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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-28, Page 5
4 T “r a 7 i flh TJ-! 0 > < f THE EXEW TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY M 1W 33—53^ CLINTON, ONTARIO OFFERS YOU A PRICTICAl BUSINESS TRAINING ossible for pup scorces pf stuflepts tp obtain ami anding a hjgh standard of efficiency, ION WAITING FOR YOU ’ ' ■' ........... ■ .... '■ Commercial, Stenographic, General Office, e, Conpfaertial Teachers, Courses and Special </' Why not attend this? I * Courses: Secret Civil Servi Courses nrr •Ypu cannot atie that has made it hold positions de THERE HS A ro d aybetter school. STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME Write to-day for Information. Phone 198 M. A. STONE, R. F. WARD, B.A. . Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal Principal ------- ------------- -------------- ------------u----- --------.Z.,—.................. —-----—■' DR. R. P. 1. DOUGALL Honor graduate of/Faculty of Medicine, and Master^ of Science, University of (We/tern .Ontario, Member of College of Physicians •nd Surgeons off Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phone 66 Residence 114 HENSALL moved into on King St. } time and went to a Windsor hospit al for an operation but failed to rally He was the member for South Huron in the pominion Parliament from 19J1 to 1921 and had ja, host of good friends in this district. After leav ing [Zurich he lived in Seaforth for a few years but securing a good posi tion in Windsor he moved his family there, i . John Consitt Pies .Suddenly at * Seaforth Word was received by relatives on Friday evening last that Mr. John Consitt, of Sehforth, had died sud denly while spending the evening at the home of a friend. Mr. Con sitt was well known ip the village having lived on the Parr line for a good many years before moving to Seaforth. The funeral took place from his late residence in Seaforth Monday afternoon, interment in Bay- field cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt, Miss Annie Consitt and Miss Doreen Farquhar attended the eral from here. GRANTON Mr. and Mrs. E< Jones, of St, Marys, spent Sunday in the village, Miss Walker, the * 'district nurse, Is, ‘visiting the schools, in Lihcan this [week. The United church, congregation is busy making .plans for the annual St. Patrick’# supper which will be held on March 18. Clifford Hodgson spent Friday at his home ^ere. > , / oMrs. F. S. Klipp visited on Thurs day evening with her parents in For est, Clarence Westman and C. Foster motored to Toronto over the week end. On Saturday afternoon the junior hockey team of the village playe;d the junior hockey team from Kirk ton in the arena here. The score was 3 to 2 in favor of the home team Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lindsay, of Sarnia attended the funeral late Mrs. Alfred Lindsay on day. Mrs. Scott McNaughton is Ing a few days this week with Nor man and Mabel McNaughton of Glen dale. . Mrs. Robert Kerr and granddaugh ter, Dorothy, Nixon, of Glendale re turned .home on Friday, evening hav ing.spent the past week visiting rel atives in Stratford. Gordon Rathbiurn returned home on Tuesday fom Sit. Joseph’s Hospit al, London-,were he underwent an operation recently. of thfe Satur- spend- full’ Oratorical Contest An oratorical .contest was Friday afternoon in the Continuation School. Three forms took part in the event and. the competition was exceptionally keen. Miss 'Mabel Workman was the.successful one ac cording to the decision of the judges but so well did ali the contestants do that it was no easy task for the judges to make their decision. Her subject was “The People of Canada’’ Miss Ederq. Munroe of the village won second honors, her subject be ing “Canada Among Nations.” Miss Beryl Pfaff came third in the con test and made a very strong show ing, taking for her subject also “Can ada ..Among Nations.”