HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-04, Page 1ESTABLISHED 187$EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 4th, 1929 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 2879 Suaworthy Wall Papers do not fade Buy Staunton’ semi-trimmed Wall Pipers* ■X ■ . ■■ ' Our Stock of Spring House Furnishings in now complete^ New Rugs. Linoleumns, Oil Cloths, Window Blinds, Curtain Poles, Draperies, Curtains, Curtain Nets, Table Oil Cloths, etc., in an exceptionally fine range to choose from.Z/ CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS—All size# many new patterns. Get out new low prices before youl buy. LINOLEUMN—Printed And inlaid de«igns/at very low prices WINDOW BLINDS—-Special. 10 dozen plain en and plain cream blinds 37 inches by 6 feet, very slightly imperfect, special at $1.00 each. LADIES’ & MISSES’RING COATS Good heavy linen. . .Very At the present time we have one hundred Beautiful Coats to choose from in tweeds, trricotines, etc., in pjain and fur-trimmed styles at very, attractive • prices. LADIES’ & MISSES’ DRESSES N|bw styles in Crepes,, etc.^for street wear; also a large stock use Dresses now read hildren’s Dresses from I new select from. we ha one p real st to 14 years.. . Dozens of new styles >’ of to * e finest and best assorted line of Juvenile, Youth’s and Boys’ Suits e ever had;. . Nearly every suit with one pair of long, pants and ’r short, and we ave .them in a variety of patterns. There is _____le to these suitsfand the pricey range from $7.00 to $12.00 accord­ ing to fize, and these Juices are as low as any city prices. - We can give you allsizesfrom 2 to 34 at $5.00 per. suit.. .These suits were much dearer’) but becauset y are belted coats;we are passing them oUt at $5.00. -Just the thing for school. NEW COLORS Men s Suits @ $25.00 NEW STYLES ‘ Trench Coats @ $10.00 and $12.00 LOW PRICES NEW SCHOOL ROOMS TO OPEN AFTER HOLIDAYS AGENTS FOR STAUNTON’S SEMI-TRIMMED WALL, PAPERS - BIG SPECIAL Introductory ENDING APRIL Kth WE ARE OFFERING SPECIAL PRICES ON PR OF 0UR BIG STOCK. COME IN AND GET f t. 1 V Will Form Intermediate Circuit with London, Stratliroy ami Sarnia. Better g is ees moderate* o 12 a.m. an£ ■ -ytf by Appointment x jO S. FITTON Phoned 5 w OPTOMETRIST Secure your seayr early for “C&JdU Racket” at |he Gfpera House, April 17th and istlurunder the auspice® of the Trivi^OIemorial A. Y. P, We Can Help You to Our method of complete and our Office ho 1:30 > 70,000 EGGS IN INCUBATORS , WHEN HYDRO GOES OFF ► With the hydro off Monday the , Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery was ih danger of suffering a serious loss ' as Mr. Hogarth had around 70,000 ' eggs in his incubators. The incu­ bators' ar© heated from a furnace but electric fans are used for cir- cuating the air and without this cir­ culation the hatch was bound to suf­ fer. try and and car. not comes off. ALTON LIPPERT DIES FROM GUNSHOT WOUNDS Mrs. Sweitzer and daughter, Mrs. Hewlitt, were in Melbourne on Mon­ day attending the funeral of the former’s grandson, Alton Lippert, aged 12 years, who died from injur­ ies received when a gun he was car­ rying was accidentally discharged on Good Friday. Alton is the son of Mr. Ravid Lippert, formerly of Ste­ phen, and now a hardware merchant at Melbourne. Alton with two other brothers, Edward and Lloyd, were out shooting and (Alton insisted on carrying the gun when it discharged At first it was thought he would re­ coyer but complications set in which resulted in his death. Besides his parents he is survived by four bro­ thers -and three sisters, Harry, of Detroit; Edward, Ralph, Lloyd, Nano .Betty and Shirley at home. JEWELS PRESENTED At the I. O. O. F. Tuesday evening twp veteran’s jewels were presented- to/ two members of the order. Bro. Si A., Poplestone, of Blyth, was pre­ sented with a 40-year veteran’s je­ wel,. the presentation being made by Bip’. J. G. Stanbury. Mr. Stanbury