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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-03-14, Page 1
*1 fi k ESTABLISHED 1873 I i|i I EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 14th, 1929 Misses’, Children’s Spring Coats The Spring stock of Indies’, misses’ & children’s Spring coats is now complete. We are showing coats to suit every type of figure, including short stout styles, coats for tall figures, extra large and small styles as well as regular styles, The prices are exceptionaly reasonable. ........................ ....................................— * . New Silk Crepe Dresses at $12.95 each We have just received a shipment;W heavy quality Silk Crepe Presses. The very newest styles, which we are pricing op sale this week at $12.95 ea. 15 ONLY LADIES’fUITS at $3.95 ea. We have ij stock exactly fifteen Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits, in good qual ity of serges, etc. Colors: black and navy to clear this month at $3.95 each. These are real bargains. / PRINTED1 MATERIALS for SPRING■ > Printed fabrics are very popular this season. We have an enormous. range of Canadian and English Prints, guaranteed fast ‘colors at very special nrices. I . . Aprices. SPECIAL—10 webs Ipf heavy Print, good floral patterns, fast colors, 36 in. wide, exte-a value at 25c. a yard. /' WHITE FLANNELETTE SPECIAL—5 webs, ,46 in. heavy English White Flannelette* on sale this month at/29c‘. a yard. BROADCLOTH SPECIAL-^-7 pieces good quality plain colors in 36 in. wide broadcloths, s for’ underwear, children’s dresses, etc. A real bar gain this month at 29c. a yard. FIFTYrFIFtTH YEAR, NO* I 7 EXETER COUNCIL Monday, March 11, 1929 A regular meeting of the muni cipal council was held in the Town Hall on Monday, March 11, with all ‘members present except councillor Christie. The minutes of the meeting held on February the 25th were read and approved. Printed circulars were laid on the table. The auditors’ report or the month of . January was read and accepted on motion of Rivers, and Francis, Messrs. Heaman and Andrews, members of the Agricultural Society waited on the council regarding the annual grant of 1928 and also sug- , gested that the council take over the grounds for 1929, Fair Board re serving three days. Two fair days and one day for the race!, ITie grounds to be thrown open as a re creation for the season. Terms to be agreed upon. Action deferred. The following accounts were read and ordered paid; H. T. Rowe, coal, library $90..6 5; Sid. Davis, flour cnarity, Mrs. Brooks $2.20; H. Barnard, rubber stamp $3.13; P. Coleman, team la- ool sand $5.50; John Stire,. labor $4,25; Norman McDonald, labor $3.3 8; Elmer Reeder, labor $1.75; Fred Bloomfield, labor $2.50; Sam. King, labor 88c.; Clif.‘Mitchell $3.25 Wm. Smith, labor $1.50; Wm. Johns $2.50; Geo, Smith $1.50; William Collingwood, labor $2.75; Thomas Hoiilden; Wm. Brimacombe $2.50; Wm, Webber, team labor $5.00; J. Parsons, labor 75c. Cemetery ac count—Wm. Smith $8.40. Passed on motion of Bierling and Rivers. FIERCE MARCH BLIZZARD VISITS THIS DISTRICT, After basking, in ta week of sun shine during which time most of, the snow of the winter had disappeared and some farmers had just begun to tap, March staged Wednesday night last week the like been seen in this winters, A fierce Wednesday night the evening turned to snow before morning and such was the force that the snow found its ways into every nook and corner. Several windows around town were blown in; ta chim ney on the residence occupied by Mr, Thorn Baker was blown down and the sign in front of My. C. W. Ford’s grocery was blown through one of the windows. About mid night the hydro went off and many of the citizens ate a cold breakfast Thursday morning. Hydro men came