. The Misses Marion McKay, Olive Walker and Master Eldred ‘Smith also took part in the contest. The judges, were. (Miss Ellis, Rev. Mr. Sinclair and Rev. Ti W. Jones, A. Case and W. A. McLaren, as the trustees showed their interest ana gave encouragement to those taking part, while the teachers of the Pub lic School were all present. h.eld HARPLEY Miss Inez .Hayter ■ spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. A. Hayter. Miss Leone Eagleson is visiting with Mrs. Robert Pollock. Mrs. Langford Ridley is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack Nickol. Misses WeSt and Moon spent the week-end with Miss Lois Brown. Mr. Robert Love had a very suc cessful sale on'Thursday. Mrs. A. Hicks is visiting at Mr. Byron Hicks, pf Centralia. A large number of young people gather at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love on Thursday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent dancing and card playing. in THAMES ROAP The Thames- Ropd W. M. S. met at the heme of Mrs. Robert ,Monteith pn Friday, Feb. 15th, the world’s day of prayer. The suggested program. Ip the Missionary Monthly was fol lowed, Mrs. J, T Allison talcing the scripture reading. Following a few remarks from the chairman Mrs. P. Passmore read three important ut terances of the International Mis sionary Council, which met m Jeru salem March 1928, Prayer of peti tion was offered by Mrs,. J. Cann and Mrs, Stanley Coward; prayer for Mis sions abroad *by Mrs. Arthur Gardi ner j prayer for Missions at home by ^Irs. Wiseman and Mrs. Dawson.' Mrs' Mrs, Anthony preceded her prayer of thanksgiving by giving in a very able manner an interesting and in structive talk on the International Missionary Council at Jerusalem. A prayer of Consecration was offered by Mrs. Rhode. Prayer and reading by Mrs. Robert Monteith, one of our charter members,, was an inspiration and an example of faithfulness to all. Mrs, Monteith has been a member and taken a great interest in all the meetings since the ‘17th, July 1885,. For many years jt was an interest sight to see Mrs. Monteith driving her double buggy and gathering the ladies along the way to the meeting of the Auxiliary. Now although in her 97th yeqr her voice is strong and intellect bright and only her inabil ity to get around keeps her from, the monthly meetings. One intdresting feature of the day was a sleigh-load di? ladies from Farquhar brought by the kindness of Mrs. James Gardiner. Without" the aid- of art their rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes showed jack frost an artist above all com parison and lunch and a very social hour was enjoyed by all. of on Miss. Greta McNaughton wa3 in , Exeter on Tuesday. ; /Mrs. L. Hedden sppnt the week-; •/<fend with friends in London. Stock-taking is the order of the day with our local merchants. .Mrs. Geo. Hudson'spent the week- - .end visiting relatives in London. Mr. Sidney Bossenberry, of Park hill, was in town Monday on busi- • ness. Mr. W. D. Sanders, of Exeter, was in town Friday taking in the seed sh:ow. . • ' " Mr. Keith McLean,' of Seaforth, ...•was here Friday attending the Seed- "Show. Rev, Father Ford, of Dresden, was in the village for a day or so visiting • relatives. 1 |Mr. Alf. Smith spent a' few days in Toronto and while there purchas- ' ed a new Hudson car. ..Mrs. Robt. Bonthron, who has been suffering from -an attack of ..pneumonia, is improving. • i Mr. John Passmore went to Wind sor on Monday and returned Tues day'with some new- cars.. , The London Road was again open ed on Tuesday. The snow plow went ■ through ,and made a splendid job. Mrs., Thos. Hudson visited with her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, of Us- borne, for a couple of days last -week ;Miss . Nora .petty, of Goderich, is spending a few days .visiting with "’relatives and -friends in and around’ Hensall. ' Messrs. Verne and Lloyd Hedden went to Detroit Monday night to bring home a number of cars- for Cook Bros. • z ■ • Mr. W. Sangster has ■ the Dr. Hardy building and is conducting his tailoring and cleaning business therfe. Mr. John'Passmore'was able to be out again the latter part of last week aftei’ being confined to the house for several 'days with quinsy. Mr. Herman Dayman, -of Exeter, and Mr. C. Moore, of Algoma, visit ed at the home of Mrs. John Mur dock and other friends. 