HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-02-28, Page 31 THE' EXETERTIMEsAiJVQdATE THUBSDAYt FEBRUARY SB, 1S2» Report of Huron County Home To the Warden mid Members of Hu­ ron County Council, Gentlemen;*-* " The inspector of the Huron Coun­ ty Home respectfully, presents . the following as l;is report for the year ending November '30, 1928, ■ , 'Fotal number of inmates’ admitted since opening of the House 655; Mxe number of inmates on 1st December 1927, 89 ; number admitted for the first time’during ye£r 20 J number re-admitted after absence, 0; num- be.r bojn in House during the -year ^0; number of deaths during the year 2'5; number absconded during the year 0; number discharged during the year 1; number of inmates in House on 1st December, 1928, 83; number of males 49; number of fe­ males 34. j Admitted during the year from ( several municipalities: Townships, ■ Ashfield, 3; Hullett, 1; McKillqp 1.1 Hay, 1. Towns and Villages, Bxe-if ter 1; London, 10; Wroxeter 2 ahd; Goderich 1. j•Number o£ days’ board, inmates, j 30,328; Number of day’s board of keeper's family and help 1,098; av­ erage number of inmates during tfeq year 86; average number with keep­ er’s family arid help 89; total ex­ penditure on House and Farm 812,- 798.3 6; add value of. provisions apd fuel on hand .1st Dec., 1927, $3,956.- 21; total expenditure $16,754.57. Deduct capital account .and perma­ nent improvements $1,571.37; pro­ duce sold during, 1928 and other sources $1,47,5,*84;, provisions, pro­ duce, new clothing apd, fuel on hand 1st Dec., 192$,‘as per inventory $4,- 021.55; received from ‘ paying in- inmates .$1',7.65.58;, total $8,834.34. 'Apiquht expended for support of ininates'^7,920'.23; average expense per inmate per day 25 4-3^ c/iits;, average weekly expenditure'pep in- mpte $1.77 and 1-3 cents. ' .The expenditure of House Farm‘Account is as follows; Capital account and permanent improvements $1,571.(37; .stock and implements $663.43; Salaries, ; in­ spector, keeper,' matron, ass’t, mat- xon, chaplain $2,340.00; Physician's -salary* and appliances $416.50; re­ pairs to building and equipment $576.21; provision# and clothing $3,927.23; fuel aud light $2,796.00; books, postage and stationery $3.00; sundry expenses for farm $504.62; ^otal expenditure $12,798.36. By reading the report of the .(Manager yoit will notice that this has been a, very successful year on the farm., AB, crop# we/&zgo6d, except.•th/t"of oni ions, which, on aepoqut of .the wet weather, Was not sd good. ; ' .'j,. M. Govenlbck,,Inspector Report of Keejjep ) and WISE CRACKS • 4 flood? marked down—-feathers. Men made to rule—-Book-keepers ■♦•lbU . A icopy-wrlter—r-the school boy, *•* •«.< t**. The sun is the pldest settler in the West. TO I beg to submit the following re-: port of crops grown and work done; op the Industrial Form during the year 1928: ,] Mungqldbi 499 bus,; Tomatoes, GO baskets; .oabbage 1,500 heqd; Rasp-1' berries ?5p boxfcs; cucumbers, 20i baskets; bive hOgs., sold $907.00 Potatoes 425 bushels; Beets, 24 bu­ shels;* Ouions .$5'6»25f Garden, car-- rots 25 bushel#;«’oats 7'09 'bushels;; mjxed grain gOO bushel#;, bay 35 ton turnips 500 bushels; table “‘beans' 15 bushM?; appl^'30 barrols. . t , John Jacobi Keeper Report pt Medical Officer the Warden' and Members of the Huron County Council; . , Gentlemen:^— The following is the annual report: of the Physician of 'County Home: As you will remember during the past year, we received ten Inmates from London Asylum, I wish to re­ port that they have proved to be very easily managed, in fact less trouble than some of pur own residents. i The inmates are comfortable, well • fed and well cared for and have been well entertained by choirs and so­ il cieties from Clinton and neighboring I town; also the Lions Clubs from j Goderich, Wingham and Seaforth.I The deaths during the year have been more numerous than any year since the Home has beep opened, tftere bping 25. The chief causes, were: Apoplexy, cancer and heart embolus. The average age was '75.6 All of which is respectfully sub- Imitted. J. W. 'Shaw ♦ *** **♦ -Sonie foil?,a 'thiijk tlxut frugality is the name of a pullman. car..»*»■ 'ey♦ Fprt: A little eruption on the sur­ face. caused by fright,♦ ,4<« «<U‘ In the matter of Bolshevism, a. soft job tarns away wrath, also. A cheer for pedestrians; Now, al­ together, folks? Hop, Hop, Hurray!