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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-04, Page 6
><* THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BKBMKA r THURSDAV. APRIL HU» 1029** ______... ... SO YEARS AGO of at J »hn Holman; brother-in-law W- William Drew, of town, is paying a visit to his friends dug’ relatives in this community. He arc 'les in Oregon. California. Ijr. Robert Sample, who has been “teaching school in S. S. 3, Stephen, >ver a year, has gone to 'St. XJat'/arines to attend the Collegiate .Institute, Last Thursday iMr. P. O’Brien, of Hay Twp., had his leg severely injur ed by his horse which he was riding on. falling on It while crossing a fective culvert -at Sexsmith. de- 25 YEARS AGO Mr move taken seriously Stephen to town Hicks, who recently from Hibbert, was ill last week and as. improved he isthough slightly Model 72 COMPLETE (With Tubes) EASY TERMS Amazing Super-Dynamic Speaker !. . SEE AND HEAR THE MARVELOUS MAJESTIC Wonderful Tone—Astonishing Accuracy—Rare Beauty in a low state of health, Mr. Jas. Beers, who has been spending the winter at his homo here, returned Friday last to York- ton, Assa., where he will spend the summer following his trade us car penter. The house and premises of Mr. Robt. Delve, situated on Simcoe !St., was purchased by Mr. A. Deering, of the township of Stephen, who, we understand, intends retiring from the farm in the near future. Messrs. Handford & Elliot shipped two carloads of fine horses to Man itoba on Friday of last week. Messrs Sandy Bawden and Peter Coleman accompanied them. Sandy will spend the summer ranching near Regina. Mr. George Harton left on Satur day afternoon with, considerable stock and household effects for Kaleida, Man. daughters left place, Mr. George the recipient watch on Thursday last by the Sup reme Court ' of the Independent Order of Forresters for good work during the past year in connection with the local lodge. On Monday Farmer Bros, purch ased that excellent stock farm op posite their other farm in the town ship of McGillivray from' Mr. Tim othy Cotter. Zurich There passed away suddenly at her home Miss Liseetta Rcichart, who died on Monday evening, but her death was not discovered until Tuesday when she was found still sitting in the rocking chair where she had died from heart trouble. Mr. in the las, w stroke, his home Mr. C. parcel of shop and Mr. J. Merner a garage .Miss Clara Weber has taken a pos ition in the Zurich Branch of the Bank of Montreal, as stenographer. Mr. John Freid, of Los Angeles, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Fritz. Died in Kirkton . \ Native of Fullarton Township Was Suddenly Stricken Recently. Qtyr Exrier ©ws-AiiiHirate Established 1873 and 1887 i Published every Thursday morning*, at Exeter, Ontario while N. Doug- paralytic taken to the i, re aged afternoon with, and household Mrs. Hur ton and two Monday for the same Anderson was of a handsome made gold 15 YEARS AGO John Bechler,. of Blake general store of R. as stricken with a Mr. Bechler was and is recovering Fritz has purchased the land just west of hi$. shoe up to the Fire Hall, from and expects to build on the lot. REDUCTION PROMISED IN RATES FOR HYDRO Clias. reThat there would be a general vision downward in Hydro rates this summer was the announcement made in the Legislature recently by the Hon. J. R. Cooke, government repre sentative of the Hydro Commission. The announcement came while the House was in committee of the whole on supplementary estimates totalling $14,182,913.55, which were passed. The longest discussion was on the Hydro estimates, when W, E. N. Sin clair, the Liberal leader, criticized some of the expenditure and Mr. Cooke replied. - Mr. Cooke declared' that the Ont ario Hydro-Electric Power Commis sion had come to the turning point in the road. It could either make a revision of rates downward or have surpluses pile up. “And,” said he, point to give every year,” This would explained, by of consumers, there had been a revision last July, and that there would be another this year. Sudden and ‘unexpected was passing at his home in Kirkton cently, of Francis Anderson, ; 63, a native of the .Townline of Blan- shard and Fullaaiton. ‘M'r. Anderson contracted the “flu” and afterwards suffered from pleurisy. His condi tion apparently improved but a short while ago, while in bed he suddenly expired. He was a son -pf the late Francis Anderson-and was born ou tlie homestead in Fullarton. Sever al years ago he and his wife moved to Kirkton wliere they have Jived ever since. Surviving besides his widow he leaves a family of five, namely, Mrs. William Bolton, North River Road; Mrs. Sober Hodgins; and Frank and Herbert all of Blan- shard. He also is survived.by one brother, George, of the Canadian West and Robinson, Williams, Moore, of a member funeral took place on Friday with interment in the Kirk'fOn cemetery, —t--------------------- SUBSC&IPTION-—$2.00 per year 1^-. ■advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estati sale 50 c. each four insertions, quent insertion tides, To Rent Found 10c. per Reading Card of Thanks vertising 12- and Memoriam, with extra verses 25 c. Member of The Canadian Weekly, I insertion for firs# 25c.' each subse- Miscellaneous ar- Wuuted, Lost, or; line of six words,* notices 10 c. per lino* 50c. Legal ad-r 8c. per line one verse each. W 50fe Newspaper* Association, Professional Cards three sisters, Mrs. John Carlingford; Mrs. John Kirkton and Mrs. William Kitchener. Deceased was of the United Church. The GLADMAN & STANBURY . X'' BARRISTERS, SOLICTORS, Ac« Money to Ldpi, meats Made,;. ^InsuiCnce t Xmult for use of oui; ' /without charge? LONDON HENSAldl Safe-Depoj Clief EXETER VISIT THEIS LAND Where. Cloud Capped: Mountains Touch the Sky, and Great Rivers Rush Madly to the Sea. CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLI LOAN! Hugh Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, of Exeter North, left .Fri day for Wood Mountain, Sask., to join his brother Jesse, and take up a homesteod. Mrs. W. H. Dearing was in Lon don this week attending the funeral of the late Israel Quick. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witwer, Exe ter North, entertained a number of their friends and neighbors very pleasantly on Friday evening, the occasion being the celebration of Mrs. Witwer’s birthday. Reeve. John W. Taylor attended a hydro radial meeting in St. Marys on Monday. Rev. W. G. H. McAlister will preach anniversary sermons in Ask in fit. chrch. London, next Sunday and Rev. W. H. Harvey, of Askin I Spahr’s Tonsilitis is the most Street, will preach in James Street cessful remedy to treat Cough, Bron- churcly | cliitis, Whooping Cough, Colds, Ca- Messrs. M. M. Doyle and- R. Mur- (tarrh, Sore Throats and Tonsil ills, phy went along with the big deputa- i Absolutely is guaranteed. Howey’s tion to Ottawa last week. ■ ‘Drugstore. “we are at the a revision downward be made possible, he the increased density He recalled that NEWS IS SPREADING “ from coast to coast that Mrs. Sybilla suc- This year take a trjj) to the Far West—see1 the wond.qrs of the Pacific Coast and Alaska. On this' tour—you’ll cross prairies- Office: the -you’ll see the rolling foot hills of the Rockiese You can stop off at Jaspei- National Park-—then on through the. mountains to Van couver and Victoria. You’ll cross rushing, grumbling rivers—skirt mighty mountains—see ravishing scenery, From Vancouver you can. take a luxurious boat trip to Alaska. You’ll see bays and fiords that will remind you of Norway—glaciers that will amaze you with their mighty grand eur—and then Alaska! A land for pioneers—a land where the Northern Lights make wonder pictures in the sky. Take this tour. The cost is low. An illustrated booklet has been* pre pared describing the trip. Ask any Canadian National Railways Agent for a copy. CTORS, Ac, j INVESTMENTS, ikSJffiANCE Carling- Block, Main Streeify- EXETER, ONT. _________■ DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER | PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ' Graduate of Faculty/of Medicine^ University of “ esterjaFOntario, Mem ber of‘the College Surgeons of o; Member of thei British Medi Council. Phone 6 — (The office of the lattf Dr. H. K. Hyndman) ’ Physicians and.' good, by giving relief W. J. Beer I Erice 50c. a box at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by the T. Mil hum Co., Limited,. Toronto, Ont cloud hangs overhead. x A Great blobs strike and. splash on your roof. In a moment comes the torrent—harmless if your robU is tight and secure. Even light summer rains have