HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-03-14, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 1 Used Cars 1933 1923 1923 1922 model model model truck, Sedan .... $135.00 Touring .... 75.Q0 Star Coupe $125.00 stake body $175,00 These cans have been tuimed in on New Foyds they are in good condition aiid each carry a 1029 license. ’ SANDY ELLIOT Ford Dealer Phone 64 Exeter lliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll LOST—A. Conway-Stewart, large size fountain pen, mottled. Findei* rewarded. Please leave at Times- Advocate. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE—50 acre farm near,. Chiselhurst. Com­ fortable house, frame barn on found­ ation, good soil.. Apply to Gladman & Stanbury, Barristers, Exeter and London. 3-7-4te. FOR SALE—20 choice, horses sound 4nd gentle and to harness. Apply to W. R. Centralia.i_____ ___ _______ FOR SALE ' OR ^ENT—A good building or garden /tot on Elizabeth St. Apply tp Mis/ Andrew, Huron Street. x 3-7-3tp .. ..........i< , •-, -_______■ - young broken Elliott, FOR -SALE OR: RENT—Forty-six acres choice farm land , thoroughly tile drained, adjacent to the Exetei* station. Apply t/Mrs. J. Elston on premises. ’ | >2-2 8-3 tp. : -/ FOR SALE—At Centralia, 6_room brick cottage with* every/convenience one acre of land with good orchard; garage, stable, chickeh house. Pos- / session in April. . Ripply Mr/. H. D. Harmon, Hensall.u ■ TAXI SERVICE Will meet all trains; also driving at mojerat# prices, sedan car<s. “HAPPY”- WEELS. 2-14-tfc country Heated Rhone 56 and 180; 3-7-tfc. * ;d. FARM FOR SALI?i-OR RENT—150 acres, lot 3, con; and lot 11, con. 6, in Hay Township. Apply to Mr. Hilton Ford, Ha^ P. .0,. ,3-14-3tp. FOR SALE—-'Tour. phoihe,.of three springers, 2 holsteins aiid o'iie Dur­ ham; also 3 geese and 1/gander. Ap­ ply to A. B. Rowcliffe, London Road, Telephone, Hensall, 85-17, FOR SALE—Registered Hereford bull calf, aged 10 months, extra fine animal; ?/ wheat. R. No. !Au4»'. s, - - y —»’■ .FOR SALE—Brantford windmill, 30 ft tower. Just yin thing to re­ pair your damaged/1 windmill. Price reasonable. Apply/ to Ewart Pym, R. R. I, Centralia I , f3-14-ltp. also some Marquis Spring Apply to .Jopn Hirtzel, R. 1, Credjton, phone 36 r 3. | 3-A/jltc. —T-----------T‘ "" NOTICE TO FARMERS If you have selves or screens need­ ing rewiring with wire of’ zinc, bring them in and I will make them like new. I have on hand a new Com­ mon Sense fanning mill for sale.-Wm Mitchell, Huruh St., Exeter, phone 187. ' * 3-7-tfc FOR SALE-^-One six-piece parlor suite, couch, glass cupboard, exten­ sion table, bed and dresser, heater, coal-oil stovp; This furniture is all good. Reason for selling is that’ there is-t'ooy mttch furniture for the size of J,he', house. Apply to Mrs. Albert Beil,’ R.R. 1, Exeter •3-7-2tc. FOR SALE* or RENT—100 acres Lake Road, Loh/L‘3 ,N. B., of Stephen Twp., Orchard,'bank barn about 34k 40 feet; land' suitable for mixed farming or pasture; immediate pos­ session. Apply'to 'M. W. Pfaff in Exeter or Horace pfdff, R, R. Hay. / 2 Np. 1, •21-2tc FOR SALE OR RENT—65' good grass land, clay loam, failing well w||h yfhdmtti; located in Usborne Township,' Corner “ south Boundary and.,$ixth concession; Ap­ ply J. A, Tdohey, 460 Cheapside St., London, Ontarib. 2-14-tfc ' S .*•— ■- ■ ■ — — Warning to farmers If you have harness that heeds repairing, have it. d&no now, do not wait until spring and then expect to have it don# th# same day you bring it in. Look after this NOW and’ will not tori" disappointed In spring./ '• acres never you the HOGARTH HATCHERY It is now time to b4’ tbihkliig about you? toi’bodera, chicks etc; for tills seaSoft. AVe .are hW ?uftning our machines'1 and can supply your needs, Our catload pf;/ feeders and all poultry shpjilieS will be here in a few days^,/ Oome In and talk over your needs ask fort our pi'Ices« You will ilhd them very reasouabiu and' wb give you '/Wb alho cd/ry a stock or TUghrtijisvDay-'' Mbah/ Royal Purple bpd' MohWch Lay Mash, Bone MeaL ' Moaf MeaL-,.Fisl Meal, Cod Liwt-1 Oil/. Charcoal^/Alfalfa Leaf Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30 Oats 55c, • Barley 72c, Manitoba Flour $3.90 Blend Flour $<3,75 Pastry Fldu,r $3.65 Feed Flour $2.15 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 47c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, hwik wwiidi i wi w ■xinrn yr "OTfnmnwwwMMWMWwiTMii CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Buttei- 40-43c< extras 36c. pullets 30c. seconds 22 c. $10.50 -a ? A The Ladies] Aid o/James Street United churc/i will, hold a sale of baking on Saturday, March 23rd, be­ginning at 3/30Mh the sample room of the Centp/<Hotel. FOR SALE—Wliite Blossom sweet clover seed, $3“.50. per bus. Seed bar­ley $1.00 pert bus!