reviewed the work of the early years ;of ’Oddfellowship in Exeter when Mr. Ppplestone was an active member, and of the latter’s rise to the honor-, ed; position of Grand Master and spoke'of the pleasure it was for Exe- teF lodge: to make this presentation. Mr, Ppplestone expressed his appre­ ciation of -the gift and of his plea- associations .with the lopge. BroCvEJ. M. Dignan, was- presented with a 25-year veteran’s jewel, the presentation being made by Brother Thos.' Pryde. Mr. Pryde spoke of the faithful service of Mr. Dignan who during most of those years'had been the treasurer of the lodge and had always maintained a deep and Active interest in the welfare of,the , inembers. Mr. Dignan voiced -his appreciation of the thoughtfulness of the brethren and expressed the plea­ sure he had derived from lodge work Following the presentation refresh­ ments wer© served and a social hour enjoyed. HOUSE OF MIRTH TURNED TO MOURNING The sympathy of th© community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley G. Simmons and the brothers and sis­ ters of Chester Melville Simmons, who passed away in Victoria Hospit­ al, London, on Monday. April 1st, aged 17 years, 5 months and 10 days The young man had been employed with the Bell Telephone Co., at Windsor and came home to spend the Easter holidays with his parents and to be present at -the marriage of his brother Clarence to Miss Irene Frayne on Saturday last. He was take nill Saturday morning and was unable to be present at the wedding and the same evening he was rushed to Victoria Hospital, London, for an operation. Four years ago the de­ ceased underwent an operation for appendicitis and we understand his death wasi due to complications ' Which have developed, since tliat time. About eight years ago Mr. and Mrs. Simmons and family: mov­ ed to Exeter from Fillmore, Sask,, Mi’. Simmons taking over the black­ smith shop of Mr. David Russell. The ■deceased was highly esteemed and popular among the young people of town. A short time ago 'he went to Windsor where his brother Clarence was employed. His sad death cast a, shadow of gloom over ia household that bad just .been-merry over the marriage of the oldest soft. Clarence and his bride had returned to; Wind­ sor following the. wedding and short­ ly after received’ the sad nows of Melville’,s sefious illn«ss. Besides the bereaved parents thfre© brothers and three sisters mourn his loss, Clarence, of Windsor; Annie, Reba, Fred, Eldred and Coquoline at home. The funeral, private, whs held Wed­ nesday afternoon to the Exeter ceme­ tery. A magnificent array of floral tributes expressed the sympathy of many friends. HYDRO OFF MONDAY A number of hydro jpoles were blown down by the storm Monday morning near London and this com­ munity Vras without power until the middle of the fbr©nbon Tuesday. Many in the community had to go without liot meals ' and the stores of town wore almost clehned out of candles and lamp chimneys when, the citizens had to rdSOrt to the old methods for light at night. The' town was In darkness. Various means were used to and keep the air in circulation finally a dynamo was installed run from the engine of a Ford The extent of the damage will be known until the first hatch The annual meeting of the West­ ern Ontario Baseball League was held in London on Monday evening last in the office of Del Lewis with a good attendance from Sarnia, Strathroy, Exeter and London, Of­ ficers for the coming season were elected and arrangements for the campaign were also made. The league this season will revert back to the intermediate series af­ ter playing senior ball last year. The league will also have a new entry from Exeter while London' East, Sarnia and Strathroy of last year's group will again enter, making it a four-team league. The circuit will have a hew presi­ dent and secretary-treasurer this season in J. R. Bogue of Strathroy as president and W. MacWaddell, al­ so of 'Strathroy, as secretary-treasur­ er. Three vice-presidents were also elected: Earle Pirie, of London; G. Dawson, of Sarnia and James Mor­ ley, of Exeter. They will comprise the league executive with W. Mac- Waddell representing Strathroy. Honorary presidents are Hon. J, C. Elliott, J, W. McLaughlin, of Lon­ don and W. G. Medd, of Exeter. THE DEATH OF WM. J. JAQUES The death took place in Usborne on Good Friday of Mr. William John Jaques aged 64 years and 18 days. The deceased had been ailing for a. number of years and three years ago received treatment for ten weeks in a hospital of London for diabetic gangerine. He was born in Usborne and lived there all his life. He was never married. He is survived by three brothers and two sisters, Jo­ seph, of New Ontario, Mrs. Joseph Mossey, of Prospect Hill, Jas. Wes­ ley, of Usborne and Charles of Us­ borne at whose home he passed away also Mrs. Arthur S. Taylor, of Tor­ onto. The funeral was held on. Mon-- day interment in the Exeter, ceine-. tery. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' s. Tay­ lor of Toronto, attended the funer­ al: ‘ ' SIMMONS—FRAYNE NUPTIALS • A qh'iet-b’ut pretty wedding took place at the Main Street United par­ sonage on Saturday at high noon when Miss Grace Irene, only daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Frayne of the Thames Road was united in marriage to Mr. Clarence Morris. Simmons, of Windsor, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley G. Simmons, of Exeter. The ceremony being per­ formed by Rev. C. J. (Moorhouse. The bride looked charming in a wedding gown of sand georgette, attended by Miss Annie Simmons, sister of the groom while the groom was supported by Mr; Arthur Frayne brother of the bride. Following th© ceremony the wedding party motor­ ed to the home of the bride’s parents where a dainty wedding dinner was served. The groom's -.gift to the bride was a handsome necklace; to the bridesmaid a fancy compact and to the groomsman a gold tie pin. The happy ■ couple left in the ev­ ening amid showers of ‘confetti for their future home in Windosr, the bride travelling in a coat of blue, with fur trimmings, with sand hat, shoes and hose to match. The best wishes of a host of friends will fol­ low them. iShe was CHAMBER QF COMMERCE BANQUET Membei'ipof the Chamber of Coal* merce ar© Asked to attend a banquet at the Central H^tgJ onj^riday, ev-t Tickets! 75c. New. membes^ will be wel- come.y^TIus is W©; onl^jtfvitatioj^ being senrout and members are ask-* ed to attend, Members/___________JL.......................... .......... at the Central Hotel onF ening, j^pril -5 th "e~ Jiew. member will f This is Wfe‘ only*® fCT HELEN MORGAN UNDERGOES OPERATION Th© home-of Mr. and Mrs. Archie? Morgan, of Usborne. has had jnoret than its share of sickness during ±he> past few months and the sympathy of many friends go out to them^ Helen was taken to Victoria Hospit­ al, London, and on Monday under­ went an operation for double man- toids. Baby Beverley, was taken t.oi the hospital Tuesday with symptom® of the same trouble. Ann is jus# getting around from- an attack of scarlet fever and Allisdn has jusi} been taken down with it. Mr* Mor­ gan, who recently underwent sever­ al operations, is getting along fine. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers has just completed alterations to the interior; of his hardware store. He ' ha® ■three new display counters placed at the front and centre of his store- These have a glass top and glasa ■front making a maxium of display; space. Besides these there havo been many other changes to the in­ terior of the store which go to make this an up-to-date hardware store. The display cases were manufactur­ ed by the Ross-Taylor Co; Limited .and are a credit to the-manufactur­ ers. - • TrrL1'~ ' - Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Newell and son, of Stratford, spent Good Friday at the home of (Miss