a way of finding the smallest crack or chink in the roof of your 'home'*— - crumbling your plaster, spoiling your . interior decorations, and drenching your rugs. How essential, then, that you own a roof which is immune to- ordinary roofing ailments—a roof the sun cannot warp—the wind cannot loosen — the driving snotf and sleet- cannot harm. Brantford Asphalt Slates ^ive your Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S« DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of Mllitiai District Number Once- London, Ont. Phones jjF House 34$ Wednesday afternoons untiWMay 1st, 1929 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. KTeleplidnesOffice 34w | Office' open! H Suffered for Months with Severe Pains In Her Back Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.jD.D.S* Office.lpye/j^arling &'Morley' ' V Office , j Extracti^F Under Oxygen Ga$ j EXETER, ONT. ! home the highest degree of weather and fire protection. For Brantford. Asphalt Slates neither swell or shrink., split or chip, curl or bulge, rust or decay. Yet they cost no more. You can entrust the safeguarding of your family and furnishings with perfect confidence to these handsome shingles. For summer and town homes — for schools, churches, and public buildings they are equally desirable— not only for their security but for their < exceptional beauty and economy. Write for copy of booklet “Beauty With Fire Protection”—an au orita- tive treatise on, the proper ty%e, de sign, finish and colour for your Braatfanl Roofing Co., Lhuttd, Hand OCct <mU Factory, Brant/ord, One. pm nad BZaNiMuata at Toaoarta, 'Wthadaor, #Fiaaj|jaj, Idanaana^ Rr MftW and Sddt <u>i S.ilehy ROSS-TAYLOR CO. Limited On the first sign of any weakness or. yain. in tho back Doan’s Kidney Pills fthould be- taken. They are a remedy for the kidneys only and make right for the seat of the trouble. Mrs. Lawrence Proulx, Galetta, Ont., writes:—“I suffered for many months with severe pains In my back. I •onld not rest day or night, and I had no ambition to do anything. o0ne day I saw where you ad vertised Doan’s Kidney Pills for pains tn the back asd I lost no time in buy ing a box. I have taken three boxes and found that they did me a wonder amount of ht away.” DR. WM. L/LAWSON ' D. D.‘ S. TIST Commercial /suilcling^ •r. . ’ Phono 77w<, Office in 10 Main St., L. D. S. dr. e. s. Steiner VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of th^Ontario Veterinary ollege A^fAND NIGHT, ' . IPTLY ATTENDED TO/ Main and Ann Streets ; in C. B. Snell’s Block I EXETER, ONT. CALLS Corner Offi JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC,/ OSTEOPATHY . ELECTR VIO “For lijltt, flakey pie tablesbc ins less per cu Flour tnar of ordinary pastry or soft win ,t flour and 1 level tablespoon ing. Roll i ______________ pie crust t e half butter and half lard.” Send 30c ror Purity Flour Ct Book. C4ilL__ Lirnfted.T ronto more of shorten- ? dry. For extra rich ■ , had a i Co. USI3ORNE & IHBB................................ T MUTUAL FIRE INSURANC COMPANY Head Office. Fa^huhar, Ont. President SIMON DOW Vice-Pfes.' FR K McCONNELL DIRECTORS• ANGUS INOLA , J. T. ALLISOH, ROBT.\NORIKS, WM. BROCK ENfcS JOHN ESSE , C intrhlia, Agent f6» Usbcrnd and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent toi Hibbert, Fullarton. and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-TreaSuter Box Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, ExeUr MAIN ST. IAPY & ULTRA*) 1REAT1WENTS • ONE 70 1 EXETER iER LICENSED AUCTIONEER' For Hu FARM S^LES/k SPECIALTY' PRIC ARTHUR W Middlesex " EASONABLE ‘ SATlSFACfT/ON GUARANTEED)' Phono’57-18 Daslnvood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD • FRANK TAYLOR • LICENS: , For H FARM SALE Prices Rea^opffible and. Satisfaction' ^Guaranteed. EXETER P. O. or RING 138 IONEER | 1 Middlesex j A SPECIALTY OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate tion Schoo in Registered Li Merchandise Sales, Et prevailing jf-ices. sured, — - or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont ft rey Jones’ Auc- Speofal course taken Stock (all breeds); il Estate, Farm j/ates in keeping with . Satisfaction as- write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, 1929 AS ZiOOD AS GOW czpeaboe . ' Phene 13 Ow Residence, Ann St., two blocks west of Main Sit/ Exet^