HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-03-07, Page 5■ THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE OFFERS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING that‘has made it possible for our seftrees hold positions demanding a high standard of .efficiency., THERE IS AA POSITION WAIfING FOB YOU Courses; Secretarial, Commercial, Ste^Iograpliic, General Office, Civil Service, Coiimexcial Teaci rs. Courses and Special Courses arranged. #i Korn CLINTON, ONTARIO jF You cannot attend a better school, we students to .obtain and J.,,!. J!"’!.!..,. , .. . L.IJl.SSgg interest, your sympathetic personal touch. AVe want to'pledge to you our continued and increased Royalty and support, tn assure you of our grati­ tude fon -all you have been and done for our Softool, and w pray that God may continue to guide and Mess us as under your leadership we set our from that institution and has since been engaged in the nursing profes­ sion. She was a young lady of un­ usual ability, beloved by all who knew her and her early death mourned by her many friends relatives. To the parents, Air. ■ Airs. Foster, the sympathy of whole community goes out in I their hour of sorrow. The funeral, private, took place from the family home, Hensall, Tuesday afternoon, interment in Bayfield cemetery, I Airs. John Consitt, Elderly and Esteemed Resident of Hensall Basses in OOth Year . is and and the this her home after spending a few days in Strathroy. Mrs. Gilbert Carter has been ill for a number of weeks, THAME5 ROAD The Boundary Dance Club were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stone on Friday, Everyone re­ ports a splendid time. Mv- Will pollen was taken very ill on Friday night suffering from a severe hemmorage, His daughter Mrs, C, Kestle, of Seaforth, is as­ sisting her mother. At time of writing he is in a very serious con­ dition. Mr. and Airs. J. AV. Hackney en­ tertained a number of young friends of their daughter on Friday. Mr. and Airs. Gower celebrated their silver wedding on Friday when they entertained about 76 of their relatives and friends, CEIzEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Air. and .Airs. Win. Darling, Claa- deboye, celebrated their 20th anni- versary of their wedding at tjieir faces toward, the years that are to home. About 25 of their nearest come and. together seek to know relatives ^gathered for a hot dinner. 1 more perfectly an# more profitably^ “The Word of Life” as it comeg to ps in our lessons from Sunday to Sunday, On behalf of the Sunday School, Rev. White ■Mr. Hy. ' EUmville, March 1929 Airs. E. Swenerton read an address and Airs. W. Whiteford presented them with a dinner-set of -djshes, ENTE Write to-day fo M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice-Pridfcipal / tion. * Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A, , Principal AT ANY TIMESTUDENTS MA Infor Why npt attend this? DR. R. P. I. DJ5UGALL Honor graduate5 of Faculty of Medicine, -and Master of Science, University: of Orestern Ontario. their left they Mr, .Meml/erW.Qf College of Physicians ’ « Ontario. Officeand Surgeons two doors ’^ist phone 56 Office Post. Office. DXi ONT. Residence 114 HENSALL Air. Levi rRands ' is having his home wired .for hydro. Airs, Workman/and daughter Miss Mabel were in Exeter, on Tuesday. Air, B. R. Higgins, of Clinton was jn town Thursday visiting relatives, Aliss Ruby AffctLaren entertained a % number -of friends on Friday even­ ing. Air. and Airs. W. E. Hedden and Frank, were week-end visitors at their home here. Air. and Airs. John Passmore are visiting friends in Hamilton for a few days this week. Aliss Gladys Bezzo has accepted a ■position in Goderich and left for . that place on Thursday. Airs. Al. McDougall, of Wallace­ burg, spent a. few days visiting her brother Mr. Wm, Luker, x The many friends of Air. O. Geiger were pleased to see him out again after his recent severe illness. Air. Thos. Farquhar is visiting re­ latives and friends in town. His many friends are glad to see him. Air. Fred Ellerington and Mr. A. Stewart, of Exeter, were in town on Thus day shaking hands with their many friends. Aliss Nora Petty, who has been visiting at hel* home here has left again for Goderich where she is en­ gaged as a nurse. Air. Wm. Pepper has been in Buf­ falo for several weeks and has un­ derwent several operations, and at present is getting along nicely. Air. John Rands, of Aledicine Hat, js spending a few days visiting at the home of ills' brother and sister, Mr. Levi and Mips Annie Rands. Air. Albert Traquair shipped quite 'ja number of Chinchilla rabbit skins to Toronto and the tmeat was ship­ per to a London firm, where there is an almost unlimited’ demand. 