HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-28, Page 6ni««XBT£RTI Tie MUel n/xnttlyif itrarvi Xi $165,00 This Complete ■I Radio Outfit W $20722 DISTRICT NEWS * The -engagement la announced of Cora Peart, daughter of Mr. and Mr®, Lorxm S. Webster to Mr, Wil­ liam T. Dodds, son of Thomas Dodds of McKilJop, the marriage to take place early in March. Mr. an Mrs, Elijah Higgins, Wing- ham, celebrated thpir fiftieth anni­versary of their wedding recently. 4bout forty of their relatives gather- on St, Valentine’s pay and sat down to a sumptuous dinner. * The High School students of Mit­ chell held a free milk testing de­ monstration at Mr. Ezra Robinson's show room recently, This work is part of the regular High School ■course that is being offered to the public. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Urquhart, of Mitchell, celebrated their thirtieth anniversary of their wedding at theii’ home. Mr. and Mrs. Urqu­ hart were married at Fullarton, Rev. Mr. Walker, Baptist minister 'offic­ iating. —And It’s A Genuine ^OgerS Batteryless Rdllio! THE famous Rogers Model “Four-Twenty” supplied witih this outfit is the standard model in the Rogers line. It !. has been tried, tested, perfected and is backed by the Rogers record of four years of proven performance in thousands of | homes all over Canada. J The artistjcally-designed Walnut Table Speaker matches the J Receiver perfectly and is equipped with the latest type / Magnetic Cone, designed especially for use with this mode?.. Together, they closely resemble a Console-type radio, but ; our price is from $40 to $50 less than you would have to pay a for even the lowest-priced Rogers Console. | Due to the remarkable development of chain broadcasting, y radio has become a year ’round source of entertainment ami j education. You are certain to get a radio soon; get this complete year ’round Rogers Outfit now. r' Free Demonstration — Easy Terms W. J. BEER Main Street After several months’ illness Thos. Hutchinson died at his home on the second concession of McGillivray. He was in his 70tli year and had re­ sided all his life on the farm where he was born. Besides his Widow he leaves two daughters. The engagement is announced pf Miss Charlotte Powell, only daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Powell, of McKillop, to Mr. Cecil J. Pullman, only son. of Mr. and Mrs. William Pullman, of Kippen, the marriage to take place the end of February. John Consitt, well-known president of Seaforth, dropped dead on Feb­ ruary 22nd while visiting at the home of W. J. McIntosh. Mr. Con­ sitt was apparently in . his usual health and had taken his customary trip on the mail route In the after­ noon. / t X In Her Throat / the United church Mr. Lloyd conduct- The late Mr. hos­ tile Blanshard Old is R. s. •at in *** *** that elusive something truck drivers chase but- since Christ- Troubled lor Years and more out a bolide of ‘Dr. Wood’s’ hi th* houSe.fi Price 3de. a bottle; large family size <Wc. at ah, druggist* and dealers. Pat up only by The T. Milburn Co- I4dL, Toronto, Ont Office 34W ; Oiffce opem W JOHN WARD GHIROPRAblTC, OSTEOPATHY, ! ELECTRO-THERAPY <& ULTBAu-/ violet Treatments 1 i PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST. EXETUI e Exeter, Dr. G. F. Roulatom,L.D.S,?D.DJL ' * -DENTIST k Office oyer Cabling & Morley : Lott Office ExtractionWUnder ■ Oxygen Gaft J EXETER, ONT. > DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY ^UBGEON Graduate of Hie Ontario VeterbwSB* . • ACollfege DAY AND NI0HT CALLS ■ , ’ . promptly Attended eb Office in oldLFord Garage Building, , Corner of Main and Ann Street* EXETER, ONT/ ’ — . -i, ..............'rssr r DR. M. C. G, FLETCHER I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ’ Graduate of Faculty of MedScttHb University of Western Ontario, ber of the College', of Physicians awl Surgeons’ of Ontario; Member ot t* British Medicdl^Council. Phone 