The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-03-14, Page 7WU-RSDAY,. MO0M WK Good Business; united. her Miss Miss Mor- , at 25 YEARS AGO Monday for will serve in Mr. T. Johns, r "Tl L ■' GetdetailsaBoutour SPECIALSPRING OFFER. With Rib Roll, fo, lasting, metal rqqf for BarnB.Houaes, Warpjioases, Easy and quick to lay on newjrbofa or right oyer old oneB, Rib Roll is made to Council Standard’ quality. Send ridge and rafter meas­ urements for free estimate. Arthur Coxs- Stephen, resumed Durham; Durham; PRESTON, ONT, Montreal Toronto Of course it’s not, and that is why all the new money needed for expansion of the telephone system cannot be raised by bond issues. 4 ■ * ♦Part of the money will come from bond issues a new issue has just beeiji an­ nounced — but a large part must/con­ tinue to Come from new issues of Jtock. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * TO CREDITORS notice ig hereby given $0 qil Qraflitors f®4 others iymng claims against the estate of/MABY4' E. HERDMAN, late of the Township of Vsborne, in the Countjjjrtjf Huron, Widow, who died on fourteenth day of Febfuary 192J# are required to “forward Itheir claims duly jprove$ i to the undersigned/011 or "before tl)ie twentieth, day vof/March 1929, AND NQTICBr IS FURTHER GIYr, EN that ; ter/the -said1 date the iS^e-* enter wl pit'oeeed to distribute thas estate J/ayfhg regard only-to *fhe ejalms which he theta shall have notice, • f' . ? DATED at Exeter 'this twenty­ sixth day of February 1929. 6- GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for the Executor towing Mr. Robert Leuthorh last Satur­ day disposed of his fifty-acre farm in the Township of stephen to Mr. Albert Ford, of town. The following left Goderich where they the capacity of Jurors: qf Exeter; Messers. Robt. Kydd, W. Higgins, Thos. Hunkin and George Kerslake, Usborne; worth and Ed. Ryan, »Miss Ethel Sweet duties as milliner at Vera HawRshaw, at Lily Huston with (Miss Addie lock; Miss Beatrice Robinson. Wiarton; Missf Livingstone with Mr, R. N. Rowe; Miss Edith Sanders with Mr. J. A. Stewart, Mr, Wm, Dignan, who lias been conducting a blacksmith business at Comber, has disposed of the same and is now visiting Ills parents here a few days prior to seeking a new location. Last week we all partook of a good thiAg at Mr. Nelson Baker’s. The night was the finest of the year. The music was supplied by Messrs. Puncan Neil and England. Callers Were of the best type. Three set tipped it off till the last hour of the morning. The crowd ' was large coming from Farquhar, Elimyille, Creditoil, Biddulph, McGillivray, Centralia, Exeter and‘Eden, (From an Eden correspondent.) i i COMPANY OF CANADABELL TELEPHONE •Tftfg By 1034 Ontario and Quebec will need a mil* telephones. They cannot be provided will new money to extend the system. in Ontario and Quebec. HEN you go to see a new Duram ;■ j T End PILES atonceI If a handicap is placed on telephcjie ex pansion the only ultimate suf fere *s wilj^ be those who use, or want, telej hon Thousands of men and women afflicted with niles have found quick and permanent relief from NATURE'S PILE REMEDY, a harm­ less vegetable treatment which has proven successfulinover97% of the most stubborn casesfor 21 years.Gets at the internal cause —restores the system to normal—btiilds you up. Get a box today at any good druggist’s. Satisfactory relief or money back. NATURE’S PILE REMEDY 3 None genuine without name A, W. Merrill COLE’S DRUG STORE i- ' hl*. 4. COAL Winter is Here and yofir coal bin should be filled. We have on hand Scranton Arithracitef Coal, Coke And Dodestid Coal . Lumber for all grinds of repair work. ;---------LU. 37IE DURjiNr''4Q" SPECIAL COUPS : Southcolt, Crediton— 'Holtzmann, A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO 'jked Seal Continental Motor l&endix Four-Wheel Brakes / force Rilpnf Tt.ni.th 'T.l.nt.vww Silent Timing Chain Full Force Feed Lubrication Passenger Cars h Fours and Sixes K from $675 to $20^5 f f.o.b., Leasidcj Ont. (Standard Factory Equipment Taxes Extra remember that it contains every feature that contributed to the phenomenal success of last year’s models. [ Improvements-^-yes, quite a number and all designed for more , satisfaction to you. More power, more speed, easier steering; shock absorbers all around; greater riding comfort. f A *•■*•*. * ’ , But ^QIZ, alone, are to Judge the Durant series f Fours and- Sixes). For that purpose your local dealer will place any model, in either series at your disposal, : Do hot buy untifYOU are satisfied dm Durant offers YOU dxL best value YOUR, money can obtain 1 X' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given tliaZtaU persons having claims agai t the estate of Wilfred LawsonZlate of the Township of Steph County of Huron, Farm on the 24th are required duly proven Crediton/ on of March 1929. And notice i *_____ __— after this said d'ate the executrix will proceedjto distribute the estate, hav­ ing regard jtnly to the claims of ten shall have notice. Dated a€ Crediton this 1st day of March 1929. Mrs, Sarah M. Lawson, Erecutrix Crediton, Ont. the , who died day of F/bruary 1929, to forw to or which she d their claims, Eilber & Son, before the 15 th day; further given that NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against th© estate of, JOHNY DEITZ, late of,the Township jof Stan­ ley (formerly of the Towtashij/of Tuckersmith),,,in the County a'~~ r'on, ~ v'.