4 iAir. Samuel Merger arrived home; from Windsor where he was ttend- ing the funeral of his brother the i late J. J., Merney; which was held! ■'■ at Windsor on Thursday afternoon. ■ ‘ Air. Thos. Drummonct’s sale was Keld on Saturday afternoon. -The ■household effects sold fair but the real estate was^not sold. Mr. Oscar Klopp of Zurich was the auctioneer. /Mr. Janies Vens on, of Bly th, has taken the position on the railway recently held by the late Thos. Ap- jplefon. Mr. Venson will move' his family here a"£ soon as he can secure a house. / Little Howard Love, young son of Mr. and Airs. Milton Love was take to Victoria Hospital, London, las week andjjui operation was perform ed for una'stoids. He is doing as wel as can. be/expected. Aliss 'Algrion Dougall, young dau filter of Mr. and Airs. W. R. Dougal who has been seriously ill at Victoi ia Hospital, London, following number of operations for mastoid: is a little improved. At the time of writing Mrs. Joli Carmiclieal is very low, having su fered another stroke. Her son Joi Carmiclieal, of Detroit has sent for and lis hurrying to mother’s bedside. ATr. John McDonell is lying ser­ iously ill with heart trouble at his rooms in the New Commercial Hotel an.d is in a serious Condition. His nephew, Dr, Harry Browning, 6f Ex­ eter, is in almost constant attend­ ance. t ' The many friends here of Air. W, Webber will be sorry to here that lie is lying seriously ill at his dau­ ghter’s home in Calgary, going to Calgary Mr. Webber a resident of ‘Hensall for a many years. Mr. Ed. Lindenfield ahd Mr bert Traquair took over the Hard­ ware store business at Exeter Oh Alonday morning and will carry on a general hardware, tinsmithing and plumbing business. Their many friends here fill wish then? every success. The many friends here of Air, IL Begg, will be sorry to hear of his death that occurred in Toronto last weeiri Mr. Beggs whs here both spring and fall for several weeks 'looking after the seed onion business Steele Briggs & Co. and Wad well ItnowJti and respected. I Air. and Airs. Drummond and granddaughter Afiss Margaret on Monday for Toronto where will make their future home, G. C. Petty drove them down in his car. Air. and Airs. Drummond were good citizens and the good wishes of all go with them to their new home, Air. Sam Rannie entertained at his home on Friday evening last. The first part of the evening was devoted tb euchre with four tables playing. ’Prizes were won by Afiss Margaret Douglas and Harry Cook. The rest of the evening was spent ill singing ,and games. A Father Son banquet was held • in the Unifed church on Wednes­ day evening'under the auspices of the Trail Rangers. The Rev. Air. Doran, a former pastor, was the principal speaker for the ( occasion. Alisses Pearl’ and Ruby Church­ ill, of Clinton, spent the week-end visiting friends here. At the young peoples’ league, of the United church a song service was | held at first leds-.by Air. Sam. Ran­ nie and n duet “In that Beautiful Land”' by Airs. Sinclair and Airs. Hedden. An address on Dr. Henry Drummond was given by Dr. Moir who also recited a number of Drummond’s poems. There will be no meeting of village council till next Monday ening, Alarch the ,11th. Reeve Hig­ gins having to go to Goderich and also attending a meeting of the House of Refuge Committee at Clin­ ton. Councillor Petty is also in To­ ronto this week and as there are several important matters to come up, the Reeve wished to have a full attendance of members. There passed away at his hoiiie. In Hay on Friday last -William Good­ child in his 70th year. He was well known in this district having pass­ ed nearly all his life here. The fun­ eral took place from the residence of his sister, Airs. John Penhale, on the Lake Road, Hay, to the Exeter cemetery on Monday afternoon. Mr. Matt. Tinney and Robt. Tinney were half-brothers of -the deceased and Mrs. Wm. BlackWell a half-sister. At the United church on Sunday morning the Rev. Mr. Sinclair preached to the Trail Ranger Boys, who occupied seats at the front, of the church and gave a splendid in­ spiring address. At the . evening .service he spoke to a large congre­ gation taking as fiis subject: “The Seven Wonders of Heaven.” A quartette was