6—(The office of the UM Dr. Hv. K. Hyndman) ARTHUR WEBER ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER . For Huron and Middlesex y; (T? FARM SALES'.A,SPECIALTY) PRICESijREASONABLE ’ satisfact|o/ GUARANTEE^ 1 Phono 5^13 Dashwood 2 R. R. l/ DASHWOOD, QNT. 1 A very successful Father and Son Banquet was held in the First Pres­ byterian church, Seaforth, recently when over a hundred sat down to well-filled tables. Rev. Dr. Kanna- rnitt, of Toronto, Superintendent of Sunday Schools and Young Peoples* Societies was the special speaker for the occasion. Cadet War-fen Cook, of the Mit­ chell High School, won first place in the London District in the7 Domin­ ion of Canada Rifle Association in­ door cadet rifle competition. His score was the second highest in the Canada his being 393 out of 400 and the highest being 397. The Lord Robert’s Prize is being awarded, to him. . - Frank C. Jackson, of Egmondville died in Montreal on February 22nd from pneumonia. He was a prom­ inent railway contractor. He was unmarried and is survived (by five brothers,- George, of Quebec; Ro­ bert, of Seaforth; H. M., of Toronto; Judge Jackson, of Lethbridge, Alta.; and Thomas and Miss Margaret, at home. The remains of the late Mr. Leo­ nard Foster, who died at Viking, Alberta, were brought to Granton and interred in cemetery. Rev. ed the services, ter was one of Boys and was,, horn on the Twelfth concession about ®ixtey-three years ago. Mrs. J. T. Shipley, of GrantOn, is a sister. performance is produced by a big, Hew engine.. Contributing features include a dynamically - balanced, counterweightecl crankshaft, the Harmonic Balancer, the ; G-M-R cylinder head, Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers and dirt-and-wealher- t proof,, internal - expanding, four - wheel g brakes. ‘ P Then the magnificent) new Fisher Bodies ■?- - - ----— ----------- ------------y —---------------------------------- ---- --------- are finished and appointed as big car bodies should be. A massive new I’adiator. Sweep­ ing, full ■ crown fenders. Deep -cnskionedL seats. Rich upholsteries. Charming in­ terior appointments. In Pontiac Big Six you get a taste of comfort and Ikuidling ease, of smooth-riding and 'road-martery that you never expected in any save the higher - priced cars. Yet Pontiac Big Six offers all these big car features at pricesj so reasonable as io be wilhiti reach of even modes! pufses. Come in and see it now. ?,.t3.2-29c Mr. Gordon Thomson, of Seaforth, passed away in the Memorial Hos­ pital on Thursday last. About a week ago he was taken to the hos­ pital and underwent an operation for appendicitis which was followed by two others. Mr. Thomson con­ ducted. an oatmeal mill in Seaforth for a number of years and was one of the popular young business men of Seaforth. He was a son of ’ the late Walter Thomson,* of Mitchell. John E. Goodison, son of the late W. T. Goodison, M.P., of Sarnia, who has been a patient at Calydor Sani- torium, Gravenhurst, inas, was seized with an acute at­ tack of appendicitis recently and rushed to the hospital. Mr. Goodi­ son was in his final year at the Ois- goode Hall Law School when ill­ ness caused him to temporarily give up his studies shortly before Christ­ mas. Mr, Goodisdn is a nephew -pf Mrs. w. W. Taman, of town. A sad fatality occurred Thursday afternoon, when the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pritl- ham, of Fullarton, succumbed to her injuries after being badly scalded when she fell into a pail of hSt mash which Mr. Pridham had taken out to the stable to feed to the hens and Audrey followed him. The father had set the pail down for a moment and during 'his brief ab­ sence. Mis's Audrey stumbled over the pail and fell into the mash scalding her legs and abdomen. In spite of all that medical aid could do . she succumbed early Friday morning. OF CENTRAL MOTOR’S Of* CANADA, tJMiimtf The trouble with most nest eggs is, that they are mostly all egg and no nest. b Love is that makes terflies. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE The Exeter Horticultural Society Premium List for 1929 11 ’ tCloses March 16th 3ffiMBERS ARE ENTITLED TO TWO CHOICES CHOICE 1—SIX NAMED GLADIOLUS PURPLE GLORY (Maroon) or CRIMSON GLOW or MRS. DR, NORTON or ANNA EBERIUS (purple) or GOLDEN GLORY CHOICE 2—ROSE, HYBRID TEA ' / MISS C. E. VAN ROSSEN (red) GRUSS AN TEPLITZ /red') MADAME JULES BQUCHE 'INDEPENDANCE DAY ('orange apricot) MRS, HENRY MORSE (bright rose) MADAM BUTTERFLY (pink, apricot and gold) REV. F. PAGE/ROBERTS (golden yellow) CHOICE 3—CLIMBING ROSE, Flower dr F^iriield (red) CHOICE 4—ZINNIA SEED, 1 pkt. GIANT & 1 pkt. QUILLED choice 5—Hybrid cactus^dahlia • ■ FELLOWS (orange,scarlet) or ’ GARIBALDI (brilliant scarlet) or WALTERS (salmon pink) CHOICE ^—9 TUBEROUS BEGONIAS ^(frilled or double) CHOICE# 7—ANEMONE—WHIRLWIND CHOICE'^#-TWO CHRYSANTHEMUM'S ' ' ' ItQUINOLA (golden yellow) WHITE MASSIE . ^MEMBERSHIP FEE $1.00 « MARK AN X IN FRONT OF ANY TWO OF THE ABOVE CHOICES.' SIGN YOUR NAME AND MAIL OR HAND TO THE SECRETARY NOT LATER THAN MARCH 16th. THERE WILL BE NO FALL PREMIUM. 1 * SIGN HERE .......................................■................................. ADDRESS ...................................... ................................. WM. AVARD, J. G. STANBURY, President Secretary-Treasurer Last week an advertisement ap­ peared in the Times-Advocate for a lost gauntlet. On Thursday Mr. E. J. .Sh'apton brought a gauntlet into the office- but it was not the one ad­ vertised for. On: Saturday Mr. Vic­ tor Hogarth brought in the right gauntlet and the same evening we got in touch with .the owner of the gauntlet brought in first, Mr. Leslie Wilkinson. THE FIRST ICE CREAM The first ice cream advertisement in history .appeared in the New York Gazette on May 19, 1777, it has been established through research work by the New England Association' of Ice Cream Manufacturers. Inserted by one Philip Lenzi, styling himself “a confectioner from London,” the advertisement stated that .the new delicacy might be had. at 'his shop • 'almost every day.” Kirkton (Too late for last week) Rev. T. A. Bell attended the Pres­ bytery meeting at Stratford on Tues­ day. ■ Mrs. (Rey.) Bulteel is visiting friends near Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paynter, of St. Marys are visiting their son, Mr. Herman Paynter, The Day of Prayer was observed in .St. Paul’® church on Friday by the W.M.S. of this district. Mrs. Jas. Tocher, of Hamilton, visited this week with Mrs. James More. On Monday afternoon the ladies of the United church met and organ­ ized a Ladies’ Association with 60 members., Mrs. Jose, president add Miss’ Ina Roger, secretary. On Friday evening the members of the League held an Oratorical Contest when five of the younger people took part. They were Miss Eleanor Doupe, Elva Hazlewood, C. Switzer, Alvin Crago and Ross Mar­ shall. All the contestants did re­ markably well. The judges were; Rev. Mr. Bulteel, MrS, Jas. More and Mr. John O’Brien. Miss Alva Hazle­ wood was awarded -the highest marks. Rev. Bell presided and the musical part of the program was a duett by Mr. and Mrs, Silas Shier and a male quartette comprising, A. Crago, Geo. Kemp, Horace Green­ street and Norman Routley. Mrs, Blatc'hford, of Detroit, visiting her -parents Mr. and Mrs. Dobson. A little- negro schoolgirl down Florida in answer to one question "What is anatomy? lowing it is divided into three parts- haid, the chest and the stummick. The haid holds the brains, if there is any; the cliest holds the liver and the lites, and the stummick holds the entrails and the vowels, which are a, e, I. o, u, and sometimes w, and y,” in i wrote the fol- 'Anatomy is a human body. •the I South Huron Seed Show is Success The annual seed show of'the Huron Agricultural Society, held Heusall Friday afternoon was every way successful, there being a large attendance of exhibitors, many coming from a distance. The qual­ ity of the exhibits w-as. up to the high standard attained by this show and theije has been keen competiton in the: various classes. A. W. Mason, of the Ontario Agricultural College, was the 'judge. , • ■ Awards were made as follows: Spring wheat—John Robertson, Tuckersmith Twp.; C. Truemuer, Hay Twp.; Alex Buchanan, Hensail. No. .72, oats—.Oscar Klopp, Hay; Orville Taylor, Hay; Alex Buchan­ an, Roy McDonald Cromarty. White cats—John Robertson; W. R. Dougall, Hensail; J. A. Manson &*Sons, Blake; W. McLean, Tucker­ smith. Barley—W. R. Dougall; Win. Pep­ per & Son, Hensail; Oliver Row­ cliff e, Usborne; Alex Buchanan. Field peas—C. Truemuer; James Broadfoot, Tuckersmith; Win. Pep­ per & Son. Field beans—C. Truemer. Timothy Seed-—C. Truemuer; W. Alexander, Hensail. Red clover seed—<C. Truemner. Alsike ^seed—C. Truemner. Potatoes—C. Truemner. Sweet clover—James Broadfoot. Buckwheat—W. R. Dougall; Os­ car Klopp; J. A. Manson- & Son’. Officers of the 'society-are Dr. lA. R. Campbell, of Hensa'll, president, and Keith McLean, of Seaforth se­ cretary. Mrs. Peter Johnson, Port Alberni, B.C., writes:—*^ had been troubled for years with a tickling in my throat every timo I would lie down, and at night I would cough eo I could not sleep, and t could hardly do my work. I would cough until I would vomit. X heard of Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup after the, first bottlo I had no cough) and now I art never with- W Exeter SfawAimKtrg Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday KomlUj^, at, Exeter, Ontario | SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year M> advance, United Spates silk scription $2.50. | RATES—Farm or Real Estate sale 50c. each insertion for flfl* four insertions, 25c. eaph enW quent insertion. hRscellauepus a** ticles, To Rent; Wanted, Loef, Ht Found 10c, per fine of six Reading notices 10c. s>er Card of Thanks 5 Pc, Legal Mb vertising 12 and 8c, per line. Q|. Memoriam. with ppp wr»e extra verses 25c. each. i............... Member of The Canadian Weddg | Npwqpaper Association. 1874 * The/London Life POLI AjS GOOD AS GOLD , O. PEARCE 1 Egpt'er. Phone l»0W. Residence, Ann St., two. blocks w*|' of Ford Garage ....................................... GLADMAN & STANBURX | BARRISTERS, SOLlCITimS, Aft. ’ Money to Loan,/investment! Maf < - / Insurance ' • Safe-deposit ,Xault for use of W Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HEN8AJ« 4* CARLING & MORLEY ] BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ■* LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- / |JU£ANCE ' J Office: Carling Block, Maha Sio* EXETER, ONT. • a Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.JXD.& DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental.-.’Officer of District Number One, London, Oat> _ Telephones 1 J' Residence SMI Wednesday afternoon*- untih&Iay 1st, 1929 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. DR. WM. L. LAWSON | K »: S. / Di D. S. a,i PENTiST 1 Office in the Qld Commercial bullfih ing, Main stf Exeter, Phone 7Tjj^ ==—ga-?'., ■,S!»- FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and^'Middlesex FARM SALES A/SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable ^and SatisIaCtW®’ Guaranteed EXETER/P, a or RING 18® OSCAR KLOP£ licensed Auctioneer Honor G&aduaW Carey Jonhs’ Aug* tion School,v Special course taken 14 Registered Live/Stock (all DrOedl^ Merchandise^ jReal Estate, ; Farm Sales, etc. \'Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction Mh sttred, write Oscar Klopp, ;Zurtch, at phbne T8-93. Zurich, Onft, If ’a. lot of husbands told the truth, to their wives they'd say;V‘All the loafing I have wanted to do and not been able to, I owe to you.H •****>> « If every day were sunny, ’ With never a cloiid in view, We’d soon be spending mon To buy a cloud or two, i