‘ “* _ day of February, 1929, arevrequired Tuckersmith),„in the County of'Hu­ ron, Farmer, who ...died on 'tjfe fifth day of February, 1929, arevfequired to forward their claims Jury proven to the undersigned on or/before the eighteenth d^yjof March* 192’9. Art NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that-after fflie said id ate the Exe­ cutors will proceed-tqf distribute the estate having-- rega only tp the claims of which thej/then shall have notice. / - DATED at l|xet£r this, twenty-se­ cond day of FepriAry 1929. GLADMlW & STANBURY • Exeter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitors unstrung we would if1' remedy to ion* tip and The members of the Quarterly and Trustee Boards of the James Street Church, with their wives to the number of about sixty, met on Wed­ nesday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey where a pleasant evening was spent dur­ ing the course of which the pastor read a nicely worded address of ap­ preciation of the services of Mr. Geo. Thomas as a member of the Boards for 40 years and regret at his sev­ erance from the Boards, owing to his early removal to London where he will reside in the future with his sister, Mrs. Pearson. Besides the address Mr. Thomas was presented with a handsome Morris chair. Exeter and Crediton had another battle royal on the rink on Thursday night last when the hockey teams met in a great exhibition game. The locals won by a one score margin, 3-2. The line-up, Exeter; Penhale, At­ kinson, - Rivers, Snell, Pickard .and Pickard, M-otz, Fahner, Brown, Fahner, Gaiser and Sweitzer. -The live-stock sale of Mr. Philip •Hern, of Usborne, on Wednesday of 4Q,?,t.-week.-.was.one = of- the most sue.-, cessful held in this community. Mr. Hern had a very fine class of stock and the prices for the cows ranged from $100 tq $152 each. One year- old’heifer brought the handsome sum of ,$107.00. iMr. Tlios. Joiies, who recently sold his farm in Hay Township, has pur­ chased Mr. John Snell’s residence on Sanders -Street now occupied by Mr. Jos. Wambold, who will move to the •residence of Mr. A. Cottle, now oc- cupned by Mr. E. M. Dignan, who Will- move to Mrs. Howard’s residence on Main Street, ■ 5 . ----- . . - - -T '* ■ -'..Death came suddenly to the late Mi'S. James Baxter,an old resident of St. Ma^i^Mi's. Baxter had ap- parefr’‘‘^’neeri in “her usual health g^tiad performed her household duties up to six o’clock the previous evening to her death. Her husband was in a very weak condition result­ ing from the flu. She is also sur­ vived by four brothers and’ three sisters. Heart Was Weak Nerves Were Bad COULDN’T 00 H0BSEW0H Many women become weak and run down and unable to look after their household duties owing to the heart action, becoming impaired or the nervous' system unstrung. Nature intended women io be strong, healthy and happy instead of weak . and wretched, and to all women whose heart is not functioning properly and ■ whose nerves are 1 recommend i BUILT W Durant Motors of Canada limited * TORONTO 'CANADA I E. G. Kraft, Dashwood T 1 RUGBY TRUCKS T hf - TON TO 1ft TON CAPACITIES m the best remedy to roue tip *n£l strengthen, these weakened organs. Mrs. E._ Barron, • Bulwer', Que,, writesf 1Over a .year agH my.heart was weak, and I Was »o nervous I dduld get voj’y little sleep.'. T bedanke so bad I Was unable to do- my houw* work. I got sonlo of Milburn’s Mewt and Nerve Fill* which I used with great sheets*. I can now'do all nay work without any trouble, and M 1 am the mother of Ave children and Mvt on a fam you tan see 1 have plenty udo?’ > y Price 50e. a box _ai U1 draBMn dntos, or niUffed Mroti M MetMk fit prlos by The T, MllWn Ot. IM., Toronto, Onti IF the prospective car-buyer knew what the McLaughlin-Buick owner knows, the tremendous popularity of ,the 1929 McLaughlin-Buick would be still further increased! - ■ , For McLaughlin-Btiick for 1929 introduces in its performance, qualifies as advanced and as unprecedented as it exhibits in this stylish originality Of its Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher. - • In power, flashing pick-up, sustained speed and smoothness, and indomitable stamina, it surpasses any previous achievement in’ the McLaughlin-Buick field. So, before you decide on any car—see and drive McLaughlin-Buick. jg».3.2Sc WITH MASTERPIECE BOWES BY FtCHEH 'ilTT DTP 0X117T T ■V Lj JlvIvj ' olN jErihjLr '-'JCM JL* JEm/kW' . ■