4 on Friday last. Mr. Harry Edwards, of Goderich, Children’s Aid Inspector of Huron County, was in the village on Tues day looking into several cases here in the village. The Young People of the United Church .held their regular meeting on Monday evening with a good at tendance present. Mr. Walter Spen cer was in the chair and Miss Ellis took the topic. z- Mrs. Lee Hidden spent the week end visiting in London and Hamil ton. Mr. Hedden returned to Hen- sall Monday morning to get his car and returned to Hamilton the same afternoon. Mr. Albert Townsend is Spending a few days in London this week. Mr. Townsend with his partner are run ning the barber shop in the Mur dock block and are giving good sat isfaction to the public. ( Geo. Case & Son have purchased a new black* team of colts and are busy breaking them in. The little team of bracks that they have had for the past ten or twelve years and so familiar on our streets are to be disposed of. Mr. W. J. Ford, of Loomis, Wash., who spent a number oJ,,weeks here with relatives and friends has re turned to .his 'home. He was ac companied by his sister Mrs. T. J. Berry as far as. Windsor were they have relatives and friends; The Horticultural Society of the village held a meeting on Tuesday evening with a fail' attendance of members. Arrangements were made for a concert to be held the latter end of March. Plans were made for the suimiier to beautify tlie town by planting' shrubs and flowers. A flower show is to be held in the fall 'and a wary successful year is being looked forward to by the members. J. J. -Morner, Ex - M. for S, Huron, j Dies In Windsor The/many friends of Mr. J. Memclr will bo sorry to hear of death I at Windsor On Monday, had bibeii in poor health for some ir 5 I GREENWAY The oyster supper at the United Church’’was well attended. The hot oysters left nothing to be desired and the program of local talent as sisted by Mrs. Colling, Miss West and .'Mr. ‘McDonald, of West Wil liams, was well received. The pro ceeds'amounted to over $103. 00. Mrs. Ted Staulake, who has been very ill for a week, was taken to the hospital on Saturday. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. W., Curts, of London, was home for the week-end. Miss Nellie Brophy, of London, visited* her brothers ovei- the week end. . Miss Gladys . McLean, of Kippen, is visiting Miss D. Mason. Mr. Elton Curts had the misfor tune to have a varicose vein burst last Friday but is recovering. Don’t miss the Mock Parliament in the United Church on Thursday evening. Silver collection. Miss West, of Strathroy and. Miss Moon, of Grand Bend, .were guests of Miss Lois Brown -over the week end. Mr. Ed. Mason’s sister, from Ed monton, visited him last week. Mrs. Slierritt and Mr. Whiteside spent an evening with (Mr. and Mrs. Turner.J. * STAFFA and Mrs. J. M., Miller spentMr. and Mrs. J. M., Miller spent the week-end in London with their daughter, Mrs. M. Hodgert. W. Fawcett and Mrs. W. Vivian, of Fullarton, 'Harold Mitchell, of Centralia, and Miss Ada Mitchell, a nurse-in-training of Victoria Hospit al, London, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris last Week. Miss Vera Leary left on Saturday to spend a wpek in Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris enter tained a large number of young folk on Friday evening in honor ot Clar ence’s birthday. Allen McLellan, Robert Vivian A. Worden and Robert Miller leave Toronto on Wednesday to take Agricultural Short course. for the CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. H. D.' Harmon, Hensail, were in. tlie village Thursday last. Mr. E. Abbott was in London last Friday on business', Mr. iM, C. Sleamon was in London a couple of days last week. A mechanic, for Gunn’s Ltd., has been Jn the village overhauling the machinery at the- creamery. ” . We are -sorry to report that. Mr^ apd- Mrs. Chas. Fairhall continue t6* be indisposed. A car load of choice horses ar rived her© from the West one day last, week. They are being fed and car ed' for in the Dufferin House stablest where Mr. W. R. Elliott is disposing of them by private sale. On Thursday last, Doreen, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon don, suffering from erysipelas. Mr. Geo.y E. Hicks spent Friday in London on’ business. Mr. John Herman, of Manitoba, visited gt the home of Mr. M. C. Sleamon on Friday. We are glad to n'ote that Hodgson has had the cast from his broken arm. ' Mrs.. Nelson Squire, of spent the week-end at the her mother Mrs. Sain. Hicks, Miss Phyllis Cooper, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks. Mr. Arthur Robinson went to Lon don on Tuesday of this week to bring Mrs. Robinson home from Victoria Hospital where she underwent an operation last week. Mrs. B. E. Hicks was taken to Lon. don, on Tuesday of this week for an X-ray examination-. z The. Centralia W.M.S. met "in the basement of the church on Friday February 1.5tli. The first part of the meeting was devoted to the World’s Day of Prayer with Mrs. J. Essery leading. Hymn 383 opened the meeting followed by all repeat ing the Apostles’ Creed. The -Scrip ture lesson was found in Phillipians 2nd chapter 1 to 15 verses was read by Miss Flossie Davey. After the general confession of faith all re peated the Lord’s Prayer. The lead er read the utterances of the Mission ary Council which met in Jerusalem in 1928. Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. A. Isaac led in prayer, Hymn. 152 was sung after'*which Mrs. A. McFalls led in, prayer for mission abroad, hy mn 94. Prayei’ of thanksgiving and Consecration was given by Mrs.' A. Brooks and Mrs. * Bowden. Hymn 225 was sung with benediction by Mrs. Irwin. The regular meeting took place right after with the president in the chair. The members have been di vided into groups as last year with Mrs. Powe’s circle beginning in the ! month of March to liavo charge of the meeting. Mr. Dan. removed Whalen, home of Grand Bend Mrs. Don Webb and Mrs. iMcMor- rrin, of Pt. Huron, and Mrs. Abner Mollard, of Sarnia paid a flying vis it at J. W. Holt’s on Saturday last. :Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver, who have been in St. Marys t-he most of the winter, have returned home. Mr. Frank Statton was in London on business during the week. # Mr. and Mrs. John Mousso and daughter Ella returned hojne on Sunday after a two weeks’ visit in and, around Hensall. Mrs. Frank Allister, of St. Marys spent a few days visiting friends and neighbors in the neighborhood re turning home Friday. Mr. Joe Desjardine has purchas ed the property of the late' Mrs. Statton and will , have it for a dwell ing. , ' ’ The Broderick Bros, have’ com- zplejied their contract -of-dredging in- th? Sauble River and have moved their machine out to be shipped to New Brunswick where they have an- othei’ large contract awaiting them. There is also the smaller machine on another jqb which is also completed and, both machines will be shipped. This speaks very highly of the Brod erick Bros as they have completed both jobs in real good condition and Will be leaving behind them when they go a host of good friends. The services every Sunday evening will have a fifteen minute song ser vice before the regular service dur ing the month of March. Commenc ing at 7:15 a welcome extended to all who love the old time hymns, to be present. THE LATE THOAIAS TURNBULL Grand Bend lost an old and high ly esteemed resident Thursday by death of Thomas Turnbull, in his 84th year. The late Mr. Turnbull was born at Ottawa, September the 6th, 184'5, and came with his par ents five years later to the Lake Rd. where he resided until his removal to Grand Bend last fall. Mr. Turn bull was in truth, one of the pioneers and Saw th© country develop from a wilderness of bush to . the present days of prosperity. Mr. Turnbull took a delight in conversing with friends of the day when Grand Bend boasted of only one or two log shan ties, with the chief roads crooked trails through the bush. The fun eral was held en Saturday from -his residence in Grand Bend with inter ment in Grand Bend Cemetery. Rev. J. iM. Colling officiated. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Turnbull, form erly Sarah Clarke; one daughter, Mrs. Adolph Alien, of Kitchener; and three sons, Gordon, reeve of Parkhill; Norman, on the Lake Rd and Oliver, at home; also one sister, Mrs. John Love, of Grand Bend. Crecjiton Mrs. Jos, Bullock rind daughter Helen nr© visiting with- the former’s parents, Mre and Mrs. „ Ike Hower# near Woodham. Mr. and IMrs. Wilson Anderson are visiting relatives in London. Mr. Wm. Lawson left Tuesday for liis home in the West after visiting kis mother, Mrs, John Lawson, and other ‘relatives here for the past two months, At this writing Mr. J. H. Holtz mann, who underwent an operation at St. Joseph's hospital, seems to be progressing nicely th© wishes for the community fpr his speedy restoration and congenial again, Mr, Rd fqnerai pf at Windsor, visited with his bro.thm’ Frank in Detroit and also with rela tives in Pt. Huron, Sarnia and. Lon don before returning home. Mr. Eli King, Mrs, Albert King and Mr- and Mrs. Jacob (Swartz at tended the funeral of the late Silas, Brokenshire i-n Windsor last week'/ The village committee met Monday evening to make preparation fo;r the annual community supper for men. The proposed; date is March 6th ii| the Institute Hall'. This is an in teresting evening <and worth1 while, project for community fellowship, Miss Mildred Schroeder has re turned to Detroit, |MiCh., after visit ing her parents, Mr. and Ms. Charles Schroeder. > Mrs. Mary Ort, widow of the late Mr. Jacob Ort, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Mellick, of Zurich Monday morning. She is also the mother ef Mrs.