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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-03-14, Page 4
' TIWKSB.W, MARCH 1»3» DRESSED LAMB POULTRY,/BUTTER On delivery for I Conslgx^nent ipments given p&mpif attention 1 GO., LTD. Windsor TTAIR CO., LTD. Windsor $330 MercerlS^’ & HARRIS A JBrocte .Street, ? GUNtS LIMITED Rondon & Salt’&i’ Sts. Windsor I ------—------------- * JPBED IN LONDON 'Following an illness of two years Margaret J. Pehrson, wife of ^Albert G. Pearson, rfdled on Friday, jMarch Sth, at tWfamily residence J27 Belgrave, A^e., London, The k'e., London, > t EASTER CANDY — EASTER CARDS — EASTER BASKETS HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW JAVA SALTED PEANUTS AT 19c. LB. COPYRIGHT EXETER THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Mrs. Coo};, of Sand- He Presbyterian liberal. Be- deceased, who was born in Usborne township, 68 years ago was a daugh ter of the late John Taylor, of Exe ter, and sister of Miss Elizabeth Taylor and Mr. John W. Taylor also of the village. Mrs. Cook, of Sand wich, is a sister and Mr. Robt. Tay lor, of Granton and Mr. Andrew Tay lor of Yarmouth Centre are brothers. Mrs. Pearson had been a resident of London for t*he past 40 years and was a prominent member of the congregation of Metropolitan United church. Previous to her marriage she taught school fox* several years in Exeter. Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters: Mrs. Geo. Bonney and Mrs. Murray T. Armstrong and one granddaughter, Miss Dorothy Bonney, all of London. The funeral was held from the late residence on Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. J. Bruce Hunter, of Metropolitan United church officiated. Interment was made in the family plot in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. 5 111111 n ELRITE 3TORER Sale of Men’s Percale and Broadcloth Dress Shirts With Coital* Attached and Separate Collars. Many Values as high as $2, A real opportunity $1.00 each <JF GfiNBRAL JMOTOtS OF CANAIM* ,..... .ift. ............. Still the Best fo? Bread Walked miles to get a bag of flour and if you couldn’t get Purity Flour today at all good grocers it would be still worth walking miles for because it is "best for all your baking.” A Baking Expert says: "Purity is a strong, rich flour with great expand ing qualities . . , . i£ your cake recipe calls for ordinary pastry flour use 1 tablespoon less per cup of Purity, and if milk is called for use halt milk and half water (luke- . warm), aa milk alone tends to make the cake dry.” For pastry that melts in your mouth, Use 2 tablespoons less per cup of Purity Flour and 1 level tablespoon more of shortening. Roll it dry. For extra rich pastry use half butter and half lard. Gel a sack of Purity Flour today. Our famous Purity Flour Cook Book mailedfor 30c. Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited DIED IN ULAN SHARD Stuart Campbell, youngest son of the late Qapt. and Mrs. Campbell, of Blanshard, died at his lipin e on Mon day morning. Mr. Campbell pos sessed refinement and ia kindly dis position and his death has cast a gloom over his many friends, was a member of the church and a staunch sides his widow, who was formerly Miss Marian MacDougall, of Us borne, he leaves to mourn his loss two sisters Mirs. J. Firth, of Toronto and Mrs. J. Shaw, of Lake Port; al so one brother Dan, of Spokane, Wash. The funeral was held on Wed nesday iat 2 o’clock from his late residence to the Granton cemetery, HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The regulax* monthly meeting of the Home and School Club was held in the Town Hall on Friday after noon, with about twenty-five ladies present. The xnain feature of inter est was ‘ the splendid address given by Mrs. Johnson, of Toronto, on the different phases of work being done in the largei* centres and also in'the rural districts and the progress be ing made in the depax’tments. -She gave a short outline of the part the Home & School Clubs are taking in the League of Nations studies, also the censuring of movies not appro priate fox' children; also the examin ation of the child before commenc ing the school life. iSo ren have to loose many the term on account which might have been the child had medical before starting school and the great advantage to parents of having the baby, clinics, and schooj nurses. A very hearty vote of thanks was tend ered Mrs. Johnson for the interest ing and instructive address. Miss Betty Grant also gave a delightful instrumental which, was much enjoy- by all. Mrs. Browning, the presi dent presided at the meeting in usual pleasing manner. Ladies' Silk Vests and Bloomers In all the newest shades Bloomers, Regular and Bobettes. A regular $1.50 quality for 98c.; vest for 89c. BE SURE AND SEE THESE Our new spring lines are arriving- See our extra big values at 49c. and 69c. pair je Powered by a Six Cylin- der Valve-fiu-Head Motor X.with New Fisher Bodies Outstanding Perform ance with Amaxing Smoothness. Four Years Development , 1,000,000 miles of test ing. g^ A S.ix in the Price Range ol the tour. 'c-»,3-'xm= Theseare hhe reasons for the spectacu lar popularity of the Outstanding Chevrolet in Chevrolet History . > a Six int the price range of the lotir* £ornein and see them for y&urwdL/ many clxild- days during of troubles avoided had examination WHALEN her Mrs. David Parkinson, who been ‘quite ill at the home of sister Mrs. Geo. Millson is much proved. Miss Florence Pullen, nux'se-iu- training at Victoria "Hospital; Lon don, is confined to her room with the mumps. Mrs. Harvey Squires returned home on Monday morning from Sar nia having'‘spent the past week there with her aunt, Mrs. Lingard. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Squire and family spent Sunday in Exetei* with Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. Mrs. Percy Passmore of Thames Road spent ia few days with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning. Mr. Gunning is not enjoying the- best of health at present. ‘Miss Grace Duffield is in Victoria Hospital, London, suffering from an attack of Scarlet Fever. Miss sister has her ini- Canadian Govt. Tested 1929 Garden & Flower Seeds 6 packages for 25c. SELRITE STORES SELL FOR LESS Ladies’ and Children’s SPRING HATS WILL BE IN SOON AUCTION SALE f AUCTION SALE — of —f FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned lids received in structions to sell by .'public auction, at LOT 11, CON. 8, USBORNE *“'■ *" .011 * WEDxNESDAY, MAltCH 27th, 1929 at 1:3 0 p.m. the following.: HORSES—Bay hbrse rising six years, fat; horse rising 8 years; 1 mare rising'4 years^in foal; 2 colts rising 2 years; general purpose mare rising 5 years. ff CATTLE—Cow djUe April 14th; 2 cows, with calves ajt foot; 4 fresh' cowsXcow due in August; fat cattle, 8 fat heifers, 4 fatjsteers; bull, Poll Angus,^purebred; 7 steers and heif ers rising 2 years; |7 steers and heifers, risixig one yea^; 5 young calves. PIGS—Sow due April 20 th,. six chunks. \ IMPLEMENTS— touring car;^gang scuffler. GRAIN—10T bu bus. seed oats.\ POULTRY—40 ! colony house. V i No reserve as pr the farm. • TERMS—$10.0 over that amount will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, with 4.pel’ cent., added. Fat Cattle and Seed grain, cash. FRANK COATES, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer •Seed drill, Ford plow, Cockshutt; s. seed barley; 100 hock hens; one Irene Harness is visiting her Mrs. Chas. Allen, of Wind- ZION John T. Hern is sporting a new Ford car. Miss Norah Godkin the school teacher has resigned her school, hex’ resignation to take effect at Easter. Messrs. Morris -and Ross Hern visited their* uncle and’ aunt Mr. and Mrs. • Hector Taylor of , Exetei’ on Sunday. The severe storm of Wednesday and Thursday did damage in. this community, a driveshed were blown were blown doors were blown off. trated every barns several inches of snow cover ed the floors. ZION W. M;. S. The W. M. S. held theix* annual social evening on Friday, March 6, when about 55 gathered) at the home of the president Mrs. William Hern. After, a sumptuous repast which was provided by the ladies, the presi dent took charge of a short meet ing which' was opened by singing two verse of “Onward Christian Sol diers” (followed with prayer by our pastor, Rev. Mr. White. Minutes of the last meeting were read; the members answered the roll call with the name of a missionary. Follow ing this Rev. Mr. White took the 'chair when a program was given consisting of a duett by Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Pooley; instrumental by Lloyd Hern;' reading Mrs.* H. Kyle; mouth' organ and violin selection, Earl 'Johnston and Wellington Brock With Mrs. Earl Johnston as 'accompanist; duett Mr. and Mrs. M. Dobson; instrumental duett, Mrs. Wilbur Batten and Miss Hazel Earl; solo by Mrs. (Rev.) White. A lib eral offering was received, the re mainder of the evening was spent in contests and games, conducted by Rev. Mr. White. The eVehihg* closed with id hearty vote of thanks to and Mrs. Hern. Mr. George Earl lost roof. Some windows in, several windmills ovex* and some barn- Snow pene- corner and in some / Ml*. CHISELHURST Miss Gladys Wren, of Toronto, is visiting for a few days with her pat ents Mr, and Mrs. George T. Wren and sister Agnes. The terrific windstorm On 'Thurs day of last week did some serious damage to buildings in this district? The end of the Chiselhurst church Shod was blown in and one barn partly unroofed and several large house windows were bloWn In. ? The sympathy of the the commun ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. C. Stoneman, In the death of their youngest son, JaiheS Stoneman. Mrs, Thpmas Harris spent the week-end in London visiting with her daughter PCarl, April, 1929, after which date, the assets of said estate will be distri buted, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated this 13th day of March, 1929. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Executor 446 Richmond St., London, Ont. By CARLING & MORLEY, its Solicitors, * Exeter, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE JOHN FORD, late,or the Vil lage of ExeteV, in the County of Hu- deceasdd.ND OTHERS HAV- -prietor is leaving'\!0 tn and under, cash; “t*7 months’ credit ron, Gentlemi CREDITORING claims agd<jftet the dstate of the said deceased ai’K required .to send full particulars of \uch qlaimsJ to the undersigned Solicitpi’s ecutors of the said bsta fore the first day, o after which date the estate will be d.istribut gard only to the claini notice shall then have b’een given. Dated this 13th day of Maf-cii, 1929. CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors for Executors Exeter, Out. tor the Ex- ;e, on or be- pril, 1929, sets of said having re- of which 19, 1929 following:;, years old; X — of — STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in struction to sell foy public auction,, at LOT 10, CON. 2, McGILLIVRAY — on — TUESDAY, MARCH, at 1:30 o’clock the HORSES—I mare 10 mare.. IMPLEMENTS—+-Binder, mower, rake, cultivator, harrows, 'disc, roll er, dx’ill, corn cultivator, 2 walk ing plows, hay loader, manure spreadei’Xtwo furrow plow, wagon,, sleighs, cutter, fanning mill, weigh scales, 2000 lb; hand scufflex’, pul per, set double harness, set single harness, wheel| barr.ow, roller, hay rack, stock rapk, 14-ft. ladder, horse- collars and ovhex’ articles too num erous to mentidm. TERMS—$10;®0 and under, ovei* that amount 7 months’ will be given on furnishing approved, joint notes with 5 pex’ cent’, per an num off foi’ cash. ELMER FAULDER, Proprietor F. -COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, cash; credit NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE JAMES BYT^NE McELREA, late of the Towdsh^ of Usborne,'in County of Huron, 1 CREDITORS A$E^______,_____ING claims-. agaij^E the estate, of the said deceased full particulars _________ __undersigned Solicitors for the Ad ministrate ‘ ....... ,____ before thlVffst Wy of April, 1929, after wlii^/bate the assets of said estate will be distributed, having regard only toVtlie claims of which notice shall tngli have been .given. Dated this 13tm(day of March, 1929.- , CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors for. Administratrix Exeter, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS x 'RE REBECCA'WILLIAMS, late of the Townshiplof McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, W7idow, deceased. I CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV ING claims against the estate of the said deceased are required to send full particuliarslof such claims to the undersigned Solicitors for the Ad ministrator of the said estate on or before the\first day of April, 1929, after whicl\ ddte the assets of said estate will bfe distributed, having regard only to\the claims pf which notice shall tlxaix have been .given. Dated this 13th day of March, 1929. CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors foi* Adminis'trator Exeter, Ont. LiJWjgL UL UwUUlllCj 111 farmer, deceased. 9THERS HAV- .sed required to send ©such claims to the jx pf tlfe said estate, on or after will NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE JOHN WILLIAMS, late of the Township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Farmer, de ceased. • | CREDITORS And OTHERS HAV ING claims agaiiist the estate of the said deceased are required to send full parti&q* undersigned ecutor-of 'tlii fore the firs\dak, of April, 19.29, after which date! the assets of said estate will be distributed, having re gard only to the'claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated this 13th day of March, 1929. ' CARDING & MORLEY Solicitors for Executor • Exeter, Ont. liars ox such claims to the Solicitors for the Ex- sa^d estate, on or be- of April, 1929, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ RE ALEXANDER ' MURDOCK, late of the 'Village; bf Hensall, in the Obunty of^Hurohl Gentleman, de ceased/ * v . •< CREDITGR^AND OTHERS HAV ING claims against the estate of the said deceased hrAS required to send full particulars of suchrclaims to the! undersigned EXeCtttbrii, of the Said I estate, on or before the first dav of * Notice to Creditors. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the Estate of Francis C. Davis Authorized Assfgnoi* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Francis C. Davis, of the Township of Usborne, Ontario, did on the*8th day of March, 1,929. MAKE* AN AU THORIZED ASSIGNMENT of all his property for the benefit of his Cred itors) and that Edmund Weld, Esq., Official Receiver has appointed to foe custodian of ‘ ■ Debtox* until the creditors. NOTICE i first meetin above estate fice of Carlin Town of March, 19 afternoon. \ TO ENTIT at proof of yo ed With held. PROX ing mus thereto.? AND at such elect the AND FURTHER MRe notice that if you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled) to rank, proof of sitch claim must be filed with me, ox* with the trustee when appointed; otherwise the pro ceeds of the debtor’s estate Will be distributed among the parties en titled thereto without regard to youx’ claim. Dated at London', this 11th day of March, 1929. F. W. Raymond, Custodian Box'171, London 3 c the Estate of first meeting me the of AUCTION SALE --- of '— FARM. STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND'' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in- struction to sell by public auction,,, at LOT 7, CON. 9, STEPHEN — on — f THURSDAY, MARCH ^1, 1929\ at one o’clock sharp the? following:' HORSES—Heavy mard 10 yeax’S old; 2 -driving mares. | CATTLE—2 cows due > in May; 3 cows with calves at fool; cow due April 15, cow due Aprili20, 6 year lings. . Brood sow, 7 sheep, /125 hens, 2’ ’ turkey, 2 ducks, 3 gefese, a good collie dog. / ' 150 bus. oats, 35 bfis. of barley, 8 tons of -timothy hay? straw to be fed on 'tfije place. | IMPLEMENTS-—4 H. P. gas en gine and j^elts; Melotte cream sep- aratoi’j M. JU binder,;6-ft. cut; hay loader, .side delivery; rake, nearly new; seed drill, 13-lfoe; 2 cultiva tors, stiff tooth cultivator, new; .1 mower 6-ft. qut; disc, roller, 4-sec- tion harrows, yalking plow, Scuffler, hay rake, 10-fa,; manure spreader, 2 wagons, set sleighs, ‘cutter, 2 bug gies, hay rack, P :gfavel box, wagon, box, pig rack, ,3 gas. drums, pea« harvester, fanning xfain, hay fork, rope, slings and (Pulleys, mail-box, a quantity of lumper, wheel barrow, grindstone, quantity.'of brick, 30-ft. extension ladder,’, 2‘ sets of double harness, set of single harness, bar rels, kettles, forks, shovels, hoes, neckyokes, whiffletirees, on© grain crusher, chains, p^ils and other ar ticles. 3 s - HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Power washing machine with engine kit chen stove, extension table, ’ Cup board, churn, 15 sap pails and spiles, bed with springs, couch, robe and blankets* iTord Sedan in good run* nxng shape* FARM-r--Being Lot 7, Con. 9, in Stephen Twp., containing 100 acres more or less. On the premises there is situated a good brick house, bank barn, drive shed. 7 acres wheat, 25 acres ploughed, 15 acres hard wood bush, balance in pasturo and hay. 5,0 acres north half df lot 6 con. 9, Stephen, alLJn pasture. 25 acres north half -trf south half of lot 7, con, 10, Stephen, all in pasture. TERMS OF FARM—40 per cent, on day of eale, balance in 30 days, TERMS—$10.00 and Under, cash; over that amount” 6<months’ ctedit Will be given bit furnishing approved joint notes or a. discount of d'-jfby cent, off foi’ cash. Hay, gram and fowl, cash, MRS. WILFRED LAWSON, Prop. F. COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer f er given that creditors in illKbe 'held at the Morley, in the the of- the eter, onXhe 20th day of : 3(Lo’clock in the e OWft vote there- claim ira befoi'e the' to bl used e lodged wftl ist be lodg- sjijeeting is t the meet- ' me prior ER takelnotice that eettyxg theJCcreditprs will nent^rhstee. ’ NOTICE of a proposed By-Law ^Xor^topping uj> and selling/Migliwaj'tk Notice is her-ejiy .given that the Municipal Dbuncfj.'of the village of Exeter vdll taXe into consideration and if^approVed^^R-Hl pass a$ its meeting to bi heM on Friday, April 12, 1^29, at'themoxy’ qy eight o’qlock at tile Town Hi^jp,^Exeter, a By-jbaw hat ■ock and ■ ? -----------’ -for ^Stopping selling h Highway or Stre^ ljnown as Broor Btree^ Known as I Street between Victoria Street Welllngton/Street in the Wllag > of ExOterEx6ter shown siibdivfcfio OI 2$ in ihe\first conee Townsfip p & nien( persd^i or by his eotinsbi/ sol or agent any person Whdcyii his laiiA will be nrejudicialb iroit aS of the number mve ? in citor . _ __-^ilintf that prejudicially /fleet- pplles u f- uiiderslghod Executors, of the Said I / . estate, On of*. before the first day of ■ °* Exeter ed by t!iK By-Law and to be hearcbs 'DAtfed this"MB day 1929, . Jbs. Benibf; clbrk of the Match, Village* 3-7*4tc 1