/ AV. H. Wood, R. R, I, Hensall ...... 3-14-2tp. LOST—A sniall rolf of bills, ward. J’ ™- - vocate. Re- Pleasef ndtify/the Times-Ad- zf-V 1 ' 3-14-^tp. . ■■ ■« .............. —■« All orders ror fertilizer arid lime to be placed with the Tfiajdes Road Farmers’ Club [must be i/ not later than Monday, Jyi'arch L,8’th, meeting night, Car fo| Cedar/osts and car of coke on #rder. /Make sure you get your orejjer in/as- this will be the last, this ?season, grass seed orders iflake sure you If possible all ___ _ ____ ,should by next meeting night,.—-P. more, Sec’y. ~ / ------------------it---- J ALCommencing next/ week, Monday and Tuesday plctu/es will be shown until further notice. be in Pass- 3-7-2tc Mrs. W. AV. Taman is visiting her sister Mrs. W. T. Goodison, of To­ ronto. Miss Ina Harding is ill at her home suffering from an attack of pleurisy. Mr. Edward Anderson, who has been ill for the past five weeks, is improving. The Stratford Beacon-Herald col­ lected close to $7000 for the Welsh. Miners Relief. Mr. Thos. Appleton left Wednes­ day to visit for" some time with rela­ tives in Detroit, Cap., Howard, of,Lucan, has com­ menced his auto bus route from Ex­ eter to Mr. gave a party to a number of their friends _____ Miss Helen Redden, of Listowel, has resumed her position as millin­ er with Miss Armstrong. Mr. Verna Roulston, -ol London, spent Sunday with his parents "Dr. G. F. and! Mrs. Roulston. Messrs. W. J. Beer and Earl Rus­ sell motored ______ . _ the forepart of the week. Mrs. John Thompson, of Usborne, visited with ’ " ' “ troit, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs George Geddes, of London, visited with friends at Sexr smith and Exeter a few days ago. . Messrs.’ Chas. Ford, Bert Harness and George Jaques were in Windsor this week bringing home new Ford cars. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman, of London, spent the week-send with Mrs. Gladman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.' E. Pickard/' Miss , Marguerite Aidworth, of Stratford', spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aid­ worth at Sexsmith. Miss Beryl ’Hill, teacher at S, S. No. 1, Stephen, spent the week-end with her cousin Mrs: 'Milo Snell and Mrs. Victor Kestle. Mrs. Dave Russell spent a few days in St. Thomas this week visit­ ing her daughter Mrs. (Rev.) Bur­ den. Cunningham. ■ , Miss Gambrill, of Exeter, spent the week-end the guest of Misses D. and Aileen Cousin. (Woodham news. In St. Marys Journal-Argus , Mr. D. D. Crittenden, of Sit. Thom­ as, spent Sunday and Monday visit­ ing with Mr. and Mi’S. L. J. Fen- hale and other friends in* town. Mr. Frank Hawkins, of London RoaA North, was taken to St. Jo­ seph's Hospital, 'London, oh Tttoes- day in Mr. Rowe’s invalid coach. __ Hawkin's has been ill for the past two weeks. Mr. and IMrs. Robert Love son Junior, of London spent day with Mrs, Love’s ? mother Ffaff and other relatives in town. Miss Blanch Senior, .who recently underwent an operation in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, is making satisfactory progress towards recov­ ery,. Mrs. Sidney Sanders, was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, oil Monday suffering from gall-stones and expects to undergo":an operation in A few days. • " Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bpx and family, of Barkhill, also Mrs, Ken- To- aird. London. • ... and Mrs. Joseph Northcott recently.■» to Toronto and spent her three sons in De- Mr and Sun- Mr/i. neth Box and daughter Lorna, of rohto, spent Bunday with Mr, Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. R. E., Davis, of the Ranis Comriierce Mdtt ;Windsor, who neiitly underwent ah ppovatfon of re- - - ----------- forappendicitis, Is at present reouper- ating at the home of his parents Mr, and; Mrs, S, tiavls.i Mr. Ernest Prout, son of Mr. and Mri-L John Profit, of Usborne^ under­ went. an operation in st, Joseph»s Hospital London, on Monday and nt proauht is in a critical.,condition. ‘ Mr, a. Elliott, Ford Dealer,, on Monday sold a Murdoor sedan ta Mr. J, T, Hern, of Usborhe. Mr. Mliioit0 sold two cars on Monday and on Tuesday brought up throe cars from Windsor. 10 a.ML—Sunday School. Services as usual at 11 a.m, and p.m. conducted by REV. AV. A. WILLIAMS of Cranprook Next Sunday the occupant of the pulpit Avill be a’candidate for a call and every member and should hear him morning and even- A * Monday, Mar. ^rSgApy^a’nd lunch. >he\^n drea^Aid. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavisb, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Loader. a.m.—The Saving Faith. -Sunday School ... . -Down by the Potter’s House Special Male Quartette at evening service. Mr. Greenlaw will sing morning and evening. - <r See special ad re midweek services. ing. St. Patrick’s 18 th. JlWal Auspices OS] 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.r adherent MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston s a.m.—“Ch'ristian Joys Mistaken’ ones, arid . two ones. The Christ desired. 3 p.m,—Our Church School 7 p.m.—“We preach Christ and Crucified. 7:30 Thursday, our prayer vice. Postponed Ladies’ Aid last Thurs­ day and their social hour will take place this Thursday at 3:30. ; 11 s TRIVITT MEMORIAL ’ CHURCH Rev. Walter Junes. Rector Fifth Sunday in Lent -Holy Communion —Matins and sermon. a. m.- ll a.m. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and sehn'on. Lenten Service to-night, Wednesday The examination of Trivitt Mem­ orial Sunday School was very suc­ cessful.- Twenty-four wrote and 15 secured 60 per cent or over. ONTARIO BREEDING ' STATION Under supervision of poultry partment .0. A. C., GuelplL we specialize in Barred fRock^^’Every bird on ’pur farm ij/culle^wapded’, and blood tested, Govmmffitont In­ spector. We trapnesit undey Record of Performance su^^visjpn. Write for mating li^t and(iufes^n day old chicks !pnd/three wiely old started chicks. K,/ — SUNNY CREST 'FARM J. M. Scott R. R. No. 2, Seaforth 3-14-5tc. Mr. Ed. Pollen is this week mov­ ing into the residence of Mr. H. S. Walters, on Huron Street. • Miss Alma Mills is visiting her cousih, Mrs. Rowcliffe, in Exeter. (Woodham news in St. Marys Jour- nal-Argus. Mr. Chester Cornish, son of Mr.' and .Mrs. Emerson Cornish, who re­ cently underwent an operation for, chronic appendicitis in the Exeter Hospital, is improving nicely expects to return to his home in a week. On Monday evening 'School staff entertained; the staff-of the Public School at dinner, in hon­ or of Miss Medd. The guest of hon­ or received, a'small gift from each of her hostesses and her guests. Several members of the and building department of N. R. are a/present in Exeter mak­ ing repairs 'to the freight sh'eds. They are fitting up the office hardwood floors, new desks, making it neiat and attractive. the RETURNS TO MANITOBA THURSDAY. aiAllCH 14Gh 103® 2 and FURNITURE AND ALL THE LATEST EQUIPMENT W .R/ GOULDING He Specials, too. FOR HOUSE 20j. EXETER* ONT. in the ITmvliship Huronjfwitrbe r< Signed to Sai__ jwhen tenors will b /h Hall, $5ujriclf, Powell’s Variety Store “WHERE YOU SAVE1’’" Phone 55 / ’ .............................., .......... .. . ./ . jX- . ■ . About one hundred new styles and cloths from which to choose. You will find a very smart assortment on our racks that are moderately priced. ■ __ “Circle Bar” Silk Hosiery In all the wanted shades. The best full- fashioned Silk Hose we know of at per pair $1.50 Children’s Bibbed Hosiery In sand or black. A wonderful wearing hose for school/wear. All sizes price per pair 25c High fellow- bridge the C. with etc., Mr. John J. Moir, of Killarney, Man., who has been Visiting with 'his brother, Mr. Petei1 M. Moir, of town and also with his sisters in Tucker­ smith, left Monday for his home. Mr. Moir has spent the winter at the Arkansas Hot Springs and felt the benefit of his sojourn in