| Dap. Mc- Isaac, of Crediton. Funeral, Wed nesday Afternoon. Junior Endeavei’ in charge” of Gladys and1 Rita Ratz next Friday evening. Good attendance is ex pected. • Alma Ratz, who was. operated on for appendicitis at >St, Joseph’s hos pital, London, is well on the way to recovery. She has the well wishes of the E. L. C. E. of which she is an esteemed member. Mts. W. B. Gaisqr, who is at Vic toria hospital, London, haying gone through a critical operation on her eyes, still is in a precarious condi* *tion. There has, however, beep some change for the better since Sunday. Th© community has b$en greatly distressed because of her Suf fering. - eMiss Pearl Holtzmann, R.N., of Chicago, and Miss Vera Holtzmann, R.N., of Cleveland, have been at their parental home in Crediton and accompanied their father to the hos pital in London. . - • (Miss. Etma Fahner, of Strial’fcofiT, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Fahner. The young people wer© glad to welcome her in their midst at the Sunday evening service. appearance among London, and are his us theHill, who attended the late Silas Brokenshire pus lunch served, Master Teddie was taken to Dr. Fletcher’# hospital ip Exeter on Sunday last. He has pot beep en joying good health for the past few weeks’ and .the doctor advised his remaining at the hospital for treat ment for^'.few days; but we believe that he was able to be removed to the home of Mr. Wm« Johns In town on Tuesday. The many friends of the family are very pleased to hear that he is improving, and hope that the little- fellow may soon be fully recovered. . ? The monthly meeting pf the W,‘M. S, was held at the home-ot Mrs. Wes. Horne on Wednesday afternoon of last week# with members present also one visitor and two little girls. Mrs. (Rev.) White occupied the chair and -gave ah exceptionally in teresting talk on work being dope in Africa, With the aid of a map Bhe pointed out the sections of the country which have been reached by Missionaries of the United church; also gave an idea of the manners and customs of the people. This being a sketch of what has been, dealt with in the first four chapters of the study hook “Drums in the -recovery. given from “Suggestive program Leaflets?’ “The Blacksmith’s Ham mer” and “Days of Development.” Chapters 4 and 5 of the study book, by Mrs. Frank Brock, Mrs, Wesley Johns, Mrs, Fred Delbridge and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Two Heralds gaye reports Mrs. Ed. Johns on Koreh and Mrs. Sherwood Hunter on China. Mrs. Hy. Delbridge gave a good read ing on ‘Systematic Giving’’;-also 3 members led in prayer and Miss Mae „Clark sang a solo “I Want to See Je sus,- don’t You,” which ad'ded very much to the enjoyment of the meet ing. Roll Call was responded to with a verse of a favorite hymn. A very special effort is being made to have all the members’^ees paid in February is possible as this will .save much confusion later in the year. Th© different officers of the society are each responsible for one ineeting of the year and this will add much var iety and interest to the meetings. Mrs. Thos. Bell Supply Secretary will have charge of the March meet ing. Mr. Ed. Johns was confined to his bed with a heavy cold a couple days the. beginning of the week. The thaw on Monday night and Tuesday ipade it necessary to clear the roads of spme of the snow as the track was much higher ,tha’t tlie sides of the road making travelling diffi cult. February has been a very cold month until this week but has been free from bad storms. Lumley Mrs. W. N., Glenn days in Toronto last to say' Mrs. Glenn is' very good health. Miss Mae Brintnell ___ ni'a on Monday last to train for a nurse in the Sarnia Hospital. Mr. Eldon Miller went to Parkhill on Saturday last and spent the week end with friends there. Quite a number went to Staffa last week to the clearing out sale of Wilson & .O’Brien and claim things' were selling very cheap. Miss Nettie McTaggart, of Exeter, visited her sister Mrs. John M. Glenn for a few days last week. 1 a few Sorry ■spent week, i^ot enjoying av ent to- iSar- KHIVA Miss Alma Ratz was taken ill with an attack of appendicitis and under went an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Friday last. We are glad to report that she is getting along as well as can be expected. Miss M, Stewart attended the fun eral of hei- aunt at Clinton last week. Mr. Art Willert is visiting with friends in Detroit for a few days. Mr. J. Berry, who has been ill for the past couple of months is improv ing, but very slowly. Master Milton Kenney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kenney, who has been seriously ill with spinal meningitis, is somewhat improved. y DASHWOOD ~ Dr. H. M. Cowen, L.D.S. D.D.S. ' /PENTAD SURGEON At office- in?Hartleib Block, Dash wood, ifirst^three days of week and at offic^,1over the Post: Office, in Zurich, last three days of Week. Mrs. Hooper, of London, is visit ing her daughter Mrs. E. Guenther. ■ Carl, the little son of Mr', and Mrs. Hedigaard, is very ill. Miss Maggie Held has returned to her home after spending some time in Detroit. ^Mr. Wm. Morenz, of Detroit, is visiting his parents . Mr. and Mrs. A. Morenz. Mrs. Mitchell, of Exeter, it attend ing Mrs. Otto Restemeyer who was injured in an automobile accident some time ago. Mrs. Restemeyer is still confined to her bed. Miss Gladys Guenther, nurse of Preston Springs, is>’ spending this week with friends ihere. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kraft and Mr, and ■Mrs. Cecil Shea, who spent the past month with the former’s mother and sisters, left for their home in Saskatchewan on Monday. Miss Laura Mae Reid left last week for Palmerston where she is engag ed in the Hospital, nursing. Mrs. Moffat and children are spending this week in Brucefield. < * X ^ii X t ■n ***** ELIMVILLE and Mrs. Rogers, _ of near WHALEN has son CROMARTY oyster supper will be held in J. his Ho 8 An the Presbyterian church, Cromartyi on Wednesday, March 13th. An ex cellent program is being provided having secured the Londonian Mix ed Quartette, of London. We in vito you to come and enjoy an excel lent treat NEW YORK Children playing in the streets, Running up and, down—- Pink ribbons, blue ribbons, ' Red hair and brown— What were people thinking of To build such a town. —•Kathleen Millay in “The Ever green Tree?’ Mrs. David Parkinson, who been visiting at the home of her Allen, in St. Marys, for the past month has returned to the home of her sister, (Mrs. Geo. Millson. Miss Cora Harness, of Granton, is spending :a few days with her sis ter, Irene. At the church service on Sunday Miss Harness sang a very pleasing solo. Mjss Edna Squires went to Lucan on Monday for a couple ot weeks. Mrs. John Stevenson, of Thorndale spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. Fred Foster. t Mr. Geo, Millson is quite ill at the time of writing’. o Miss Olive Langford has<* returned home from London Several days with her Schafer. Mrs. Ellen Morley 1 Very ill with no sigh Of iinjifovdirieht, having spent aunt Mrs. J3d. 1 still continues Mr. ......... . , Kirkton, visited at Mr. Lloyd John’s last week, Mr. and Mrs. Well. Batten enter tained a large number of friends and neighbors last Friday evening. The choir arid members of the junior classes of the Sunday School are busy practising for a Cantata to be given Easter week. Mrs. Richard Johns and Bessie re turned home on Sunday after visit ing for p few days in Exeter. Next Sunday this ■ congregation. .Will revert to the <old ordtsr of ser* vices. Preaching service at 10 J 30 a.m. and Sunday School at 2 pan, Last Monday evening a large number met' at the Young Peoples’ Meeting in tne church abotit 60 be ing present altogether, Zien young people numbering about twenty were entertained. A good program was given with some ot sisting. Afterwards ciai hpttr was apent MT. CARMEL Rev. L. P. Lowry, pf Parkhill, call ed on Fr. Corcoran last week. Mrs. John Houlahan? is visiting her daughter, -Mrs. A. Denomme, of Detroit. • Miss Winifred Madden, of Lon don, spent the week-end at her home. Mr, T. J. Collins was in Ixmdon on business. Mr. Joseph O’Connell is all smiles. It’s a sonu» Miss Greta Dederick, of London, spent a few days last week at Iler home here. A the visitors as- d pleasant so- and a sumptu- KIRKTON * The service was withdrawn in the United Church , on. Sunday owing to the anniversary services nt Mount Pleasant. Her. t. A. Bell preached at the Thames Hoad and' Boy’s Churches on Sunday. Quite a number from here attend ed the Anniversary Services and Oyster Supper at Mt. Pleasant on Tuesday night. The fastest gam© of hockey play ed here this season was on Thurs day night between Kirkton and Fhl- larton resulting in favor Of Fnllar- ■ton 2-1, Mr. F. HicbAJwi* Of St* Marys was the refer*. '{ t, «