* * * * * * ♦ Women may be the weaker vessels but they often contain the stronger spirit, TO CHEDITQRS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 41) creditors and ^thors having claims against the^estato of JOSEPH S. HARVEY, late of the Vil^ge of Exeter, who died on the thjIrtyMirst day of October 1928, are inquired to forward their claims! dul^ proven to the undersigned on or b$ore the 4th day of March 1929. Z AND. NOTICE IS FARTHER GIV­ EN that M|er the sa0 date the Exe­ cutrix willlproceed 4o distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which s$e then shall have notice, H / of February] 19/9. DATRD a| Exeter this Twelfth day GLAPWN.& STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors fop the Executrix eighteenth day of March, 1929- AND NOTICE IS FARTHER GIV­ EN tha^af ter the date the Exe­cutors &uj 'pro ’ d to distribute the estate /bavin , regard only to the claims1/ of wich they then shall have notice;^1 DATED' at,'.Exeter this twenty-se­ cond day of February 1939. * GLADM'AN £ STANBURY Exeter, and HepsalJ Executors’ Solicitors « * 4 * « * * * Xi Still, when a perfect man appears and urges people to be like him, they will listen respectfully. * * $ « >!< * But how do they account Jor the fact there were no doctors to keep away until the first apple-was eaten. Friendship is that by which the world is most blessed and receives most good. . HURON COUNTY SHORTHORN SALE .The Shorthorn Dreaders of Huron County offered ..a choice lot of ..indiv­ iduals at their eighth annual' con­ signment sale,’ held,at Wijigliama, on February 21st, . . 0 Butterfly Ladas, consigned by Peter Stewart & Sons, topped the- ’sale bringing $185.00. Following is a list of the animals selling for $100.00 and over, together with the name and address of the purchaser. ‘Bushell, Holyrood. Ont., Maid) $140.00; Nelson Listowel, Ont., ’ (Golden $115.00; R. T. Amos, Mof- (Claret Cup 5th) $115.00; S (Helen Jane 3rd) $100.00; Tlios." Miller, Brussels, Ont., (Bonny Favor­ ite 3rd) $175.00; W.” Horman, Strat­ ford, Ont., (Ivanhoe 3rd),! $160.00; J..F. DhW'Son, Lucknow, Ont., (Hea­ ther pad 2nd) $100.00; Thomas Berryj Hanover, Opt., (Bandsman) $125.00v- Jas. Hamilton, -Mildmay, 0n.t.x 5.,(Roan, Lad) ,-$4.3$QQ;,. ,H.„ .Sprung, Loncfesboros ' Ont/ (Butter­ fly Ladas) $1815.00/ ‘ J, W. Stack­ house, Brucefield, Ont., (Browhdale' Lass) $1130.00;"'Jas. Craig, Auburn*,. Ont., (Browndale Dairymaid) $105.- 00; A. H. Fraser, Bluevale, 'Ont..,' N. E. (Village Mitchell, Ransom) fat, Ont., W. J. Henderson, Wingham, Ontario. (Hulen Jane 3rd) '$100.00; Jeremy Taylor ■ ■., ■ ■$*** *♦ , A non-inflammable paper lias fin­ ally been perfected. This insures that' the fiercest- campaign Speech can he 'handed down to posterity.— Ottawa Journal. >■< * * ait * ’S' # * One of the lessons that mbst of us have tq learn if we expect to be very happy is, nqt tofdo what we like, but like what we have to do. O «,*« «4IJ| Even though lie inay not have realized it, Columbus was a, fortu­ nate man. He couldn’t understand the speeches of welcome. ' Miss Clarissa Hill, of Detroit, in renewing 'her subscription to the Times-Advocate says: “We look, for­ ward to the paper each week and enjoy reading the interesting home news. > TRAIN SCHEDULE Going South Brucefield .................. 7.58 ,A.28 Kippen...,.,...... 8.05 ,,4.36Hensall* ........ 8.13 ”/A*3 ExetOr ........................ 8.27-'’4.58 Uent'ralih 8.3 9 CIari,debdye 8.30 5.18 f . Going Nbi’th A A tClandeboye ................. 10.24 5.30 Centralia ................. 10.36 5.41 Exeter ....................... 10.49 -5.54 Hensall ......... 11.03 6.08 Kippen ....................... 11.08 6.13 Brucefield ...... 11.17 6.22 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEI^that all creditors and others Aaying claim’s against the estate o^pHENRY ANDERSON, late of the/Village of Exeter, Retired FarmerX who died on the first day of Fe/ruary, 1929, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the Undersigned on or before the fourtjn day of March, 1929. J ' J AND N0TICE JS FURTHER GIV­ EN that jjfter thb said ‘date the Exe­ cutrix will proved to distribute the estate hdving/ regard only to the claims of; which she then shall have notice. / / D.ATEDVt Exeter, Ont. this ninth day ,of February, A.D., 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Solicitors for Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV^N that all creditors and other#' having 'claims against the estate/ of GEO. REICHERT, late of the township of Huy, Gentleman, who died on the sixteenth day of January 1929 are required to forward'7 their claims duly proven to the/undersigned on or before the fourth day of March 1929. ) / AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that affer- tlife said date the Ad­ ministrator iwilj, proceed to distri­ bute the estjat/ having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED a,t Exeter, Qnt. this ninth day of February, A.P., 192.9. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors foi’ Administrator Hensall and Exeter WHOLE CITY AT HOME IN ROYAL YORK HOTEL 10,000 People Will Be Able To Util­ ize Sendee# at Onb Time, Some idea of the magnitude of ■ the new Royal York Hotel, the latest Canadian Pacific Co.’s enterprise in Toronto, may be gained when it is realised that over 10,000 people will he able to move freely about the ho­ tel when every service of the Royal York is fully utilised, it was an­ nounced recently at the local offices of the company, In. other words, the popluation of a good-sized city will receive in the Royal York the most- perfect service without the least bit of pressure or disorganiza­ tion. The restaurants, ballrooms dance halls and convention halls will alone he able to cater to more than 7,500 people simultaneously, it was point­ ed-out, while another 1,500 can be taken care, of in the guestrooms, in addition to a normal hotel staff in the vicinity of 1,000. . . The Royal York Will possess 18 dining-rooms, all of which‘can be operated at the same time. The coffee shop will seat 200 patrons, the English grill 180, main dining­ room 500', the Italian cafe 250 the roof-garden 350, convention dining­ rooms 1,600 and 12 private dining­ room? 600. In the sub-basement will be con­ tained the vast machines which will launder the linen, press and clean the clothing of the guests, provide refrigeration and furnish electric ‘power for emergencies. This part of the hotel alone will be unique in the matter of mechanical equipment. The most up-to-date aids to smooth hotel service are to be incorporated so that the Royal York will be an entirely self-contained, independent unit, able to operate practically without the slightest outside assist­ ance. The Royal York will be ver­ itably a city within a city, and in the sub-basement will be found those things that correspond to the public service of the modern town. 1 Hoirt IK Wrlvt Made Her Feel Vdry Miserable One of the:/first dasfsr signs!* Mh npuneing jiqinethW with Wf heart iii the irregular heat or viohw throb, apd this should be aHeMH immediately before ‘fhp trouble fete worse. Mrs. W, Q, Barton, DML writes?—One spring. I ws# very SWR ruq, down and my qerves got wy b«& My heart seemed all wrong in its tail* ing, and I was feeling very KiMralriW <(Oce day I happened, on a boat et and thh <mm box did meh wonder* tar m* I took another. That wa* ab**t mm year* ago. “it over I an tailing that way again I will Mainly them Pilto another chance a* I ean real eeaAtaaA they will tafld *m v>. ,,l also am a Im. talirrar in a* ya«r nadHhiM just by what' Heart •ad KU* «d tar nA '. Eriai.fiOe. a tax at all dbnlar* ar. aatUd dirict e® narfjt at jatee tr jfe T. MOtatn (k, IM, Itarni*, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE <(INSURAN,CE ^COMPANY Head Office. Farquhar^ Ont. President • SIMON DOW Vice-Pres. FRANK McCONNELL DIRECTORS ANGUS SINCLAIR, J. T. ALLISON> ROBT. NORRIS, WM. BROCK . . .. AGENTS JOHN ESSERy! Centralia, Agent to? tJsborne/and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent tar Hibbert, Fullartdn-and Logan ' W. A; TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 98, Exeter^ Ontario > GLADMAN & STANBURY • Solicitors, Exeter To the Warden and Members of Hu-j (Auburn Maid 7th) $135.00; Victor ron County Council:' 'I Haines/ Winghaiu, Out., (Flora’s Gentlemen:— /King) $130.00. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ''’NOTICE is Hereby given tji'at petsenS "haying'- 'claims'* lagaihst-1 the estate of Levi Hamather, l^te of the village of Dashwood, in |he county of Huron, qatpenter, who^ied on the 7th day of f February 19'29, are re­ quired to ^ornvard thei^/claims, duly proven to Either & So^ Crediton, on or before tlM 1st day/of March 1929. And no tide is. f until er ’given that after the sa$l d'ate ^lie executors will proceed to c^istrib/te the estate, .hav­ ing regard |only^to the claims of which they lhe$? shall have notice. Dated at cWditon this 15th day of February 1929. Otto Willert, Clayton Wildfong, Executors, Dashwood, Ont. 1 OM roofs like this are rapidly becominffthings ojf the past. Fireproof, permanent, Rib'Roll roofs mean lower insurance rates, banish Upkeep trouble and give your building on detractive, spic-and-spauappearancpi ' ' ODERN BUjfiblNG—for permanence, low-upkeep and appearance—sounds the death-knell of wooden roofs. The dangers of fird io the building itself, to- other buildings and to human life is rapidly being banished-by metal roofs of high quality. z^E-ROOF WITH RIB ROLL /V/ ' - jffie appearance of this roofing alone has sold yihousands. Whenever a roof Of this-material Z' is laid in any district, it immediately secures a preference, and others who are roofing any kind of building, whether it be r.»—.... bam, house, garage, shed or r \ warehouse insist on Rib Roll. ]C0UMCIL5TANDARD| It is made to famous “Council Standard” specifications. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl/EN that I creditors and othej$ having claims against the estate'''of NATH­ ANAEL SAUNDERCOCl/ late of the Village of Hensall, Retired Farmer, who died on the ninth day of Jan­ uary A. D.‘, 1929, ate required to forward, their Clainii duly proven to the " undersigned qft' or before the eleventh gay'of March 1929. AND NpTICE/lS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after tjlie said date the Exe­ cutrix will proceed to distribute the estate l^.v|a/ regard only to the claimd of which she then shall have notice. N/ DATED ht Exeter this eighteenth day of February 1929. GLADMAN & STANBURY ' Exetei' and Hensall Solicitor's for the Executrix - EASY TO LAY ON NEW ROOFS OR OVER OLD ROOFS The cost of laying Rib Roll is lower than that of nearly all other types of roofing. Any man Who is handy with a hammer can put it on, Its handsome appearance adds many dollars to the value of your property. Send ridge and rafter measurements of roof or roofs in question, for free estimate of cost. I aBawaa^‘eaeuaigs» MONTREAL I A clo3e-up”o&Hib Roll, showing the flideJap. j; When nailed .this joint is Bo tight that it 1S it quite invisible from ev6n a short distance y away, llluptrntion shows the neat and at- I .................................................... TORONTO mramn—'.-MOT Gfit particulars about our special spring offer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE ^is 'hereby given that all persons .having claiifts laga^nst’ the estate of -Sophia Seliroedeif late of the Twp. of Stephen, County of Hu­ ron, widew, who' died bn/the 29th day of January 1929, ato required to forward their claimsf duly prov­ en to H. feilber & Son/ Credlton on or beforefthe 1st day eff March 1929. ' And notice is further given that after the said date tbe executors will proceed t| distribute the estate, hav­ ing regard only /o the claims of which they then/hall have notice. pated at Creditbn this 15 th day of February 19^9. Henry 'Schr/eder, Kitchener and. David Schrotmer, Hay, Twin, Execu­ tors. M £jLD motor car standard! are changing—-old styles and old abilities giving Way to new —and as everyone knows, the creator of the new trend is this new McLaughlin-Buick. New body lines and contours—radiant new colors—new adjustable froxit scat, full-width rear seat and countless other refinements in Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher. New and improved Carburetion—new ccsv tant-pressure gas pump—increased bore and ke —• greater pision displacement — and other advancements in the famous McLaugh- lua-Buick sealed/ chassis and triple-sealed engine. A And a thrilling new order of performance— an .entirely new kind and degree of car opera­ tic^—with elements of virility, getaway, swift­ ness, smoothness and stamina undreamedof a few months ago I The} new JMcLauglilua-Buick leads the iiew trend . . A in powt luxury add beauty! I At i in. power and getaway—in style, ■ x-w..,, ...... NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY Given that I creditors “ana ‘others having claims ’against' th® “estate of JOHN DEIT2, latelof V ‘‘ ley (formei^y o/ Tuckersmitli), in the Comity of Mu­ rom Earnior, wio’ died on the fifth day of EebrtWy, 1929, are required to forward tiieir claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the audf ‘others the To'wnship of Stan- the Township of WITH MASTERPIECE BODIES BY I’lSHEB ULRIC SNELL OntarioExeter Whm Bette* Auto<n*UU> Are Bmfe-Mci WMt MiW ..................................................... ...i.iii.in.iHA i i re »iilw—iil»»iM^<wC: