HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-03-14, Page 2* •MURSDAl, JUBCH 1 Hlb 1029 woimmminrriiingewrm^ Stephen Council The Council of the Township of -GStevhen. convene! at the Town Hall, ^‘(‘■.iiton, on Monday, March 4th, 4 I on Monday, March 4th, at 1 p.m. AU members were mt. Minutes of the previous joiewting were read and approved. Moved by IMK I. Tetreau and se­ conded by Mr. E. Gill; That By-law 398 being a By-law to provide for certain drainage work known as the Ptsebe and Sable Brain and By­ law No. 401 for issuing Debentures to the money required to be bor­ rowed for the purposes mentioned in By-law No. 398 of 1929, having hues read three times be passed and signed and the seal of the Corpora- ilbr, be attached T, loved by Mr. bonded. by Mr. E. No. 397 of 1929, appoint officers for the year 1929 | having been read three times be I parsed and signed by the Reeve and| .-Clerk and the seal of the Corpora-1 lion be attached thereto. Carried. | Moved by Mr. W. Dearing, se­ conded by Mr. E- Gill.: That By-law Xb» 400 being a By-law to regulate -the planting, granting aid and pre- ypn :ing injury or destruction to idiade trees or shrubs for ornament; Uy-.aw No. 402 for levying and' col­ lecting poll Tax; By-law No. 403 for ontorng upon lands and searching gravel required for construction and I xenuiring Highways; By-law No. 404 being a By-law limiting the loads to be carried’, by vehicles op­ erated over or. upon any Highway in ihe Township of Stephen; By-law No. 405 to erect snow fences, take down and remove any fence which causes snow to drift and impede or Obstruct travel, having each been read three times,be passed and sign­ ed by the Reeve and Clerk and the thereto. Carried. W, Sweitzer, se- GU1: That By-law being a By-law to I il of the Corporation attached ■<reto. ..........-Moved by Mr. I. Tetreau, secoml- by Mr. W. Sweitzer: That the ?eve and Clerk petition The Hon- ...able, The Lieutenant-Governor in Council of the Province of Ontario for the Act Mud Creek Brain under By 366 of 1928. Carried. Moved by Mr, I. Tetreau, Hi by Mr. E, Gill: That Carried. or ;rant under the provisions o£ Brainage l of th;e r-law No, a g- "Provincial Aid to j tor the construction second- the fol­ lowing pay sheets and orders passed and paid:— Road No- 10, Thomas Mawhinney, foreman $27.00; Road No, 20, Adel- bert Webb, foreman, $5.50; William Roeszler, hUultog gravel for Town- ship Road $10.50; F. Kerr, bridge material Lots 20 and 21, Con. 10, $190.00; total $2-33.00. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., balance of Insurance premium $5.75; F, J. Wjckwire, printing Assessor’s no­ tices $6.00; Alex Smith, etal. Treas. of Tp. of 'McGillivray, Ptsebe and Sable Drain $2727.50; Toronto Stamp and Stencil Co, dog and cow tags and express $32.75; Hydro Electric Power Commission, hydro Account for Town Hall $7.55; T. S. Woods, grant for Exeter Agricultur­ al Society $15.00; George charity $-5.30. The Council adjourned again at the Town Hall, oa Monday, April 1st, A.D. 1929, .at h Barnett, to meet Crediton, p.m. Henry Ejlber, Secretary Another of the honored pioneers of Huron Counay passed to her re­ ward in the person of Mrs. Nancy Kinney in her S5th year, after a lingering illness of several months. She leaves to mourn her loss three sons and one daughter. .1.............. n, VEH9S WGHTNINGCOUGH SYRUP 35< & 75» Rd Treibto With Her Kitays Beck end Heed Aches Mr». H. BopjamliMon, Otto, Mtn., write*:—4'Shortly after the birth of my little girl I took very rick and waa in bed moit of the thne. I had back­ aches,, headaches, and w&« all run down,' and I had trouble with my Jqdneya I tried all kinds of medicine, but nothing was able to relieve me. At I have eight children, and my hus­ band, was away at ;tb.e time I sent for him to coma home, and when he did Ito brought ma Aye boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills. After I had finished them I felt so much better I w^e again able to look after my family and housework.Ji Prioe SOo. a box at all druggists or dealeiw, of mailed direct on receipt of by the T. Mil- Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. — -------■ ■ 1 —r M^ETS TIIAGIO DE4TH Herbert McLean, aged <55, well- known business man, of Goderich, was hurled 50 feet to his de.atli at 1:15 o’clock Thursday morning' when the roof on his business block which he was attempting to lash, was car­ ried away in a terrific gale. Mc­ Lean fell head-first to the roof of a barn in the courtyard behind the McLean business block, With the aid of Albert pruder, Mr, McLean was engaged in making fa?t the roof, which had been previously half-torn from its fastenings by the fury of the wind. As it gave way, Pruder grabbed a projecting wall, saving himself from plunging to the court­ yard, but McLean failed, in a frantic attempt to save himself, and was carried to his death with the wreck­ age of the roof. Hundreds of search­ ers, armed with torches and ■ flash­ lights answered the fire alarm and spent almdst an hour searching-, for the body among’the debris. S’onie- ,one pointed his light toward <the' roof and 'Mr McLean was found with his head terribly gashed suspended through the jagged opening. Are due March 31, 1929 This advertisement is directed to Dominion of Canada Income Tax Information Reports • t Qet Your Forms at Once! 2 #2. Do tyot incur the penalties which the law imposes for delay* Trustees ^hat is Required of ‘ Persons Adting as Trustees v;l trustees, e&iscutors, admmistra- : r?, assignees/ receivers or persons :tmg in a fiduciary capacity are re­ tired to maxe a detailed return of the ;<rme ofAe estate or trust which fhey represent. is return should be made on Form ’ " at ' . ' / What is Required of *■ Employers. Each employer in Canada must make a, return.giving particulars of salaries, wages, Commissions, fees, bonuses ad other remuneration of all direc- Locations of Income Tax Offices Inspectors of Dominion income Tax are located in convenient places throughout Canada. They , will comply promptly with written requests for information. They will supply you with the proper forms upon which to make returns. Consult the Income Tax Office nearest to *you. Address “Inspector of Dominion Income Tax.” The offices are at: HeiifaK... ' Saint John. ........ Quebec City . *... *. Montreal.... Ottawa........, * Kingston.,..,. BeUeVUle...., Toronto Hamilton..... London....,, Fort William,. Winnipeg,..,, v Regina.......... < Prince Albert. Saskatoon. Calgary... ,< Edmonton. Vancouver.......... Dawson .Nova Scotia , . New Brunswick . .Quebec . .Quebec . .Ontario .. Ontario . .Ontario ..Ontario ». Ontario "..Ontario . .Ontario , .Manitoba *.Saskatchewan , .Saskatchewan ., Saskatchewan - . .Alberta . .Alberta -* . .BritishColumbia . .Ytikori Territory tors, officials, agents, employees, pro­ fessional ; men or other persons who received i$l,000 or more during the calendar year 1928, and who were paid at-^ rate of wage.or Salary (in-’ eluding bonus) equal to $1,500 or more per annum- during the same period. « ’ ■ „ Employers should ask for Form T4. What is Required of Corporations , Every corporation itr Canada is re­ quired to1 file a return of its dividends <5r shareholders* bonuses paid or credited ■< during the calendar year 1928. This return should be made on Form T5. Blank forma may be obtained by wilting your nearest Inspector of Dominion Income • Tax, of Postmaster, or the Income Tax Division, Department of National Revenue, Ottawa. The addresses of inspectors ate given herewith* Full instructions appear on each form. Do hot delay because of the absence of officials who generally sign such reports* Any responsible member of a,firm or corporation, or any person acting as agent for the trustee, may sign these returns and so avoid the penalty. March 31 is the last day for making information reports required under the Income ■ w Tat Act. t The Income Tat Division respectfully asks for the fullest cq* . Operation of taxpayers required by law to make these returns. The Department of National Revenue > Income Tax Division HoftoarsiHe W. D. feULtR, C. S, WALMmS,. Mfoirier 0# National Revenue. CommlMkmer w Iriitoitto Triife PISTRICT NEWS Mr, J. C. Veitch, manager of the Bank of -Jilontreal, at Kiyktou, for’ some years-has been transferred to Lucan. Mr. J. McDonald, of Toron­ to, will take Mr. Veitch's place at Kirk ton. The death occurred at his home in Clinton, of Christopher Beacom, at the age of eighty-seven years. Mr. Beacom is survived by his wife, who was formerly Margaret Manning, •tony daughters* and .two sons. The .manse pf the Presbyterian church, "Shakespeare, was the scene of a pretty-wedding on Saturday af­ ternoon, .when Irene Elizabeth, dau­ ghter pf Mr. Yoward and the late Mrs. Yoward became the bride of Willjam C. Anderson, sou of Mr, and Mrs, William Ahdersdn, of S. East­ hope, Mr.s. Louis Weii* died al Victoria Hospital, London, after four weeks’ illness. Deceased was born in Lu­ can and after her marriage lived in London Township for several years. About five years ago she and. her family returned to Lucan, to reside. Besides her husband she is survived by three daughters and one sou, A quiet wedding took iilace in the Ontario Street, United Church par­ sonage, ciihton, when the Rev. A. E, Doan, united in marriage, Elvafc Irene, youngest daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gliddon, and George L. Glazier, youngest, son of Mr. and IMVs Thomas Glazier, all or Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Glazier .will reside on the groom’s farm on the’ Huron Road. A ha’ppy event took place 'on Fri­ day evening .MgrCh 1st, git the home of Mr. Isaac Gower, whetf they cele­ brated the'annivesary. of their silver ^wedding, wlien a number of .relatives and friends assembled at their home and’- spent the. evening with, them? Relatives from Parkhill provided, or-.' chestrh music for the evening.' Tliey were” presented with njany beautiful' gifts. , Death, called away a highly respect­ ed citizen of St. Marys in the person, of Mrs. t William ^Mhthieson in her 74th year; For th’e past three years Mrs. MatliipSnn. lias been troubled with her lieart and, for the last six months she; has been in a critical condition. Surviving she leaves be­ side her husband 4 family of two, a son Roy, of Toronto and one daugh­ ter, Mrs. R. M. Northgrave, of St., Marys. ' ' ■ ' ■ ■ ■ Death removed a” widely known and esteemed resident of Brucefield, when Mr. Charles' Wright passed, away at dhe age of 84 *;years. He had been confined to his bed for two weeks gradually sinking. Twenty- three years agp he moved to Tuck­ ersmith and ten years later retired from the farm*' and moved to Bruce- fielid.Mr. Wright is survived by his widow and-.va family of- six sons and three daughters,* A very pretty wedding was solem­ nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Webster; MeKillop Township, when their second daughter, Cora Pearl, was united in marriage to Mr. Wil­ liam T. Dodds, eldest son of Mr. T. Dodds, also of MeKillop. Rev. W. P. Lane, of North Side United church Seaforth, performed the ceremony. The honeymoon trip was to Chicago and on their return Mi*, and Mrs. Dodds will reside on the Dodds’ .homestead. • a -; A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian Manse, Scarorth, when Charlotte Powell, only daughter of Mr, and. Mrs. John H. Powell, of Mc- Killop, became tlj'e bride of Mr. Ce­ cil John 'Pullman,•’only-son of iM’r. and Mrs. \Viiliam 'Pullman, of Kip­ pen'. The ceremony was performed by Rev. I. B. Kaine. * Mr? and Mrs. Pullman left for ahoneymoon' trip to points East? and on their return will reside on the grqomi’s ?;farm bn the 9 th Concession of Tuckers,mifh. On Monday niorningi death came to Richard Elliott, who lias.been'suf-, faring from an illness for several months. The deceased was a' high­ ly respected citizen of Bayfield. He was born near Zurich 72‘years ago, and was one of a family of .fourteen. Mr. Elliott resided in Stophen for a number of years later moving to Bayfield where lie had. resided for the past 39 years. Twenty-six years ago he was married to Mrs. Mary R. Castle, who survives him. For forty years he was a member of the Orange Lodge and served many years as drummer of "the fife and drum band, Besides his widow, he is survived by one brother, A. Elliott, of Bayfield, ft Mrs. Joseph Wheatley away at her home in Clinton 1y having been in delicate health for a number of years. Mrs. Wheatley, whose maiden name was" Drusilla Hull, was married to the late Jos­ eph Wheatley, at Exeter and as a bride to Clinton and spent Of the intervening years there, daughters and one son survive. Iff. WuWheatley at home; Mrs. Ward, Elmira; Mrs, George Mecurt** uey, 'Mrs, W. A. iStringliam and Wal­ lace Wheatley, all of Woodstock, Rev. A, E. Doan, of Ontario Street United church of which the .deceas­ ed was a.mbmber, conducted the ser­ vices) assisted by Rev. C. .J. Moor­ house, of Exeter, a former pastor of the deceased, ** Established 1873 and 1887‘ Published every Thursday morntig;' at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year t®- advance. United’ Stat0u sul|k scription $2s5Q. . RATES-—Farm or Real Estate lg|$ eal& 50c. each insertion for iir^ ■four insertions, quent insertion, tides, To Rent, Found 10c, p.pr Reading notices Card of Thanks veytising 12 and MJemoriam, with extra verses 25c. Member' of The Canadian WeeMl J Newspaper Association. ' 25m each mtoHk* Miscellaneous «|a Wanted, L&si, line of she vrorddL lOe. per lialr- 5Qc. Regal Mk 8c. per line. IB ■ one -verse pash, 1874 l»li The London Life POLICES AS GOOD AS GQLDV I W. C. PEARCE IF . \lDxeter. Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St., two blocks waHI V of Ford Garage til ■ ............ -........ GLADMA1Q & STANBURY1 ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Afc ’ ney fo' Loan, Investments MaJI /’ Insurance' ejeposit -Vault for use of <WI / Clients without charge TER LONDON HENSA^i CARLING & MORLEY 1 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, IHHb LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- j • jZ- ^U^ANCE ■ \ Office: ^rling Block, Mato Str* EXETER, ONT. > . =.....a?-:....................... ra- DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER | ", PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 1 Graduate of Faculty of MedlclMB University of Western Ontario, Meat* bef of the College of Fhysiciana &*|| Surgeons of Ontajdof Member of UB British MedicaF'Oouncil. Phone 6^<rfThe office of the 1*H Wr. H. K. Hyndman) Robert passed recent- went most Four Mrs. J. J. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D,S.,D.D< DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of MllltWl District rfumber One, London, Ont $ Telephones 1 Office 31W Residence US Oiffce dpen Wednesday afternoona ' /until^Ih’y 1st, 1929 _ f ■ WhT^T., EXETER, ONT. * re»* Dr. G. F. RpuUism, L.D.S.,D.DA ’' X"” DENTIST Office! over Carling & Morley $ Law Office Extractlons LTnder Oxygen Gawr 3 y' ^EXETER, ONT. - M* R. WM. L. LAWSON L. D. S. D. D. S. . JDENT1ST Office fn^’the Old Commercial bul!<^ in^'Sfain St., Exeter, Phone 77^ JOHN WARD' CHIRbpRAOTIo; OSTEOPATHY^ J ELEETRO-TIJDERAPY & ULTRAfi < /.viqEht treatments : tX"' PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST. EXET5K10I ...................... —....................................... Z‘------------- ---------------- ----- DR. E. S< STEINER. VETERINARY SURGEON. ' Graduate of the Ontario Vetertoe® / College ■ , DAY AND NIGHT CALLS ^PROMPTLY ATTENDED Office infold 'Ford Garage Building . Corner*, of Main and Ann Streets , XZ/eXETER/onT. ' '• * Arthur Weber LICENSED AUCTIONEER _ For 'llnron and Middlesex, FARM SALES A SPECIALTYVf JPRICES REASONABLE T SATISFACTION GUARANTEE^ J / Phope 57-13 Dashwood 1 • 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. .■&! FRANK TAYLOR ' | <, LICENSED auctioneer/ for Huron and Middlesex^, FARM SALES A SPECIAL’ * g Prfoesi Reasonable and Satisfl I :'i Guaranteed | IEXETER P. O. or RING I ~ OSCAR KLOPP > I LICENSED; AUCTIONEER \| Honor Gradiihte Carey Jones’ Av lion School, Special course takenj Registered Live StoOk (all Breedl Merchandise,, Real . Estate, Fire Sales, etc. Rates in keeping w prevailing' prices. Satisfaction ■ sured. v/rlte Oscar Klopp, Zuricfl phone l8-93,'Zurich. Ont. M WOULD U LIKK how to rid of Couglre Whooping CJdiigh, (■ Colds, Sore ThrdatslMg Use Mrs. Sybilla Absolutely guara^HH Drugstore V||||