goaranteeld mu, WOGOBt 12 ONLY MEN’S TWEED SUITS These Suits are Exceptional Value and sell in the regular way for $20. We bought these from a manufacturer at a bargain and offer them at this very low price. Sizes 36 Jo 42 Your Choice for $15.95 HOLEPRQOF SILK HOSIERY In al! the newest/colorings for spring. Splendid value for the low price of each $1.00 CIRCLE BAR SILK HOSIERY W© recpmrqend this make of ^hos­ iery as we^lonow they give good'satis­ faction, Full fashioned, in .all .the new shades.. .At per pair $1.50. CHILDREN’S Just the th ing to school, les, Special aj^each 98c HBRELLAS NEW COJ^AR AND CUFF SETS A lovely new assortment of collar and cufi^ sets. that. are moderately priced SMART SPRING COATS /OR CHILDREN It is often difficult tp get smart Coab/for children.. .This year we arej fortunate in securing a fine range in twj^ds and poiret twills that are real chic. Values from' 00 to $15.00 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. JT. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston L a.m.—A service for children and parents. This service leads up to the Decision Dayxservice in the af­ ternoon at three. p.m1.—Decision Day service in ,our Church School. p.m.—“Christ in the Struggle of Prayer.” 7:30 Thursday, our prayer service Th© Women’s Association has been postponed until next week. Customers' havi forB sliing^s wi for them fast andtfn price? Miss Hettie Sweet has accepted a position with Mr. N. W. Trewartha. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper spent the holidays with relatives in Wing­ ham. Mrs. A. H. Gambrill has been visit­ ing her son in Elora during the past week. Mr, and Mrs. W. M. BlatchfordJ Of Toronto, are visiting in and near Exeter. Mrs. Howe visited. with her daughter in Owen Sound during the past week, Mrs. Wm> Armstrong and family spent the Easter holidays with rela­ tives in London. ^■’Mrs. Amos Darling, of Ailsa Craig is, visiting with hei’ parents, Mr. and Mrjs. Fr©d Hunkin. • Miss Misses Hazel and Marguerite t Bloomfield and Stella Little, of- Lon- ' don, have been visiting in town. Messrs. Ted Moir and Harold Tay­ lor have taken ppsitions hs carpen­ ters with a building firm in London and Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs, family,- of New Hamburg, visited over the koliday with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning, Mrs. J. Hepburn, of, London, spent the holidays at the • ‘home of ■ he? daughter, Mr. and Mrs. -Geo. West­ cott, of Usborne. ‘ u . Mr. and Mrs,. W.. A. .Michael and children apd Mrs. Curtis, of Toron­ to, visited, with 'Mr, and Mrs, ■ Thos! Disney on Good Friday.’ Miss "Alda SquVo, of Woodha;n, was the guest of her grandparents, , Mr. and Mrs. H. Squire and .the Gam­ brill family during the Easter vaca­ tion. . . .Some of the latest new Ford own­ ers include Dr, Steiner, W. E. Mid­ dleton, Jas. Earl, E. R. Hopper, J. F. Aikenhead, S. M. Sanders and G. Pickering. •: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harper and the former’s parents motored up from Toronto and visited with >Mr." and Mrs. E. Jackson, Mrs. Harper re­ maining for a week. Dr. Earl Mitchell, of Toronto, spent Gopd Friday and Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mit­ chell. Miss Ida Mitchell returned to Toronto with him. f Miss Annie McKenzie, of the Exe­ ter H. S. staff, is spending the holi­ days .with her sister, Miss Ruth Mc­ Kenzie, of Granton. Dr. Tenant, of Detroit, motored, to ■Exeter bn Saturday and in company with his mother left here for Toron­ to. Mrs. Tenant 'spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Rundle. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Dayman have moved, to Exeter "from Seaforth into the residence of Mr. E. Fanson formerly owned by the late William Treble. .Before leaving , Seaforth they were honored on tWo occasions Wjtfc? presentations ' from friends. /Rev. Father Corcorhn, A. Rhode, ?ChaS>. -Godbolt, Harold McFalls, Wz A. Harness and Garnet McFalls were in Windsor on Monday and drove home new Ford cars. Miss Carrie- Davis spent Good Fri­ day and Saturday in Ingersoll and was accompanied home Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. *F. Irwin, and family. Mr, Leon Dearjng and Mr. Qeorge? Baker, of Walkerville spent the Eas­ ter holidays with thfe former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dearing, of Stephen. Mr. Stewart Moorhouse, of Lon­ don and Miss ,Ruth Moorhouse, of Alma College, Sit. Thomas, spent the Easter holidays with their parents, Rev. 0. J. and Moorhouse at the Main St. parsonage. Dr. and Mrs. Clive McAlister, of Ft. Wayne, lndo Mrs, McAlister, of London and Mrs. (Dr.) Andbrson, of Winnipeg, motored up from London, ,to attend the Easter morning service in James Street United church and called, on a tew friends in town. Dr, $; It. D. and Mrs. Hewitt and family, of Toronto, visited fMi‘S. He­ witt’s father Mfr Alex Dow over Eas- 4er. They left Tuesday for Regina where Dr. Uewitt will enter unon hisniew duties-as superintendent of. the Regina General Hospital, The South Huron ,Ministerial As­ sociation met in James St. churchy on Monday afternoon with the presi­ dent, Rev, .ja$( ^nthopy in the chair. A splendid Taper on "The Conflict between the New and the Old’* was read by Rev. D. McTavish followed by an interesting discussion, 11 3 7 This is ah' excellent all linen towel­ ling. Will Wear and wash well. Reg­ ular price per'’yard 25c. Sale price 20c. per yard; 5 yards for $1.00. 36 inch WIDTH BLACK PAILETTE SILK PURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING A good weight, offfine even wea and a beautiful finis This silk satisfaction. Special per yard $ CHILDREN’S RIBB’ED STOC NGS In one and one rib.A gre^f stock­ ing for boys and girjjs for sc 1 wear. Colors black and ssjfnd, allj£hades at ’ per pair 25c. PURE LINEN TEA TOWELLING In mauve, pink,- blue or yellow* check. Good weight, good weave and a. splendid, towelling for drying dishes Special at per yard 30c. SALE—A/^rug-brick house modfern/improVements. Ap; -B-l^ell. 4-4-tfc. :**.* **'•.SAL.E— Seventeen horses 1400j,fb 1600 pounds; to_ eigfit y^s old. Sell . Frajfk^tylor. 4-^ftc. -A nUin for.<^e su'm- •Anfly ;tiX‘A’. J. Pen- , metaf,' phone 17-34, FOR SAjUE^l^J Ford Coupe, al- :so fbu'r^h'e'^led ih. good shaj rich, R. R, FOR with all ply to C. FOR ranging fro; five” trade. TRIVITT MEMORIAL . CHURCH Rev. Walter Junes. Rector First Sunday After Easter a.m.—Matins WANTED— /•',) merf months. J hale*, R. R. 3 Crediton. rattle 'trailer both Apply John Deit- Fo. 2, Dashwood. i'-. 4-4-2tp. >^,d" 'peas. Price7 FOR SAL^f-Sead • peas. F.L, $2.00 per/bushsi. ^»*AppIy to S. Mc­ Calls, phbne 2'; (^Exeter. • X 4-4-2tp, 4L- . .*' • FOR SALE—Seed^grley, 150 bus 'Apply J, N. Credi'ton. phone 17 r lla 4-4-ltc. t FOR SALE—IJ Storey - byicic Veneer house, Severn-rooms, kitchen, y^oodshed; pantry, /good cellar, hot ' waiter -furnace, ha^L’and/bft water, stable and garagb, gdhd' garden. Apply .to E. A. rallmC Exeter. 