rendered by. Air. and Mrs. Lindenfield, Airis. Joynt and Mr. Goodwin. Next Sunday morn­ ing the Rev. Air. Mcjlroy, will preach to the Trail Rangers' at'the Presby­ terian church. the person of Mrs. Consitt was Eng., 90 years the late Mr. and and came to this Dr. the ev- One of Hensail’s oldest and most highly respected residents, and a pioneer of this district, passed away Alonday evening in AIVs. John Consitt. born in Yorkshire, ago, a daughter of Mrs. Wm. Pecl< country with her family when she was ten years old. They settled in the township of Stanley where she lived up to 19 years ago when they moved to Hensall. About 70 years ago she married her late husband, Air. John Consitt and after their marriage Settled on the Sauble line, Stanley, afterwards moving to the Parr line where they went through all the hardships of pioneer life. Af­ ter the death *of Air. moved to Hensall and daughter, Miss Annie, their home here since and ly respected by all who pleasure of knowing her. her extreme age she has fined to the house and no doubt the her son Air. John forth, hastened the to mourn her loss J daughters: Air. town;. Thos. (~ Stanley; Mrs, Coleman and Miss A. Consitt, of Hensall.' Her youngest son, Air. John Consitt, died at Sea­ forth a few days ago. Airs. Consitt was a consistent member of the United church and will be sad­ ly missed in her home where she has begn looked after by her sons and daughters so long and faithfully The funeral will take place from the United church, Hensall on Thursday afternoon, March the 7tli, interment at Bayfield cemetery. Rev. Arthur Sinclair the service. . her made high- the Consitt she with have was had Owing to been con­ fdr several years sudden death of Consitt, of Sea­ end. She leaves two sons and two Wm. Consitt, of Consitt, of Par Linp, SHIPKA Don’t forget the play, this Thurs­ day night, March 7tli in the United church, entitled “Strictly Business.’’ Gome if you want to hear a real Ladies’ Aid play beginning at eight o’clock. Air. Bechtel, of Crediton, will furnish the music between acts. The Ladies’ Aid held a very suc­ cessful quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Ray Ratz on Tuesday. $ Air. Thos. Keyes is still confined to his home through illness. Mrs. Tetreau is at present visit­ ing her daughter Mrs. P. Eisenbach, of Grand Bend. Misses Ila Sweitzer and Dorothy Ratz returned home on Friday last from Parkhill where they have been taking a course in dress-making. Aliss Eileen Baynham is visiting at the home of her father, Mr. T. Baynham. Wedding bells .are ringing week. DASHW Abridge L,D.S, D.D.S. SURREON lartlelb Block, Dash- the Her -pastor had charge of DEPORT the report of I—Douglass Sangster 218, J. 213, Ray Foster 184. I—Barbara Shepherd 183, W. this and Scrip­ in unison, was taken and Mrs. HENSALL SCHOOL The following is the Primary room of the Hensall Public School for the months of Jan­ uary and February; Jr. II—-Erma Kipfer 2 83, Herbert Drummond 270, (Margaret Shepherd 266, Edna .Saundercock 254, David Sangster 248, Lloyd Brock 200, Jr. II, B—Edith Wurm 25 6, Ken­ neth Passmore 253, Mona Glenn 248, Keith Buchanan 245/ Max Hudson 229, Jack Simmons 219, Wesley Bezzo 21S. Herman Wolff 169. Sr. Coles Jr. Green 180, Elva McQueen 179, Alice Pfaff 177, Mary Clark 175, Laird Hudson 170, Shirley Twitchell 156, Russel Hedden 154. Primer—Elmer Bezzo 168, Geo. Sangster 158, Howard Smale 127. J. J. Buchanan, teacher Intermediate Rooms ■Sr. Ill—Ruth Coles 79, Katheryne Drysdale 68, Olive Brock 66, Ross Mclllory 65, Annie Huiser 62, Mar­ garet Kennings 62. Jr. Ill—Dorothy McQueen 74, O. Hedden 70; Billie Glenn 69; Myrna Hudson 63; Mary Little 59; Ken­ neth Manns 55; *Harold Bonthron 49; Edgar Wurm 47; * Gladys Saun­ dercock 45. Sr. IV—-Ronald Peck 70; Jean Foster 69; Ivaon Kipfer 68; Robt. Drysdale 64; *Dorotliy Traquair 60;‘ Nellie Fee 59; * Grace Wurm 56; *D Daters 53; *Lo.retta Bell 46; Vern Bezzo 37; *Rtbth'Bell 37; *Irene Hoskins 37.