out from London during the night and had the trouble fixed about nine o’clock. The linemen from town were out owing to trouble between Exeter and » Dashwood.. There were only four pupils in the primary room Thursday morning. The snow was piled higher on the west side of Main St. than it has been all winter,. The roads were blocked for motor traffic. The snow, however, is nearly all gone again. The roads are muddy and almost in an unpassable condition. a real bli?zard on and Thursday of or which had not section for many gale raged during and the rain of Jos. Senior, clerk We Can Help Von fft See Better Our method of is »oijf complete and pgr p$HwOffice Fours 9.30 Jb 12 a,m, agtt 1.30 t/ 5 p.m. ^venin^/6'y appointment 1 Xfitton >W OPTOMETRMRIPh SPECIAL! SUNKIST SEEDLESS ORAN^is Sweet aiyct Juicy 25c. a dozen Phone 56 /O 0 “THE WONDERS of the HEAVENS” on ■wanmivtMWarifMMBMMW■ Closin re- to LIGHTING IFANNY’ card system, some- this former Methodist All decisions are card and handed (WESTERN FEATURE) ILLUSTRATED TALK by 8 |Dr. H. R. KINGSTON —rin — / ✓ ■ . h -’’ ■■ • • t. — — .£ - Comedy- PAJEtAHefeNT 'NEWS REEL ome heatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY March loth and I6th THOMPSON in I——I'y ■ iw>. ‘THE PIONEER Morning and evj|fi.ing—These services. wiil conclude Mr. : SpecijjjFMission nt our •lhidsL ■, male qu'ar^- ing ‘ evening service. Conte O(u4,y* 'A ... jX ' eedi for one mom- CreenlnW’ tette will, will ptcac tJames Street Church ; THE LATE WILLIAM OKE The death took place in Usborne on Tuesday of Mr. William Ok© in his 85th year. The deceased had been ailing for several weeks but was able to be up and around until the day of his death. The funeral will be held Friday at 2,30 p.m., in terment in Exeter cemetery, A full account will appear next week. OH <■ FRIDAY/ MARCH 22 at 8 h)’clock p- m. This talk full fOf' interest and. instruction If you. miss it—Yotf miss a treat ADMISSION 25c. and 15c. Auspices qf the Mission Circle JRSCELLANEOUS SHQWER . On Monday evening about thirty friends motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir, London" Road North, and presented their daughter Rosp Moir, bride-elect, with a mis cellaneous shower. The evening was spent in games and contests af ter which Miss Moir was the recip ient of many beautiful and useful gifts in the form of a large wedding cake. Lunch was then served fol lowed by dancing concluding a very enjoyable evening. .BUSINESS CHANGE . Mr. Chas. W, Ford has disposed of .^is M’QC.ery. business, J$ain Street, Co* Mr. Frank Coates, Sr.', of Usborne. Mr. Coates is leaving the farm and intends holding an (auction sale on Wednesday, March’ 27th. He will take possession of the new business April 6th. Mr. Ford has been in the grocery business in Exeter for the past three years and at present has no definite arrangements fox- the future. LITTLE DAUGHTER PASSES Mr. and' Mrs. John N. Willis, of the 3rd concession of Stephen, have the sympathy of many friends in. the loss of their little daughter Shirley Doreen, aged 2 years, 10 months and 12 days. The little girl had been seriously ill for some time with ery sipelas having .been in the hospital for about two weeks. Besides her bereaved parents two sisters and, a brother, Ila, Iva and Elmer, survive. The funeral was held Tuesday-after noon from the home of her parents; the service was Conducted by Rev. D. McTavish, interment in the Exe ter cemetery. The bearers were, fdui’ neighbor boys, Ray Jury, Percy Wil lis, Howard Preszcator and Richard Etherington. DR. HEWITT IS APPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT OF THE REGINA GENERAL HOSPITAL Dr. S. R. D. Hewitt, of Toronto, who foi- the past four years has been in charge of the special heart clinic he organized at Toronto Western Hospital and who for seven years Wias.' medical director of the 'D.S.C.R. for. the Toronto area lias Accepted position .of Superintendent of the Regina General Hospital. Dr witt is well known in Exeter, wife was formerly Miss Edna Dowf who is a graduate nurse of Toronto General Hospital. Regina" Hospital is almost as large as Toronto Western Hospital at the commencement. ‘ of what is expected to be a-notable era of expansion in the West. Ever since hife return from over seas Dr.. Hewitt has been* practicing internal medicine, with particular interest in diseases of the heart. With his customary energy, lie has maintained his general practice in the Physicians’ and Surgeons’ Build ings, while he ^upCrintentended the medical -department Of the D.S.C.R. and took time to organise the spec ial clinic at the Western. .Still only a young man of 43, Dr. Hewitt has packed: a variegated and distinguished career into the fifteen years since he was graduated lu the faculty of medicine from the Uni versity of Toronto in 1914 .with the silver medal. He went overseas •with the famous University of To* • roiito No. 4 Canadian General Hos pital. At both Epsom and Salohiki his adm'inistratlve work was dis- , tin gullied. From the start of his medical ea* root he has found ia statmeh support* , er in his wife who also served over* rsoas us at nurse with him. is FOR SPRINGNEW W| , Bedroom and ^Citchen Papers as low as 8c. a roll. New plain plaster effects for Living-Rooms and Bedrooms, in'both 22 inch, and 30 inch widths. ■Also beautiful floral patterns to suit/all rooms. We invite you to come inf and see our Papers pr we will send obf books to yoUr house. JOB LOTS—Roo/n lots of last season’s papers, on sale at $1.00 and $1.50 MEN’S NAVY SUITS Do you’want a qew Navy of Navjr Stripe Suit? $25.00 buys a fine Navy Botany Serge Suit, at .this store. These suits are beautifully tailored., and, are of fine quality; and are great values at $25.00. ’ " A A’ Women’s Fine Slippers and Pumps New styles for Spring/ Come in and see the newest styles of Slippers! and see how reasonably th^ prices are. *>« h Phone 32 The New Hardware and Plumbing Store will Speeiafi^in LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINTS & VARNISHES LOWE BROS. MELLO GLOSS AND LOWE BROS. LOWE BROS. QUICK-DRYING/ENAMELS CARMOTE VARNISH STAINS VTHI-NAMEL VARNISHES \ MELLOTONE /' £ I I1 NOW IS THE TRIE FOR SAP SUPPLIES Sap Pails ....... V. . .. . 24c. Spiles 42c. a doz* 1, 2 and 5 gallon S&’up Cans at lowest "Prides Sap Pans made to\ order any size, get our prices. PLUMBING, HOT WATER SEATING, FURNACES AND y STOVES "tRAQUAIR LINDENFIELD SUCCESSORS to W. J. HEAMAN DEATHS FOSTER—in Biunshard, day, March 6th, 1929 II . .... ...... 1 Foster In his 55 th year. LONEMAN— In London on Wit 12tli, 19,2 9,*.Tames on Tues- john F Tuesday, ............. Mltcholl, l?Itugest sou of Mr. and Mrs, J. C» "^an, aged 4 years, 4 months days. %Jn Victoria Hospital, Lon- SaturdayMarch Oth, jhvoii Willis, daughter of rvlrs, John N. Willis, Of Lncession of Stephen, ag- is, 10 months, 12 days.A' *• tf-r I Le^ky Radiator on your Car ? We make a of/repairing them, repair slate roofs. /pump REPAIRING f KINDS Specialty We also OF ALL OKE—Tu Usborne, on Tuesday, March 12, 1929, William Oke, ng* ed 84 years, 4 months and 18 days Fuiibrftl Friday at 2<3V p.m. KEHOE—Tn Biddulph Township, on Monday, March 11, 1929, at the residence of his sister,, Mrs. Pat rick- McGee, Lot 12, north bound ary, year Patrick KcIioO, Ift Ms .71st Madelhio MvFhHs. visitedMiss ...... during the past week with relatives in BMdnlpfc and. hit Monday t com menced her or with Mt. iww dfttles as bookkeop- Ulric yShelL COMING THIS WEEK Owing to the condition, of the roads and weather Mr. William Har- try, of Seaforth, could not fill his appointment to speak bn flowers and shrubs last Friday evening. How ever he will be on hand this Friday evening at the Town Hall with a splendid setfef slides,. Mr. Hartry is a Provincial director of Horticultur al societies and! no .doubf will attract a large audience; St. Patrick’s^ Social on’: Monday evening uext a| 8 o’clock in Caven Presbyterian Cpirch. /-Program and lunch. Admission 25c. BIRTHS BROCK—-In Usborne, on Saturday, February 23, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs’. Roy-Brock, a daughter (Shir ley Jean. DAVIS— At' Montreal, Que., on Thursday, February 21, 1929, to Mr. and t Mrs.- Albert A. Davis, (nee Alni a Mack) a daughter GERBER—In Hay,* Township, February 28thfe to 'Mr. and Moses Gerber, a sbn. on Mrs. ENGAGEMENT ofMr. and Mrs. Garnet’ J. Frayne, . _ Usborne, announce the. engagement 'of their only? daughter, Grace Irene, to Mr, Glardnce Morris Simmons, of Windsor, eldest ^on of iMi*. ap,q.. Mrs. Wesley G. slinmolis, of Exeter; The marriage tq Xake place the latter part of the^month. IN LOVING- MEMORY^P#’*' SOLOMON .jiMlDlff' who eni.oretl/^^u rest, on MARCIJ^fbth, HhiS Greatly loved, sincerely mourned Wife q,h,d Family cc J, . • -OABi> OF T^NKS- Mr. and mvA JbhwJVillis one fam ily desii’O to ew® thfelr deep aji- prcclatioh Tor ihe klnduesg and sym pathy extended by the many neigh- borf' -ami for the $ and. trioiRfe, dwihg the illness a death of tpclr daughter, also floral tributes and loan of the He- Hi'S, LARGE CONGREGATIONS FOR SPECIAL SERVICES The special evangelistic services being held in James St. United church are meeting with splendid success. Large congregations .are present each evening. The services are in charge of the pastor, Rev., p. McTavish, who has been assisted by several outside clergymen. Mr. A. E. Greenlaw, of Detroit, famous ■basso, is assisting with the ministry of song and sings several solos each evening. 5 , , . Splendid services were held on Sunday and in the evening the large auditorium was almost filled. The Pastor preached two eloquent ser mons , that searched the hearts of his listeners and the singing of Mr. Greenlaw was .greatly appreciated. A quartette "The Wayside Cross;” was sung by Messrs. A. E. Green law, F. Taylor, W. R. Goulding and Rev. D. McTavish with Mrs. Wil liams as accompanist, On Monday evening ,a very in spiring message was ’ delivered by Rev, Murray -Stewart,' of Mitchell. This was Mr. Stewart’s first visit to James St. church and his sermon was much appreciated.^ During the rest of this week and oh Sunday Mr.' McTavish will conduct the services. For the first three nights of last week Mr. Tavish was assisted by Rev, Dr. McIntosh, of London; Rev. A. .Sinclair, of Hensall and Rev, J, Thames Road. ForAnthony, of these services Mr. McTavish ha^ in troduced the ' —-L-‘- ---- thing new for congregation. gistered on ia the pastor. Contmenofrig next week, Monday end Tuesday hft-tuw Will be shown nn ti 1 further $ o ties. SCOUT* YOURe ANSWER?, that ^ould be better WHAT IS Something BB.,_____ . for one to h< ve IflP a, life time and! not need, thd it ,----- „ ent and not la)$.. Yes its a puzzle, figure' out y this same s answer, and watch ce next we$k. OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS Mrs. Ed. Harness was taken sud denly ill on Wednesday of last week, with an acute attack of* appendicitis and the same evening She under went an operation at the Exeter hos-* pital, the operation, being performed by Dr, Williams, of London and Dr* Graham. Her condition is quite satisfactory. Mrs.' C. Harness came up the same day from Ailsa Craig; and is visiting here, Milk from, tested Jefsey herd . sale at J. Stanbury's butcher shop. subject—The Saving Faith " ", ' • ’ ening subject—OdW. by iW PotteFs ...