2tp FOR -SALE—separator, 3- burner coal olr stovez<Vith oven, I'/braSs bbd, bad'and drbsser, 4 parlor ychairs, rocker, 2 J.Ages., Apply’ at !' Times-Advodate/'^ ^/^-4*2tc. FOR SALE—About&do bushel of Empire seed ohts. /These oats ai’e one year grown '■ add Seed, secured from Roehester/CY. Apply to Jos. Dayman, R.M!L 3, Kippen, HensalF Central phone. 4-4-^ If you wish to buy, sell ojf'rjpit a farm see R, E. Pickard, Ej|y. FOR SALE—A W/lliard Battery, slightly used. J^pp^ to W. J. Beer. . 3-28-tfn. sW’- 1 ’k ..............- ( ■ FOR SAL^dR RENT—House and lot in E^mdyer D Black currant-bushes. Wright, Centralia. Boskoop Giant -j. Apply Geo. I3r28-2tp ..... NOTICE—I will4Je shipping hogs /from Winchelgea/ve'ry Monday. For < prices phon$R/*E. Pooley, 14 r7, Kirkton. Wsmbr E. Slater. 3-2 8-3fC• . ■■—|iT' ' .... FOR SALH>3(Jlt - 75 acres grass farm/.with/Strain of fresh water, Lot!* 5, Co^FHay Tp. Apply Wesley Dearing, R. 1,, Exeter or phone 17rl4, Cr|diton. >21-3tp. FOR SALEr—At Cei . alia, ■ 6_room brick cottagd with convenience /g00<l orchard; eken house. Pos- Apply Mrs. H. D. 2- 14-tfc TAXI SERVI Will meet trainej^hlso country ides. Heated £6 and ISO. 3- 7-tfc. one acre of land wi garage, stablfc session in Arfri Harmon, HeiMil. driving at m sedan cars. £Pho "HAPRY” derate HOGARTH HATCHERY It is now time to . be thinking about your brooders,icks etc..-ftjr We^arJF now funning carlo this- -seam, our ■ indchiilbs arid ridbds. ’'OtiF feeders aft< all p •be-fibfa in'! t'*feW ... __________ tgl'k ovbE- arid ask. fey. our very reaso SERVICE. ,of Hbgar Purple rih-d Meftix MeUv jneai, xum mem, uoa LW:. Oil* Alfalfa Leaf MW. n ,«u;ppiy your of 4 bfoedetsr try BUpplfee will ». Coine ln and u Will find them arid we give you e also .ctfry ■ a, atock •tty Royal onarch LayMash/Borie Meal, Fish Meal, Odd O, H. Becker and 11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m—Evensong. < i rrr- ............. _______ ________EXETER"' AND SURRO'UNDING/aOCNTRT TO THE CITIZENS OF EXE! . _JNTRY GroceryHavin^takjen — -------- business Ford we will take posseyio^TOh Monday .next and will open.^T'^tofe to the public on Wednesd y, April 10th. We solicit your patronage.—Frank Coateay? Mr.; 'Libnbl: "Howard <. visited1, with’ Mr. and-Mrs. E. ’J. "Christie last'wbek ^,,-Specia.l Easter, .services wereyhel^, in Main St. church on .Sunday. Thp chuVch whs \bbautJfUlly . decorated' with Easter' Lillies, daffodiis and tulips. The pastor, Rbv. ’Moorhouse conducted the - service in' the morn? ing and in the evening .ReV. David Rogers, of St. Thomas, ’occupied thb pulpit, J iSpecial .music’ was furnish^ ed by the choir. • y Eastbr .Sunday,.was marked by thd observance ’ of the communion in Trivitt Memorial church on ‘Sunda^ and special sermons were preached' by the Rector,. • Rev. Walter Jones|- The choir furnishbd special music? Miss Grey, of London, sang a solo ii|. the morning and in^.thei evening, quartette wa3 sung.,by Mi'S. N. J.; Dore, Miss MacFaul, Mr. "A.-Middle* miss ,and Wm. Lutman. . * » Service .was held in James -Street? United Church .on the evening of; Good Friday when sixteen new. mem* bers were welcomed into the church.; membership, two by church letter:, and fourteen on profession of faitl^ the result' of the special .services'? Held recently. Special music was fur­ nished by the choir. On Easter S,un-^ day special services were held in the church wjth special Eateter music; by the choir. At the morning ser­ vice Mrs. T. Coates sang a solo and in the. evening Miss Pearl Wood sang a sold’in ”the anthem and a duet was sung by Mrs. Coates, and Mrs. Wil­ liams. Communion was served fol­ lowing the morning arid evening ser-’ vice's. At the morning service the' largest communion for a number of7 years was administered. Dr. M. E. Johnston," of Hamilton, spent faster with her parents here, Before' arriving here she with a lady chum Went to' see Jttck Miner, at Kingsville on Friday. They remain­ in Leamington Friday night so as to be able to see 'the wild geese come into the Bird Sanctuary from Lake Erie in the 'early morning. They reached Miner’s home at 5:40 a.m. They, were the Tipst to cpme in but soon, two Others from. 'Toledo larriv- ed, followed by a couple from De­ troit’ .They were followed by a quartette from an Ohio town Where, Mr. Miller had lectured once. Idst with the" exception of three iiouts, had been travelling all night. The wild geese Were, coming ill from 'the; lake in small and large flocks, during these early hours. About 2000 were present that morning nicking up the corn ..that had boon Scattered along the shox’es of the popds for .them.. Visitors were not ‘allowed to go near them but were given the privilege of seeing them from an observation tower built over Mr, ‘Miner’s garage, They found him very kfnd, pleasant"and ready to give them all the information they wished to know. When they inquir­ ed about, the two blue geese that the daily papers said had arrived, about ten days ago, Mi*. Miners told them that he‘ was afraid; tile family was broken ui> because one them had gone and the other had made love to a white goose present in the Sane* tuary.- These , EVERY WEEK WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW T0 SHOW H. O. SoUthcott is in Toronto this week, and will bring home with him some of the newest Styles and materials in Coats and Dresses. - TH -■ ; * 1.................. -- .............. Try outr fresh ground Rex Coffee at per lb. 65c. Get your Dutch Set Onions early,. .They are scarce at per lb. 15c Mrs. B'.; 'H. Harvey and daughter, Gladys, are spending’this week with the former’s sister at Galt. Mrs. Franklin Cornish of Windsor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win."Lut­ ina n, Exeter North, on Sunday? Miss Marjorie Wes.tcoft, .of Lon­ don,. spent >the holidays With her .par­ ents, Mr.'and Klrbh.G^o. Westccrtt. /‘‘j Mr. Fred Lowry,’ of kitchener,' was here for a short visit with his. parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. E. G. Lowry. Miss Marguerite Aidworth, Strat­ ford, spent the holidays ’ with her parents, Mr.' and' Mi’s. C. Aidworth'. Misses Margaret and Labelle Sitrang, of* London, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strang; of' Usborne. In future all able at hours dur 10 a.m. t date, whicl will NOTICE ! TO HYDRO AND CUSTOMERS counts will be pay- le Hfdro Office. Office hyraent. period from p.m. Last discount is/lhe 12th of the month, enforced. ic Utilities Commission 8 ONTARIO BREEDING STATION Uiider supervision bailment O. A. C. specialise in Barr bird and 1 spect bf P $or i Chick chick ■ SAFETV RAZOR READES Sharpen! (anxn«k«) IN J NEW 2-PJECE, ARE VERY POP1 All sizes at $9.50, $12,$i THE BETTER COATS' FUNERAL SI / R. 1 Ernest C. larvey GENERAL YNSj^AN.CE BROKE* Rerfesentfng Mutual We of Canada Life, Fire, Automobile^ Etc, J0WE AND . DINNEY ^BALMERS PHONE, BUSINESS 20W. HOUSE 20j. EXETER. ONT. Organist d Choirmaster meg S.tr United Chwrch' instruction in Organ • TheorjJ f Music m School* In St. Box 57, Phone III EXETER, ONT. ELLIOTT’S CORNER GROCERY , Just ADUaT iNATi