Ethel Bissett. WEI TICALLY ALL CQUAINTED. IHED BYThe new addition to the Exeter school will be open for occupancy following the Easter holidays. Work-' men are this week putting the fin­ ishing touches to the new rooms, which .are roomy, bright and cheery. New indoor toilets-have been install­ ed in the basement and are a great improvement to the school property. The basement of the public library which for a number of years’ lias been used for the primary; rpom is to be vacated and these rooms will soon be again open to fffe public as a reading room. ■mr -K. of Wngham 6 MECES FHOM 9 to 2 O’CLOCK tan at 12 o’clock .1$ 95c. plus tax Ladies Please Provide Lunch Exeter Ball Club DANCING ...... 3 A FEW EXTRA VALUES LISTE IZED PAILS .,4 or a or or 3 or, 3 3 2 BELOW 12 QUART GALVANIZED PAILS ... 14 QUART GALVANIZED PAILS 16 QUART GAJYVA 14 QUART TIN DAfRY PAILS 14 QUART TIN DAIRY PAILS, extra her/y 10 QUART TIN DA|rY PAILS No. 2 Hot, Galv. Tubi, $1.00 ea 65c. Zinc Wash Boa|ds 49C ea Gen $1.00 $1.15 $1.40 $1.00 for for for for each 89c. each 25 c. No/9 Hot Galv. Boilers $1.39 75/Giass Wash Boards 69c ea. colored Granite coffee percolators jlegular $1.70" size for $1,14Regular $1.40 sizej for 95c. Miss Florence Harvey, R. N., of Strathroy, is visiting with, her sister Mrs. and Mr. Thos. Coates. Mrs, John- Rowe is visiting with her sister, Mrs. MpMahon, in Toron* to.The A.Y.P.A. of Trivitt Memorial Church present A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS UNDER THE DIRECO^ON OF MBS. N. J. DORIS’’ OPERA. H0USE, EXETER 4 MARRIAGES SIMMONS—^FRAYNE—-In Exeter on -Saturday JM-^rch 30th, Grace Irene -i^Cnly daUgliter of Mr. -and Mrs. G, Frayne, of Thames Road, to Mi’ of and Exeter, A REAL VALUE, Regular $1.90 size . DON’T MISS ONE OF THESE Regulai’ $2.70 sifce for $1.88 SPEC/ALI usters > 12 pkgs. Conalite Wall Finis 5 lb. pkgs. .............. All Good Colors Odd Colors of at Cost. This priming paint. Phint to Clear makes a 'good Per qt. 69c,- Make Your Old Hat Look Like New COLOR1TE, THE REAL HAT FINISH, in all colors, 25c. ■Colored 2-Cell FLASHLIGHTS, Complete with battery 98c. Special Prices on all Cutlery and. Silverware 1 Only 250-Egg IDEAL INCUBATOR to clear at $29.00 TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD PHONE TOUR HARDWARE NECESSITIES’ TO ML 2?, Clarence Morris * Simmons, Windsor, eldest soln of Mr. Mrs. Wesley Simmons of by Rev. C. J. Moorhdjise. DEATHS JAQUES—On Lot 'A,- Con. borhej, Twp., on Good March 29,, 1929, William John Jaques, aged 64 years and 18 days. SIMMONS — In' Victoria Hospital, London, on ‘'Monday, April 1st, Chester Melville Simmons, aged 17 years, 5 months and 10 days, son of Mr. and'Mrs., Wesley Simmons, of Exeter brane© 7, Us- Friday, G. IN MEMOIti HILL—In loving rem our ddar son; Orvil)g. Gefald Hill, Who died April We loved But ang And they ■To yond The goldei A gentli And With Ho calm Sadly mi Mt’S. Clifford. Hill. im, yes Is love ave- st* r sliii of 927. loved him, lim more; btly called him g shore. OF CHARAC CAPT. ROBT. RACKET, A lawye OBADIAH DAWS TIMOTHY TOLMAN, His frie MR. DALROY, H HOBSON, A waiter froth a CLARICE, The MRS TOLMAN, KATY, A misch TOOTSY, Tin? ACT .1—-TliiPs lion His uncle father-in- fe ... plain’s vous ladyj^ith a temper w, hid .. * ... ., ... * olivlf branch ... W. C. Davis .., . Jas. Morley ..4 T. S. Neale ... W. A. Elliott .... Ted. Moyle . Miss C. Woods Mrs. N* X Dore . 4 Miss . C. Davis A gate/' wove opened, vbi® said “Come” ells urtspoken, Entered home, d by parents; Mi‘* ----- {S'; / and ii the Hudson. A Irt-eezy morning hi Septoinbet' ACT. g^Thc nextmorning. How mm yam reentries’ anotlmn. ACT it—^livening of the same day. A. general inudilte. ADMISSION: Reserved Seats 50c} Rush 35cj Childien 25c. PLAN AT HOWEYS DRUGSWRe/ .. COME AND ENJOY A GOOO LAUGH nWiiiT j I- II ■■MT-rii.n -I nMiim.ij-1. ituii^iiiii iiiirr' aniijrinirii-iiiiiiR i-it »iwiiiiitii-ttartiriiiirriiii - n - iiiiamOhirt IJ u*.