—M. A. Ellis, teacher GREENWAY Next Sunday afternoon Rev. J. Al. Colling will speak on, by request, the subject of “Christian Perfection.” All members and adherents are urg­ ed to be present. The Afock Parliament held in con­ nection with the Y. P. S. last Thurs­ day evening proved to be very im> teresting. The was represented who read the throne. Rev, J. speaker; AV. T. Ulens, Leader of the Government and ,D. Sheppard, Lead­ er of the Opposition; AV. Young as Alinister of Public Works brought in a bill to enlarge and repair the church property which was cleverly opposed by Ivan Sharpe, S. Webb, as Minister of Finance had a well­ thought out plan to finance Hon, Young’s bill. A bill for the taxing of bachelors was brought in by the Attorney General, Alae AVilson and skillfully opposed by Afiss Leask. Other speakers were Air. Goodhand, Airs. Curts and Geo. Chapman. Sev- eal members of the Senate occupied the choir gallery and applauded the speakers. The guards, Leslie Wood­ burn and Harry Isaac and ‘the sar- geant-at-arms, L. Beckett performed •tlieir -duties .in a splendid manner. All the bills were laid on the table until the next session of Parliament, Air. Ted Stanlake cut his foot with an axe last week, as Airs. Stanlake is ill in the hospital with spinal men­ ingitis it would seem to prove the proverb that troubles never coine singly. Aliss Dorothy Belling is on the s-ick list. . j 4.^.' Ervins Eggert and A. Gollen had successful wood-bees last week. The Y. P. S. of the United church is planning for a box social on the 13th of March. A splendid program is being prepared. Governor-General by Air. H. Belling, speech from the Al. Colling was the CLANDEBOYE Kenneth Carter is visiting few days. KIRKTON Bible class men gave the lady members of. Friday evening in the" the church. There S’ | responsive reading was given by Miss pOlive Lemmon and Dorothy McQueen 'after which Aljce.Higgins gave an' instrumental followed: by a reading by Ruth Coles. ^Tlie • collection was then taken up, fallowed by an in­ strumental by Aliss'.'Sinclair follow­ ed by an instrumental by Aliss G. Lammie after which Aliss Morrison gave the study. Hymn 4X3 was then sung and the meeting closed in pruyeri ‘ Before was good Death Al­ of Miss Opal Rubena Foster death occurred at Detroit on evening last after a short ill- t Miss Opal Rubena Foster, Tlie i Friday ness of only daughter of Mr. aiid Mrs. Wm. E. Foster, of Hensall. Her parents wpre not aware of their daughter's illness until notified on Friday even­ ing and they left immediately for Detroit, but before arriving they re­ ceived word that she had passed away. The remains were brought to her home- Saturday evening. Miss Foster-was born oil the Farr line, Stanley 26 years ago and received her early education at the school aU most opposite her home and oh com­ pletion of her studies she Went to St, Joseph’# hospital, London to train for a nurse. She graduated Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stone entertain­ ed a number of their friends on Fri­ day evening last. Mrs. Bulteel and family, who have been visiting friends at Brantford, returned home on Thursday. Mr. J. Veitch ‘ attended the Bank Managers Conference held at Sarnia last week. t Mr. Ira Shier, of Newbury, is Spending his holidays at his home here. Mr. Slater, who ships hogs from here on Thursday had to hold about thirty hogs over, owing to the con­ dition of the roads, the trucks were unable to make the second trip. Our hockey team met Fullarton team in Mitchell on Wednesday and played a tie game, sqore 3 to 3., KIRKTON FADt FAIR WILL BI At a rectors society to make the fall fait, to be held on October the 1st ami. 2nd, a diamond jubilee celebration,’.’siS it will be 60 years next October jince . the first fail’ wUs hold there, * A committee was appointed at once t# make ar-# leaker Will', jtjcs engaged KI'S DIAMOND JUBILEE meeting of the board of di­ et the Kirkton Agricultural it was unanimously decided Mr. with his parents for a Kenneth is much taken up ’with his work in Windsor. Mr. Ansley Neil is ill with con­ gestion on his lung. We all wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Moses Simpson has returned home after.spending a few days with friends at Clifford. The AV. A. and Ladies’ Guild, of St. James’ Church held their meet­ ing at the home of Mrs. Aimer Hen­ derson on Thursday, February 28th. The Clandeboye, Get-Together- Club held their weekly meeting at the home of Ward Hodgins. Their next meeting will be held at the home of Grant Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McFalls and daughter Leda spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simp­ son of the 2nd con, of McGillivray. Mr. John Gilmour is starting early to set up wagon tires. St. James Church are .holding lan­ tern slides ’during Lent. They are certainly well worth going to see. Miss Ruth Simpson had the mis­ fortune to scald her foot recently. We all -wish Ruth a speedy recovery. Mrs. Wm. Lewis is ill at her home here. Mrs. Herb George has .been sick With the flu. Mrs. AV. Ford, of Centralia, spending a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Brooks, Mr. Esli Hodgson’s hand is im- provoly nicely. Mr. Ward Hod'glns is doing his chores. The mail route man says if the roads were opened with a scraper when the break-up comes, now the mail-man and doctors would have ho trouble getting through then. Everyone would get their mail and there would be a chance to We a patient. There is neither sleighing nor wheeling. Miss Mary 'O’Neil has returned to ls iWigements, for the Oble^ratioft. prominent’xjTf " / ' to open the exhibition. More money tyill be expended in prlies and it is expected softw hew auctions will be put on on the second day of the fair, ELIMVILLE Miss Jeanette Stone, of Thames Road visited in the village last Sun­ day. The LiVe Oak Mission Circle met at the parsonage for their regular meeting, Thursday, February 2 8 th, Airs. Len. O’Reilly was in the charge of the meeting. Roll call was ans­ wered by a verse of a favorite hymn, The twenty-third psalm ture lesson was repeated The Study Book chapter by Miss Helen Afurch White gave a map talk showing all the places mentioned in the work by Missionaries in Africa. A reading was also given by Miss D. Brooks, “The Gift of the Loving Heart.” About forty of our young People went to James St. Exeter on Tues­ day night, February 26th, supply­ ing the program for the evening. Lunch was served by James Street young people and a social time spent The visit was very much enjoyed by our boys and girls, who are now an­ ticipating a return visit from Exeter young people. The Adult a banquet to the class last basement of were about seventy-eight sat down to bountifully laden tables. The guests of honor were Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Medd, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Pooley, of Winchelsea .and Mr, Jesse Delbridge, of Hamiota, Man. Our pastor, Rev. Leroy White, toastmas­ ter proposed the toast to “His Ma­ jesty, King George” and all joined in singing ■' “God (Save Our Gracious King.” Very fitting words were spoken by Mr. White and gratitude expressed for the blessing of the King’s returning health. A selec­ tion was given by the male quar­ tette, comprising Messrs. Wm. Johns Bruce Cooper, Wm. Elford and Al­ vin Pym. The president Mr. Wm. Veal proposed a toast /to our Lady members of the adult Bible Glass, responded to by Mrs. Chas. Johns. A toast was proposed to the teachers and officers of the Sunday School by the Supt., Mr. Wm. Johns, Mrs. White responding. A solo was then sung by Mrs. F. Wright. A toast to- our guests was proposed by Mr. Joshua Johns ably responded to -by Mr. Pooley. The next was a trio by Rev. Mr. White, Messrs. Hy. Del- bridge and Wm. Johns in which Mr. White read an address (which fol­ lows) and Mr. Hy. ^Delbridge made the' presentation and Mr. Johns was the recipient. The latter was taken completely by surprise but made a splendid reply expressing his grati­ tude to the Sunday School. Next was a solo by Miss Mae Clark. A toast to “Our Country” by Mr. S. J. Pym was responded to by Mr. Medd. An excellent address was given by Mr. Jesse Delbridge which was greatly appreciated, he being a member of the school many years ago. The waiters were six young men dressed up with white coats and aprons and dinky little moustaches. They were Delmar Skinner, Squire Herdman, Gilbert Johns, Howard Hunter, Ken­ neth Johns and Horace Delbridge. A song composed by Mr. Bruce Cooper sung to an old tune by the male quartette was rendered in apprecia­ tion of much Hunter ening. The following was the address: To our Superintendent, Mr. Wm. Johns: Your associates and friends, the officers, teachers and scholars of Elimville* Sunday School, to whom you have spoken so often and profitably are taking advantage this occasion as an opportunity sayjug a few things to you. No doubt you feel quite young yet not much older than when you first became our superintendent and we assure you that we sincerely appre­ ciate your youthful spirit. Yet some of us, who were here then have been thinking back and find the road that has not Seemed long stretching over twenty years of our Sunday School history. During those years you have often spoken words of encouragement and appreciation for those who have worked with you but we fear that our esteem for and loyalty to you found expression far too seldom. Yet not simply to atone for omis­ sion in the past but more especially to reassure you for the future of our high regard, we ask yon to at* Cept this copy of “The Word.’' May you find a special joy in Using it and may it ever remind you as our lead­ er. Many lessons from The Book you have stressed, many principles found therein you hate practiced. We have felt often the power of the Spirit that inspires its pages as we have Worshipped and studied with, you and we feel that its- message has ever been the -source of your de-: votion and idealism. As members of your, school wo thank you for your leading, your Dr. H. H. de: At office j wood; first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. Geo. Alerper attended the fun­ eral of ftls brother in Windsor last week. Air. L. Birk, of Guelph, spent the week-end with his parents Air, and Airs, A, Birk. Air. Alvin Walper spent the Week­ end in Toronto.' All’s. A. Alusser, of London, is vis­ iting her daughter Airs. A. Haugh. Afr. Jack Guenther left Saturday for the West where he will Spend the suni'mer, Miss Emma Anderson spent the week-end in Ailsa Cfaig. „> Messrs Eftra.^Bender and Vernon Schatz, of Blytib .spent the week-end at their home here. Mrs. Lippert was moved to the home of her daughter Airs. J. Trieb- ner last week. Air. and Airs. Harrl 'Hoffnlan visit­ ed in Zurich on Sunday. ' Several from here attended the funeral of the late Air. John Decker in Zurich on Tuesday. Mr, Hy. Schroeder, of Kitchener, spent a few days in this vicinity. Air. and Mrs. C-. F. Pfilo and Miss Edith Walper spent ,a very enjoyable evening with Air. and Airs. Fred Preeter on Friday. Airs. A. ‘Alusser, of London, is iting with her daughter Airs. Haugh, for a week. SCHOOL REPORT Following is the report month of February, The mark to be obtained 500. mark obtained Greta Deitrich 450.- Those absent more than a week are marked with an asterisk. Jr. V—Alildred Lamport 395. Jr. IV—Evelyn Harlton 380, John Lamport 275, Arnold Gaiser 275, S. Sweitzer 225, Lucille Lochner 155*, iSr. Ill—Roy Deiti;ich 225‘s Lor­ raine Baker 205. Jr. IIP—Greta Deitrich 450, Nola Sweitzer 330, Orval Mellin 210, Ar­ thur Gaiser 205, Wray Sweitzer 115. Jr. II—-Jean McKenzie 335, Dor­ othy Harlton 255, Eva Pickering 225*, Ruth Lamport 175, Alilton Sweitzer 130, Sr. I—Ida Sweitzer 265, Evelyn Clarke 260, Jim**Clarke 220. Jr. I—Roy Baynham 255, ‘Iva Pickering 250. Pr.‘—Ada Gaiser 350, Mabel Harl- ton'340, Earl Pickering 330, Alalieda Clarke 330, Ralph Smith 125. Miss G. E. Schilbe, teacher vis- Art thefor highest Highest theii’ services and caused merriment. Miss Marjorie was accompanist for the ev- SO of for CENTRALIA Miss Mary O'Brien has received ■word that she passed the Intermed­ iate examinations in Alusical History with honors. Air. and Airs. A. Essery entertain­ ed a number -of -their friends and neighbors on Friday evening of last week. A jolly time was spent by all present. Little Doreen Willis, who is in Victoria Hospital is reported to be somewhat improved. Mr. W. T. Colwill lost a large fat steer last week, it having hanged it­ self in some unaccountable manner. Air. and Airs. AV. J, Smith were in London on Sunday last attend­ ing the funeral of the late Mrs. H. V. Nichols, who died very suddenly last week. Air. and Airs. T. Willis were in London on Sunday last. Mr. and Airs. AV. J. Dobbs and Joe visited in London on. Sunday. Airs. Wilfred Anderson and. Billie visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Essery, over the week-end. The property in the village known as the Dufferin House Hotel has been sold this past week to a Air. Cook, of Woodstock. We under­ stand he intends remodelling the building and will open same as a first class, up-to-date Hotel with all the latest accommodations. This will be quite a boon to the village as this corner has been idle since the death of the late Wm. Moffatt. Air. Mark Mitchell spent the week­ end in Exeter, the guest of his ne­ phew, Mr. Anderson. Quito a number from the village and vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Weir, of Lucan, whose remains were interred in St. James' cemetery, Clandeboye on Sunday. Mr. W. R. Elliott has been ■suc­ cessful in disposing of several of his horses Which were shipped 'here from .'the West last wook. - ■ The roads in thia;V^^ $ -'a very bad shape at the preaent time. The reafnt mild^weather ’having had Its effimt ift f.&kWg dit tM Air.' Trunman Mills Is titotktag ‘With his brother-, in Wyo»l*f.... .f I / 5 1