a warmer climate. It is 49 years since Mr. Moih- Jeft here for the west and it is 25 years since he was here last, noted many changes. .. hensall trail-rangers WIN FROM EXETER The Hepsall Trail Rangers down.Saturday and. defeated*the local Trail -Rangers in n< game of hockey at the Dome Rink ph Saturday morn­ ing last. Then Hensall tads were too 'fast for the last frame. The lo­ cals1 used lots of subs and pulled up a tittle in the- last frame. The scores by periods wore 4,-1;.' sWund 10-7. The linemp, Hensaiti Coal A. Passmore; defence, L. Chapman and A. Appleton; forwards, R, Bell, W, Joytit and H. W, Foster; sub. Roy Brock. Exeter; goal, E. Dearing; defence, Skinner and Chambers; for­ wards, Hockey, R. Prydo, G. Coch­ rane ; subs, Ed. Ward and R. Creech, J. McTavisli, J5. Quinn, L. referee, Jas. McNicol; game with sides chosen again in tho afternoon, came Freckleton A friendly was played 'I 50 pr. of Lathes’ Rubbers Most of these have liigh heels. They are regular $1.00 values, \ clearing at per pr. 35c /New Silk Gloves In jbe new shades for spring. This is an exceptionallyr good quality of fine silk and/ .//retail at $1.50 RANGE/OF NEW DRESSES Fifty new dresses have been placed4n stock this \veek, in georgetts, plain and printed crepes. If we have pot your size, we can take your measure and have one ma^e special for yoh 5 dc^zen Hemstitched! Pillow Cases These are exceptional value /and you should secure youtH requirements while they last 40 and 42 Inches wid^e each 25c./ / ‘/New Flowers We offer a splendid variety of new flow­ ers for dresses and coats priced at 35, 50 and 75c WALL PAPERS! We have beautiful papers to show you suitable for any room in your home. The prices range from 8 to 75c. B roll. ; - ------- Wear “Miner” Brand Rubbers and Rubber Boots. We replace any that does not give satisfaction. DOWN Go prices, on numerous articles in our large stock. Bargains.^or everyone;. Fancy China pieces. Kitchen en­ amelware, cups and saucers/; plates, etc., hosiery, odd lines dry Jgoods. If you have money to sp^hd you’ll find values here that will? pay youfind values here that wiljf well. . - / AA%tch oui- Windows for Watch,, our kale' List, LEAVEVoUR ORDER EASTER LILIES bud plantpOc.; 3 bid' plant $1.00 4 $ud plan/$1.3 5 Faraway custome/s who send us the price mqy havd' a plant or bou­ quet delivered to ijieii* home in time for Easter. I Remtomber loved ones at home. S^nd jis the amount and we will deliver the value in flowers. Order early. NOTICE! TO HYDRO AND WATERWORKS CUSTOMERS \ ■ / ■ In fqture all, able a' hours fdurin, 10 a.m. tp date, wMcn -----;ll/accounts wilt be pay- the /Hydro Office. Office .Jng payment period from: p 5 pan. Last discount i is the 12th of the month, will be /frictly enforced. Public Utilities Commission TENDERS WANTED/ ! Tenders for the construction of the McDonald Drain, engineer’s esti­ mate $588.75, and the Jeffrey Drain, #ngine<df*vestimate $2,265,00, both in theJnWfaship of H/y, County of Huron^Wirrbe receive! py the under­ go S|turd/y, March 30 th, ie opened at the at four o’clock ;ent, of contract , ------r. LowestUnder ,n#t necessarily accept­ ing ami specifications .may •Towk. Hail, $5ujricli Ce t^decempany tender „ aWt auu. be sft&n at Tewhship Clerk’s Office. A. F. Hess, r/mrich, Ont. Cjjevk, Township of Hay SAFETY KAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE BlfGE ....... DOUBLE EDGE ................. . *f l’erfect Edge Guaranteed W. 1 COLE, DRUGGIST 8« ■ R. N. ROWE AND T. M. D1NNEY • EMBALjfERS * V PHONE, BUSINESS 20w. ELLIOTT’S CORNER GROCERY •Just Not th of Metropolitan : ' .■ - w. ' Fhbnfe 25 fd/ Service You ncod the .thing's Ave- soli. We neM ypUr patronage. We have anything tho line of candies, coal oil and inyou want fancy ‘cakes, vlntogar. Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL .- INSURANCE BROKER Representing A. T.^ C. id. ,/ Organist and 'ChoirnfasteiC James' 5$ United /5hnrctr ■ xnstruction/in PlAno . Vocal organ Tbeortf Supervisor of Muslim 'School* Studio, Main fet. /Box 57, Phono 19» EWrHit. ONT, HOHOR GRADUATE/OF ONTARIO HXAMWTIO^' BOARD .. Day, Might ah/ S’ihday '4/ns’ f bor.e sforo'No. 93 B. MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE